Stress Relief

Story by Dakgnol on SoFurry

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#5 of Beat

I haven't written a story starring my second OC Beat in such a long time, so here's one where he's goaded into having sex with his female friend and learns a little more about himself. :3

Beat plucked a string on the secondhand guitar, producing an off-tune sound that was quite unpleasant to his sensitive ears. The hyena-skunk hybrid grimaced and exhaled a puff of cigarette smoke. He had been attempting to fix the instrument for the better part of an hour with moderate success. He repaired the spider's nest of electrical components in the back of the body, replaced the old strings, and refurbished the wooden neck and headstock. His final challenge was trying to figure out why the guitar wouldn't tune; no matter how much he tightened or loosened one of the strings, nothing changed.

Sucking in another breath of that pleasant poison between his lips, Beat tightened the string and looked over the instrument again. With the additional tension, he quickly spotted the issue: the bridge was cracked and one end lifted off of the body. A simple yet tedious fix for his practiced fingers. The skunk looked at the clock and noticed it was almost noon. Deciding it was the perfect time for a break, Beat stood from his workbench and stretched his twinkish body. He discarded the butt of his cigarette in a nearby receptacle and went to pull another from his pack, but stopped himself and stowed it away.

Smoking was a nasty habit he picked up from his tenure at his father's business. His family, save for his older brother, treated him like shit for merely existing, and since they ran the company, he was their metaphorical punching bag. Being a pretty-boy didn't help either since it attracted all manner of office pervs, a couple of which would molest him when their superiors conveniently turned their heads. Cigarettes ended up being a miracle drug to get him by and it stuck with him when he finally built up the courage to leave. After a few months of weaning himself off of the stuff, he understood why so many people never bothered to quit.

Beat grabbed his wallet from his desk and stepped out of the backroom he was holed up in for the entirety of the morning. Through the passage was the mom-and-pop guitar store he ended up working at. It was a small place and nothing compared to the large chains like Guitar World, but it was strategically placed in the downtown area just outside of the higher taxed areas but close enough to attract the hipster crowd. The owners made bank which allowed Beat to keep a decent living repairing and selling guitars and other instruments. He didn't make as much as before, but the friendly atmosphere more than made up for it.

As soon as Beat cleared the door, a feminine grunt from his right grabbed his attention. There, behind a sales desk littered with flyers and other papers was his coworker Sarah. He was a black cat with a punk motif and an attitude to match. Unlike Beat who tried to emulate the street life to little success, she nailed it perfectly. He looked up to her and she found him cute, making them near instant friends as soon as they met. "Yo stink-dog, you taking your break already? Got ten minutes 'til noon and you know how the big man is with punctuality and stuff."

Beat slumped and grit his teeth, barely showing his sharp hyena chompers between his lips. "I've got a broken bridge that needs replacing and the thing's already stringed. Paint also needs a little touching up. Not really a ten minute job if ya know what I mean." She kept staring at him with a sly grin and he pursed his lips. "If ya want to be up my ass about what the boss wants, why don't ya clean up your desk first. Haven't seen it that bad since the Black Friday rush."

"There's gonna be a huge concert tonight. Some giant fox guy who obviously pops steroids like candy. Not a fan of his stuff, but his people asked us to hand out flyers and junk in exchange for being able to sell some merch and autographed guitars. The place was swarming with metalheads as soon as they caught word."

"Ah. I was wondering what all that noise was outside my door. Also explains why some of the orders were put on the rush list."

Sarah leaned back in her chair. "Yep. To be honest, I'm surprised you don't know anything about it. I figured you'd be the type to get hyped about this guy." She offered him a flyer.

"Oh, him. Yeah, no, I'm not interested at all. The guy's an ass who pops more than just steroids and screams into a mic about death and rape and stuff. I prefer my music to have a better taste, thanks."

Sarah chuckled. "So, anyway, since you obviously aren't doing anything interesting tonight, wanna do something after work?" Beat's ears perked up at the sudden inquiry.

"Like what? I don't really have much cash on me."

"Same. You wanna hang at my place? I got video games and stuff and I can cook up one of those frozen pizzas. Maybe we can do our nails and talk about cute boys." Her grin returned with a sarcastic twist. Beat rolled his eyes.

"Please. I'm not that gay. But yeah, I'm down for it."

The two chatted and bantered a bit more before Beat left for lunch. Despite being a Friday and therefore the slowest day of the week, the rest of the day went by rather quickly. Each were busy with their own tasks and were glad once it hit closing time. They walked side by side down the street, talking about how their last few hours of the day were, their plans for weekend, and more. Beat pulled his cigarettes halfway out of his pocket before pushing them back in with a sigh. Sarah noticed but didn't bother to ask.

When they reached Sarah's apartment, she unlocked the door and beckoned Beat inside. It was a studio apartment complete with a small living area, kitchenette, and a bed in the corner. The duo crashed on the couch and put their feet up on the coffee table. "Damn, I needed this," Sarah said with a sigh of relief. "I don't even want to get up now."

"Don't ya have a chair behind your desk?"

"Yeah, but like fifteen minutes after I got back from lunch, another wave of customers flew in and I had no time to myself. My feet are just killing me." She wiggled her toes. Like Beat, her padded feet were digitagrade and didn't warrant the need for uncomfortable shoes. It also meant that there was nothing cushioning them from the unforgiving tile floor of the shop. She gave Beat an expectant look and it took him a few seconds to figure it out.

"Why should I touch your dirty feet?" Beat asked with an unamused expression.

"Cause if you do, I'll make you that pizza. It's a supreme and I know how much you like those." Beat sighed, wrestled himself off of the couch, and planted himself on the other side of the coffee table. Her feet didn't look filthy at all despite walking on dusty floors and public sidewalks. He dug his thumbs between her pads and began working her muscles, causing her to moan. "Damn, your good at this. You do this often?"

"Shut up," Beat replied, though he couldn't keep a smile from slowly spreading across his face. He liked making other people happy, even if he got nothing in return, though this time he would be getting pizza and he was definitely craving for it. The massage lasted for a good ten minutes before Beat's thumbs cramped up and he stopped. Sarah didn't mind and thanked him for the attention. After washing his hands, the skunk sat back down on the couch and assumed his previous position. Feeling a familiar need eating at the back of his mind, he unconsciously reached for his smokes and started to pull them out before catching himself. He grit his teeth and moved his hand away.

Sarah caught on and sensing some tension, she decided to ask, "There something wrong? I don't mind if you smoke in here. I'll just open a window or something."

It took a moment for Beat to respond. He didn't want to dump his problems on someone else, but his friendship with the curious cat encouraged him to speak up. "It's not that. I'm trying to quit and the temptation keeps sneaking up on me. I'm finally down to one or two a day."

"Oh, you used to smoke more? What changed?"

"My job. My life, actually. I used to smoke quite a bit back at the office because it was the only thing beside alcohol I could get my hands on. When I finally got out of there and away from my shitty family, I didn't need them anymore, but you know how it is with these things."

"If it's for stress management, have you tried to distract yourself with a hobby or something? You say you like to play your guitar and write music."

"It helps, but it's like I need something more. Like there's something I'm missing that would help me quit for good." Sarah thought for a moment.

"You have a boyfriend?"

"What? Why? And no, I don't."

"Well one simple stress reliever is sex, so I was wondering if you had someone helping you out there."

"Nope. I'm holding off until I stop smelling like ash all the time. Finding a guy I like who wants more than just getting in my pants is difficult enough as is, and I'm sure being addicted to cigarettes makes it near impossible."

"What about a girlfriend? For a gay guy, you look, act, and sound pretty straight to me."

Beat laughed. "Uh-huh, sure. I'm an inch short of five-and-a-half feet and look like a girl in the right light. I'm far from manly enough for a chick to be interested in me."

"So not only have you been without sex for quite a long time, but you also have a major confidence problem. No wonder you turned to smokes. I bet you've only taken it up the ass with the guys you've been with, right?"

Beat simply frowned and nodded. He couldn't find his voice after the roasting he received. He would have sat in a stupor for a while if not for Sarah suddenly climbing over him, sitting on his lap, and pushing her face into his. She had a toothy grin that could rival his ancestors' and caused him to give a nervous grin of his own. "Uh, what are ya doing!?" Beat stammered, the white freckle-like spots on his face growing red.

"I just thought of a perfect way to kill two birds with one stone that both of us will enjoy!" Beat's 'yeen brains struggled to put the pieces together.

"Wait, you're gonna fuck me or something?"

"Nope. You are gonna fuck me! Not only will you finally get off, but you're gonna get to be a man for once!" She started clawing at his clothes and attempted to remove his shirt. Beat's confused and nervous mind could only play along and soon he was topless in front of her. She threw off her top as well and it was when Beat saw her naked chest did he come back to his senses.

"Wait! Hold on! I-I don't know about this! This is just too sudden and weird and-" Beat's stammering was interrupted by Sarah engulfing his maw in a kiss. The mix of assertive motions and feminine care calmed the skunk. She released him and stared into his wide eyes.

"Just let it happen."

With that, Beat allowed her to continue stripping the two of them until they were both naked. They each soaked in the sight of each other's bodies. Sarah liked what she saw and bit her lip. "Yeah, I'll admit you kinda look like at girl, but you've still got a nice bod." She traced her finger from his chest down his belly and stopped on his dick. The semi-flaccid pink flesh twitched at her soft touch. "Let's get you ready, hmm?"

The cat slid off of Beat and knelt on the floor, pushing the table away. With her tail swaying in a seductive manner, she brought her snout against his groin and slid it over his penis. Beat moaned at the feeling of her wet tongue running along the sensitive underside of his dick. Sarah began suckling on his member, rubbing her muscle against it and sucking on his skin. She felt it harden within her mouth, a feeling she greatly enjoyed. What made it better was that Beat, being a trained bitch, had no shame in displaying the pleasure he was receiving. He spread his legs, slightly arched his front outward, and allowed his sexual noises to fill the room.

Sarah could have gone farther by bobbing her head and giving Beat the experience of a lifetime, but she wanted to help him bolster his masculinity. With a twinge of regret, she pulled back and released the skunk's dick, leaving it shining with saliva. Beat caught his breath and looked at Sarah with an inquisitive stare. She took a moment to think about what to do next and noticed that the boy wasn't utilizing his hands at all. With a smile, she turned around and sat on his lap, pushing his cock between her ass cheeks. Using her legs for support, she began grinding on his cock, careful to make sure it didn't slip in anywhere.

While stimulating Beat just enough to keep him hard, she took his hands and placed them on her breasts. It took Beat a second to get his half-hyena head to realize what she wanted him to do. Discarding her assistance, Beat started to explore the girl's body. He had laid with other femboys before, but touching a real woman and experiencing her feminine curves was completely alien to him. His hands ran along her modest chest and played with her nipples before running along her sides and down her thighs. One of them made a u-turn and ran up between her legs before stopping at her groin.

With three of his digits, Beat felt and rubbed her pussy, massaging her lips and causing her to give off a moan of her own. He didn't immediately dive into the crease of her vulva; he was somewhat intimidated and nervous. Sarah pushed him along with a subtle hint, pushing her backside a little harder into his groin. Getting the message, Beat used his index and ring fingers and spread her open and used his middle digit to assault her sensitive flesh. Sarah meowed as Beat's soft padded tips rubbed her clitoris and she shivered with delight. She ceased her bouncing and unconsciously coiled her tail around his neck.

When Beat's fingers grew tired, he swapped to his other hand and continued his work. Feeling her writhing body on his own pleased him and his penis leaked pre into her crack. Something inside of his was growing, a feeling that was urging him to flip her over and fuck her. He never experienced it before and it was slowly overtaking him. Sarah noticed he was starting to squirm and figured he was ready to take control. She was pretty close to bursting, so it was the perfect time to move things forward anyway. It wouldn't take much to get her over the edge and even if Beat couldn't last that long, he'd still get her off.

Sarah grabbed his hand. "Ready for the good part?" she asked, turning her head with a seductive grace and lewd expression. Beat grinned his toothy hyena grin and released her from his grasp. She spun on his lap and pulled them both down into the classic missionary position. She stole a kiss from the skunk and got herself comfortable; there was no need to tutor him further. Beat put himself into position between her legs, lined his eager dick up to her wet hole, and slowly pushed himself inside.

Beat whined with glee as the cat's hot, velvet flesh caressed his penis. He never thought much of penetration, believing it was just a glorified version of a lubed-up handjob, but that idea immediately went out the window. He understood why his previous boyfriends were always trying to get into his pants. Beat shuddered as he hilted his meat and nearly blew his load. He struggled to calm himself down so that he could at least enjoy being on top for a couple minutes, but every time he or Sarah moved, that little bit of stimulation pushed him closer.

"You okay there?" Sarah asked while trying to hold back giggles. She knew what was going on from his pained expression.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm just, you know," he struggled to say. He swallowed before continuing. "It's just that it- I mean, you feel so-o-o good. I don't want to be a one pump chump or something." His composure shook as he finished his last sentence.

"Well, we aren't getting anywhere with you just sitting there. Just start fucking me and if you blow too soon, I'll just ride your tired dick until I get off. Capeesh?"

Beat's red face started showing through his black fur. After a few deep breaths, he started gyrating his hips, slowly pulling his penis out of Sarah's warm pussy and pushing it back in. At first, he had to focus on what felt like alien movements but after a while, his natural instincts took over. The skunk relaxed his tense body and allowed it to perform at a comfortable pace, all the while taking in the sexual sensations and the sight and sound of his partner. He admired her body and couldn't keep his eyes off of her beautiful face. He leaned down and planted his lips onto hers.

Sarah was surprised at how well her "gay" friend fucked her. She had exes who would brag about the amount of girls they screwed and then perform worse than Beat. The fact that he was always a bottom throughout his sexual experience was quite amusing as well. The way he kissed, the perfect, consistent speed of his hips, and the way he held her made her want to keep him forever. Her groin burned with the need for release and from his fidgeting, she knew he was pretty close. She raked her claws along his back and through his soft, well-maintained fur. They didn't pierce his skin, but the pain seemed to excite Beat and he pounded Sarah's pussy even harder.

Another minute or two passed before Sarah finally popped. She dug her nails into Beat's back as her body was assaulted with wave after wave of orgasmic pleasure. Her moaning filled the apartment and probably could be heard by her neighbors, but she didn't care in the least. All that mattered was her and her mate. The stinging pain in his back shocked the skunk from the kiss and he almost immediately realized he managed to get her off. With a toothy grin, he picked up his pace and pounded her as hard as he could throughout her orgasm, causing her to whine in delight, though it accelerated him toward his limits as well.

Beat couldn't hold himself back any longer and he dug himself as far as he could inside of her. With a grunt, he dumped his pent-up load into the girl's innards, quickly filling her uterus like a water balloon. His dick acted like a makeshift stopper and refused to allow anything from leaking out, causing her belly to slightly expand. Sarah entered her afterglow first and enjoyed the bloated sensation that Beat gave her. His dick, although not the largest she's ever taken, spread her nicely and the large volume of warm cum inside of her was icing on the cake.

When Beat finally entered his, he nearly collapsed on the cat, catching himself at the last second. He pecked her lips before rolling to the side of her, jamming himself between the girl and the back of the sofa. His dick unintentionally slid free during the motion, but neither of them cared. With nothing stopping the flow, semen drooled from her worn hole. They laid together without a word, both tired from the exercise, but after a minute of catching their breaths, it was Beat who broke the silence.

"Damn that was good. Thanks for that," he said before chittering a nervous hyena giggle. He didn't really know what to say. It was both his first time having sex with a girl and his first time being on top. The afterglow fading away left him feeling awkward. Sarah snuggled closer to him.

"You're absolutely welcome. Maybe you'll use your dick more often now. You're a pretty good top."

Beat scratched his head, his face retaining its reddish hue. "Uh, yeah, I guess I will. Though I think I still prefer guys. And being the bottom" He averted his eyes, worried that he may have offended his friend, but she started chuckling instead.

"You just like having things up your ass!" she mocked between giggles. "I kid. It's fine. But while you're still single, I want to fuck you every now and then. Capeesh?"

"Uh, sure. I'd like that," Beat replied, happy that his best friend was content with staying friends. The extra benefits were definitely a plus. They cuddled a little longer before Sarah spoke up.

"So, ready for round two?" she asked with a sultry smirk. Beat grimaced.

"I'm, uh, still a bit tired."

"Don't worry, you don't have to do a thing. Gimme a sec to go get my strap-on." She hopped off the couch and left the dumbfounded skunk to process her statement.