Thirst of the Wolf - Part 1

Story by Leo_Todrius on SoFurry

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Thirst of the Wolf

(Part 1)

Written by Leo_Todrius and LandLurker

_______________________________________________Sex without protection is always dangerous, but when a young man tries out a glory hole in the bathroom of his high school, he gets more than he bargained for. As new urges start taking root, he can only wonder what happened... and what changes might come his way.

Thirst of the Wolf (Part 1) Written by Leo_Todrius and LandLurker

There had always been stories of glory holes, stories that teens told each other to sound mature, tough, more grown than they really were... but the stories hadn't been real until a little after Halloween. The first glory hole had appeared in the gym bathroom, but then another had showed up in the sciences wing, then the history wing. Now every boy's bathroom had one, hidden behind the toilet paper dispensers carefully modified to swing out of place. It still had that charge, that thrill, that pang that it shouldn't be there, that it was out of place, that it was forbidden. Maybe that was what made it that much more exciting.

"Go on, do it." A voice beckoned from the other stall. Evan stared at the arrow drawn towards the dispenser on the wall. He hesitated, but everyone always said it was better than you'd expect. Slipping a finger behind it, he pulled the plastic holder out on its hinge, revealing a nicely-sized hole, the edges painstakingly rounded and softened..

He thought about looking through it, but a part of him wanted that mystery. It was the whole point! Evan knew it was a guy, he didn't want to make things awkward by putting a face to the person about to blow him.

"O-okay." He replied, turning to slip his cock through the opening. Before he had even slid through all the way, he felt lips closing on his shaft, followed by a sensual, slow suckling from the unknown partner. Evan huffed, smirking and placing a hand on the stall. "Fuck, you're really going at it..."

Obviously, there was no response, just an increase in how hard they were sucking until Evan was practically pressed against the stall by his hips. As if by instinct he started to gently gyrate, sliding back and forth. This only encouraged his partner to bob his head back and forth, to suck harder.

It took mere moments for Evan to feel a slick, effortless heat as precum was slurped right out of him, and then moments more before he shuddered and busted a full as he was worked on. For a second, he thought he had came too fast and it was over, but after a single gulp from his new friend, it only started back up again. It was the most exhilarating feeling he'd ever experienced.

Evan's toes curled, both hands grabbing onto the top of the stall for support as his legs were getting weak. He threw his head back, feeling a second forced orgasm rush through him and into the hungry mouth working him. He knew he could pull out, but it was only feeling better the longer it went. "J-jeez, you a pro or something? Y-you can stop already! Please!"

After gasping out the words, Evan was soon too overwhelmed to speak further, his sack pulling up against his body as it let forth nut after nut. His eyes rolled into the back of his head, his heart fluttered, his entire lower body throbbed. It was as if the world was spinning around him, the pleasure so good that he felt like he might black out. Finally, he shook with pleasure but gave nothing in return. A dry orgasm, Evan was completely tapped out, even as his partner tried harder to get yet another cumshot.

The feeling of having a fully spent cock sucked so eagerly was mind numbing, but eventually the other realized there was no more bounty to come. As they finally pulled away, the cum-drained student flopped backwards into the opposite stall, the partition wobbling. The sound of the bathroom door slamming let Evan know that, even if he could muster the strength to stand, whoever it was had quickly left him alone... and he would most certainly need time to recover.

**** The air had a bitter chill to it for so early in the fall. Car exhaust was visible, spilling out of the many cars lined up as parents, guardians, or in this case a sibling waited to pick up students from school. The black camaro with the twin white stripes down the hood was easily one of the nicest cars waiting at the school. It was Theo's pride and joy. It had also been one of the factors in his gap year before college, but it was worth it. When he finally went, he'd be arriving in style. For now, though, he had to be content with certain errands like picking up his little brother.

Theo sat in the driver's seat, looking at his reflection. His short brown hair had grown out a bit shaggy, he had a neatly kept jaw strap beard though he was trying to get his mustache to come in. His frame was a little built, though not as much as he'd like. He rested his right arm over the passenger side seat, leaning forward to peer out at all the teenagers spilling out of the high school.

"Come on, where are you kid..." Theo murmured. The passenger-side door opened right after Theo spoke, Evan taking a seat next to his older brother with an exasperated sigh.

"Sorry, sorry. Had to make a, uh, quick stop at the bathroom." He shifted nervously, shutting the door and grabbing his seatbelt. Chucking his backpack onto the backseat, Evan's stomach rumbled fiercely. "Ugh, freaking starving now, too..."

"I'll pick something up on the way home." Theo said, checking his mirror, turning the signal on before he merged into traffic, "How was your day?" he asked, glancing at his little brother. Shaking his head, the younger sibling stayed quiet for a minute before responding.

"I-it was fine, just another boring day." The thought of food had crossed Evan's mind, but he wasn't in the mood for... anything he could think of. Just a slowly-building curiosity regarding the experience he had on a whim at the end of his day. Why would someone want to suck a random cock like that? Was it just as exciting for the other side? "Hey, Theo, weird question, but do you have those stupid rumors at college too? The ones about glory holes in the bathrooms that people always brag about?"

"Uh..." Theo chuckled nervously before nodding, "Not rumors exactly. I've seen one or two around. Why?" Theo asked, giving his brother side eye once more.

"Just wondering. Since guys kept talking about them over here, y'know? Guess I just, uh, was curious if they were a thing outside of high school."

"Yeah, I guess. I mean, they're out there." Theo said, not sure what else to say. He reached over and turned on the radio, turning the music up, the bass of the car's sound system thumping through both brothers as they headed off into the afternoon light.

**** Evan groaned loudly, opening the fridge for the fourth time before shutting it yet again. He was famished. He felt unbelievable empty and drained. It was getting worse every hour, the craving for something salty and thick. Like if it was the only thing that could possibly sate his sudden appetite. Not to mention how used his cock still felt, soft and trapped in a permanent refractory period, sucked completely dry. He idly wondered just how much he jizzed back in that stall, more than enough for a mouthful.

There had been times in the past where he contemplated tasting his own cum after an orgasm, horny enough to bring the thought to his mind but never enough to go through with it. But why did he want it so bad? Evan shook his head with a sigh, the hunger must be making him delirious. On the counter was a cheeseburger that Theo bought on the way home. Only a single bite was taken out of it before Evan made the claim he wasn't hungry, when in reality it just... wasn't right. It wasn't what his body wanted.

The strange limbo of his hunger had led to a lot of frustrated pacing... back and forth, back and forth, up and down the hall from the kitchen, past the bathroom, toward the bedrooms and back again. Theo had retreated to his bedroom for some private time after dinner, and then he had finally excused himself from the house to run errands. With the place to himself, it was even more frustrating, but as Evan neared the end of the hall for the umpteenth time, he smelled something... something amazing.

The scent was subtle at first, but as his body clued in on it, it seemed to grow stronger until it dominated his focus. It was musky, peaty, earthy, spicy. It had nuanced scents both scentilating and delicious, and it was coming from his brother's bedroom. Knowing that Theo was out, Evan didn't even try to act stealthy as he barged into his brother's room. Did he not finish his food? Why did it smell so good compared to what they had earlier? He walked around, searching his brother's desk, then drawers, before turning and sniffing.

Whiff by whiff, sniff by sniff, Evan's search brought him to Theo's closet of all places. It took practically no effort to slide the door to the side, revealing his brother's clothing, his stack of shoes, his open hamper... and the wet boxers thrown hastily on the top after their use had been fulfilled. The way they had fallen, the pearly cream as still visible covering the inside crotch of the undergarment.

Staring at them in minor confusion, Evan slowly reached down and wiped some of the fluid onto his finger. He gave it a closer sniff, then licked it up, eyes going wide as he took in the flavor of his brother. It was almost like he could taste the essence in it, immediately going to clean off the rest of the seed. As Evan obtained the last drops from the boxers, he blinked and looked for more, feeling his stomach finally happy with what he found... though it was far from enough.

"Come on..." He mumbled, searching in vain. The thought of what he was doing crossed his mind, making him wonder if semen was actually always so surprisingly delicious. As he laid the discarded underwear down, Evan thought back to the glory hole and how eager that unknown guy was to suck him off. It never smelled like this before, why would it suddenly start? But, if it had always tasted this delicious, it was no wonder people were eager to get it even at school.

**** Rumbles sounded from Evan's stomach as he entered the school for yet another day. After his small snack in his brother's room, no other food had seemed even remotely palatable. His tongue had nearly recoiled at the flavor of eggs, but his stomach was starving. The hunger had stretched into his limbs, making his arms and legs feel tired as he trudged in with the seething crowd of teenagers around him.

Despite his hunger and a bit of restless sleep, Evan had a bit of a flawless morning. His skin had cleared of all blemishes, his light brown hair had fallen effortlessly. If anything he seemed... perfect, radiating an aura of handsome likeability. A few of the other students had cast sideways glances, admiring just how good Evan looked - but none of it mattered, not with the hunger growing more pronounced by the second.

With a deep breath, he stared at the men's bathroom from yesterday. He knew what he needed now, but his morals were still queasy about the subject. Thinking back to what he experienced in Theo's room was all Evan needed to convince him to head in. Entering one of the stalls and sitting down, he waited. The toilet paper dispenser easily pivoted out like it did before, revealing the hole that was still blocked on the other side.

It felt like an eternity until someone came in, and then, sadly, left... then there was quiet, and again the door opened. There was a hesitation outside of the stall, then the next one opened. Again, silence. At first it felt like another missed opportunity... but the lack of bathroom sounds was actually a good sign. The dispenser on the other side fidgeted and then opened, light spilling through the hole like a beam of light.

Dropping to his knees, Evan salivated, watching the hole excitedly. There was some fidgeting, trying to decide if the person on the other side wanted to give or receive, but finally there was movement and a semi-hard, cinnamon colored cock emerged from the hole, sliding in a few good inches in front of Evan's face. It slowly swelled thicker and longer at the excitement of what was going on.

Evan leaned forward, opening his mouth. The head of the shaft pushed against his tongue before he closed down on the rest of it and started to do what felt natural. After a few passes of his tongue along the base, pre trickled in over his tongue. It was a taste of what he wanted, spurring him on to work harder as the guy on the other side moaned and cursed at how well Evan was blowing him.

It was almost instinctual, what he needed to do to feed himself, squeezing on the erect dick while suckling at the end. His spare hand went down to rub at his own shaft through his pants. There was a deep, satisfying energy about the process, an energy filling Evan's skin and muscles, going right down to his bones. He felt stronger with every suck, every slurp, that energy encouraging him more and more to bring this stranger over the edge.

As the first shot of cum filled Evan's mouth, he simply gulped it down and kept going, hungering for more of that sexual essence. His shirt tightened over slightly firmer muscle across his arms and chest, body subtly becoming more desirable and picturesque. Evan's partner cried out in pleasure as he came for a second time, the produce of said orgasm sucked down as quick as it appeared. The partner had never cum twice in a row and the partition between the stalls shuddered as his hands slammed against it in desperation... and to keep himself up.

But as Evan moaned in satisfaction, he also felt something else. He felt what he was doing to the person in the other stall, draining them so fiercely. Before going any further, Evan pulled back and licked his lips, watching through the hole as the exhausted man panted and stumbled onto the toilet to breathe. Evan was empowered by the seed he consumed, but it was apparent that it was more than just cum he was taking.

The other teen was Carlos, one of his classmates from economics. He'd been shy, always wearing black and white clothes, his hair perfectly maintained... at least until now. His hair was a mess, his skin a bit pale. His eyes were glazed with lust and exhaustion. He panted, holding onto the toilet bowl, feeling drained in all the right and all the wrong ways. He looked up slowly toward the hole, seeing only a tiny glimpse of the other side.

"Y... you... You're amazing." he whispered before he forced himself up to his feet, hastily packing himself away and stumbling out of the bathroom, disappearing back into the halls. Hearing Carlos leave, Evan sat and pondered if he had taken too much... And if that was what happened to him. He stood, then paused for a moment and sat back down with a sigh.

"O-one more..." He mumbled to himself. It didn't take long. There was a flustered opening of the door, trudging boots and then the hole opened again. In moments a cock so fat it barely fit through the hole appeared. This one was peachy in tone, though a stainless steel ring glistened on the tip. What high schooler had a prince albert? But at the same time, there it was, presented to Evan without hesitation.

Although he first thought the concept was silly, Evan was now endlessly thankful that the trend picked up at his school. He lapped at the ring, before guiding it deeper into his mouth. This time was even easier, having gotten practice on Carlos, and Evan wasted no time stroking and slurping at the tool presented to him. The spike from zero to a hundred made the newcomer gasp sharply, Evan could tell from how girthy their cock was, that he was in for a treat. As he worked on the cock, Evan occasionally nudged his tongue up to play with that curious Prince Albert.

To Evan's surprise, he was able to discern more just from the flow of energy this time... Rebel, trouble maker, tough guy... but secretly gay, redirecting that energy into negative spaces... Lover of video games, secret lover of guys in tight fitting clothing. He got all he needed to just from sucking his cock, and he could sense the coming flow, the coming release of energy, all for him. Once again the partition shook as his partner grabbed on, thrusting into the hole, grunting and panting as he went at it.

The man's innermost emotions flowed into Evan, stoking the flames lit within him. The load was as expected from such a juicy cock, filling his mouth. Yet he still wasn't sated, continuing to suckle harder for more and more, just like he did for Carlos. Fighting past the refractory period, letting his thirst overwhelm him, Evan realized what he was doing at the last second. He pulled back, a healthy white load splattering across his face as his demonic red eyes faded back to their human color.

He could taste their soul... It was delicious. He almost took it, drained them fully and left them without one. Licking at the gooey strands on his face, he looked down at the damp stain on his pants, barely even realizing he came in the middle of the act. "W-what the fuck am I..." He whispered to himself. Once again his prey stumbled out of the bathroom, dizzy and content, drained of their juices but still with their soul intact. Once again Evan had refined. He felt like he had perfect balance, flexibility he'd never achieved before, it was all right there, at his fingertips.

It was hard not to think back to getting sucked off himself... His heart had been fluttering in his chest, not quite strong enough to beat properly, off kilter, off... completely. He had nearly died, and instead he had changed. When he had no more to give, when something like himself had taken the last drop, he'd taken back a little bit of that and become the same sort of creature, a creature that lived off of sex.

Easily hopping to his feet, Evan stepped out from the bathroom, giving his face a quick wipe of the sleeve. For once it felt like he was sated. Filled enough to concentrate, at least, but the thirst was still nagging at him from within. Even if he had devoured those two guys' souls, he likely would've still hungered for more. Or worse, developed an even fiercer, monstrous appetite... They could only produce so much seed, only so much sexual energy. Evan sighed, pondering how many people he'd need to suck off to truly feel full, wondering if there was any alternative.

**** Theo leaned back in the car, waiting for his brother, letting the music blare from the radio. He still felt mostly good about his decision to do a gap year before college, but he hoped that it was the right thing. His parents had him doing errands like ferrying his brother around, but that wasn't so bad. It was good to spend time together while they could after all.

"Sorry about being late again." Evan said, though it seemed a lot less anxious than yesterday's apology. He hopped into the passenger seat and pulled the door shut, looking to his brother. "Swear I'll pick up the pace a little next time. Was busy making some new friends."

"Hey, that's awesome bro! And you look better for it." Theo said. Honestly, he was surprised how much a few friends could make his brother look. He seemed healthier, happier, more vital. His skin had a glow to it, and there was just this hard to describe aura around him. Evan pulled out carefully into traffic and headed down the road.

The smell of the car was almost normal... Scents of fast food bags, of an air freshener so old it had lost its potency... but Evan could smell something else as well. His brother had apparently pleasured himself at some point recently, and just like the hamper, he had used his boxers to soak up the excess. The smell seemed so strong in a confined space, though it had to be due to Evan's enhanced senses. The desire to feed and fuck itched at his mind, salivating at the scent of his brother's essence, but the young incubus kept his cool.

"Starting to think college is going to be real fun." Evan shifted in his seat, trying to get his mind off of the kinds of people he'd be able to feed on once he graduated. "...Speaking of fun, what have you got planned? Just gonna stay home and keep yourself company?"

"Actually, I was thinking about checking out the mall. Have to do a little shopping. Would you mind?" Theo asked. Evan shook his head, content to go anywhere as long as his brother was there.

**** Water gushed high into the air in columns, fluttering and oscillating before falling again, only for others to take their place. The interior of the tile had a few lights, casting color into the water feature, making it a bit of a spectacle... if anyone had been there to spectate. The malls were getting quieter and quieter. The big box stores that dominated the exterior of the mall had their own entrances, and the smaller stores and kiosks had few visitors, making the interior a bit of a ghost town.

Theo opened the door for Evan as he moved in, looking around, trying to decide where he was going to start. After the hustling and bustling school, the mall felt almost like a parched desert devoid of life, although there were some small signs of life. A twenty year old dutifully moved around the sneaker store, making sure everything was clean and well displayed, and there was some movement inside the Hot Topic store off to the side.

Evan glanced around, humming as he found himself idly searching for more guys to gawk at. The ache of lust kept on nagging at him, a slow buzz in his shaft that kept Evan distracted from where his brother was leading him. As they walked, he stared towards the small store, interested in who might be inside.

The Hot Topic was more of an enigma than the other stores. Instead of a clean, crisp, open plan, it was jam packed full of niche merchandise. Graphic t's, prop toys, displays of fake piercings and wallet chains. The colors were black and purple, making it almost feel like a dark cave in the otherwise bright layout. Evan's eyes finally caught the movement inside.

The clerk was in his early twenties and he was quite fit. The black t-shirt emblazoned with band logos barely fit over his meaty pecs, and the sleeves were tight around his thick biceps. His black jeans were little better, showing his firm ass and a rather ample bulge. He had tribal tattoos on his arms, but his most unique style came from his hair and his beard. The dark brown, almost black hair had been worked into a bit of a fauxhawk while his beard started out neat and clean on his cheeks, but came down and sloped forward into a wild, long point. Thick piercings hung from his ears, dangling a little as he worked.

Just a moment after Evan spotted him, the smell hit him next... It was like the smell from the bathroom, the smell of man, but a dozen times more intense. It was woody, earthy, and strong... The smell of virility, of masculinity, of bountiful promise... and it made Evan's stomach growl with need.

He paused, continuing to stare and take in the scent. "You... can go on ahead, I think I'm going to check this place out real quick." Evan muttered quickly, walking off into the store before his brother could respond. The closer he got, the thicker the air became. Others passed by without saying a word, unable to detect what was putting him into such a trance. Wasting no time, Evan walked right up to the source, looking the clerk over up close.

He was young, strong, but had an odd maturity to him. His arms had a fair dusting of hair, he had on several rings, the tips of his ears were oddly pointed and his fingernails were black. He turned slowly, flashing a grin with slightly sharper than normal teeth.

"Anything I can help you find?" The clerk asked, looking Evan over, a bit surprised by just how... picture perfect the young man seemed. Evan's features had been refined and enhanced with his feedings to make him irresistible.

Blinking, Evan smirked. "No, was just passing by and saw what I wanted. If you could help me get it is another question." The incubus was speaking off of instinct, leaning in closer to the counter to press his shaft against it. He could tell the clerk was trying not to do the same, the lust and musk building within the store. "I might have a thing for big guys, especially ones with ink and piercings. Do you think you can help me find the answer to that?" The bearded man chuckled, sniffing the air a bit.

"Hey, I like your style kid... and for a demihuman, the come on isn't bad, but how do I even know you're legal?" he asked, eyeing the teen down.

"Demihuman?" Evan raised a brow, breaking the seduction act for just a moment. "Maybe you've got more answers than I thought. What are you, then? And why do you feel so potent... So alluring and powerful?"

"A new demihuman..." The clerk murmured, glancing out into the mall to make sure no one was nearby before he flicked his hand, black claws erupting from the tips of his fingers. His brown eyes shifted to a gleaming amber as he stepped around the counter and got close to Evan, reaching up. Before Evan realized what the clerk was doing, he had grabbed onto something Evan hadn't even realized was there... a horn, one of two that had been invisible to human eyes. The clerk ran his fingers over the bony appendage, testing its size and thickness.

The incubus reached up to grab at the other with wide eyes. "I... when did I..." Dropping his hand, he let the man feel the horn, wincing a bit. "They must've grown in back at the stall, after I kept milking anyone who'd offer their cock."

"Well, my friend... You are a new incubus. And the reason you feel drawn to me is that I am a werewolf. Supernaturals, demihumans, have a lot more energy to give than your run of the mill humans. But it does come at a cost. You can still be tainted, changed by other demihumans." The clerk said, leaning against the counter, legs spread a bit.

"...Tainted?" Evan's eyes trailed down to the werewolf's bulge, taking a breath to calm himself. "If you've got so much energy, I'm not at risk of eating your soul, am I? You feel like you've got more in there than I could hope to extract, why not offer it up?"

"I've sired a few pups in my days... You'd become a bit wolfy if you fed from me, though I'd have plenty to offer." He grinned, reaching out to cup the incubus' groin, fondling his package with a clawed hand, "But you couldn't go back to normal."

Evan grinned as he was felt up, eyes tinting red. "I'm already abnormal. Why wouldn't I want to brim with essence as well? It isn't like I'm going to be able to shed these horns." Pushing closer, the two men's chests met, nudging the clerk's arm aside as Evan advanced. "I've been starving ever since I had my humanity sucked out of me, and fooling myself with appetizers at glory holes isn't going to satisfy forever."

The clerk grinned, his teeth getting sharper. He wrapped a hand around the back of his head and pulled him into a kiss. His mouth was hot, his tongue thick and strong, his saliva potent. He tasted, felt and smelled like an animal. He pressed his groin to the incubus', feeling this hungry demihuman against his strong body.

As they broke the kiss, Evan pulled his partner towards the back of the store, aiming for a little more privacy for what was about to occur. He had started to change as well, eyes glowing with full demonic fervor, with a spade-tipped tail wriggling within his pants. All still within their formative stages, waiting for more essence.

Fearless and rather turned on, the clerk started unzipping his pants before he'd even reached their secluded corner. A thick, meaty, fat cock burst out of the denim confines, apparently barely restrained and completely uncovered beneath... but the mask of humanity that Evan had been seeing before was slowly letting go. The meaty shaft was protected by a furry sheath, the same brownish black as the man's beard and hair. It pulled back, letting a huge, red, tapered cock emerge glistening with wolfy juices.

The smell that had been filling the shop doubled, then quadrupled. It was the potent scent of sex, of man, of food... It was so much stronger than the humans, and so much more flavorful. The man grinned, freeing his orange sized, fur covered balls from his pants, letting them hang free. His shirt started riding up, revealing a trail of fur going from his groin, across his stomach, leading to his chest.

The incubus was awestruck, dropping to his knees as he took the first taste. Evan's tongue explored the odd, pointed tip. The girth and length were unmatched even by the one that surprised him back at the glory hole. Yet he still slipped down to suckle on as much as he could, his hands both cupped on the sheathe to pull it down further. He slipped a finger underneath the fuzzy skin, stroking and jerking the cock that was revealed underneath until he was met with the still-forming knot.

There was hardly time for the werewolf to respond with how quick Evan was working, a real testament to the sex-demon he was supposed to be. The milky precum filling Evan's throat was already better than the cum he drained earlier in the day. He gulped, eyes rolling back slightly to relish what he was feeling. A true monster, a wolf beast's essence that had since been unknown to him. Evan could feel that with it came an undeniable corruption that was now spreading through to his own soul.

The werewolf moaned deeply, his hand raking through Evan's perfect hair, starting to thrust forward and back gently. He could feel his energy starting to shift into Evan, but it was like a good run. He had stamina, he had longevity, and he had plenty to give.

He started to squeeze tighter along the smooth, red flesh, not sure just how much more was needed to get the werewolf to cum. Long, heavy pumps worked the shaft up to where Evan was sucking and down to the throbbing knot that seemed to make the clerk squirm upon every touch. Evan's hips jerked slightly, an orgasm rocking his body hands-free. His own cock was as stiff as a board, pushing harder and harder against the inside of his jeans.

"Fuck... Fuck yes..." The werewolf growled, claws pushing through the tips of his shoes as his ears got furry and his body swelled larger. He tried to hold on, but the incubus was too good. In moments the clerk had thrown his head back and let out a howl, unleashing a fountain of thick lycanthrophic seed into Evan's throat. The flow was so rich, so thick, so slick and very musky.

The sudden rush of cum certainly took Evan by surprise, barely keeping up as he drank it down. Cup after cup kept flowing, the werewolf's balls clearly weren't sized for show. Evan couldn't comprehend how something so virile could be made in such quantities, riding the orgasm down to completion as the seed continued to flow at a slow spurting rate. With a muffled squeal, the incubus moaned and gripped the cock tight. His tainted soul pulsated from within with a pleasurable wave of relief and satisfaction.

As the hot flow seeped into Evan's stomach and soul both, a throbbing came from his skull. His small horns began to push out, oozing forward, growing longer and wider and thicker. The smooth nubs started to develop faint ridges as his body struggled to process the influx of masculinity and strength. As they did, the incubus' ears likewise perked. Stretching, they started to mimic the wolfish points of the werewolf in front of him. Across his whole body, heat and power surged within his muscles.

A tear suddenly ripped at the center of Evan's shirt, revealing his swelling pectorals as wiry hairs beneath began emerging. Faint, soft fur sprouted along the back of his pointed ears, and fur erupted from his demonic tail, covering the spade until it was a fluffy wolf tail springing out of the pants from above his pert, muscled ass. Evan's fingernails darkened from clear to brown to black, and tiny wisps of downy soft hair sprouted in front of his ears, pushing out into willowy soft sideburns that descended, inch by inch, dropping down to his jaw bone.

The cum enriched his body and spirit, corrupting it as well. His sense of smell went through the roof, his muscles tones, his shoulders broadened, his scent glands formed to produce a wolfy musk and his cock... his cock felt like it was on fire. Each heart beat pumped more blood into his tool, causing it to stretch longer and longer. It surged an inch, then three. The blood gathering turned it from pink to red, then almost purple.

The flesh strained and struggled, pushing into a sharp point, taking on a faint curve as the flesh at the base built up, forming a very formidable sheath with a lot of give. The outer flesh took on soft fuzzy fur, the fur spreading over his balls as they began to plump, growing from the size of kiwis to something larger. Even Evan's nipples ached as they got more sensitive on either side of his new forest of hair.

The werewolf moaned happily. He adored making new wolf pups, but something about a demonic incubi wolf was extra sexy. He shuddered happily, giving every last drop he had to the formerly hungry incubus. Evan slipped backward in a haze, a few gooey strands still connected from his face to the leaking werewolf dick in front of him. With a strained, well-fed grunt, the demihuman's hands shot down to work some of his own essence free. Both pairs of his clawed hands jerked his sheathe down and seized the newly-reshaped canine member. His puffed-up paw pads ran rough on a shaft already ten times more sensitive than the original, eliciting a surprised, dog-like whine that filled the air of the store.

Pleasure was blinding him from the specifics of what was happening, only that he was becoming more and more powerful. Evan's whole body shook violently from the twitching of his still-expanding muscular definition. He barely noticed that his sneakers were split open until he felt his elongated toenails dig into the floor below.

Jumping up into a standing position, bringing one clawed hand up to view it in awe, the incubus clenched his fangs into a bright grin. His other hand remained focused on squeezing his new knot and spilling clear, musky liquid all over the floor. "W-whrrere was this, those days I was so hungry?" Evan managed to choke the words out in time for his jaws to pop out of place and begin creaking forward in length. The tear in his shirt ripped further and further down until it broke completely in half, more holes opening along the sleeves.

As Evan's muzzle formed, his growing tongue slipped out the end with a slight demonic fork. A vestigial reminder to the inner power that was fueled from the lycanthropic essence. Roaring louder than he probably should've, a gout of similarly-potent cum shot out from Evan's cock all over his progenitor's furred thighs, laced with abundant, excess energy. The werewolf snarled and growled, fur pushing out longer and thicker across his body, unable to hold the change back.

He grew taller, broader, thicker. His body produced a thick scent that was intoxicating to Evan. He grinned and drooled, his huge tongue hanging out of his elongating muzzle. It felt so good to create more of his kind, although in this case that kind was spicier, modified with the presence of incubus energy. No one could tell what this kid could accomplish.

With an inquisitive snap of his fangs together, Evan looked to the clerk's face in amusement. Peeling the scraps of clothes off of his fur, the incubus stood and rolled his girthy neck about. A few tense pops rocked through the completed werewolf form. A paw was brought up to feel the thick horns curled back along Evan's head, leaving a small streak of his cum along them. The incubus grinned, red eyes peering to the nearby clothes racks. "...I'm going to need to make a few purchases after this... After you teach me how to turn back. " The clerk chuckled a bit, licking his fangs, liking this kid's energy... and his willingness to spend.

**** Theo moved out of Burlington's with a big bag full of merchandise and he started looking around with a bit of concern. It wasn't like his brother to take this long. Usually he found his way back in the middle of the shopping. He was too old to get kidnapped, right? Theo pushed down the central walkway, hoping to find Evan in time, his heart starting to race.

"Evan?" Theo called out, starting to think the worst. Just as Theo went to go running off in search of his brother, he was grabbed by the wrist, causing him to stumble back. The grip was strong, but as he glanced to the culprit, he realized that it was his brother, Evan.

"Did I make you all worried?" Evan grinned, speaking in a playful tone. "Come on, I was having trouble deciding between two shirts." Theo quickly realized why he hadn't recognized Evan, he had completely changed his outfit. A pair of black jeans that were ripped at the knees and frayed at the ends, a graphic tee depicting a giant werewolf snarling, even a new set of shoes? The sudden shift was concerning, but the relief of finding Evan covered it up for now, as well as the tantalizing scent of masculinity wafting off of him.

"Dude... You got a whole makeover?" Theo asked with surprise, "Looks good though. I'm just glad I didn't lose you." he said with a relieved grin... though something about his brother was really leaving him caught mid-thought. The aesthetic was really working. Evan seemed almost beautiful, even in the new style, it was alluring in so many different ways. He seemed stronger, muscles firmer, and his eyes had some sort of captivating glare.

"Glad I didn't lose you either, given how long I was taking. Why don't we head back home and you can show me everything you picked out as well?"

There was an almost instinctual desire to grin, to show his teeth, that the new corruption was pushing Evan towards. It felt good, to tease what he was, his beast trying to make itself known and escape. Another urge he'd have to fight. Everything came with a trade-off, the incubus decided, but the power certainly made up for it all.

"Can't wait to see it, bro." Theo said, clapping him on the shoulder, though his hand remained on there longer than he intended. There was just something about his brother that was magnetic, that drew him in. Evan knew of the effect he had, it should have disgusted him, yet instead a sinister idea began forming in his devilish mind.