Rumbling on the Road - Part Three

Story by Jeeves on SoFurry

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#3 of Rumbling on the Road

Nick and Judy's wet and wild road trip continues as they make it off the highway, and run into a familiar face to help them clean up.

This story was written for Silvergatomon as their patreon commission for the month of November. It contains M/F sex between consenting adults, watersports related fun, and takes place in the world of Zootopia. :3

Rumbling on the Road - Part Three

Anyone walking around the rest-stop parking lot in that moment might have paused, turned their head and twitched their ears towards the ear-splitting, albeit momentary yelp that erupted from one of the line of parked cars, trucks and vans. No-one could say for sure what the source of the sound was though, nor from which vehicle it had come. Judy's truck after all had its cab's windows far too steamed up for anyone to see inside, and thus as Nick flung both hands over his muzzle in the wake of that strangled wailing both he and the bunny wrapped around his thick, engorged knot remained hidden. They remained all alone, tucked away in their own perfect, lewd little corner of the world as Nick lost control and began to empty his painfully swollen bladder into Judy's depths, and the rabbit grunted, gasped, and feverishly began to massage her throbbing, exposed clitoris while Nick held his muzzle tightly closed with the paw that had been masturbating her until just moments ago.

"Ohhhhh Nick... Nick, y-you're doing it... you're really... ahh, yes..."

The sound of his urine flooding into her was surprisingly loud, a deep, only slightly muffled rushing that grew louder and ever more impossibly erotic to the rabbit's ears as she felt it and heard it beginning to dribble out from the tight seal forged between her pussy and the fox's comparably huge, engorged knot. That dribble soon became more of a cascade however, then a flood as Nick threw his head back against the driver's seat and groaned through his paws, ceasing any resistance and letting go without restraint. It drummed against the fabric of the chair beneath their trembling bodies and poured down into the car's foot-well, rapidly soaking into the clothes which in their haste to be removed had simply been left crumpled and forgotten right where they fell.

"My naughty fox. M-my hot... w-wet... naughty fox."

Judy moaned giddily, burying her face in Nick's bare chest, kissing and nuzzling at his soft fur and the warm flesh, the pounding heart beneath it. She could feel her pussy clutching and clamping down around the rock hard cock still twitching as it poured hot piss into her, she could feel herself rising towards another orgasm at an almost impossibly intense rate as she attacked her clit with all the furious passion she could muster. The rabbit couldn't truly imagine what it felt like to go savage, to completely lose control of oneself and become a slave to primal instinct, but she couldn't help but wonder if this feeling coursing through her now was something close. All her rational thoughts knew that there was no reason to be so turned on by the idea of Nick peeing within her. She knew that it was taboo by the standards of most creatures, and that she probably had friends, certainly relatives who would find it deeply shocking and perhaps even appalling that she was letting it happen. But, none of those thoughts, none of those facts mattered to her one little bit. The bunny could feel her lover's urine flooding into her, and feel it gushing out again, soaking into the fur of her legs, her crotch, dripping down to her feet and off the ends of her trembling toes while yet more soaked Nick himself and the seat of her car beneath them. She was feeling it, hearing it, seeing and smelling and living it all in real time, and there was only one possible response her body could offer to it all.

Dragging her hand away from her throbbing clit at the last possible second she flung both arms around Nick and screamed into his fluffy fur. Judy muffled her wailing shriek of ecstasy with her lover's own body as once again she began to cum long and hard around the fox's twitching manhood and impossibly thick, inescapably swollen knot. Her own juices splashed out against the fox's crotch, the bunny grunting, shuddering as she squirted so long and so hard that for a moment or two she almost managed to convince herself that she too had lost control of her bladder, that she too was pissing herself right there alongside Nick in the midst of her orgasmic ecstasy. Even if she wasn't though, it still felt too good for Judy to wish that anything had been different. She came so violently in her rapturous joy over Nick's actions that her own peak had barely begun to wane when she felt Nick's flow finally lessening, and it was only after the fox had let loose a final few weak, residual spurts of urine some thirty seconds after he had first begun to piss in earnest that Judy let loose her own final gasp of pleasure and collapsed limply against the rapidly rising and falling surface of the heavily panting male's chest.

"O-oohh Nick..."

She whimpered with a bashful giggle, glancing around the steamy, urine-scented, soaked and stained interior of her truck. Judy sighed happily as she felt a tender kiss plant itself upon her forehead, and with all that remained of her strength in that moment she lifted her head to meet Nick's wide eyed, bashful gaze.

"Carrots... I... d-did you... did you really enjoy that?"

Nick stroked his lover's face gently, smiling but with worry in his eyes, with guilt obviously lingering deep inside of him as he squirmed slightly in the soaking wet, already cooling puddle of urine that had settled upon the chair beneath him. His worry abated however when Judy giggled and attempted to crane her neck up and kiss him. She gasped, indeed they both did as before she could get far enough up for her already pursed lips to meet his own her body found itself restrained even now by the girth of his knot. It fell to Nick to lean forward and let her deliver that long, lingering kiss, and by the time her nose simply came to rest against his, by the time their lips just lay together without any more smooching or pecking, Nick couldn't help but smile as their eyes twinkled with mutual satisfaction.

"I... I liked it too."

He murmured bashfully, face flushing crimson as Judy's eyes bulged and she gave a giddy squeal.

"But, next time, Carrots? Maybe we can do it somewhere a little less... I dunno, mobile?"

They glanced at the chair beneath them, the foot-well beneath it, and indeed around the interior of the truck in general. Judy's own face burned brightly as it began to dawn on her just how carried away they'd gotten, and as she began to wonder just how they were going to get to Bunnyburrow with the car in its current state. More importantly perhaps, how they were going to get there without her parents or siblings or cousins or aunts and uncles or any other of the thousands of bunnies she knew there from seeing, smelling or suspecting anything once they did.

Right now though, for as long as she and Nick were going to remain knotted together, there was no sense in worrying. No sense in thinking about what might be coming down the line, when right now there was nothing that either of them could do but sit there, hold one another, and simply enjoy their lover's company until they were free once more.


The fox murmured softly in response.

"Kiss me, Nick."

He chuckled, and leaned down towards the beautiful, blushing bunny cradled in his arms and wrapped around his cock once again.

"Can do, Carrots."


Several hours later, Judy and Nick stood side by side, hand in hand, squirming and blushing like two kids caught with their paws in the cookie jar.

"So, y'all want to leave y'alls truck at mah place until y'all can get it cleaned up?"

They nodded bashfully at the figure standing in front of them, Judy's free hand covering her chest while Nick's other hand covered his crotch, the fox's lush tail trailing around the back and front of the rabbit to cover her midsection entirely from view. They had spare clothes in their luggage of course, clothes that weren't soaked and stained with Nick's urine and their shared arousal, but since they themselves were equally rich with the scent of all that they had shared on the road, doing so would only have ruined a second set of garments. Besides, they were hoping that the person they had turned to for assistance in this rather delicate issue would be sympathetic to their cause.

"And, I guess y'all are gonna want to use mah shower, too?"

Gideon's nostrils flared and his nose wrinkled. Both Nick and Judy's faces flushed crimson.

"Y-yes please, Gideon. And... i-if you could... not tell my parents about this?"

The plump fox chuckled and shook his head.

"Hoo-boy... y'all city folk..."

A bashful whimper escaped Nick.

"Gideon, please. It's not Judy's fault. It's mine. Don't judge all of us city slickers, and definitely not Judy, just because of, w-well..."

His voice trailed off, and Nick cringed slightly as Gideon raised an eyebrow at him before chuckling dryly again.

"Maybe it's y'all that shouldn't be doing the judgin', Officer Wilde. Ah was gonna say, y'all city folk are so touchy... thinking that ah'm gonna care 'bout a little bit of rough n' tumble between lovers, watersports or not. Trust me, Officers. Ain't nothin' you've done to each other that ah ain't had done to me by a dozen horny farmhands."

Though Nick wasn't eating or drinking anything at that moment, he still managed to perform a rather spectacular spit-take, and Judy squealed bashfully as all of a sudden the tail covering her nether regions swished away for a few moments, her hand having to leave her breasts to drag it back into position. Gideon just smiled softly, his eyes roaming playfully up and down Nick's lean figure for a few moments before he looked to Judy with a warm grin.

"Judy, y'all know mah home's always open, whatever you need. So, why don't the two of y'all go take a nice long shower, an' ah'll do better than jus' keepin' out of y'alls way. Ah'll get to detailin' your truck, an' call your parents. Tell 'em you got a flat, an' that ah'm driving out to pick y'all up in my bakery van."

The rabbit gasped, and glanced bashfully at the truck with its doors open, trying to air out the worst of the rather obvious lingering smells of urine and sex.

"G-Gideon, I can't ask you to..."

Raising a hand, the fox shook his head and Judy fell bashfully silent once more.

"Y'all didn't ask. Ah offered. Look, Judy. Y'all know I've been looking for a way to make things up since ah got into business with Bonnie and Stu. To say ah'm sorry for the way I acted as a youth, and to show mah gratitude for y'all welcoming me back into y'alls life when by every right y'all should have never given me the time of day to prove ah'd changed. So, let me do this for the both of y'all. And... if y'all are feeling extra generous, tell y'alls cousin Harry to call me. Ah've been itchin' for a date with that man since 'fore ah came out."

Barely a minute later Judy and Nick were being led through Gideon's large ranch style home to his master bathroom, and barely a minute after that with the bathroom door now closed behind them and the home's owner absent, they stood beneath hot running water in one another's arms. For a little while they didn't move, they didn't make any effort to actually wash themselves or one another, just cuddling and enjoying the warm water cascading down over and between them. It was only after maybe five minutes of their soothing, peacefully intimate shower that Judy pulled away from Nick slightly, shivering and blushing as she blinked the shower's hot running water out of her eyes while attempting to meet Nick's own, downturned gaze.

"A-ah... I... I think I should have gone to the bathroom before I got in. I'll be right back."

She blushed, stepping towards the shower's door but gasping as she felt a hand slip through one of her own and Nick's stronger, larger body pulling her back close to him once again. Crimson cheeked she looked up at him, and shivered, squirmed on the spot as he regarded her with a piercing stare and the most devilish, knowing grin.

"C'mon, Nick. I... I just need to go pee."

He nodded, growling softly.

"I know."

He fell to his knees. His hands descended down the length of Judy's body until they were wrapped tenderly around her ass, each paw cupping one firm cheek, and he pulled Judy closer to him. Closer and closer.

"N-Nick... what are you..."

She began to whimper, but her voice trailed off as she saw the hungry expression in the fox's eyes. He shook his head, and slowly, luxuriously licked his lips.

"Don't pretend, Carrots. Don't tell me you just forgot to use the bathroom, that it slipped your mind that you needed to go after what happened earlier. Don't pretend like you haven't been thinking about when your next chance would be for us to be together somewhere like this. A shower. A bathtub. A quiet stretch of roadside with some absorbent earth."

Judy squeaked bashfully, shaking her head.

"Nick, I... I r-really didn't..."

The fox growled louder. Judy felt an instinctive rush of adrenaline, her nose twitching, ears perking, fight or flight response engaging, only to soon turn to the by now all too familiar third response. Not fight, not flight, but... fuck.

"Oh. Oh Nick."

She really hadn't meant it this way. She really had failed to realise just how desperate she was getting to use the restroom herself in all that had been going on over the last few hours, only recognising just how badly she needed it as she relaxed into Nick's arms in the shower just minutes ago. And yet, at the same time, he was absolutely right. From the moment she realised within the car that she wanted Nick to piss in her, there had also been a secondary goal. A lesser but still potent longing on the bunny's behalf to return the favour in kind, and let her bladder loose all over her sly, sexy partner.

"Nick, I..."

The fox growled louder still, and pressed his face, his muzzle between Judy's legs, mouth open, teeth glinting as the rabbit practically fell back within his arms, feeling his teeth grazing oh so delicately at the flesh upon the front of her mound.

"Ooohhhgod... Nick. P-please..."

She squealed, trembling, gasping as his rough tongue flicked out and lashed between her flushed outer lips.

"I'm gonna do it, Nick..."

She whimpered, feeling the male's arms supporting her so fully that she lifted first one, then both her legs off the shower floor, Nick now holding her upright against his face as she wrapped both feet around the back of his head and bashfully, desperately humped her pussy against his open, panting, growling maw.

"C-can't wait... can't hold back any more. Nick. M-my Nick. I'm gonna... aaaahhhhhhh..."

Judy let go, and wailed as in the same moment two things happened. First, she began to urinate, shuddering and writhing, bucking her pissing nether regions against Nick's face while she craned her neck up and stared in transfixed, overwhelmed rapture at him not just letting her piss into his muzzle, but urgently, seemingly greedily attempting to gulp it down even as it overflowed and spilled over the sides of his panting, gurgling maw. And secondly, the bathroom door slid open, Gideon strolling in with arms full of fresh linen towels.

"Don't mind me, jus' droppin' y'all off some-..."

He blinked. He saw Judy's face staring back at him through the steamy but not yet entirely opaque glass, etched with pure pleasure and intense humiliation in roughly equal quantities. He saw her legs wrapped around Nick's head, blocking the other fox's ears and thus preventing him from realising anything had changed as he continued to gulp down Judy's freely flowing urine and lap at her glistening, soaking wet pussy. He saw Nick's cock rock hard once again and twitching before where the lean male knelt, untouched but obviously and desperately excited by the bunny whose piss he was so greedily drinking down.

He saw all of that in just a few short seconds, and grinned sheepishly to Judy as her shock and shame fought to persist, but was rapidly worn away by the continued pleasure of what she was still doing, and now what she was witnessed doing to Nick.

"Oh, oh gosh. Y'all don't waste any time, huh? Ah'll just leave these here, and leave y'all to it. Happy humpin', Judy."

The door closed once again, and Judy wailed as for a few more seconds the stream of her piss intensified before finally dwindling. Only when she was spent did her legs release Nick's face, only then did they move from his ears, the fox still totally unaware of being seen. He kissed Judy's mound as he set her back down upon shaky feet, and licked his lips, grinning bashfully, yet gleefully as he realised just how much he'd enjoyed doing that for his lover. And judging by the look on her face, the look of absolute passion and carnal desire, she had enjoyed it somewhat too.

"Judy, t-that was..."

He began, but stopped, and groaned as the rabbit before him simply slipped down to the ground without a moment's notice. Judy lay down upon her back on the floor of the large shower cubicle, and stretched her legs out towards him, lewdly spread with her toes curling. She propped herself up on her elbows, and stared up at Nick with a pleading, wild urgency in her eyes.

"Now fuck me, N-Nick."

The fox grinned, and nodded his head eagerly.

"Gladly, Carrots."

But as he leaned forward, as he dropped to all fours and loomed over the smaller, trembling, obviously lust stricken and needy rabbit, he heard her speak again. And within that voice, within her ragged, croaking plea, he heard the same intense and frantic longing that he had only heard once before, earlier that day when she first confessed to him her desire to feel him piss inside of her.

"Nick. L-listen to me, Nick. I... I need you to fuck me. To fuck me harder, a-and... to make me scream louder than you've ever made me scream before. I... I want you to make Gideon hear us. I w-want you to... to make sure he knows exactly what you're doing to me. I want you to get us caught, Nick. I want my screams... m-my orgasms to get us caught. Over... a-ahhh... and over again."

The fox stared at his lover for a few moments, frozen, transfixed by her words. And then... then he kissed her. Lunging forward. Pressing his lips savagely to hers for just a few moments, then pulling back with the loudest, most passionate and predatory growl that Judy had ever heard him let loose since the Natural History museum.

"God, Judy. I don't know what the hell's gotten into you today."

He shook his head, reaching down, grabbing at her hips and dragging her closer to him across the showers' wet floor.

"But I think I kinda love it. Now, c'mere, Carrots. C'mere... and let me make you_squeal_."

By Jeeves

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