Sheath and Knife fan fiction : Snow Daze part 12

Story by dan1966 on SoFurry

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Snow Daze (Cub/Teen, Incest, Gay sex, strait sex)

A Will and Alex fan fiction by Dan 1966

( c ) Will and Alex from Sheath and Knife fur-rotica by Haramist and Kitaness. (c) Judy Hopps and Nick Wilde from Zootopia 2016 All rights respected. No monetary gain nor profits desired nor wanted.

Part 12

8:45pm Day 3 The Party House

The change of pace in the music caused Will to pull Asra behind him and out onto the dance floor where held her close as they slowly moved about the floor...

"Isn't it crazy?" He said as he looked down into her eyes. "We only met in the most funniest way you can think of like two days ago and I feel I've known you for years."

Asra giggled...."Would you be upset to think a wolf would never have been my first choice as a boyfriend?"

"Nope. You look like a giraffe kinda girl. Long neck, big tongue, interesting conversation starter..." Will replied smiling.

"William?!" Asra replied as she bumped his chest.

"I'm serious!" Will replied. "The conversation of sex would border on the weird. Imagine that at a party?"

"In that case William Gray? You look like someone who might have an elephant persuasion." Asra said snickering.

"How would you accomplish that?" Will wondered. "Without falling in? Steo ladder and a harness? Could you even get off?"

Asra giggled...."You're demented."

"No...I'm a highly intelligent wolf." Will replied. "Who bagged himself one delectable little fox." Will snuggled Asra close..."Is it just me or is it less cold than it was last night?"

"With you? Everything is less cold." Asra replied.

"Hmmm....." Will sounded softly...."I was thinking...that you might want to go...a little feral in the woods before we go back to the hotel?"

Asra rubbed Will's cheeks...."What ever you desire to do William...but if we should...not show up tomorrow to watch my brother and Kemper battle each other?"

Will contorted his face in thought...."I don't think we'd miss you?"

"No...." Asra replied as she led Will back to their table.

8:45pm Day 3 Foxdayle and Asra's room

"YIP!" Foxdayle yipped loudly and reacted to the forced penetration of his tight tail hole by Alex's drool soaked digits by fast crawling to the bed board and gripping it tight...."Ow....ow....ow!"

Alex pulled his fingers out of his lover's tail pussy..."Are you a virgin?" Alex asked. "Did I go to fast?"

"No....I'm not a virgin." Foxdayle replied. "Just that I haven't "been there" in a while...

"I'm sorry..." Alex said softly as he kissed over Foxdayle's back..."Lemme suck your cock?"

"Mmmm....put your fingers back in me too." Foxdayle said softly as he sat and spread his legs...feeling over his erect prick and tight balls with his hands...

"You like it?" Foxdayle asked with a soft coo'ing...."Is it nicer than Will's dick?"

Alex gently kissed the tip and smiled. "It's sure different. I could probably take the knot easy...." The Wolf cub gave the head a gentle lick-over before wrapping his maw over as much of the fox cock that he could take in.

Once again....Foxdayle felt his tail hole split and gasped with his head tilted back as the Wolf cub again plunged a pair of soaked fingers into him...

" are such an expert at this." Foxdayle said softly as he petted his younger lover's head tuft as Alex rolled his tongue over the sweet vulpine lollipop.

"Slurp".....Alex pulled off and gently masturbated the dick...."Yeah....I guess you could say that I have a PHD..."giggles"

Alex slowed his finger banging of Foxdayle...." has been a while huh? You're super tight."

Foxdayle smiled as he rubbed Alex's chin...."You want to nail me?"

"Well.....I wanted to take you for a spin." Alex replied as he slowly felt over the length of Foxdayle's shaft.

"Plenty of time for that." Foxdayle replied. "You deserve to be a top for once. If you....want to treat me like trash, that would be hot."

Alex doe'd his eyes...."I....can't do that to so pretty a fox.....but.....turn that hot ass up you little bitch."

"Don't mind if I do." Foxdayle replied softly. He turned himself over once again, placing his hands on the bed board and stretched himself wide over the mattress, putting his thick tail up to show off his snapping anal pussy....

"Please don't hurt me too bad you big bad mangy fucken wolf?" Foxdayle sighed.

Alex snatched up a tube of KY gel and dabbed a little over his stiff prick..."Mmm.. can I knot you Foxy?"

Foxdayle coo'd back...."You can do whatever you want."

Alex looked down at his cock as he gently stroked it...."Compared to Will?....My cock is so underwhelming...."

"Are you going to sob story or rape my fucken tail hole?" Foxdayle yapped.

Alex gribbed Foxdayle's hips and slammed home his cock and knot in one hard thrust that made the creamy fox scream and pull away!......

Alex stayed tied, his hands locked firm on Foxdayle to keep himself from getting hurt...."Was that too hard?!" Alex worried....

"Shit....." Foxdayle moaned...." has been a while..."

"You're not faking to make me feel better about my size are you?" Alex asked as he cocked his head.

"No!" Foxdayle yepped. "No.....your fucken knot really hurt....I forgot to tell you....I've never been knotted before....."

Alex slowly bent himself over Foxdayle's back and reached around to rub his sweet fox dick...."Mmmm....mime sorry......" Alex said softly as he kissed his love's back and gently thrusted into him..."Are you ok? Because.....I think I'm locked up tight."

"Yeah....." Foxdayle replied......" hole's fucken screaming."

"So I'm not underwhelming after all." Alex remarked smiling.

Foxdayle slowly stretched himself out...."Fucken got me knotted up fucken good....sigh......ouch!"

Alex coo'd softly...."It feels fucken great to're my first anal foxy.... I'm very happy."

"I'm happy we met." Foxdayle replied as he pushed himself snuggle tight against his little lover....."Now fucken rape me you mange ridden canine fuck."

Alex play slapped Foxdayle off the head..."Shut up cunt! All you foxes are good for is dick cushions!" Alex snatched a hand load of Foxdayle's head tuft and jerked hard!

"Better shut that trap of yours fox or I might fuck you with a thick broom handle!" Alex thrusted hard and made Foxdayle's body jerk...

"OUCH!.....Don't get too rough?" Foxdayle begged. "That knot does really hurt...."

"I wanna try to hold my cum back as long as I can." Alex said as he licked his maw...."I wanna fuck your sweet fox pussy all night."

Foxdayle lifted his head and coo'd...."Make me scream pleasure all night my dear Wolf cub....I'm all yours to breed...."

9pm Day 3 Nicky and Chesher's room

Chesher stood with his arms wrapped around him as Nicky took off his jacket and gave his love a questioning face...

"Don't tell me you're afraid to strip?" Nicky asked.

"Well?....What do you want?" Chesher replied. "I dunno...maybe it fucks the hormones too? I suddenly feel like getting naked is just so.....ugh....I hate this!"

"Chilly? I'm fucken gay remember? Oh gawd, you're in heat...I'm a cat silly! What am I gonna do, throw you on the bed and savage your pussy?"

Chesher snickered. "I was sort of hoping for it?"

"Ugh...." Nicky snorted as he walked up and snatched Chesher's shirt..."Strip you silly dog!"

Chesher fought a little as Nicky pulled his shirt off and threw it on the floor! "Wait Nicky! Damn it!"

"I was just trying to help you Chilly?" Nicky worried...."Oh man....I sorry......."

Chesher ripped his own pants off and threw his balled underwear to the floor. "There! Are you happy now you persistant pussy!"

Nicky gasped as he looked upon his naked lover...."Oh my gawd.... Chilly? You're fucken hot!....I mean....for like a 16 year old girl dog."

Chesher looked himself over...."I am so unproportioned it's sick."

"Are you fucken kidding me?" Nicky yelped. "You....are gorgeous!"

"What.....the.....fuck is WRONG with you Nicky!?" Chesher yelped. "Can't you see I'm unhappy? Can't you hear my suffering? I hate being a girl....I hate it..." Chesher cried as Nicky hugged him...

"Chilly?.....I'm sorry.....I'm so sorry....this won't last long, I promise..." Nicky said.....until Chesher looked at a mirror...

"Huh?" Chesher said to himself...."Woe......woe......holy fuck Nick.....damn... Damn you are so fricken right dude..."

Nicky replied..."What?"

"Wow.....I am steller ain't I?" Chesher said as he model'd in the mirror. "Fuck, I cut a sweet hourglass for a 16 year old huh?"

Nicky cocked his head. "What are you getting at?"

Chesher turned around...."You think I could be a hot fucken lay for some rich dude?"

"Chill? You could be a fucken hawt lay for any dude." Nicky snickered. "What are you thinking?"

"Hustle." Chesher replied.

"Hustle?" Nicky asked with a cocked face.

"Mmmm...mmmm.....hustle." Chesher snickered. "Provided that Simon is on the path to finding a fix."

Nicky sat on the bed..."Please tell me you are not serious and that your brain has melted?"

"I'm not just Chilly on the ice." Chesher said with a snicker. "What if I was...oh.....just so lucky as to meet a rich guy who just happens to be a pedophile who bangs me up and to keep me quiet he pays tons of cash but by some terrible fluke the secret gets out but the girl at the center of the whole mess....vanishes without a trace?"

Nicky snorted..."I'd say you lost your damned mind and you're super fricken evil, that's what I'd say."

"Oh gawd Nicky! It's not like we never pulled a scam before dude. Like the one in Portland to get money so we'd make the international meet in Insbrook last year? Come on dude...this is perfect! And who would guess otherwise right? Evidence gone "poof"...we could seriously bank!"

Nicky gasped as he rubbed his head. "We could also seriously fuck up too. Ugh! I don't know how I let you drag me into these quick schemes of yours dude!"

Chesher snickered...."I knew I'd entice you. By the way? I'm really hot right now and could use some expert pussy relief if you get my drift?"

Nicky snorted. "I'm not licking snatch dude. I'd rather suffer piss poor salmon patte from Purina before putting my tongue to your freaking doing you as a chick? Fucken space weird."

9pm Day 3 The Party House

Will took Asra out on the now crowded dance floor and gazed deeply into her lovely eyes as they slowly went around the floor...

"I come back to the thing you are.....all my instincts.....they return.....and the grand soon will burn....without a noise.....without my pride....I'll reach out from the your eyes.....I am complete....." Will sang softly to his love as she rubbed her head on his chest...

"You have such a sweet voice Will.....sigh...." Asra said as she smiled contently.

"Among my many diverse talents." Will replied. "Do you want to leave yet?"

"Mmmmm....what do you think?" Asra replied doe'ing her eyes.

"You? Want another drink." Will said as he hugged her close. "A White Russian I think."

Asra shook her head..."A sexy navel."

Will licked his maw slowly...."Want me to satisfy your sexy navel?"

Asra slapped him in the chest. "Don't be so needy?"

Will led her back to their table. "I didn't think I was being obviously needy." He said as he waved to Timon and Pumba who came trotting over....

"What's yer pleasure?" Pumba asked.

"A Sexy Navel for her and a strait Bailey's and Cream for me." Will replied. "Been a while Pumba?"

"Yup. Long time from being a traffic cone." Pumba said as he sat down and waved a leg around. "I actually went to Africa to chase some of my family around, like my old Uncle Bomb-bo."

"Nuclear flatulence huh?" Will asked.

"No....Diamond sniffer." Pumba replied. "You know how pigs can sniff out Truffles right? Well Uncle Bomb-bo sniffs out diamonds from some prospector out of Kigaili. Super loaded pig."

Timon chimed in..."Get this....this guy? He doesn't dig a water hole....he digs a triple olympic sized water hole with concrete liners,a huge jalousie, an alligator sauna and massage therapy is the most bizarre set up on the whole Serengeti. The lions can't figure out if they should hunt or partake in volleyball. You know what's going to cause mass extinction in Africa? Sun spot cancer."

Will and Asra chuckled as Will pulled out a ten dollar bill and gave it to Timon. "That's for you guys and please don't fight over it?"

Timon and Pumba went to get the drinks as Asra rubbed Will's hand. "So? Mister Gear you make money off your skills?"

"Do you? Miss Gear Head?" Will replied.

Asra smiled..."Would you ever consider....a partnership?"

"Are you? Proposing to me?" Will asked.

"No silly." Asra said waving a hand. "I'm just saying we should join up and open our own shop together. I'm not really for "that kind" of commitment...yet looks promising....don't you think?"

Will smiled at Asra and gently kissed her cheek..."I'd say the chances are fairly over 70 percent."

Meanwhile....Simon was sitting in a small room behind the house bar writing in a large note book and looking at the bottles Saulter had placed before him on a table...

"And these are all you used? You better be accurate." Simon warned.

"Serious dude. I swear...I swear they're the right bottles. I wrote everything down, I have excellent memory skills." Saulter replied worried as he sat down. "Simon? Please tell me you can fix my screw up? Oh gawd...I didn't mean for anyone to be hurt by this dude....I didn't...."

"Then you need to stop crying like a girl." Simon replied. "Very upsetting behavior. That can lead to more mistakes."

Saulter lowered his head. "I hurt Casey...she's such a sweet girl."

"You certainly did her no favors." Simon replied. "Horses were not designed for anal intercourse and she was hurt pretty bad by it. I had to apply a salve so she could be spared the pain and believe me? That was not pleasant."

"Then I should have done it!" Saulter cried. "I hurt her!"

"She? Would have shattered your skull with a good kick she was so pissed off." Simon replied. "Now enough of talking of unpleasant mental images please? We have to find out where you messed up on the potion.

9:15pm Day 3 Foxdayle and Asra's room

"Mmmmaaaaa.....hah.....hah.......mmmmm.....push it in all you can Alex?" Foxdayle cried softly as he arranged his body so Alex could stand behind him, grasping the moaning fox's hips as the Wolf cub thrusted his cock as snug fit as he could into Foxdayle's warm tail pussy...

"You're still tight...." Alex said as he petted and played with the fox's soft and bushy tail before gripping it and giving it a good yank up....

"YIPE! YIE.....YIE......" Foxdayle yelped and scratched at the blanket and pillows under him as the pain of his tail root being stretched made him screech.....

"I'm sorry...." Alex said as he let the bushy ploom go and gently petted it..."I'm sorry Foxy?"

"Why are you being sorry?" Foxdayle sighed as he moved his hips and rear to enjoy the feeling of his knotted and filled ass hole...."You're topping me... dominate and treat me like a whore if you'd like?" Foxdayle cringed as he slammed himself back hard enough to almost buck Alex off his feet. "Ah! Mmm... I love your Wolf knot!"

Alex softly rubbed over Foxdayle's ass...."I can't wait to feel your cock inside me Foxy...your knot is so sweet looking compared to mine."

Foxdayle smiled back. "I want to wreck your ass good....but right now? You need to stop talking and start slamming the shit out of me."

Alex playfully complied with some strong hip jerking thrusts..."I told you I want to make this last all night if I can."

Using his hips....Foxdayle rolled himself upright and sat atop Alex, "cowboy'ing" his knotted prick and kissing him over his face and maw as he felt the young cub's prick move inside his anal channel....

"Mmmmm.....huh....huh......slow down Alex.....fuck, you really feel wonderful." Foxdayle said as he closed his maw with his young lover's and their wet tongues danced around in an embrace of deepening gay passion.

"Gasp......" Alex replied as he pushed his hips harder...."Are you sure you like it? I got such a small dick."

Foxdayle sat soaking two of his fingers in spit...."It's your knot....I fucken love it...."

The creamy Fox reached back and down and jammed his wet fingers into Alex's unprepared tail hole!

"YIE! YIE! YIE! YIE!" Alex squealed and screeched from the abusive entry, his hands slapping and gripping hard against Foxdayle's arm as the fox restrained him against the mattress...."OW! FOXY!.....I wasn't ready!"

"Well.....kinda equal considering I wasn't ready for you to force your knot up my ass hole huh?" Foxdayle yipped back as he pushed his fingers to the root in Alex's well fucked little hole...

"I'm no doctor Alex? But your brother must have been fucking you well for years huh? Your tail holes loose enough for a second pussy." Foxdayle snickered evilly at the gasping Wolf cub...."I'm getting a serious bag of sloppy seconds with you. A bit disappointing."

Alex looked as if he'd been hit with a rock...."Foxy?"

"Kiss....Relax Alex....I'm not falling in love with you for your tail hole. You're actually quite lovely back there....I can't wait to cum in you and make you all mine. Better me than some other brute who might treat you like shit."

Alex thrusted against his lover's weight and pushed himself up onto his elbows. "Come on Foxy? Come up enough and lemme see if I can suck your dick while I fucken pound your sweet fox ass huh?" Alex slowly licked his toothly maw....."Mmmmm....give me your cock you fucken sweet fox. I wanna suck you dry!"

Foxdayle reached back with his arms and curled them behind Alex's legs, pulling his butt off the mattress and curling his body so the Fox's sweet 7 inch cock could slip into the whining cub's maw...

"Am I hurting you?" Foxdayle asked softly.

"Mmmfff...." Alex replied mouthing as he sucked the first few inches of sweet fox stick and flashed a thumb and a smile...."Mmmmm....slurp......slurp...This is a kinky position? Wonder if it's somewhere in Kink Bunny?"

"Sure..." Foxdayle sighed as he watched Alex roll his soaking wet tongue over the cock head. "It's called a faggot wolf pastry roll."

Alex giggled...."Then call me an easy bake oven surprise then."

"That makes no sense." Foxdayle yipped. "Stop talking and fuck me wolf cunt."

Alex snorted. "Kinda hard when I'm rolled up like a summer sausage fuck tard."

Foxdayle shoved his cock hard down Alex's throat and the cub yelped from his knot being painfully stretched!

"Ow! it you bitch!" Alex yipped.

"I like you being aggressive towards me Alex." Foxdayle replied smiling. "I get a charge out of it....honestly."

Alex pulled back from the fox cock and yipped loudly as Foxdayle increased his own humping..."Huh......huh......fuck....I gotta cum." The Wolf cob gasped as he jerked Foxdayle's prick fast until a stream of hot cum shot all over his face....

"Huh! Yeah......yeah......fuck yourself on my dick Foxy!" Alex cried as he ran his tongue around his soaked maw to lap up the rich texture of cum over his snoot...."Mmmwaaaa.....this is fucken hawt!" The excited cub yelped and growled as he felt his balls tingle and his cum shoot deep inside his Fox lover's ass hole.

Foxdayle fell forwards, catching himself above Alex's cum covered face and smiled at his young canine love....

"Wow....." Foxdayle gasped. "Been a while since I shot a nice load like that."

"Mmmmmm." Alex replied smiling. "Fucken sweet foxy fire engine."

Once again their maws met in passionate love as they remained locked together by Alex's engorged cock knot.

"Gonna take a while for your knot to shrink Alex." Foxdayle said softly.

Alex looked at the clock on the dresser and sighed. "Think your sister would be upset if she found us in bed spooning?"

"Not if we're covered up?" Foxdayle replied.

Alex looked a little upset...."I wanted you to fuck me tonight." He said frowning.

"We have all the time for that." Foxdayle replied as he gently stroked his love's face. "Don't be in such a hurry for it? I want you're first time taking me to be very special for both of us."

Alex sighed. "If that's what you wish. I can't honestly argue with you because you're just so wonderful Foxy."

"And you too Alex." Foxdayle replied as he rotated on Alex's knot and lay on his side with Alex hugging his back.

9:15pm Day 3 The Party House

Brianna came back to Casey and Apple Jack's table again after making rounds through the room...

"Would you like to dance?" She asked Casey.

"Me?" Casey replied startled.

"I'm not asking anyone else. Besides your friend here already turned me down." The Mare said. "You're new here aren't you?"

Uh....yeah....yeah.....I just got hired at a sleigh pulling company and this is the first time I decided to check this place out." Casey replied. "So....what's your name?"

"Brianna. But most call me "breezy" and you?" Brianna asked as she took a seat.

"I'm.....Chase Steeple." Casey replied, which got a chuckle snort from Apple Jack. "Hey! I could find ways to make fun of your name too buddy!"

"Chase Steeple sounds exciting." Brianna said. "Come with me?"

Apple Jack swung a hand around. "Oh get going man, enjoy yourself. Chase is a virgin."

"I'll virgin you if you don't watch your lips." Casey snorted at Apple Jack as Brianna pull her out onto the dance floor.

"Would you be shocked to learn I pull lumber?" Brianna said as she hugged Casey.

"Really?" Casey replied. "Such a cute thing as you pulls lumber?"

"Hmph.....runs in my family. Like father, like daughter. Guess that's why I don't get too many boyfriends and acquaintances. It is so "unbecoming" of a lady fair to do such atrocious labor. You must be a "dike stallion" isn't that so cruel and stereotypical of our breed?"

"No kidding." Casey replied. "Why my sister's a waitress and I don't ever hear the end of all the horror stories about stupid stallions and their cat calls and their loose hands. I actually beat the heck out of two of em for daring to try and kiss my sister's butt! Would you believe the nerve?!"

"You are a good brother." Brianna replied. "I, on the other hand, come from a family of all mares and you know what that's like. You do anything to support the family, feminism be damned. Do you think I look good in work coveralls?"

Casey cocked her head...."Like it should matter what you dress in. It's how you act that defines you. I already like you Brianna, you got a plain sense of decency."

"And you got some great smarts." Brianna took hold of Casey's hands, much to her own worry, and put them on her hips. "So let's hear more about Chase Steeple?"

Casey was already panicking in her mind. " stupid moron, what are you doing?! Are you kidding me? Did this mess up my hormones too? Do I try to break this off? Do I tell her? Do I run? Ugh.....SALTY!"

Brianna cocked her head...."Salty?"

"Huh? last drink! Way.....way to much salt in my Prairie Margarita...tasted like sea water....yuk.....yuk....." Casey replied.

"Oh....way to go moron." Casey thought to her self. "I'm so messed up, I don't know which way is which!"

"Would you like to dance?" Brianna asked Casey.

"Sure." Casey replied. "I have got to figure a way out of this mess! Grrr... stupid male hormones!" 9:35pm Day 3 The Party House

Will stood up and grabbed his jacket..."How about we.....go for a walk?"

"We're leaving?" Asra asked.

"No." Will replied. "I think I about we go for a walk?"

Will helped Asra with her coat and slowly walked with her out of the house and down the snow covered trail back towards the hotel...

He gently nuzzled her neck..." you want to play "Predator and Prey"?

"I thought it made you upset?" She replied softly. "Don't force yourself with it just to please me William?"

"Sniff.....sniff.....You're just so hot, I can't help but feel the urge...doesn't mean I have to chase you down like a rabid beast you know? But I can make it a little exciting for you."

Will led Asra off the trail and into the woods far enough to be hidden from prying eyes where he backed Asra up to a tree and kiss nuzzled around her neck and chin....

"Mmmmm....Asra, you are so perfect." Will said softly as he slowly pulled her jacket off and played with her sweater...

"Giggles.....Take your time now Will....don't rush into it." Asra replied as she played with Will's head tuft then slowly wrapped her maw over his and enjoyed the intrusion of his warm tongue to her throat...

The two furs were locked in heat, pulling and forcing themselves upon each others clothes, Asra giving small grows of pleasure as she tore Will's underwear apart with her teeth and tossed them over her shoulder with a smirk...

"Damn girl! Leave me something to wear going back? Will yelped as he showed off his snow pants with little tears in them....

"Oops......sorry." Asra said with a small wave before Will tackled her onto her back and held her down in the snow...."So what next?" Will asked softly. "Do you want to run from the big bad wolf? Should I do this "playfully" or do you want to be scared into pissing yourself?"

Asra touched Will's nose with a paw..."Do what you want as long as you don't scare yourself. I'm just a dainty little girl fox on a romp through the forest who just unfortunately is in heat when a big....strong.... Angry wolf appears."

Asra took a hand full of snow and smacked Will in the face before escaping frim his grasp and bounding through the thick snow in her four legged form..... "Help me! Please! A wolf is after me! Help!"

Will rolled onto his butt and snickered...."You're not getting away from me FOX!" And he scrambled quickly into a bounding run!

9:35pm Day 3 Asra and Foxdayle's room

Alex pulled back from Foxdayle's rear and felt his knot pop from the creamy tail hole...."I'm came like a gallon." Alex said as he lay on his back massaging his genitals..."Did you really enjoy it Foxy?" Alex asked as his lover sat up.

"Yes.....I did." Foxdayle replied as he rubbed Alex's leg and bent down to kiss his maw..."You were sweet and wonderful."

Alex reached out with his hands and wrapped them over Foxdayle's shoulders..."You probably want to shower or somethin huh? Last thing I'd want my sister to smell is musk, cum and sweat. I don't care.....obviously."

Foxdayle stood up and walked around as Alex rolled onto his stomach. "You hungry? I got serious after sex hunger. I'll warm up some pizza slices for us?"

"That would be nice." Foxdayle replied as he walked to the bathroom and stood taking a piss while Alex pulled some pizza slices out of the delivery box. "So tell me? Do you like Kemper? I him from a gay view?"

"Well he's not gay so I don't objectify him." Foxdayle yelped. "I did once and got my tail chewed up."

"I just had to ask because he's really hawt." Alex snickered as he popped the pizza slices into the microwave. "I mean he wears a silver cock and ball ring, isn't that like "flying high fag" symbology?"

Foxdayle came out of the bathroom. "Not exactly. Kemper wears a ton of bling but that doesn't mean he's any bit me Alex, don't push the issue with him; he will get pissed and he'll slug you even if Will was with you."

"Still doesn't tell me I can't think he's hot." Alex said as he pulled the pizza slices from the microwave and nibbled on one. "Still....he's going to get his butt handed to him tomorrow." Alex said as he looked at Foxdayle. "You're not upset that I'm talking like this are you?

Foxdayle thumped Alex on his head. "No....just as long as you talk and don't touch. And don't be so cocky. First rule in Biathlon is never degrade your opponent. Watch your tongue tomorrow?"

Alex flopped onto the bed and switched on the television. "You wanna watch a movie till we fall asleep?"

"Yeah.....find something nice we can snuggle too? I'd even share this Bailey's and cream liquor with you if you feel like breaking a rule or two?"

Alex smiled softly..."Yeah....lemme have some?"

9:50pm Day 3 Deep in the woods

Asra had seen him and the image caused her to both gasp in horror yet feel a hot tingle of delight at how menacing Will looked. She bounded into a clearing and sat on her hind legs pretending to be gripped with terror, her forelegs tucked tightly to her breasts and her head low with ears down casted as she heard his deep growls and snarls....

"Where are you little.....FOX?!"

Asra gasped and cringed low to the snow....

"No one can save came to the wrong neck of the woods my dear and there is no escape for you...."

Asra saw him enter the clearing in all his teeth brandishing, luminous filled wide eyed showing, bristle fur coated terror....

"My my...." Will snarled. "You are truly a beautiful dish made special for my pleasure...." He approached her licking his chops, his body massive and dangerous, his eyes slit and set for murder....

He charged before she could even move! One swift motion he had her in his jaws, her body pressed against a tree....

And Will felt the warm flow of her urine as Asra hung with her legs open and relieved herself on his chest. A sound of pleasure escaped Asra's lips as he allowed her to slip down upon the snow....

"I asked for that didn't I?" Will said as he cringed at his urine soaked breast... "Eeeeeewwww...."

Asra was beside herself, hugging herself and gasping...."Oh my.....oh my that was the best experience of my life! You! You were truly terrifying! Why are you not acting?!"

"Gee...I thought I was pulling most of it." Will said as he sat back on his butt and wiped his piss coated chest with snow. "You soaked me!"

Asra yelped back. "I couldn't help myself! You were great! I swear your voice was causing me to orgasm it was soooooooo hawt."

"Oh really my little riding fox?" Will replied with his deep voice. "I should throw away all manors and eat you whole!"

Will tackled Asra into the snow and made her giggle as his snoot wiped over every inch of her soft body. He stopped to give her pussy a quick slow lick before he stood over her grinning....

"You trying to tell me something Asra?" Will asked softly. "You want me to be a big bad wolf and chase you all night?"

Asra replied softly. "You are my big bad wolf....and I want you to "take me" all night long." She reached upwards and pulled Will's big head towards her so she could feast over his lips and tongue....

"It's up to you if you want to be gentle with me or not." Asra said. "Since you're the dominant predator here."

Will stood up on his hind legs..."Then you better start running little fox because this big bad wolf is going to.....EAT YOU!"

Asra bolted as best she could through the snow with Will right on her tail snapping his teeth at it as it waved around in the air...."Snap! Snap! Snap!" "You little vixen! Come here and be devoured! Save yourself the torture of a slow death!"

Will leaped and caught Asra around her waist, rolled through the snow with her and held her on his chest as he tickled her...."Laughter"...."Die of fright filled laughter my beautiful cream colored fox!"

Asra rolled onto her stomach and rubbed herself over Will's engorged Wolf cock....

"Oh William.....I love you. I loved you the first time I looked at you...mmmm." She said tenderly as she rubbed over him with her body...

"Best pick up line in history." Will replied softly. "I can't believe you've never had a boyfriend at all."

Asra sat up on Will's chest. "I don't look sexy covered in motor fluids, dirty coveralls and tools hanging from my pocket. I've been mistaken on two occasions in Portland as a Lezbo-vixen. I did tell you I had experimented didn't I?"

"You're too gorgeous to be butch." Will replied. He licked his maw and doe'd his eyes...."Let me eat you out?"

Asra looked back at Will with hot desire and slowly moved herself forward until she was brushing her wet pussy over Will's nose...."You like what you smell?" She said smiling softly.

The wolf teen slapped his hands on the female fox's thin waist and held her still as he slowly made a single lick over the fold's of her pink snatch..."I like what I smell and taste.." Will said as he began to tease and dance the tip of his canine mouth muscle over Asra's loving folds...

Asra shivered with pleasure as she reached out and slowly clawed over a birch tree Will was resting himself against...."Gasp! Wilhelm..." She cried as she pushed her cunt up against Will's snoot...."Jah....fuck me with your tongue William.....mmffff......"

Will explores her clitorus, suckling and lapping it gently as he feels her body shiver over him. For a brief moment there is thoughts of Alex...of taking his little brother in bed and feeling how he quivered over every moment of all fades away when Will pushes his tongue deep into Asra's soaking wet pussy and hears her high pitched feminine yelping...

"Mine Got William! are so good at this....." Asra cried as Will pulled his tongue out and rubbed his hand over her dripping cunt...

"I'm pretty experienced." Will said softly. "You're just so perfect a vixen Asra."

Will kissed her slit and rubbed a finger over her clit as he gazed up at her wanting eyes and the look of need on her face..."Mmmwwwaaa....William? Chase me down and mount me?"

"Now let's not get too crazy." Will replied.

"No!" Asra begged. "I want you to chase me and despoil me! I wanna feel helpless and you my Willhelm.....please?"

Will sat himself up against the birch tree...."I wanted a nice warm setting for us to make love..."

Asra gripped Will's cheeks and pulled hard...."I want you now! I want you to make me yours....oh I so want to be raped by you..."

"Wow?" Will gasped. "Is this like a Nordic Viking fantasy or what?"

Asra jumped off of Will and hopped around on her four legs...."Come on William! Do you desire me or not?! I'm not going to give myself so easily! Not to a flea ridden mangy wolf!"

"Mangy?" Will smirked as Asra started to run off again. "Ok? If you want rough sex? I'm all gain." The wolf teen said as he got to his four paws and bolted after the springy vixen! "There's not one to help you out here you little Vulpine princess! I will make you mine!"


Day 3

Lightening Rock, Oregon General Hospital

Bambi shook his head again as Judy leaned on the bedside..."Bambi?" Judy said as she patted the deer's leg. "Assault and sexual violence is a pretty hefty charge. I know you have feelings for your sister and maybe some for your friend but he had no right to assault you like he did. If you say "no" to a charge? You'll open yourself up for a world of worse hurt...don't left him get away with this."

Bambi shook his head again..."I won't put up a charge."

Nick was floored...."Buddy? He doesn't give a damn about you. If he had one caring bone in his body, he wouldn't....."

Judy patted Nick on the chest. "He's made his choice Nick. We're done."

Nick gave Judy a little scowl and followed her out of the room. "I just don't understand some mammals Carrots, I mean....that buck's going to have problems for the rest of his life because of this supposed "friend" of his."

Judy stopped walking. "One of our problems though had to do with you being a fox in the room. I think Bambi is acting out on loyalty because a fox got involved with his sister and in deer circles, wounds of pride usually brings everyone and their mother down on a vendetta."

" because little sister became a big slut and decided to stuff her cunt with fox cock, we'll blame the fox huh? The proverbial "Fox in the hen house." excuse to not hold miss steaming in Pheramone accountable for being a cross breed chasing little slut." Nick snapped.

Judy got in front of him. "Let me warn you Nick Wilde. If you want to keep calling us females "cunts, whores, tramps and sluts." then perhaps you should go look for another apartment?"

Judy stomped off with Nick chasing her. "Judy?! Judy! Damn it will you stop?!'

Nick stopped Judy by holding her shoulders. "Judy?.....please? You don't agree with being personally responsible for one's actions?"

Judy frowned. "You know I agree....I disagree on your blunt terminology. I sleep with you I a fucken little crossbreeding whore?"

Nick cringed. "Judy for gawd sakes...."

"Am I....a....fucken...dirty...crossbreeding......whore to you Nick Wilde?!" Judy snapped as she got in Nick's chest and pushed him. "Am I a fucken whore to you?"

Nick started to fluster as Judy stood thumping her foot. "Just.....get in the fucken car Nick and be quiet till we get back to the station."

10pm Day 3 Asra and Foxdayle's room

"Sssssssss......we need to get to sleep.....mmmm......" Foxdayle shivered as he streched his legs wide apart and curled his toes as he bit softly onto a finger and watched the wolf cub slowly suck and go up and down the length of the young fox's cock...

"I need to be satisfied." Alex replied as he danced his tongue over the tip of the shaft and then plunged it into his mouth as far as could take it and sucked hard to enclose his maw around it. He slowly came up and suckled over the tip for a moment...

"Come on Foxy? I want you to rip up my tail hole with this big fucken beast." Alex begged. Foxdayle sat up and cupped his hands over Alex's cheeks...

"I said no." Foxdayle yipped. "We have plenty of time for that, it's time for bed."

"You're a bitch." Alex snapped as he pouted.

"So just because I want to wait a little, I'm suddenly a bitch?" Foxdayle snorted. "Well aren't you being a selfish little cunt?"

Alex hard slapped Foxdayle's erect cock causing the fox to yip and double over....

"Oh shit!" Alex panic'd. "I'm sorry a little to dramatic there huh?"

Foxdayle smiled as he pushed a finger into Alex's face. "Just for that? You better finish sucking me off and make it feel good and you better not spill a drop of cum from your lips when I fill you up."

"And if I say no?" Alex said crossing his arms.

Foxdayle rolled over the side of the bed and brought up a small bull whip in his hand..."I know how to handle disobedient little cusses like you Wolf."

The fox teen sat and spread his legs wide open...."Get to sucking you little wolf bitch."

Foxdayle cracked the bull whip and smiled devilishly. "Remember kid....don't spill a single drop of cum or I'll use this on your butt without mercy."

Alex giggled and then laughed, soon getting Foxdayle equally in enjoyment. Alex flipped his butt around in Foxdayle's face and waved his Teddy Ruxpin training pampers and tail around....

"Oh make my bad butt bright red my foxy master!" Alex yelped. Foxdayle reached out, took Alex in his arms and pulled him tightly to his chest....

"I can't abuse my cute little canine?" Foxdayle said softly as he gave Alex's nose a wiggle then warmly kissed him..."Let's just go to bed ok? We have a tough day in the morning."

Alex nodded and snuggled his head against Foxdayle's chest as the fox teen turned off the room lights.

10:10pm Day 3 Deep in the woods

Asra found a small cave and darted into it out of breath, turning her tail to the back wall and rubbing her moist behind over it as she heard the menacing snarling and growl noises outside...

"Where are like fox bitch." Will snarled as he showed himself around the corner of the cave, his tongue lolling out of his maw...

"Oh.....there you are....." Will said under a growl......."There is no escape for you now....I smell your sweet scent and I mean to rip your little body apart raping the shit our of you before I sink my teeth into your little neck!"

Will growled more hungrily.....then fell onto his back laughing and giggling... "Oh my gawd....that was so melodrama out of a rated B horror film!"

Asra stomped up and kicked him in the back leg. "Why did you stop!"

"I told you..." Will replied. "I couldn't abuse you to save my life....really Asra, I am not into the whole..."Ravage Broomhildah Ride of the Valkyrie's stick."

Asra reached down slowly and wrapped a hand around Will's thick cock. "This says were awesome Willhelm! Every part of me was shivering with desire!"

"I'm a bore when it comes to kinky sex." Will snorted back. He suddenly panic'd as Asra climbed on top of him and spread her back legs wide out over his throbbing wolf meat...

"Wait! Stop!" Will yelped.

"What?" Asra replied. "Don't you want me?"

"Sheesh you silly vixen...size difference here? You just can't "Slam home" on me."

Asra giggled..."What's that? One of your father's nautical terms? By all means Will....load my breach with your hot shell."

"Pfffft.....(laughter).....You have wonderful bed sex grammar Asra." Will giggle yelped.

"Oh fuck you, you stupid wolf." Asra replied.

Will gently pushed Asra back as he sat up. He opened his maw and allowed a thick gob of spittle to flow from his tongue and coat over his hard cock...

" we're nice and ready." Will said as he flopped back down on the floor of the cave. "Enjoy yourself girl."

"It really is big." Asra said timidly as she once again got over Will's body on all fours with her hind legs stretched out as she took hold of his canine cock. She took a long moment just to rub the tip to the very edge of her soft cunt lips...

"Oh sweet wolf....." Asra said softly as she poised herself and began to work the bulbous dick into her tight vixen snatch.

"Mmmm....easy now...." Will said as he fought the urge to just plow up into Asra's moist cunt as she slowly moved her hips to fill herself with his hot cock...

"Mmmm!.....mein got! Mein.......mein......" Asra curled her head to her brests to watch the large wolf cock split her wide...

Will grabbed Asra's shoulders..."That's enough!.....that's're gonna tear yourself on it...."

Asra gasped and coo'd as she looked into Will's worried face. "It is my life William......Mmmmmmm....fuck my pussy....."

Will bucked his hips upwards with a good thrust and Asra yelped painfully and dug her claws into his chest...."OW!"

"Gasp!" Will stopped and shook his hands..."Asra? I'm way too big for you."

Asra pulled herself up to the tip of the lupine shaft and pushed herself back down on it...taking a good half of the thick six inch meat into her cunt...

"That's......good......enough....." She cried softly. " pussy is so filled with you my love...."

Asra sat up on Will's lap and gyrated herself slowly on his fuck meat. "Huh.... wonderful wolf...."

Will gasped and arched himself as he felt Asra's muscles wrapping her clunt tight around half his prick. The urge to just pound her without mercy surged through him as the passion of his wolf urges threatened to take over. He rolled her onto her back and carefully thrusted into her as the fox screamed and cried under his powerful canine thrusts...

"Gnah.....FUCK!" Will yelped as he felt her split and stretch with every thrust. He looked down to see the mix of pleasure and fear in her face not knowing that his own face in the heat of sex was itself....terrifying.

Finally one hard thrust and he emptied his balls into her pleasure vault. Since he didn't knot her....Will pulled out and flopped onto his back as the Vixen lay spewing and shooting cum from her well fucked void.

They lay silent for a few moments until Will rolled onto his side and with deep worry rubbed Asra's breasts.

"Asra?" Will asked as she lay with her eyes closed. He looked down to see the bloody discharge between her legs...

"Asra?!" The wolf teen panic's as he rolled on top of her. "Asra! Say something girl?! ASRA!"

Will held her by her shoulders as she started to slowly smile back at him...

"That.....was glorious." Asra said softly.

Will huffed. "Don't scare me! I thought I'd gone to far and tore you up? Don't do that to me again!"

Asra sat up and kissed him tenderly in the maw. "Shall we continue this back in your room?"

Will stood up and took Asra up in his arms. "Much better than this cave. I'm surprised my dick didn't freeze in you it's so cold right now."

"Sexy Popsicle....interesting." Asra said as she rubbed her hand over Will's chest as he carried her out.

End of part 12