The Corruptive Cure: Part 2

Story by Anti Symboi on SoFurry

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Part two in the ever growing sssaga of sssymbiotic corruption~! I plan on keeping thisss going for ssseveral more partsss, with a ssspin-off or two here and there~! Please, leave feedback and ssuggestionsss below~

"It'sss been sssuch a long night..." Anti whimpered to himself, yawning deeply as he slid through the various alleyways of the city. His nimble body easily slipped through the darkness, entirely unnoticed by the mass of pedestrians bustling past. Anti stopped for a moment, breathing deeply as he took in the smell of the various humans. The aroma of joy, sorrow, hatred, and... lust. "Mmmmmm, ssssomebody's a little flustered, eh~?" He cooed, spying a couple looking rather tense as they exited a restaurant. One was a wolf, big and brutish. His ill fitting clothing did a poor job of hiding the absolutely stunning musculature that lay beneath. The other, however, was a goat. He was small, rather timid looking, and wore such deliciously tight booty shorts. One might even mistake him for a girl at first glance, but that cute little bulge just couldn't be hidden completely~

Anti grinned, running his tongue gracefully along his monstrous array of fangs as he quickly followed the two males. The lustful gaze of his yellow eyes widened in surprise as the two dipped quickly into an adjacent alleyway and stepped out of sight. The creature chuckled, sensing that something was most certainly amiss. With one graceful leap, he crossed over the street, quickly striking a pose as he photobombed a rather attractive looking spider who had been busy snapping pictures of a colorful splash of graffiti that lay on the exterior of the alley. Anti then slipped into a dense shadow, listening in on his soon to prey's conversation. "No, Milo, it's too dangerous." The wolf argued, standing well over a foot above the protesting Goat's head. "But why not? You go all the time-" The smaller male retorted, stamping his foot in frustration. "And besides, it's not like we haven't "done it" before when you've transformed!" He added.

Now this was getting good. An arguing couple was such easy prey~! Anti was already planning weeks ahead on exactly how he was going to split the two up and corrupt them both. Divide and conquer never fails~! His devious scheming was cut short, however, when the wolf was suddenly engulfed in red goo. It took only moments for a symbiote, looking far more ripped than the wolf had prior, to emerge. "I said no, and that's final. Go home, I gotta blow off some steam." He barked in a much lower, and far more ferocious tone. This caused the Goat boy to instinctively take a step back, looking rather hurt. "Fine... go have your fun, but don't think this conversation is over, Colt."

The symbiote rolled his white patch eyes before replying. "I told you, Milo. It's Scorch now." And with that, he was off, bounding across the rooftops to god knows where, leaving his friend alone and rather upset. Milo grumbled to himself, haphazardly kicking a can to the side as he did so. To his surprise, however, the sound that he had been expecting, the dull thud of copper against brick, never came. A squishing sound instead reverberated around the secluded area. Small, smooth laughter filled the alleyway as the can was thrown back, startling Milo as it landed next to him.

"Aw, don't feel down, pal. He'sss jusst looking out for your bessst interestsss~" A voice hissed slyly from the darkness. Out stepped Anti, swaying his hips seductively as he moved with fluid grace towards the feminine Goat. His sleek, curvaceous features presented themselves in full glory as our gooey hero came into the light of the single buzzing streetlamp that resided in the alley. The other male couldn't help but stare at Anti's dancer-like body, his eyes resting for just a moment too long on the freely hanging member below the creature's waist. "You... You're one of them-!" Milo exclaimed, averting his gaze from Anti's extremities and stepping closer to get a better look at the white and black being that stood before him. The goat's anxious demeanor melted away as he expressed almost childlike glee at the prospect of meeting someone like Colt. "You're different, though-! I haven't seen any of Colt's Symbi buddies with white and black markings!" He said observed, stepping in a circle around the creature to get a good look. Anti was, to say the least, absolutely flattered that someone had taken such an interest in him. He couldn't help but grin, his lips splitting apart to reveal his impossible set of razor sharp teeth. "I am rather unique, aren't I~?" He affirmed, putting his hands on his hips as his eyes caught sight of what his nose had already picked up on. His newfound furry friend was exceedingly horny~

True to Anti's assertion, Milo couldn't help but feel a growing heat in his loins as he looked the ravishing symbiote up and down. His cock twitched in arousal as he saw Anti's own member throbbing to full mast, a droplet of goop dripping from the tip to splash against the pavement below. "Take a picture, it'll lassst longer~" Anti giggled, looking amused at the sight of his prey so willingly falling for him. "I... Uh, sorry about that. I just... really like the look of you guys. So sleek and smooth..." His voice trailed off as the creature stepped closer, running a claw under Milo's soft chin. "Pleassse, tell me more. What elssse do you find irresissstible about usss~?" He cooed, gently rubbing his cock up against the bulge now plainly apparent in the goat's shorts. Milo couldn't help but release a soft, breath-filled moan at the very touch before being able to bring himself to respond. "I like the... the way you talk, the way you... feel, and.... Oh fuck..." The male was cut short as a claw traced down the tight fabric of his shorts, splitting them open with ease. His member spilled out of the shredded clothing, rubbing up directly against Anti's own twitching sex. "I can make you jussst like me, you know, and all you have to do is one simple thing in return~" The creature hissed lustfully, still running his claws delicately over his prey's trembling jaw.

There was no hesitation in Milo's response. He quickly grabbed Anti by the shoulders, leaning in with an almost manic look in his eyes as he spoke. "Please... It's all I've ever wanted-" He muttered, his cheeks flushing brick red at his own confession. "Then it'ssss sssettled~!" Anti cooed gleefully, bringing his monstrous face up so close to the goat's that his breath, which smelled surprisingly of cherries, filled the poor male's senses. His eyes nearly rolled up into his head as he tried desperately to speak coherent words, his cock spurting pre onto the cold pavement as he did so. "Wh-What... What do I h-have to do in... in return-?" He choked out, shaking head to toe in utter anticipation and arousal. His lovely predator grinned for a moment, thinking of all the things he planned to do with this unfortunate soul. "Kisss me~" He breathed into the goat's very mind. Again, there was no hesitation. The two males locked lips, Milo stifling a moan at the feeling of Anti's inhuman tongue dancing across his own. They grappled there for a moment, both lost totally and utterly to their carnal pleasure. Something was odd, though. Every time Anti's body would touch Milo's, more goo would remain than before, slithering across his feminine form. Anti grinned into the sloppy kiss as he saw tendrils already slipping into his prey's ears.

Milo's mind was utterly dominated by the invading goo, his thoughts twisting and morphing into something far dirtier. Images, fantasies, and desires flashed through Milo's crumbling psyche. Images of impossibly ripped creatures breeding him till his legs were shaking uncontrollably and he was screaming out with sheer lust, begging for more, flashed over his eyes again and again. Thoughts of surprising his boyfriend with his new form turned to ambushing and fucking the life out of him, forcing his boyfriend... No, his prey to fuck his tight, needy hole for hours on end. "Hell, I could probably go for days, if I wanted to now~" The transforming male thought to himself as his hips pushed out and his thighs and ass packed on a bit more mass thanks to the anti symbiote now covering most of his body. Any unneeded fat, the goo removed, leaving behind a beautifully effeminate hourglass figure behind. As the white and black liquid covered his member, Milo's eyes rolled into the back of his head.

He broke the kiss, moaning lustfully into the night as the throbbing meat began to push out, little ridges forming along the base as it pushed passed his measly five inches and into six, seven, eight, and now nine inches of throbbing mass. "Oh... Ooooh yesssss~! I Never thought I could feel thisssss wonderful~" He cried out. His balls also began to engorged, filling with ample amounts of infectious seed. Oh how the new creature longed to use it. The once goat's head was now the only part of him that still remained semi-normal. Well, as normal as one might look as their muzzle was being pushed inward, their tongue was elongating past any normal amount, and fangs that could put a great white to shame were spilling out of their mouth. Much to Anti's delight, Milo let out a soft "Thank yoouu~" as his head was totally submerged in the pleasurable slime. Anti stepped back, watching his new creation writhing and twitching with lustful abandon as the rest of his features changed. His tail pushed out, now akin to what you might find on a lizard, and his horns... They were stretching outward, curving wickedly around the new anti symbi's elf-like ears as a delightfully devilish smile split the goop covering its face, completing the demonic look. The new creature's eyes opened as well, glowing with a bright violet hue as it squinted in the light from the streetlamp. "Mmmm, you turned out nicely~" Anti cooed. "I think I'll call you... Desire~"

Desire raised his head into the air and screeched with approval, his cock throbbing delightfully as it spurted several thick loads into the air and onto the gravel. He immediately got to work bending over and licking it up with his new tongue as a puddle of infectious cum spilled out over the alleyway. "Oh ssstop that, it'll be more fun to leave it asss a sssssurprissse to anyone lucky enough to come back here~" He giggled, offering a hand to his new acquaintance.

"Thank you, masssterrr, I don't know how I'll ever repay you~" Desire hissed, rubbing his hourglass figure against Anti's form. "Well first, I want you to stop calling me that. Anti will suffice. Second, helping me show your boyfriend just how much pleasure I've given you will be ample payment~" The slightly taller symbiote replied. Desire shuddered with anticipation, taking Anti's clawed hand and raising himself up off the ground. The two males stood grinning at each other for a moment, both imagining corrupting the larger male and forcing him to pleasure them till he had no strength left to stand. Anti even slipped a claw into Desire's already needy hole, gripping the fellow creature's anti symbiote enhanced ass. "The night'ssss ssstill young~" He hissed, wrapping an arm around Desire's hips as the two stalked off into the night.