Lucky Night

Story by Drackir on SoFurry

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An old story I found cluttering up my hard drve. So i got rid of the dust and here it is.

"It is going to be a great evening, I just know it!" was the thought that went through the six foot tall tiger's head. His emerald eyes twinkled as he sat down at a table across from a slightly taller black furred wolf. He eased his well toned physique, shown off by a sleeveless top, into a chair and put down the two beers he had been holding. He finally had the object of his affections sitting down at a table with him, neither of them were drunk, seeing anyone or just out of a relationship. Nothing could stop him tonight.

Of course a stray thought like that invariably means things end up going wrong.

"So, Mark, any reason for asking me here tonight?" The wolf asked as he reached over and picked up his beer and took a swig before setting it back on the table. He was wearing a blue casual shirt and jeans which he filled out nicely to the tigers pleasure. He also had a grin on his face that made the tiger think he might know in advance why had asked him. But then again it was the end of a long week and he could just be here to have a beer with one of his friends.

"Yeah actually... Ahh..." The tiger tensed and swallowed. This was harder than he had thought it would be. What if the wolf didn't feel the same way? What if he laughed at him? What if he had spinach in his teeth? "I just wanted to say..."

"Well there you are!" Came a shrill voice from behind him which made the tiger wince. He knew that voice could only belong to Francis, the gayest coyote in the city by his own admission. It wasn't that he didn't like the guy it was just that he could be a little grating. That and he tried to shag pretty much anything with a dick.

The coyote was shorter than the tiger and the wolf, barely over 5'5" and was slim and graceful where the tiger was large and bulky and the wolf tall and lanky. He was wearing black shorts with glitter rubbed in, a loose green belt covering almost half of the shorts. On his chest was a mesh top. Mark wondered how on earth he had gotten into the bar, it's dress code wasn't strict but drew the line at something like this.

"Hey Mark. And Mmmmm MMMmmm MMMMMmmm. Who is this tall drink of tall dark and delicious?" The coyote turned his head and winked at the tiger then bought up his paw and whispered theatrically behind it "Dibs!"

"Oh, hi Frank" The tiger replied making sure to stress the word Frank as he knew how much the coyote hated it. "This is Steve. We just felt like a quiet evening instead of the usual hectic clubbing kind of thing."

"Oh we did did we?" Replied the wolf and raised an eyebrow.

"It's actually Francis handsome. But you can feel free to call me whatever you want" The coyote said as he walked over behind Steve's chair and slipped his paws across his chest "How about you take me out and show me what you can do on the dance floor?". The coyotes muzzle slipped in closer to the wolfs ear to whisper something else, but his eyes were locked on the tiger. Mark was no lip reader but he was sure he saw "bed" and "fuck" in there somewhere.

"Sounds like fun. You don't mind do you Mike? We'll dance a bit and be back soon ok? Said Steve as he stood up and took the coyote by the paw. Without waiting for a reply he led the coyote onto the crowded dance floor. After less than a minute the tiger couldn't make out where the wolf and coyote were in the throng of moving people.

"Well..." Sighed the tiger as he took a swig of his beer "Fuck"

* * *

"Well tonight couldn't get any worse" the tiger thought to himself.

Two hours had passed, there were a fair few empty beer glasses in front of him and a few shot glasses. He had given up waiting for them half an hour ago and had ventured into dancing crowd only to find no trace of them. He had logically decided that the wolf had taken the coyote home in order to find out about the "bed" and then the "fuck" or possibly the other way around. He inwardly debated about weather to have one more or not, he already couldn't drive home so another couldn't hurt all that much. He reached down for his wallet and then swore.

"Crap! Fuck! Monkey scrotum in a blender! Jesus titty fucking Christ" He ejaculated violently which caused several people to turn and stare at him. He dropped down onto his knee's and quickly looked around the ground desperately as he muttered to himself. "My cash, my credit cards, my fucking car and appartment keys are in there. Fuck..."

He then collided face first into the crotch of a tall well muscled stallion. The stallion grinned down at the wolf and in a thick southern accent said "I've had some eager guys before, but most of them bother to say hello first". He then chuckled and offered his hand to the wolf and helped him up off his knees.

"Oh, I wasn't meaning to go into your, ah, bits there" The tiger replied, well aware of a blush under his fur as he looked the horse up and down. In a word he was stunning. Tall with a flowing brown mane and matching well maintained facial fur. He was wearing a pair of black tight jeans, that showed a large package, and a leather vest, open casually and revealing a a well toned stomach and chest, brown and white fur mingling in patterns. "I lost my wallet and my keys were in there..."

The horse chuckled, a deep nickering laugh, as he looked around the table. "Well, it doesn't look like it's here. Name's Joel by the way. I'll go ask at the bar. While I'm there I'll get us a drink. What do you drink?

* * *

"Tonight is looking up" The tiger thought to himself as he sat in the plush leather seat of the horses sport car.

It was an hour later and they had spent the majority of it talking. They didn't end up having much in common in actuality, apart from an attraction to each others bodies. And after a few more beers that was enough for the tiger to say yes when the horse had invited him back to his place.

He was snapped out of his thoughts with a gasp as the horses strong paw moved into his crotch and roughly started to grope. It was a little uncomfortable but through the layers of alcohol was pleasurable enough to start him getting hard.

"Mmmm, big kitty huh?" The horse said, his tone deep and seductive. The tiger blushed a little, he was just under six inches in length so he wouldn't be setting any records for length, but hey guys liked to hear they big tools.

"Big enough... But you know what they say about horses" He reached out to stroke the inside of the horses thigh but was stopped by a grip on his wrist.

"I sure do. But you'll need to wait, I'll get distracted from driving" The horse replied and moved his paw back into his lap and then continued to grope him a bit roughly. The tiger shrugged and laid back before he opened his thighs and pressed into the groping.

Soon enough they arrived outside a small house. The horse flicked off the engine and then leaned over and kissed the tiger deeply. He used his tongue eagerly and explored the tigers tongue and muzzle before pulling back and undid his seat belt before getting out of the car. The tiger quickly followed the horse up to the house and squeezed his firm ass in his paws as the horse stopped to unlock the door.

"Well someone's eager. Just a minute and we'll be in the bedroom." The horse turned and kissed the tiger again. He slide his paw inside the tigers jeans and stroked his cock in hard firm strokes. The tiger groaned and thrust into the hoses hand eagerly and then was thrusting into the fabric of his pants as the horses hand pulled away. "Follow me"

The horse could have walked into a burning building and tiger still would have followed him. As it was the horse led him into a very well decorated house, obviously the horse made some mega money. Art covered the walls in the hallway as the horse paced forward, opening a door and stepping through. The tiger followed and hid a gasp as he looked around the room. A huge plasma screen TV was on the wall, the bed was covered in expensive silk sheets and thick carpets covered the floors.

The horse turned around and without saying a word pulled off his leather vest and let it drop the floor before moving back onto the bed.

"Get naked and join me" The horse said, more of an order than a suggestion but it lacked the dominant tones the tiger usually associated with truly dominant types. That suited him just fine though, he had been fancying a little more back and forth play than just being on top or on the bottom tonight.

He pulled off his sleeveless shirt without any ceremony then watched the horses eyes. His cock got harder as the horses own locked onto him, taking in his figure. He unbuttoned his jeans and pulled down the zipper quickly and heard the horse snort in pleasure as he shook his hips and let them fall to the ground. He now stood in a pair of blue boxers with a large damp bulge in the front. He turned and slid them down, he bent over to show his rump and then straightened and lowered his tail to hide his rump from view, finding himself delighted at how much of a tease he was being to the horse. He kept his paws in front of his privates, letting the horse get glimpses of his hard length and tight ball sack but not the full picture as he turned.

"Like what you see?" The tiger asked, a smirk on his muzzle as he knew what the answer was.

"I sure do... you going to join me or are you going to put on a show?"

"Depends, I think you might be a little over dressed."

"Is that so" The horse chuckled again and moved his paw down to cup his bulge "Why don't you come fix that then?"

The tiger grinned and moved towards the bed and got onto all fours and crawled over to the horse. He made sure his tail flickered high above him to show his excitement. He'd never been mounted by a horse before and hoped there would be enough lube, but then a stud like this with no partner must be used to having to introduce new partners to his size. He shook the thoughts from his head and lowered his muzzle to the horses firm chest and lapped at a nipple. He heard the horse gasp out deeply in reply and licked all the harder. He worked his way down slowly and bit and licked at the fur as he went until he reached the waistband. He lifted his muzzle and looked up at the horse as he slowly unbuttoned and then unzipped the tight jeans. He spread them open and looked down and his eyes went wide...

The horse was smaller than he was! Barely five inches, if that. Below the cock were some truely tremendous balls, either one larger than the throbbing horse meat under his muzzle now.

"Well that explains the bulge" thought the tiger, still frozen as he looked at the small horse cock "Still, size isn't all that matters, and his ass is firm enough for me to give a hard pounding."

He felt the large horse hand press down on the back of his head which brought him up close to the throbbing five inches of horse cock.

"Mmmm, why don't you get it all nice and slick so I can slide it in deep?" The horse grunted out. He completely failed to mention not measuring up to horse standards and dispelled the tigers hopes to be the one doing the mounting. Still he had raised his tail for a few smaller cocked furs before and found himself enjoying it, the different angles and speeds they could get up to equaling or outdoing the big ones.

Wordlessly he opened his muzzle wide and pulled the flared tip into his muzzle and licked at the thick piss slit where the pre had gather. He immediately regretted it. The cock itself wasn't bad, clean and warm was all you can expect really, but the precum tasted disgusting. Before he could pull off to spit it out the horse's strong hand pressed him down hard until his nose pressed into the short hair above the horses cock. He grunted and tried to pull up but found the strong hand holding him there as the horse bucked his hips which forced the tip back and forth in his throat, the tiger barely able to get in far enough to deep throat him.

"At least I can't taste him now" Thought the tiger as he tightened his muzzle and ran his tongue along the underside of the horse cock. It was actually starting to feel good to the tiger as the hand softened its grip and the tiger started to bob up and down, being careful not to let the pre onto his tongue again. He heard the horse groan and moan and then the tiger tugged the jeans the rest of the way down the horses muscled legs and then slid a paw between his ball sack and anus, pressing harder and harder until his finger pressed inside the horse. He heard a grunt and the cock in his muzzle was pulled out.

"Ah, sorry Mark. Nothing goes up there. I'm a pure top" The horse grinned down at the tiger like it was no big deal. The tiger nodded, his face didn't show his disappointment at all, and bent down to pull the cock back into his muzzle only to feel the horse stop him. "I think I'm good to go now. Why don't you turn around on all fours and raise that tail nice and high for me."

The tiger looked down at his own needy erection and then back up at the horse, hoping he'd catch on and either give him a nice work over with that talented tongue that had explored his mouth so well or at least give him a few strokes before mounting him. The horse either didn't notice or ignored him and leaned over to the side table and had pulled out a condom and a bottle of lube. He couldn't help but notice the condom had "XXL" on it and rolled his eyes as he turned around. He couldn't catch something from a horse, their anatomy's were too different, but he didn't fancy the thing rolling off inside him either. This horse was in his own dreamworld though as he slid it down his cock, the latex baggy and with far too much left over at the bottom, and the tiger knew he couldn't convince him otherwise.

He settled on his elbows and lifted his tail up his, swaying his rear from side to side to allure the horse and then grunted as he felt the firm heat press into the cleft of his ass. He groaned out loudly, he decided to play it up a little to stroke the horses ego. The horse ground his stiff cock there, strong hands worked along his back and gave his rear a hard spank as he continued to tease the tiger. Pre dripped from the tiger's erect maleness onto the expensive sheets below as he tried to relax.

"This is more like it" The tiger thought as he strained his rear up to present himself. He could hear grunts of pleasure coming from himself and the horse and then hissed out in surprise as he felt the tip brush agaisnt his ring. He shivered as it did again and again until it finally pressed there, ready to spread him open.

"Come on stud, fill me up you big boy" He groaned out, knowing that this would have to stroke the horses ego. The horse didn't reply verbally and instead thrust his hips forward hard and fast. The tiger gasped as he was filled, the horse's thickness more than enough to spread out his ass. He shivered as he prepared himself for the hard eager thrusting of the horse.

And instead heard "Oh fuck, fuck yeah.. that's it" And felt a throbbing sensation inside him as his equine lover emptied his large balls into the baggy rubber in the tigers not so tight ass. The tiger whimpered a little and pressed back, urging the horse to reach around and stroke him, to keep thrusting, to do anything to help him get off. Instead a few seconds later the horse gave a sigh and pulled back. The tiger grunted as he felt the horses cock pull out of him. He glanced back and swore as he saw the bare, now half flacid, horse cock pull out of him.

"Damn... You have one sweet ass kitty" The horse murmured as he laid back. His head hit the pillow and his eyes slipped shut as he ignored the spent cock laying over his large balls.

"HEY!" Mark growled as he prodded Joel in the chest hard. The horse opened his eyes halfway and looked at the enraged tiger. "What about this hmm?" He continued and gestured to his still all too hard tigerhood.

"Take care of it in the morning when I mount you 'gain" The horse rumbled as his eyes flickered shut. His chest began to raise and lower in a slow rhythm and the tiger almost wanted to scream. Instead he leaned over the sleeping horse and opened the draw the horse had got the lube out of.

"Nothing goes up there, yeah right..." He said as he pulled out a rather impressive looking dildo, about the size he'd expected from the horse, and then grabbed the lube and padded into the bathroom to deal with his need. The bathroom was, as he expected, well decked out, marble floors and counters, a large shower and a seperate bathtub. He quickly moved towards the shower and opened it up.

The base had a suction cap which he pressed firmly against the wall of the shower. He spent almost no time to empty the rest of the bottle over the impressive prosthetic phallus. He then stroked it firmly from base to tip, making sure the lube coated the large size evenly and got his own paw nice and lubed up. He bent over and reached back with his fingers then slid them in and squirmed them about. He found what he was looking for straight away and pulled out the used condom and threw it towards the toilet.

"Fucking bastard." He muttered as he turned, still bent over, and then pressed back until the cool, fake, head of the horse dildo and pressed against his somewhat loosened ring. He felt a murr rise to his chest, his erection even firmer now as he leaned back. He gasped as the slickened tip squeezed into him but didn't stop there, wanting the full length of the silicon inside him, the length that he thought the horse would have had. He grunted as he felt it reach his own limits, only halfway towards the end of it. He didn't care though, the angle he had it pressed against his prostate hard and spread him out just right.

He moved his paw down and wrapped it around his prick and gave a stroke from base to tip and gasped as waves of almost electrical pleasure run along his entire spine. He didn't want to blow like the horse did so he let go of his cock and concentrated on the dildo inside him. He eased himself forward to the tip and then back again, grunting loudly as he spread himself onto it. His cock continued to spurt pre across the shower floor and walls as he started to buck urgently.

In his mind he imagined the horse, not with the small cock he ended up with but with the thick cock that filled him like he deserved. He moaned and gave out a snarl as he bucked back a little deeper than he meant to. Pain tainted the pure pleasure but it didn't make him stop or slow down. The image in his head shifted and now Joel was on all fours and the horse was the one being fucked. The tiger was thrusting deeper and harder than he ever had before, his claws ripped into the horses back. He shuddered as he slammed back and took more of the dildo again, now all but a quarter of the massive dong embedded within him as his balls pulled up into his body tightly.

The image shifted again, brown and white fur blurred and now it was black fur, wolf fur, beneath him. Soulful yellow eyes locked on his as he plunged his hips back and forth and thrust all of his feline length into the canine who had spurned him earlier in the evening.

"Yeah, take that feline cock" He heard himself say, the words echoed in the bathroom "Bigger and better than that faggy coyote ain't it?"

The mirage nodded and moaned in pleasure and then changed. Now he was sitting on the wolfs cock and riding it. He felt the knot right against his stretched tail hole. His paw slid down to between his legs and grasped his cock and worked it hard and fast in both the dream and the reality. He gasped and grunted as he thrust right down to the base of the dildo, feeling the pain fill him as he imagined the wolfs knot filling him.

"Your ass is so much sweeter than Franks" the dream wolf howled out as he came inside the tiger. Mark couldn't hold back and longer and hollered as his cock spurted all over the shower cubicle walls, each of the heavy spurts splattering to the wall and oozing down to the floor.

Flushed and worn out the tiger pulled forward until the dildo slid out of him. He looked back at it and winced a little at a little blood on it and he knew he took it too far. He sighed and let his finger press on the tip and watched the cock aim down and then spring up again when he removed the finger. He had to hold in a laugh as it bounced erratically and then fell onto the floor.

"Fucking horse" He muttered and gave it kick then chuckled as it bounced around the shower stall.

He padded back out into the bedroom and looked at the horse and sighed. He was quite handsome, and well it was only bad sex after all. He shrugged and reached down for his pants and then realised they weren't his pants but the horses. He dropped them and got his pants and then noticed something odd. Sticking out of the corner of the horses pocket was a wallet that looked oddly familiar. He reached down and picked it up and growled. It was his wallet.

"This horse is going to pay"

* * *

Joel woke up with a large yawn and a stretch, both his arms, then his legs, and then felt down to scratch his spent balls and, in his mind, large equine cock. He noticed his ass was sore but figured that was from when the damn tiger had shoved his finger in there. He looked at the bed next of him and saw a note where he expected to see the sexy tiger he had fucked so well last night. It was too early to read the note he decided so, in his early morning still half-asleep slumber, walked to the kitchen and put on some coffee.

He noticed his computer was on, which is odd since he had turned it off before going out and meating up with... Mike? Mac? Micky? Something like that. He waited for the coffee and poured himself a cup and then paced over to the computer. He took a sip, switched it and and then almost covered his monitor in coffee. On the screen was and in his account was a picture of him naked with a ruler measuring his privates. The next was of a tiger, with a t-shirt over his head, fucking him hard and deep. The next was him with the feline's cock in his mouth.

The coffee cup fell out of his paw and shattered on the tiles below as he read the new description.

"Hi! I'm a submissive horse with a small dick. I love being teased about it!!! As you can see in my pictures I love being fucked and really love sucking cock. I swallow anything because my cum tastes like rancid meat.

Don't think about letting my top though because I'll cum in five seconds and then fall asleep.

I'm a deep sleeper too. You can do anything you want to me while I'm asleep!"

His mouth was open as he looked to the side to see the messages piled up. Thankfully the tiger hadn't put his address or mobile phone number on there. He looked at a few of the messages and felt fainter and fainter, never admitting to himself that he was getting turned on by some of the guys stating in explicit detail how well they'd fuck him.

He stood up and padded back to his bedroom and unfolded the note.

"Dear Joel,

Thank you so much for last night. You allowed to finally have a point of comparison for truly awful sex after a truly awful evening. Allow me to explain why I have done everything I have done to you.

Firstly your dick. There is no shame in having a smaller than average wang. Heck they can feel awesome. But don't act like it's huge, we can all see how big it it. You have a nice body and killer ass, no need to pretend your hung like a stallion as well.

Secondly your fucking. You cannot tell me you think your some topping superstar when you slide it in, grunt and finish. Maybe it was an off night, fine we all have those. You should have fingered me or sucked me off, not make me rummage through your drawers and use your dildo (Which I kept by the way. After I fucked you I knew you were too tight to be using it yourself, so I figured your using it on guy in the dark so they think you are huge. Get over it and learn how to use what you've got)

Thirdly your attitude. Stop thinking your a top. There is no shame in being a bottom or a switch. Your a bigger man if you can lay back and take a big cock then just thrust in and spooge. I changed the password on your gaydar account by the way, so until I send you a letter with the password the only guys you'll meet on there will want your tight ass. Try it out, you may be surprised and enjoy it.

Forthly, and most importantly, you stole my wallet you FUCKING PRICK! You could have just bought me a drink and I would've chatted to you, heck I would've gone home with you if you'd just tried to cruise me, you didn't need to stoop so fucking low.

So enjoy your new life being the bottom. I know a lot of people and by this evening you'll be known as the five inch flash.

No love - Mark

P.S. Your cars parked at the club, I used it to get mine back.

P.P.S I left a reminder"

He looked up wondered what the wolf had meant at the end of that note. He scratched his head he walked into the bathroom to shower, looked at the mirror and screamed. In his chest fur was shaved "Five second wonder" and on his stomach "Objects may be smaller than advertised" and an arrow pointing down.

* * *

"Oh my gawwwwwd" Francis said on his end of the phone and he stretched out god for as long as he could "I don't believe you for a second stripey butt."

"You got your laptop there?" Mark replied and grinned as he lay back on the couch, the tv muted and a cool drink on the table.


"Go to gaydar and search for wellhunghorse"

The tiger heard an affirmative grunt and then the sound of typing. A few seconds later he a heard high pitched laugh "Oh sweety... You fucked that horse over good. And if I knew your rear was that fine I would have invited you over last night instead"

The tiger winced, he knew it was only a matter of time before the coyote bought up Steve. "Look, Francis..."

"You shut up darling. I did a dick move last night I know. And before you ask yes we slept together."


"But so what? I fuck everyone, only reason I haven't fucked you is because I know you'll get all attached and want a relationship because my ass is just that sweet" The tiger tried to interrupt but was tutted down by the coyote "And I couldn't stand knowing I broke the only guy I actually care abouts heart, OK?"

"Yeah... thanks." The tiger sighed and smiled, he really couldn't hold anything against the coyote. He really did care for him, like a brother, a retarded little brother he had to look out for, but still a brother. "So... how was he?"

"How should I know?"

"You said you slept together!"

"Yeah, we slept in the same bed. He couldn't get it up, which is a shame 'cause it looked real nice to me. A real coyote stuffer"

"He.. couldn't get it up? Oh c'mon, your gorgeous! No one can keep it down when you put on the moves"

"Of course I am! But all he could talk about was how he shouldn't be there, how he was thinking of you. I don't need to say that got me as hard as a boiled noodle. Being fucked while they are thinking of someone else is never that fun"

"Oh darn, I'm sorry" The tiger lied completely to try and make the coyote feel better. Inside he was doing his happy dance.

"Sorry? You should be! You owe me one prime cut of wolf"

"How about a horse?"

"The five second flash?"

"He's a prime cut, you just need to ease him into bottoming. He's a natural though, I just slid in there and..."

"Enough! I must go sew these wild oats. SMS me the address would you darling?"

"Sure thing" Mark said, reaching out for his mobile and tapping in the address and sending it.

"Good luck tonight!" The coyote said and hung up and left the tiger to wonder what on earth the coyote had been talking about. As he was pondering this the doorbell rang.

"Tonight? Whats tonight?" thought Mark as he padded to the door and opened it.

On the door step was a tall black furred wolf, a bag of Chinese take away in one paw, a bunch of flowers in the other and a condom clutched between his teeth.

"It is going to be a great evening, I just know it!" was the thought that went through the six foot tall tiger's head.