The Ransom Part 3

Story by Sarkrin on SoFurry

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#3 of The Ransom

Here we have the conclusion to this short series as feelings finally reach their peak conclusions and the last few days they have together count down for Droga and Orphy. Now that their time is coming to an end and their desires are made known will they make a decision to stay together despite prior arrangements or perhaps they will come up with something of a different plan.

This took somewhat longer than I intended as writers block and me trying to do some art delayed things a bit.

It had been a week since the letter had been sent and a week since they had drank together and the two dragons, Droga and Orphy, were finding that they were enjoying each others company for once. Orphy had woken later in the morning than Droga had and apologized for hitting him with the bottle saying, "Just a reflex you know... not really thinking clear like that." she says and Droga had responded rather promptly, "Well if that is how you respond to a kiss I would hate to see what happens if anything further happens." he had joked with a laugh. After that night it seemed they had started anew trying to understand each other and it showed.

The days passed in too quick a blur with talk of their pasts and their hopes and dreams. Orphy for her part had shared her somewhat cold upbringing with her family. Business having taken a precedence to family life in her case leaving her mostly with servants to raise her and her mother which had done her best before some wasting disease claimed her. She wasn't sad though it had happened long ago and she had long since come to terms with it though the desire for do proud in the eyes of her father and she she could establish herself without his help remained. Which had led her to travel out to the frontier that was just starting to come to full civilization in hopes of making her way out where possibility had seemed to be everywhere. How she had hoped to establish some business or trade out here and make her own fortune only not to have the cunning mind for business and financial matters as she had thought.

Droga for his part listened with a sympathetic ear and told his own tale. How he had fallen into the wrong crowd trying to get more from life than just a day to day drudgery and turned into an outlaw fortunate enough to not have his face or name plastered up everywhere. Mostly because he didn't do anything much noteworthy but was just a hired gun for the crew he had fallen in with. A nameless gun in the background and far from the center of attention. Of course things went sour, greed, treachery, and the law taking them apart until he was left to flee on his own. He wanted one last score something just for himself and something relatively safe and easy, a final chance to get what he needed for the life he wanted, that was when he saw Orphy and recognized her for who she was. He shared how he had asked around and found out that she was trying to make her way home and had little prospect of doing so given her fierce attitude that had gotten her sidelined to the poor job she was in when he found her.

Orphy couldn't help but laugh at the sorry circumstances that had led both of them to that point, "I guess I was right in my first impressions." she says, "too bad I am just as pathetic." she replies. Orphy smirked, "However, it doesn't really matter does it? Go get more to drink.. might as well celebrate your coming freedom and my the end of my total freedom for a gilded cage." she says sarcastically. Droga could only shake his head, "you know.. we could always play them... we both keep the money and run." he suggests wincing at the derisive tone in her next words, "and be hunted by my father? One thing he cares about most is his damned cursed pride." she says cruelly, "we wouldn't have a chance or rather you wouldn't but hey maybe if you can make a name with that money you will be notable enough to be in my presence if I am not sent off to some convent or something." she tells him. With that their plans were set and now only a few days remained between them and the ransom they had set up.

Droga woke up next to Orphy as was becoming the usual ritual of passing out drunk together and wondered quietly if they would ever have a chance for more together. Orphy seemed to think it doubtful but he wasn't so cynical about the affair. He couldn't deny he certainly hoped for it and hoped she would choose to come with him. Hell he felt he could even forego the money and comfort it would bring. He sighed and groaned pulling himself up to his feet and covering her up before he staggered out. Orphy was awake by time he came back stumbling to make coffee over the dingy wood stove, "Think we would get use to it..." she says rubbing her right eye and blinking away the sudden pain. Droga chuckled and sat at the table, "Just don't work like that for us it seems... not with how much we been drinking." he told her.

Orphy came to sit passing him his mug as she sipped from hers, "We really should find something else to do with our nights... I don't think my liver will survive a few more days of this." she says grinning. Droga laughed and snorted, "I certainly have one idea of what we can do." he says with his own grin. "Don't push it." She replies sternly, "maybe we can go hunting today get some fresh meat and one last good meal.", Droga nodded to that certainly agreeing. Though with a moments thought he suddenly leaned forward and pressed his muzzle to her own, "we don't need to rush things..." he whispered slowly pulling away leaving Orphy stunned for a second. "No.. no we don't need to rush things.... Well not right away but soon." she replied sitting back quietly in thought.

Silence ruled for a good score of minutes before the dragoness spoke up, "I can't believe I will actually miss you." she says softly and got up to come around to Droga's side of the table. Putting her hand on his shoulder, "finish up and lets get outside today." she tells him, her tail swaying as she walked away and out the door, leaving him staring after her. She waited outside staring into the trees to the side of the house, "I am such a fool.." she whispered to herself shaking her head sadly, "Got myself in a right fine pickle now and nothing for it anymore." she said almost angry at herself but couldn't quite bring herself there.

The door banged shut startling Orphy as Droga marched out geared up and ready to go out. He handed Orphy his spare gun, "ready?" he asks smirking as she fumbled in surprise, "Damn it Droga." she hissed. He laughed, "you wanted to go hunting so lets go." he said heading for the woods behind the house, "Or you change your mind?" he asked. Orphy growled, "you wish." she said hurrying to catch up. Droga grinned and looked at her from the corner of his eye, "surprised you wanted to go hunting rather than just have me get something from town." he remarked. She smiled, "well I use to go hunting before moving down here, rather like it, so I thought it would be good to get out." She informs him, "I was feeling cooped up in that house anyway." with a quick nudge to his side she set off ahead. Leaving him to trail behind watching her swaying tail with a sly smile.

It was not long before they were both on the trail of a deer a large buck by the looks of the tracks they had found and were following. Orphy in the lead much more nimble and quick through the brush of the forest despite the fact Droga probably had more occasion to hunt. She had it seemed a natural talent to hunt and track leaving him rather impressed with her and still quite happy to be behind her with a view. Orphy knew it too and was quite well aware but hell with it she figured they were pretty close with each other now so time to see how things went. It was not a fast process tracking prey even once they were close to start smelling their quarry, they still had to be quiet, and most importantly stay downwind else they lose their dinner.

It took them probably a good couple of hours to finally get close enough to take a shot. Orphy holding up her hand signaling a stop as she spotted the brown fur of the buck between the trees up ahead almost going unnoticed so well it blended in. "You want the shot or me?" She whispers quietly and Droga slowly crept up next to her, "I think I can take it." He whispers back more mouthing the words. She nodded and settled down letting him get set but readied herself should he miss. Droga took up a spot bracing himself against a leaning tree and waited for the perfect shot as the buck grazed and slowly moved into sight. As it did Droga held his breath and slowly breathed out, squeezing the trigger, suddenly the sound of a shot rang loud and clear through the woods. As it echoed and faded they watched their prey try to flee and tumble to the ground dead shot to the heart.

That night they returned loaded down with enough meat to last a good while from their successful hunt. What they couldn't eat Droga would no doubt sell the next day for a few extra dollars. The mood was joyous between them enjoying their victory and the meal to come as they spent what little time was left with each other. Orphy was never a good cook but thankfully Droga was passable and outside they started a fire, the first outside since they had been wanting to avoid notice, and Orphy dragged a couple of chairs out. "Be much better over an open flame than that damn stove in there." Droga said confidently, "I am sure it will be." Orphy responded sitting by the fire with the half bottle of left over whisker from the night before. She would wait until Droga was ready before she opened it back up.

They ate well and drank well once the meal was cooked and stayed by the fire until late in the night without a care in the world. Orphy sat her chair against Droga and leaned on him her tail finding his to hug around, "what is the first thing you are going to do with the money?" she asks him. Droga thought for a moment, "I think maybe find something good to invest in you know insure things keep running smoothly, oh, and the best food and drink money can buy around these parts of course." he says with a laugh. She elbowed him, "not sure why I thought anything else. Really surprised you are using your brain though. Investing and what not." she teases earning a snort from him, "Something you should have considered a while ago." he replies with a smirk. Shaking her head the dragoness laughed, "but then we might never have met each other friend." she says sarcastic.

Droga grinned at her, "seems we might be getting to be more than just friends." he says his tail giving her own a squeeze. She squeaked and tried to pull her tail back, "stop." she huffed her red scales darkening along her cheeks as she blushed. Droga held on though, "Feisty tough Orphy suddenly shy?" he asks taunting her in a challenging way. She glared briefly and bared her teeth, "no of course not." she says no longer trying to pull her tail back and stubbornly crossing her arms and resolutely sitting back to regard him next to her. Orphy smiled and leaned against him putting her face up to his, "what are you waiting for?" she whispers to his surprise, "too slow!" she taunts pulling back when he moved to kiss her and left him flustered for once. "Bitch.." he whispered smiling as she laughed, "Don't you know it." she said getting up, "But it is late and I am going to bed." she tells him sauntering her way back into the house.

Morning seemed to come all too soon for the pair and they fell into their familiar routine for the morning. This time though Orphy shivered visibly on Droga and the look he gave her. An almost predatory look that left her wondering if she had went too far last night even as her tail quivered with excited tension. Finally she couldn't help it and spoke up, "what is with the look?" she asks fiercely glaring or as fierce as she could compel herself too. Droga smirked, "What look?" he asks trying to be sly, "I am just tired is all." he told her though truly he was doing it intentionally. After all she did ask what he was waiting for challenging him to take what he wanted as he saw it. He watched her watch him and carefully sit across from him as was their norm. There was a new sense in the air of predator and prey, cat and mouse, and they both were on edge, delightfully so.

It was like a game to both of them with quite different stakes. Orphy trying her best to watch Droga and put herself where he couldn't corner her through the day or catch her off guard and Droga for his part watched and waited for a slip. All the while they feigned normalcy with each other. Neither giving quarter to the other both playing rough, Orphy biting Droga hard when his hands got too close and drifted too low, Droga clawing her arm as she slipped away from him and much more as this dance continued. Feral and elegant until at last one of them would slip up. Ultimately it was Orphy who made a mistake first and being on the defensive it had to be her who would falter first. The most mundane distraction of stubbing her foot on a table leg only to find herself suddenly grabbed and pushed down against the table from behind with Droga's hot breath pouring down her neck.

There was only a token struggle from Orphy before her arms were pulled and tail yanked aside by Droga's strong appendage, "Got you.." he growled to her biting the back of neck hard and relinquishing his grip on one of her arms to pull her shirt up and wedge his hand down her pants making her gasp loudly as his fingers brushed against too sensitive flesh and tightened there forcing a moan from her throat.

He shivered his hand finding that tight wet heat of her slit and those soft nether scales. He could feel her trembling beneath him and growled dominantly as he sunk two of his fingers through her lips deep inside her clenching sex eliciting yet another moan from her as she struggled weakly against him inviting him to ravage her and he was more than happy to oblige. She was dripping wet when he pulled her pants down still keeping one arm twisted behind her back and leaned back to admire her shapely rear and her sex glistening with arousal and clenching on nothing. His own cock painfully hard in his pants begging to be let out.

Orphy found herself panting for breath after Droga's fingers penetrated her, leaving her in a daze of pleasure wanting, no needing to be filled. Only coming back to herself when she felt something hot and far smoother than scale prodding against her and rubbing between the lips of her sex. The ridges on his member stroking over her clit making her shiver and bite her lip, "just stick it in already!" she was quick to snap. Wincing as her arm was pulled harder, "hush..." he whispered in her ear pressing into her, ever so slowly spreading her open over his thick cock, he velvety walls clenching and spasming around him trying to milk him of his seed and drawing a pleasure filled growl from his throat before he suddenly jammed himself in deep.

Droga savored Orphy's sharp cry as his hips met her own with a wet smack, his balls thumping off her clit, "Like that?" he growled pulling back and slamming himself into her again and again. She cried in pain and pleasure, "D-don't stop...." she hissed finally wresting her arm free as his grasp shifted to her breasts up under her shirt. She screamed climaxing as his claws dug against her soft flesh and his knot pried for entry to her warm tight embrace. Droga found he couldn't hold out long but thankfully Orphy couldn't hold out at all her frantic convulsions of her tight wet walls driving him crazy until at last bliss was reached. His knot sinking into unyielding grip with a wet slurp and pop and a loud snarl to announce his orgasm. His jerking cock leaving Orphy frozen in pleasure as she felt liquid heat bloom within her.

They were both left stunned gasping and pressing against each other locked in the throes of pleasure until it was over and with a sudden move Orphy turned her head to meet Droga's and together they finally kissed deep and passionately expressing their feelings for each other. By time they broke and their tongues separated from their own embrace both were breathless once more. It was totally worth it, the struggle, the pain and lingering soreness, all worth the pleasure and dare they to hope some deeper connection between them which both hoped could survive.

The day was a blur of pleasure and ecstatic struggle with each other form that point forward ending at last together holding each other close in their shared bedroll. One day left together was all they would have and they weren't going to waste it. It passed all too quickly though. "Droga.. promise me.. that when this is over you won't let it go to waste. You will make something of yourself and find me." Orphy whispered to him as their last day drew to a close and once more they held each other close. A minute passed and Droga nodded, "I promise.. I will do my best Orphy.. make something for us.. but if you things turn the other way don't be afraid to look me up yeah?" he replied with a chuckle looking her in the eye. She smiled back, "sure thing thug." she said sticking her tongue out at him, "I am glad we did all of this.." She says softly. "Me too..." Droga whispered back.

Morning came and they shared their last meal together for the time. Soon it was time and Orphy winced as he hands were bound tightly behind her, "Got to make this look good you understand." Droga told her. "Hush you just want to tie me up." Orphy retorted with a grin and another wince as her arms were jerked harder behind her back. She was led out to Droga's horse and hoisted on after Droga got up, "sure you know what you are doing?" she asks, "Yeah, don't worry I will be fine." he says wrapping his face with a large scarf.

They came to a sight of a dried river bed where the ransom and its caretakers were waiting. "Put your weapons over there!" Droga calls out seeing them three rugged men waiting for them and gesturing to the far side of the river bed, "Step away and you bring the ransom." He orders helping Orphy down from the horse. The man he had gestured to came over wit h a satchel that would be filled with cash and bonds tossing it to Droga who took only a brief glance before starting to back his horse away seeming ready to draw his gun and fire if they tried anything. Soon he was riding away out of sight leaving Orphy to her new caretakers with a heavy heart but also a strong hope and determination to see her again.

He rode for a long time not returning to the house they had hidden out in but passing it by continuing for a long time. He had something of a plan and was going to see it through. Orphy found herself being escorted to town by the hired guns. They were likely long term employed by her father, no they certainly were, he wouldn't have sent anyone else. "Are you alright? He didn't hurt you?" One asked her and she shook her head, "No, just sore, haven't been moving around much." she says explaining away her stiffness. By nightfall she was on a train starting her journey home and looking out the window watching the land roll by and hoping Droga was a dragon of his word. She would wait for him patiently even if she would have to wait long.

The days turned into months as Orphy settled back in at home. She hardly saw her father or anyone else in her family just the staff. So she waited doing what she was expected showing up at certain events and managing some of what was allowed to her. It was at one such event that she met Droga again jumping in surprise when he came around her his tail brushing her own discretely, "Care for a dance?" he asks looking so much different than when they were last together. Gone was the battered rogue replaced with someone who looked capable of at least getting along with polite society.

Orphy smiled, "Well.. I normally don't dance but for you I can make an exception." she whispered taking the offered hand and stepping out to the dance floor, "took you long enough." she said to him quietly. "Well darling I had to figure some things out you know but I made it." He whispers to her quietly, "So Orphy still interested in me?" he asks grinning and knowing the answer already. "If I wasn't I wouldn't be dancing with you." She replies sarcastic, "I really missed that smart mouth of yours you know." he replied. They danced together for the night catching up in quiet. As it drew to close Orphy slipped off and Droga followed.

To a private room they secluded themselves to talk and plan for what they wanted to do next. "Orphy, you don't need to stay here you know you can come with me and well I was really hoping you would..." he started to say for Orphy to just cut him off pulling his head to hers and trapping him in a deep kiss, "I already know what you are going to ask and the answer is yes." she whispered as they separated staring into each other's eyes.