A Timely Escape

Story by Seracen on SoFurry

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This is the third and final part of my Timeless series, which started with a trade with @hyruzon!

Will Crystal finally get out, or will she be resigned to a life of laying eggs as entertainment?

This story was available two weeks ago on my Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/seracen

Go there to see stories earlier as well as some other perks!

Crystal stood, waiting, besides one of the open-top vehicles favoured on this planet. One of Master Ro'axes's other slaves, this one a two-legger, was removing boxes from the vehicle, attaching them to a harness that the dragoness was wearing. The humiliation and embarrassment from being used as a pack animal had faded quite a while ago; her owner got as much use from his slaves as possible, even if that included labour. Crystal was luckier than a few; she was only made to do relatively light work due to her special place. That was clear from a single glance at the dragoness. Beneath the harness and the boxes strung along it, her belly was swollen with yet another large clutch of eggs.

The growth of each clutch had slowed a fair bit; Crystal was down to one every few days now. It had taken the dragoness quite a while for her to get used to moving and living while continually gravid but she'd had little choice, trapped for the past several months in Ro'axes's compound on a foreign planet. Not for the first or last time, she thought back on the people that had made her come here: Kall, for flushing her out of an airlock in a time loop machine and ensuring that she constantly grew and lay clutches, and the pirates that had found her drifting in space and sold her as a novelty slave. She sighed, looking glumly at the slave next to her.

Another alien that she hadn't seen before, the slave had large eyes and tan fur. Humanoid, she unloaded the last of the delivery, mostly food and other supplies. "All done," she said with a strong accent. Around Crystal, everyone spoke in Standard as she didn't know the local language and had been slow learning it. Crystal nodded in response, and turned carefully, making sure not to swing any of her cargo off the harness. Unable to pick it up herself, she shuddered to think of what the punishment would be for even that small an infraction.

Moving with the eggs inside her was more difficult than the weight of the delivery. She had gotten used to the heavy cuffs on her legs and the heavier collar around her neck, but the eggs still made her walk weirdly, the hard shapes pressing against her insides. Soon she'd have to lay again, a prospect that made her whimper to herself. There were special orders for that occasion and she shuddered again. Pushing that out of her mind, the dragoness moved with rather waddling steps, crossing the courtyard. The home of her master had many buildings; from what she had gathered, he was an important dignitary on this world, and she suspected a warlord as well. Richly dressed people visited regularly and he threw more than a few functions for them.

The kitchens were in the centre of the compound and it was to them that Crystal headed. She passed a few other slaves, as well as clerks and assistants scurrying around, delivering messages or performing tasks. Crystal's collar marked her at first sight as a slave, but as she was obviously working, no one bothered her. As she entered the large kitchen, smells of cooking food filled the dragoness's nose and she inhaled deeply. The slaves were fed on filling but simple fare that didn't taste that good. The food that she could smell though was full of spices and delicious aromas, some familiar and many foreign to her.

As she entered, the mistress of the kitchens noticed her, putting a pot onto a stove and walking over. Named Vesi, she wasn't a slave, but a citizen of the nearby town that was employed. She was in charge of the kitchens and ensuring that everyone was fed and unlike many of the others in the compound, she had a kind streak when it came to the slaves, Crystal especially. "Ah, there you are!" Vesi said, motioning a few of her assistants forwards with a wooden spoon. At once, the assistant cooks leapt into action; Vesi was known to be rather skilled with using the spoon as a weapon.

Crystal stood still as the boxes were unpacked off her, taken away to fridges or pantries. Vesi stood in front of her, looking her over. "Coming along all right?" she said, motioning to the dragoness's egg-filled belly.

"Yes, mistress," she said, nodding as the weight disappeared from her back. Vesi didn't insist on being called that, even if it was proper, but Crystal didn't want to break the habit she'd worked hard to instill in herself. The first few times she'd slipped up with others had been...bad. "Thinking I might lay them tonight."

Vesi nodded, sympathy in her eyes. "Good luck with that," she said, then motioned for Crystal to follow her. "I'll give you your meal now, before everyone else has eaten most of it."

Crystal followed Vesi to the back of the kitchen. Here the aromas of the cooking food were much more plain, with few if any spices or seasoning. Still, Crystal's stomach growled. Making and growing the eggs was hungry work in addition to whatever she did as a slave and so she was almost always starving. Vesi placed a large wooden bowl on the counter next to another pot, scooping a large amount of the grey stew inside into it. The food looked rather unappealing but it didn't taste too bad and it was thick with meat, perfect for a dragon's empty belly.

Vesi grunted, putting it on the ground in front of her. Crystal looked down in surprise; it was a fair bit more than usual. "Thank you, mistress," she said gratefully, belly rumbling audibly again.

"Extra energy for tonight," Vesi said, patting Crystal's furred neck before she returned to the front of the kitchens, no doubt to berate a kitchen hand over how the delivery was being unloaded. Crystal blew on the bowl to cool the steaming food for a few seconds then began to eat in large, hungry bites. It was wonderfully filling, the meat soon sitting heavily in her belly and removing the gnawing hunger that had been building all day. When she finally sat back, licking her lips, the dragoness felt full for the first time in a while. Her ears flicked as she thought on Vesi's words; she would need the extra energy indeed.

Bending her neck so she could grasp the bowl softly in her teeth, Crystal carried it over to a pile of dirty dishes already sitting beside a sink, leaving it there with a small sigh. Looking out a window revealed the darkening sky. Most of this planet was only a step above a desert. The nights fell quickly and could get very cold. There was a curfew for the slaves as well. Being caught outside without permission after dark was something most only risked once.

The slaves' quarters were in another building, not too far from the kitchens. It was far from perfect but it kept the heat in at night and everyone was given as many blankets as they required. The doors were large enough for Crystal to enter without bumping her horns or ducking her head. If there was one drawback, and there was, it was that there were no walls or doors. It was simply a long, wide room where slaves had laid out their mats, blankets, and the few meagre possessions that they might have. Crystal's place was in the corner. There she had constructed a makeshift nest out of scratchy blankets that was large enough for her, even fully gravid and ready to lay like now.

There were already about two dozen slaves in the quarters, about half of the number that Ro'axes owned. The others were probably working or performing other duties. Crystal greeted a couple of them but she mostly just felt tired, heading over to her nest. A long nap would be nice, assuming she could have a little time before... A pang went through Crystal's lower body and she stopped mid-step, shuddering to herself and blushing hard as eyes turned to her. This was one of her master's orders: whenever she was to lay, if not in a circumstance that he wanted, it had to be in front of others. He loved the humiliation and embarrassment that it caused the dragoness.

She let out a strangled yelp as a contraction suddenly rushed through her, groaning as her body clamped down. This had happened so many times but she still wasn't quite used to it, even if she had developed a bit of a routine. Some of the other slaves, having seen this several times before, tiredly got to their feet, dragging some of the other mats away from the dragoness. A few went to her nest, picking up armfuls of the blankets and placing them beneath the tail of a trembling Crystal who sunk into a squat a few moments after, panting.

"It's okay," one of her fellow slaves said, patting her muzzle encouragingly. "Just let them out..."

Crystal gave a small acknowledging whine, panting as more contractions ran through her. The egg closest to the entrance of her womb began to move, wedging against the small opening, slowly being pushed through as Crystal's body clenched. The furred dragoness gave a muffled yelp as her cervix was pried open again, but then the real humiliation began. Ages ago, when Kall had changed her to make these eggs continuously, he'd also done something to the way she laid them. Somehow, he'd made it so the act of laying the clutch brought immense pleasure to Crystal and as a result, she couldn't stop herself cumming during the long process.

Already she could feel her sex beginning to get wet, pleasure beginning to run through her even as the egg forced her womb open wide, entering her pussy. Crystal closed her eyes, trying to ignore all of the eyes on her as she blushed hard, humiliation and anger blossoming through her. Anger at Kall and Ro'axes for making her do this and humiliation at how much she knew she'd be unable to control herself.

The egg was now fully in her tunnel, Crystal biting back a long moan as it stretched her sex wider than any cock could. She pushed, her muscles squeezing along the hard surface as it was pushed closer to her entrance, just the first of many. The dragoness's juices were dripping noticeably onto the blankets now, her folds red and puffy beneath the short white fur. She gave a long, thin whine as the egg's tip poked free into the air, trembling again with lust. It would be so easy to give in...

Another push and she really had to strain to move the egg, the widest part beginning to emerge. After laying what felt like hundreds of eggs before, she knew what to do. The dragoness pushed hard, feeling her pussy stretched to its limit again as the egg crested, folds stretched tightly around the circumference. The feeling of that was too much and Crystal made a strangled howl, cumming hard as the egg slipped wetly onto the blankets, staining them with a mixture of her arousal and other fluids. The blush on her face intensified in the brief moment of piece before the next egg moved; she knew that everyone in the room could tell that she'd climaxed, orgasmed just from laying one of her own eggs.

The next hard orb began to move and that took all of her attention. Already aroused and still sensitive from the last orgasm, this time she began to cum as the egg pressed into her tunnel, whining as the pleasure racked her body, the erratic clenching of her sex moving the egg further down her pussy and only prolonging the feelings and pleasure. That egg soon joined the first on the wet blankets. Everything after that was blur to Crystal, an endless series of pushing punctuated by powerful orgasms that left her gasping and panting. Slowly her belly shrunk, her body becoming slim again, at least until the next clutch began to form.

When the final egg fell from her pussy, Crystal staggered, only just staying on her feet. She opened her eyes, blinking before she looked back at the pile of wet and glistening eggs on the blanket. Refusing to make eye contact with anyone, she lowered her tail to hide her sore, aching sex, no doubt gaping a little from its stretching. Her teeth grasped the edge of the blankets and she dragged her clutch over to her little nest, abandoning them beside it before hopping gratefully into the pile of cloth. Her eyes felt scratchy and tired; all the dragoness wanted to do was sleep, which she did, the aching feeling in her pussy and the empty feeling in her belly accompanying her into unconsciousness.


As soon as the sun rose the next morning, a loud siren blared through the slave quarters, giving Crystal the familiar jolt. Her heart raced for a moment and she jerked, looking around with wide eyes before she remembered what was happening, relaxing a little. She stood stiffly, stretching and groaning slightly; her sex was still sore. The other slaves were already up and moving, heading for the door. With no one looking at her, Crystal curled up slightly, feeling much more limber and flexible, to look at her sex. The lips were red, but she wasn't still stretched from the eggs. She sighed, lowering her hind leg again; whatever Kall had done, it kept her sex in excellent condition, no matter what happened to it.

She took the first few minutes of the day, as she always did, to curse the wretched lizard that had caused her life to become this. "I'll get you, Kall," she said to the now-empty room. There was a large part of her that knew that was almost impossible: she was a slave on a backwater world, owned by a warlord who made her spend most of her days gravid, a novel interest that he sometimes trotted out to amuse guests.

Don't think like that, she told herself, looking towards the pile of eggs beside her. She picked one up, turning over the hard-shelled orb in her hands. They were slightly pointed on one end and were a vague cream colour, with no patterns or anything. She knew that they were infertile, but it still messed with her mothering instincts a bit to see the clutch. Sighing, Crystal put the egg back down, looking at her own belly and probing with a paw. Even after laying last night, there was already a slight roundness above her sex and her paw felt the hardened shapes beginning to grow in her once again. Another day and she'd be right back to where she started. "Like clockwork," the dragoness muttered, getting to her feet with a last look at the eggs. Someone would come and get them while she was out and then she wouldn't see them again.

Crystal got on with her day's work. People sent her from one side of the compound to the other, sometimes to fetch or carry things, other times to carry messages or help with menial tasks. At about mid-morning, she was allowed to go back to the kitchens for her morning meal. Gratefully, Crystal hurried to get the food; even with the larger meal yesterday, she still felt starving, the effort of laying making her hungry as well as the energy her body was already devoting to making new eggs. She had just entered, breathing in the smells again with a loud rumble from her belly when Vesi appeared again, spoon raised high as one of the kitchen hands fled from her, hands around his head. "Idiot!" Vesi yelled after him, spotting the dragoness a moment later.

"Sorry, mistress," Crystal said at once, lowering her head a little, "but it's time for me to eat..."

"Yes, yes, I know," Vesi said, waving the spoon around. "You'll have to wait; I have a job for you."

Crystal hesitated for a moment, her belly clenching a little painfully with hunger. With anyone else, that pause might have meant a bad punishment. "Of course, mistress," Crystal said quickly.

Vesi nodded, ignoring the hesitation on Crystal's part. "There's a delivery coming to the side gate that no one is waiting for," the kitchen master said quickly. "Go and make sure you're there to receive it; your food will still be here when you return. Go!"

The dragoness nodded and ducked her head again, moving out of the kitchens. The side gate was rarely used but she knew where it was. "Why is anyone going there?" she muttered, stomach growling again. She walked to the gate, a pair of metal doors in the wall that surrounded the compound. There was a control panel over by them but the doors were still closed; the delivery wasn't there yet. With a sigh, Crystal sat down to wait, looking over the doors and the wall.

The walls were thick stone and very tall, the doors thick metal set into reinforced frames. Crystal didn't know if Ro'axes was regularly attacked, but it certainly looked like his home was prepared for just such an eventuality. Of course, it was open from the air, but there were soldiers and weapons enough around the place to repel that kind of attack too.

Waiting, Crystal's tail idly flicked as she looked back at the control panel for the doors. It was old and a little rusty, with a keypad covered in little symbols from the local language. Those she couldn't understand but the panel seemed oddly...tilted, like it was resting on a slant. Crystal looked nervously around but there was no one in her line of sight so she walked closer, sitting back on her haunches to free her more dexterous front paws. A prod made her heart jump: the screes connecting it the wall had come loose! With another nervous look around her, she grasped the screws at the top delicately between two claws, unscrewing them the rest of the way and letting the panel swing down.

She might have been a slave now, but Crystal knew physics and engineering. Her eyes passed over the jumble of wires and components inside the panel, following where they went, excitement rising within her. The panel was rather simple, for all its apparent security. Without too much difficulty, she could rewire it and make the gate open from the inside! She could escape!

The excitement died as quickly as it had arrived. What was the point? Her collar marked her as property of Ro'axes, a mark that the entire planet would honour. Even if she left the compound, then she had no ship to leave the planet, and the first person to find her would force her to return here, and face Ro'axes punishment. The very thought of what he wold do for an escape attempt such as this made her whimper. No, there was no escape for her.

Crystal quickly screwed the panel back into the wall, stepping hastily away from it. The weight of her situation suddenly crashed down on her: she was never, ever, going to be leaving this place. The thought made her blink back tears, sniffling a little, but the dark thoughts were interrupted by a quiet buzz, the metal doors opening outwards. The dragoness hastily rubbed at her eyes with the back of a paw, watching as the doors opened to reveal another vehicle laden with boxes.

This time it was the deliverer that had to put them onto Crystal's harness, griping about how it was slowing them down the entire time. "Don't come out here," they said hastily as soon as the door opened. "Your collar passes through and your master will know; I don't want that kind of trouble." They unloaded everything quickly, weighing Crystal down. She barely noticed, standing still as the words of the deliverer crushed the last bit of hope. That settles it, she thought sadly. Even if I can open it, they'll be on my tail after a few minutes.

The gate closed as soon as the deliverer left, not even saying goodbye to Crystal. Sighing, with a last look at the controls for the door, she headed back to the kitchens. There she was unpacked again and Vesi lead a grateful Crystal to another bowl of filling food. After that, she did whatever she was told, moving across the compound as her belly slowly grew heavier and fatter, the clutch inside her growing right on schedule. By the time she returned to the kitchens for her evening meal, she was noticeably pregnant again, the eggs almost large enough for her to feel them.

This time it was a kitchen hand that served her her food and Crystal had only just finished when Vesi popped up beside her, whisking away the bowl. "The master wishes you to go to him immediately," she said at once, unstrapping the harness from the dragoness herself to save time. "Go!"

"Thank you, mistress," Crystal said, anxiety knotting her stomach so much she felt like throwing up what she'd just eaten. Being summoned by Ro'axes was never a good thing and if she'd been seen tampering with the door controls... Crystal shook her head slightly, taking a few deep breathes to try and calm herself. "I'll find out," she whispered to herself.

The main building of Ro'axes's estate was many times larger than any other, almost a palace in its own right. There were four soldiers at the entrance, each holding a weapon tightly. They barely glanced at Crystal before allowing her through; she'd been here long enough and was unique enough not to need checking. The halls of the palace were sparse but richly furnished, with lavish rugs from other planets and even odd art pieces. Not knowing where else to go, Crystal headed to her master's main office, in the personal wing. Sure enough, there was a guard stationed outside the door, a sign that it was occupied. The guard opened the door at her approach, the dragoness moving quickly inside.

And there was her master. Ro'axes, a native to the planet, was sitting in a regal chair near a fireplace, reading from a thin tablet that cast a pale light over his rough face. "Master," Crystal greeted, lowering her head to the floor in a draconic bow. Ro'axes didn't answer, only pointing at the floor beside the chair. Crystal moved at once, walking quickly to it and then laying down. She kept most of her large body behind the chair, keeping her head and neck within Ro'axes's reach.

For a long time, he didn't speak, Crystal waiting with bated breath. Then, still reading, he said, "Tomorrow there will be a small function for an honoured guest. You will be laying then, correct?"

It was only with concentration that Crystal suppressed a grateful sigh, and then a whine. So, he didn't know about the panel, but he was planning to show her off, and do so by making her lay! "Y-yes, master," she said. "I lay last night, so tomorrow will be the next one..."

Ro'axes gave a slight nod, his free hand falling over the edge of the chair to run along Crystal's head. His fingers were tipped in dull claws and the ran through the fur of her cheek and brow. It was a very possessive gesture, culminating in a firm grip on her horn. "You will wear the belt," he said in the soft, noncommittal voice.

Crystal did whine at that. "Master, please," she begged, eyes widening. At once, Ro'axes's grip on her horn tightened, yanking and twisting so that her throat was exposed. Crystal gasped, claws scrabbling for a second before she relaxed, feeling so very vulnerable with her throat bared, the collar seeming to underline this more than ever.

"Now you will wear it tomorrow and the day after," he said, a dangerous, cold edge to the words.

Crystal gulped. "Th-thank you, master," she stammered, whimpering at the punishment.

The grip on her horn loosened, Ro'axes putting the tablet on a table and standing. He strode over to a small chest by the desk, opening and withdrawing a piece of metal with straps attached. At the sight, Crystal whimpered again but she rolled onto her side, raising a hind leg and moving her tail away from her sex, allowing Ro'axes to fit the contraption to her. The dragoness let out a gasp as the cold metal touched her folds, the straps around her tail base and hips keeping it place. Lastly, there was a snap as a lock made sure no one but her master could remove it without damaging it.

Crystal looked down, seeing the hated thing locked around her hips. It looked a lot like a chastity belt but her sex was visible. The metal curved away, leaving a space between it and her pussy. When it was time to lay, that space would fit an egg perfectly. Crystal knew from experience that it would allow an egg to crest, but she would not be able to lay it. It would be stuck there, the belt not allowing it to come out of her. She shuddered; if she began laying tomorrow, she would have a crested egg in her sex for the entire night and now the whole of the next day as well.

"Leave," Ro'axes said, sitting back in the chair. "Return at sunset tomorrow."

"Yes, master," the dragoness said, bowing her head again as she walked from the office. Even walking with the belt was a humiliation; it could be easily seen by anyone, the leather straps standing out against her white fur. When she got back to her nest in the slave quarters, she lay down as quickly as possible so as not to expose the belt to everybody, dreading the next two days and what they would contain.


The next day passed as most did. Crystal's belly swelled in the night until she was fully pregnant again, the shapes of the eggs visible as hard shapes beneath her fur. It took her a couple of tries to stand in the morning and she wondered if she'd last until the night. The thought of spending a part of this day with the dreaded egg chastity in effect made her heart flutter nervously. In light of that, she moved slowly and carefully through the day, doing her best not to set off the contractions that would herald another laying.

Whether those precautions had an effect, she didn't know but when the sun began to sink towards the horizon, her sex was still empty. Gulping, she turned towards the palace a little earlier so as she could walk more slowly. When she came to the front, one of the guards there said, "The north wing drawing room, slave."

Crystal nodded, saying a quick, "Thank you, sir," before heading for it. She'd been in it a few times before. It was mid-sized room, panelled in a dark wood which was rare and prized on Jhan. There were soft chairs and couches, as well as a large holo projector against a bare wall. When Crystal entered, neither Ro'axes nor his guest were present. Instead, there was another slave there, jumping up hastily from a wooden stool.

"Over here," they said. Crystal obeyed, seeing the small pile of chains and other bondage equipment. She was to be the entertainment after all. The slave first held up a muzzle and Crystal allowed him to buckle it around her jaws tightly, preventing her from biting or speaking all but unintelligible sounds. Next were the chains, connecting all of Crystal's cuffs together and then linking these to a cleverly hidden bolt in the floor, locking the dragoness in place.

The slave disappeared without another word, leaving Crystal and her chains to clink and rattle as she explored her range of motion. There was enough slack for a fair bit of movement but she couldn't move from the spot. It was maybe half an hour before her master arrived. Crystal spent most of that worried that her labour would start with no one here to see; she knew that Ro'axes would want her to be the show. If he was disappointed in her performance, then he might add days to the time she was stuck wearing the belt.

The door opened, the sounds of conversation coming with them. Ro'axes entered first, his visitor coming second. To Crystal's surprise, he was a feral, slightly larger than her, though of what species she didn't know. He had the four legs but no tail, covered in a scaly hide with a fin running along his spine. His head was similar enough to hers but hornless and without ears. "And this is your entertainment for the evening?" he rumbled, his voice deep.

"Indeed," Ro'axes said with a thin smile. "The dragoness that never stops laying. Except for tonight of course. She will be excellent entertainment for your first night on Jhan."

"I agree," the feral said, looking the dragoness over. "You spoil me."

"Askrit, you deserve nothing less," Ro'axes said, glancing at Crystal. "She will notify us when it is time to begin." He led the feral over to where the chairs were, a space having been cleared for Askrit. Crystal waited nervously, knowing she was to be ignored until the eggs were coming. The two talked mainly pleasantries, occasionally mentioning her or some tidbit of news from Jhan or other planets in general. Little of it was of interest to Crystal; what use did she have for news? Her world was restricted to everything within Ro'axes's walls.

When she felt the first contraction hit her lower belly, it was almost expected, the discomfort making her whine loudly. At once, the conversation between her master and his visitor did away. Crystal whined again, another contraction rippling through her as her body moved to lower her sex into a squat, preparing to lay.

"Oh good," Ro'axes said, motioning for Askrit to follow him as he came to watch. "It is difficult to time these things, but it is working out perfectly. Watch how the eggs affect her."

Crystal blushed, turning her head to see both males watching her intently, tail raising and showing the chastity belt quite clearly. Already she could feel her womb clenching painfully hard, pushing the eggs towards her entrance yet again. She squeezed her eyes shut, whimpering again as her cervix was forced wide yet again, getting ready to push as the egg entered her sex. With Ro'axes here and watching, she made no attempt to restrain the pleasure that blossomed, moaning openly as her sex began to drip with her lust, collecting a little in the curved cup of the chastity contraption.

She moaned loader as the first climax hit, her watchers laughing out their amusement as she trembled, sex clenching visibly to them. "How interesting!" Askrit chuckled to himself, the blush strengthening beneath the dragoness's fur. She kept pushing, dreading what was about to happen but unable to stop it. Once again, the tip of the egg peaked out from her red, wet fold, slowly emerging as she pushed, contractions helping it along. The exposed portion grew larger and larger, Crystal groaning as her folds were once again stretched to their limit, the egg cresting from her body.

And then it hit the chastity belt. The egg was unable to move even an inch and Crystal's body seized, trying to push it out further. There was a whimpering howl from the dragoness, paws lifting to yank at the chains binding them as her sex tried again and again to push the egg out. Her body seemed unable to accept that something was blocking it, trying repeatedly by clenching down, the contractions continuing.

"You prevent her from laying," Askrit said with interest, moving closer to get a better look.

"Indeed," Ro'axes said, chuckling evilly. "Excellent entertainment, wouldn't you agree? And a reminder of the punishments that can be inflicted too; she will be wearing this until tomorrow night for a previous infraction."

There was a growling laugh from the feral. "Tomorrow night? I bet that she'll enjoy that..."

Crystal gave a whine, then a louder one. Unable to expel the first egg from her sex, her body was moving the second one to the entrance to her womb, the contractions now pushing a second into her aching tunnel. The howl she wanted to give was muffled by the muzzle, Crystal squeezing her eyes shut and panting great, heaving breathes through her nose. The second egg made her cum a second time as it bumped against the first, now both of them stuck inside her with nowhere to go. She danced from hindleg to hindleg, trying to relieve the pressure fruitlessly.

There was an egg crested, the most sensitive point in the process though, and that movement made it shift around. The third climax of the night came out of nowhere, Crystal's pussy milking and squeezing the eggs so hard it was painful.

"Cruel way to make your slaves spend a day," Askrit remarked but his cock was rapidly hardening beneath him as he watched Crystal struggle to follow her instincts and lay the egg. His cock was remarkably smooth, with a pointed tip and no other features on it. He began to circle the captive dragoness, taking in every inch of her. Through the haze of frustration and orgasmic pleasure that was clouding her mind, Crystal watched him. "May I?" he asked Ro'axes.

Crystal's master tilted his head. "I have never considered that," he admitted. "Go ahead."

Listening, Crystal was utterly confused. What did he mean? Askrit couldn't mate her; her sex was thoroughly filled with two large eggs and Ro'axes had promised that the belt wouldn't be removed until tomorrow. Nevertheless, she felt Askrit rear up, his weight falling on her haunches. She shifted her legs as far apart as the chains would allow to take the wait, cumming again as that caused the eggs to shift inside her. It was becoming harder and harder not to cum each time.

Her confusion dried up as the smooth, featureless end of the guest's cock pressed against her tailhole. Crystal's eyes had time to widen before that pointed tip was forcing the ring of muscle open, the cock slipping into her rump. The dragoness groaned; with the eggs, there already felt like there was no room in her hindquarters. Not having done much anal, her ass was tight already but with the eggs pressing up against his cock from beneath, Crystal was struggling to take his length.

More and more slipped into her, wedging her tailhole open until Askrit's haunches pressed against hers. As another contraction tried again to push the eggs out, her body seized around his cock as well, drawing a grunt of pleasure from the feral. He began to pull out, fighting against the tightness of her body before thrusting back in quickly. The extra pleasure from being fucked in the tailhole brought Crystal over the edge again, her head drooping as tired moans left her muzzled jaws.

Askrit only lasted a few more thrusts before he made a growling sound, cock almost seeming to vibrate inside her. A splash of burning hot liquid suddenly erupted from his length, making Crystal jerk and yelp. His cum felt like it was boiling! It cooled soon enough though, Askrit pulling out of her tailhole. "Amazing," he panted. "Couldn't last any longer; you should rent her ass out when she's like that."

She wasn't sure what she still had to be embarrassed about but the blush on Crystal's face deepened as her anal 'skills' were complimented. She fervently hoped Ro'axes didn't take them to heart; doing this every time that he had a guest he wanted to please or impress would be a nightmare.

Ro'axes and Askrit returned to the couched area, their interest in Crystal apparently gone. She tried to remain as quiet as possible, already wanting the belt off so she could just lay. Instead, she'd be stuck with the feeling of a cresting egg and stretched sex for at least a day, and another day to recover, most likely. Again, she didn't really listen to the talk, mostly just more news. That is, until she heard a name that made her jerk, almost orgasming again. She fought off the impending climax to listen.

"...scientist named 'Keell', or Kall," Askrit was saying, comfortably sprawled on the floor. "Making a name for himself in quite a number of worlds. Raking in money apparently, and getting quite a lot of offers for his biotechnology. He asked for funding from me a short while ago."

The shock of hearing that made Crystal lose control, biting back moans as she went through yet another orgasm, staggering slightly as the belt strained, her sex pushing hard again. She ignored it as best she could, focusing on what she had heard. Kall? Successful and rich, all because of what he had done to her. He'd left her floating through space in a time loop for years and had achieved his dreams, while she was here with two eggs in her sex, cumming uncontrollably!

The anger and the rage that had been building inside her since she had been flushed out of the airlock so long ago suddenly broke inside her and the dragoness narrowed her eyes. All of this was his fault and she couldn't suppress her feelings anymore. They built and built and built inside her, the rage sitting deep in her heart. He'd becomes successful, famous even, all because he'd had the nerve to trap her and send her into the void of space. He hadn't known that she'd be found! Even if he had, she'd spent all that time laying egg after egg! Even criminals weren't forced through such treatment, let alone sold into slavery.

Kall has to pay, Crystal thought savagely, but that seemed unlikely to happen. It seemed that Kall had come up with a convincing explanation for her disappearance, or at least it hadn't been pinned on him. Asking for funding from the type of person Askrit was the kind of disreputable thing that Kall would do, but not illegal. Everything had worked out for him, it seemed, at Crystal's expense. There was no one to tell what had really happened, what he had done... No one except Crystal.

The dragoness shuddered, a thought forming. If she escaped... Crystal shook her head; it was a bad idea for a slave to think of escape like that. It only ever ended in punishment. And yet, her rage at Kall wouldn't let the thought go. She was the only one that could bring Kall to justice, the one that _had_to. Crystal glanced over at Ro'axes, an irrational part of her mind believing that he'd know what she was thinking. The dragoness thought back to the panel on the wall. There was a way out; she just had to be brave enough to attempt it.

The egg forced another climax through her but Crystal barely noticed, taking a deep breath as the orgasm ended. She would escape, and Kall would get his just deserts.


It was a few hours before Ro'axes and his guest left and Crystal was released. They ate in that room, occasionally remarking on Crystal as she orgasmed every now and then, usually telling her to quiet down. She did her best, waiting for them to finish. They did, eventually, and the slave that had put her in the restraints returned to release her. The dragoness's jaws were a little sore when the muzzle came off and of course, the slave could do nothing about her enforced chastity. She still muttered her thanks to him, stretching sore legs.

She looked out the window. She had little of a plan, but it would work as well now as ever, and she needed to do it before her courage faded. Gulping, she saw no hint of the rising sun. Dawn was still at least a few hours away; it should be the middle of the night. The slave left, motioning for her to follow. Crystal nodded, then took a trembling step forwards, immediately shuddering in pleasure. The eggs in her pussy shifted with every slight movement, her oversensitive sex sending powerful waves of sensation through her. Slowly, Crystal thought to herself.

Taking long, slow steps that moved her rump as little as possible, she soon found a gait that worked reasonably well, even if it was not quick. The side gate wasn't far from the slave quarters; no one would stop her from going towards it at night. The guards didn't react as she left the palace, moving steadily in the direction that they expected. As soon as there was a building between them, Crystal change direction slightly, having to pause to calm down. A loud climax would give her away as easily as the yell, "I'm escaping!"

The kitchens were still lit,, even in the middle of the night. Crystal skirted around them, staying in the shadow. It was a long, slow, and immensely frustrating walk but Crystal stood in front of the side gate. The urge to roll her hips and cum was quite powerful but the anxiety she felt over being discovered and the fear of what would happen afterwards made the arousal easier to handle. The mixture of all of these emotions made her paws tremble as she unscrewed the panel again, looking over the wires. The twin moons of Jhan were bright overhead and for that Crystal was grateful; she wasn't sure her night vision would have been up to the task otherwise. With her claws, she cut some wires, crossing with others or leaving them cut as she slowly rewired the panel. Every few seconds she looked around nervously; if anyone saw her, they'd know immediately what she was doing.

Her nerves were completely shot by the time she was done but Crystal's heart leapt with joy as the gate began to open! She'd done it! The main city of Jhan was visible, only a short distance away. The spaceport was close too, on this side of it. All she had to do was get there and find a pilot that would take her offworld. Surely not all of them would support the barbaric practice of slavery! Someone will help me, she reassured herself.

As soon as she crossed the threshold of the gate, Crystal knew Ro'axes would be alerted to her disobedience. Now was the time to turn back if she wanted. No one could link the gate to her and she'd be in her nest before anyone found it, safe. But a slave forever.

Taking a deep breath, Crystal bounded across the gate. At once, a small light on her collar flicked on. The dragoness gulped and then began to run as best she could with an egg stretching her sex. She ran about thirty paces before slowly, biting back a moan as the motion forced her to cum. She staggered a few more steps as the pleasure raced through her, then ran another few dozen paces. That was her system; run until she climaxed, then keep going. It was faster than walking, that was for sure, but by the time she reached the buildings and looked back, she was gasping for breath, trembling with tiredness. Back at the compound, lights were moving around the gate, pointing across the empty space towards the city. Even as she watched, the lights began to move towards her, people running after her.

"Hide!" Crystal whispered to herself. She looked to the spaceport and moved towards that, fighting the stimulation of the eggs that made her just want to raise her tail and cum and cum. The streets twisted and turned but the lights of the port were bright, a reference point she couldn't lose. But now she could hear shouts; Ro'axes's men had reached the streets. Looking around desperately, she saw a dilapidated building: an abandoned home. She threw herself at the door, splintering it and staggering inside just as a light appeared at the end of the street, one of the soldiers from the compound carrying a torch.

Panting, Crystal looked wildly around the room. There were deep shadows to either side of the door and she stood in those, hoping the soldier would pass by. Outside, the light moved further and further up the street, coming closer to the hiding dragoness. Heart beating wildly, Crystal waited as the light found the broken door, waiting for it to sweep on. It did not. The dragoness stopped breathing as she heard footsteps, the light becoming brighter and brighter. Silently, she bared her teeth. She wouldn't go back!

The soldier appeared, shining his handheld light around the room to disperse the shadows. As soon as it touched Crystal, she leapt forwards. The soldier was quick though, raising a weapon. Crystal's teeth bit down on it, keeping it turned away from her so he couldn't fire. Her greater weight drove him back against the wall, a grunt of pain leaving him. Crystal shook her head as she might have done to tear meat from a kill while hunting, tearing the weapon from his hands and tossing it away. The soldier rolled away, drawing a blade from a hidden scabbard, then lifting a communicator to his face.

Before he could do anything, Crystal snarled, turning rapidly. Her tail smashed into the soldier's chest with enough force to crack his ribs, sending him flying. His head hit a beam in the room and when he hit the ground, there was no movement except the rise and fall of his chest. Relief and the feeling of victory overwhelmed Crystal, as well as the feeling from her pussy she'd been holding back. She dropped to her side, unable to help herself as she began to cum again, the belt straining to contain the eggs. Her juices flowed onto the floor as the orgasm went on and on, leaving her panting and gasping in the afterglow minutes later.

Shaking her head to clear it, Crystal stood again, moaning once more. Spaceport...That was her goal. The soldiers had evidently split up to look for her. She had taken one out and the path to the port seemed clear. Overhead though, the sky was beginning to lighten with pre-dawn light. She didn't have much time. Sticking to what darkness remained on the street, she did her best to move in the way that gave her the least pleasure while moving quickly. The sun had just peaked over the desert horizon when she reached the port, scanning the ships there desperately.

"Which one?!" she hissed, eyes flicking between them all. She caught sight of movement by the edge of the port, quite close. The dragoness ducked. The soldiers knew that she'd be here! She had to get onto a ship!

Someone else was moving, this person towards a small cargo ship. Covered in long fur, it lumbered on two legs, although its long, thick arms hinted that four would do just as well. There were two large eyes filling up the space on its face and a nimble tail behind it. Crystal's heart skipped a beat; she recognised the species, and it was one that she knew didn't support slavery on its own planet. Would this one? It was a risk she'd have to take.

She hurried forwards, using cargo and ships as barriers to hide her from Ro'axes's soldiers. The creature was taking up the last crate from a stack, the engines already on and warming. Crystal ran up to him on the ship's ramp, eyes desperate. "Please!" she said quietly. "I need help getting off the planet."

The creature turned its large eyes on her. "Excuse me?" it said in a smooth, male voice, luckily in Standard. The male's eyes flicked to her rump and the eggs there.

"I was captured by pirates and sold here!" Crystal continued desperately. "I escaped but my master is looking for me. Please, just take me with you!"

He grunted. "Taking a slave off Jhan illegally," he said. "Risky. What's in it for me?"

The sound of the soldiers was getting closer. "I have no money," she said, feeling like she might cry. She was so close! Then she had an idea. "Sex!" she said quickly. "Best you've ever had, my master said. Just...please!"

The alien stared at her for a long time, then sighed. "This better turn out good for Onan," he grumbled to himself, then waved a hand. "Get aboard. Quickly!"

"Thank you! Thank you!" Crystal gasped gratefully, scampering up the ramp was quickly as she could. Onan followed her up with the crate, punching the controls to raise the ramp.

"Stay here," he grumbled, then looked at the eggs and the device that held them in. "Want that...er...off?"

Crystal looked at it as best she could. Her juices were trickling out over the eggs. She gave Onan her first real smile in a long time. "After," she said. "Wait till you feel my tailhole with it on."

Onan smiled as well and his cock began to stiffen beneath the shaggy fur of his belly. "I will," he said. "Long flight ahead of us. I'll feel it quite a lot if you want to pay for this."

There was the sound of approaching feet and Onan shoved the dragoness, pushing her up into the cargo hold. Crystal, trying to ignore the egg still stretching her out, searched for a hiding place. The ship wasn't that big, but she slipped behind some boxes; that would have to do.

"Halt!" came a voice from outside.

"What are you doing, bothering Onan?" her saviour complained. "These have to be loaded before sunrise, and Onan is behind schedule as it is! Leave or help!"

"Seen a dragoness come by?" the soldier searching for Crystal said, but he was a little less aggressive now. Perhaps he was intimidated by Onan's size.

"Nope," Onan said, sounding entirely disinterested. "Why?"

"She's an escaped slave," the soldier snapped back. Crystal tensed behind the boxes. If the soldier decided to search the ship...

"Onan doesn't know anything about a slave," he said, still sounding rather bored. "So, going to help? Or let Onan get back to work?"

The soldier grunted. "If you see her, call at once."

There was the sound of footsteps again, this time going away. Onan walked back up to the cargo hold, steps making the ground shudder a little. He put another heavy box down, placing it strategically to hide Crystal more effectively, but didn't say anything.

He continued to load up the cargo or another ten minutes or so, every single one seeming to last an age to Crystal. More soldiers, searching for her, went back and forth by the ship, their voices and footsteps clearly audible, but none of them checked the cargo bay.

When Onan completed his work, he closed the cargo doors, lumbering by Crystal with a mutter. "Onan is taking off now. When we're in orbit, Onan will see if you're as good as you say." Without waiting for a response, he went to the cockpit. The gentle rumble of the engines became a comforting roar and there was a swooping sensation in the dragoness's belly as they lifted from the ground. It was a little nerve-wracking taking off in a cargo hold, without any safety restraints. Luckily, Onan seemed to be a pretty good pilot and the weather was exceptionally calm; the ship rose smoothly and easily.

There were no windows but Crystal couldn't stop herself from a wide grin crossing her muzzle, imagining the sight of this awful planet turning into a small globe in the sky, far away. She'd never have to go back! The dragoness felt her weight decrease as they began to decelerate, reaching a wide orbit, but Onan activated the artificial gravity before they were truly weightless. With that, Crystal could truly relax. She wasn't quite safe yet, but Ro'axes was a long way away now, and that knowledge was like a weight off of her chest.

As such, she smiled widely when Onan came back, not failing to note the male's hard shaft. It was shaped oddly, like there were spheres stacked on top of each other. It made his length seem almost waved, knobbly. There was a constant drip of clear precum running down his cock, and quite a lot of it. That was something Crystal appreciated; she doubted he had any lube on his ship.

"You'll pay Onan now," he said, grinning widely and motioning down towards his length suggestively.

"Gladly," the dragoness said, practically giddy. She turned, raising her tail as she bared herself to Onan. "Leave the eggs and chastity," she urged, even as her sex clenched around the eggs, still trying futilely to push the orb free. While it was still there, she could make them useful. "My ass is the best you've ever had with these."

"Onan will decide that," he said, running a paw across her softly-furred rump, giving it a squeeze and then a slap that caused Crystal to meep, though she kept presenting. Her moan was quite a bit louder as Onan pressed against the egg spreading her sex, forcing it in inch back inside her before the other egg stopped it, the pressure of her sex forcing it back to its previous position after a moment.

He got bored playing with her like that fairly quickly and it was only a few seconds before Crystal felt the tip of his cock press against her tailhole, and then he was pushing in. Onan and the dragoness both moaned together. For Crystal, the sensation of his cock was odd, but quite pleasant. It was almost like thick anal beads, popping in one after the other, stretching her tailhole wider and then letting it close around a thinner portion of his shaft.

For Onan, she was exquisitely tight, the eggs stuffing her sex making her tailhole clench down hard. He moaned loudly, copious amounts of pre helping lubricating the dragoness's ass. Even so, he had to work his cock into her until Crystal felt utterly stuffed, eggs in her sex and a cock in her tailhole. She moaned, both of her holes clenching tightly as she climaxed, the orgasm surprising her in its speed and intensity. Her chastity belt strained to hold back the eggs as she shuddered, sex and tailhole tightening powerfully. Onan was just beginning though.

He let out a low, crooning sound as her orgasm stimulated him as well. That was when he began to thrust, alternating between long, smooth strokes and faster, almost jackhammer-like ones. The stimulation as well as the feeling of the bulbs pushing in and out of her sensitive ass had Crystal squirming, a second climax rushing through the dragoness.

Crystal lost count of the number of orgasms she had. The heady feeling of freedom meant that she could really let loose, not forced into the sex like she had been at Ro'axes's compound. Onan's vigorous thrusting passed by in a blur, the dragoness unable to stop herself cumming before Onan let loose a yipping growl of a sound. Crystal felt a vibrating pulse travel down his length before warmth spread inside her, Onan's cum spraying into her ass with enough pressure that she could feel it clearly.

Panting heavily, he pulled free of her tailhole. "You didn't lie," he said, leaning against a few of the cargo boxes. "Best Onan has ever had. Onan will take you wherever you want."

A wave of tiredness overcame Crystal and she yawned, wanting to curl up; it'd been a very long few days -- few months even -- plus however long she'd been in space. She stayed awake long enough to tell Onan the name of her own planet and he offered to remove the belt after.

"No, leave it on for now," she murmured, eyes feeling heavy. "In case you want to take some payment again."

Onan was already heading for the cockpit. "Definitely," he said with a smile.


Waiting for the last few people to trail in, Crystal looking intently at the screen of her computer, reading the news article. The title at the top read 'Famous Scientist Disgraced and Imprisoned'. With every word, she felt the smile on her muzzle grow. It was recounting the events of the previous day. Crystal had watched, meeting Kall's eyes as he was dragged out of court, sent to prison for a very long time, if not the rest of his life. The feeling of victory and justice had been complete and total then.

After a long ride with Onan, where she had more than delivered on her promise of sex, he had kindly delivered her to her home planet. The people there had been amazed to hear that she was alive, and even more amazed when she recounted her story. That had then turned to anger, very quickly. Kall had tried to run but he hadn't gotten very far before being brought back to trial. The dragoness smiled again, remembering those days, not so long ago. The desire to get revenge on Kall had kept her going and now, she had done so. She was back home.

She looked up, seeing the lecture hall settling down. Once she had returned, Crystal's fame had far eclipsed that of Kall's and she'd been offered a teaching position at a rather prestigious institution, once her time stasis machine had been rebuilt, of course. Now there was an entire lecture hall, waiting to hear from her, waiting to learn. Crystal grunted, gently standing up as much as she could with her belly. It was swollen again, a fully grown clutch within her. As one last bit of pettiness, Kall had refused to divulge the secrets of his research, or how to reverse what he had done to Crystal.

She didn't mind so much though. The process seemed to have stabilised at one clutch a week, and that she could deal with. She began to lecture, explaining the complex physics that involved her machine, her greatest creation that Kall had tried to destroy. Now, everyone knew the secret.

She was about halfway through when she felt a very familiar pang. At a slight cough from her, Crystal's assistant stepped up to the microphone, seamlessly picking up her thread and continuing the lecture, allowing Crystal to slip out a side door. She was already panting as she hurried to her new office, placed close to the lecture hall for just such an occasion. The door was closed and locked in a moment, the dragoness eyeing the nest that lay in the corner.

Now looking forwards to what was coming, she stepped into the soft padding, raising her tail as the first egg began to move. The pain of it spreading her was soon eclipsed by the pleasure as Crystal squatted down, welcoming the first of many orgasms.