Suck It Good

Story by Gruffy on SoFurry

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#16 of Druff and Wuff (Age Difference and College Themes)

Mornings are fun.

Sucky It Good










Druff is on the roll, isn't he? Just how many tails does he keep tugging to keep himself satisfied? Not sure about that, but Brian Silverfang appears to be one of his favorites in that respect. Who wouldn't like a college hunk?

Either way, in this story, you'll see them right again, and I do hope you will enjoy the read! Remember that all votes, faves and watches will help others to find these stories!

Featuring and written in collaboration with Brian Silverfang.




The tiger chuffed good-naturedly when a not very sneaky wolf suddenly pressed against him from behind, instead of going for his presumed target, the fridge.

"...I am still preparing the dishes for the washer... " the Druff spoke in a deadpan tone even when the beer-scented breath tickled the back of his neck.

"Huh...who ever washes the dishes before putting them in the dishwasher?" Brian Silva huffed.

"Anyone who doesn't want to accrue an enormous dishwasher repair bill." The tiger replied bluntly, even though the warmth of the wolf's bare torso upon his equally bare back did feel quite pleasant. The bulge pressing up against his rear was hard to miss either.

"Bah!" The wolf grunted into Druff's ear. "You can do that in a minute..." Brian's voice dropped an octave just as both his paws dropped under the waistband of the tiger's pajama bottoms and grabbed greedily at his balls and cock.

The tiger pushed his hips forward, which not only trapped Brian's fingers between Druff's body and the kitchen cabinet, but also made the contact between those digits and his bare flesh more intense. He rumbled, sounding quite pleased with himself, despite the wolf's cheekiness. The wolf ground against his rear, obviously hard and aroused. Thick lupine meat rubbed up and down his buttock while Druff's paws continued the mundane task.

"...and have to listen to Consuela complain about the filter being filled with muck?" the tiger said. He didn't sound entirely convincing anymore.

"Just drop the dishes, pops, and nobody gets hurt..." The wolf rumbled into the tiger's ear, giving it a playful lick while his paws squeezed and rubbed their hefty catch in circular motions. Brian throbbed in his own shorts from the feel of that thick daddy rump pressing against his cock so firmly. He felt half-inclined to try to push into that valley in spite of the cloth separating them, but the buzzed canine currently had other needs to satisfy... and for that, he needed his companion to stop fiddling with those dishes, scornful housekeeper be damned!

Druff's cock was hardening easily enough in his paws, the feeling of that thick pole growing under his palm made the wolf grumble with hunger. He kept grinding his bulge against the tiger's rear in emphasis of his previous warning, and just for the fun of it.

"Well I'm not going to drop them literally..." the tiger stated. Druff swiped his tail against Brian's hip. He could have technically given the wolf a spank of sorts by letting his tail curl all the way, but decided not to. Such things were more fun to do with other kind of tools.

"...hmhm..I bet I can convince you..." the wolf said. He growled deep and sensual, the way that he knew it was going to be felt as much as heard, his throat resting against the spot where Druff's neck and shoulder joined. He smelled the tiger's scent, mixing with the strange smells of washing detergent and a hint of the stew they had eaten earlier. Pepper and rosemary, the wolf thought. He continued to rumble and dry-hump the tiger happily.

" like that can get you into trouble," Druff said.

"That ship sailed when I stepped through your door, for the first time" Brian laughed.

The Druff was hard enough by now that the wolf could wrap his upside down paw around the upper side of his cock and slide it towards the tip, squeezing firmly as he went, as if milking it. Brian's other paw was busy at work with the tiger's plump balls, rolling the orbs around, massaging them, pulling slightly... the full treatment. His middle finger was pushing back and forth along Druff's taint by extension, fitting snugly, the fingertip poking dangerously close to the tiger's pucker but not close enough to reach the actual fleshy hole. It was enough of a tease as he was. If the tiger talked to him to rile him up, he did the same by touching.

"Still sure you just wanna play with your dishes?" The wolf rumbled into the tiger's ear with a chuckle, his clothed tip digging through through the little of Druff's crack his pants would allow. Their semi-clothed state started to feel like an annoying to him and his aching knot.

"I think you're playing with something too..." Druff said. He turned on the tap and rinsed a couple of plates and a few utensils under the water. Drops of water sprinkled onto Brian's arms too, considering how they were pushed so close to the sink. His paws were safe inside Druff's pajama bottoms. The tiger had stepped back enough from the sink so that the wolf could actually move his paws without having them crushed.

Brian nuzzled his way down along the side of Druff's head and back to his neck again. He liked the smell of fur better than the wet dishes and the stuff. Fairy. The name of the detergent always made him chuckle. He couldn't believe the tiger had a bottle sitting on his kitchen sink. Laughing at the tiger's neck felt as sensual as the rest of the things he was doing.

"I can't exactly do what I want when you're pretending to be busy, pops," Brian said.

With remarkable cool, despite the pawjob he was receiving, with backdoor benefits, too, the tiger put his own paws under the nozzle of a pump bottle sitting next to the Brian's hilarious Fairy, and squirted soap onto his palm. It didn't smell like much, Brian noted, although peeping past the tiger's neck did tell him that the stuff looked like cum. It made his cock throb madly. He wanted to growl and huff and loll his tongue out of his muzzle. He wondered if the tiger had made a show of the soap application on purpose. He wouldn't put that past him.

The tiger's fingers rubbed together with squelching sounds that Brian's sex-addled mind turned erotic.

"And what would that be?" the tiger said. His calm voice almost surprise the wolf. Only seconds had passed since Brian made his ultimatum, but it felt longer.

Brian let his fingers slide lower down, towards the sensitive skin close to the tiger's sheath.

"This fucking thing making my eyes water when you pump it in my muzz," the wolf drawled as dirty as he knew how to. If the tiger didn't comply soon, he'd have to start insisting.

"And you like your eyes watering?" Druff said, but he was just teasing at this point. Brian had him by the dick, literally, and it throbbed nicely from that last lewd statement. He couldn't wait to feel it throb somewhere else.

"I like thissss..." The wolf drawled, squeezing the tiger's cock that much harder while he massaged it, well at full mast by now. His middle finger tickled the tiger's taint teasingly while he fondled those orbs. Brian even nipped playfully at the tiger's ear, doing everything he could think of to entice the large feline to finally turn around and let him go at his wares. He knew that he was acting like a total slut for that dick, but at the time there was probably no other choice to get the cat to do what he wanted him to do. He could probably make up for it later with some extra macho behavior.

The tiger ran the tap for a moment, washed his paws, and pulled a square of kitchen roll off the holder to dry them. The whole show, spied on by the wolf over the tiger's shoulders, made Brian huff.

"No need to be mean when I just want some dessert..." Brian spoke up. "Come on, do I have to start sucking somewhere else?"

Brian dipped his muzzle down while the tiger continued to dry his paws, and applied his lips to the nape of Druff's neck. The fur was thick there, and smelled great, and he rubbed his lips from side to side to get at the skin underneath. Licking and kissing on it was a start, and if he could threaten the tiger with a wolf hickey, even better.

He'd barely hollowed his cheeks to suckle on the tiger's flesh when he suddenly moved. The tiger shifted and pushed him further away, and there were paws before he had the time to really look at what was happening. Druff's paws were warm and slightly damp from all the time under the tap. Brian's own paws were pulled out of the tiger's pants and into the open. The wolf let them fall to his sides when the tiger let go of his arms.

The tiger's heavy paws made their way to the wolf's shoulders. His eyes were narrowed, and firm.

"Down, boy."

The tiger barely pushed, and Brian knew that he didn't have the actual physical strength to do such a thing, either. But it was the play that mattered, and the very gesture made him feel about three times hornier than ten seconds earlier.

"Hmmm yes sir... " he grumbled, as if with displeasure, but the wag of his tail betrayed his true mood better than anything else.

The floor was tiled, but it was not cold. The tiger had heating under the tiles which meant that Brian's knees were positively balmy once he landed on his fuzzy legs. The tiger's paws rode along his shoulders for the duration of the motion that left the wolf facing the obscene bulge at the front of the tiger's pajama bottoms. The musk reached his nose even from a few inches away and made the insides of the wolf's ears heat up.

"Fuck yeah..." the wolf growled.

As soon as his knees hit the floor, the wolf's muzzle flew forward, and the horny canine pressed his nose to the large bulge he had helped make. He sniffed deep, the rich earthy musk an intoxicant to the horned-up hunk. He brought his paws up to tug lazily at the waistband of Druff's pants while he mouthed and slobbered over the covered cock-shaped lump, feeling it throb appreciatively against his face, even through the fabric.

"Hmrmhmhhm..." he rumbled happily. The muscled wolf was simply in the mood to down some cock, and now that he was face to face with it, the thick scent was pure pleasure. He knew it would taste even better.

Not feeling very patient, Brian pulled the tiger's pants all the way down to his ankles in a single tug and left them there, paws quickly running up the tiger's legs to settle on the bulky thighs. When the waistband was pulled all the way over it, the thick, hard piece of meat bounced up and landed over the wolf's muzzle. That was something he didn't mind at all. The musk was stronger now that clothing wasn't in the way, and his nose was drinking it in right from the source. It was only a few moments before his tongue joined in to slurp at the tiger's hefty balls, now perfectly within his reach. It must've looked ridiculous, big him kneeling on the floor, cock over his face and his eyes looking on either side of that red shaft up to the tiger who glared down to him. The tiger had even put one paw down against the kitchen counter again, for balance, and as a show of his control over the situation.

"Polish those nuts, boy," the tiger drawled.

The dirty talk only spurned him on further, and the wolf did exactly what he was told. He licked and lapped, despite the somewhat awkward angle. He began to tilt his head and spared one paw to grab at Druff's cock so that he could do a better job at it. The tiger swatted his paw away with his own at the point when Brian's fingers had only barely touched at the ruddy rod.

"Nope," the tiger said.

The extremely dominant behavior made the wolf feel slightly indignant but did not reduce the mad throbbing in his own penis. He was massively tented up and wondered how much he'd be told off if he'd use his paws to rub on himself instead.

"Hmmhmhm..." he made mumbling sounds as he let the dick flop onto his cheek and tried his best to lick as deep down the hard, warm root of that shaft while the balls bounced upon his tongue. Druff moved the paw that was left on Brian's shoulder to rest on top of the wolf's head, in that classic way, as if to tell him that he was being a good boy. Something about that made his cock twitch in his pants, a wet stain forming already at the tip of that tent. He was sure he was gonna need a change once they were done. He hoped it wasn't any time soon. Things were only now getting fun.

The wolf decided to just play along obediently for now. He caressed the tiger's thighs leisurely with his paws while he rolled those nuts over his tongue before swiping up properly and letting them drop... and then dove right back at them, savouring the slightly salty taste over his taste buds. He teased then one by one, like he was playing a very musky, very dirty game with his brand new ball-shaped toys.

The tiger's rumbling told him that he had found the winning combination. Brian tilted his muzzle forward slightly to take one of those orbs fully into his maw, suckling and bathing it with his tongue. The grumble that resonated from his chest felt somewhat ticklish and oh so good for the tiger enjoying such lavish treatment. Brian thought he felt the fingers riding the crown of his head tighten just a little. He let the nut plop out and replaced it with the other one. The skin containing these jewels was tight enough that he really had to pull with his lips to get his mouth wrapped around it. It made the tiger even noisier. The red, barbed prick pulsed against his cheek. Brian could spy it from the corner of his muzzle. the angle made it look like the Leaning Tower of Pisa.

Brian continued to grope the tiger's ass. He liked its fuzzy heft, how the muscles still retained some spring in them. Brian hoped the tiger was going to let him do that for a long time, besides his most express desire at the moment.

"Juuust like that," the tiger's breathy voice affirmed.

Brian didn't know what the tiger meant, but decided to keep doing everything he was doing. After a short while, he'd dropped the nut out of his muzzle and switched over to give the other one another tongue bath, never stuck to the same thing for long. The occasionally throbbing shaft over his muzzle teased him with its proximity, looking so tantalizing. It would be so easy to just tilt his head and greedily devour it... but he still wanted to humor the tiger, so he kept tonguing those balls and massaging pawfuls of striped ass. He even allowed himself a few hearty slaps, loving how it made Druff growl down at him.


The wolf sucked harder on the 'nad currently in his muzzle. The grip over his head tightened a little more and the tiger hissed. Brian's tail swished behind him in excitement. His fingertips ghosted along Druff's hidden crevice, tickling, teasing. He drew the other nut in with his tongue and sucked hard again. It was almost too much fun playing the tiger's body like this. It made his knot throb sympathetically.

He almost got his way and reached the tiger's asshole when the paw on top of his head pushed him backwards. That made Brian's mouth tug on the testicle in his maw in a way that probably could have ended up feeling uncomfortable. There was a dirty slurping noise associated with it.

"Enough of that, punk," the tiger growled.

The paw on his head pulled harder. It stung a little, the way Druff yanked on his head furs. Brian did not exactly resist the command. Another thick-fingered paw pushed into the corner of his maw.

"Open up."

There was something incredibly nasty about having your maw pried open for the express purpose of getting someone's dick in there. The penis in question dangled in front of him, close enough that Brian could have licked it if he stuck his tongue out of his mouth.

He glared indignantly at the tiger, but that did not stop Druff from driving himself in to the root into the long canine muzzle.

It was impossible not to gag and choke as several thick inches of cock were rammed into your muzzle. It just made the entire ordeal feel and sound even more dirty. Brian's paws gripped the tiger's ass hard as he tried not to tear up from the initial uncomfortable sensations of the rough shove. His eyes did clench closed. It felt like the barbed tip was tickling the back of his throat and dripping pre straight down his gullet. Probably it was. It made him cough again and splutter saliva all around the dick in this muzzle.

None of his spittle had the chance to escape from his maw. The tiger was being merciless. He was holding Brian's nose pressed firmly into his musky crotch, thoroughly enjoying the feeling of his meat throbbing inside a warm muzzle with a tongue lashing all over.

"That's it... " The tiger husked dirtily, "Take it like I know you can..."

The big wolf struggled on his knees around the thick piece of meat in his muzzle. He just had to calm down and breathe through his nose, but that was easier said than done when all he could breathe in was heady musk. All that was exactly as the tiger intended, he knew. Fairly used to the dirty professor's ways by now, the wolf wasn't entirely surprised by the rough entry. It still didn't make it easier to get used to. He knew that the tiger would let him go if he indicated his desire to do so, but he wasn't about to give up the challenge yet.

After a few more moments, the lupine hunk regained his bearings, but the grip on the tiger's ass remained as hard as ever. That was a small token of payback that felt pretty great for him too. The wolf opened his eyes and looked up at the tiger with defiance something that combined with the way his jaws were stretched open by the barbed monster just threw high-octane fuel on the fire experienced by Druff.

"Let's see what you can really do," the tiger announced.

Druff moved his paws so that he was cupping Brian's cheeks on each palm. He had a good, firm grip on him, one the wolf knew that he would have a hard time fighting if he really wanted to get out of it. Yet the hold thrilled him, in a way, considering that it also involved his lips pulled into an 'O' around the tiger's prickly shaft.

The tiger remained in place for a moment before a few inches moved, and were promptly pushed back into the wolf's mouth. Brian felt the barbs tickle his palate, and his paws felt the tiger's ass cheeks flex with the effort.

'Fucky fucky sucky sucky' Brian's mind reminded him of something dirty the tiger had once told to him. He was definitely feeling all those things now, and thinking about them for sure. His tail batted the floor. He wanted to cough and snort and his nose was full of musk, and his cheeks burnt when the tiger humped back and forth to really start fucking his mouth.

Just holding on for the ride for now, the wolf tried to get used to the pace, hard and heavy from the start. Druff didn't move by much but he did it with force, aided by his grip on Brian's head, pulling the wolf in against every hump. Every bump of the tiger's hips against his nose sent a fresh dose of musk into his nostrils, made the tiger's balls slap against his chin and the tip of that drooling piece of man meat tickle the back of his throat.

And Brian, in his current state of mind, loved every part of it.

Soon enough, he started using his grip on the tiger's ass to pull him in on every thrust, and his tongue was doing acrobatics over the juicy cock drilling through him muzzle, lapping up every hint of salty pre hungrily. The wolf massaged the tiger's cheeks almost absent-mindedly as his older companion went to town with his muzzle

'Fuck yeah...' The wolf thought to himself as he sucked and lapped away. 'That's the good stuff

He slapped the tiger's ass again hard in his sexual fervor. He felt the muscles tense and heard the tiger's tail jump and bounce against the kitchen cabinets behind the cat. The tiger grumbled loudly and glared down at the wolf.

"Next time you do that, I'm going to stick it in your ass before it goes back in your muzz," the tiger drawled without missing a single stroke of the threatening weapon into the wolf's maw.

Brian snorted, which was probably inadvisable since next up his nostrils were momentarily blocked by thick fur. it almost felt like the tiger ground his hips back and forth to make sure he was really rubbing it in, but the maneuver did not persist for long. It wasn't like he was trying to choke him or anything, more like just to make his head swim with musk. The next pull out of the wolf's maw made spit dribble down to the floor, along the ruddy, well-sucked shaft. The pure idea of it was viscerally erotic to the wolf. When Druff shoved in, Brian ground his head forward against his groin voluntarily and swallowed around the meat lodged so obscenely in his mouth to milk out more of that tasty pre. His paws calmed down over the tiger's ass, opting just to grope and caress for now, kneading those cheeks like dough as they flexed along the sway of the tiger's hips.

"That's better," the tiger said.

The wolf's tongue slid up the underside of Druff's manly lance as he was pulling it back, and flattened to let the tiger drag his tip down over it as he lunged forward. The taste of that juicy piece of meat and the smell of heady manly musk was overwhelming the thickly muscled canine's senses. All he wanted in his lustful haze was more. He wasn't even sure how he'd gotten quite so thirsty for dick on that particular day, but the mood was there and he intended to put it into the best use.

Every time the tiger stopped to grind his face into his crotch, Brian made sure to suck hard and do the swallowing motions, taking the pounding in stride. He didn't even mind it. It was a very dommy thing to do that he got off on himself when recieving head. He knew it was much the same for the tiger, and he played it up for their mutual enjoyment, keeping up eye contact as much as could with the hot and heavy grinding his face was being treated to. He wanted to show the cat that he was not tearing up even with a dick plugging his throat. He could take it like a champ.

And it was all working quite well. The signs were very easy to notice, from the growing urgency of the tiger's humping, to the steady huffing and frequent twitching of the thick cock in his muzzle spurting out pre onto the wolf's tongue and down his throat. So distracted he was by the party in his mouth that when one of his paws slipped into the crack of the tiger's ass and poked at his hole it was a complete accident, for once.

Even though it was just a poke it was still an unexpected one, and it caused the tiger to haunch forward in surprise and to mash the wolf's face into his groin harder than he already was. Brian let out a few startled gurgling sounds, Druff's cock poking even deeper into his throat than before. Still, he could feel it twitch over his tongue and taste the spurts of pre sent down his gullet.

Every man was slave to their body to a degree, after all. The wolf knew the big bad tiger wasn't immune to the right pressure applied at the right time. And there wasn't a more vulnerable time than well into what the wolf liked to think was a good blowjob.

"Fuck!" the tiger exclaimed.

An accident it may have been, but the wolf kept his paw still where it was, fighting back his gag reflex while his head swam with heady musk. He remembered the tiger's earlier threat but the wolf was well carried away by the heat of things, and to his lust-addled mind the prospect of finding out just how the tiger might follow up on it was nothing but an exciting one. It made him swallow around the dick and to see just how long the tiger would let him rub his index finger against the Professor's secretive butthole.

'Damn, this thing feels three times as big when it's in me.' The wolf thought to himself.

The lewd thought just made the wet stain at the top of the cheerful tent in his underwear grow. His own cock throbbed and twitched, almost as if in tune to the one lodged in his throat now. The cat had shoved it back in at such an angle that it tickled the back of his throat. It was hard to suppress all the coughing that his body was trying to do in response. Brian didn't want to give him the dominant pleasure of seeing the wolf tap out of the business of sucking cock. He could still breathe after a fashion, he just had to concentrate on it and -

"Guess we'll have to do it - " the tiger grunted.

The curious and chuffing wolf got his answer on just what this mysterious 'it' was. The tiger shuffled his hips before pushing back, and this was not a leisurely kind of humpy-pumpy he was engaged in. From the start he was literally fucking the wolf's face, framed by his own paws keeping Brian's head in place.

Even though the tiger was moving again, it was arguably harder to breathe properly with that crotch smacking into his nose heavily, and the big cat's barbed monster punching into his throat on every thrust. Despite the wolf's best efforts, extremely dirty gurgling sounds and spittle were escaping his mouth and he couldn't be bothered with it for now. Finding a somewhat steady rhythm to weather the beast in front of him was more important.

Striped rump cheeks forgotten for now, the wolf tried to match the tiger's pumping as best he could, pulling his head back when Druff withdrew his hips for another thrust and sucking in as much as he could, before meeting the dick surging through his muzzle like a man. He kept sucking as best he could and swallowing any pre the tiger gave him. He even managed to get his tongue involved every now and then.

Druff's pace was unforgiving, pretty much using the big wolf's muzzle as a warm hole to fuck, using the sides of Brian's head as handles to move his head up and down on that thick cock... and the wolf lapped it up, figuratively and quite literally. He felt his saliva dribble over his chin and down to the floor while he continued to take the dick. His cheeks burned and he knew it wasn't just from the sheer effort of trying to suck the tiger-cock without choking on it.


The tiger made a constrained sound, and several hard, quick thrusts before the grip of his fingers became even tighter. For a moment Brian thought he was going to be bruised by the massive paws clenching on his face, and the thick cock throbbed and jerked against his tongue.

The Druff let out a victorious growl. His cum shot out of the flaring pisshole on his dick and blasted the back of the wolf's throat. Brian's senses were filled with the musk of the tiger's spunk that very moment. He coughed at the first spurt and more of it became backfired to the tiger's groin than swallowed down his gullet. It became clear that the tiger had adjusted his positioning inside Brian's muzzle exactly so that he would have to be experiencing it as intensely as possible. He wasn't just pumping cum into the wolf's throat, right now it splashed on his tongue so that he would get the maximum amount of taste and scent before he had no choice but to dutifully swallow it down.

"Hmphprh!" the wolf spluttered. His paws clawed on the tiger's hips for some support. He was afraid to breathe even through his nose in case he actually inhaled cum into his nosepad. He wasn't even sure if that was possible, but the thought passed his mind and made him hold his breath while the tiger essentially bred his muzzle.

There was a lot, and it came explosively.

The only thing the wolf could do to prevent a total flood from actually happening was simply swallow it all as it was given. The heady, salty taste teased his senses as he did his best to gulp it all down. Druff kept himself embedded balls deep while he unloaded, which made that relatively easy. Brian could even resume his vigorous groping and kneading of the climaxing tiger's ass. The muscles made pleasurable motions under his palms. Brian's dick throbbed desperately as he imagined feeling those same things while his own cock was buried between the striped ass cheeks.

The wolf had had more than his fill by the time the tiger's peak subsided, those cravings that first made him stalk up behind the tiger properly sated. Satisfied, the burly wolf nursed on the still hard shaft inside his maw lazily while a paw idly caressed Druff's hindquarters. The Professor appeared somewhat deflated, huffing and leaning against the kitchen counter. His barbed cock slowly came to a rest over the wolf's tongue.


The tiger looked down at the still kneeling wolf. The wolf could see a smug expression of satisfaction spread over his face, the kind that he could definitely associate with sexual gratification. Brian grimaced around the dick in his mouth. He felt slightly less horny, if still aroused, but he was still loathe to let it out of his muzzle. Brian was sure that he was a complete mess and would probably need a shower.

"Well well..."

The Druff's eyes drifted lower down the wolf's rumpled body and the wood he was sporting. His ears flicked , as is quizzically, and he came to a quick decision.

The tiger let go of the wolf's head and pulled his cock out of Brian's muzzle with a lewd slurp. Cum mixed with saliva dribbled from the lower of the wolf's still parted lips.

"Get up," Druff said.

"Humph," the wolf swallowed. "Thought you were gonna be nice to me after I got you off..."

The tiger extended his paw.


The wolf snorted. Brian's brow quirked but he did take the offered paw and used it to haul himself up to his feet again. He'd barely stood up when the tiger was already spinning him around and pushing him against the kitchen counter.

"H-hey!" the wolf grumbled. "Some manners...tsk..."

He swiped his tail at the tiger behind him. The tiger swatted the wolf's rump. His paw made an audible clapping sound over Brian's buns.

"OWCH!" the wolf's exclamation sounded dramatic. "That's not necessary...sheesh..."

"Paws on the surface," Druff growled behind the wolf.

Brian shook his head and made a face at the tiger before he did what he'd been told.

" this the punishment you threatened me with, pops?"

Without words, the tiger simply grabbed Brian's shorts by the waistband and pulled them down to the wolf's ankles. His still rock-hard cock slapped against his belly when the waistband was roughly tugged over it. It wasn't an entirely pleasant sensation.

"Hey! Careful with that! I still nee-aaaahhhh..." The wolf was interrupted by the tiger grabbing a firm hold of his aching cock, the big warm paw feeling especially nice around it.

"What was that, boy?" the tiger growled into Brians ear.

"Need that... hmmmrh..." the wolf thrust into the gripping paw. "Hmm..."

Brian absent-mindedly kicked his shorts off to the side while Druff stood up and threw his weight forward against the wolf, much how the wolf himself did earlier. The tiger's broad chest and belly pressed against his back firmly by gravity, the muscles of Brian's arms visibly flexing with the effort of carrying it. Nothing he couldn't handle. Druff ground himself on the wolf, briefly, before nipping his ear.

"Don't move too much."

"You got me..hmphm..." the wolf snorted. He was sure he wasn't going anywhere, the way the tiger held his dick. He wanted to just thrust into it and use the tiger's paw as a Fleshlight to finally get off. The submissive pleasure of sucking cock had been replaced by the primal need to stick his dick somewhere warm and tight.


Brian chuffed at the noise the tiger made. From the corner of his eye, he saw Druff use one of his paws to do something unexpected - to open the fridge door. Brian tilted his head a little to watch what he was up to now. To his surprise, the tiger pulled something out and then nudged the door shut with his tail. The item was placed to the table near Brian's own bracing paw. It puzzled him. It was the butter plate from the meal, with half a stick still left.

"Whut - "

The tiger pinched most of the remaining butter into his fingerpaws. Brian's eyes widened, seeing the yellowish grease become squished between pads.

"No fucking - "

The tiger allowed him a smirk before he jammed those oddly cold and now sticky and slick fingers directly into the tiger's sweaty crack and sought the heated spot that was his asshole right under the college hunk's tail. His pucker clenched in shock from the multitude of sensations, and it was not everything. The tiger pushed, too, wiggling his fingers at the center of the hole to make it relent. His other paw squeezed down on Brian's knotty shaft.

The slick butter was making it incredibly difficult to resist, and that's what the wolf wanted. to do Why should the tiger be allowed to just jam whatever he wanted up his booty without consequences?

'You're at least gonna work for it, pops.', The added thought came when Druff squeezed his paw around the knot and twisted while stroking upwards with the confidence of a master working a trusty tool. The urge to pump his hips into the grip was extremely strong, but Brian knew he'd only be playing onto the Druff's finger. He wanted to offer some resistance before inevitably taking the plunge.

The fingertips teased and tickled against his sensitive pucker, and the wolf was all growls and huffs.

"You're gonna... make me... suspicious of every meal... pops..." The wolf panted as both ends were worked over expertly.

The tiger huffed into the wolf's indignant ear, not missing a stroke.

"Maybe it'll be aubergines next time you're around," Druff husked. "Cooked in butter..."

The tiger obviously chose that moment to stick his middle finger into the wolf's butt. Brian growled, and his insides squeezed down around the slick digit. His cock throbbed like mad in the tiger's paw.

"Whoah there!"

The tiger stopped stroking on the wolf and instead just kept squeezing his knot rhythmically. Each pulse made the wolf's ass clench on the finger that kept probing away, seeking the wolf's hidden joy spot. The wriggling around was just for fun, for the tiger knew exactly where to poke, and went for the kill soon after. He grumbled in satisfaction when the entire tunnel clamped down on him and the cock in his paw pulsed.

"There." Druff repeated after the wolf, teasing the small pleasure nut with a wriggling finger. The wolf shuddered deliciously from the stimulation, his hips pumping back and forward a fraction of an inch at a time, as if unsure which end would give greater pleasure. Brian's cock continued to leak as he was worked over, getting perhaps a bit more than he bargained for. And perhaps not. But he would do just the same any time.

"Theeeere..." The wolf concurred in a tight voice.

Druff ground himself against the wolf's hip, considering he now needed some space for his paw to work, under that quickly moving tail.

"Fuck yourself on me, wolf," Druff growled. "Don't hold back..."

He poke the wolf's prostate in another affirmation of his command, and loosened the grip on Brian's dick.

The wolf threw his head back to look at the tiger and shot him a disapproving look that quickly softened with a few well placed jabs in and out of his rear.

"You're doing a bang up job of that yourself already..." The wolf replied, voice decidedly unsteady. He didn't comply fully with Druff's commands, but he did rotate his hips slightly on the intruding digit, leaking more and more on that other striped paw. His hips moved back and forth too, but only barely. He wasn't just going to follow the tiger's orders blindly and go full on slutty, despite the toe-curling pleasures he was being given.

"Oh fuck you," the tiger laughed.

"Nh...nhope!" the wolf breathed out between gritted teeth. The tiger's teasing finger was deep in his ass and made merry with the prostate gland, the wolf's true Achilles' heel.

"Seems a lot like fucking to me," said the tiger torturing the wolf's knot.

"Hmmmph!" said the indignant wolf getting steadily fingered as well.

"You're gonna be licking your spunk off my cabinet door," Druff heckled him on, "buttboy..."

"You're gonna be swallowing my spunk straight from the tap if you don't shaddap...oowwh!" The wolf grunted out, the effort of holding both their weights up combined with the steady surges of pleasure from Druff's treatment beginning to show. He wasn't gonna last long and he knew it. That intensely pleasurable tingling sensation coming from his ass while being fucked closer and closer to the edge was already flaring up.

"Or maybe... right up that thick... beefy... striped... ass..." The wolf went on through clenched teeth, each word punctuated with a thrust of his hips as if visually demonstrating what he wanted to do to the older tiger's rear. That of course impaled him several times over onto that pumping, wriggling finger and fucked his straining cock through Druff's firm grip. It wasn't quite like humping his dick into a tight rump, but it was still great, especially combined with the rough prodding in his own ass. And as if it wasn't already kinky enough, the smell of sex was mixing with the scent of the butter. Brian was sure he would not be able to get that thought out of his mind any time soon.

"Oh I don't think so."

The tiger relented his hold on Brian's knot and instead caught the underside of the wolf's shaft in his palm. The wolf tried to thrust into it, but Druff twisted his thumb around and put the fingerpad over the oozing pisshole at the center of his tip.


Druff leaned down and bit at the wolf's shoulder. The skin was loose enough there that he could do so without inflicting undue discomfort...but it was an intense feeling.


"Aaarh..." The wolf's head tilted almost by its own upon feeling those teeth pinch and scrape in a by now very familiar way. It was a thrill that sent excitement through his body and into his groin. The tiger's thumb grazed over the extra sensitive head of his cock and made him shiver and moan and pump his hips more urgently.

The tiger growled his approval of his burly captive's reaction, maw otherwise occupied. But the wolf could swear he heard the words "good boy" somewhere in that low rumbling. A second finger joining the first in the wake of a backwards stroke told so as well.

"Graaarh..." Feeling twice as full as before and with two fingers prodding and massaging his poor prostate, the wolf could only groan and keep the motion of his hips under as much control as he could. The maddeningly pleasurable tingling coming from inside of him, coursing through his groin, was quickly racing to a fever pitch.

It was probably a bit silly of him to get so worked up what was essentially a handjob, but Brian couldn't help himself. The tiger played him expertly and he had no resolve left.


He felt even hornier than before, when he'd sauntered over with evil intentions, though now the wolf was experiencing the other side of lust. Now he wanted to fuck, breed, do whatever it took to get off by sticking his dick somewhere.

"That's right...fuck yourself," the tiger slurred.

"What do you think I'm trying...grrrh!" the wolf snorted.

The last jab poked the wolf's prostate perfectly in sync with another squeeze and tug of his knot and he almost lost it then and there, body lurching forward and arms quaking.

'So damn close...'

A tilt of his hips and push back and he hit the same spot again.

'Just a little...'

One more rotation and shove backwards did it. The white hot pleasure erupted over Druff's kitchen counter as the wolf trembled and shivered and spasmed underneath the tiger who kept his fingers embedded firmly all the way inside of the twitching tunnel, tickling and rubbing against the wolf's nut all the way throughout his orgasm. At some point Brian even shoved his paw down and covered the tiger's with his own, in a wordless "don't you dare to let go!' to the cat who was lazily stroking him even while dank white globs began to slide down along the cabinet door.


"Hah," the tiger chuffed, "don't you ever dare to say that I don't provide reach around, boy."

Brian was still puffing by the time he managed to get something else out of his muzzle.

"I'd only call it that if you gave me some real reach around," he snorted. "Like some ass around..."

Druff snickered.

"You can keep dreaming," he said. "I'd spank you if I had any paws free for now."

The wolf huffed and mock-poutd. "You never let me have any fun..."

"Pfft," the tiger said. He pulled his fingers out of the wolf with a 'plop'. "I'll get you a tissue. And ice cream."

Brian heard the tiger rub his fingers together with a sloppy sound.

"...maybe chocolate ice cream..."

"You're disgusting," Brian huffed theatrically. He could spare his tail to swat at the tiger now. It landed solidly on the tiger's hip.

"And you're cleaning that cabinet, too, since you are the one who is filthy," Druff decreed.

Brian glanced down at the mess and knew that he could not argue with that.


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