Minnie Goes Big (Teaser)

Story by Dirty Little Secret on SoFurry

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#7 of Story Teasers

Madeline Fincher, or Minnie, as she prefers to be called, has always been raised to be the utmost example of prim propriety, as befits a young feline of her social status. She has a little secret, though -- or perhaps a big secret -- she's a size queen, and hardly the pure virgin she's supposed to be. The bigger the better, she thinks ... that is, until she meets a truly blessed Clydesdale, who will stretch her limits in more ways than one.

M (Clydesdale stallion) x F (Cat), size queen, stretching, slight belly bulge, cock worship, questionable consent, voyeurism, employer/employee relationship, implied infidelity -- 11259 words in 1 chapter.

Cover art used by permission from Skyesby

As much as she adored her parents, Minnie very much cherished the times when they would be called away from the estate on some errand or other. The cause of their absence today was some sort of dreadful charity ball, benefiting orphans, amputees, the blind, or some such unfortunates ... perhaps all three. There couldn't be that many blind amputee orphans in the world, but surely there were some, and they would certainly need all the help they could get.

Minnie herself was not insensate to the plight of those less fortunate than her, but she knew better than most that such charity balls actually had very little to do with charity, having much more to do with the conspicuous appearance of being charitable. Normally, her parents would insist on dragging her along to such events and then spend the entire evening parading her in front of a motley collection of insipidly well-bred feline suitors. She was, after all, twenty-six years old and still unwed ... and such status was approaching perilously near the domain of the scandalous.

She'd been saved from such a fate by the fact that her family wasn't quite as wealthy as they let on. Oh, they had money, yes, and quite old money ... but it didn't stretch quite as far as it had formerly. Given that the ball had a suggested donation of one hundred thousand per participant, her parents had decided that her appearance there wouldn't be strictly necessary.

This all conspired to leave her quite alone at the estate - except for the help, of course - which was the way she preferred. As fond as she was of her mother and father, they did tend to keep quite a watchful eye on her - Mother was obsessed about ladylike poise and mannerisms, while Father was always eminently concerned about her virtue and her reputation. When the two of them were about, Minnie found it quite nearly impossible to engage in her own favorite amusements.

Such amusements were - as she would never admit to any other soul - one of the main reasons for her continued lack of a husband. The awakening of her more adult desires during her first heat had been an ordeal, particularly since her parents kept her as a virtual prisoner for the entire season until her hormones had subsided, no matter how loudly she caterwauled from inside her firmly locked chambers. If she'd been of more common birth, perhaps she could have snuck away and enjoyed the company of some young tom, thus satiating her desires. But the enforced deprivation had warped something inside of her, she was sure. It left her with an appetite rather more voracious than could be satisfied with the modestly equipped bodies of any feline. Over the years, she had experimented with illicit and highly secretive encounters between herself and a number of more handsomely endowed males of various species. A 'size queen' is what she might have been called, had anyone with such a vulgar tongue known her secrets.

Unfortunately, her parents' attendance at the charity ball had been a relatively spontaneous decision, and Minnie hadn't been able to arrange any opportunity for such dalliances this evening. She lounged most agreeably in the sun from the big bay window in the study, pretending to read a book her mother had given her - a sickly-sweet romance detailing in sickening poetic prose the true love between a delicate pure-white Persian molly and the dashing black-furred prince who was smitten with her and destined to sweep her off her paws and into a glorious pink sunset... She refrained from reading any more of it - it made her feel like she needed to cough up a hairball. Her mother had said it was one of her favorite books when growing up ... and Minnie could certainly believe that.

Before she could make any further progress in not reading the book, Thomas, the family butler, approached diffidently. He was a mink, and he was nearly twice her age, though his shiny black fur still didn't show even the slightest hint of grey. She wondered for a moment if he dyed it. "Yes, Thomas?" she said, acknowledging his presence.

"My apologies for disturbing you, Mistress Madeline, but one of the gardeners has come to the door with somewhat of a request. As the lady of the house for the moment, your wishes on the matter needed to be consulted. If, however, you are indisposed, I could see him off without any further disturbance."

"No, no... I should very much like to meet him." Who knew ... maybe he would be an interesting sort of gardener... "I'll see to it presently."

Thomas made the sort of miniscule bow that you could only really see if you squinted a bit, then turned and left. Despite the appearances, Minnie had no illusions of privacy. Before she'd even been able to talk, she'd learned that the butler was never quite as far away as he seemed to be, and he would always just happen to appear around the corner of the hall at the first sound of any disturbance. No matter. She'd also learned - in the days when she still played with balls of yarn - how to get away with certain indiscretions without his noticing. He wasn't nearly as clever or observant as he thought himself to be.

All the way through the zig-zagging halls and winding staircases on her way to the front door, Minnie didn't catch a single hint of Thomas's presence, and yet she knew precisely where he was at every moment - just around the corner there, behind the pillar, just behind the closed door of that room off to the side... His fault was that he was so very predictable.

He held no interest for her, though. What was interesting was to find out who was waiting for her on the other side of that massive mahogany door in front of her. Forgoing the peephole, she opened the heavy door directly. It swung open silently on its well-oiled hinges.

She found in front of her a massive stallion - a Clydesdale, probably, though it was difficult to be certain, given that his fur patterns were largely covered by noisome brown smears. He wrung a cheap straw hat between his hands in front of him, and looked only at the ground just in front of Minnie's feet. "Th-thank ya for seein' me, Miss Fincher."

The thick, gloppy covering of all-natural fertilizer coating him made Minnie's nose wrinkle. Her eyes, though... She could see well enough through the intervening filth, and they quite enjoyed the diversion of traversing his broad shoulders, well-defined bare arms, powerful legs ... and the truly impressive bulge in the middle of his coveralls. She had to stop herself from purring just at the sight of him. It wouldn't do for Thomas to hear such a thing. Instead, introductions were in order. "Please," she said, "no need for such formality. I'm afraid, though, that I haven't had the pleasure of your name..."

"It's, uh, Bruno, Ma'am."

'Ma'am?' Had he really just referred to her as 'Ma'am'? Good Goddess above, was she getting that old? "Please, just call me Minnie. What can I help you with, Bruno?"

"Well, um, you see, uh... I was tryin' to fill a wheelbarra from the compost bin, and..." He looked down at himself. "I'm afraid there was a bit of a mishap. So I was wonderin' ... would it maybe be okay for me to come inside and get a shower or somethin'? I promise, I won't be no trouble - I just wanna get this all washed off before it gets all settled in. My ma ... she'd skin me alive if I come home lookin' and smellin' such. She says I oughta have been a truck driver or a deliveryman or some such, but I can't help it that I like plantin' and growin' and the like, so I--" He glanced up at her, for just the briefest of moments. "I'm sorry, M-- Minnie. Here I am, babblin' like a fool. I'm so sorry. I'll, um, I'll just go. Sorry to bother ya."

"Nonsense," she said. "Don't you go anywhere. You poor dear! Of course you can use one of our showers."

He nodded rapidly and smiled a little. "Thank ya kindly."

"There's a lovely shower you can use attached to the Lavender Bedroom. Please, go ahead." She stepped aside and ushered him in with an outstretched hand. "Oh, and leave you clothes just outside the door. I'll have Thomas see to them - I wouldn't want you getting soiled all over again when you put them back on."

He stepped in, cautiously and looking around himself as if something unpleasant might jump out from behind the drapes and bite him. His hooves left gritty U-shaped marks on the marble entranceway. "That's mighty kind of ya, Minnie. But, um..." He looked left and right as he made it to where the main hallways of the lower floor diverged underneath the grandly curving stairwells. "I ain't rightly sure where this Lavender Bedroom is."

Minnie tilted her head to the side. "Haven't you been in the house before?"

He shook his head no.

"Not ever?"

Another shake.

"Well, then... I'm glad to have the honor of being the first to invite you to come inside."

"Thank you." Despite her rather blatant wink as she'd said it, he seemed to have completely failed to pick up on her unsubtle innuendo.

It seemed this would require a rather more direct approach... But for now, Minnie simply led him down the ground-floor corridor to the left. The Lavender Bedroom was the only bedroom on the ground floor, and would result in the fewest muddy hoofprints deposited onto the expensive hardwood floors. There was, after all, no need to over-exert the cleaning staff. It had been added to the house nearly fifty years ago, for the convenience of her great-grandmother, who was at the time confined to a wheelchair and found stairs quite disagreeable. Since those days, it had remained vacant for the vast majority of the time, merely functioning as one of the house's several guest bedrooms. Not coincidentally for Minnie's purposes, it was also tucked away in a somewhat remote and seldom-traveled wing of the house, scarcely ever opened except for weekly visits by the cleaning staff.

Once Bruno had been deposited inside the Lavender Bedroom and closed the door behind him, the lock clicked. He obviously wasn't anticipating any visitors. That was unfortunate - Minnie had hoped that he would have caught on by now, at least enough to leave the possibility open.

She looked back over her shoulder and called out, "Oh please stop skulking about, Thomas. I could use a little assistance."

He immediately came out from around the corner of an alcove. "Skulking? Mistress Madeline, why I never! It just so happened that I was busying myself with freshening the flower arrangements in these niches and happened upon you by pure coincidence."

She knew he was a better liar than that - he was basically mocking her, daring her to call him out on it. But she hadn't the time for any such games. "In a few moments, Bruno should be depositing his clothes just outside this door. Would you please see to it that they're cleaned, folded, and returned by the time he's finished with his shower? Yes? Thank you ever so much."

Thomas nodded grimly and came over to wait by the door. He said nothing as he watched Minnie skip down the hall away from him. With any luck, laundry duty would keep him busy and out of her way for quite some time.

For all the air of girlish innocence she put on, she had a very specific destination in mind: her parents' bedroom. Not for any licentious purposes - she wouldn't dream of it, even though there had been the one time with that lovely zebra stallion who had seemed more interested in desecrating his business rival's bed than Minnie herself. No, what interested her was nestled inside a hidden drawer inside Father's private study. He still thought it a secret, even though she'd found it before she was even a teenager: a secret key - a master key that would open any lock in the entire house.

Retrieving it was a matter of routine by now. She probably had more use for the key than Father did. Thus, it took only a matter of minutes for her to abscond to the Pinnacle Bedroom, obtain the key, and return down to the ground floor.

Just as she came down the last staircase, she passed Thomas on his way across the house to the laundry room. He held Bruno's clothes in front of him at arm's length, gripped tightly in one hand while his other hand covered his nose. This unusual position didn't prevent him from giving her quite the glare as he walked by, though.

She ignored that. "Thank you, Thomas. Feel free to go home early once you finish with that laundry. I'll pick it up from the laundry room myself. Just please make sure that it finds its way into the dryer, and then enjoy your evening."

He stopped, and although he kept the soiled clothing as far from himself as he could, he abandoned the task of holding his nose and instead used that hand to point at her. "Mistress Madeline, you cannot do this! If word of it ever got out, I can't fathom what might befall--"

"Don't be absurd." She waved a hand at him dismissively. "Word of what? And how would such word ever 'get out'?"

"I... I haven't the slightest idea, Mistress, but these things have a way of--"

"Word has certainly never gotten out about your own little dalliances, has it?"

He jumped back, nearly dropping the clothes in the process. "You... You know about that?"

"How you and my mother choose to entertain yourselves is certainly none of my concern, so I wouldn't dream of making any fuss about it. But, of course, I would appreciate a similar level of privacy in my own affairs."

"Of course, Ma'am." He bowed - a much deeper bow than he'd given her earlier. "I'll get these washed and then see myself out."

"Thank you ever so much, Thomas. I do appreciate your understanding. Enjoy your afternoon off."

That had cost her the only trump card she had against Thomas ... a stupid mistake. She should have realized that it might take more time for Bruno to undress and Thomas to carry away the clothes than it took her to retrieve the key and return downstairs. Oh well, such is life. If this turned out the way she hoped it would, it would all be worth it, and at least now, she wouldn't have to worry about Thomas checking on her while waiting for the washing machine to finish.

She shrugged it off. Just because she'd used Thomas's indiscretion against him once didn't mean she couldn't do it again. It would remain a valuable piece of leverage against him as long as he remained employed with the family. Still, she shouldn't abuse it - he was a crafty old mink, and if she pressured him too frequently, he'd probably devise some way for her parents to find out about her favorite activity that wouldn't implicate himself as the source of such news.

But that was a concern for another day. For now, she had a much more pressing need, a need who was waiting for her behind that locked door.

She unlocked the door to the Lavender Bedroom slowly and silently, then opened the door by degrees.

Everything was still and quiet inside, save for the hissing sound of the shower from the adjacent bathroom. When she opened the door fully, the only sign of Bruno's presence was the trail of hoofprints from the door to the bathroom, with a scuffled area in the middle where he'd doffed his clothes. The bathroom door was slightly ajar. Apparently, he'd thought that the locked bedroom door would be enough.

Minnie allowed herself a moment of fantasy. If it weren't for the locked bedroom door she'd just opened, she might think that the slightly-open bathroom door was an invitation, coaxing her inward with its slight wisps of steam and promising her an enormous stallion cascading with hot water and his enormous...

Enough of that, though. Why fantasize about it when she could experience it? She stalked silently toward the bathroom door, using every bit of the stealth cats were so famous for. No, there would be no pressing herself against his huge, hard-muscled body under the warm rain of the shower ... not yet, anyway. Simply walking in on him in the shower - especially when he'd locked the door behind him - would be too forward and most likely scare him off. But she could still allow herself a little peek inside, and as long as he didn't notice, nothing at all would come to harm.

When she nudged the door open just a bit more and peeked inside, she found that he was indeed in the shower, separated from her by the frosted glass of the shower door. There was a bright light above the shower itself, which shone down and gave her a lovely silhouette to feast her eyes upon.

And feast they did... He was facing away from her now, his arms above his head and probably busy shampooing his mane. That didn't give her a view of what she wanted most, but she could still appreciate the way his shoulders tapered down toward his hips and the thick, curved sides of his thighs. The bulk of his wet tail blocked any view she might have gotten of what was between his legs, but she still licked her lips.

A moment later, he turned putting his head underneath the shower's spray ... and as he turned to the side, Minnie's eyes bulged. No - it wasn't possible. That couldn't be real! Oh, but it was very real. Apparently, the hot water had some effect on him, and his cock was hanging quite loosely out of his sheath, protruding out and down toward the shower floor. Even when it was nowhere near erect, the girthy curve of it sent shivers through her. The heavy way it swung a little as he moved gave her a nearly irresistible tingle between her legs.

And as if the show wasn't incredible enough already, Bruno stretched in the hot water and then reached down, giving that massive cock of his a couple casual strokes. It hardened slightly, rising a little bit straighter.

Minnie's mouth gaped. Her mother would have scolded her for that, but she thankfully wasn't here right now.

Unfortunately, that meager bit of play seemed to be enough for him. He ducked completely under the shower head again - he had to bend down slightly to get his head underneath it - then stepped back and turned off the tap. Was he finished already? The shortest shower in Minnie's life had probably been at least twice as long as that!

When Bruno shook himself to fling away the water, Minnie knew her time was up. She silently moved the bathroom door back to the position it had been in when she found it, then padded across the Lavender Bedroom and back out into the hall, locking the bedroom door back behind her. For a moment, she considered taking the time to return her father's master key ... but no. So far, Bruno had been surprising her with the swiftness of his showering routine. She didn't want to risk missing the moment he came out of the bedroom, and besides, she could always return the key later. It wasn't as if it was likely to be missed anytime soon.

Instead, she skipped directly to the next step of her little plan. She hurried down to an agreeable spot partway down the hall and took position facing back toward the bedroom door. As soon as he emerged - without his clothes, of course, since they were still in the laundry - she would just 'happen' to be walking down the hall at just that moment.

This is a 3300 word sample of the full 11200 word story.

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