A Thing for Horses

Story by Arch Fox on SoFurry

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This was uploaded a couple weeks back on Patreon and voted on by my patrons there.

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-Arch ^^

A Thing for Horses

Horse cocks. Mitch fucking loved horse cocks. So much so that he had several horse cock dildos hidden away in the back of his closet so that when his boyfriend went to work he could shove one up his ass and imagine a big, tough stallion between his legs ramming him hard. The horny little fox would lie there, pistoning the big thing in and out of his hole while he jerked his vulpine cock off, his laptop lying nearby and cycling through pictures and videos of, of course, horses fucking. Horse guys just turned him on so bad; their builds, their muscles and those huge horse cocks they always had packing between their legs...

His boyfriend, however, wasn't a horse. Horses were more of a sexual thing for him; he wanted more than big muscles and a huge cock for his boyfriend... That didn't stop him fantasising though. He'd lie in bed and imagine himself surrounded by hard and horny stallions all eager and ready to have him satisfy and please their erect cocks.

He was hoping to make that fantasy come true tonight. After a long time of pleading and showing him heaps of horse porn he'd finally convinced his raccoon boyfriend to let him set up a certain get-together with some guys he'd met online. That night, Mitch and his boyfriend were going to be the centre of an all-horse gangbang.

Lucas, his boyfriend, sat on the edge of his bed, twiddling his thumbs. He was nervous. It was nearly 8 PM; the horses would be there soon. Not only had he never been with anyone else since they'd gotten together, but he'd never been with a horse in his life. The thought that kept returning to him was their size... He kept thinking about how sore his ass would be after the fact. Mitch noted the raccoon's nervousness and approached him, standing over him and swinging his arms around Lucas's broad shoulders, rubbing his own body against the raccoon's fairly chubby form.

"Don't worry, big guy." the vulpine said, stroking his boy's shoulders softly. "They won't be too rough. Well, with you anyway. I'm a professional, I can take it."

"I'm not that nervous..." Lucas said with a very noticeable gulp. "I, um, I've just never been part of a gangbang before... 'Specially not with a boyfriend. It feels kinda weird."

"We can back out?"

"No!" Lucas said quickly, his cheeks blushing bright pink when he realized how desperate he sounded. "N-no, it's okay, I'm good with it." In all honesty, he was kinda curious. First gangbang, first horse cock... He'd be lying if he said he'd never fantasised about anything like that in the past.

"You're still nervous though." Mitch said, still rubbing at the raccoon's shoulders. "Mm, maybe I can help get you ready for when they arrive..." He slowly lowered his muzzle towards Lucas's and his big, pudgy boyfriend leaned up, both of them opening their mouths as their lips met and they kissed.

"Mmm..." Lucas gave a soft moaned, lips smacking against his foxy lover and his hands reaching out to hold Mitch's hips, stroking them through the beige shorts he was wearing. Mitch moaned in reply, his own hands going down to caress Lucas's body. Lucas slowly began to lean back as their tongues were pushed into each other's maws, rubbing up against each other exploring the other's mouth.

They kissed long and deep, their lips making loud slapping noises. Mitch rubbed his lithe fox body against Lucas's soft, chubby stomach while their hands ran across each other's body. Mitch was already starting to feel an effect downstairs from all this kissing and rubbing and Lucas soon felt a stirring of his own when Mitch's hands delved underneath his shirt to stroke at his soft, furry body.

"Mrrrr...!" Lucas gave out a soft growl to show his approval while Mitch's hands continued to grope and stroke at his body. Mitch soon felt his lover's hardness pressing against his thigh and gave out a soft murring sound. One of his hands went down and Lucas gasped when he felt the fox groping at his crotch firmly, gripping him through his pants and giving him a good squeeze. He then slowly began to unzip them, hand delving inside to grip at Lucas's shaft before tugging it out into the open. Lucas's underwear now rested underneath his furry ballsack while his boyfriend gripped his length tight and gave it a teasing tug. Lucas reached down eagerly to stroke himself off but found his hand swiftly slapped away by the fox.

"Not yet." Mitch said, "Can't cum until our guests arrive." The fox smirked and kept teasing his raccoon's member, running a finger up and down his shaft and tickling the head a bit. "They should be here soon..." Lucas gulped and nodded. He was still so very nervous thinking about it. He was wondering what it would be like... A gangbang alongside his boyfriend with these big, tough stallions...

He didn't have time to think about it too long as Mitch shoved his tongue back down his throat, kissing him deeply and forcefully, making his raccoon moan loudly before he returned the kiss, his cock still being mercilessly teased by the vulpine. Mitch was rubbing his hard package against Lucas's body, a damp patch of pre appearing inside his underwear, when the doorbell went off and made the two of them jump in surprise.

"That'll be them." Mitch said, kissing Lucas one last time before hopping off the bed. "Get ready, I'll let them in."

"Get ready?" Lucas asked, watching his fox leave. How does someone get ready for a gangbang? Should he strip off? Would that be rude or presumptuous? This was all new to him...

Mitch hurried downstairs, his cock still rock hard and twitching against the inside of his pants as he rushed to the front door and opened it up. In front of him stood a big, strong and particularly handsome stallion, covered in thick, snow-white hair. Behind him stood a couple more, shuffling about. They smiled and nodded at the fox when they saw him.

"Hey, foxy." The one in front spoke and smiled down at him with bright green eyes. "Not sure if you got his text, but Harlan and his bro said they're gonna be running a bit late."

"Hey, Stone. No worries. They can join in later." Mitch stood aside and gestured for the horses to come in, which they did.

"Your boy ready?" the white stallion, Stone, asked.

"Heh, yeah, he's ready. Well... I mean, a bit nervous, but who wouldn't be, right? He's never been with a horse before."

"Ha! Shit, man, he's in for a ride." one of Stone's friends laughed, "He top? Or bottom?"

"He usually tops, but I think he can be persuaded to switch for tonight..." Mitch started to lead them upstairs.

"He ever take cock before?" The same horse asked.

"I've topped him a couple times." Mitch answered, "But he's still tight, don't worry."

"So no virgin ass tonight?" the stallion asked. "Aw, man. Well, ass is ass. Where is your boy anyway?"

"Just through here..." Mitch opened the door to their bedroom and lead the trio of horses inside. Having heard them coming Lucas had leapt to his feet and started to zip himself up. He'd evidently been playing with himself in Mitch's absence and was now struggling to stuff his dick back in his pants.

"Oh- um, ah shit!" Lucas spluttered nervously, "N-nice to meet you, I guess? Er..."

"Heh, shit, he really is nervous." Stone chuckled and approached the raccoon, towering over him and swinging an arm around the furry male's midsection. He pulled him close. "Mitch was right! You're a cute li'l thing, ain't that right, boys?"

"Yeah!" said one of the other horses, a muscular guy with dark brown, nearly black, hair. He stepped over to the raccoon and looked him over. Lucas felt the horse's gaze scrutinizing him. The dark-haired stallion spoke up again. "Never been with a raccoon before. You're kinda tubby. More cushin' for the pushin', right?"

"Erm... Thank... you...?" said Lucas, blushing profusely.

"Mm, looks like you're looking forward to it." the horse said, reaching down suddenly and gripping Lucas by the crotch, making him cry out suddenly. He'd managed to shove his cock back behind his underwear but his pants still remained unzipped so the horse had no trouble delving his hand in there and rubbing at the raccoon's underwear bulge.

"Oooh! S-stop, wait- mmm!" Lucas shivered and gasped, his hands going down to grip the horse's hand and his hips instinctively moving forward and pressing his sensitive and needy cock against the horse's palm.

"Stop? Ain't you enjoying it, li'l raccoon?" He squeezed at the tubby male's package, making him quiver at the feeling.

"Maybe he just needs something a bit more tender." Stone said, bringing a hand up to cup Lucas's chin. Lucas looked up at Stone who had a big, wide grin on his face. "Come here, big boy." He brought his hand around and took a firm hold of the back of Lucas's head, holding him there as he leaned down and locked lips with him. Lucas gasped in surprise, struggling a bit while Stone forced a kiss onto him, the other horse still groping and molesting him, hand exploring Lucas's pants and squeezing at his dick.

Lucas wriggled in their grasp and gave out loud, muffled moans around the stallion's lips. Stone shoved his tongue in deep. Lucas could feel the big, thick and wet thing violating his maw, tickling his own tongue and smearing it with thick horse spit. Mitch looked on, watching as his lover was molested and kissed by the two bigger, stronger males. Lucas was rarely seen being this submissive either. In bed he was mostly a top; Mitch had many fond memories of being drilled by Lucas's big, hard raccoon cock while being called all manner of dirty sex names. Bitch, slut, cocksucker... It was weird for Mitch to see his big, dommy raccoon quivering in the grasps of two bigger men.

Lucas could practically feel his boyfriend's eyes on him as he took the stallion's tongue in his mouth. He felt so bad... So dirty. He shouldn't be doing this, he had a boyfriend... Sure it was that boyfriend's idea to invite this big, hunky men over for this, but still... He had a boyfriend and yet there he stood, letting one horse manhandle his still throbbing junk while he took the other's tongue down his throat. He felt like he should stop; felt like he should call the whole thing off... But he didn't... He didn't even know why, but something was telling him to keep going with this... And it wasn't just the rigid rod twitching between his legs.

"Hey, fox boy." The third horse, a sandy-haired guy, placed a hand on Mitch's shoulder. "Let's get comfortable, huh?"

"Mrrrrr..." Mitch purred in approval and started to undress along with the horse. Mitch was already rock hard and his length sprang to attention when he pulled his boxers down to reveal his now fully naked body. The horse was naked soon after him; his strong, toned body on display and his low-hanging and semi-hard length twitching above his dark-skinned and heavy nuts.

"Getting comfy ain't a bad idea." Stone said, pulling away from Lucas and leaving the raccoon gasping with the fresh taste of horse tongue in his mouth. Stone started to strip off and tried coaxing Lucas into doing so too. "C'mon, big boy. Can't have a gangbang with our clothes on, right?" Lucas felt the horse who'd been fondling him take his hand away from his crotch. Both the horse and Stone were pulling their clothes off, revealing their intimidating bodies. Lucas gulped at the sight of them. So tough; so strong... He gazed at them for a few moments before managing to snap himself out of his absent-minded staring.

"Um, s-sure..." he said. Lucas began following everyone else's lead. He pulled his shirt off, dropping it casually on the floor before working his pants off, his cheeks blushing bright pink as he then hooked his fingers into the waistband of his briefs and pulled down, reveal his fully erect cock to roomful of men.

"Heh! Nice size." Stone grinned. He and everyone else were fully naked now and Stone took a moment to admire Lucas's impressively sized cock before checking out the other side. "Mm! Real nice ass too!" He placed a hand on it firmly, squeezing it tight and making Lucas gasp at the touch.

"Ah! Er, thanks, but I usually... you know... top?"

"Ha! Oh, me and the boys don't bottom." Stone chuckled, "And a gangbang with just one bottom?" He nodded to Mitch. "I mean, I know he's a fox and all, but we're expecting two more guys and six dicks for one guy? That's a bit much, yeah? So..."

"So...?" Lucas gave yet another gulp.

"So I guess you'll be bottoming for me and my boys." Stone smirked.

"But..." he looked down at Stone's cock. It had just started to harden and was mostly flaccid, hanging low down there; long and thick. "I've never taken a cock like yours before..."

"You got lube?" Stone asked. Lucas nodded. "Good, you'll need it." Stone apparently didn't care about Lucas's previous objections. "Oh, don't worry, we're not gonna just shove a horse dick up your ass. We'll work you up to it, don't worry. Looks like your fox's already started to enjoy himself." Lucas looked over to Mitch who had just finished sucking face with the third horse and was now dropping himself down to his knees, his vision now filled with semi-hard horse cock.

Lucas watched as his boyfriend eagerly grabbed the base of the massive thing and started stroking it off, leaning forward and hungrily licking all over the fat, girthy tip.

"Oh fuck..." Mitch breathed softly, opening up as wide as he could and taking the equine cock inside of him.

"Watch the teeth, you needy bitch." the horse grunted and placed a hand on the back of Mitch's head, grinding his hips forward and pushing his hardening cock down the vulpine's throat.

"What 'bout you, big guy?" Stone said, looking down at the raccoon and giving his soft ass a squeeze. "You want a taste of some horse cock?"

"I-I, um..." He looked over at Mitch who was still enjoying the horse cock in his maw, feeling it quickly hardening against his tongue. Before long Mitch was sucking on a fully erect stallion cock, head bobbing up and down the shaft. Lucas gulped nervously and nodded. He decided to go along with it all.

"Good answer." Stone winked, "C'mon, let's kneel you down next to your boy so you can suck dick together." With a hand on the raccoon's ass he guided him over to where Mitch was sucking cock and knelt him down next to him so that they could both just about see each other. Mitch gave his lover a wink as he continued sucking on the dick in front of him. The other, currently unoccupied horse stepped up close and stood at Lucas's side, stroking himself off while Stone presented his own length to the nervous raccoon.

"C'mon," Stone coaxed, "get to licking it." Lucas stared at the twitching girth in front of him. It was already steadily hardening before his eyes and he gulped nervously before reaching out and taking the spongy flesh of the shaft in his hand. He could feel it throbbing and pulsing in his grip as he slowly, slowly leaned forward, his dry mouth opening slowly and his tongue leaving it to slowly lick across the tip.

"Mmm, that's it. Good boy." Stone growled softly, stroking the back of Lucas's head as the tubby male began licking him. He leaned forward further and began licking up and down the shaft, covering it in his spit and making Stone shiver with pleasure, cock quickly reaching full mast. Lucas pulled back once he'd got it fully hard and his doubts about taking it up his ass resurfaced. Stone's cock was naturally huge; big and fat and throbbing. He looked even bigger than the one Mitch was still taking down his throat.

"Suck it." Stone ordered. Lucas hesitated, understandably nervous still. Maybe the stallions would be content with him using his mouth... Maybe he wouldn't need to take them up his ass if he managed to suck them off well enough. With that in mind he opened up and took the head inside of him, groaning loudly as he was forced to open his maw particularly wide to accommodate the thick thing.

Stone started pushing forward and Lucas was soon gagging and choking on his rod, struggling and wriggling a bit as he was made to take several hard inches down his throat.

"Too much?" Stone asked.

"Mrrph!!" Lucas cried out around the cock.

"Heh, amateur." Stone chuckled and shook his head. "Alright then. Get to sucking. And use your tongue."

"Mmph!" More groaning from Lucas as Stone began to hump into him, working his hips forward and back while the raccoon sucked him off, the other stallion standing close and watching with a hand on his cock as the couple sucked the other two stallions off.

Lucas sucked as best he could. He didn't bottom much, so he wasn't too great at it, but he did his best, trying to replicate the kind of techniques Mitch would use on his cock. His tongue ran across the head quickly and he soon felt the first few drops of pre licking onto it, the salty taste filling his mouth in an instant. Stone still had a firm hand on the back of Lucas's head as he humped in and out of him, grunting and gasping, his nuts swinging to and fro along with his movements. It wasn't the best cock sucking he'd gotten, but Lucas was doing well enough. Good enough to earn Stone's approval at least.

Next to them Mitch was eagerly working himself up and down the cock in his mouth, his hands working furiously at the bottom half of the cock while his mouth worked the top, sucking long and hard on it and making the horse quake with pleasure.

"Ohh fuck! This little bitch is good!" the stallion gasped, a hand on each of Mitch's ears, gripping him tight. He pistoned back and forth and Mitch choked a bit as he felt the cock slam the back of his throat, but he kept taking it, sucking and licking it like a good little slut, the horse's balls slapping him against the chin as the bigger male thrust forward. Lucas could see him out the corner of his eye taking that cock hungrily. He could hear him moaning and groaning on it as he serviced the horny stallion.

Both Mitch and Lucas could hear the horse's breathing becoming louder and more ragged as he used the fox's face. Lucas watched, his own mouth still full of Stone's cock while his boyfriend deep-throated the horse nearby. The stallion slammed in as much of his cock as Mitch could take, making the fox moan loudly as the thing was rammed down his throat. Mitch could feel it pulsing in his throat and was soon treated to a mouthful of hot equine cum as the horse erupted inside of him. Lucas could see the shaft throbbing and twitching with each rope it fired down his boyfriend's throat, Mitch gulping down as much as he could while the rest seeped out his mouth and down his chin.

The horse gave him a few more thrusts before pulling his cock out and letting the last stream of cum splatter over Mitch's face fur. Mitch panted and gasped, cum dripping down his face. The horse dragged his spent cock across the vulpine's face, smearing his cum across his him and smirking down at the still horny slut. He nodded down at Lucas.

"Your fox knows how to suck dick." he chuckled. Lucas just blushed and groaned in reply, his mouth still full of cock. The last horse, the one who still hadn't gotten his dick wet, stepped up to the fox and was about to say something when the doorbell rang.

"That'll be Harlan." the spent horse said, "I'll let 'em in. Need to recharge my nuts anyway." With that, he was off, leaving the other two horses alone with the couple. Stone kept breeding Lucas's inexperienced face while the other horse stood over Mitch, looking down at him with a smirk. Mitch opened up once again.

"Try again." said the horse. "Other hole." Mitch's cock gave an eager twitch and he quickly got into position. Lucas kept watching, still having Stone's cock rammed in and out of him, as the fox presented his tight fuckhole to the eager horse who stepped up and kneeled down behind the vulpine, his hands gripping Mitch's soft, furry ass and squeezing it tight.

"Mm, cute li'l ass you got." the horse smirked and began grinding his cock against Mitch's ass.

"Shove it in, stud." Mitch murred.

"You think you can take it?"

"Fuck yes." Mitch said, voice dripping with neediness. He pushed back, rubbing his taint against the stallion's meat. The horse chuckled at his eagerness and began to push forward.

"Ohh! Fuck!" Mitch cried out as he felt his hole being stretched wide. He clenched his fists and gritted his teeth, his ass burning with pain as the horse speared him on his cock. "D-don't stop! Oh fuck!" Mitch began whimpering loudly. It hurt, but he still wanted it. He wanted that big, hard cock up his ass so fucking bad.

Meanwhile Stone was still fucking the raccoon's face, breeding him harder and faster. They could hear the sound of the newcomers chatting downstairs, their voices growing louder as they approached.

"You swallow?" Stone grunted, looking down at Lucas.

"Mrrph?" Lucas looked up at him. He'd barely heard the question, he was too enraptured at the sight of his boyfriend taking horse cock up his ass.

"Eh, I'll take that as a yes." Stone shrugged and picked up the pace, his cock pulsing against Lucas's tongue and pouring pre-cum freely inside of him as his climax approached. Lucas could feel Stone tensing up and he braced himself as best he could before he found his mouth flooded with warm, thick cum.

The door to the bedroom opened just as Stone came and three figures entered; one being the horse who'd fucked Mitch's face, his cock already semi-hard once again, as well as two more stallions; Harlan and his younger brother.

"Glad you didn't wait up." Harlan said, already stripping his shirt off. Lucas watched, groaning while his mouth was being pumped full of jizz. "I wouldn't want to have kept you guys waiting. We got held up; nothing big though."

"Well... nghh! You're here now, so... Fuck this feels good!" Stone grunted, returning his attention to the raccoon and shoving a few more inches down Lucas's throat, making him gag on it. Stone shivered and shook, climax slowly petering out.

Stone nodded to the younger horse who was eyeing both fox and raccoon eagerly.

"Hey, James. Your first gangbang?" he asked. The young horse nodded. James, Harlan's younger brother, was still just a teenager at nineteen years old. He'd fucked around a bit, but this was his first time doing anything other than a one-on-one thing.

"What do I do? Do I just... pick one?" James asked.

"Pretty much." Harlan answered, stripping off and revealing his hairy muscle-gut. "Which d'you want? Fox or raccoon?" James looked from one to the other. It was hard to pick. They both looked so good...

Eventually he managed to reach a decision. "Raccoon."

"Yeah?" Stone grunted and slipped his dick out of Lucas's mouth, letting the raccoon gasp and splutter and spit cum out onto the floor. "Which hole? You might wanna strip those off, by the way." Stone nodded at James's fully clothed form. "Hard to fuck a guy with your pants on."

"Oh, right. Er..." James started to strip himself, tripping over his pants a bit as he tried to hastily pull them off. "Ass. I want his ass."

"We ain't fucked his ass yet." Stone chuckled. "It'll be nice 'n' tight for ya. C'mon, tubby, show your ass for the boy."

"I want to fuck him over the bed." James said, "You know, bent over it?"

"Hey, tell him that, not me." Stone shrugged and stepped back, his cum-dripping cock only soften slightly. Even his body knew he wasn't done with the couple yet. James looked down at Lucas who looked back up at him.

"Go lean over the bed." James ordered, his voice taking a sudden domineering tone. "C'mon, my dick's waitin'."

"Oh, um, okay..." Lucas gulped and stood up before going over to the bed, very aware of the several pairs of eyes staring at him, including Mitch's.

The now naked James approached him from behind and suddenly pushed him down onto the bed, his raccoon ass sticking up over the edge. James began rubbing his semi-hard cock against Lucas's exposed hole.

"Ohh this gunna be good." He smirked, stroking himself to full hardness and pressing his cock against Lucas's tight ass.

"Owww..." Lucas grunted and winced. James kept one hand on his cock, guiding it into Lucas's ass and then thrusting forward, burying several inches of hard horse cock into him.

"OWWW! Oh fuck! Fuck, out- get it out!" Lucas yelled in pain and squirmed about.

"Kid..." Harlan looked at James who nodded and slid himself out.

"Er, sorry... First horse dick?" Lucas nodded in reply, "Er... So, you, um, wanna suck it instead?"

"No..." Lucas said in a whimpering voice. "I... I want it..."

"Yeah?" James seemed surprise at that. Most people would give up taking his size after the just the first time.

"There's lube in there." Lucas nodded to their bedside table and James hurried over to grab the lube from the topmost draw. Lube in hand he returned to Lucas's ass and squirted a liberal amount of the stuff onto his shaft, rubbing it in before squeezing a bit onto his fingers and rubbing it onto Lucas's hole. The raccoon gasped at the feel of the cool liquid setting into his entrance. James pressed in a few fingers, the feeling making Lucas quiver and moan.

James made sure to give him a good stretching with his fingers first. He delved a single digit deep into Lucas's ass, jostling it about and making the raccoon whimper before he added a second finger. Lucas squeaked at that but let James continue, even pushing back to let the horse get his fingers in even deeper.

The horse at Mitch's ass was getting close at this point. He drove his cock in good and deep, making Mitch cry out with every push he gave while that little fox cock between his legs throbbed and pulsed. Moments later the horse cried out with pleasure and his cock pulsed hard before he blew his load inside the vulpine's fuckhole, flooding his bowels with his seed and emptying the contents of his low-hanging horse balls inside of him. Mitch cried out and whimpered loudly, pushing back and letting the horse fill him as deep as possible.

"Ohh! More! Fill me up!" he moaned. The horse was more than happy to oblige and kept his cock thrust inside Mitch as he fired off several more ropes of cum inside of him before his orgasm finally came to a stop. He then slid his cock out with a grunt.

"Next up." he said nonchalantly.

"Guess that's me." Harlan said, stepping up to Mitch. "C'mere, boy." He reached down and Mitch gasped in surprise when the big, hulking horse scooped him up in his arms and effortlessly carried him over to the bed before dropping him onto it in full view of Lucas who was still being fingered by the younger horse.

Lucas could only watch as Harlan pinned his boyfriend down in front of him. Mitch was on his back, looking up into Harlan's eyes, his ass dripping cum and his hands pinned on either side of his head. Suddenly, Harlan leaned forward and grunted as he kissed the fox deep and forcefully, shoving his tongue in there deep and making the fox gasp in surprise. Lucas watched as his lover wriggled around, whimpering loudly and returning the kiss, lost in the moment. The fox swung his legs around Harlan's body and held him close, letting out loud, needy moans around the horse's mouth as he sucked on that thick horse tongue. Mitch was a needy little slut and Harlan could tell. He needed it bad.

Lucas felt his raccoon cock give a twitch as he watched. It felt... wrong... But his body still felt hot and flustered watching his boyfriend kissing another male, and with such neediness and passion.

"Oh fuck..." Lucas whimpered, cock oozing pre down his shaft. Harlan made eye contact with him, having heard his whimper. Harlan kept the kissing up for a bit longer and then pulled out. He started rubbing his cock against Mitch's hole just as James slid his fingers out of Lucas's ass and began rubbing his own against the raccoon's rump.

"You've never done anything like this before?" Harlan asked, looking down at Lucas who shook his head.

"W-with other guys?" Lucas asked. "No. This is the first time we've done anything like this."

"Mmhm." Harlan nodded, grinding his cock head against Mitch's ass. "Enjoying yourself?"

"Huh?" Lucas was taken aback by how... casual... Harlan was being. He was talking as if he were making small talk at a bar or something.

"I can tell yer getting of on seeing yer boy like this." Harlan chuckled.

"I... I mean, I..." Lucas didn't know what to say. He couldn't deny how damn hard his cock was as he watched Mitch lying there, legs up in the air with another male's thick cock positioned at his entrance...

"You want me to fuck him?" Harlan asked.

"Do I...?" Lucas left the sentence hanging. He could feel James rubbing his own hard dick against his tubby raccoon ass; could feel that lubed head getting ready to penetrate his hole at any second. Lucas stared at the horse cock between his boyfriend's legs. He did... He wanted to see that huge thing penetrating the fox's ass... And he wanted James to spear his ass as he watched... He just had to say it; just had to tell Harlan he wanted it.

"So, you want me to breed his ass or not?" Harlan asked, still rubbing his head teasingly against Mitch's hole. The vulpine looked over at Lucas. He didn't want to influence the raccoon's answer, but that look in his eyes gave away how badly he wanted it.

Lucas braced himself before speaking. "I want you to fuck him..." Harlan smirked and, without another word, drove his cock deep into Mitch's ass, the fox crying out loudly and gripping the bedsheets, a look of ecstasy washing over his face. The rest of the horses gathered round, stroking themselves off as the fox was fucked and bred hard and deep. A moment later and Lucas felt his own hole being stretched wide around James's girth. He gasped out, eyes watering a bit. It hurt, a lot, but it was a lot easier now that he'd been stretched and lubed up.

"Fuck!" James grunted, pushing himself deep into Lucas's ass and listening to the whimpering and moaning coming from the raccoon. Lucas's hands flailed around and one of them soon found itself on top of Mitch's. They both looked at each other and took each other's hand in their own, gripping tight for comfort as the horses bred them hard.

Stone climbed onto the bed and slapped his cock against Mitch's face. He was bout to order the fox to suck it, but he didn't need to. Mitch's maw had enveloped the pulsing shaft in a second and Stone quickly found himself instinctively humping into his face, grunting and gasping in pleasure. Lucas just watched, his own cock rock hard to the point of almost being painful.

"Ahh! Mmm!" Lucas cried out once James started fucking his ass.

"Too much?" James asked.

"No! No, keep going! Oh shit!" Lucas gripped Mitchs' hand harder, eyes widening as he felt his passage being used by the twitching equine dick. Lucas shook when he felt a sudden tingling sensation flood his body. James's cock was managing to find the raccoon's sweet spot and every time it slammed against it it would send waves of overwhelming pleasure through Lucas's nethers.

Lucas's cock twitched and fired off ropes of pre across the bed as he was used. He whimpered and moaned, hand still holding onto his lover's.

"Fuck! Oh fuck! Fucking hell!" Lucas whimpered. He could feel his body clenching. His balls were getting ready to blow their load all over their bed; James was about to make him blow hands-free, something he'd never experienced before in his life.

James kept going, using Lucas's hole with hard and swift movements, his own load steadily building up, though Lucas's beat him to the punch. He flailed around, writhing underneath the horse, that last his to his prostate finally sending him over the edge. He came all over the sheets, his cock pumping out load after load of sticky raccoon jizz. His body twitched and clenched in response and James could feel Lucas's passage squeezing him like a vice.

"Oh shit!" James gasped, hands gripping the raccoon's fat ass and pulling him back onto his cock as the sudden tightness pushed him over the edge and he soon found himself filling Lucas's ass with his cum. Lucas could feel it splattering across his walls and flooding his body. He just moaned and let he horse empty his balls inside of him, watching as his boyfriend was used right in front of him.

Mitch found his own mouth filled with more horse cum just as James was pulling out of Lucas who lay panting with his ass leaking jizz. Stone pulled out of the fox, stroking himself off furiously and covering Mitch's face with his load while Harlan continued to pound the tight vulpine rump.

Lucas found himself crawling onto the bed and over to Mitch. He brought his muzzle close to the fox's and kissed him deeply, the two of them moaning loudly and Mitch bringing his hand around Lucas's head to hold him close. Harlan pounded the fox harder and Mitch's muffled moans intensified. They kept kissing, tongues dancing and rubbing against each other while they let out loud, huffing breaths through their nose. Lucas reached down, hand stroking at Mitch's body until he found his cock and gripped it tight. Mitch gave out a surprised squeak at the attention to his sensitive rod and started humping into his lover's grip, still kissing deeply.

They suddenly felt something splattering onto them as they lay there making out; one of the horses was starting to blow their load, stroking himself off while he watched them. Lucas let the horse cum all over him, covering his fur in the warm, sticky stuff. He spent most of his attention on Mitch. He kept his tongue pushed firmly inside the vulpine's maw and his hand kept stroking swiftly at his cock which just added to the myriad sensations surging through Mitch's body.

It didn't take long for them to feel another few loads of cum splattering all over them as another one of the horses reached climax all over their bodies, coating the raccoon and fox with his cum and matting their fur with the stuff, groaning and gasping loudly as he did.

Harlan fucked harder. He ploughed the fox's ass as hard as his powerful, muscular horse hips could, the bed squeaking loudly under them along with his movements. Lucas could feel the grip Mitch had on the back of his head tighten along with how hard Harlan was going. The stallion gave out heavy huffs of breath, clenching his teeth and gripping Mitch's legs tight, holding him close.

Their orgasms were nearly in sync. Mitch came just a split second after Harlan began pumping his vulpine ass full of his cum and Lucas kept stroking him off, rubbing his hand all along Mitch's shaft and coaxing out half a dozen streams of cum out of the pulsing fox cock, all the while Harlan kept fucking Mitch's ass as he came, even managing to give a few more deep thrusts after he'd emptied every drop he had inside of him.

Harlan pulled back and Mitch's legs flopped down, the fox lying, panting on the bed and Lucas finally breaking the kiss.

"Ho-lee fuck..." Mitch gasped. "That... was something..."

"Yeah..." Lucas panted, collapsing on the bed next to him.

The horses were all spent, their loads having either been shot in or onto the now exhausted couple.

"How was it?" Harlan smirked.

"You enjoy your first gangbang, tubby?" Stone looked down at the raccoon who just nodded in reply.

"Was... amazing... So good."

"Heh, I bet it was." Stone laughed. "So, what we doin' now? We pullin' the old wham, bam, thank you ma'am?"

"There's a-a spare room..." Lucas panted. "For guests, if you want. Or the sofa. I dunno, you don't have to leave just yet..."

"Spare room, huh?" Stone mulled the idea over. "Don't sound like a bad idea to me." The horses were all in agreement, several of them hoping for a second round in the middle of the night, or morning before they'd have to head home.

Lucas, too spent to stand anymore, told the horses where they could find their spare room and watched them leave. Harlan was the last out and he turned his head to give the couple a sly wink and a smirk before leaving them alone.

Mitch opened his mouth to speak but Lucas beat him to it. "Thank you."

"Huh? I was 'bout to thank you for going along with this. Er, thank me for what?"

"For suggesting this. This was..." Lucas blushed deeply and looked away, "This was really good..."

"Heh, yeah." Mitch chuckled and shuffled his position so he was curled up to his raccoon. "So, you enjoyed your first horse cock?" Lucas continued blushing.

"Yeah... Maybe I could borrow your toys so I'll be more ready for it next time?"

"Oh, there's going to be a next time?" Mitch grinned and Lucas's blushing only deepened.

"N-no! I mean... yes- maybe? This isn't fair..."

"Heh, we'll definitely do this again, don't worry, hot stuff." Mitch leaned in close and they kissed once again...