Scarlet Ruse: Chapter Eleven

Story by Hazel O Hare on SoFurry

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#38 of The Old kingdoms

Hello folks! it has been a while now hasn't it. I have taken a large haitus from posting, to focus work on my book and also working for Respawning. A brilliant online site that publishes all the latest news about all things video game and movie. You guys can check them out Here.

As always, a comment or favoite lets me know you guys still want to see more from me and would mean alot! Scarlet Ruse Chapter Ten Scarlet Russe Chapter Twelve

Chapter Eleven: East.

The silence was uncomfortable, it felt like we were all riding into some huge brutal fight or conflict. Not even Sva'll had anything to say. Sure I could 'stir the pot' if I really wanted to, but it felt wrong to think about that. I was not much of a jovial sort after all. Ahead of us lay the frozen sea, the northernmost point of the Shallow Straight, the only passage into the northern lakes and waterways in all the eastern world. Joras Run was not far, soon we'd be reunited with that vicious little lizard and the great big wolf as well. I clutched the Dopplers charm close to my chest, it hung securely around my neck now. All it would take is a twist and poof, I'd look and sound just like that scaled prick who bit me.

Sva'll banked left around the sloping face of the numerous cliffs and sheer rises, the black of rock standing stark against sheets of impenetrable white. Into view came a few specks stood by a boat at the water edge, it was not a particularly large boat either. I frowned. Sva'll brought us around, landing with surprising grace for such an enormous beast. I was more than happy to dismount, and happier still if I never had to ride a dragon again. The ground was slick with ice, the snow greyish and slush like, I fought for steady footing as I wobbled toward Greyson and the boat. Up close it looked like it could barely even float.

"Good luck, Assassin." I heard Sva'lls resounding mental voice says. I did not acknowledge him with a response as I grabbed a hold of a towering tree for stability. I was looking around to find Kaiber as Emet strode confidently up to the great big wolf.

"Everything set and ready?" Emet asked. Greyson nodded.

"Aye. Boats stocked, charts are on board, should get you through safely. Keep an eye out for Icarain Zeppelins, patrol the area round here sometimes." Greyson stated, folding his arms with a gruff grunt. Emet turned to me and motion for me to get aboard. I did so.

I knew Greyson was not coming with us, which was good, I did not like the way he looked at me. As if I was a thing to be conquered. I made my way right down into the lowest part of the boat, aft storage. Right at the back on the lowest level behind a flimsy wooden door. I wanted peace and quiet to sleep. But I also wanted to see what all the fuss was about this Doppler charm, and if it even worked. I pulled the small trinket out from under my top and held it, it was only as long as the palm of my hand. It looked fragile and weak, the sort of thing you could break just by putting a little pressure on it. Like an egg shell.

It was three concentric, evenly sized rings of ivory, set around a central shaft of polished stone. Capped at both ends with varnished myrtle wood. The way it worked was that on the rings were carved into the likeness of a person or animal, and when you lined all three rings up, they'd lock into place and you'd turn into the figure depicted. You twist the rings again to break the illusion. Mine however, depicted two figures, the first was an Icarin, a crow to be precise, by the black feather that hung from the bottom of the charm. The other figure was Kaiber. I studied each ring closely for a moment before double checking that the door was locked.

"Urgh. I've gone mad." I muttered to myself. Taking a deep breath I turned the bottom and top rings, I paused as I slowly lined up the middle, completing the image. There was a click and all of a sudden a sharp, powerful jolt ran through me, my vision blurred for a moment as I let out a surprised yelp. When my vision cleared up a second later, I blinked. My hands were no longer mine, scales coated them, I had claws and I was notably shorter in height. I became acutely aware of the phantom sensation of a long tail, tall ears and surprisingly weighty horns. Sharp teeth, a long slick tongue, claws. All of it. A shudder ran down my spine as I looked myself over, I looked just like Kaiber, just as I had asked for. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, I had the looks, all I needed now, was the attitude. I not only had to fool any of Alt's minions who were snooping about, but I also had to fool Emet, Kaibers Father. I paced back and forth, getting used to the motions of everything, Kaiber had a feminine frame, but held himself high, he had a strong stride but showed the same flexibility as a cat. From all I'd seen of him so far he was like me. Always looking for an opening, an exploit, something to take advantage of. Sure he looked like he was a clueless git, but he was playing everyone for a fool. He was tenacious, he did not let his fear show and I only had as long as this voyage took to learn how to act like him.

Another thing I would need was his stupid little cape, without it I'd raise suspicion. My best bet would be to nick his whole outfit. Greyson now doubt told Kaiber what was going on, we'd agreed of that much, Kaiber would sneak off the boat before it was too far out, using one of the small rowboats on deck. He'd row back to Greyson on the shore and I'd have to pick up playing a double life from their till we made dock in Gillian. I'd use my Kaiber disguise to tell Emet that it was me, Scarlet, who had taken the row boat and bailed. All in all it was a solid plan, it just needed the right timing.

My pacing and deep thought were derailed a moment later as I heard a voice.

"You'll have to cover that bite mark." My head snapped up to see Kaiber stood there in the doorway, smirking. My eyes went wide and balled my fists up. Oh how I hated being eye level with him.

"Shut that fucking door before Emet sees us!" I hissed. I actually hissed, like a damn rat, I sounded like him to, that notable 'male with a feminine flair' voice. Strong and sharp. I hated it. Kaiber stepped into the room and closed the door before turning to me and then pacing around me. I folded my arms and huffed.

"Getting a hard on over yourself Lizard boy?" I spat with a sultry tone, my eyes rolling. I heard Kaiber growl from behind me somewhere. It sent a nervous jolt up my spine, I did not fancy getting bitten by him again.

"Why are you doing this? Why do you care?" he asked, coming to my front again and folding his arms similarly to myself. I studied him for a moment as I thought, trying to match his posture.

"I have my reasons, and you don't need to know them." I stated bluntly, looking him up and down, trying to take in everything I could that would help me play my part. Kaiber smirked, I rose a brow.

"How's it feel to have a cock between your legs for once." He said. My eyes went wide, did he really just say that? Was he trying to bait me out? My shoulders hunched up and my fists balled up again. I stepped up to him, nose to nose and smirked back.

"Least I'll have the balls to use it," I replied. He actually seemed a little taken aback by that. I was an assassin, a female one to, I was used to shit like this, head games, back and forth, digging for a nerve to hit.

"Oh I think they'll be using the more satisfying end of you," Kaiber jabbed with a grin. I spotted something in his eyes that made my skin crawl a little, but I was not going to back down.

"I'm not a whore like you sadly" that finally got a notable reaction, I felt the point of a dagger press against my lower stomach. His grin turned cold. He had baited me. Pointedly, he pressed the dagger point firm against me, letting the blade draw a drop of blood.

"Why. Are. You. Doing. This?" he asked again. I weighed my chances, we had spared before, back in Dragonholme. He had landed a blow or two on me, but I landed plenty more than two on him. Would he really stick me though? I let out a breath and gave up. I was cornered.

"So you can be safe and with your family." I replied. He pressed the dagger against me more, drawing the point upward, to my lowest rig.

"Why!?" he hissed. I hissed back and shoved him away, tripping him up and putting him in a sprawled mess atop various sacks of supplies.

"Why does it matter? You get to be with your mother and I'm taking all the risks! Why do you care?" I snapped. Kaiber pulled himself up into a sitting position, looking up at me as I fumed down at him. I felt the boat lurch beneath me, finally setting sail it seemed.

"Why do you?" Kaiber asked back. I heaved, breathing heavy, my legs felt weak, I knew the answer. I just did not want to say it. I did not want to bring back those painful memories. I slumped, my shoulders and posture going slack.

"Because you still have a family." I said sullenly. Closing my eyes and trying to quell back memories of my younger brother Mahiel. Kaiber went quiet, his eyes falling. I shook my head, still fuming, still standing over him.

"So just stop fighting!" I spat. Snatching myself away ad turning around, taking a few deep breaths as I tried to calm myself down. Kaiber pulling himself up to his feet behind me. I kept my arms folded, trying not to cry, trying to hold back the tears. I hated being emotional, I blamed it all on this dumb charm, I could not help a sniffle or two.

"Look if you're going to go the nine yards with this, I should at least..." He trailed off and huffed. I half turned to look at him with a raised brow, sniffling one last time. He shrugged.

"I can help, I guess. Somehow. Show you, er, some, stuff?" he sort of awkwardly stammered and stuttered here and there, rubbing the back of his neck. His eyes downcast as he held out the dagger he had. I recognised it as my second dagger, my missing one.

"I'm sorry I bit you." Kaiber muttered. I took my dagger and an awkward silence fell over the room as the boat shifted and listed to and fro.

I sat down on a nearby crate and huffed after a good moment or twos thought. I motioned for him to sit across from me. He did so without question and we sat in silence a moment longer as I made a list of questions in my head, things I needed to make my disguise convincing.

"I'll need your clothes, all of them..." I eventually said, having to force myself not to shudder at the thought. Kaiber did not have much besides his cape that was of any notable importance. Heck, he wore a mish-mash of various garments, Black Church garbs, armour made by the Keep forge masters, furs to keep warm. It was an amalgamation on stuff. But that cape, I knew what he was going to say.

"You can have everything except my cloak. It was a gift from a friend and I don't trust you with It." he said flatly. I thought for a moment before letting out a breath and fidgeting with the charm around my neck.

"Then I need something similar, Emet will be suspicious if he sees me, you, either of us, without it." I replied, Kaiber nodded, looking around the room.

"It's made of canvas mostly, any one of these sacks will do." He said. I waved it off for now, Kaiber had nothing else, possession wise that would be necessary for me to replicate. It was all about behaviour, mannerisms, posture and attitude. I had never done method acting, or anything like that, I was going to have to learn fast. I sat there in thought, when Kaiber said something that I had completely overlooked.

"You know I'm a slave, right?" he said quietly. I looked up at him sharply. I blinked several times as that sunk in. I would be expected to behave as he would. Like a slave. Oh my spine shivered like nothing else as that realisation sunk in. Then it dawned on me, I'd be trekking through not only Gillian, but Mayoran to, all by myself if things went well. Sure I'd leave Emet a panicked mess, but Sva'll would eventually tell him what was going on.

I let out a huff and let my head dip into my scaled hands.
