Dragon Delight II

Story by Otoshi on SoFurry

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#2 of Dragon Delight!

*well here it is! after much anticipation (so i'm told) Dragon Delight part 2! now with story! :p so enjoy it! (and TEACHER II shouldn't be TOO far behind *YAY!*)

**this is and adult furry story involving to male furries (scalies actually) in graphically descriptive adult situations. so protect those fragile little minds and turn back now if you dun wants teh yiff! =^.^=

I have been living in Metro City for a couple of months now. with my degrees I got a pretty good job at a major inter-continental corporation, about to go inter-planetary. I landed a position in the entertainment division. I am making some major league credits too! And having come out when I got here, my quality of life is better than ever! Being a dragon, i simply... allowed my mane to change its color to a very hot pink. .Though there are plenty of eligible guys here, i have had some trouble finding one i like. I've already gone on a few dates, but to no avail. these men seem to all be used do dinner-date-one-night stands, which have little appeal to me.

though i make it no secret that I'm gay at work, i am careful not to make it an imposing fact like some others do. i have, however, had to take active measures against several femme's that fancy themselves quite the gay matchmakers, actually, at least one of them just goes by who looks cutest when standing next to each other; an other just picks 2 guys she wouldn't mind fucking and pairs them... needless to say the results are usually disastrous.

The United planet of Terra was named officially not long ago. after the great morph, we realized that the average Terran lifespan is well over 150 for the shortest lived species, personally, i have no signs of having aged at all since the event over a hundred years ago. Because of this, and a massive downplay of religion, in favor of logic and science too, it didn't take long for us to start getting off of the planet. As a note, the ''Event'' i speak of is an accident, involving an illegal bioengineering experiment being corporately run in standard earth orbit. When a meteor clouds' density and max particle size was miss-calculated, the facility was turned into Swiss cheese and its bio-materials were spread into the atmosphere starting over the north- western hemisphere. the retroviral bio-agents mixed in the atmosphere causing mutations in most humans and some higher animals. The retrovirus spliced other species DNA into humans' genetic codes. long story short, ''The great morph'', or ''The change''.

As for me, when i had 'been' with my friends, i couldn't help it further, boys occupied my mind, and those 2 had actually been together by the way, planning that night for a couple of weeks, since Dave had seen me at some party.

I have been working here for a while now and i really like it. Good furs and good work make coming in every morning much easier. My immediate supervisor, Amy, a lynx morph, is really nice and very talented. As for my boss, the department head, Damien, a massive red Dragon morph, 8 feet tall easily, is kind and calm, perfectly in control of his emotions. We are even hard pressed to get him to smile, much less laugh, ''I bet you could cut his leg off and he wouldn't cry'' a coworker once commented. a few days ago Damien-San announced a party for us, to reward us for making our deadline with all items completed, even with extras! We concluded our end of project/end of quarter meeting at noon that Friday, we then commenced drinking and eating and mingling and dancing a bit even. fairly new to the team, I wasn't very acquainted with many of my coworkers, seeing as i had started at the onset of this project. after a few hours, we started to get a few drinks into Damien-san, and we were able to get a smirk out of his stone face. at the end of working hours the party thinned out. Damien only stayed to close up the office. he and i talked for some time about work, when he had enough in him we talked about him finally. he's married to his work as it were. though single, i knew he did in fact have carnal desires, my nose is not just decorative, of all the fur species, dragons have the best senses and 6 + senses at that, though some species may have a single sense stronger than one of ours, we will have stronger... everything else.

the scent of desire emanated from him, had they been sober, all in the room would have noticed the odor pouring off of him. now after working hours, few were still dressed professionally. I myself had shed my blazer and tie, un-tucked and unbuttoned my shirt, which now fell off of one of my shoulders, my skin tight tank top underneath showing. he and i sat, sipping cheap wine and talking. turns out he's got a pretty good sense of humor, and even a warm heart under his cold facade. at a lull in the jokes and conversation, as i took a sip of my wine, a sudden awareness hit me. sitting on the conference table, my weight on one elbow behind me, the opposite leg bent, that foot on the edge of the table, my body contorted, turning toward him. this was the view his eyes had been drinking in. i realized that i had been giggling girlishly at his jokes, and not just because of the wine. i had been totally unaware that i had been shamelessly flirting with him!

night overtook us and it was decided that i was drunk. Damien was 'nominated' unanimously to take me home. hailing an auto-port we arrived at my apartment in a few minutes. he supported me caringly up the steps to the main door. ''hmm... ok, Otoshi, listen to me. where is your key-card?'', i checked my pockets sluggishly, ''i... don't know! maybe in my desk!'', ''oh great... well, the office is locked for the weekend! man! i guess you're going to have to sleep it off at my place... I've got a nice big couch for you.'' in minutes is was plopped down on his couch, my clothes wet and red from wine and laughter, ''i don't want stains on my couch. grrr! all right, off with them!'' i babbled a bit as he helped me disrobe. he hesitated at my pants when he saw the look on my face, my halved eyes looked at him contently, watching him intently as he slowly continued to work on my buckle, snaps and zipper. almost in slow motion he grips my slacks below the pockets and starts to ease them down, his eyes fixed on the edge of the cloth revealing my slender yet curvy hips. i was blushing now, flushed, hot and bothered as this big, hot male undressed me. he gawked at my nudity a bit before snapping out of it, ''I'll go put these in the wash, the restroom is right there.'' he gestured toward a door. as he treated my clothes i made use of his rest room, i peed, i rinsed my mouth and washed my face. the strong lights of his vanity reviled that more than my face was blushing, all around my sheath, ball case, and around my tail base, concentrated around my tail hole, had a rosy tint. i returned to the couch, and shortly thereafter Damien did too, '' do you need any thing else Otoshi?'' I could detect the distress in his voice, I shook my head 'no' and he quickly took his leave, retreating to his room.

though it felt longer it was just a half hour later that my eye's snapped open. my hand was massaging my groin, the pink tip of my cock poking out. however, it had been the sounds i was hearing that awoke me. I stood and snuck as best I could drunk, towards the bedroom. I pressed my sensitive ear to the door and heard the unmistakable sounds of the bull dragon jacking off. as i closed my eyes to imagine how he must look stroking his big cock, my hands wander down below. i press my ear harder to the door and suddenly, the door isn't there. i stumble into the room and now stand before him, nude, blushing deeply in embarrassment and arousal as he lay reclined on his bed, nude, one leg bent and his huge cock gripped tightly in his claw. he was frozen, staring wide-eyed at me like a deer in the headlights, or a child caught with his claw in the proverbial cookie jar. but his expression also told me an other thing, an unmistakable expression of being caught by the very person he was envisioning. his cock throbbed out of control as we stared at each other. soon, an evil grin crossed my face, ''need some help?'' I asked, but i moved in without a response from him. i slid onto the bed on all fours, i took his slab of meat in my ginger claw and started to stroke it's rock hard length. as he gasps and moans lightly I lean in and wrap my lips around his tip, swirling my pierced, forked tongue around it, hitting all of his very sensitive, and deprived, nerves! he relaxes his grip on it, clawing his bed in disbelief. as i work on his cock, i work my head down his shaft. his breathing quickens as more and more of his pulsating meat is engulfed by my skilled mouth. his stifled moans begin to escape as the crown of his head slips down my trained throat, and more so as my lips reach his base, soon pressing my nose to his flesh! i retreat some, getting some air via my nose. looking over at his face i can see his lustful approval, i let my head bob on his cock some before i again push myself down, ''oh... fuck!... quite the slut huh!? *grunt*'' his hand, now showing some coherency, and confidence to boot, slides down my back along my mane, as my tail waves seductively in the air, till he is shamelessly gripping my ass, kneading it, even offering it a little slap or two! As he does, my cock swells, jutting forth as my 4g prince Albert is freed, and soon has fully uncased itself rapidly swelling and hardening.

in a show of his greater size and superior strength, he slides his claw under me, gives my cock a few strokes and simply lifts me at the hips, rotating me. Before i know it i have been plopped down, straddling his chest. he lifts my tail and gives it a toss to the side as his other hand slips under me and pulls my meat back towards him. He grips my thighs with both claws and slides them up to my tight, round ass. Thanks to his dragon neck, he has no difficulty in leaning his head forward to draw his tongue along the underside of my cock, and ending with a long swipe over my tail-hole. i moaned before i knew what he'd done. It became clear when he pressed his muzzle against my ass and started to run his tongue all over my hole, pushing and teasing it wetly. my moans resonate his cock, making it jump in my mouth! without warning a loud CRACK! fills the room followed immediately by my deep, lustfully guttural, grunting moan as his open claw made solid contact with my ass! then my body shudders and quakes as he mercilessly plunges his tongue into me. soon i can no longer maintain my blow job, i succumb to his talents. when he's had his fill of that he rolls me off of him and onto my back. he is quick to climb over me, he hesitates a moment, looking into my eyes, before he plants a deep, steaming hot kiss on me.

he breaks the kiss, he leans back till he's only on his knees, one claw grips the base of his cock firmly and draws towards the tip, as he does so, a massive glob of pre-cum beads from his pointed tip, ''I've wanted you for some time now...'' he utters, almost to himself as he spreads his pre all over his cock, with some to spare, which he spreads on my hole. my cock bounces and throbs at his touch. he places his tip at my entrance, he applies pressure but does not enter, he continues this, teasing me, letting me feel his girth but not giving it to me, soon he has me panting and groaning in need and desire! i open my eyes, looking up at him, my eyes pleading to him, in a show of his control he drops the smirk from his face, put there by my squirming, ''ask for it.''

Puzzlement enters my expression, ''beg for my cock!'' he commands, briefly applying greater pressure into me, letting me feel what i am missing. Timidly, i choke out, ''please...'' again he pushes forward but denies me his flesh and i moan, ''PLEASE!'', ''What?'', he says growling low, ''i said beg for it!'', ''PLEASE FUCK ME! GIVE ME YOUR COCK! PLEASE!'' as he drinks the image of me begging, in, he presses onward, slowly, his cock enters my ass, his dual crested, point-tipped head trail blazes into me. just behind his head is his cocks narrowest point. with my moaning and gasping as his backdrop, he pushes on, sliding his tapered cock into my tight ass, my volume growing in proportion to his steadily increasing girth! as he nears the base of his cock he slaps my ass again, and he has me squealing like a school girl! finally, as his girth is pushing me to my limit I shudder lightly, quaking with lust as he gives me a moment to adjust to the overwhelming fullness his cock provides! he soon pulls back, it's huge girth slides all but his dual-crowned head out, me squirming and panting and moaning and cooing like a slutty cheerleader after the homecoming game in the locker room! before i expect so, he thrusts forward, burying his cock into me, right up to his thickest, he easily withdraws with speed, he then rams it back into me!

Soon, he is fucking me like the afore mentioned slutty cheerleader! he pounds my ass, his cock filling me. with me moaning in pleasure he pumps with a quick rhythm. pulling out he commands, ''get your ass in the air!'' i promptly do as I'm told, my face planted in the bed, my ass in the air, presented to him. he slides his hand under the base of my tail and flips it to one side, exposing my hole to him. he slides his fist along his shaft a few times, as he straddles my legs, spreading his pre over it before he lines it up with my hole. He mercilessly pushes onward, ramming his girthy cock into my ass once again! As my predicted moan is a bit muffled by the bedding. he murrs at the heat and tightness of my ass, "better than i imagined" he rumbled, "so beautiful! who'd have thought that I'd find such a cute dragon, barely bigger than a mouse boi, at work?! so cute! Damn I've wanted this ass since i first saw it snug in your suit!" he grunts and pumps himself into me, his whole length knowing the heat of my body! he leans forward, one claw on the bed next to me, the other on my hip. he groans and pounds a flurry of rapid-fire thrusts into my ass! "FUCK you're still tight! what a perfect slut you are!" he slows down, pumping into me with a slow, full body stroke, panting as he stares at the entirety of his length sliding in and out of my still tight ass.

My rock hard cock bobs between my legs, twitching and pulsing with his thrusts! the sounds of hot sex filling the room are suddenly interrupted by the loud cracking of his palm on my ass! my sharp whine marks the second my ass spasms and clenches him within me for a long moment, my cock stands painfully hard too, pre glistening on the tip and oozing down the steel of my prince Albert. he, in turn, grunts, "holy crap!" as his cock is squeezed in my vice, his claws digging into my hips as he bears the painful pleasure! As the rush subsides some he eases back, my ass shudders around his flesh as he begins his rhythm anew. Just as he gets back up to speed he pauses, buried into me up to his hilt, he leans forward and wraps his powerful arms around my chest, under my arms, and leans back, bringing me with him. He leans back till he is almost sitting on his legs/ foot-talons and he pulls my back to his chest, so that I'm sitting on his lap slightly, his cock pressing very hard against my g-spot. As he nibbles, kisses and licks my neck he slides a hand to my groin, stroking my hardness a few times as his other hand slides up my chest, then up my neck, finally, he slides a couple of fingers into my mouth, on which I happily suckle, shuddering and moaning a little.

His hand leaves my member and grips my hip and he releases his gentle bite on my neck, then he pops his hips forward and starts to bounce me off of him like a paddle ball! As he speeds up slowly he slides his hand from my mouth and grips my hips with it too, his claws are big enough to wrap around much of my hips. He uses his grip to guide me in my counter rhythm, pushing back into him as he pushes into me. He grunts and moans as he pounds my hole full of his every inch, my tight, round cheeks bouncing off of his hips as I hug my tail to me and coo and whine in my slowly sobering lust as I bounce on his lap! "Fuck!" I moan in my feminine voice, made so by my arousal and pleasure. "that's right boy..." he grunts as he picks up his pace, ramming into me harder, making me gasp and moan, panting , as sweat begins to bead from my brow, and my cock is jumping with every thrust! Soon he begins to make little noises, making it obvious that he is getting close. A little roughly he pushes me forward, plopping my face into the bed, he utters a little "you ok" to which I nod and he proceeds to flip me over onto my back, taking his time, letting his climax recede to prolong his pleasure. He spreads my legs and lay between them, pressing his body to mine and kissing me he lines up and again slides into my ass, "my gawd! You're STILL tight!" he proclaims before resuming his kissing and pumping into my ass more. For a good long while he pumps his hips against mine, rocking atop me, thrusting his big cock into me! Finally he begins to feel a rumbling deep in my body, my hole begins to quiver around his meat, "I ... can't hold it... anymore! I'm... going to... cum! ... soon! Damien!", to which he moaned and licked his chops, "me too..." he growls low into my ear. He lifts himself up onto his arms and starts to pound into me with big, long, powerful strokes, some so long that his whole cock exits and enters me! His pounding becomes so intense that I can no longer take it! My claws dig into his back and my ass spasms like crazy, gripping him as tight as a vice as my orgasm bears down upon me and my other hand strokes my member like mad! Suddenly, he slides out and scrambles up me, stroking his cock more vigorously than I stroked my own, and he lets out a deep roar as he releases his massive load all over my face, neck and chest. The feeling of his hot cream all over me is too much and I gasp and moan as I release my huge load onto his back, ass and my own tummy.

He sits on my chest for a long while as we bask in the heavy afterglow. Finally he slides off of me and the bed to the side and politely helps me up. He lifts my chin with a single finger and kisses me, then, with out a word, he takes me into his bathroom and starts a shower. Getting in first, he holds my hand like a gentleman as I step in. Washing himself first quickly, he then turns his attention to me, he guides me in front of him, into the spray of hot water. Kneeling behind me, his head was just barely lower than mine. Holding my back to his chest, he washes my front with care not to miss a spot. Turning me around, he bends me over his shoulder and gingerly washes my rump and tail, scratching up my back. As I slide off of him he pulls me into an other kiss.

I wake up alone in his huge bed, nude, but wrapped in his luxurious, sheets. I can smell breakfast wafting into the bedroom. I slide out of the huge bed, feeling my rump still tingling from the nights events, and slink over to the chest of drawers. As quiet as I can I open the second drawer and ruffle around, finding a sports team T-shirt I liked and slid into it, it was so big it hung around my thighs almost, but not quite to my knees! I yawn and stretch before I pad about the apartment, guided by the smell, eventually padding into the kitchen. Wrapped in a beautiful, blue, silk robe, Damien slide the scrambled eggs onto 2 plates, "good morning there Otoshi! How are you this fine morn'?" he looks over at me and stares a moment as I stand in the door way, "gawd you're beautiful..." he says coolly. Blushing, I respond "excellent!" I sit politely at the table, crossing my legs, admittedly, a bit femininely. As he sets the plate in front of me he kisses my cheek, at which a chill run up my spine, I hadn't experienced such affection in a very long time. As we ate we exchanged fleeting, longing glances. He finished before me, "so, Otoshi, what are your plans for the weekend?", I chewed and swallowed as fast as I could as he smiled at me, having obviously timed that on purpose, "I really don't have any actually..." he grinned a huge grin, an expression I hadn't seen him make before, "good!" was all he said till I finished my breakfast, he watched me the whole time. "I have an idea, how about I drop you off at your place and pick you up at say, 6? Then we can go to a movie and dinner, or something?" I was a little taken aback by how up front the was being, he didn't strike me as the hopeless romantic type. Blushing again, I nodded curtly, "sure, that sounds really great! I can get my neighbor to let me in."

Around 5 pm I start to prepare for the 'date' that I've been thinking about all day! I can feel the butterflies in my tummy, like it's my prom night or something! Already knowing the restaurant, we were to be going to, and how nice it is, I dress in a nice, dark grey blazer, a black polo shirt and a pair of tight, but nice jeans. To my surprise, it was not an auto port or a private vehicle that pulls up to my building, but a limo port! The long sleek vehicle's door opens and he stand up and leans against the side. He is dressed not unlike myself, a T-shirt, a dark grey blazer and some slacks. With a wide-eyed look on my face I step out of the front door and can't help but bounce over to him, grinning stupidly I stop a little short of him, remembering that he may not like PDA's. "Uh... hi, Damien!" he holds out his hand "hello there beautiful", I blush and take his hand, he guides my into the door gentlemanly and follows me in. he sits right next to me, trapping me against the opposite wall. He puts his arm over me, eliciting a large smile from me. "You do look really good tonight!" he closes his eyes and takes a long sniff of my mane, not hiding it at all. I blush deeply and turn my head to him, easing his access to my mane, and I put my hand on his leg, just above his knee, as I do so, he nuzzles my cheek and even begins to kiss it, but just as I feel the tease of his tongue on my neck, the limo stops and it's automated voice states that we have arrived at the restaurant.

Inside, we sit in an isolated booth in the back. We are seated by a cute little skunk femme who has obviously had a long day and doesn't seam to care about anything at this point. As we slid into the booth, the red, floor length tablecloth flowing about our laps, she plopped the menus down and rudely asked for our drink orders. We looked at each other as she left and giggled to each other. I open my menu, but as soon as I do, he snatches it away, "Y'know what? I think I know what'd be perfect! Ok?", I smile and nod at him, "ok" is all I say, cutely as I do. When the waitress finally returns he orders a single dish. "it's really great but I can never eat more than half of it myself, you'll love it I'm sure!" he grins at me, looking right into my eyes, making, as usual, blush. After she walks out of earshot he pipes up, "do you know how cute you are when you blush?" at which I giggle, shake my head, and blush even more. "Well you are, I could just eat you up right here, right now," he licks his chops, "I'd bet you'd taste better than our dinner too." I bite my bottom lip at the comment, blushing redder than he'd seen before tonight, at which he grins. I have to keep from squeaking when I suddenly feel his huge foot-talon on my inner thigh, sliding up to rub my groin. I whimper and nibble my fingertip as he massages my arousal. As I think I'm about to start shaking, his foot-talon slide off of my groin, the waitress was arriving with our food. I would have thanked her if I didn't think she'd take my head off with the platter.

Eating was an interesting experience. He continuously teased, tickled and generally touched me, mostly under the table. After we finished our meal we sat and talked a while. Soon he hooks my foot-talon with his and lifts it up to his hand, talking casually as he does so, he pulls my foot-talon up and suddenly I feel it contact the bare flesh of his cock, hard and throbbing, now, between my toes. Blushing brightly, I wiggle my toes and massage him up and down. Acting unaffected, he soon removes my foot-talon and puts himself away, taking a drink of water, I assume, to ease his erection so as to walk out without embarrassment, since next he stood, took my hand and led me out, paying on our way out. In the limo he again sits right against me, nuzzling me as before. A little dazed by his attentions, I speak softly, "thank... you... for dinner... you... *pant* didn't... have to ... pay though...", to which he responds into my ear, "I wanted to, *he licks my ear slightly* I AM wooing you after all. *he kisses my neck* right?", I can't help but smile, "but, you've... already... had me...", "yes *kisses my cheek* but I think I want to KEEP you", as he nuzzles my cheek I feel my breath deepening further, "but... we barely know each.... Other...*pant* ... how... would you... know that? ..." He smirks to himself and lifts my chin with his middle digit, he looks me straight in the eye, and we kiss deeply.

As the limo-port pulls up to the theater, we are still making out. Adjusting ourselves we step out of the limo as before. He leads me into the theater, already having bought the tickets he gives them to the teenaged usher, a raccoon. We walk straight to the auditorium, not stopping for concessions. He grabs my hand and almost drags me up to the top, dark corner of the theater. When we get to the top it turns out that there's only one chair in the corner, I stop, wondering where I'd sit. Giving my hand a tug he pivots and sits in the chair, not hesitating, he pulls me to him and, exhibiting his great strength, he lifts me by the waist and I find myself sitting on his lap! My back pressed to his front completely, from head to toe, we were pressed together. He wrapped his arms around me, trapping me against him. As the lights dim he starts to nibble my neck, ear and shoulder, his talons slide into my blazer and he gropes my chest, soon one talon slides down to my groin and massages my arousal through my tight pants. With his strong arms immobilizing me, I couldn't resist his attentions, missing the whole movie, since he never stopped toying with me the whole time. He stands me up by the hips at the end of the movie and leads me out by the hand, this time, he leads me by the hand all the way to the limo. After an other very close limo ride, made more difficult by how he had been teasing me nonstop throughout the movie. Finally we arrive at his place. Without asking he grabs my hand and drags me into his house, not that he had to ask.

Once inside he wastes no time in grabbing me and pulling me into a passionate kiss as he recklessly strips me, ripping and tearing my clothes in an effort to get them off faster! Soon I am standing in a pile of my own clothes, nude, in his living room, kissing him deeply. He wraps his arms around me and lifts me like that, he carries me into the bedroom. I squeal and giggle as he playfully tosses me onto the huge bed. After a moment, my giggles fade as I feel him staring at me with lusty, half lidded eyes. As his gaze burns into me he starts to slowly undress, his eyes never leaving me. He stands there a moment, nude and aroused, staring at me, "you... are so beautiful Otoshi!" he coos at me, "close your eyes" he says in his sexy voice, which is enough to compel me to comply. I listen to him rustling about under the bed in a box of some kind. As a heavy object plops down on the bed he says, "roll over, onto you stomach..." I do so out of curiosity, laying prone, my hands out to my sides, my legs spread slightly. I hear a vinyl bag being accessed but I stay still, awaiting the surprise. A surprise it is indeed, suddenly my hands are pulled behind my back and I hear the distinct sound of handcuffs clicking away around my wrists! As I gasp in befuddlement at that I feel him grab my legs and force them together, then the unmistakable feel of Japanese silk rope wrapping around my ankles! "what the!? What are you...", "shush!" he silences me. I hear the bag again and he wraps a band of silk around my head, covering my eyes. After he blindfolds me he pushes a rubber ball into my mouth and buckles it's strap behind my head, just below the knot of the blindfold. Finally, he slips a hide strap of leather around my neck, it wraps around a few times before he buckles it closed. He grabs the base of my tail and slides his loose fist along its length, placing its last quarter against the back of my neck, I feel the leather thongs being tied around it there, he the bends the tip back down and ties it there too, so I cannot possibly escape! He puts the bag away and climbs onto the bed, laying next to me, "gawd I knew you'd look even MORE spectacular like this!" he trails a finger up my back, giving me chills. He leans in, I can feel his hot breath, he lays a kiss just under my ear, at which I shudder. The bindings have me impossibly aroused, my member aches as it presses into the sheets of the bed. He trails his claw over my rump, which twitches lightly with excitement. "I knew you'd enjoy this" he whispers into my ear as his claw is joined my the rest of his hand, he squeezes my round, firm rump then, I feel the crack of his palm, spanking my ass firmly, I cannot contain my moan, nor the resulting shakes resonating through my body! I can feel my cock leaking pre onto my ring.

I can sense the grin on his face as he lines up, and brings his palm down on my other cheek, making me moan against the ball gag and pant in my arousal. His hand keeps a grip on my ass as he starts to kiss his way down my back, biting me every so often, a little harder than his nibbles, just shy of enough force to really hurt actually. Finally he kisses his way to my ass. He places soft kisses all over my heart shaped posterior, my mounds, the underside of my tail, and my thighs. After quite a few kisses, he lays a bite on my right buttock, making me murl with pleasure! Then, I felt his tongue begin to tease my hole. It's fork was pressing firmly enough to not tickle, but not firmly enough to push into me. For a good while he teases my ass, making it very wet. Then he presses his snout to my rump and kisses my hole, making me tense up with excitement. He continued to kiss my rump like that for several moments, but then, he turns it into a French kiss, as he slips his tongue into me! Apparently my wiggling becomes so great that he grabs my hips with his powerful hands, immobilizing me, letting him have his fill of me! Pulling his face away from my ass he plants a powerful slap on my left cheek! The slap echoes in the room followed by my loud moan of pleasure! "gawd I love it when you moan like that!" he coos at me before landing an even harder slap on the other cheek, making me moan almost twice as loud and I bite hard into the ball gag and grind my knees together, pumping my hips with overwhelming pleasure! As I shudder and shake, trying to recover, he licks and sucks his own fingers. Once he feels they're sufficiently moistened with his thick saliva, he massages my hole with his middle finger, not counting his thumb, since he has only four digits, like myself. I shake like a leaf in the wind as he rubs my hole, "you want it?" he says coyly, to which I nod subtly. He presses my button harder, "what's that? Do you want it or not?" he says in that coy tone, I nod bigger and faster, whining slightly as he pressed. "WHAT!?" he says loudly, as though her were deaf, pushing enough to start to open me, but not enter. I moan loudly, whining as loud as I could and pumping my hips, "mm hmm!" I moan, begging as best I could considering the gag. "good boy... good beg" he says low, "here's your treat!" I can feel his grin as he slides his finger into my tight ass! "oh my! I can feel your tight little hole twitching and shaking around my finger!" he coos at me. While sliding his finger in the rest of the way, knuckle by knuckle, he slides his other hand under me and grips my throbbing cock very firmly, making me gasp sharply as he squeezes more pre out of my tip. "oh you ARE enjoying this aren't you!" he mocks me as he slips the last of his finger into me. "my you're warm! Your innards are smoking hot and twitching! I think I'll see what buttons you have in here for me to push...", I just know he's grinning evilly as he bends his finger inside of me, pressing hard into my walls! I can hardly stand it as he probes my walls and a myriad of noises emanate from me, totally out of my control! Suddenly I almost let out a scream, stifled only by the gag as he slips a second finger into me to join the first in exploring me. "hmmm maybe if I press... right... HERE!" he presses both fingers hard against my prostate! I go crazy as he rubs my G-spot, I scream and moan and my toes curl and uncurl madly but he doesn't let up "yes! Squirm for me! YES! Oh your beautiful voice MOANING like that! Oh! YES! THAT'S IT! I'M FUCKING YOU!" he announces before he slides his fingers out of me and releases my cock and climbing atop me. He starts to nibble my neck as he takes aim, "you're so perfect Otoshi!" he whispers to me as he presses his tip against my hole. I try to relax my muscles as best I can to accommodate his massive size but it is still bordering on painful as he gently, slowly slides his huge cock into me.

Straddling my thighs as he fills me, he makes sure to give me ALMOST enough time to get totally used to him. Slowly he bounces up and down, making his cock just wiggle in me. After a minute he grunts a little and takes a full stroke, cresting the head of his cock out of my hole before shoving it all the way back into me. As my moan subsides he whispers, "gawd... I've never felt anything like your ass, you're as hot as a furnace... *grunt* and that twitching is driving me NUTS!" he grabs the pillow next to me and rises to his knees, altering the angle of his cock in my ass, he rolls the pillow then lifts my hips and shoves the pillow under them, "oh yes... that'll keep that magnificent ass in the air for me!" he leans forward and hilts himself in me, making me moan deeply. He starts to thrust his hips, taking full strokes, sliding his cocks full length in and out of my hot hole, his pre making it slick and silky smooth, leaving only the good friction. The very temperature of the room rises as he grunts and murls over me and shakes the bed with the power of his thrusts! He bends forward and bites my left shoulder as he runs his fingers up through my long pink mane. He closes his fist around the mane of the back of my head. Slowly, he pulls, till he lifts my head off of the pillow. As he does so he starts to thrust into me harder and harder. As he overloads my senses he bites harder on my shoulder, mounting me harder still. Every thrust of his massages my cock into the pillow, with every nerve in my body firing I am lost on cloud 9 as he fucks my brains out. Soon, as I feel my climax bearing down upon me, I can hear him making the same noises as before, his climax was close indeed. He releases his bite on my shoulder and licks where he'd been biting, then he licks my neck, then ear, then, into that ear, "can... I... keep you... Otoshi? I want you to be... *pant* mine! *grunt* can I?" he pleas. Without a single thought I could feel that this was perfect, I moan and nod as best I can with my mane being pulled. When I nod he lets out the words "OH GAWD!" then he clamps down on the joining of my shoulder and neck. I scream against the gag as he lets out a great roar, together we release our explosions of lust! As he pumps me full of his seed his bite grows in intensity, tears well up in my eyes and I let out a sharp gasp as I feel his fangs sink into my flesh! We shake and twitch together as both our massive orgasms slowly pass. The big bull dragon's eyes snap open and he whines as he eases his teeth out of me, "oh gawd Otoshi! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean..." I push my neck up into his, my nose up into his jaw, cuddling him. He licks the bloody punctures gently and apologetically as his throbbing cock softens slowly. He takes the gag off before he eases out of me, being needlessly gentle. Grabbing a towel from under his nightstand, he lovingly cleans me off. He first unties my legs, kissing and licking the flesh as it's uncovered by the rope. As he finally unbinds my hands he rolls me onto my back, laying atop me he kisses me deeply as I stroke his cheeks. He looks deep into my eyes before kissing me again. He kisses down my neck, I smile, he licks the punctures on my front, "I... didn't mean to... mark you... I'm" I grab him and pull him into a kiss, then look into his eyes, "I'm... yours now... you know what this scar will mean...", he kisses my chest and looks up at me, "that we're... mated...", "and you're my master!" we smile and kiss, then cuddle till we're taken by sleep.

The shroud of sleep lifts from me slowly and my conscious mind is greeted by Damien stroking my mane, holding me to his powerful chest. I smile and look up to kiss his cheek then give him a kiss on the lips. "shall I make us breakfast?" I ask cutely. He almost blushes as he looks down at me, "sure my little dragon.". I smile and kiss him then I slid out of the big bed and stretch, trying not to let on that both my ass and my neck/shoulder still ached from last night. He lays back with his arms behind his head as I walk as sexily as I can till I'm out of his sight, then I walk a little more gingerly.

Two massive crimson arms wrap around me from behind as I cook and his snout nuzzle into my neck, he murls in his deep voice. I grin and giggle as he licks my neck playfully, "it smells great!", "thank you!" I chirp cheerfully. "and the food smells pretty good too" he grins at his comment. I press my hips back into him, "cute..." I say softly as I turn my head back to kiss him. He releases me and sits as I serve up breakfast.

After we finish he stands enthusiastically, "Otoshi, come with me!" he grins and slips out of the room, "o...ok..." I stutter and hop up to follow him, bouncing just to catch up. We stand in the bedroom once more, "close your eyes" he says, and I comply, "Damien, what is it?" I say, smiling big. "ok, open them!" before me, cupped in his large hands I see a beautiful, all leather collar and a gorgeous chrome silver, heart shaped padlock. "it's beautiful" I say as I start at it. "it's for you, I want you to wear it, I want all to know that you are mine!" I throw my arms around him, "oh Damien!" I turn around an press my back against him, leaning my head to ease his access to my neck. He wraps the leather around my neck, the strap narrows and slides through a slot, allowing it to wrap around my neck two full times before buckling. Sliding his arms under mine, he holds me close as he locks the padlock, and my collar, in place. "There... now all will know that you are mine Otoshi!" we kiss deeply. He reaches into the closet and asks me to close my eyes again before he removes his hand, I do so. I hear him giggling a little as the distinct sound of vinyl ruffles about in his claws, "now keep your eyes closed until I say so, you'll see soon enough!" He toys with me a bit as he dresses me. "there!", he stands me in front of his full length mirror, "open!" my eye's go wide as I see myself. I stand there dressed in a vinyl mockup of a French maids outfit. There is no back but for the huge, white vinyl bow and some leather laces to hole it together. The front sports a small apron bordered with frilly vinyl lace. The short sleeves and the bottom of the extremely short, bleated skirt are also bordered by the same vinyl lace. And I wear a vinyl maids tiara hat as well as thigh high, scale tight, vinyl, stiletto heels (though the heels barely touch the floor given I have digitigrade feet) with no toes, to let my three talons be free to keep my balance and to grip. And, of course, I have a pair of matching bicep high, half fingered gloves. "wow..." I say a little astounded, not just by my new apparel, but by how good I look in it as well. "you are GORGEOUS my love!" he says proudly, and I blush, "what is it Otoshi?", I look up at him, a hint of tears in my eyes, "you called me... I... love you too!" we kiss very deeply for a bit, I finally open my eyes to notice him staring at my slightly exposed ass in the mirror. I smile and kiss him again as his claw slides up my skirt to grip my ass.

***want part III? well i'll need some feedback to let me know you liked it! [email protected]! and if you REALLY liked it and REALLY want an other part!? well you're gonna have to give me some really... hard... DEEP ... er... feedback... ^^

while you're all at it, check out my art at http://otoshi.wwoec.com/ and and be sure to enroll in the forum so as to see my latest stuff! i do at least a pic a week! :P