Siel's Bondage (Ch2)

Story by Yoru on SoFurry

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#2 of Vesanto

Our human champion awakes to himself still trapped in the prison of the summoner, Vesanto. Though the wolf is nowhere to be found, the genderless fox demon is closer than Siel thinks. Whatever plans the duo have for him, his ordeal is far from over...

The normally peaceful verdant hills of The New Land were abuzz with the sound of a human search party picking their way through the woods. Their progress could easily be seen by watching the crowds of birds that their collective noise chased away. Loyal women and men working together on search of one of their most valued heroes, the Champion Siel.

Leading the search was the champion's trusted ranger, Ansgar, who picked his way silently through the underbrush ahead of the rest. The regiment followed his orders in their search, but their lack of finesse interfered with his own methods.

Dressed in a patchwork of green cloth dusted with local dirt, he blended in perfectly with the surrounding foliage. His feet lifted and fell with almost catlike grace, never making a sound while his bow and his eyes searched the surrounding woods. If not for his bare skin one could easily have mistaken Ansgar for a native of this land, to which humans were foreign.

Ansgar's thoughts wandered momentarily from his focus on finding Siel, as he considered his internal conflict. He felt like an invader in this forest, where humans had only arrived by boat in the last few years. This feeling was amplified by the attitude of the local population, who wanted nothing more than for the humans to leave.

In his distraction he almost didn't notice a sound ahead of him in the undergrowth, but his sharp ears picked it out and drew his attention back to the present. The snap of a twig and rustling of leaves located the source of the sound ahead of him. He sank slowly into the bushes, drawing his bow tight and preparing to take aim. He focused on breathing quietly and staying calm as the cause of the noise came into view.

First polished steel, then a regal banner came into view and he breathed a sigh of relief, rising from his crouch and relaxing his bow. "Josephine, I almost killed you. The regiment was supposed to remain behind until-"

"We found something," Josephine finished, interrupting. "That's why I'm here to find you. There are ruins back this way and we may have found a sign of the Champion."

"Lead the way," Ansgar replied, not needing further explanation. Both moved quickly and noisily away.

High above them, a small creature observed and heard everything they had said. Its black claws clung to a tree while its eyes shone down with almost metallic reflectivity. As the duo left sight of the creature it released a sinister snarl, then spread its leathery wings and took flight to report what it had heard to Vesanto.

Siel awoke and found himself still trapped in the blinding column of light from before. The wolf was nowhere to be seen, and the androgynous creature of lust that he had summoned also seemed to be absent. The memory of the last time he awoke was vivid and arousing, but he tried to push it from his mind for now and focus on escape.

He had awoken lying on his side, a position he couldn't have attained when he was strapped down tightly with ropes. This have given him a better view of his surroundings, were they not wreathed in darkness beyond the edge of his pool of light.

The bindings on his wrists and ankles remained, and blacks ropes snaked away into the darkness, slack enough to allow him more movement than before. He tried to roll to his knees and crawl out into the darkness, but the ropes resisted any movement and slowly tightened their slack the more he struggled. Soon he collapsed back onto his side in exhaustion, realizing the ropes would not allow him more freedom.

_"Insidious things. I didn't notice before that movement tightens these ropes," _thought Siel.

_"That's right. You're not going anywhere." _The voice was familiar, and much to the warrior's dismay it rose from within his mind like his own thoughts.

The memories of his last time awake filled his thoughts despite his previous efforts to push them away. The voice and face of the demon Ilia were first, along with the tingling sensation of the demon's touch all over his body. He also remembered the genderless demon's wolven master, Ves, who had summoned the lust demon from another world and released it into Siel's helpless body.

His thoughts wandered out of his control as the demon Ilia played memories back to him in exquisite detail. He was overwhelmed while remembering the lightning pleasure of the demon's touch all over his body. His hand reached up to touch his cheek where the demons glove had clawed lines onto his skin; the flesh felt warm to the touch, sending tingling pleasure down his spine.

Against his will, his body began to react to the remembered pleasure. His ample cock began to stiffen and grow as his skin became more sensitive. A gentle breeze through the room brushed his skin, and he trembled at how it tugged his hairs. He reached down to wrap around his dick, but his hand was stopped short.

It was the demon ropes, which had been loose enough before but were now too taut to allow him to reach his manhood. He pulled and writhed but his only reward was tighter bonds that restricted his movement even more. He whimpered in arousal and felt the demon become stronger inside him.

_"Good, Siel. The more you lust, the more power I have. Your need is my sustenance, and I can turn it into whatever I want." _A flurry of reddish smoke swirled beside him, where the red-furred fox demon then appeared. It spoke aloud, "That's how I have material form since our first encounter. Your pent-up sexual energy is enough to create almost anything."

"Why are you doing this?" The man shouted up at the tiny creature. It was unperturbed as it stood over the helplessly prostrate human, who only succeeded in tightening the ropes as he struggled to grab the demon. He was trapped on his back again, nearly spread eagle as the ropes that led away into the darkness continued to pick up slack each time he moved. Eventually he was forced to relent, gasping in exhaustion.

Ilia spoke as if distracted, "How to explain..." It then turned and sat down on the man's chest, both legs facing to one side before it carefully crossed one leg over the other and rested its hands on its knees. Siel found that despite the demon's diminutive stature, he could hardly breathe with the creature perched on his ribcage.

"I am doing this because Ves needs me to. You landed on his shores, killed the people he vowed to protect, and then you personally came in here to kill him. He believes you're too valuable to kill and intends to use you to his advantage in the war on your people's invading force. He's tasked me with converting you to his loyalty by any means, since he's too busy defeating your armies to do it himself."

Beneath the demon, Siel squirmed and huffed, "Never... join... you..."

"We'll see about that, little man," said the tiny demon as it stared down at the man from on top of his chest, "I can be very convincing. You'll learn quickly that demons have extra power when they know your full name, Champion-of-Light Hansen Frederick Siel"

Siel gasped as a wave of pleasure passed over his body. The demon's lustful power flowed through him, down his spine to his fingers and toes before focusing on his erect cock. He squirmed helplessly as the sensation filled his entire being, causing his breath to come in short gasps.

Ilia relaxed visibly, enjoying the flow of power from the human's pent-up libido. His crimson fur almost glowed from within, and he took a deep and luxurious breath before standing up and allowing Siel to breathe freely.

The man took huge, gulping breaths, as if a building had been resting on his lungs. His erection throbbed, reminding him that the tiny creature was feeding on his sexual need. Trying to refocus his attention, he inspected the demon's appearance and tried to take in every detail as if it was his first time seeing him.

Unnaturally bright red fur covered most of its body, fading to a velvety smooth black fur on its wings, hands, and feet. Its right hand was adorned with a menacing-looking clawed glove made of dark metal plates that appeared to be bonded directly to its flesh. The fur on its fox-like face was a darker shade of red that contrasted against the mirrored ruby eyes that stared literally into his soul. From his angle below the demon, he couldn't tell if its tiny horns were black bone, or more obsidian metal.

Ilia chuckled and taunted him, "You think you can distract yourself from your plight? I can assure you, no matter how hard you try, it won't free you from my power."

It held out its tiny hand close to the man's bouncing dick, and a cloud of red smoke enveloped the engorged length. Siel cried out, experiencing a sensation somewhere between orgasmic pleasure and intense electric shock. He squirmed and groaned as the feeling continued, causing his cock to bounce in time with the shocks.

He was helpless to stop the experience but his muscles fought the ropes instinctively, causing them to tighten further and stretch his limbs to their limit. Sweat glistened on his naked skin as his bound muscles strained against the unbreakable ropes. The pulsing, tingling lightning worked at an orgasmic pace, his cock bobbing in time with the overwhelming pleasure.

The demon barely moved, focusing on the magic that tortured his captive's dick. It could feel the human approaching an orgasm but allowed the sensation to continue just a little longer. The cock bounced in time with the shocks, now releasing tiny spurts of watery precum.

As suddenly as it had begun, the pleasure ceased. Siel gasped and whimpered as his manhood continued to bounce and leak tiny streams of pre that ran down his length to collect on his groin and abdomen. Ilia grinned, revealing a row of viciously pointed teeth.

"Tired, Siel?" The demon mocked, running the claws of its glove across the man's skin. The human shuddered and made a defeated noise, too exhausted to reply.

Ilia chuckled and began to explain, "Now, remember how I said your sexual energy can create anything? Part of my task is to use this power to create a suit of demon armour for you. We gotta protect our property, after all." It stepped close to the man's face and patted him on the cheek gently while he snarled and tried to pull away.

The demon giggled again, and then took a step back to focus on his next magic. Closing its eyes, it took a deep breath and gathered all of its collected magic. Glowing red smoke surrounded him like a cloak that rolled down over his tiny body and wings. Siel closed his eyes and turned away in fear as the smoke moved towards him.

Crimson fog settled over the man's muscular chest, coating his skin in demonic magic. The man gasped at the touch and began to squirm once more, as he realized that the demon's magic was intensely pleasurable even in this form. This time it was like dozens of hands touching his flesh, stroking his skin, tweaking his nipples, with a hint of the lightning from before. It spread over his bulging pectoral muscles before wrapping beneath him to coat his back. Everywhere it moved, the intense touch of demonic magic followed.

After a few minutes, the sensations began to die down and the man was able to relax, too exhausted to move. Only his bobbing erection broke the stillness as he caught his breath. Opening his eyes, the first thing he saw were the demon's ruby mirrored eyes staring into his own steel blue irises.

He realized despite the haze over his thoughts that the demon had become more transparent again, like when the wolfen channeler had first summoned the creature from its own world. Perhaps creating armour drew power away from the magic that gave the demon material form.

The champion's eyes then fell to the new clothing on his own chest. Two shining obsidian breastplates had formed, one for each pectoral. They appeared to be bonded directly to his tanned flesh just like the demon's clawed glove, while the skin surrounding the plates was streaked with black marks that showed the corruption was more than superficial.

Ilia stepped close again and rested its soft left palm gently on the man's newly-armoured pectorals. The warrior gasped at the touch, not expecting to be so sensitive. The armour plates weren't just attached to him, they were part of him, just as sensitive as his bare skin.

Strange and angular, each of the two pectoral plates was decorated with a flat nipple over his own sensitive nips. The little demon tweaked them to show how much more sensitive they had become, and the helpless man could do nothing but squirm and whimper.

His aching erection stood upright, bobbing in time with his heartbeat, but it was starting to soften. His head rested heavily against the cold stone platform and his breath came in ragged and exhausted drafts.

Ilia recognized the signs of a man pushed to his limits. During their last encounter it had pushed the warrior to the point of unconsciousness, to give itself physical form. Pushing him that far wasn't necessary today, so it decided to leave the man alone for a while.

"I'm going to go get our master. I'm sure he wants to see your new outfit." Spreading its velvety wings wide, it lifted gently off the stone and floated into the darkness before calling back over its shoulder with a taunting laugh, "Don't go anywhere."

Unamused, Siel pulled tiredly at the ropes, remembering only as they tightened that there was no way he could free himself. With a defeated groan, he rest his head against the cool stone and closed his eyes.

Thanks for reading the belated second chapter! Big thanks to my partner Brandr for helping organize me to get into writing again, I couldn't have done it without you! Thanks also to LordGriffin for offering constructive advice recently that inspired me add new details.