Fun At Stud

Story by Reformation and Science on SoFurry

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#3 of Reformation-Science

The how and what of a youth who gained the lifestyle of a pony stallion at stud...

I ask you to consider those who you have known to be smarter than the average. Think about those people you knew, who saw things in a greater depth. There are people out there with higher intelligence, the school administrations used to mark those people with IQ numbers above the number 200. Some too were higher, and the higher they got the less they would fit into the manors, and common way of life. They are the brainy one's those who were chosen by random selection of parental genes to be different mentally above their peers, us . As one might imagine what happens for humans it is the same for animals too. They have those that are crafty, opening gates, might use items as tools to gather their food, such animals have more brain power the common beasts. As like their human counterparts they gain knowledge and with this learning, they granted sometimes a more provocative way to communicate. This is such a story of my best animal friend.

It happened by chance that while I was hiking on a summer's day in the year gone by of 1966. It was long time ago, and for some a time even before they were alive on this earth.

Up until then my life I filled with those things considered common to a youth of eighteen. The normal pass times of baseball games, hiking, hobbies, and of course school. It was at school I came head to head with those who challenged me both mentally and physically. As I had a high level of intelligence, my chosen way of doing things was different enough to cause me to be out of place. This as you might imagine caused many to make my daily life one of pure hell.

Even though I was a senior and in the last year of my high school, academics there were those who sought out nerds like me. Yup, I was a real nerd, thin and not muscular wearing black horn rim glasses and looking the part of a perfect jerk nerd. Now try as I might to buck up and look like the other guys it was a waste of time. As my books were stolen and then placed into the cafeteria dishwasher making the crimp and curdle into something looking more like the Dead Sea scrolls.

My locker had a pad lock on the front but many a time when I came to school it was either off or had been traded with another lock from yet someone else's locker. Halloween was maybe the worst time for me as anything from road kill to a live Skunk as found stuffed inside my school hall locker.

So when there was a chance for me to be alone and doing then to do something which brought me joy I blanked them all out and enjoyed. As I rode my 3-speed bike up a country lane, there happened this sound of a shrill whinny.

Stopping for look, since I was until just two years before a city kid, the sounds of the country about were still new and needed to explore. A long view over an opening in the roadside brush offered the sight of some ponies grazing in a small field. The sound came from one pony that was standing on a rise overlooking his herd. He looked the part of what I remembered from the television shows of that era to be the stallion prime.

He stood there pawing the ground and whinnied again as if he was looking my way and calling for me to come and visit. I must admit that until then, even seeing such common rural animals were to me just as things like rocks and trees.

In my busy lifestyle I had not stopped to think or consider being friendly with any of those animals that lived about my part of the world. As I looked toward him, as he kicked up some dust and came galloping down his hill. He scattered the herd below and running at a wild pace made a direct line toward where I standing.

At the pasture fence, my bike at my feet I watched this scene of country life opening to me for the first time. As he came closer his muscular form, mane, and tail made me shiver with a sudden thrill. Never had I seen or maybe noticed the fury and passion for life that some animals show in the way they carry themselves, acting as if life was an absolute delight.

He came right up to me his head about equal to mine. The pony eyed me turning his head as he stood now just a foot away while my free hand reach cautiously over and toyed with the coarse hairs sprouting out the top of his head.

As personal and sensual moment for me, I found pleasure petting something quitey different than our family dog. Yet he was so different his size and a solid muscular form, tight skin coated in smooth hair, and what was strange and neat was the mane he tossed side to side. All this was to me something fascinating, alluring, and making me want to know these ponies even better.

After a short time of constant petting, the pony along with his herd began to move slowly toward the stables. I stood by the fence just watching but it was not until the stallion stopped his walk, turned to look my way, and with a whiny called to me, suggesting he wished for me to follow.

It was like some deep mental call that led me to pick up my bike and walk down a cindered driveway to the stable. There he and his small herd stood as if waiting my arrival. I walked to the fence as this one pony stallion stood flicking his tail, and seemingly was very intent about something.

A thought, and then that moment of boldness, as I climbed over the wood fence jumping down to the ponies' realm. Once standing there the herd came closer to me as young mares and those others more experienced took to sniffing and nibbled me with soft muzzles and lips.

I became as surrounded while delighted at the mares seemed very friendly. Petting them about their heads and faces making us seem oh so friendly, until from a distance away I heard a sharp whinny, it was the stallion. His call was like the parting of the Red Sea in the Bible as the mares, young and old parted allowing his approach.

Prancing with some deep personal pride he felt about himself the stallion stepped boldly past his mares, and stood before me showing off a king-like attitude. Instead of his eyeing me like back at the fence, this time he came up to me and with his head and strong neck gave me a hard nudge. He knocked me over backwards, to fall on my back, as he stepped up to stand with his forelegs each aside my chest.

I was horrified being now at this beast's mercy. He might rear up and trample me to death, or paw at me causing an injury. Yet as I laid there on the ground, as he reached down his long face and sniffed my hair, licked the sweat beading on my nervous brow, and nuzzled my face with his soft lips and muzzle.

A very friendly and playful pony this was as I reached up stroking his stout and sound of bone foreleg. Petting him while I remained in that laid out position his mares came closer as they too began to accept me into their herd.

It was then when I felt accepted by someone for whom and what I was!

It was totally unlike anything I'd ever felt even from my parents or family, I suddenly belonged somewhere.

Now me being me, and still not knowing the ways and means of ponies in general I laid there feeling and touching them as they felt of my body. All was in wonder and fun until the stallion stepped a half stride forward and presented me with something I had, and that he had but his was enormous compared to mine.

There jutting down from the ponies' furry gray belly was this black shaft, his penis!

I never thought to watch ponies much and although males in general have such things, as then the eyeing of them did not occur to be worth my time. Suddenly right in front of my face hung this shaft all black and showing veins pumping blood. It arched downward at me from the blackened folds of skin about its base moving up and forward only to relax and swing down again.

I could do nothing but watch it as if my mind became as controlled by something or someone. The monster shaft fascinated me by its mass and color. The end was so unlike mine being he was not circumcised; instead it was flat with a ringed flange like the wheel of a train. This too was so different from anything I'd seen to date it kept my interest. My general fears that I felt from being where I lay at that moment, mixed with some wild desire to see what was going to happen next. Like watching a film filled with suspense I was quiet, though nervous, tickled about what I'd become involved in there before me.

A shaky hand reached up and as the stiffening shaft lifted up again, I stroked the end of it with the backside of my hand. The feeling must have thrilled the stallion too as he shook a shivering down the length of his body, when he felt my touch. His shiver sent the black monster shaft flying right and left whipping it around as if its mass and size meant nothing. This action seemed to make it stiffen and the flat end domed out as if about to explode.

Please understand about my being just the youthful age I was, as until then I had not yet witness the mating ritual of animals, or humans either. As I laid there, the shaft moved up to where it bumped his furry belly, this making him seem to stiffen his legs and stand otherwise quite still. My hands reached for the black shaft and with touching it softly and allowing it to continue to move but with each rise and fall, I was stroking him into excitement. He made a small step forward bringing the black shaft almost to bear at my nose. This made me excited wondering what he was doing only to find out a second or so later.

Luck, fate, maybe only God knows why, but at that instant, I yawned, and made my mouth open as widely as a silly boy could. As above me the ponies' two huge balls twitched slightly and with my eyes squinting from the yawn, I watched in absolute horror his fire hose penis erupt.

A hot stream of white and yellow roared out the open end of his male pony organ. It splashed and splattered my face, up my nose, knocking off my glasses from the surge it went in my eyes, but most terribly, it went into my mouth. The pony had some unwittingly ability to move forward at that moment pressing the end of his shaft forward as I lifted my head trying to get away from his slimy flow.

In it went, bumping past my lips and pushing my tongue back and under as it filled my mouth with its mass and bulk of a stallion pony cock. The roar continued onward, as I swallowed once but it kept on coming. Another swallow as hands reached outward flaying about searching to yank the rod out of my mouth. However, did I realize but by the stallion stepping forward my arms and hands were a mile from what they sought.

On and on it kept coming like an eternity it was as I could do nothing but choke and swallow, as pony semen slid down what was being pumped into my mouth.

Then the flow slowed and trailed off to a few short jetting squirts of his semen. My eyes almost glued shut, nose holes plugged with congealed semen, and a mouth having tasted something not made for such as me to ingest. My head fell limp against the ground as with gulped breathes coming through my open, and slime did enter my mouth. as I lay there stunned if not raped.

The stallion reached down and nudged my head as if worried and checking to see if I were alive. As I was barely alert and close to unconscious from the sexual acts; my mind was not thinking about escape, just wishing to remain alive!

He whinnied softly and inside my head, it was like he spoke to me if only in pony language, but I knew he held me in his esteem. Our minds bonded at that moment his reaching out to me as my mind reached out bridging the gap bringing our thoughts together.

As he stepped away giving his mares their chance to show him homage; I was granted time to recompose myself. My natural sense of personal revulsion from his sexual action, I felt it as chipped away by the mental bonding he made with me. A wipe or two of my handkerchief helped clean my face and blowing my nose, opened the passages for me again to breathing properly.

The mental thought to spit my mouth clean stopped and like after enjoying some of mother's tapioca pudding, I licked my lips to savor this new taste.

Like my first thought, I sprang up proceeding to yell at the pony for what he had done. I was so loud that the mares pranced a distance away waiting for their stallion master to follow. He instead stood his ground, and slowly walked toward me as I stood still trying to clean my face.

A shove from his soft muzzle had me seated once more on the ground as he lowered his head to hang down next to mine. As if I were listening to a radio broadcast, his thoughts entered my mind.

He told me of what he'd learned of my kind of animal and the ways some would come and play with him as he did with me. He knew not what I and humanity called ourselves, to him we were just another animal like the mares and himself.

I listened to him and then thinking about what he said my thought process answered his challenge. He listened to my thoughts and the more I informed him of whom and what people in general are like, his mind absorbed my every word. He had some rather profound thoughts about humanity and his owner as well. As if asking to learn from me he wanted to know what I felt, thought, and knew being another creature and all. It was after a few minutes of our mental contact I had this feeling as if something was sucking out of my brain knowledge.

The more we conversed I knew his sort of simple pony language as he broadcasted' his thoughts, while from contact with me, he grew to knowing English and proper sentence structures. His thoughts at first seemed disjointed, but the more he communicated, he started to sound like me talking to either Mom or Dad.

Leaving him and his herd was a problem as I felt as partner of him, even more than my own family. The pony stallion and I had actually exchanged more than thoughts. As I rode, peddling my three- speed bike back home the memories of that afternoon rolled repeatedly.

After that meeting and sexual fondling experience, my summer vacation took on a new meaning with a special friendship one of passion. My feelings for him had me make many trips to be with my special friends. I returned the next day, it was early morning just after breakfast, but as I stood by the pasture gate, I met and greeted by the farm's owner.

She wanted to know who I was and where I came from, but then she started to ask about me, and my liking her ponies. I answered her with respect as my mother reared me with knowing people her age, required respect. After some general discussion, she walked off and I stayed by the fence until he saw me there.

Just like before he kicked up a cloud of dust, running with tail held high and nostrils wide, he made a beeline from his pasture to greet me at the gate. This time I opened the gate and walked into their overgrazed paddock area, to then petting him and shortly thereafter, his small herd of mares arrived.

A quick round of petting human to animal style had him slowly sauntering off to stand in privacy from the owner's view, and beckon me to join him there. I went to stand by him and kneeling down we placed head to head and brains on line as thoughts passed between us.

I told him of the mess he'd made of me and for me when returning home as the tapioca like semen globs coated my T-shirt and jeans, as suggesting to Mom I'd been doing something I shouldn't.

He thought this odd of me as what he gave was of him, it was his best and only gift. The semen was for him his gift of love and passion to his small herd of mares. They often begged to partake of his passion feeling him as he felt them. So as for me feeling his gift of pleasure was less than wonderful made him a little, angry.

The mares milled about us as we were conversing mentally, a young sleek reddish mare kept nibbling at my butt then between my legs. I knelt there passing on the information desired by my pony friend, as one free hand kept pushing the annoying mare away.

My passing thought for her to stop fooling around brought the response from my friend. She, the mare was wanting of me to mate with her. The stallion pony as much warned me not to do as she or my inclinations might suggest, lest he take me, doing such would be an offense, as he was the herd stallion. He really warned me of the Lady I had met, she expecting of her ponies feeling fear, and if I got-caught messing with her animals, there would be hell to pay.

A hardy nose shove from the stallion and a shrill whiny from that mare had her walking away to stand some distance and just watch.

The stallion asked me about how my owners would let me wander over the open pastures beyond the fence? He just could not fathom how or why they would allow this as I might wander away. He wanted to be friendly and offered me if I would help him get horny again, as he would let me suckle his male part once more.

I told him what we did, did grouse me out!

As if I might have enjoyed the texture of his semen reminded me of Mom's tapioca pudding, I cared little for the way he delivered it. He seemed to stand off and stopped conveying his thoughts for a minute. Then coming closer he asked me if I liked ponies, or might think ever of being one?

The question he asked stunned me and I stood up and began to back away from him. I felt a building volume of fear in my chest and throat was choking me like steel hands. The very suggestion of me being like him repulsed me, while the vivid memory of his male self, his furry body, his tail, mane, and a pronounced male freedom had me getting a hard-on.

I turned and ran for the gate and unlatched it and stepped out of the paddock, I latched it shut and flicked the lock. Heading for my bike the Lady stood there and eyed me with a look of wonder as to what scared me so. She knew I think, of what it was, as I was sure and soon to be even more, sure!

Before I could pick up my bike and head for home, she stepped over and put her hand on the handlebars. I looked at her as she down to me and I felt a cold chill. Without a word between us, she took me by the shoulder and guided me to the stable.

I had not ventured inside the stable before, but once inside the scents of hay, grains, and the usual smells of manure hit me all too once. As I stood there silent and waiting for whatever was to come, she smiled at before then walked through a small dark room.

In a split second, she came out holding a knotted ball of black leather straps. She looked a quick look toward the stallion standing nearby, and then to me. Her eyes told me more than anything as if she was about to make me an offer one should not, might not, or would be foolhardy to say deny.

She placed a firm hand on the top of my head and spoke then telling as if ordering, for me to help her straighten out the tangled mess of straps. Trustingly I looked into her face half thinking she was just going to make a stupid, a dumb guy feeling extra foolish. Her eyes seemed to twinkle as she and I unfolded the ball of shiny black leather straps.

Once then the mess was untied she shook it and saying some words I thought to be Norse in origin. She then reached out and draped the straps over my shoulders.

I looked down, it made me feel dull witted and stupid all hung on one side with the straps, it made me to wonder what she was going to do next. Obvious to me was how strange this whole farm was, as of a pony that could bind one's mind with his taking knowledge from my head, as I learned of him. The mares seemed as quite independent as what the young red mare had gone against her stallion, when she beckoned me to mate.

The colors of the world changed to that Disney like world of color. The Lady smiled and announced that if I were to be her ranch hand with the ponies, I would best begin to learn about things like tack, saddles, and be a true Horseman.

A head-shaking whinny from my pony friend announced his agreement with her arrangements for me!

I took the leather straps into the paddock and walked directly up to the stallion. The Lady hollered to me that he was too spirited and would not wear the harness. She motioned for me to choose one of the mares instead, they being milder of spirit and generally willing to please.

This baffled me as I had wonderful plans for my strong friend to tote me around but the Lady had other ideas. A hard nudge to my back had one pony eager to be friendly. Turning I was presented to the young reddish colored Mare, she the one who had wanted me for a mate.

A real learning struggle commenced as I never had done anything like this, having to figure out front from back and learn how the harness hung over the pony was a problem. All that time I fumbled with those smooth black straps the Lady stood by the gate and offered me not one suggestion. I looked to my pony friend but he by this time turned tail to me, and was busy grazing.

I bet it was an hour or more but with a questioning look to the Lady, she smiled and shook her head awarding me a well done. Then it was my turn to step back and see what I had accomplished. The young mare not thinking of how she hated the steel bit in her young mouth, was drooling as she chomped at the thing. Her tail flicked about nervously as I saw different patches of her skin giggle where the leather straps touched her.

A friendly whinny from the stallion told me he agreed I had done it right!

Then as complacent as could be he went back to munching his lunch. As soon I was being shown the correct methods of driving as the Lady helped me hitch the mare to a long thin one seat, two wheeled Buggy. To this very day, I think back to that day, and the weeks that followed, as I shared conscience thoughts with a stallion pony, and learned the ways and means of being a true, Horseman around horses.

When I told my parents of what I was being taught my Dad was all for it, while Mom was totally against it. We had quite to long running war over my learning the ways of horsemanship. Yet never did I tell them about my mental relationship with the stallion pony, or of what we did more than once together. My relationship with him was a personal thing and not conversed about as if they would really believe me you know.

Summer came to a much quicker end and then it was time for, school. Yea I screwed up three classes failing them and making me to go a fifth year in high school. A bummer' but; it allowed me more time to be at home and visit my pony friend and the Lady.

I told some friends of my new learned ways but met with only ridicule and tons of nasty tricks again. Odd it was as I thought they would consider it as something rather neat, but instead I was even more an outcast.

On weekends, or occasionally during the week I would go to the pony farm for a visit and converse with my friend. I was amazed how much he learned and could remember of what I said and even what I did not say. He saw past my tries to hold some things back only to have him ask about them, as if his mind could reach right in and take from me what he wanted.

September and October moved past quite fast as the holiday season approached my friend asked a lot about the reasons for Thanks Giving, and Christmas. As our conversations delved into my ideals of religion, my pony could not grasp the possibility of a higher being, unless he be physically larger and stronger than himself. It might have been from our dozens of mind-bending conversations but pony would occasionally try to form his sounds into spoken words. His tries caused me much humor as what came past that thick tongue, large teeth, and his rubber like lips was far from him speaking English. He would give a real horselaugh when what he tried to say words, they would sound like a baby babbling. I laughed as he responded as he gained knowledge and now insight. His own personality was changing from the brute animal I had first met; to then having mellowed being more a real friend than some wild passionate animal.

Now our relationship remained on a very academic level. I did not wish to have him spew me with his semen like when we met that first day. I knew his delight to semen me again was in the back of his mind quite often. He would as we talked, get very erect; it seemed for him a common way to express himself if only in a subconscious equine sort of way.

I found when we talked together, he would express best his sense of feelings for me by him gaining a penis erection. It came on quickly and would remain erect for quite some time, making me feel odd while wondering if my friend would take note of my bulging zipper. This new sensation was not confined to just being around ponies, even at school my easy arousal problem happened.

The problem was for the most part enjoyable, but it had the habit of occurring during classes, in study hall, or just passing a girl with her period in full bloom would set me erect. A pattern was setting up and I was finding myself liking to stand near a group of girls and take long deep breaths. On occasion, they would notice my sniffing them and would get a quick and sound verbal reprimand.

As springtime was turning to warmer weather like what one gets in late May, my Mother noted a definite change in my body odor. She complained that I almost lived with the ponies and therefore should, as I smelled like one too. The mares were always about and some would like the young mare did a few seasons back, they would come and nibble at me for attention.

The Lady, as I will call her to keep her anonymous, warned me not to get to friendly with the mares, as some might encourage in me, a desire to be closer. Her comment was more like a warning of impending doom than one of friendly consideration. As it happened, I was conversing with my male pony friend when a mare came close. She stood near but I ignored her as suggested, paid her no mind and continued to converse with my friend.

A sudden hot flow down my back made me jump up and scream some bad words. The mare had urinated down my back, as soaked my shirt, and gave me a stench that just plain turned me off!

I suspect that things began to happen due to her act, plus the general infections what plagued me after choking down what had to be pints of pony stallion semen. When the next morning I was in the shower the appearance of a light strange layer of sandy colored fuzz was sprouting around my navel. I thought this to be part of my oncoming manhood but it was not what I thought.

The fuzz I ignored, as well not seen by Mom or Dad either. It was when I was working the mare with my sulky, that being chest bear the Lady took note. She was quite alarmed and asked me about the hairs. I told her of the mare, and what she did, but said it was not a bother.

To her it was a real bother as she knew more than what she was telling. I ignored her and went about doing the running of my sulky mare and rig. As we returned to the stable, I cleaned the sweat from off the hairy hide of my pretty pony mare. The scent she was putting out, it had me erect as all hell and thinking weird thoughts about of all things, mating as ponies do.

It was as I finished her and was about to leave the stall, she like the other mare erupted a shower of her urine dousing my left shoulder. The urine stench ran over chest and back settling into my under shorts and jeans. In fact she so soaked my jeans enough that I thought to walk home in just my underwear.

A dunking in the watering trough did the trick or so I thought then. It was that night at supper when Mother remarked about the pungent scent I was radiating. A sniff from me thought nothing of it, but by morning, I had to agree, something was way wrong.

The glint of sunshine pouring through an open bedroom window had me up and awake, as ready to meet the new day. A bit of arms and body stretching and then another, as I felt so stiff and wondered why?

A squinting look at the rising sun made me roll over and try to sleep more. Yet Mom's call for breakfast was the very next thing I heard, and with a bounce, I was out of bed and grabbing for some jeans.

My scream of, "Oh Holy Shit", had Mother warning me from the base of the stair steps to watch my language.

I would have screamed even more but it would have only caused me greater troubles as I peered into the oak dresser's mirror. The tall vertical hairs of a ponies' mane was jutting out of my skull. My ears then pointed, if only slightly but quite fuzzy both inside and out. A turn to the side alarmed me more as the standing mane hairs grew from the back of my head, down my neck, and feathered into a sandy colored thick coat of pony hair as covering my entire back.

The pony thick hair coated my back and thinned out as it rounded under my arms. My face looked odd somehow and it took several long minutes before I realized my nose and lips were merging to form the basis of a pony muzzle. I cried out but the sound was more of a shrill pony whinny than my normal voice. My hand jumped to cover my mouth only to bring up yet another problem.

I saw my hand had the sandy colored hair sprouting out the back of my hand and continued up my arms to blend with the hairs at my shoulders. As I turned my hand around, eyes about popped from the sockets as the end of my fingers now had small black cubed tips. They were hard and drumming them on the dresser made me thing of a mare's pounding hoofs when we train with the sulky.

My sight of more changes was making me excited. As then it poked up past the edge of the dresser, I stared for a while, seeing the end of my penis was now chest high. Black it was as the Ace of Spades, and blunt ended, no longer bearing a circumcision, it stood like the stallion pony had, of which I remember oh so well!

"No way, this was a stupid dream, and I was going to wake up and all would be back to normal!" I thought but I was wrong.

Hoofed' finger tips reached down pushing the pajama bottoms down as two huge blackened balls popped out and to my thrill and horror there was a sheath below my monster pony penis. This all, the sight of my new enlarged maleness and then a feared sighting of legs covered in sandy colored hair, as that made my day!

I had to wait a long time until my grumpy parents left the breakfast table talking about their silly ranch-hand son. I had heard this all before but right then, and there I was wishing it was the only problem I had to think about.

Once Dad had left for work and Mom walked out the front door looking for the U.P.S. delivery truck, I took off on the run.

Out the back door and forgetting my bike, I ran like a crazy person across the fields and pastures to the pony farm. A stop for one passing car offered wild-eyed people looking at the weird circus freak standing at roadside. The car just had to be one of our neighbors heading for a shopping trip to town, and me half a pony stud standing butt-naked by the side of that road. My urgent need to get to the farm was now even more necessary from my way of thinking right then.

Once inside the stable, my friend eyed me and began to whinny in an excited sort of way. The mares got uneasy too, as two lifted their tails high and to one side wanting me to service their bestial need.

Stepping closer to my friend, we conversed silently as he warned me not to mess with his herd.

I took his words seriously, but when from the noise and commotion of horny mares smelling an aroused stallion, it caused the Lady to come out of her house; she stopped, as stood there seeing me in a different light. She smiled at me and congratulated me, as made the suggestion that within a few days, I would be as one of her ponies, having my own stall. It was too late, but she then opened up telling me of her pony herd. The mares, all of them were at one time human. She, the Lady being some sort of Northern European heritage sorcerer had caused those girls interested in ponies, to become pony mares.

She told me of how through their urine the mares could use it to bring a non-spelled person into the herd. As their own personal way to get a mate by dousing someone, and then let the spell do to their chosen as it did once to them.

I turned to look at my pony friend only then told he was the only pony on her farm that was actually born a pony. He was the foal, colt, and then stallion born of a pretty, brown mare who was one of the first changed to a mare, when the Lady purchased the farm some years back.

Now feeling as if I knew how this little farm kept its head out of debt so well, I had to ask a question. Wondering about what was happening to me, and why if not how it was occurring there the Lady then told me.

The thought of being an animal made my stomach turn and I started to cry. This is when the truth came out into the open. She being the seventh daughter of the seventh daughter endowed, gifted with some ability and an old family book. A book, dating back to the Inquisition, as owned by those who knew the Devil did rule over all Christians or others.

She made the girls as what their lusty young selves longed to be, and gave them extra high sensual lusts to grant them their every delight. Her book as passed down through the endless corridors of time, granted her special ability to which she used for friends, foes, and farm profits.

I was told of her liking me, and then too, her young mare wanting me as her mate. If I was not scared to death right then and there, the stallion screamed his hated fears of me, he upset about me being new competition, and taking away one of his new mares.

The Lady eyed me well, as I begged to return home, but as a total human boy. She suggested I remain there and stay the day. She would keep the stallion tucked away in his box stall. I would then have the lusty mares to contend with, and if I felt the desire to actually mate with one of her mares, my action would seal her bargain, and making of me another pony for the farm.

As she opened the paddock gate, several lusty mares surrounded me. My crying stopped and with a steel post like erection, I began feeling the lusts, only to submit to the beastly desires.

As one needy mare stood waiting patiently her head low and tail held high, I looked over my shoulder at the Lady. I remember begging that she not let it happen, or make me do what right then seemed oh so natural. My male part was screaming for the release, a built up desire a real want to open the dike and let a river of semen flow into the mare. Pleading with the Lady for mercy I did not look, but felt instead my very sensual shaft press slowly at those warm, oily moist, lips of a mare's sex.

The pressing of them apart was just the beginning, as I felt the flared head sort' of pop past her blackened lips and begin its long decent into the cavern beyond. Somewhere I lost my train of thought and turned to do my mating with the mare in earnest as a stallion would. Her body heat was hotter than mine was; and I felt as if that black cock was going flare up and burn.

As breathing became first to be difficult, it seemed to smooth into a rhythm as thrusts began moving in and then pulling half out my shaft now buried in the mare.

My passion mixed in tune with the mare's own sensual groaning. The Lady said nothing but as I worked my part in the pony mating ritual, I was sure she was enjoying and watching what was happening to me.

Humped over the mare's rounded rump and rear, my cock buried so deep the folds of my male pony sheath were pressing into the mare's sex. I closed my eyes wanting nothing to distract me from my mission, as the feelings of being de-personalized from human self washed away what I was, to where I became a part of the herd, a new stallion!

Sensual agony is how I would have described what it felt like as body felt of change, and penis tingled of a sexual sensation as this youth had never as of then known. Fingers merged to form shank bones as the tiny hoofs on each finger melted together making one solid single toed hoof per leg. Arms were soon forelegs as neck gained length and a warming sensation over my enlarged butt was the growing out of a tail-bone, and the hairy wisp to one coarse haired ponies' tail.

Encouragement and applause was coming from behind me as the Lady acted as thrilled by the show I was putting on. As I really had other delights on my mind, and was fulfilling a horny mare her needs as well as my own, the Lady urged me to continue.

Surging, twisting, thrusting and pulling that monster cock back across those wondrous fleshy ribs of sensual muscle that lined the mare's sexual tunnel, it all blended to help me make the decision of what I wanted for a life.

My body twitched as skin and muscle changed positioning making me to stand more comfortably on all fours. I had no pains to distract me from the sensual delights that then were bringing me so much joy. The joy I felt was making the change work smoother and with maybe faster as arms grew in length and strength.

The change of my head and face was most notable as I saw differently when with the swelling of my skull the yes spread apart from each the other. My nose merged with the upper lip as the lower lip and lips in general became extremely muscled. Odd they feel hanging there loose and limp when not being used. Yet with me trying to hold myself over a mare's back while thrusting the lips help me grasp some mane hairs and hold on.

Indeed, my lips will be one of my most favorite body parts of being a pony. They will help me eat grasping and holding grass blades while teeth bite and begin to chew. They will hold on tight to what I eat as when munching grain from a bucket. I think about how impossible it would be for me when human faced to try to eat from a plate by using my lips as a fork or spoon.

Now and from now on it's going to be different as instead of a plate I'll eat off the flat ground or out of a bucket.

I was thrusting my cock deep into this wonderful mare below me, while my mind wanders through the differences of human to pony, and the way my life and habits will change. I chuckle to myself thinking of how different this all will be for me now as a pony.

The human manners, human morals, all of what Mother taught me not to do will here be what is considered proper. I got spanked so often for wetting my pants, yet here I can get erect, stand and toy with my penis, it hanging or swaying in the open air. I can let go and pee wherever I please, as if when a human was a thrill, it has some new and thrilling feelings now. To lift my tail and let drop what I needed to rid of from eating and normal bodies' waste is now a type of personal perfume. My rump and cock are things to mark my place, and instead of my human name, they are how those around me will know me from others, maybe why they call it "In Stink!"

Hands changed to hoofs as I was sure so did my toes. The toes are not a worry as I used them as part of my human feet for walking but never paid them much attention. Now as one might expect my hands were something we as humans use and need. I was busy getting ready to hump a mare as when looking down at that moment my fingers merged or melted together as they turned black. Black ooze came from under my fingernails making of them as merged together, stiffening them and soon below my thumb was a growing dark hoof.

Part of me whimpered and cried seeing what I had that marked me as human, "hands!" Another new part of me bade them an easy good bye as what would come was going to make walking on all fours far easier and running extremely possible.

It was as I stood struggling to keep my long cock bored down deep and remain on top and over the mare that my ribs began to expand. It through me off balance and with my cock down deep I fell to one side as forelegs and new hoofs eased my falling. The worst and maybe the only real pain during my entire change was my twisted cock. As I fell off her back the mare, she was wishing and lusting for me to remain within her gripped down on my cock. Her vaginal muscles tightened holding my cock in her as I with my new bigger bulk body fell to the left of her. The cock felt like it was going torn free of its sheath but somehow it stayed attached. It was of course a struggle to rise up, and stay mounted in proper form and place while being held by my cock.

All this was going on as the Lady stood by watching and no doubt approving of what I was becoming. It was not my first choice to become a pony and stallion but once the sensual feelings began, it all changed my mind. This is so neat being naked, being openly sensual and so free of all those confining rules, which are placed on one when you are a human.

I can't begin to explain the feeling one has now being an animal in form as to what the word free means. It is like an enormous weight of humanity and society has slipped off my shoulders.

A pony stallion animal that I had become is offering new and wondrous possibilities in life, relationships of delight with those around me. Inside, I know that having sex with mares from now on will only happen at their beckoned call. I know the signs of how they welcome one, the scents of when they are ready and willingly wishing for me to come and lick, sniff, touch, and mount. I realize as what the stallion pony friend did to me that first day is for him and was for him a personal pleasure. His masturbation was an exercise keeping him sensually able to mount and be erect for mating when the call would come. As I first felt dirty from the experience my thought patterns have changed and I see and feel that doing such as a pony would be quite acceptable.

I'd seen him do it after that time when he stood atop his favorite hill. The mares paid him no mind while he masturbated and they continued to graze. Yet when done and the pool of his semen lay on the ground and strings of semen dripped from his forelegs and chest the mares all came to lick him clean. It was like this act of licking was a mutual appreciation of stallion to mares, and mares to their stallion.

I lost track as to how many exactly this stallion was a stud to mate. Was it two, no three, no five, I could not remember but as the sun was setting the Lady led the last mare to her stall leaving me alone in the pasture.

The cool refreshing breeze of an oncoming night as this kid was to spend his first full night alone in a pasture. I watched the Lady walk from the stable to her house leaving me by myself there at the pasture's gate. Thinking of flashbacks when I was engrossed in pleasurable sex with the mares came to fill the gaps as other memories of parents and friends seemed to be fading.

A night alone with nothing to do but try in my own small way to comfort myself, only passing equine instincts that suggested I learn to graze. Grazing, a motion of the mouth, lips, and throat that dulls the wits, consoles the worries, and fills the belly.

The sounds of morning did not stop me from grazing. I heard the sounds of mare running free, glad and happy to be out in the open once more. All was neat and comfortable until the footsteps of the Lady walking my direction. She called to me and beckoned me walk with her back toward the stables and barn.

I was as far as any person looking at me a true to form male pony stallion. As I walked with her the scent she wafted into the breeze gave me an erection equal to any mare's wonderful scent. The slapping of my extended long cock on strong thighs made the Lady turn, look, and smile. She knew what I was feeling from the scents that my new large nose could pick out of the millions of wafting odors.

Once back to the stables I was to get my first knowledge of what it feels like to be as shod by the Ferrier. His hands, his voice all made me feel safe and content. The mental laughter I heard from my pony stallion friend was becoming quite an annoyance. I whinnied his way often, as shoe after steel shoe tacked, nailed to the bottom of each hoof.

This one remembers the comments this Ferrier made of me to the Lady. His words still had meaning and I listened in quiet silence letting all know this stallion was a willing but spirited creature. Words and phrases he suggested had this Sandy haired colt, me, becoming in time a prize stud someday!

His work done he packed up and drove away as the Lady came to pet and tell me the real truth, something extra I had as yet not been told. The stallion I was, one fine male colt soon to mature to a stud of an animal too!

Yet a pony I was and being the same breed as her mares. A stallion pony was I to be, this caused her a problem, as the present stallion born a pony from a mother made a pony would take offense having a rival in the same stable.

I looked at her with suspecting eyes wondering why I was as I was, and what she'd do with me if I wasn't needed at her farm. Instead, she blessed me with some of the spells out of her ancient book. Her wish for me to be as a stallion I could and would enjoy being, was going to happen. I was blessed with the coming of a long life, longer in fact, than what common born ponies might enjoy.

The words American Shetland stuck in my mind as the breed she chose, I was sure she would title me as being such an animal in the "Standing at Stud" book. My sandy colored hair was changing to a creamy dun color as my dark mane was turning a creamy white along with that silky tail. I was to grow larger than my pony friends making me at ten hands high did. I was to mature there on her farm over the next three months, and then taken to auction where the boy who would talk to ponies, would himself be sold as pony. The harness and bit were to be my daily guide, living with others of my breed and of same size; we'd trot side by side showing our prides. My life of a pony was to be one of parading about in harness pulling cute wagons, while people watched seeing the type of form of conformation considered desirable for the next stud to mount their prize mares.

A willing but unwilling stallion pony was made from a boy wanting desperately for friends, and found himself surrounded by herd mates all of which had little or no care and consideration for me in the least, save maybe sex when the need would arise. The long mental contact I had with my friend had ended, and he like the young mare too paid me no mind or attention. As for wanting friendship I was as they were but still alone and in a crowd, this was the worst of my old feelings come to roost on me once more.

It was then a funny feeling as my physical strength as then unto a pony, the stamina I never knew when human was now mine. The strength, made me proud of what I was in form, making me snort, pranced, and flick my tail, all this giving me the sensation and thought as if I was invincible.

After those months of learning to make myself all so self sufficient and able as far as a pony can, I kept myself fed, and healthy. It was a real chore learning the new way of eating, I mean without hands which were legs, and hands as hoofs. Imagine groping at the ground with lips feeling like thick rubber, trying to grasp at the grass while biting it off, chewing, and beginning the process over, and over, and over.

One might think that learning to walk on all fours is tough, try learning to trot, canter, and run without tangling those long legs! It was hard but the brain must have changed some as like all the rest of what was me learned to become as commonplace.

Watching the others from a completely new point of view as they went about living in animal forms, their daily necessity as different from what I learned about toiletries. I thought it odd and still to this day think' so, that watching a stallion urinate seems silly.

He stops whatever he is doing, stands at first quite still as if pondering what urge he feels. Then takes a half or longer stepping stride to lengthen himself out long as he can stretch. His male penis drops out the sheath, sometimes all the way but mostly it just pokes out a very short ways. Then came, his push and lifting of his tail to almost out straight, from the penis' end comes this stream or flood of hot steaming liquid which splashes on the ground making a huge puddle. Now all this would seem prim and proper even his human terms as one would not want to pee on myself!

Yet, once the stream slows to a trickle the male horse or pony walks right thru it as some others take a long stride with hind legs stepping over their mess. Yet now I do it as if this is all some now social necessity but to itself is so much easier than what one does as a human.

Mares and males some being stallions with pride, while other poorer souls having lost that which would grant them a heritage, stand about looking and feeling inferior to all. It is those who I came to know and with some built up arrogance from my own self assured ability for and in mating had me looking down on them.

This was a turn about from when I was in school and the upper classmates played their tricks on us younger guys.

Profound time for thinking and comparing my human life to that of my pony self now had me laughing quietly. As much I wanted peace and contentment as well as people accepting me for what I am, the same is here inside the smaller world of being a pony and a stallion.

Thinking back to that fated day when the Lady had me taken from her farm to the monthly county auction, and after parading me about a ring she did sell me to another. I was alive, awake, and knowing what was occurring as my body, mind, and soul were sold for the highest bid. This disturbed me as I'd thought she was going to keep me since I'd been so good mating with her mares.

I wanted to cry but nothing came as with a rough handling my pony self was taken out the building past dozens of onlookers. The words all meant something to me! I understood their comments while feeling so saddened over my sale. Imagining what some took note of I was as the pony being very bestial in manner as all upset when walked out the arena I know I had then an erection.

Little did I care then and maybe even less now, but as I walked briskly from the auction's arena my eyes noted, some women turning quickly the heads of their youngsters so as they should not see my huge penis. Now I imagine how large it is, as it swayed, and flayed about slapping from right to left with every stride of my hind legs. Yes indeed, I put on quite the show then, because I was really hot, and very erect. It makes me laugh as thinking back to many times when at show the pretty ladies would come and pet. I sniffed them all but some like the girls at school were in period and this worked to make me become erect. As it extended out growing longer and larger with every sniff of their wonderful scent, I'd move it making them see and watched as some got embarrassed.

It was of those who came to me later or at night that made me feel of showing my cock off was worth it all. There are those women and men too who come to me late at night and longingly wish to find sexual delights. Me being mentally alive and knowing what I knew as a youthful boy finds this a time to exploit those who would do the same to some poor animal.

We do have our mutual fun and them toying with my male parts, we enjoying their sensual touch.

Soon I found myself as one of many young stallions contending for the honor of breeding mares. Un-beknown by my owner what was me and my mentality continued to reside inside this sensual body and lusty form. One might laugh at how I heard those conversing about me. I, me here with a human thinking mind used their words to make me look as ever so perfect a pony for all their wishes and wants.

Odd in looking back at those early days how my boyish mind mixed itself up with the pony way of life making me ponder such silly things. Example there my friend, when I was mounted over one mare, my horse length cock buried deep into a mare and humping and thrusting with pure pony passion, I had what is called, a personal preponderance.

Get this! I thought to myself standing there buried up to my sheath in a crude and rude mare, "I wonder if

Daddy would be proud of his son today?"

Really, if my Dad knew of where I had vanished too, I suspect he might not have been too proud. I'd have to agree with him as for what I became is a lowly state, and what I'm good for is so basic it's hardly worth talking about.

Indeed, I think back on those wondering from way back then and they make me feel embarrassed for what I became, this a pony stallion used for his sexual ability. It is a far cry from what Dad and Mom talked about, their son and his being schooled, someday then going to college, and becoming a real somebody.

Well I'm schooled alright, but not in the total academic sort of ways. Schooled in how to best mate with a mare and not be bit, kicked, or castrated while giving her the pleasure she wants and a foal for her owner's pride. I am happy here, this life and style of life gave me pride enough to go on and be a good and proud stallion. My needs met here and the toys I owned once or those I might have owned all seem not to matter now. Now pondering again a thought comes to mind of how the bestial part of me can go on and on about his sexual ability and those conquests of mares. It seems to me that my life is made of one prime use and no other save some stout muscles.

True this place gives me the basics of what I need to exist, and being what I am, the passion to own more than my neighbor means next to nothing to me. Oh, we ponies quarrel over who gets the biggest amount of hay, but it is mostly bluff and show for the others around us.

Actually as I consider it now, being a pony stallion gives me all the needed security in life. The memories of Mom, Dad, Grandpa, my sister Dale, they are what they are, and have maybe what they want, but for me this is just plain comfortable. Thinking about it as long as my sexual ability holds strong, and I don't get some horrible injury one should expect I'll live to a reasonable ripe ole' age.

It is of those pondering wonderment that bother me now and then when I stand at night in my stall. There is then time to think without any distractions spare a mare in heat, but I remember well my life as a boy. It was fun, a lot of fun!

In some ways I miss it but being what I became there is no way of going back and doing it all again. Even that I wonder if given the same situation whether I'd choose to be a stallion pony or remain a growing boy?

A question what will go on through the ages to come and never realize an answer!

As we know of my ability to transmit thoughts, from this you know of the Lady. I suspect you might seek her out and try what I have found, to be a good way of life. To you I wish the best, and hope that one day comes the dream you seek.