Free Commission: Jenna's Punishment

Story by Thakur on SoFurry

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Warning: The following story is not a true sequel to "Balto's Rescue!". One will be coming soon, I expect. Rather, this story is a volunteer, free commission for Rana, and as such it contains Jenna and Inflation. If this is not your thing, that's okay. It's not really mine either. I undertook this as a test of my commission ability: how quickly I could write a story that did not entirely appeal to me. I wrote this story in 1.5 hours, and I hope it pleases you, Rana.

"I can't believe you lived here, all alone," said Jenna, walking the creaky old floorboards of the shipwreck.

"Well, I had Boris for company. But this is what I wanted to show you," he continued, walking onto the open front deck of the old boat. There Jenna saw a string of sausage links as long as her entire body, and to her surprise, a candle, flickering in a wooden crate for protection from the wind. It wasn't much, but it was still impressive for a dog. Balto had told her that he had a surprise for her on his old boat, and she had come willingly. Their relationship had been strained since Steele's untimely arrival during her first heat. Balto had been muzzled and tethered, unable to do anything but watch as Steele raped the red husky, filling her womb with his seed. She was almost certainly pregnant now, though it had only been a week so she couldn't be completely sure. Balto must have decided to forgive her, and set up this nice dinner so that the two canines could start off on a new foot.

She smiled, saying, "Thank you, Balto. It's beautiful. How'd you get the candle lit?"

He said, "When you live alone for a long time you learn to do things for yourself. You'd be surprised at the things I can manage. Come, sit," he added, politely, sitting next to the plated sausage. The sun was fading over the horizon, leaving beautiful streaks of reds and yellows across the sky. She brushed up against him, sitting next to him, her tail wagging. Maybe everything was going to be all right, after all. Her rape had been awful in many ways, but the most painful was that she had enjoyed it. She had been deep in her heat, and Steele was a magnificent creature. Though her mind resisted in every way, her body submitted obediently the malamute's demands, and Balto knew it. She had even called Steele's name in blissful orgasm as the black dog finally erupted within her, ensuring a litter of malamute puppies. Worse, when Balto had mated with shortly afterward, all she could think about was Steele, covering her, dominating her. Even now it turned her on. When she had cum for Balto, she again called Steele's name, lost in the moment. She was glad that Balto had finally seemed to forgive her.

She tore into the sausage, which was delicious, while Balto nuzzled her gently, not yet eating. She smiled at him, and said, "This is wonderful, Balto. I'm so glad you brought me here."

"Don't mention it," he said, his yellow eyes gleaming. Suddenly, the little husky felt dizzy, her eyes having trouble focusing. The last thing she saw was Balto's grin, his interlocking teeth glittering in the sunset.

When she woke, it was dark. She shook her head free, until the fog overwhelming her mind finally left, and looked around. She was surprised to find herself still on the deck of the boat, but when she tried to stand, she couldn't. She looked down. Her front and hind paws were bound by thick leather straps to metal loops, and try as she might, she couldn't budge. With effort, she could stand, but she would still be stuck right where she was. Looking over her shoulder, she saw that her tail was held to the side by yet another leather strap, and she realized that her familiar orange cloth was gone from her neck. She felt strangely naked, and extremely exposed. She queried quietly, uncertain, "Balto?"

A dark shape behind her stirred, and she was relieved to hear her hero's voice. "You're finally awake."

"Balto, what's happened?"

"You tell me, Jenna," as he paced around her bound form, the light from the candle eerily illuminating his grey fur. "All I heard is 'Oh Steele!'"

His tone sent shivers down her spine, and she lay her ears back. "You did this, Balto? Trapped me here?"

"So what is it Jenna, do you love him or me? You can't have us both."

The husky protested earnestly, straining against the straps that held her in place. "I love you. You know that - Steele, Steele is a monster!"

"And yet you called his name...twice. I'm not sure I trust you, and regardless, Jenna, you need to be punished."

"What...what are you going to do?" she asked, worried.

Balto's visage softened and he said, "Don't worry, I'm not going to hurt you. But I'm not going to let you off easy." He walked the rest of the way around her until he stood behind her. She wondered if he was going to rape her, too. She was bound, and her tail was forced aside - he could have his way with her. But she heard metal scraping on the floor and she looked back to notice an object that had been obscured in darkness. It appeared to be an air pump, foot operated. It must have been left behind on the old boat when it wrecked. A long hose was attached to the device, and she watched uncertainly as Balto picked the hose up in his teeth. Her eyes widened as the wolfdog brought the end of the hose toward her exposed rump. The hose had a plastic cup about half a foot from the end, and Balto began to feed the hose against Jenna's tender vulva.

"What - what are you...ohhhhh...." Jenna said, as the end of the hose penetrated her. She couldn't resist as Balto pushed the hose half a foot into her, until the plastic cup covered her mound, forming an air-tight seal. Then Balto undid the strap holding Jenna's tail.

"Balto, please, stop. I didn't mean it - I was just in heat. I love you, and only you..."

"It's too late for that Jenna. Maybe I'll believe you after your punishment, but it's time now. Get ready!"

Balto began to operate the foot pump, straining his muscles to send small gusts of air deep into her belly. The air was trapped inside her, causing a breeze that made her genitals tingle. She moaned, not sure what Balto was planning. But every time she tried to speak, he forced another breath of air inside her. All she could do was stay there and take it.

Balto was grinning as he watched the helpless husky, air beginning to fill her frail body. Jenna could feel the pressure beginning to build within her vagina, quickly filling the small tunnel. The building pressure pounded at her cervical walls, making the tied-up canine quiver with strange emotions. With another three powerful pumps from Balto, the pressure forced her cervix open, air rushing into her womb. She gasped loudly, unable to contain herself. She had never felt anything quite like this - it wasn't as bad as she had expected.

Balto wasted no time, working the little pump for all it was worth. Jenna felt fuller than even when Steele had knotted in her, and she was getting fuller every second. She felt her belly begin to expand from the pressure, watching the small bulge beginning to form in her abdomen. She looked beneath her, seeing her nipples slowly harden and expand, all eight of them as she was inflated, Balto watching eagerly. His erection was full and swollen, but no where near as swollen as Jenna's belly. She grew further, her chest expanding to match her belly in a smooth sphere, until her stomach was pressing up against the deck of the boat. Blast after blast of cold Alaskan air rushed inside her vagina, causing the small husky to keep expanding. Now she was a big as Balto; no, as big as Steele. And a heck of a lot rounder.

Her mind was overwhelmed now with lust, and she tilted her head back moaning and panting. Every time she exhaled, just a little bit of air would escape her wide belly, but she couldn't keep up with Balto's air pump. Her stomach was squeezed up against the deck, her body held down by the firm leather straps on her paws. If he filled her up much more, her legs would be in for a world of hurt, but Balto took this moment to undo the tight straps. With the straps gone, the pressure on her belly was eased, and her womb expanded even more, until she was resting entirely on her belly, her teats standing erect. Her four little legs were suspended in the air, and though she tried to move, it was just as futile as when she was tied to the boat.

Still, she tried to pedal her legs, squeezing her immense stomach. Her belly was now at least twice her normal volume, and growing once more with Balto back at the pump. Jenna moaned and cried out, "Balto, please, I can't take much more!"

Balto just laughed, and worked the pump, ogling the helpless husky.

She whimpered as she continued to inflate, feeling that at any moment she might pop from the pressure. But instead, her stomach slowly expanded, stretching out to make room for each gust of air. "No, Balto, please," she panted desperately, trying to relieve the pressure, "Stop, I'm too big!"

She kept growing until her belly formed an immense sphere, almost 5 feet in height. Jenna's tongued lolled out of her as she panted. Looking down, all she could see was her greatly expanded belly, the creamy white fur bright in the night sky. She was now as tall as Balto would be, standing on two paws, resting helpless on the deck of the boat, her bloated body feeling like it was mere inches from popping. Thankfully, Balto stopped with the pump, leaping up the back end of her belly bulge to strain his neck as he just barely grasped the air hose, pulled it suddenly out of her. She yelped in pleasure and surprise as her tender hole was exposed once again to the winter air.

Balto paced around the massive Jenna, looking over his handiwork. She was a giant sphere now, what normally composed Jenna's body rested atop the massive ball, trembling in fear and anticipation. Her legs were spread far apart, straddling her girth, and every time she tried to move, she put pressure against her stomach, causing her to tingle inside. Balto leaned against her stretched form, nuzzling her and poking her with her nose, while the husky whimpered and moaned. Every time he touched her, pleasure flowed through her broad form, and she wagged her tail uncontrollably. "Oh, Balto..."

Balto kept rubbing her flexible belly, eliciting shivering moans. He said with a grin, looking up at her desperate face, "What should I do with you now, my dear? I don't think you've been 'punished' enough."

"Uh, you could...let me go?" she asked with a hopeful, innocent smile.

Laughing, the wolfdog said, "Not so fast. I still don't know for sure if you love me, and not Steele. I know what I could do..."

She could barely see over her shoulder as her mate walked around behind her, shoving a crate up against her taut belly. Standing on the crate, he stood behind her, putting his heavy paws on her expanding stomach and pressing down on her. She moaned, quivering. Pushing gently against her inflated stomach, his paws mere inches from Jenna's wet opening, he reached up and gave her pussy a quick lick. Jenna called out, "Oh, Balto...!"

Balto said, "Say it like you mean it!" He licked her again, tasting her. She was so full of air, trapped and helpless as her lover teased her labia, pressing down on her massive bulge with his forepaws. She tried to call his name again, but she was in such ecstasy that the words would not form. Only her moans echoed throughout the night sky. She tried again and again to say his name, but still the words would not form. His slathering tongue coated her lips with saliva, and he began thrusting his tongue into her inflated little hole, probing her slick passageway. It is only minutes before his licks and weight on her stomach send Jenna over the top, and her entire body begins to shudder violently, her orgasm taking over her body. Her stretched form quivered from where she was perched above her massive stomach, so filled with air that she couldn't see the boat beneath her. All she could see was her cream-colored belly.

She curled her tail up, desperately taking Balto's inquisitive tongue, but when her orgasm dulled, he didn't stop, still licking powerfully at her, and poking her wide, inflated womb. She cried, "No, stop, I can't take it!" but he refused, licking her fast and hard, until the tingling in her body returned. Again and again he tongued her until she orgasmed, and in thirty minutes, she was panted, exhausted, having cum at least seven times. Finally he stopped, allowing her to catch her breath. She moaned and gasped, "Oh, Balto...I love you! I mean it. I've never felt so wonderful. Please, please, fuck me, fuck me! Oh God, I need you inside me, Baltoooo!"

Balto could contain himself no more, jumping on top of the beautiful ball of fur, his body and hers pushing down on her inflated womb. She held her tail up, gasping as Balto climbed on top of her, his belly fur pushing her tail up against her back. Her legs were already spread wide around her stomach, leaving her pussy wide open for the eager Balto, and he was fully erect, his penis throbbing for her cunt. Jenna howled in ecstasy as her lover finally granted her wish, pushing his cock into the soft entrance to her ballooning belly. Thrust after thrust he pushed into her, prodding her wide stomach and rubbing against the source of her pleasure. She was beside herself with joy. She was so full that his knot slid easily into her, spreading her vagina apart as he pounded her. She panted and moaned, the air from her mouth ever so slightly reducing the size of her stomach. It was almost unnoticeable, and she knew that it would be days before she fully deflated. She would be completely helpless until then, but she didn't mind.

Suddenly Balto moaned and whined, shooting his seed into the beautiful sphere of a dog. Her huge belly quivered, and she moaned, pushing back against him and milking him for all he was worth. Balto panted, yelling, "Do you love me!?"

She replied immediately, obediently, "Yes!"

Balto said, "I didn't hear you!" as he thrust mindlessly into her.


"Say it!"

Jenna screamed with all her might, "Yes! I love you Balto, oh God, only you! Please...don't stop!"

Balto grinned. Jenna was panting, gasping for breath after the best fuck of her life. She decided what Balto had done wasn't so bad after all. She was about to drift into sleep when Balto covered her again, pushing himself into her. He was hot for her again, unable to resist her beautiful bubble shape. She cried out, "Oh God, I can't, not again..." But she took him again, and again after that. Balto kept fucking her the entire night, and there was nothing she could do, or wanted to do to stop him. She was trapped on her inflated womb, trembling on her high perch as the wolfdog had his way with her, over and over, filling her with his cum. Finally, after dozens of copulations, the two dogs fell asleep, Balto still resting on top of Jenna, knotted deep within her.

With his knot embedded in her, she deflated that much slower, and it was another two and a half days before Jenna finally could put her feet on the floor again. Balto continued to fuck her hour after hour, taking every possible advantage with his lover. When she returned to her feet, her belly swayed heavily beneath her, still filled with some air, but mostly Balto's cum. Her belly wobbled, sloshing with every step, and she gave Balto an exhausted, loving smile. "We really must do that again," she said, grinning.