New School, New Love? Chapter: 3

Story by KitsunesWolf on SoFurry

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#3 of New School, New Love?

Saturday has arrived and both Grant's mother and Aimi's family have arranged a get together, Aimi clearly not aware of some of the customs her family had tried to teach her. Grant struggles to deal with his secret as he spends time with the young vixen.

"Mama stop preening please. I look fine for an afternoon luncheon. Unless this is something more." Aimi said as she noticed she was preening over her and her other two sisters in their teen years. Not really worried about the boys at all, well other than to behave themselves.

"No nothing like that dear. Though if this boy shows interest I want you all to be looking your best." Her mother's comments made Aimi groan slightly. Just what she needed on top of starting her heat cycle not long ago. Hopefully they would be out of there before they all notice.

She followed her rather large family to Grant's home. She was in a simple leather outfit but it showed off the figure under her fur. Her long hair was in a loose braid and all of her fur was brushed until the natural oils made her fur shine.

Grant's mother lead them all to the backyard where there was space. His mother was a beautiful black and silver wolf. "Thank you for having us," Aimi said to his mother noticing no one else said anything yet to her.

Grant watched the arrival of the guest as he watched them from the kitchen window wearing his sweater and gloves despite his mother suggesting he went without.

The wolfess smiled at Aimi. "You are quite welcome dear. I see our vulpix and eevee like already." She said seeing them rub against Aimi's fur where they could before trying to get her ninetails to play. "Go on Shimmer. Enjoying some time with them." Aimi said to her ninetails watching as they all ran off. She could smell Grant and a part of her shifted slightly. Smiling at his mother before heading to follow her family.

"Grant get out here and stop hiding," his mother said under her breath seeing him in the kitchen.

Grant saw her look and lips move as he shifted from the kitchen looking nervous as he approached his mother a familiar scent of Aimi feeling the air as he looked towards her sensing a more potent smell causing his own musk to release as he stood near his mother. "Please I will make a fool of myself...." he spoke feeling his hairs stand on end at the scent filling his nostrils.

"Stop that, you will be fine hon." She said as she ran her hand through his longer hair. "I am glad you are growing out your hair again. It looks good on you." She said softly trying to bolster his confidence a little. "Now go and be social while I bring out the food."

Aimi had moved to a stone seat. Feeling the coolness of the stone helping her feel a little more normal at the moment. Though smelling Grant as he walked out put that out the window. Her fur felt like it was on end and needed attention. Not realizing it as her tails swished idly sending more of her subtle scent out.

Grant moved to Aimi the smell urging his mind to impure thoughts as he walked to her feeling if he didn't his mother would force him to do so.

"I didn't know you had moved next door, or else we could have walked home the other day." he spoke softly feeling awkward as he looked down his gloved hands moving them into the fabric of his shirt as his tongue became dry with the sun casting over him.

Aimi looked up and smiled up at him from what he said. Then she saw how he looked, nervous and slightly overheated. "Grant come sit down," she said softly. Moving over to give him room on the bench in the shade.

Grant nodded moving to sit next to her fighting his tongue from instinct afraid of looking stupid in front of the guests.

"Why do you wear so much?" She asked curious and worried at the same time as he sat down.

"I just always have...." he spoke softly as he shifted slightly her scent stronger from his vicinity as his hands moved to cover his groin just in case he stirred.

Aimi gave a soft sigh as she moved a little closer to him without thinking. "Here you don't need to here or with my family. As you can see they dress minimally. I only wear so much at school because of the dress code." She moved to grab one of his hands gently and slowly pulled a glove off. With the same care she would give an injured pokemon.

"I can't not outside...."he spoke flinching but allowing her to take his hand. "I am not as you see me, and I worry your mother and you will see soon enough anyway." he spoke remembering previous meetings.

Seeing the worry on his face she stopped with the one glove. Though she didn't let go of his hand. Feeling the claws in her hand she smiled up at him. "I have claws too. These would not bother me at all Grant."

"But my claws are on human fingers, it is not normal." he spoke looking down to her hand over his.

"So?" She asked softly. Making the conversation between them only. "I think it is useful having claws but no fur in the way. I have had the fur on my hand get caught in so many things, and it hurts when that happens. This is how nature made you."

"I have fur just not on my hands...." he confessed as he looked towards his mother who was clearly speaking to Aimi's parents.

"Okay," she said calmly but not at all aggressive or condescending. "You are part wolf. I would be shocked if you didn't have fur somewhere. That is your heritage, nothing to be ashamed of."

"I am not normal..." he spoke looking to her speaking up slightly. "No one sees me as human or anthro...." he spoke clearly stopping himself from becoming bothered by his thoughts as he took a deep breath. " You do not understand being neither accepted from Anthros nor humans." he confessed becoming more quiet.

"You are both, not one or the other alone. Is it shameful for pokemon to get the abilities of their father though they are born the race of their mother? Is it normal that I have ninetails instead of the one or three the rest of my family has?" She looked up at him and saw his face flush in heat. "Let's get you inside. You are overheating in that thing. If you don't want to take it off here then inside you go."

"we can't not until they decide it is time." he spoke looking to their parents knowing the traditions involved and that they were not allowed to be alone until after the inspection had begun.

"I don't care what they say. Inside now with you or take off that sweater which is overheating you." Aimi said firmly but quietly.

Grant nodded looking to his mother with a nervous tone as he moved towards the house, his obedient side kicking in to the strong spoken woman.

Aimi followed him in to make sure he was alright. Not noticing that her older brother was moving to stop her. Her mother stopping him and shooed him away. "That is a good sign. Let's see where that goes. Keep your brothers entertained."

"Mama she is still a maiden and shouldn't be alone." He countered but stopped when he got the look from the white kitsune. "Yes mama."

"If this continues to go as well as it is you have an agreement in this pairing." She said looking to Grant's mother.

Aimi helped Grant take the sweater off when inside. "Common up to your room. We can get you in better clothes for the weather." She said near him after she took the sweater off seeing another long sleeve shirt on.

Grant nodded as he led her up to his bedroom. "You really don't need to go through this." he spoke nervously even though a part knew she would get to see him fully before the night had passed.

"I am going to make sure you don't try to kill yourself with your clothing choices. If you don't want to show your chest and arms fine but not in fleece Grant. You skin needs to breath." She said with care in her voice.

Grant nodded as his body had cooled slightly being in his cooled bedroom as he removed the tops exposing his furred upper body showing the shaved stubble beginning at his wrists as he looked up to her. "I suppose I can't hide it anyway." he confessed as his arousal grew slightly smelling her scent in the enclosed space.

Aimi took a step forward and moved her handpaw through his fur without thinking too much. She smiled at how it felt, soft but rough at the same time. The smell of his musk starting to affect her slightly before she cleared her throat and backed away slightly from him. Holding his sweater close to her chest, which she felt her nipples start to harden from everything.

"Are you okay?" he asked seeing her flushed face as he looked to her. "Your hand felt good touching me. Most look and watch and then whisper once the inspection reaches my lower body." he spoke watching her closely his eyes showing a need he was unaware of.

"Inspection?" She asked not seeing this as he was. Honestly thinking that this was a gathering not a mating party.

"I am a halfbreed the worst kind of mutt in most anthros eyes. I think my mother wanted to try and give me some semblance of hope for a future." he added calmly.

Aimi wanted to smack him for that statement without really knowing why. "we all were half breeds once. When humans mated with the pokemon against the wishes of mankind. So to say being a half breed is the worst thing ever is wrong." She said finally.

"But you have not seen me completely...." he admitted moving to sit down. "The fur is but a minor flaw." he added looking away slightly.

"I have not seen one flaw on your appearance. The way you think of yourself is the only thing I worry about though if you lived in this town all your life then I can see why you are like this." She said moving closer to him. She stopped to put his sweater away and look at his other shirts to find something better and give her a little time

"well if you were not aware of a mating party I should tell my mother so she does not expect me to strip completely or expect you to want a fitting done..." he spoke remembering being taught of the anthro process.

"Fitting?" She asked never heard of that term before.

"It is done to ensure suitability between different mating species." he spoke remembering his mother's lesson. "It is to ensure the male will fit the female without injury." he added blushing slightly as images filled his head. "But it is only done for agreeing partners who feel that there is a match." he spoke sounding a bit sadder

Aimi blinked slightly, now feeling bad for ignoring the family lessons if this was among the topics. Though the more he talked about it something in her shifted. Her breathing pattern changed slightly though not heavily ... yet.

"I only know of the lesson never reaching a fitting." he spoke with an embarrassed laugh looking down as his face blushed from his peaked arousal.

"Did you want to?" She asked thinking of his past. Though her question left it open for now too.

"Not really most I did not get to know enough and once they saw my differences the scent went away turning me off to them." he admitted glancing to her catching a hint of her scent growing.

Aimi sat down on the edge of his bed. Looking about the room. "What do you want to do? You seem calmer here than outside. Want to sit and talk here versus going outside and overheat and be nervous with my family."

Grant nodded as he watched her. "Do you wish me to tell my mother that this is not a mating party. " he spoke not wanting to scare her away."

"Will it hurt and insult her if I did?" She asked not wanting to hurt the nice wolf. Or make it worse for her with her own mother who had absolutely no tact whatsoever.

Grant nodded honestly sensing the effort his mother had put forward towards preparing for the weekend.

"Then no I won't and we can stay up here and talk while the others are below." She said with a smile.

To be continued....

I'm working my way through the story chopping it into more managable pieces, hope the people that are sticking with it enjoy the story so far. It's my first time sharing my writings to the public so a bit of nervousness. Anyway comments are appreciated if you have one :) Thanks for reading