Love lust Part 1

Story by Whitepaw123 on SoFurry

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Hey all! This is my first story, try not to be to harsh on the comments xD. Sorry for the mistakes

*6 Am, Monday, May 23d*

The alarm goes off, Chris slowly sways side to side, groans and turns it off, puts a paw to his head and rubs "Damn.. I hate mondays.." He Slides outta bed, goes to his drawer and pulls out an old, Wore down jeans with a baggy shirt. Chris walks over to the bathroom and turns on the shower and lays his clothes on the sink, Gets in the shower and sighs as the warm water dirzzles over his soft white fur, Foams his paws with Apple scented shampoo, Begins to lather it on his paws and up arms, then through out the rest of his body.

Gets out of the shower minutes later and drys fur off, running towel through his head fur and works down, running it over his sheath and legs, He hears a knock on the door and jerks his head quickly left "Yeah?! im drying off" chris said. "Chris hunny, hurry its almost time for school" His mom implied. He sighed and got dressed and threw his backpack on, Went into the kitchen and put his shoes on. "Hey mom, did you happen to make breakfast?" he asked as he scoped out the kitchen counter. "oops, Sorry.. I didn't. But if you want, theirs something in the cabinet" Chris shrugs and goes over and scruffles through the cabinet, Hears the horn of the bus and rushes "Crap!" Pulls out a pop tart and rushes out the door "Bye mom! love you" Rushes to the bus and takes a deep breath, makes his way to the back and opens his pop tart and begins to eat as he hears his name "Yo! Chris!" He sees his friend dustin, waving at him, He waves back "Hey Dustin" hops over some kids leg and sits next to dustin. "Hey Dustin, so.. didn't you go up to the mountian with your cousin?" Chris asked as he was looking down and continues to eat his breakfast. "Heh, Yeah. it was awesome, too bad you couldn't of came with me. I really wanted you to meet my cousin." Dustin then pulls out his phone and taps on my shoulder. "Huh?" I turn to him. "What?" Chris asked. "Here, This is my cousin.." I look down at his phone to see a slim built huskey, white fluffly fur, blue markings going down his arm with a pinch of purple on his tail. "wow.. Nice, whats his name again?" i asked anxiously

"Oh, it's Jay" Chris thought to himself. Smiled as he did and turned "Oh, thats cool" The bus stops and the door opens, Kids rushing and pushing to get out, as Dustin and I sit back waiting. not long after we get up and work our way out. As we get out, we say our fair wells "Well, see you later dustin, Hey. Ill be on xbox later, chat then. kay?" I said and looked over to him, Dustin nods and walks the other ways and waves bye.

*Few days later, friday afternoon on the bus ride home*

I yawn and look over at Dustin "Hey um. What are you doing for vacation?" I asked, giving him a poke to get his attention, "Oh well. Jay is comming over for the week, so ill be spending it with him, your free to come over if you want." He smiled at me and poked back i sat and thought about it, noded and replied "Sure, ill ask my mom" the bus stoped a block away from my house to let me out, I get up and work my way off the bus and continue to my house and listening to my Ipod, About a few minutes later i reach my house and open the door, locking it behind me and heads striaght for my room. Sits down on my bean bag chair, yawning. Suddenly i hear a beep sound breaking the silence of my room. i check my phone and apparently got a text, it reads -Chris its me dustin. can i give my cuz ur number?-. I smirk and reply back -Shure lol-. I turned on my xbox and begin to play borderlands. my phone buzzed. i flip it open to read the text -hey. um.. chris, its me Jay. dustins cousin :)- i smile and reply -cool. nice to meet you lol, ill prolly be seeing you and him for vacation :3 i cant wait lol.- A few surprising seconds later i hear the phone again, -same lol- I hear in the distance "Chris! come on' dinner time" i look at the door, then back at my phone and reply -ill c u tomorrow, i gotta go now - i send and shut my phone off.

I walk out to the kitchen and and grab my plate, i sit down across from my mom, "So how was your day sweetie?" my mom asked, while eating. I look down at my plate of food. the look up "It was good thanks.. um. Hey, um, sorry for this being last minute but would it be alright if I slept over dustins house over vacation?" I went back to eating while looking at her. She shruged and looked down "Well you can, just as long as its ok with his mom." I smiled happily. "Awesome! thanks!" I exclaimed. i finished eating before my mom as usual and went back in my room, Watches TV and thinks to himself ~Hm.. I wounder what we are gonna do this weekend.. I don't know.. mabey Dustin has an idea.. i should probably go take a shower before it gets too late i suppose~ I get up and go into the bathroom, I take my shirt off and turn the shower on hot. I take my belt and pants off, along with my briefs and hop in the shower, takes the soap and begins to wash my body, stroking my body fur, smiling as the bathroom begins to get filled with steam, washes the soap off and looks down at my member, shrugs and wraps a paw around it, slowly sliding up and down his shaft, watching it as it begins to harden. Closes eyes and pants, stroking faster on my hardened cock. Begins to think of the huskey he saw in the picture. Begins to pick up speed. slowly thrusts into his paw as i precum down the solid base of my cock, goes faster and pants, moaning softly to the fapping sound, feels my cock pulsing and ready to burst. Gasps and grips my shoulder with my other paw as i shoot my hot cum, having it land in my paw and on the shower floor. smirks and opens one eye and watches as it goes down the drain. Smiles and talks to myself "Heh, dirty again" chuckles and picks up the soap, washes my fur again, along with my massive floppy ears. A few minutes later. I get out and turn off the shower, dry myself off again and goes upstairs naked to my room, hops in bed and sets my alarm for 9AM. gets under the covers and yawns, falling asleep ~zZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZ~

*To be Continued*