Feldspar: Part Two

Story by Equinox on SoFurry

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Keris opened the door and blinked rapidly at the sight before her. Wrapped in a mass of with his leg sticking out was her son, a thin line of drool hanging from his open mouth, swaying with each loud snore that he gave out. She couldn't make out the finer details of her son's appearance, but the little light that was able to pass through the curtains made one feature very clear; he was absolutely wrecked.

Shaking her head, she casually turned on the light switch and light flooded the teenager's room. The mangled mess writhed and tucked itself in to its cocoon tighter than before, only to have the covers ripped away.

"Come on, you've been asleep for ages. I told you not to go over the top when you go out, so if you're hung-over then it serves you right."

Matt opened his eyes and cowered away from the harsh light. Sitting up, he rubbed the sleep away , gave a loud yawn and lazily scratched his arm. Matt looked up at his mother, a husky just like himself.

"I'm not hung-over, just didn't get in until late."

Keris raised an eyebrow at her son, and looked away to face a poster of some rock band that Matt was fond of; the title "Knights of Cydonia" clashing with the colours. Matt looked at the poster and then his mother, wondering why she had averted her gaze. It was only when she gave a little cough did he realise the problem; he hadn't put on any underwear before getting into bed. In a mad panic Matt immediately ran across the room and flung his dressing gown onto himself, tightening the belt as much as possible and digging his paws into the pockets. His mother was still looking at the poster.

"Are you presentable yet? I'm getting petty fed up of looking at this band" Keris joked.

Matt merely grunted and bowed his head. Keris walked up to him, the top of her head only reaching his chin, and gave his hair a quick ruffle, laughing as her son dashed away.

"You know I hate that!" he snapped.

Keris laughed again and walked to open to the curtains, flooding the room with more light. She flung open the window and looked outside to field behind the house, taking in a deep breath of air. Matt walked towards the window until he could see the view as well, noticing that the rain from last night was almost gone, the clear skies letting the sun blaze with glory. Keris turned around to her son and kissed him lightly on the cheek.

"Mom!" Matt grimaced, wiping away the saliva. "I'm not a kid anymore you know, sheesh."

Keris just looked up at Matt's yellow eyes with her pale blue ones. "You'll always be a kid to me." She rubbed the cheek she had kissed, then made for the door. "Now get a shower, sort out that bloody hair of yours and come down for some breakfast, well, I say breakfast", Keris glanced at the ornate clock on the wall ahead of her, "but it's more like a lunch time now."

She walked out of the room, turning off the light switch as she left. Matt stood in the room, thoughts immediately going back to his somewhat comic first meet with Nathan last night. He remembered the clumsy encounter, the awkward conversation in the entrance in the club, the way he fled as soon as he got an erection and then the somewhat enjoyable ride home. But most of all he remembered that bulge. Just thinking about it made Matt get a familiar sensation around his crotch. Snapping out of his daydream he lazily began to make his bed, still rubbing the sleep from his eyes and yawning. He went over to his desk and switched on his laptop, scrolling through his email inbox with a hope of seeing something worth his time. After deciding he did not want to but any cheap Viagra, Matt banished the spam away to the trash bin and switched the laptop off. He didn't really know why he bothered checking messages anymore, there was never anything worth his time.

"Man, I'm such a geek." Rubbing his face with his paw Matt sluggishly moved himself to the bathroom down the hall, passing one of the spare rooms on his way. Casting a peak through the open door, Matt once again was taken back by how cluttered the place was. The house had four bedrooms, two of which were used for other purposes. The first was Matt's games room, the one he was glancing into, and his parents used the other as their office. Clocking the pile of retro game cartridges on the floor, Matt made mental note to sort it out before the weekend was over.

A good length of time passed before Matt descended the stairs and dragged himself to the kitchen, still yawning away. His Mom had just finished making some toast and was plating up some bacon onto it. Turning around she looked at Matt and gave him one of her "Mother knows best" looks.

"You really had a wild time last night didn't you?"

"Oh, err", Matt scratched the back of his head as he sat down at the table, "yeah, it was pretty mad really." Matt shrugged his shoulders and began to wolf down the food on his plate, surprising himself at just how hungry he was.

"Go on then" Keris asked.

"Whadda you mean?' Matt replied, still chewing his bacon.

Keris folded her arms and gave another one of her mother looks. "I want to know what Chris was like." She gave a silly grin. "That kid always makes out that he's top dog, and that's before alcohol touches his chops."

Matt gave a small laugh; she was right. "Well, he was the one who got drunk, I decided not to drink so I could make sure he actually got home in one piece."

His mother walked towards him and placed a hand on his shoulder. "You know I don't mind you going out and having a good time, the things I did at your age were far from what you'd call normal behaviour. The girls and me used to be a right bunch of misfits back in the day. Come the weekend we'd hit the town and-"

"Drink yourselves red, I know the story Mom." Matt smiled at his mother's expression.

"I guess the story is getting old now" she sighed.

Matt nodded in agreement with her

"Just promise me that you'll be careful when you go out. I'm not saying that you can't look after yourself" she added, noticing the scowl on Matt's face, "I mean that you need to be careful with Chris. You know what he can get like. Always bite first and ask questions later, sometimes even missing the last part out completely."

Matt paused, his mother was right once again.

"He's had a lot to put up with, you know about-".

"That's no excuse to throw his bulk around intimidating everyone who gets on his nerves! All that happened was him blowing his top because he found out his dad was gay; it's just so wrong the way he reacted. I mean, why would he be so against the idea?"

"I know Mom, I know." Matt was idly twiddling his thumbs, recalling the tales of Chris's past in his mind once again.

Keris gave Matt's shoulder a small squeeze and took away his plate, placing it in the dishwasher along with the cutlery. Matt got up from the chair and walked towards the fridge, scanning around for the orange juice. "On the subject of dads," Matt muttered, pulling out the carton and removing the top, "where has mine got to?"

"In bed" she said. "Come to think of it," she said, glancing up at the ceiling as she thought," he got back only a few minutes after you did-oh I wish you'd stop doing that!"

She was referring to Matt drinking the juice straight from the carton, tilting it all the way up to drain every last drop

"Oh, sorry" he said, wiping his forearm across his mouth. "So when is he off to work then?"

"About an hour after me; speaking of which;" Keris tapped her watch and made towards the stairs. "I'm gonna have to get ready now dear. I know you were going to call for Chris this morning so you'll most likely be gone when I come down. I'll let Dad know that you asked about him." With that she blew Matt a kiss and walked upstairs.

Shaking his head at his Mother's silly gestures, Matt walked out of the kitchen and made his way to the hallway. So far so good, his mother had bought the story of his night out with Chris. But one thing she said made him feel like he had swallowed a lead weight; just a few minutes after bidding Nathan goodbye Matt's father had arrived home as well. Lots of different scenarios were playing around in Matt' mind as he donned an old pair of DC's. What would have happened if the taxi had dropped him off at home a few minutes later last night? He would have come face to face with his dad, and his dad would have come face to face with Nathan. The thought of those two meeting each other didn't seem too appealing. But it didn't happen, and that's all that mattered. He knew his parents wouldn't be bothered if they found out he was gay, but they wouldn't like the idea of Matt being friends with someone like Nathan. That, and also the fact that both of them could hold a secret like a sieve could hold water, was the reason neither of them knew. Checking his hair once more in the mirror Matt unlocked the door and began his journey to Chris's place.

The sun was beating down on the estate, and Matt was grateful that he had decided against brining a jacket with him. He hadn't gone to town on his appearance, just a normal pair of jeans and a plain green shirt. Matt had never really needed to dress for the occasion, deciding to save his money and spend a small amount of it on things like quirky gadgets and his growing manga collection. However, Matt did have two guilty pleasures when it came to fashion. Try as he might, Matt could never turn down a pair of shoes that he liked. Whether they were Vans, DC's, Converses or even just a cheap pair with an unusual design, he had to have them. Along with shoes, Matt also had a thing for wristwatches, particularly LED ones. Today he was wearing one with a steel plate which had an intricate design of several different coloured lights which made no sense to the casual observer, but that's why he liked it. Matt didn't know why he had such a weird collection, nor could he explain it to himself. He had often thought they were a way of making himself look different; standing out from the crowd in his own subliminal way.

"Or maybe", he thought, smiling to himself, "I'm just a freak".

He was on his way to see Chris so that he could tie up the last loose end in his story. Chris had phoned him after college yesterday and asked if Matt was up for a night out in the town. Matt had spent too long devising his plan to get into the gay club for Chris to simply butt in and ruin it. Spinning some long tale of how he'd love to but some coursework needed doing urgently as the deadline was at the end of the day Chris finally got the message but asked Matt to call in at his place the next day. Thinking nothing more of it Matt had agreed and hung up the phone. Whilst exploring the estate Matt noticed that despite the sunshine and good fortune of weather they were having, it was pretty much empty. Only the local paperboy, a young fox by the name of Mike, seemed to be outside today. Mike had said good morning but Matt had blanked him, his mind still going over what might have occurred last night if he was only a few minutes late. Lost in thought, Matt realised he had missed the road that led to Chris's place. Retracing his steps, Matt began to follow the winding road. Chris lived in one of the biggest houses on the estate, courtesy of the very successful careers that both his mother and her new husband Leon had. She had her own business in the heart of the city, some sort beauty therapy chain. Leon was a fitness coach, and one of the best. There were rumours that he had trained some of the top movie stars when he lived abroad in America. But he had become fed up with the American lifestyle; "The American Nightmare" he had once called. He met Arra around six months after Keith had left the home, and they had married within a year.

Finally reaching the door Matt pushed the doorbell and tapped his paw on the top of his leg to the jingle that played. Glancing around, Matt noticed that not only was Chris's house one of the biggest on the state; it was also one of the most private. There were only two more houses around in view, and they were set far away. The opening of the door snapped Matt back to his senses, but the sight before him made him step back in surprise. Standing in the doorway was Chris, completely naked apart from a small pair of swimming shorts. Matt tried not to let his eyes betray him, but he couldn't help notice the large bulge outlined by the small garment, the thin material outlining each of Chris's balls perfectly; Matt had never realised until now just how well endowed his friend was. It wasn't just his equipment that Chris was gifted with; he had a very defined physique to match; a benefit of his athletic lifestyle. Chris's pecs and abs were above average, easily visible beneath the thick black fur. His thighs and biceps were just as chiselled as his torso, each of them built by years of sports and gym sessions. Despite being a couple of inches taller than him, Matt always felt overshadowed by his appearance.

No, stop this Matt thought, immediately tearing his eyes away from Chris's body. Not Chris, you know what he thinks about people like me. Directing his eyes at Chris's face he noticed the raised eyebrow and immediately looked away.

"Bloody hell Chris, have some decorum."

Chris looked down and realised the problem, immediately disguising it with both paws.

Ha, sorry man!" Chris had a big cheesy grin on his face. "Relax, the big bad wolf is hidden out of view now".

Matt looked back at Chris, rolling his eyes. "You got the bad bit right, but the big part doesn't seem fitting."

"Oh good one." Chris taunted, leaning on the side of the doorframe, both paws still hiding his package. "I've ran out of my other pairs of swimming trunks, kinda forgot to mention to Mom I'd been using them, so I have to settle for these things." Chris gave a small laugh, "At least the garden is private. No upsetting the neighbours".

Managing to keep his gaze only on Chris's face Matt tucked his paws into his pockets and gave out a yawn.

"Whoa, you must have hit the books hard last night. Did you make the deadline?"

"Oh," Matt had briefly forgotten his lie he had told, "Err, yeah. Managed to get it finished and sent off, took ages to do. I reckon I didn't get to sleep until after two."

Chris just smirked. "Such a lightweight, I stayed up for hours, didn't nod off until gone three".

"All right, enough of the lecture. What did you want me to call for? If it's about goin-"

"Yep, you got it."

Matt braced himself, he hadn't thought up a good cover story to get out of this one. Turning down Chris once was bad enough but there was no way he'd take no for an answer for a second time. He tried to think of something but what he heard next took him by complete surprise.

"I can't make it."

Matt was lost for words, unable to register what he had just heard; Chris turning down an excuse to get completely wasted.

"Something's come up; I promised Leon I'd give him a hand. Sorry man."

Unable to believe his luck Matt just blabbered a mixture of words, saying he understood and that it didn't matter. Chris nodded in appreciation, but it was clear that he wasn't telling the whole story. The way his eyes kept moving around told Matt that he had just made it all up; but it was a winning result all the same.

"That's all; maybe we can go next weekend. Promise 'kay?" Chris was obviously in a rush to get back inside, whether it was because he was embarrassed by his lack of clothes or for deeper reason, Matt didn't mind. How lucky was he! No need to make up a story, Chris had sorted out his problem already!

"What's with that look?" Chris asked, noticing the delight on Matt's face.

"Oh. Err, Matt hadn't realised he was beaming at the news, "well, it's just that I was gonna pull out too."

Chris looked puzzled. "Why?"

Right, thought Matt, time to put on the dramatics.

"Like I'm gonna say! You'll laugh yourself silly."

Chris was curious now, taking his paws away from his shorts he folded his arms, immediately placing them back down and recovering his bulge. Composing himself he continued his assault.

"You're not getting out of this, spill!"

Matt looked down at the ground, knowing that Chris would buy this perfectly.

"Nothing, it's just silly." Matt shrugged, digging his paws deeper into his jeans.

"Nothing my arse, your paws are that deep in your pockets you might as well paint liar on your head."

Hook, line and now for the sinker.

"All right, all right..." Matt looked up at Chris and put on his best puppy face, dipping his ears to add to the effect. "I've got a date. She's called May and she's really nice, I said I'd go out with her tonight so, are you okay?" Matt noticed that Chris's look of puzzlement was replaced by a sort of loss.

"Oh, really?" Chris had changed his attitude completely, acting as if he'd just heard that Matt was dying. Matt didn't understand the sudden change in personality; Chris was definitely hiding something. Noticing the weird look he was receiving, Chris tilted back his head and gave a loud laugh, the falseness screaming out to Matt.

"Well, well, well. Looks like little Matt has found himself some tail."

"It's not like that, honest" Matt said, his paws digging deeper, this time for real.

Chris merely smirked. "Sure it isn't, I believe you. Anyway, I'd better get going now so maybe you'll come round tomorrow and you can tell me about this May that you're gunning for."

"Hey, now wait right-" Matt was cut off, the door closing before he could finish his words. Chris was gone. It took a while for what had just happened to register; never in all the years that they had known each other had Matt been treated like that. There was definitely something wrong about the whole thing; the way Chris behaved just then was completely out of character. Still confused with the events that had just taken place Matt slowly walked away, only stopping to turn his head when he heard the splash of Chris diving into the pool in the back garden.


Matt arrived home later than he thought, the usual ten-minute walk from Chris's place taking at least three times as long as usual. He tried to put Chris's odd behaviour out of mind, but even the thought of meeting Nathan tonight couldn't drive it away. Shaking his head, Matt walked into the kitchen to see a note on the work surface. Picking it up he let out a small groan of annoyance. Not again. He threw the note into the bin, fed up again by the news. Matt's father had been sent on a course once again. It would be a good week before he saw him again. It wasn't that Matt begrudged it; just the fact that they were cropping up more often than ever, diminishing what little time Matt spent with him these days. His father, Colin, was a Chemistry lecturer at the local university. Recently a very generous donation was made to the place and they decided to up the quality of their staff. Courses were appearing out of nowhere and meetings were known to last well into the night. Colin was showing the strains of the whole thing; he had lost weight, became snappy and always tired. It was cruel to see but the family knew it would only be for another month.

Time seemed to drag for Matt as he waited for the sun to set. Even after sorting out his games room, finished his homework and even reading a load of manga it still seemed to last for ages. When he finally looked out the window to see the sky turning red he decided to get ready, a small spring in his step as he climbed the stairs and entered the bathroom.


After a particularly gruesome battle with his hair Matt stood in front of the mirror. Wow. He had to admit that he didn't look too bad when he actually put some effort into the clothes he wore. A clean pair of jeans, white long-sleeved shirt and black leather jacket to match really did make him look like a normal member of society for the first time in a while. Pocketing his phone he left his room and made his was to the lounge; noticing that it was already dark outside. Matt drew the curtains and, checking the alarm one last time, grabbed a set of keys from the side and left the house, locking the door behind him.

Walking haphazardly down the drive to the garages Matt couldn't help doing a little jump in the air at the thought of going to the club, all previous fears from the night before completely erased. Pressing the button on the key fob he watched as the first garage opened its door where Matt's true pride and joy was kept. Once the door had fully opened there was a small click of static as the light came to life, revealing the classic Mini to him in all of its glory.

It had a spotless red body and glistening chrome adorning the grille and various other places. Every time he saw his car Matt couldn't help but stop a moment to admire it. Weeks of slaving away in the restaurant where he used to work had allowed him to buy the car, which resembled a complete train wreck back then. With the help of his Dad, they had been able to restore it to is original condition, even adding a few modern perks to it like an iPod dock and electric windows. It had taken ages for Matt to pass his driving test, realising he wasn't as confident a driver as he would have liked to be. After three failed attempts he had finally managed to get his licence, and took great pride in driving to college. He hardly ever drove into town, the idea of driving under the influence not a very appealing one to him. However, he had no intention of getting drunk tonight. He wanted to be able to recall every detail about the bar; and every detail about Nathan too. Unlocking the door and starting the engine, Matt slowly drove out of the garage and pressed the button on the key fob once more; shutting the door and turning the light off. Matt stopped and connected his iPod to the car and scrolled through his endless amount of songs, finally settling on some White Stripes. Cranking the sound up, Matt drove off into the night.


The air was cool and refreshing as Matt exited the multi storey, his car tucked safely away from prying eyes. Following the pavement down to the club where he often went to with Chris he noticed that the town was much busier than it had been the previous night; music booming from all sides and countless people navigating their way from club to club. He could see the club ahead, the neon on the front standing out like vibrant graffiti. Crossing the road over to the entrance, Matt opened the door with no hesitation; a fleeting sensation surging through his body as he saw Nathan waiting there in all of his muscular glory. Jeans that had to be smaller than the ones he had on the other night made his bulge stand out more than ever. He also wore a navy blue tank top, the fabric outlining each of his abs perfectly and clinging tightly to his pecs, which were threatening to tear the top clean off his muscular body. For the second time that day, Matt was stunned at what he saw.

Upon seeing Matt enter through the door Nathan gave a big feline grin and folded his arms; his biceps contracting and showing off the large muscles.

"Well hello there stranger, didn't recognise you with that crazy hairdo and normal clothes".

Matt couldn't help but grin at the lion, pulling his paws out of his jacket pockets as he immediately felt relaxed. Glancing around the entrance hall, Matt faced Nathan and gave a tut.

"I thought you said you didn't hang around the entrance and prey on the new guys"

Nathan gave one of his loud laughs. "Ha, point taken. Although I must say that for someone being preyed upon you're taking it rather well"

Matt casually shrugged. "Could be worse. I suppose if I am gonna be stalked upon by someone it might as well be you."

Giving a small chuckle, Nathan turned around and began to walk away.

"Hey", Matt called "Where are you going?

Nathan turned around, giving Mat a silly look.

"To the bar, where do you think?" Nathan cocked his head towards the door leading to the main part of the club, indicating Matt to come along.

Feeling foolish, Matt dug his paws into his pockets and followed Nathan. Ideas of what the club would be like inside kept flitting through his mind; a modern look made up of black and white? A mad explosion of colour with lights flashing everywhere? Or maybe it was just a boring set up? As the door opened Matt felt himself tense, at what was to come.

"What the hell?"

Matt blinked his eyes, convinced he was fooling himself. The club was the spitting image of the one juts over the road which he and Chris went to. There were subtle differences though; it was bigger, not as loud but full guys talking and laughing with each other. The guys were the same too. Looking at them Matt wouldn't think they were gay at all, their appearances not betraying them one bit.

"So, what do you think?"

Matt was lost for words, this wasn't what he expected at all. It wasn't bad at all; if anything it was better like this. He even noticed that one his favourite songs was playing in the background. "It's, well, err"

Nathan gave Matt a look. "What's the matter? Not camp enough for you?"

Matt turned around and looked up at Nathans face, smiling. "Its great, I like it."

Nathan grinned and patted Matt on the shoulder. "Why don't you get us a table whilst I get us some drinks." Noticing the hesitation on Matt's face Nathan instantly realised the problem. "If you don't trust me to get you one then that's fine, if you'd feel better getting it yourself than no worries, okay?"

Matt thought for a moment before answering. "Nah, its fine, I'm sure that you wont slip something in my drink. I'll just have a coke please, I'm driving."

Nathan beamed and went up to the bar, struggling to wrestle his wallet out from his tight fitting jeans. Shaking his head at the sight, Matt found round table with a two seater black sofa on either side. Choosing the one that gave him a view of the bar, he took of his jacket and sat down, amazed at how comfy it was. He watched Nathan walked towards him, carrying Matt's coke and his own drink, which appeared to be cider. Thanking Nathan for the coke, Matt took a sip and set the glass down on the table. Nathan put down his pint and sat down on the other sofa, causing Matt to laugh as the lion's bulk squashed it down.

"I hope you don't mind," Nathan begun, "but we'll be joined by someone tonight".

Matt's ears twitched a little bit. "Really? Who is it."

Nathan just tapped his nose, smiling toothily. "You'll see for yourself, he should be here soon enough."

"Hm." Matt wasn't sure how he felt, if this new guy knew Nathan then he had to be nice, didn't he?"

Taking a large swig of his drink, Nathan looked at Matt with a curiosity in his eyes."

"Would you mind explaining to me why a good looking kid like you hasn't got anyone special in his life yet?"

Blushing slightly, Matt began to tell Nathan about how he had known he was gay from an early age but had never thought much of it. He told him how it had been on the night of his birthday when he had seen the club over the road that piqued his interest. Although he didn't mention his name, or his history, Matt told Nathan about Chris, how he didn't want to lose his best friend over coming out to him.

"Well, he does sound kinda hot kid. But if you ask e I'd wait until college was over before coming out with it. That way you've already got all of your work out of the way, fresh start you know?"

Matt could see the reasoning behind this, and found himself agreeing with the idea. "Alright, now it's my turn. I want to know why a massive guy like you doesn't have anyone either."

Nathan tilted his head, looking confused. "Who said I was single?"

Matt paused, feeling like an idiot and wishing he had his jacket on so he could bury his paws. "Oh, I'm sorry. It's just that it's only you here by yourself, I assumed you didn't have a partner."

"Hey, don't worry. Easy mistake." Nathan took another swig of his drink, finishing the pint. "Truth be told I don't see him that often. We've been seeing each other for just over a year now but he works far away, we only get time to ourselves about once a week or twice if we're lucky. I have a job too but I don't work the long hours he does." Nathan seemed to become sad as he talked about it; the long distance obviously having an effect on them both. "We make the most of out time together, but seeing as we're both what you'd call 'hot blooded' we have an open relationship. As long as it doesn't get heavy we can mess around with other guys. I do occasionally have some fun, and I think he does too. But we don't mind, we have a really good connection if you know what I mean."

Matt was surprised, he never imagined such feeling could be felt by a guy with Nathan's size and appearance. "I'm sure it will all work out. Have you thought of moving closer to where he is?"

"Yeah, trouble is all of the schools near him have no staff vacancies. Oh yeah, I'm a teacher by the way. Head of P.E at Blackthorn Secondary school."

This definitely took Matt by surprise. "Does anyone say anything?"

None of the staff know, and I'd like to keep it that way. I suppose my appearance doesn't give anything away, but all the same I'd really like to keep it the way it is. That's why I don't see younger guys, too risky. Although, he added, eying up Matt on the sofa and licking his lips, "I'd definitely be interested after you've finished college though, if you'd like?"

Matt began to jumble his words, unable to believe what he was hearing.

Nathan enjoyed seeing the husky under pressure, and after letting him blabber on for a good minute, clapped his hands loudly, snapping Matt out of his state of madness.

"That was called a joke kid, the look on your face."

Wishing for his jacket pockets more than ever, Matt simply sat there and let his ears drop, feeling stupid once again.

"Have you actually done stuff with other guys yet then?"

"No, nothing."

Nathan couldn't help but give away a little smile, letting on he had something planned for Matt.

"What's that grin for?"

"You'll see, I'm sure you'll like it-well! Speak of the Devil!"

Although Matt could see the bar from the sofa, Nathan had a clear view of the entrance. Turning around, Matt felt his heart stop for a second. Walking through the door was a tiger; but not like any tiger Matt had ever seen before. This one was ripped, even his thigh muscles straining against the jean he was wearing. Nathan was built but this guy was huge; it was anyone's guess how he had gotten his white tank top to fit. His pecs and abs were clearly visible due to the ridiculously tight fitting top, but this was obviously the look the tiger had gone for. From his seat, Matt could tell that the tiger wasn't as tall as Nathan, probably only half a head taller than Matt. But that didn't matter, this guy more than made up for it. Noticing the familiar face of Nathan, the tiger raised his arm to signal h had seen him and walked over, nearly every guy in the club watching him as he walked past.

"Well, look who decided to pop in."

The tiger, who would have found it impossible to do if Nathan was standing up, gave the lion a kiss on the check and sat down next to him, giving his leg a tight squeeze.

"Sorry Matt, this is Garet; one of my close friends."

The tiger gave a smile and nodded to Matt, who returned the gesture. They shook paws, Garet nearly ripping the husky's shoulder out of the socket.

"We met at the gym about four months ago. We got talking and couldn't help but notice the way the other was kept staring at us in the shower"

The tiger smiled, obviously remembering something good that had happened.

"We got talking; told him about my long distance partner and our agreement when it came to guys."

"I'm not as lucky as Nathan here. I've still yet to meet Nr. Right. But that's fine; gives me more freedom to do what I want until I do."

"We've been meeting each other a lot, but we hardly ever mess around to be honest."

"But when we do..." Garet said, his voice deep but just as soft as Nathan's

Nathan looked at him, grinning. "When we do meet, we go wild." They both laughed at this, obviously well aware of how good it was.

Garet stopped his laughing and turned to Matt, his eyes taking in every detail of the husky; making Matt feel a little nervous. "So this is the kid that you bumped into then, poor thing. You must have scared him to death you big klutz."

Nathan playfully slapped the tiger's thigh hard, causing him to wince.

"OW! Be careful!" laughed Garet, unable to sound serious.

"You know those guys I warned you about who hand around at the entrance looking for fresh meat?" Nathan asked Matt.

"Err, yeah."

"Well this guy is the one you really have to keep an eye on."

Scowling, Garet folded his arms, almost doubling their size.

"I don't wait in the entrance, that's just sad. But I wont deny that I like the young ones best." With this he looked at Matt, who instantly gulped. Nathan looked over the husky's eyes and nodded, signalling that it was okay.

"If you don't want to then we don't have to, I'll do all the work, you just sit and enjoy it." Matt calmed down a little bit but was still unable to decide what to do. "I'm 29, single and soft as Bagpuss, trust me. I'm not I'm not gonna force you into anything."

Matt bowed his head, unable to weigh up the situation.

"Do it."

Matt looked up at Nathan, sitting there with a look of concern at Matt' behaviour.

"It's only a bit of fun, I promise you it'll be fine." He looked at Garet. "I asked him to do this for you because I know you'll love it, but if you don't want to then you don't have to. Matt, look at me."

Matt did as he was asked, and immediately saw the honesty in both sets of eyes looking at him.

"It's just over there, see that black door near the toilets?" Garet said, pointing towards where he meant. Matt could see it, sticking out from the two white doors that led to the toilets. He watched as it opened and a fox and raccoon walked out, a look of pure pleasure plastered on their faces.

"Okay. I'll do it."

Garet beamed and Nathan smiled. Asking if he wanted him to go with them to make sure it all went okay, Matt said no; the idea of Nathan being there as well made him feel more nervous than ever.

"Right, lets get you sorted out then." Standing up, Garet held out his paw to Matt, who took it and felt dizzy as Garet pulled him up. Looking down a little into the husky's eyes, Garet smiled. "Trust me, it'll be fine. There's still time to pull out if you want." Matt shook his head, looking around at all of the people as he did.

"What if they say something?"

Garet chuckled. "Trust me, no-one will care. Now come on." They walked over to the door together. Garet was right, nobody looked at them as they reached it. Matt noticed a small sign on the door. It read 'Feldspar' in silver letters against the black background.

"Funny name, why'd they put that there?" he asked genuinely.

Garet looked at the sign and shrugged. "They've changed the name again. First it was calcite, then halite and now this. They must be going through a phase, hopefully they'll just get over it and call it something normal."

What would you call it?

"Hum, probably something like 'The Den', plain and simple."

Matt felt his stomach jump when he heard the name, what the hell was behind this door? Garet put his paw to the front of it and pushed.

"Go on", he said, voice quiet and calming. "I'll be right behind you, it'll be fine.

Taking a breath, Matt walked as Garet fully opened the door, revealing a small hallway dimly lit by small lights on the wall. He went through; noticing the small rise in temperature as he entered. Garet followed behind Matt, closing the door and blocking out all noise from the other side. Matt felt Garet's paws rest on his shoulder, tensing. Garet moved closer and kissed Matt on the back of the neck. Feeling more at ease, Matt let himself relax; closing his eyes and inhaling deeply.

"There's a red door ahead, go through it and you'll be in a room with about 5 doors leading to some stairs. Make sure you go through the second and wait for me up there."

Matt turned around. "Where are you going?"

I'm just going to pay the barman-put that away!

Matt stopped checking his cash and put his wallet away.

"I'll be with you in a second, promise." With that Garet gave Matt a light kiss on the cheek and walked back, the music from the other side flooding the hall for a second and stopping straight away. Matt stood there, his mind racing. Could he trust Garet? What if he had just gone to Nathan and they were leaving, laughing at how they had left a kid hoping for a good time. No, Nathan wasn't like that. Or was he? Matt didn't know. Deciding that it couldn't hurt to see where the hallway would lead him, he began to walk.

Going through the red door Matt found himself facing 5 more identical ones, except for a small number in the middle of each one. The room he was in was dark, making hard to see the pattern of the wallpaper and carpet. Only just being able to make out the number 2, Matt pulled the door and saw a flight of stairs leading up to a room which was lit more brightly than the one he was just in. checking to see if Garet had caught up with him, he walked up the stairs and heard the door close automatically behind him.

When Matt reached the top he understood why the club looked so big on the outside. He was in a massive room decorated in dark red and black. There were some pieces of furniture like a some chairs, a couple of drawers and some sort or table which Matt couldn't help but feel looked out of place. If there were four other rooms like this one it made sense for the club to be so big. Moving closer to the table, Matt suddenly stopped backwards as he saw the straps on each of the corners and the hole right below where the user's tail would be. Garet's voice made him jump.

"Relax, I can assure you we won't be using that." He said mischievously. "Unless you want to of course?" H was leaning against the doorframe, arms folded.

"I'll pass thanks."

"Good", replied Garet, smiling more than ever, "Not my type of thing to be honest."

He moved off the frame and shut the door behind him. Matt gulped and looked at Garet.

"All I'm going to do is suck you off and play around a bit. If you want to try anything with me then just give me the word; say stop and we'll go back downstairs. No worries."

Matt nodded.

Garet walked towards Matt and placed his paws on the husky's hips, pulling him close. Matt could feel the tiger's solid body pressing against him, instantly getting aroused by the warmth they radiated.

"Trust me, you'll love it." With that he leant in and kissed Matt on the lips, slowly. Matt didn't know how to respond, but he closed his eyes and tried his best to return the gesture. Garet's kissing became more intense and he prised open Matt's mouth with his tongue, exploring deeper and deeper. Matt opened his muzzle wider and felt the tongue caress mouth, teasing every part inside. Garet pulled Matt tighter to his body and Matt could feel the lion's cock grinding against his own, the pressure causing him to let out a gasp. Moving his paws from Matt's waist, Garet took the husky's own and worked them underneath his tank top. Matt moved his hands through the soft fur, tracing every muscle perfectly and getting harder by the second. Matt was also getting to know the tiger's mouth; licking his teeth, gums and sucking slowly on his tongue.

Garet pulled away; lips covered in saliva.

"How was that?" he whispered, resting his nose on Matt's.

"Amazing, it feels amazing." Matt was panting slightly, his cock rock hard against Garet's own. Letting go of him and moving back a bit, Garet reached down and grabbed Matt's cock, feeling the warmth through the denim. The sudden sensation of having his member squeezed made Matt begin to pant more. With one hand on the husky's cock, Garet wrapped the other around him and held him tighter than ever and locking maws; forcing his tongue down Matt's warm throat whilst squeezing his cock with increasing intensity. Matt tried to move his arms but the lion's strength was no match for him. He was being held tight on the spot as he felt the tongue darting in and out of his throat faster and faster. The pressure in his cock was too much; Matt tried to moan but the lion's tongue stopped him from doing so. Just when he thought he could handle no more, Garet stopped; standing back and catching his breath.

Eyeing Matt with hungry eyes, Garet took of his tank and unzipped his jeans; letting them drop to the floor. His body was perfect, a small tuft of white fur in the middle of his chest and just above the belt line finished the look completely.. Matt couldn't tear his eyes away from the tight jock strap that Garet was wearing; it was just as strained against the lions cock just as much as the tank was against all of his muscles. Finally removing his socks, the lion stood proudly and rubbed his chest. He beckoned Matt to come closer with his paw, stopping him less than a foot away.


Matt was still panting, but he nodded and began to unbutton his shirt. Growing impatient with the wait, Garet pulled the shirt clean over the husky's head and immediately pulled down his jeans, grinning toothily as he saw Matt's cock outlined by his boxers, a small wet patch showing through just where the tip would be. Stepping out of his jeans, Matt noticed just how shadowed he was by the tiger. Garet seemed to sense this and merely ran a paw all over Matt's torso, enjoying the feel of the thick fur.

"You have a great body, don't let anyone tell you otherwise." He meant it, Matt didn't have any features that stood out or any that put him off. He was perfect in his own way.

"Thanks." Matt was blushing underneath his fur, feeling more at ease in Garet's presence.

"No problem." He leant in and gave Matt another kiss. "Sit down and take off your boxers."

Walking over to the bed, Matt sat at the edge and immediately felt himself sink into comfort. Pulling down his underwear, got himself comfortable and felt his cock hit his stomach hit his belly with a small thud. He wasn't huge, a modest 6 inches when he last checked. Garet knelt down at the foot of the bed, pulling Matt closer by his legs so that the husky's balls were hanging just over the side.

"Let me sort you out, just promise me you'll enjoy it." With that he began to slowly move his paws over Matt's legs, giving the odd squeeze in various places. He rested his paws on the husky's inner thighs, smiling at his cock, which was an inch away from his face. It all happened too fast for Matt to register. Garet suddenly pushed the husky onto his back and lay on top of him, pinning him down with his bulk.

"Hey! Wh-!" Matt was silenced by Garet's maw, his tongue delving into his throat again. He could feel the lion's cock grinding into his own, slowly. Breaking the kiss, Garet grabbed both of Matt's arms and pinned them to the bed at Matt's sides.. He bean to kiss Matt's neck, working his way down the husky's body and teasing each of his nipples, resulting in short gasps from the husky's lips. He did this again and again, lightly biting on them.

"Argh! Huh, huh, hu," Matt panted, a mixture of both pleasure and pain. He felt the pressure leave his wrists and looked up to see Garet's head just above his cock. With a toothy grin he gripped Matt's cock and began to pump it. Matt could feel his foot begin to twitch, the feeling in his cock so unfamiliar to him. All of the times he had jacked off himself had felt completely different to this; better in every way. Enjoying himself, Garet extended his tongue and began to lap at Matt's balls.

"Hngh!" It was all he could say, as a small shot of pleasure surged upwards and all over his body.

Still working his hand over the husky's cock, Garet opened his mouth and swallowed both balls. He worked his tongue over them both and sucked on them together. Unable to form words, all Matt could do was moan and gasp. After he had finished tea bagging Matt and pumping his cock, Garet extended his tongue to the tip and licked the bead of precum. Swirling it around in his mouth, Garet grinned up into Matt's eyes; it tasted good. He gave Matt a wink and took all of the cock into his throat. Matt gasped; he had always wondered what this would feel like. It was beyond nice; it was an incredible sensation. He began to pant heavier as Garet's head moved up and down, taking all of his length. Matt could feel the tiger's tongue slathering all over his length; teasing the slit. He clenched the bed sheet, his breathing getting faster and faster. Wet slopping noises filled the room and made more and more aroused. Gripping the base, Garet closed his lips tight and sucked hard, drawing upwards and sending Matt wild. He did it again, and again, and again; drawing it out longer each time.

"Ah, ah, ah! I'm-I'm gonna-AAARRRGGHHHH!"

Matt flung back his head, crying out with ecstasy as he fired his load into the lion's mouth. Garet kept on sucking as the husky shot his cum, flooding his mouth and leaking out of the sides.

"Ah! Ah. Ah..."

Swallowing his seed with a loud 'gulp, Garet let the cock drop out of his mouth; slapping onto Matt's stomach with a wet slap. He crawled onto the bed and lay by Matt's side, licking the cum from the sides of his mouth, and kissed the panting dog on his cheek. Reaching over to Matt's balls, Garet cupped them and gave them a small squeeze; laughing as Matt gave let out a small yelp. Still tender from his climax, the squeeze had felt like an iron vice to him. Garet let go and instead rested his paw on the husky' belly, noticing the sticky remains congealing in his fur.

They lay together for a while, not saying anything to each other. Just the company was enough. Matt shuffled backward and set himself into the lion's chest. Garet wrapped his arms around Matt and pulled him closer., breathing softly into his ear.

Matt suddenly began to feel something poking the small of his back, just above the tail. He turned his head to Garet where he saw that toothy grin looking at him again.

"My turn."

Before Matt had time to speak Garet had got up and was taking off his jock strap, his cock revealed for the first time. He turned around and put his hands on his hips and faced Matt, who was lying on the bed and staring at the massive cock before him. Garet's pink meat was easily 8 inches long, the tip was glistening with pre cum. Just below it were a pair of fuzzy balls, each one easily the size of large orange. He walked up to the bed and let his cock just touch Matt's face, the drop of precum sticking to his cheek.

"Do I have to?" Matt asked, somewhat fearful of the idea.

Garet smiled and brushed away the cum from the husky's face. "Not at all. It's early days for stuff like that. However..." He crawled onto the bed, straddling Matt and squeezing his legs together. Matt felt those muscular thighs hold his arms at his sides, leaving him completely trapped. But it didn't matter. He trusted Garet. "I do have to cum really bad though."

Matt could feel himself getting hard again, his cock held down by Garet's weight. Spitting on his paw, Garet began to jack his cock-hard. His hand was moving so fast that it just looked like a blur to Matt. Because he was underneath him, Matt could feel every twitch Garet made; the bucking of his hips, the tension in his thighs and even the flexing of his toes.

"Hur, hur, hurr." Garet was pumping his cock faster, eyes closed and teeth gritted together. He was bucking his hips more and more, each time rubbing Matt's cock harder.

"Fuu-, I'm gonna cum, I'm gonaa, gonaa, argh, urgh, HURGGGHHHH!"

Even thought Garet's cock was a good distance from Matt's face, he still got a steaming jet of cum shot into. He could feel it splashing onto his stomach, his chest and his neck. Gasping at the sheer volume of it all,, Matt suddenly closed his mouth as a shot went straight into it. Garet was still pumping away, steams of cum still flooding out onto Matt. It was only when he needed to catch his breath did he stop. A bead of sweat fell from his head and onto Matt's stomach, mixing with the cum. His underarms were also soaked; the result of the whole session the two had just been through.. Still breathing heavily, he looked down at the cum-soaked husky beneath him.

"Wow, I got you good didn't I"

Matt blinked quickly, a few drops of cum caught in the fur just above his eyes. The taste of Garet's cum still lingered in his mouth. It wasn't particularly good , but it wasn't bad either. Just a bit salty.

"I can't believe how much you could cum"

Garet gave a dull laugh, still catching his breath.

"These guns aren't the only thing about me that's large. Ha, if you think I'm impressive then you'd be amazed at Nathan. Sometimes I swear the guy must be a horse under all of that fur." Garet shifted himself, causing Matt to wince.

"Oh! Sorry man1 I forgot that I was hurting you." He climbed of Matt immediately, checking that the husky was okay.

"Don't worry, it didn't hurt. I'm fine."

Sitting up at the edge of the bed, Matt looked up in awe at Garet.

"Thank you. I mean it. That was great."

"I told you you'd enjoy it. And I should be the one thanking you." He scratched the back of his head and put on a cheesy grin. Looking back at Matt he gave a small chuckle. "You should see yourself in the mirror, you look a right sight."

Matt got up and walked over to a large mirror adorning the wall opposite the bed. He tilted his head in surprise at just how messed up he was. All of his upper body was covered in cum. It was clinging to his chest, his neck and even in his hair. He saw Garet walk up behind him I the mirror. He turned around and met his eyes.

"Come here, lemme do something about that." He began to lick all of the cum from Matt's face. The husky giggled slightly as he felt the tongue tickle his nose and ears. Garet finished off his work on Matt's neck and licked his lips. "Hm. Good, but I preferred yours." Matt smiled stupidly at this comment.

"I caught a bit of yours too"

"And?" asked Garet, curious to know the husky's verdict.

Matt shrugged his shoulders. "It was better than I thought. I've accidently tasted mine a couple of times in the past after I've had a good crank, but I didn't really like it. But yours was nice."

"It always tastes better from someone else. Now go and get yourself cleaned up in the bathroom. I'll just get dressed and we'll' go and rub all of the details into Nathans face."

Matt smiled and walked away, giving a small yip as Garet playfully slapped him on his backside.


Nathan had just started his third drink when he saw the door to Feldspar open up; Garet and Matt walking out slowly. As they walked over Nathan pointed at the drinks he had gotten for them both. Looking at Matt's crumpled hair he could tell that they had had a good time up there.

"Looking at the mullet I can tell that it was good."

Matt reached up to his head and gave it a small ruffle, messing it a up a little bit. He would have normally taken his time to sort it out, but he wasn't bothered about it; more interested in spending some extra time with Nathan and Garet. He sat himself down on the sofa and took a long drink of his coke, grateful for the icy coldness. As Garet set himself down, crushing the sofa more into the ground, Nathan leant over and gave him a kiss on the cheek, only to recoil at the salty taste. He turned to Matt.

"I'm guessing that's you all over his chops then?"

They all laughed together. It was amazing really. About an hour ago Matt had been terrified at the idea of going upstairs with Garet, and now he was wishing he could do it again. He felt different in himself, no longer shy in the presence of the two larger furs. They began talking about the events that had just taken place, Nathan obviously getting jealous at the idea of it all.

"Honestly man, if only you weren't a teacher. You've missed out on a good one."

Nathan sighed, wishing that he could have gone upstairs with them.

"Don't worry Matt said, teasing the lion' Maybe after I'm done at college. There'll be no problem then." Nathan seemed happy at this idea. It wasn't that long away.

"I look forward to it" he smiled.

They talked some more, but when Matt glanced at the large digital clock on the wall he realised that it was half-past eleven. Feeling tired, he told Nathan and Garet he was going to get heading off.

"Aw." Garet was obviously not happy with this. "Promise you'll come back tomorrow. We don't have to do anything; I just like you being around."

Matt nodded. "Sure. Tomorrow would be good." He turned to Nathan. "Will you be here too?"

Finishing his fourth drink, Nathan put on a smile. "While you two were up there I got a call from my guy."

"What?" said Garet, obviously hearing this for the first time.

"He's been given some time off work and I've got some holidays saved at the school, so I'm gonna take them and go up to his place for a week."

Garet patted Nathan leg, smiling broadly. "That's great! You two hardly get to see each together as it is. I'm glad for you."

Matt smiled and agreed with Garet; Nathan deserved something like this. Finishing his coke Matt got up and bid both of them goodnight. They both got up and shook his hand, Garet also going in for a quick hug, and then watched as he left he club and went through the doors to the entrance hall.

Matt fastened up his jacket, not knowing what the weather would be like outside. He went to open the door but someone on the other side beat him to it; flinging the door open and coming inside so fast they he collided straight into Matt and caused them both to fall on the ground. Dragging himself up, Matt rubbed that back of his head where it had hit the floor.

"I'm sorry! Oh man1 Are you okay? I'm really sorry, I just-"

Matt's ears suddenly pricked up, recognising the apologising voice. No. It couldn't...

Matt lifted his head and felt his stomach turn to ice. Standing in front of him, dressed all in black, was Chris. His Chris. In a gay club.

Chris just stood there, a look of pure shock and alarm on his face. Matt took a step forward, trying to get closer to ensure that he wasn't seeing things. Before he could ask a thing , Chris had wrenched open the door and fled outside.

"Chris! Chris! Wait a minute hey!" Matt ran outside too but it was impossible to see Chris; his black fur and clothes would have camouflaged him perfectly with the night. Matt stared ahead of him, not even flinching as a small drop of rain hit his nose. The drops turned into small streams, soaking the husky. But it didn't faze him. He just stood there, unable comprehend what had just happened.