The Adventures of Vyxsin the Vixen- Clubbing

Story by Coutzy on SoFurry

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#3 of The Adventures of Vyxsin the Vixen

Third part in the series. A huge thank you go to my mate Able for two reasons:

  1. The many, MANY hours he spent listening to every paragraph I wrote, giving me advice on how to better it.

  2. Allowing me to use the character of Bryce.

Also, since I haven't stated as such before, Kent (Who doesn't appear in this story) Kelly and Christy are all (as of now) copyright to me. Vyxsin and Rob have been for a while.

Bryce is copyright to Able Hunter ( Used with permission.

As always, I'd love to know what you think, and what you'd like to see in the next instalments

Standard Disclaimers, Wheee!

Not 18? Go away before I tell your parents on you.

Don't like furs? How the hell did you even get this far?

Tales of Vyxsin the Vixen


It was 5:37 PM.

Vyxsin had been ready to go for the past ten minutes. Strike that she thought, eleven minutes. Vyxsin was anxious, but determined to go. So she remained sat, tapping the armrest of her chair. Twelve minutes she thought, and then she heard a car honk outside. That must be them. She opened the door, and was greeted by the two otters, in the skimpiest outfits she had ever witnessed them wearing.

"Hi Vyxsin!" The two said brightly

"Hello girls" She said, and then almost parentally "What are you wearing?"

"Oh Vyx" Said Kelly "You worry too much"

"Besides" Christy laughed "We didn't plan on paying for our own drinks"

Vyxsin shook her head "You girls are a bad influence."

Vyxsin herself was wearing a more tasteful dress, or as the sisters called it, a sexy backless number. Vyxsin shuddered at the thought. Vyxsin had picked something decidedly classy. Yes, it showed off her back and by extension, her posterior, but she thought it maintained an air of elegance about it. Kelly and Christy, meanwhile, were dressed in matching tube tops and miniskirts. Definitely outfits designed for attracting attention.

More pleasantries were exchanged, and they left, Vyxsin still nervously watching every minute tick away, as they drove. "Why were you at mine so early?" Vyxsin asked at 6:03 PM.

"We didn't trust you to be ready" Said Kelly "But there's a huge plus to all this"


"We will skip most of the lines"

Vyxsin idly wondered how many times the sisters had been to this place, and exactly how manipulative they could be, when they wanted. She zoned out somewhere on the highway.

And zoned back in as Kelly was pulling into a parking space, in one of the fancy automated parking garages. "Why don't we just park on the street?" Vyxsin asked.

"That would be stupid Vyx" Said Christy "The city is dangerous at night. Everyone knows that."

"Yeah" Said Kelly "Trust me. I'd rather pay the money and stay safe. Speaking of which, I'll need five dollars from both of you."

Vyxsin handed over the money without question. The girls had a point, and they knew much, much more than her when it came to the nightlife. The three strode out and walked to the club, only a few streets away from their car.

As promised, there was only a small line, and after flashing their ID's at the door, the girls walked inside. Deep breath thought Vyxsin, It's not like the music will stop playing when everyone notices you. The girls entered the main room, and the music stopped. Of course, Vyxsin thought, and she smirked in spite of herself. "Don't worry yourself, Vyx" Said Christy "The DJ's change shifts at seven; we just happened to walk in at the right time."

"That's a relief" Vyxsin breathed, before she realized that at least ten pairs of eyes were trained on her. Vyxsin cast a sweeping glance over all the furs in the room. As far as she could tell, she was the only pink one. Hell she thought I've never met another pink vixen, I'd probably stare too. None of the furs staring at her piqued her interest at all. "Come on Vyxsin" Kelly said, grabbing her arm and nodding towards an empty couch "Let's grab a seat, and let someone else grab us a drink." Vyxsin looked at Christy, who was smiling and winking at a handsome Jackal. Words were exchanged between the two, and soon the dark fur was joining them. "Vyxsin, Kelly" Christy began "This is Bryce."

"Hi Bryce!" Kelly said brightly. Bryce nodded back curtly, before Christy turned and whispered in his ear, having to stretch up on her toes to do so.

Bryce looked back at her, and nodded once, before departing.

"Who was that?" Vyxsin asked

"That" Christy said disdainfully "Is our wallet for this evening."

Bryce returned, carrying four drinks. He set three clear drinks in front of the girls, and sipped from his amber beverage.

"Thank you Bryce" Said Christy, and she hugged him "Why don't you sit here, with me?"

Kelly looked at Vyxsin and rolled her eyes, lifting her glass "Cheers"

"Cheers" Vyxsin replied, and sipped at her drink, coughing and spluttering shortly after swallowing it. Whatever it was, it certainly wasn't water.

That was when she saw him.

He was a jet black all over, and chatting to another male, who was behind the bar. He's a regular she thought. Suddenly, he glanced in her direction, and the two locked eyes. Vyxsin smiled, and the wolf nodded, and raised his glass to her, before drinking.

Vyxsin was brought back to the present by a sharp elbow to her ribs.

"Who's your friend?" Kelly asked, a little louder than she probably should have.

"Huh?" Said Vyxsin "Oh, right" And she pointed to the dark stranger at the bar.

"Mmm" Kelly mused "I wouldn't mind a piece of that"

"Dibs" Vyxsin interjected.

"Fine" Kelly said "But if you don't talk to him in the next five minutes, I am."

Okay Vyxsin_was the next thought she had, as she found herself standing up and approaching the bar, _just keep on breathing. The worst that can happen is that he doesn't like you. She sat down and looked at him, a gesture which he returned.

"Can I help you?" Said the wolf, smiling

Better say something"Hey" Vyxsin said "How are you?"

"Not too bad" He replied "Just sitting here, enjoying a beer."

"Cool" Vyxsin said "Mind if I join you?"

The black fur chuckled "I'd love that, not often you meet a pink fur. I'm Rob."

"Vyxsin" She replied "You've met another pinky before?"

"Just one" Rob said "But I'm pretty sure she was dyeing it like that. Yours must be natural."

Vyxsin giggled at Rob, and touched his shoulder "How did you know?"

"I saw when you came in. Nobody who is that self conscious dyes their hair that colour."

"I suppose you're right."

"What are you drinking?"

"Oh! Umm... I don't actually know."

"Well, in that case" Rob motioned to the lion behind the bar "2 drinks, Marty. Tenders choice."

"Coming right up!"

Before Vyxsin knew it, another mystery beverage was sitting in front on her, this one amber, in a tall mug. She glanced across, and Rob had an identical drink. "Listen here" Rob began, as Marty placed two shot glasses, filled with a brown liquid, on the bar next to the mugs "This is called a lunchbox. To drink this, you grab the shot, and drop it in the mug. Then you have to drink it all in one go."


"Ready? On three. One, two, three"

Vyxsin dropped her shot into the mug, and started drinking. About halfway through, she glanced at Rob, who had finished and was tapping the bar top with knuckles. She choked, and put the mug down. "About three quarters" Rob remarked "Not bad for the first time." Vyxsin coughed, and giggled nervously before downing the rest of her drink. The alcohol was beginning to get to her.

"Want to dance for a while?" Rob cut through her haze.

At this, Vyxsin felt her eyes begin to water. She blinked to clear them, but her eyes teared up again. She blinked a second time, and glanced back to the couch she had come from. Kelly and Christy, and their companion, were gone. Vyxsin allowed herself to be led by paw to the floor, where Rob turned her, so that he was behind, arms locked around her belly.

The two swayed to the music, a techno beat that Vyxsin couldn't name. Through one song, two or maybe even three, she couldn't keep track and her only timepiece was the movements of the other furs in the club. She thought she caught a glimpse of Christy, or at least an otter that was grinding her backside into a jackal, Mentally she nodded, but physically they stayed locked in their position, Rob's paws shifting only slightly between movements as they rocked together, his chest pressing into her wings. "I love your markings" Rob whispered in her ear "They make you look like an angel." Vyxsin felt his breath on her cheek and turned her head. Suddenly he was kissing her. Oh. My. God. She thought. She remained frozen for what seemed an eternity before she felt her eyes close as she tilted her head into him, her body still swaying with the music, guided by his powerful arms. She felt his tongue graze against her lips, and she opened her maw, inviting his passage.

His tongue entered the space she created, and soon she felt her own battling with the invading muscle. He had a skilled tongue, and Vyxsin submitted to him, allowing him access to all reaches of her oral cavity. She turned her body, so her chest was against his, and worked her paws across his back, down. Down past his shoulders, past the small of his back, down to the waistband of his corduroys. She detoured here, to his front, and she gripped what she found there, causing Rob to gasp and pull away, before leaning down to her ear "Did you want to take this somewhere more private?" He whispered "My place isn't far from here."

Vyxsin cast a glance back to where Christy was. She was still dancing, grinding against the hips of a very amorous looking Bryce. She looked back to Rob, and nodded. He took her paw and led her out of the club, to his car which was not far away. Rob opened the door for Vyxsin, and helped her into the car, before climbing into the driver's seat and gunning the engine.

When he said his place was not far away, he meant it. Within five minutes they were pulling into his parking space in a tall apartment complex. He led Vyxsin up the stairs to his door, marked with a simple '5B'

"Here we are" Rob commented, and Vyxsin threw herself at him, barely giving him time to unlock the door. They kissed their way into the apartment and Rob kicked the door shut, his lips never leaving those of Vyxsin. She pulled at him hungrily, eager to feel his tongue dance with hers again. Her wish was fulfilled, and the two found their way over to the couch, both participants' paws exploring their companion's bodies freely. Vyxsin halted their kissing briefly to pull her arms through the straps of her dress and allow Rob to pull it down, exposing her perky orbs to him. He grinned at her, and attacked her muzzle again, paws kneading her breasts, maintaining a hold as if worried they might fly away if he left them. Vyxsin moaned into his muzzle, a reaction to which he chuckled softly. He left her mouth, this time to pull his own shirt off, before resuming his prior activities.

It was now Vyxsin's turn to caress her partner's chest. Her paws raking across his smooth pectorals, before settling around his spine, pulling his bare chest into her. She felt a hardness dig into her, and smiled inwardly. Nice to know I have that effect she thought, and reluctantly pulled herself away from the wolf. "Are you protected?" She inquired, to which he nodded the affirmative. "Bedroom?" Came out slightly inhibited, but Rob paid no mind and gestured to a door behind her. Vyxsin stood up, and removed her dress completely, revealing her teal panties to the excited wolf. She turned, and walked to the door Rob had indicated, glancing back to say "Come and ge- Woah, Oof!"

Vyxsin had fallen, the alcohol finally taking its toll on her motor skills. Rob sat up straight, "Vyxsin?" When she did not reply, he stood and rushed to her. "Vyxsin, are you okay?"

Vyxsin simply giggled at him, "Well" She said from her supine position "What are you waiting for?"

Rob glanced around and shifted on the balls of his feet. "Vyxsin" He said "I can't do this. Not with you like this."


"I can't. I don't want to take advantage of you."

"You mean" Vyxsin lip began to tremble, and she sobbed "You (sob) Don't (sob) Like (sob) Meeee-e-e-e-eeee" Vyxsin was openly crying now, her near nakedness forgotten as she cried into her paws.

"No, Vyxsin, no" Rob started, pulling Vyxsin into a sitting position and hugging her gently "I do like you, I like you a lot. Too much to take advantage of your state."

"But (sob) I (sob) Want (sob) You (sob) Toooo-o-o-o" Vyxsin sniffed loudly after this exchange. Her nose was running as a result of her constant sobbing.

"No you don't, Vyxsin. Not like this" Rob rocked her gently.

"But... but" Vyxsin's consciousness was starting to waver "But I... I want..." Vyxsin snored softly, as her eyes completely closed.

Rob shook his head, and picked Vyxsin up, carrying her in his arms to the bedroom and tucking her into the bed lovingly. He stroked her head softly, pulling the sheets up to cover her form and left. He allowed himself one final look at her before he flicked off the light. He pulled a spare blanket and pillow from his closet, and set up his couch to sleep on. He found sleep quickly, remaining content that Vyxsin would be okay, judging from her snores coming from the next room.

When Rob woke, the first thing he did was check the bedroom. She was gone; he walked back to the kitchen, where all he found was an empty mug in the sink, and a hastily written note.


_ Thank you for what you did last night. Thank you for taking such good care of me, I must have been so much trouble. Call me. 555-7465._

(PS. I used your stuff to make coffee. I hope you don't mind.)

Rob smiled, pulled out his phone, and saved her number to his contacts.