Initiation...the story of the dragons...

Story by kaleemmcintyre on SoFurry

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Inspired and picture borrowed from: profec-chief

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Made by: Profec

My name is Ernest Edenian, weird name I know but what can I do about it? I am a six foot four black dragon weighing in at about three hundred some odd pounds with a twelve foot wingspan. I am currently an anthropologist student working my first tenure in one of the Southern Continent's most exclusionary tribes trying to integrate into the native people's culture to study about them. It was an honor to be able to do so as my college professor said when I had managed to breeched the barrier wall between the Lacerta tribe for the first time in four hundred or so odd years, since way back when dragons of my kind lived overseas in the Elutian continent. The first person had, ironically enough, been my great-great grandfather, Noel Edenian, funny how life can be, right? After being here for over half a year I can understand what my professor and twice great grandfather saw in this village and with these people. Everyday feels kinda like a long dream.

It may be unprofessional of me to say but, I think I may have found a home away from home here. Not that everything was roses, especially not the initiation part of the integration during the first day. I grunt as I think of it as I rub my sore backside in the phantom recollection of that very long time ago and a familiar ache begins to throb inside of my chest. Even as I think back on it I sometimes wish my professor was a much younger green dragon so I could strangle him in good conscious for his lack of detail in how one must come to be accepted by the leader of the tribe. Just the thought makes me, oh no! Boxing up that memory I stuff it down into the darkness of my mind and let it be swept over by a cloud of interpersonal recollection of my time here.

So any who, here I am interacting with some of the tribe's people who were by all accounts very sophisticated if not somewhat overtly discerning in their seclusion from the rest of the world. Living without trade to the outside world meant that these people stood on a wealth that they knew little about and tried hard to keep hidden from prying eyes. Anthropologist like my professor had only stumbled onto these people because of the recent out reach of adventurers spanning the globe in this new age, Golden Era. Which is a fancy way of saying; the government is looking for something and using naïve individuals with gold lust and treasure fever on the brains to do their searching for them. Shaking my head I dismiss the entire affair.

I have more important things to think up so let me back up a little; the Lacerta tribe is a tribe of what you may think of as wingless dragons hybridized with some ancient throwback dinosaur genes. There was a lot of evidence from their genetic makeup, and just plain looking at them, that much of the tribe had interbreed sometime in the last sixty thousand some odd years with wingless dragons that probably were nomads from the Archipelago de Ferias, a long strip of small islands that were used by Eastern people to travel west in the distant past before ships had been constructed. Anyway, the Lacerta had many similarities from the ancient dinosaurs with their much thicker scaled bodies, there larger size, the smallest of them were almost four feet and he was three years old and would probably shoot up to close to eight feet by the age of eighteen, their sharper fangs, claws, and their ability to process ultraviolet rays with their eyes through a chemical compound within their bodies. Some of the tribesmen also had bioluminescent markings on their bodies denoting their status within the tribe, the chief, a very large and muscular male who stood at twelve feet tall had the glowing tattoos on his chest and over the sides of his shoulders indicating his position as leader.

The Lacerta people by nature are very much under a sovereignty type of existence with one male ruling the entire tribe through his ability to defend, not only himself but many others taking the best and smartest female he can ensnare into his bed with shows of strength, cunning, intelligence and his ability to lead others. Now, for the most part, the female is treated as a queen but unlike many other forms of monarchies she is given tasks over the other females teaching and learning from them how to be a diplomat, midwife, healer, huntress, bead maker, apothecary and someday a mother. The females of the tribe are much slender and three-fourths the heights of the males but they easily make up the strength and stamina of their counterparts speed and agility but also their manipulation of the male sex.

Many of the women chose mates before their mates chose them bonding early on and latching onto prospective males from childhood. Evident was this as I had spoken to many males within the tribe who can't seem to recall a time that they weren't by the sides of their wives from days long past. I'd say henpecked but that's just the modern beast that I am rebelling at such things, not that I have any problems but I had been reared under some chauvinistic upbringings back home, which none of these people would ever hear whilst I breathed. I have a very open mind and am completely able to shift societal views at the drop of a hat; I have to be to be an anthropologist.

The Lacerta have no one standard form of providing for themselves as many of the tribe raised livestock, others fished, and some hunted. Their forest home had a plethora of abundant resources in which they can obtain through accurate means with just a little application of knowledge of their surroundings. It amazed me to no end to see some of the males' fish with spears and the females hunt with bows and arrows. There is only so much that you can see on television from documentaries, but to actually be within the folds of the tribe and see them work on day to day basis is awe inspiring. Be that as it may, I have found in my time here that I am much better a fisherman than a hunter as my bulk and wings make far too much noise for the females taste when I tried to hunt. One female called me...the equivalent of a blind and lame lemur when I managed to scare away a buck on one of their endeavors I had been allowed to join in on. That had really struck a blow to my pride and that same female still shakes her head at me whenever we cross paths.

Oh well, I have my limitations like any other person so I don't let it bother me too much. Moving on, the Lacerta have an interesting parental structure, where in many other tribes the females took care of the children until they were old enough to choose a station they would be the most suitable with inside of the tribe, many of the males took to rearing the younglings often playing with them and tussling the younger Lacerta while alternatively sitting them down together and telling stories of adventures many of the past Lacerta people had in their more oral traditions. It was nothing to see a large group of youths sitting around a larger male while he waved his arms around making visual aids while telling his tales getting many of the children to laugh or blink in wonder or even shiver in fear when they told a much more dour and spooky story. Some were made up accounts of flights of fancy while others were true accounts filled with pain and sorrow as well as triumph and glory.

It still amazes me how much energy these people have as they go about their daily activities. Unlike some of the other tribes my professor had told me about the Lacerta did everything with every last drop of their souls poured into their actions. Days where instances where there was little to do was filled with males wrestling and talking to each other openly showing bonds of brotherhood for one another while females made pieces of artwork in the forms of pottery, beaded necklaces, rings of gold, silver and other fine jewelry while teasing one another about whose husband was being the most juvenile when tussling onto the ground with one another. I had already figured out on day one that the only way for me to enter into the tribe was to show my more childlike nature to the males and my more diplomatic side to the females. Having won several bouts of wrestling with various males, who despite their larger stature were amazed by my more wiry frame tossing them to the ground with applied force, I easily found myself growing closer to the Lacerta people but to be accepted fully I would have to undergo a certain...ritual...that I was not at all looking forward to, but more on that in a moment.

The Lacerta tribe makes their homes out of tents instead of building them from trees like some of the tribes in the Northern part of the Continent. I believe that they used boiled hides from animals and then sew them together before setting them up with long branches, mud and assortments of twine. Not to be fooled, their tented homes could stand up to hard winds and rain without fail while keeping the Lacerta people from overheating during their long summer and insulated during their very short winters. Being reptilian in nature many of the Lacerta were susceptible to cold elements and bad health ran rampant in the winter, fortunately I was able to ask the tribe chief to allow me to bring them some materials from my culture into theirs and show them how to get along better in the winter to come.

A heavy quilt and pair of leather trousers can make a lot of difference in keeping the younger Lacerta from getting sick. The adults having a stronger immunity meant that they feel ill less but no man is an island, as they say. The chief and I had gone at odds over this as he didn't see the necessity in such things, he is a stubborn male but as leader of the tribe I can understand. He finally came around when he noticed many of the children able to withstand the biting cold once they had on suitable clothing so he let it be. Managing to convince him to put on a pair of leggings was like pulling teeth but finally his mate coerced him into it, how she did so...I to this day don't know but I'm smart enough NOT to ask.

When the six weeks of cold abated the extra thick clothing and quilts were put away which was quite understandable given the sudden dramatic rise in temperature considering the past few weeks. When the temperatures began to rise up into the seventies by the third week of their Spring I was starting to sweat. The humidity can get to a lesser male in minutes if he isn't use to it. I have grown accustomed to it in my time here and when it begins to get too uncomfortable for me I simply make my way to a large river and take a dive. Having wings did not mean I couldn't swim and many a times some of the males would talk excitedly when they saw me glide underneath the water, with my wings folded behind my back, like a fish. Some of them can get very playful and many a times I had found myself in some bizarre form of underwater tag with several of them taking up much of the day; not that I minded in the least.

For the most part things have gone well for me here. I often find myself switching between my intellectual need to learn everything about the Lacerta and my rising want to not leave. It's the hardest part about being an anthropologist, the knowledge of when one has to step away from the place he has come to love the most, but I'm a student...I can't get attached so soon...can I...?

Someone taps on my shoulder and I look up to see a beautiful face looking down on me and smile as I note that it is the chief's wife. A beautiful female of the brightest gold and white mixed together to make up her scales with runic tattoos dancing over her chest rising up into the cloth tied over her breasts making me have to look away before I'm caught. Being a young male at the age of twenty-six I am more than interested in her and from the slim curves of her hips up to her full bosom I simply want to melt into her and she into me but I know that it true only because she is the mate to the chief, the male I... Thinking on that reminds me of the one and ONLY time I have ever had to be with a male, for what reason I don't really think I want to know. I am not gay. I have no problem with those who are. Some of the males in the Lacerta have strong feelings for their brethren and even invoke in some sex play together but not me. I am not gay! Not that I have any problem with...I just said that...

The chief's wife pulls me up from where I am seated and leads me out into the waning evening. Rubbing my clawed hand over my face I have to sigh as the memory of that time six months ago begins to resurface from where I had buried it, like an old boot from the depths of the ocean. The memory came and soon I was back there again...

"I'm glad you could make it out. This tribe is awfully selective of who is allowed to observe them... let alone live among them." said Nahobi, one of the tribe's people who my professor had asked to take me into the Lacerta village and teach their ways and my liaison to the outside world, even if I had breached an old wall of communication I was still a grad student and needed direction. The older green dragon having had back problems as of late meant he wasn't going to be able to stick around long enough to help me settle in as he had to head back to the so called modern world to have someone doctor on him while I was left alone with an unfamiliar tribe of people.

What joy...

I was so scared when I first came that I was fighting not to fidget as I chewed on my lip when multiple eyes looked at me with curiosity. Nahobi looked at me with a smile as he patted me on the back while we both walked through the village towards a humongous tent, it had to have cleared at least fifteen feet high and I stood in awe as I looked at it while wondering what could live inside. The Lacerta were a large race, Nahobi casually towering over me like a giant with his ten feet in height but this was ridiculous. When Nahobi pulled open the flap and waved for me to enter I stepped inside and instantly knew what the people who saw Gulliver felt like.

The creature before me was big as all outdoors. He was sitting down but he had to have been twelve feet tall when he stood with blue scales running the length of his outer body, down to the mammoth sized claves and tree trunk thick legs. Further down there were talons on his three toe claws that looked like they could cut iron in half with one flick of his feet. Going back upwards I could see the inner form of his visage was a radiant violet color with glowing tattoos all over his chest making a strange symbol that I could have sworn I had seen somewhere before in an old journal of my great grandfather, while smaller runic crests danced on his shoulder blades giving off the same firefly bright radiance as the light from the torch besides him continuing to flicker with a vermillion glow.

The larger male, he was unquestionably male if not from the size of his bulk at close to seven hundred odd pounds of lean muscle strapped over his body and underneath his finely polished scales then most definitely from the massive weapon he sported between his legs like a lance. Down below there were a set of testicles that looked like they belonged on a prized stallion jutting out from underneath the male's groin wrap. The two mounds had to be wider than both of my paws put together making me more than aware that this male could orgasm with such a great shower of come that most of it would spill out rather than be seeded into a receptacle hole no matter how deeply that enormous cock filled another being. Up above the thing, it couldn't be described so easily as a penis because it was just too big, looked almost canine like as there was a oversized knot at the slick dark pink colored base like someone had attached two oranges to the chief's maleness and they had gotten stuck and just remained there while the large spire of flesh actually had ridges on it!

Trying to study the Lacerta's groin further, from what I could see there were three ridges on right side so more than likely there were three on the opposing side and three larger folds underneath the pointed and dribbling head of the shaft seeming to almost flex for approval. The long dribble of seminal fluids ran down an unbroken line onto the much larger Lacerta's tail base just below the opening to his rectum flowing down onto the crimson cushion of the throne the male was seated upon. Taking note I saw smaller glowing runes dotted around the closed hole almost as if warding away unwanted intrusions.

On the thick stalk of masculinity there was a piercing, actually it was a large ring of silver metal dangling off of the Lacerta's cock like some kind of bizarre handle. Up above the triangular pointed head curved towards the male as if it were seeking permission from its owner as it pulsed and filled the room with a musky sharp scent that made me gulp audible. Trying to look past the imposing phallus I found myself gazing up into the amber eyes of the smirking Lacerta who, with his fang maw smiling at me chuckled deeply making me curl my tail around my leg in nervousness. The four horns on the Lacerta's head were a bronze like color and curled like his talon clawed feet with a single golden ring punctured in the largest right horn seemingly dangling and winking in the fire light at me. Another ring dotted the male's right nostril making me wonder just where these people could harvest such a mineral to casually have it displayed in such a manner.

"Uh, Nahobi, who is that person?" I had a sinking suspicion but I hoped I was wrong. Actually, I think I was saying a little prayer now as my wings folded behind my back trying to hide from the massive creature before me.

"Him? Funny you should ask. That is the chief of the tribe. You can tell by the tattoos on his body." Nahobi said to me almost as if he thought I should have known that little fact.

Trying not to sound like a complete wimp I had to ask something else, "Is this what I think it is?" I know it sounded stupid at the time but I was REALLY hoping that this was not what I thought it was going to be...

"Yeah, they are a naturally occurring bio-luminescent ink they-- oh, you mean his... ahem... pride? Well, I guess you didn't do your research before heading out here?" Nahobi said as he looked to me and I just glared at him while trying not to reach out and throttle him.

"No, there are some things a anthropologist leaves out of his findings and research as they would be too detrimental to have ousted to the world." my hiss got a grunt from Nahobi and another chuckle from the Lacerta's chief. I tried not to look but out of the corner of my eye I saw the other larger male reach out and rub his wickedly clawed fingers, which I hadn't noticed under his crumpled shirt behind him, over the slit of his erect shaft while still giving me this predatory smirk. I may be a dragon but suddenly I felt as if I were a rabbit in front of a wolf and I really didn't like the feeling. The cold chill going down my back wasn't helping my nerves any.

"I see. Well, you are about to get the crash course. See, the tribe has a customary "initiation" process." I just looked at Nahobi with wide eyes, still keeping that prayer alive but knowing it was steadily dying like a wounded fish on a spear...oh I so wish I hadn't just had that mental image. "Yes, it is what you think it is. You must bring him to orgasm before the night is over, otherwise you will be removed from the camp. I'm sure a fine young man like yourself can handle the task." Nahobi said as he patted my back making me tilt forward a little before I breathed deep, trying to ignore the rising odor of male testosterone coating the air and then looked to my guide.

"I am NOT gay!" I was trying to control myself but...

"You're not gay? Well, that's okay. Neither is he. It's his responsibility to only accept those who are willing to contribute to the tribe. Don't worry, everyone here has gone through this initiation."

"And I'm curious, do the children of the tribe have to go through this as well?" If I was going to be staying here for an unknown length of time I might as well get these little eye-openers out of the way now.

"The youngun's? Heavens no... Well, not until they reach maturity anyways. Whelp... If I were you, I'd get to it. You arrived late, and he looks eager to get started." another pat on the back and soon Nahobi was sauntering out of the tent with his long tail waving behind at me before the Lacerta turned and gave me a wave and smirk before vanishing.

I was planning revenge by the time I saw the tent flap fall close before a rumbling grunt made me turn my head back to the...soon to be pain in my butt. I looked at the chief of the Lacerta people and then breathed a sigh as I lowered my backpack to the ground and then began to shuck my meager clothing off. As a student of anthropology I knew that some of the hardest work in this field wasn't so much the constant barrage of documentary I would have to keep up with, the notes I needed to keep filed away inside of my head, or even the adjustment of my body to the climate change. No, from the start I knew that anthropology in its base form was nothing more than the meshing of peoples of different worlds together in unions of brother and sisterhood. Let the professionals say what they wanted but look at anthropology and see how much of some other culture you can study without actually interacting with that same culture and finding yourself changed in some way, shape, fashion, or form.

When I was as naked as the day I was hatched I breathed another sigh and then puffed out my chest before walking over to the bigger male. He stopped his original smirking and leaned down to actually take a look at me. Being that I was only about six foot six to his twelve feet he had to almost bend in half but when we were eye to eye the chief just watched me closely without saying much of anything. I could feel his breath on my chest as his nostrils flared and then collapsed in on themselves getting my scent into his memory. A long tongue snaked out of his scaly lips brushing over my toned chest and neck up to my face as I just stood there watching him. I wasn't afraid. Even though he was bigger than me and could probably crush me with a foot if he so chose, I didn't fear him. I think I understood his intentions as he sat back up from scenting me with his to reptilian taste buds...he wanted to understand me.

The Lacerta had been an isolated people for a long while and now an outsider wanted into their lives. It was his duty to his people to see my worth, but more than that, I think he wanted to see into my soul. Sexual interactions are often a sign of trust and openness between many cultures and this was just one of those times when I would see it up close and personal. When the chief had ascertained my worthiness he sat himself back onto his throne and then spread his legs open for me to decide how I would pleasure him.

Nahobi never said that I had to take their leader's stalk up into my own tailhole, he only said that I had to bring him to orgasm. After as many pornographic videos I had seen in high school I was confident enough that I could bring the other to his climax just by using my muzzle. Walking forward I used my clawed hands to spread the larger male's legs open further as I nestled myself between his open form and then stood eye level with his cock. As I said before it was almost like a weapon as it stood tall and proud while continuing to leak pre come down onto his tail and my eyes wouldn't let me tear myself away from watching the dribbling fluids run down his shaft like a river.

Leaning my scaly snout down over his tail I breathed in the scent of his seminal fluids and soon found myself aroused by the aroma he was producing. With the hole of his tail so close to my nose I caught the scent of his musk and desire drifting up off of his body like a heavy mist I couldn't see. Leaning down I tried to pay little attention to the male above me as I zoned myself out and focused solely onto the sensations I was now experiencing. The first touch of my nose onto the heated scales caused the body of the chief to rumble like an earthquake. He had probably never been touched down here before but it was my job in life to make new discoveries and first attempts, so as I opened my muzzle I let my tongue slurp from my maw onto his tail licking up the spilled juice coming from up above. A groan like warble resounded off of the tent which made me clench myself in apprehension before I continued my licking. The taste of the hot cider of male sap was like the hottest wine I had ever been given a drop of. The bitterness made it all the more sweet and soon I was desperately licking up the fluids as they came down from heaven, soaking my tongue until I could barely distinguish my own saliva from his pre filling my muzzle to capacity.

I heard claws racking over the wood of the throne but it was so far away in my ears it felt like a ghost of a sound you hear up above on a mountain top. My tongue ran rampant as some of my own desires began to come up from out of my mind. I wasn't gay, but this wasn't about being gay or straight or whatever, this was about the unification of two males alone in a shared space. Pulling my head up I opened my muzzle and received the drink of his male sap down my throat letting my Adam's apple bob up and down leisurely as I filled my belly with his potent elixir. When I began to fill almost half full I lifted myself up on one to onto the throne of the chief's body and then found myself staring at the fountain of his masculinity springing up for my benefit. The head was smaller than the rest of the pulsing organ but that was soon ended at the frenum which was five inches wide on down to the six inch thick steel hard mass before the knot.

I had never even remotely thought of sucking a cock before today but as my own hard piece of dragon meat slipped from the folds of my now dripping slit I murred happily as I opened my mouth and lowered it down onto the Lacerta chief's hard pole. When the first touch of my heated muzzle slipped over him like a sheath I heard another warbling wail that sounded much closer this time at yet still far away. Grunting, I paid it no mind as I willed my throat to open as far as it could and then swallow on down around the larger male's erection. Being a dragon I could work with my inner muscles enough to get them to expand to take in large amounts of food if I so chose and now that ability was my blessing as well as my bane. The first few inches were like nirvana as I let them sink down into my esophagus. The leaking urethra washed over my tonsils making me gag and then cough of the still leaking pre out of my maw onto my neck getting a shiver from me as the warm liquid drenched down my body onto my chest before I willed myself to close my lips around the head and begin to suck onto it.

The larger male grunted and growled as he reached out and took me by surprised rubbing over my head as if were an obedient servant. My tongue snaked and pulled at the silt of his cock dipping into it and sounding the other when it sneaked downwards and tickled the insides of his sensitive tissue. I couldn't resist when he jumped up and planted more of himself into my muzzle that I was ready for causing me to choke. His hand still rested on my head so I had little choice but to take it and again will my throat to open as I pulled my tongue out of his tip when the ring adoring his males made its way up and pass my fangs. The taste of the metal was unappealing to me. It had a sharper and sour flavor making me want to gag before my head was pushed downwards against my wishes.

My body bent in half as I knew the outline of the chief's cock could be seen through my chest when the first six inches passed my throat and continued sinking into my chest with a slow, almost painstaking pace. I don't know if he had ever been sucked on like this before but soon I found myself nearing the base of his knot and getting a nose full of an odor so powerful it began to terraform my thoughts. My logical and emotional sides were warring like mad as I began to close my eyes and hump my hips up along the length of my chief's tail. When I finally hit the base of his knot my hands reached out and squeezed the base of his inflated ball of flesh getting me a groan so low and throaty that I felt it in my chest.

The first few pumps of the chief's hips made me close my eyes as my throat was beginning to actually hurt from the pressure of the length of maleness inside of my muzzle. When I was able to pull back enough, the larger male's hand having lost it grip over me from the powerful sensation of pleasure I was giving, I was able to wrap my long and thin tongue around the shaft playing with the folds underneath the heads and the ridges. The chief groan and shivered as I sucked him off trying to get him to cum while at the same time trying to maximize the pleasure he was feeling. My own cock continued to run up and down the length of his massive tail, running over the pucker of his tailhole but never inside. My pre made the constant thrusting of my hips work themselves faster as I dipped myself down while trying to work my head up and down over the long shaft inside of my maw. The chief growled and hissed at me as I felt the glare of ecstasy burn into the back of my head life the flames glowing on my right side. The heavy hand from before was back and soon it was making my skull dance to a rhythm that the large male made with me as his willing partner.

Licking and slurping the head of his cock never left the inside of my throat, never once did it even get into the depths of my sternum as the chief wanted to keep all of the bliss I was giving him for himself. He didn't seem to mind what my lower half was doing as the tips of our tails intertwined together while my cock ran a mile a minute. I grunted as my face was smashed face to face with his bulbous knot and the scent of his sweaty musk deepened the hold it was taking onto my mind. I felt the tiny pulses of blood run through the unseen veins sending blood rapidly into the mammoth organ before those same pulses began to speed up and the hard length forced my jaw open wider as I knew what was coming then.

The first surge that hit me didn't make me cough again since the head of his cock was already inside of my stomach but it did make me moan and keen as his sticky load filled up my stomach with torrents of hot cream. I felt bloated and looked down as best I could to see my stomach beginning to fill outwards from its original toned and flat surface to something reminiscent of a water balloon. Blinking through the cramps I was beginning to feel I turned my eyes up just in time to see my chief begin to throw his head back and groan as his sharp claws sliced into his throne while trying to keep from bucking me off as his hips steadily slapped into my face. He was fighting from taking more pleasure from my body and I thanked him silently for that as he could have easily used me like a toy to harvest more ecstasy for his own enjoyment and all out ignore my pains. When I begin to feel like I couldn't take anymore I had to pull myself up lest I burst with his gift. My tongue curled around the jumping shaft allowing me the honor of knowing that I was causing such sensations inside of my chief's body while his semen was rapidly gulped down my greedy throat.

When I was able to get far enough off of the shaft my previous thoughts had been correct and the larger male was still going strong in his orgasm as he continued to pump wave after wave of white seed up and all over me, as if in baptism of his blessing to my coming to the tribe. My black scales were lost in a sea of ivory scented musk and testosterone while my chief continued on losing himself to reality. As his load continued to spill out I found my left hand reaching down to my much more modest erection touching, pinching and stimulating myself to my orgasm while I rolled my swinging sac with my right hand. I gripped and crushed the two testicles inside forcing them to pull up closer to my body before I roared out loud and came with my chief all over his tail. My much more minuscule orgasm was lost in a sea of his white flood when the deluge ran down from my body but I didn't care, I was his now. I was one of the Lacerta people. And I couldn't have been prouder for it.

When the chief finally came down from his high wood from his throne splintered as he had to tug and pull his claws out while he breathed harshly into my face before chuckling at me again with that deep and dark laugh of his. My mind was in a daze, my nose and body were coated with the gift of his lust and my cock was still hard and beating inside of my paw but I completely understood what was to come next. When he lifted me up like a hatchling into his arms I felt very safe and secure. I know I must have looked like a mess covered in his cum but my chief simply opened my cavernous maw and began to lick me clean like a new born.

My eyes blinked rapidly as his cum was washed from off of my eyelids and as I looked into his slit black iris I saw something that to this day I haven't understood. It wasn't a concern then as the larger male leaned forward after his cleansing and then lightly bit over my neck holding me in place. I could feel the points of his fangs encircle my neck but I didn't care then because soon he released me and then adjusted my lower body so that it was hovering over his titan like maleness. Still hard and eager for more my chief planned to use me again and I couldn't have been happier for it. I looked down at my sloshing belly and wondered if I could hold him in as I reached out and rubbed over the cum filled form of my stomach. Pressing down onto myself I realized that I would take this male no matter what it would cost my body. It didn't matter if I could or could not, my chief was about to take me as he would a female and as I spread my legs up and lifted my tail I stared at him with lust soaked eyes before nodding at him weakly.

He smiled at me before grunting and lowering my thoroughly soaked body onto the head of his cock. With the dribbling fluids coating the monster between his legs it was easily able to pierce my flesh and into my insides. Pain was a welcomed comfort as I found euphoria in his claiming of me. I didn't think about what was happening to my psyche as I was filled and lowered further and further onto the chief's organ allowing it to breach me in new ways, all I cared about was making his pleasure all the more sweeter while he used me as his willing vessel.

It felt so good as it hurt so much, the fire that run up into my belly through my guts burned hotter than the flickering flame on my right side but I took it all and then more as the sounds of our bodies meeting made a wet, squelch like sound to which I found myself smiling at. I clenched my anus getting the chief to hump forward without warning and dive deeper into me. The ring on his cock was a discomfort but one easily able to handle as the smooth metal rubbed at my prostate and onwards into my belly where I could feel it poking through my flesh. I reached down and toyed with the metal letting my chief see how happy I was to be taking all that he offered to give. His knot, still full and waiting, kissed the lips of my rectum but didn't enter to which I found myself both joyful and mournful of but soon it became moot as I was gasping and yelping when the chief pulled free from my body upwards to where he could just leave the pointed head of his cock still inside of my anus.

Gripping me tight I returned the favor by wrapping my tail tighter around his tail and letting my instinct driven appendage display my gratitude before my wings spread open as my chief sunk me down onto his durable length. The ridges and frenum along his shaft scrape up against my prostate causing white hot fire to dance inside of my mind as I momentarily lost vision. When my chief had himself firmly up into my stomach again he held himself in place until I could see past the spots dancing in my eyes and then lifted my head up to look him in the eye. That knowing smirk still situated itself onto his face and as he pulled me up closer towards his lips again I began to lose feeling in my legs own down towards my toes.

Over and over I was manhandled like a harem boy as my body danced for my chief gratification. The wet and sloppy sounds of our mating resounded into the air along with the scent of male sex thoroughly drenching us down, or at least the chief as I was still coated in his cum, with lust as I tried to clench and pump my hips to get more sensation into the cock burying itself inside of me. Every time one of the ridges snaked itself up into me a silent gasp left my muzzle getting more excitement from the chief as he slowly began to hammer me onto his lap with growing force. My own cock hard as a diamond as I took it up into my hand and fisted it hard and fast trying to match what was happening to my tailhole. The dance between us gained tempo and fervor before I felt my rectum beginning to open wider and accept the knot just below my waist.

First it was just a touch of the ball of flesh, but as more and more of the chief's power was put into his jack hammer like pumps of my body I began to feel myself flowering open further than I had when his cock kissed my backside. Half way in the turgid knot sought to take me and without warning I growled and abandoned my cock to wrap my arms around my chief's neck and kiss him before slamming my own hips onto his twin spheres. We cried out as the same time as I lifted my head, tears sneaking down my face onto my sweat soaked body as the chief and I came together again. The massive white wash launched up from half full nuts into my overly full stomach but with nowhere to go it had to back track out and around my chief's seal our combined bodies. I felt so much warmth then I my chief's lust drove up and out and then around me making me feel so warm and protected.

Looking at the large male I felt something inside of my chest that I couldn't explain but my muzzle found his again and that night we shared something that I don't think we both had ever felt for anyone else.

Least to say that afterwards that I was invited into the tribe and have been with them ever since. There was no talk of the 'initiation' and no one mention the cries that they had heard coming from the tent that night since it was seen as something almost, sacred, as it were. I am not gay. I know that the chief is not. So what is this feeling inside of me as I walk up to his tent late into the evening and listen to him 'initiate' a young male into the folds of our tribe?

I know it can't be jealousy. I understand all of the concepts and logic behind the process having heard it more than once since the coming Summer...yet the ache I feel inside of my chest hasn't gone away since I left his lap those months ago...

I can still feel the phantom pains of his cock within my bowels and butt as I rub myself along the back of my loincloth...and yet I know it can't be. It must be stress about the coming day tomorrow. Yes, that is what it is. As I listen to the roar of the chief through his tent eyes feel strangely misty however.

A hand on my shoulder makes me turn and blink to see the chief's wife looking down at me with a smile before she walks us further towards the chief's tent. As a young and newly adult male walks out with a limp in his newly proud stride the chief's mate opens the tent and then pushes me forward to enter. The chief is looking like his normal self with his almost always hard cock is leaking onto his thighs and a rough grunt is leaving his maw. As he turns to look at his mate he lifts and eye furrow up at her and then looks down at me. Looking at me and then between the both of us he seems confused, that is before his mate easily sinks a claw into my loincloth slicing through the string thing material and unveiling my nude form. I don't feel self-conscious as nakedness is almost a unknown modesty within the Lacerta tribe but I do feel unsure when the chief's wife walks over to him and then lowers her head to down in between his thighs slowly cleaning her mate of his inner fluids. A grunting murr of pleasure resounds from his lips as she finishes and then walks behind me pushing me forward to the chief.

Confused again there is little said when the female smirks at her mate making him back into his throne and then lifts me up off of the ground and onto his lap making me blush and stammer before hushing me silent. With wink of her eye the chief's wife leans forward and kisses her mate before angling my form onto his sloppily wet shaft and then sitting me down onto it. I feel a burn I had waited to know for a very long time as the first three inches fill me up and soon another three before I groan out loud, complimented only by the chief's throaty warble. Pulling back from his mate the larger male grunts in confusion before his mate smiles at him and then lowers her head to nibble on the base of his twin balls. A groan murr leaves the chief's lips as I am suddenly spread open by his massive length.

As I slide down further onto my chief's cock I take only one moment to remember something I had learned early on about the females of the Lacerta tribe:

The females were highly manipulative as well as diplomatic and as the female nuzzled and licked her mate's sac I realized that she was manipulating us together towards each other in what was going to be a very long threesome with me underneath my chief's form, grunting, moaning, and panting again and again...all night long...

I finally understand that feeling in my chest now...

It was a need to serve my wonderful and sexy the most sexually deviant way possible with all that I am...