Intro and Outro

Story by Lightmane on SoFurry

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#1 of Love not Lost

The poor feline was being raped by a savage beast, forcing him to be its mate. The white cat cried out in pain as he is bred like a common whore, but secretly...enjoying it very much, which was the worst part of all. The beast growled and clawed into his tender flesh as he moans in pain and pleasure, the beast drawing close to orgasm. The creature let out its final lustful growl and filled him with its seed. Aidan screams as the hot jets of seed invade his ass, waking with a start to the warm feeling of his own seed against his fur, leaving a wet, sticky spot on his pajamas.

He sat there a few minutes, trying to reconcile the dream he'd had, finding ways that he could dismiss it, still pretend that he was totally straight.

About then, the music clicked on, signifying that it would have been time to wake, were he not already up.

"Ah hell." He muttered to himself as he clicked it off, then set it back to music wake for the next morning.

Standing, he switched on the light for a minute, grabbing the outfit he'd picked out last night for the first day of his senior year, and then stumbled to the bathroom. The light clicked on, revealing a second white cat reflected on the wall opposite. Aidan smiled softly as he studied himself stripping off what little he'd worn to bed, revealing more and more of his white, slender form. The fur was tangled slightly in places from the night's tossing, and he absentmindedly patted it down a little before walking to climb into the shower.

Warm jets of water flowed over his body, forming little rivulets in his fur that moved and switched course. His black gloved paws rubbed soaps and shampoos over his form, and his tail swung about in the air as he sang Proud Mary slightly out of tune.

After a quick breakfast and making his lunch, he kissed his mother good bye and slipped out to wait for the bus, a slight breeze stirring his fur and leopard print tie. While waiting, he began softly singing random songs to keep him occupied. Finally, after about fifteen minutes, the bus arrived, and he clambered up the stairs and sat down in the first seat, then proceeded to lie down against his pile of stuff in an effort to catch a little extra sleep before school, Walkman serenading him in Rubber Soul, in stark contrast to the eerie silence of the tired bus.

An hour later, one brown eye flitted open just as the bus was pulling into the parking lot, and he quickly stowed away his CD player and donned his bag as the bus lurched to a stop.

Inside the commons, Aidan ran into quite a few friends and acquaintances, and exchanged pleasantries and meaningless comments on respective summers before heading blearily to home room.

He chose a seat toward the center of the room as the class slowly filed in. Some say hi, others just stalk to their seats.

The tardy bell rings, and just as the teacher, a shaky old owl by the name Mrs. Thibodaux, is looking around seemingly confused, a young lion runs in, his almost full mane billowing a bit behind him as he arrives a bit breathless. The whole class room had instantly looked up at him as he entered, then returned their eyes to whatever task they'd put before themselves waiting for the bell. But Aidan was still staring, studying how the lion's muscles showed just barely through his t-shirt and how golden his fur looked in this light, then quickly shaking his head and silently cursing himself as Mrs. Thibodaux walked up to the lion, and patted him on the back.

"Have a bit of a run here, did we?"

"Heh, yes ma'am, I'm sorry I am still getting use to the school."

"Ah, so you must be Mister Lightmane!" She said more like a statement of the obvious than a query.

He smiled at her, "Yes ma'am."

"Ah, well welcome." Then the old owl grabbed him by his shoulders and turned him toward the room. "Class, This is Leo; he just moved here from out of state, so why don't you all make him feel welcome?"

A dead silence followed, occasionally broken by the sound of someone fidgeting, and Leo smiled broadly, and somewhat nervously at the class; while Aidan just marveled at how white his growing fangs were.

"Well, there appears to be an open seat by Mr. McReynolds, so why don't you sit there?" Indicating the seat next to Aidan.

Leo nodded and glided to the indicated spot, sitting down heavily in the plastic chair, his tail going through the back hole and fidgeting about a little nervously.

Mrs. Thibodaux hobbled over to the front of the classroom, and asked a yellow lab named Ruston to pass out the schedules. Then she turned to the chalkboard and began explaining what exactly this class was about, and what we'd do during the year.

Aidan allowed his eyes to wander while she prattled on, finally settling them on Leo's schedule. He was surprised, turning to his paper to confirm, then back to Leo's. Their schedules were identical. Even their lockers were next to each other.

Aidan was just marveling at that when Mrs. Thibodaux repeated his name for the third time, rather high pitched and angry, and the cat jumped back to reality.

"Heh, um.. Sorry ma'am, I.. uh."

"Just answer the question, Mr. McReynolds."

"I.. uh" at precisely that moment, the bell rang, and the class collectively stood up and walked out, Aidan jogging to get out before the old owl had a chance to recover, silently cursing himself.

Next period, Mrs. Wright's Stat class, Aidan sat a row over and a couple seats behind Leo, and sincerely tried to listen to the rather monotone speech that the oddly dressed badger prattled on with, but to tell the truth, that cat never could keep his mind on the right path during math class, and he soon was studying how the light reflected off of the mane that sat two seats in front, one to the right of him. How the back curved down to the tail, the strong muscles just showing through... These thoughts were interrupted by a collected moan, and Aidan started and looked up. Papers were being passed out, and the lion that was forming a muse for the kitty noticed the male looking at him and, slightly startled, gave Aidan a subtle grin.

Aidan blushed and started to say something, but Leo had already turned around, and the jackal in front of him was shaking the pawful of papers angrily in his face.

"Stop fantasizing about your boyfriend over there and get these damn papers!"

Aidan was saved from a response by a sharp retort about language from Mrs. Wright, but this only made the class giggle louder.

"Umm.. he's not my boyfriend, I mean, I don't know him, umm.. I'm not..." he started to explain to a mouse girl sitting behind him, but she just rolled her eyes and grabbed the sheets from him, frustrated, "whatever".

Aidan glanced down at the piece of paper in front of him. 'Basic stuff. He could do it in five minutes, using the book as a guide. Hmm... if a survey is conducted in which 34 males and 36 females are asked blah blah blah.. Hrmm lessee... 23% that shirt looks really good on him... Huh.. right, okay... umm... How does one block in a survey in which... Geez, placement of tanks blah blah ... heh, he's raised his tail for a sec.. Lotta nice pale gold fur there.. Wait, what, no...Bad kitty.. No! Cat, cat...Okay, problem three.... Ah god... Stats can't prove cause and effect, can they? Hmm okay... Cigs aren't proven? Huh... I hope he doesn't smoke... Why does that matter? Gaw, math, here, do it... Lessee...In an election year 21%, approval rating, I wonder what's under that... No BAD! Okay, music, keep myself straight (White Room begins to play in the background of Aidan's mind).. Okay, Tom black curtains.. 73% Joann Friedl... Hmm, wonder what he listens to.. No gold pavements... A cute lion like that, wait (The music ceases) No, not cute, no... Gaw! Stop it!! Bad kitty... Hmm, wonder if he'd punish me... Oh gawd, How Long have I been hard?!' And with that, the bell was suddenly tolling, and the class was standing to leave.

"Finish the rest at home, kids. Have a nice day." Said the teacher unenthusiastically as Aidan quickly pressed a textbook against his crotch and ran out of the room, trying not to blush.

'Okay, English, Mrs. Griffith next.'

"Hello everyone, glad you're here, Hope you all had a good summer. And be forewarned, this will not be an easy course. And just to get your juices flowing, we're gonna start off with a writing assignment." The class groans collectively. " It's not gonna be a grade or anything, I just want you to write down whatever pops into your head."

Aidan sat sweating for the first few minutes, arguing with himself in his head. Everything and all he could focus on long enough was the lion now sitting just two seats in front of him, just some metal, plastic, and a finch between them... 'Well, she's not going to take it up anyway' he thought to himself, then put the pen to paper and wrote 'Leo Lightmane' in large letters across the title line. 'Maybe this'll help me get it out of my system.'

Then he began to write slowly, dragging the pen, exaggerating loops and curves, the pen scratching the paper deeply. But the longer he wrote, the faster, the lighter it moved, until he was feverishly writing, how he'd walk up to that lion, how he'd somehow end up being pulled along into a restroom stall, pressed against a wall, the pants would fall, and...

"Okay class, pens down, papers to the front."

Aidan, panicked, dropping his pen and quickly throwing up his hand, "Umm... Ma'am?" he was trying to sound casual, but he could definitely hear the shakiness in his voice, "I thought we weren't turning these in."

"I only said they weren't for a grade Mr..... McReynolds, not that I wouldn't be taking them up. I would like to get a feel for your writing."

At this point, Aidan really panicked, and just barely noticed how quickly his pants were beginning to feel looser, before his turn came, and he finally had to just turn in the homoerotic story he realized with horror that he had written.

He quietly prayed to himself that the bird in front of him would place her paper on top of his, but she rather neatly stacked hers at the bottom, and passed it up. Aidan watched intently as Leo took the papers from her paw, looked at his, smirked, and put his paper on top, before handing it to the teacher.

'Oh gawd, what did that smile mean? Did he see his name and read it, what does he think of me, did he see my name, or.. Oh gawd!' was running through Aidan's head when the bell rang, and he had to head off to woodshop, Mr. Tumlinson.

Though he didn't notice at first, it became evident to Aidan that he was sort of stalking Leo on the way to the next class, so he finally just shook his head, and walked up to the lion.

"Hi, I'm Aidan, you're Leo, right?"

"Yup, the one and only." he glanced at Aidan as they walked "Nice to meet you." "You know, I think that you've been in all of my classes so far."

"Yeah, I think so, I have seen you a lot today."

"Really, I mean, I guess it was pretty obvious at some point. So, how you liking Texas?"

"It's hot..its humid, but the people are nice so all in all...I like it here."

"Yeah, that sounds about right.."

"Hmm ya know.. you're the first kid here who's actually said hi to me."

"Well, I can't imagine why, I mean a handsome guy like you..." his sentence drifts off as he catches him self "Umm..... sorry, I meant to say..."

Leo laughed at the now flustered cat, "Heh, It's fine, I like the compliment." they finally reached the door to their class, Leo smiled and presented his paw "So, want to be friends?"

"Um, sure. Friends." Aidan managed to stumble out as he grasped the lion's big paw, trying to suppress the pink tinge that attempted to overcome his white face fur, and hoping his paw wasn't sweating.

Leo smiled and made a slight giggle, "Heh ok but now as a friend.. you can't laugh at my mane in this humidity ok?"

"Oh no, it looks great, I mean, as manes go, yours is pretty, uh.. Yeah.." And Aidan blushed slightly.

Leo was about to respond when the bell rang, and they ran into class, choosing seats right beside each other.

A great walrus stood up from his spot behind a large, clean workbench, and began to address the students. "Hello class. I'm glad you could all make it, happy to have you here this year. We will be learning the wondrous art of ..."

Aidan zoned in and out during the speech, finding the study of his neighbor much more absorbing than the safety procedures, and.. no, he shouldn't be.. okay.. think of girls.. Think of Mrs. Peel... Yeah, Mrs. Peel, that always worked... But somehow the lion beside him seemed infinitely more interesting even than her... Damn.

".. So to get us started off for the year, we're doing an exceedingly simple project, a birdhouse. I've cut out the pieces for you, all you need to do today is begin assembly. Cutting the holes and fancy stuff can wait until after both you and your parents have signed the sheets I am now passing out. Now pick a partner, and come get your supplies."

Leo turned to the cat beside him, and suggested rather casually, "Wanna be partners?"

Aidan, who had only partly heard the walrus up front, started at the question, starting to blush and stutter before something in his head clicked and whirred, and he realized what the intended offer was. "Uh, yeah, definitely. Sounds good."

Behind him, a fox in cut offs and a tight red t-shirt closed his mouth, words dying on his lips, and walked over to a hyena at another table, the rings in his right ear clinging against each other..

Aidan offered to get the supplies, taking the standing as an opportunity to adjust his sheath while stretching. But when he walked up, he kept almost walking into other furs, because he kept glancing backwards at his partner.

"Look sharp there, boy, or you're liable to hurt someone." He was admonished as he picked up the wood, nails, and hammers.

"Yessir." The cat said with a slight tinge of sarcasm. He did not see the slight raising of a bushy brow, as he had already turned around and was walking back to his seat.

When Aidan set down the parts, a piece of wood slipped, and he instinctively grabbed for it, as did Leo. Their heads met in rather painful collision, and they sat back up rubbing their heads with their paws.

"Heh, sorry Leo. I'm a bit klutzy, I guess."

"It's okay, my fault."

And this time, when again they both reached for it, their paws brush, and, for maybe a millisecond they seem to clasp. Aidan's paw shoots back, releasing Leo's as he blushes pink, and pretends he didn't do it, tries to convince himself, as his partner sits back up with the retrieved piece, victorious.

Aidan suppresses the color in his cheeks and tries to hide the shaking in his voice, "See? Total klutz."

"Heh, it's alright." Leo said with a grin.

The rest of the period passed uneventful, but for some reason, Aidan seemed to fumble a bit more than anyone else in class, seemed more distracted, and so theirs was the least finished when the bell tolled.

The two felines chatted with each other as they walked to economics with Mr. Podler. When they arrived, they found a bland looking sloth, in bland dress clothes, and only one poster up in the whole room, a travel poster for Hawaii that looked like it was made in the fifties.

"This looks exciting." Leo whispered to Aidan, before choosing a seat right beside the cat.

"Looks like a laugh a minute, this guy." Aidan said sardonically, dropping his backpack beside his desk.

The old mutt hobbled to the front of the classroom, cleared his throat, and began to drawl on monotonicity, "Good afternoon class, I am overjoyed to welcome you to my classroom..."

Aidan felt a prodding at his side, and turned to find Leo passing a note to him. He unfolded it, and read, "He sure does sound overjoyed, doesn't he?"

Aidan giggled softly, covering his mouth, and wrote back, "They always are. Wonder what he says to his wife when he gets home?"

Aidan watched as Leo smirked and wrote back, "Wanna hear something random?"

Aidan wrote back, "Sure, shoot."

Leo smirked slightly evilly as he scribbled down the response, then passed the note to Aidan. But as he was bringing it back to his desk, Mr. Podler raised his voice, "Have something that you want to share with the class Mr. McReynolds?"

"Um, n-no, not re-a-lly-y. Sir."

"Well it looks like you do, so why don't you come to the front?" He drawled, still managing to stay within one vocal tone.

"Uh, well.. I'd rather not, sir."

"Well, I think you must, as we're all dying of curiosity now."

Aidan looked pleadingly at Leo, before Mr. Podler stated, "Now Mr. McReynolds."

"Yessir." And with that, Aidan stalked to the front of the classroom, opened up the letter, and groaned. "Do I have to, sir?"

"Well now you have us all tingling with anticipation, Mr. McReynolds."

Aidan gulped, turned a very noticeable shade of pink under his fur, and read out the note, "I like sex." Then ran back to his seat as the whole classroom burst out in laughter, and Leo gave him a jovial apologetic look.

The period ended about three minutes later, with some kids still laughing in the back, and the teacher rather annoyed. He began walking toward Aidan, a look about him that warned of an impending talking to. So Aidan into a crowd of furs and blended in for a second, before heading off to lunch.

Unfortunately, this maneuver worked too well, and he lost Leo.

So he made his way to his locker to grab his lunch bag, then went to wander about the lunchroom until a familiar fox waved him down. "Aidan, over here!"

Aidan smiled and walked over to the table outside, smiling at all his friend, "Hey Ryan... Where's Veronica?"

Ryan smiled broadly, "Oh, she's still on vacation, but I think your lion buddy's lookin' for ya." He said, pointing at the mentioned feline.

"Oh, right-o." Then Aidan stood up and called, "Leo, over here!"

Leo turned, smiled, and strolled over to the table, sitting across from Aidan and near the fox boy Ryan. Ryan scooted into the seat between them, a smile spreading across his lips, "So, you're Leo? That's a nice name."

Leo inched closer to the fox, and said, "Thank you, and who might you be, cutey?"

Ryan smirked mischievously, placing his paw just over his breast and saying coolly, "I'm Ryan, it's absolutely fabulous to meet you."

Aidan raised his paw, "Oh don't mind him, He's just gay."

Ryan smirked, "And Proud." Then he turned back to the lion, bringing his fingers awfully close to the muscular chest, "So, got a boyfriend, oops, I mean, girl back home, Le-o?"

Leo chuckled, grasped the fox's paw, placing it back in Ryan's lap, and said, "No, I don't have a girlfriend back home."

Ryan smirked, crossing his arms and gave Leo a look, "I find that difficult to believe, a hot guy like you."

Aidan spoke up, "You're getting a little nosy, there, Ryan."

Ryan started to retort, but then a hyena walking by smacked his ass, distracting him for a few seconds. "O-oh, hey To-ny. See you toni-ight!" he said in an amazingly girly voice.

He turned back just in time to see Leo, who, having returned to his food, was shoving an entire hot dog into his muzzle before chewing and swallowing it, then he quickly stood, excused himself, and turned in his tray.

Ryan turned to Aidan, a look between shock and arousal on his face. "Did you see that? Even I can't top that..."

Aidan blushed almost imperceptibly. "Maybe he just takes big bites."

Ryan, having recovered some, giggled, "Maybe he just likes to show off."

Leo walked back to the table, and Ryan turned to him, smirking wantonly, "Nice talent you got there."

Leo looked back, shaking his head side to side, "Well, it's nothing much." Then he leaned in and pressed on the tip of Ryan's muzzle, "What are your talents foxy?"

For a second, it looked as if Ryan might fall out of his seat, but it was gone almost as quickly, and he turned his shoulder a little cutely, smiling softly, "Oh I can do almost anything you'd want me to, Cutey."

Aidan started to feel something angry burning in the pit of his stomach, and felt he needed to say something, but the bell rang before he had a chance.

Leo stood, and said, "Okay, Aidan, see you next class?"

"Ya, definitely. See ya, Leo."

The lion walked away, and Ryan turned to Aidan smiling, "My gawd he is sooo hot, don't you think?"

Aidan felt the feeling grow minutely. "I'll take your word for it."

Ryan smiled, "Oh I know you think he's cute, I saw you looking at him during wood shop."

Suddenly Aidan was more embarrassed then angry, "What do ya mean? I'm straight, you know that."

Ryan stood, smirking, then began to slink away, shaking his butt, "Oh sure, right. I remember." He said facetiously, rolling his eyes as he turned back to walk away. Then, just before he rounded the corner, he shouted, "Well you shoulda seen the look on your face when I was hitting on him."

Aidan groaned, and blushed, thinking as his paw hit his face, "I didn't, did I? Oh gaw... Why is this happening?"

But he couldn't reflect too long on this, because the two minute warning bell tolled, and he had to run to video tech.

The class went quickly and uneventfully. Aidan and Leo didn't really have time to talk because the whole period was spent with the teacher familiarizing the students with the computer program they'd be using most. And then they had to run to the other end of the school just to get to PE on time.

When Aidan ran through the door to the gym, he crashed muzzle first into a familiar fox, just on the other side, Leo stopping behind him just in time. Ryan smirked, "Hey guys, looks like we'll be undressing together. Rolling around in mud, getting sweaty and all."

Leo smiled, and Aidan was about to think of a retort, but the coach shrilled on his whistle about then, yelling at the randomly scattered furs to seat themselves on the bleachers.

The coaches then began to pass out uniforms and locker assignments, giving each student a sheet with prices listed for things like uniforms and locker rental. Aidan, Ryan, and Leo's lockers were all rather far apart, with some known violent homophiles next to the poor fox, so in the locker room they took part in the proud tradition of trading lockers with other furs until they were all in a nice little row with each other, with Aidan sandwiched between.

The male bulldog that served in the boy's locker room and as Aidan and Ryan's coach stalked his way to the front of the locker room, "Okay kiddoes, it's the first day so we're gonna do something fun. No stretches or running, just get dressed and we'll go play ultimate Frisbee. I'm sure you're all thrilled."

There were assorted forms of joyous words shared in the cement box as the boys began to strip. Aidan pulled off his shirt, and opened his eyes to see Leo slowly removing his shirt, revealing more and more of his golden, muscled chest, his mane trailing lazily down the whole length, stopping somewhere deep below the lion's beltline. Aidan stood transfixed, his shirt hanging from his paw in front of him, jaw open, and jeans tented as Leo then bent and unbuttoned the top of his pants, slowly pulling down the zipper. Just as he was pulling them down to reveal well-bulged blue boxers, he looked up, and spotted the white cat. "You okay, Aidan?"

Aidan suddenly felt his senses rush back to him, blushed and turned slightly away, hastily and sloppily returning to undressing. "Um, yeah fine." Thinking to himself, "No I'm not fine, I'm a bleedin' fag. I can't be, I just can't. Gawd but his body looked good..."

Ryan smacked Aidan on the back, "Yeah, I was watching too. He's pretty damn hot. Just try to be a little more discreet. Like me, the friggin' queen of subtlety. Hehe, I said Queen." Ryan then began to giggle, and Aidan was coming up with a good response when their eyes were caught by a flash of gold in the blue of the lion's boxers. Leo's long, thick sheath was showing through the fly as he bent down to pull off his pants legs before standing up to grab his shorts.

Ryan licked his lips and smiled at Aidan, then whispered, "Nice view, eh? Looks like your dreamboy's well hung." Then he turned his back and stretched, his butt sticking out a little too noticeably, "Bet you'd love to see the rest, huh kitty? I know I can't wait to get in those boxers, stroke that sack, feel his maleness stretch me..."

Aidan shocked himself and Ryan when his foot connected with the fox's rear, and the flamer landed muzzle first on the concrete floor. "I'm not, uh, oh man.. Ryan I'm sorry."

Ryan stood, shook himself, and rubbed his muzzle, "Eh, it's fine. No harm done." Then he leaned back, lifted his chin a little, and laughed. "Man, I really had you going for a second, there..."

"Heh, ya, I guess you did..." Aidan said rubbing his arm, "But still, I'm sorry. I overreacted."

Ryan snickered a little, "Dude, why do you think I was bending over like that, pretty? Just to show you my nice ass?"


"Yes, oh closet kitty?"

"You're an ass."

"No, but I gots'a nice one, ain't that right, Chuck?" He said turning to a yellow lab who blushed and turned away quickly.

Leo walked pulled his shorts the rest of the way up, and walked quickly over to the fox, "Ryan, you okay?" Then he turned to the cat, "Aidan why'd you hit him?"

Aidan began to stutter, but Ryan walked in front of Leo, smiling and getting a little closer than most furs would be comfortable with. "Oh, it's okay, Leo, we were just playing a little game, isn't that right, Aidan?"

"Uh, yeah.. Game."

"But," and Ryan's fingers began to tiptoe across the fur coating the bare muscled chest, "It was really sweet of you to worry about li'l ol' me."

Leo stood shocked for a second, backing off about an inch. Then, smiling nervously he looked down at the promiscuous orange canine, "Uh, I.."

But he was unable to finish because the whistle blew then, and the students began filing outside. Leo threw on his shirt and rushed into the mob as Aidan and Ryan threw on their clothes haphazardly.

Aidan blushed and said quietly to the fox, looking at the ground as he pulled the elastic band of the shorts into place, "Thanks for, you know.."

Ryan smirked evilly, grabbed his shirt, and shouted as he began running into the crowd, "I didn't want to ruin your chances with your eye candy, there!"

Aidan hissed and after him, and threw his shirt on before running out the door to catch up with the class.

When he got there, Leo and a Hyena named Jose Sorto, with whom Aidan had some bad blood, were already picked by the coaches as team captains. Jose had already picked a rather built Giraffe for his team. Leo looked over the crowd, then spotted Aidan, and picked him. Then Sorto picked another jock, and Leo picked Ryan, who was jumping up and down. The next time his turn came around, Leo bent down to Aidan and whispered, "Who here has a good arm?"

Aidan thought for a second, then Answered, "James." Pointing to a short husky in the middle of the group.

Leo picked him, and then asked, "Who else is good?" So Aidan helped Leo pick out the rest of the team, as Sorto filled up his side with jocks and big guys, while Leo ended up with all the girls in that period, as well as the smaller, and less respected guys.

It was a typical hot, humid day, and the ground was moist from recent showers. The teams played hard, and by the end of the period some furs were completely coated in filth. But Leo's team won, leaving Sorto pissed. "You cheated, ya prick!"

Just then, a jaguar girl, came up in front of the hyena, and started yelling at the him, a paw placed pushing forcefully on his chest, "You're just sore because you lost, and you're a spoiled brat! He beat you fair and square, and you know it!"

Hearing the uproar, the track coach ran up, yelling, "What's going on here?"

Sorto, still scowling, opened his mouth to speak, but this just managed to catch her attention. "Oh you again, Sorto, you need to learn to lose better. Now everyone, into the locker rooms, get dressed!" she yelled curtly with a quick thrust of her finger toward the building behind her.

Leo turned to the jaguar girl, thanking her.

She blushed, "Well, you're new here, and you may not have a lot of friends, besides, he's just a jerk." She blushed a little more, "Besides, it was nothing, cutie."

The coach's voice called out to them, "Get movin'!" And they split up. The jaguar turned back as she ran off and yelled, "By the way! I'm Jess, nice to meet you!"

The class stalked back into their locker rooms, and began to return to their day clothes before they had to head home. Aidan was about to put on his shirt, despite the dirt coating his body (he'd never felt comfortable in the public shower), when Leo walked up behind him. "Hey, wanna take a shower?"

Aidan blushed deeply beneath his fur, and fortunately for him, stuttered. This gave him just enough time to realize what Leo was really asking, "Umm, yeah, okay," he said nervously.

Then Leo blushed, "Just one thing..."


"Um, well... I have a "problem" in public showers, so could you at least stand in front of me?"

Aidan stood agape for a second, shocked and finding his sheath hardening quite beyond his control. It took him a few seconds just to say, "Yeah, sure."

"Thanks. It's really embarrassing." Leo said before going to get their towels, and walking with Aidan to the shower.

Ryan was standing at the shower entrance when they got there, just barely holding a towel over his package. Leo stopped, looking at the fox curiously, "Ryan.., what are you doing there?"

Ryan giggled, and said simply, "Window shopping."

Aidan walked up to the shower pillar, and turned it on, hearing the soft padding pawsteps of the lion behind him, the snap of the elastic as he slipped off the boxers as the cool jets of water hit his fur and began to run over his body, harder than at home, so that they made a tingling sensation where they struck. For a few seconds, the cat was able to let his thoughts be carried away by the minute rivers coursing through their self made beds in his fur. But his curiosity began to creep into him, prodding him, not leaving him be, so that finally he had to sneak a quick look at the Lion bathing so close behind him, turning his head swiftly to the front as soon as he'd gotten a glimpse. Then he snapped his head back to get a better look.

Leo was standing there, water rushing over his body, plastering his mane and fur to his body, so that his powerful muscles were so much more obvious, his eyes were closed and his head tilted up with his maw slightly open, a look of bliss on his face. But what caught the poor kitty's attention most was the lion's big, deep pink, barbed pride, extended fully and dripping water off of its tip, which rested just inches away from Aidan's white crack. Aidan's tail lifted subconsciously, something which surprised him when he noticed it a few seconds later. Right after that, he noticed how his own cock was quickly hardening, already peeking out a full half inch from his sheath. Aidan quickly grabbed his towel, shutting off the water too late to keep it dry, and ran to his locker, trying to keep his face from showing entirely red through his wiry white fur.

Leo, feeling the water suddenly stop, suddenly snapped back to himself, curling up a bit reflexively in his nudity, and running over to his towel to wrap it around his waist and cover his still hard lion meat. He ran to Aidan, past Ryan who sent a compliment about his size following after him. The embarrassed lion reached Aidan's side and began rapidly apologizing, his face turning orange from blushing under his gold fur. "I'm so sorry, are you okay, I didn't want to say what my problem was, I didn't want to embarrass you, uh I mean, I didn't want to freak you out, I uh, don't know what I mean.. .."

Aidan interrupted him, now blushing considerably deeper then he had all day, "No. It's okay, don't apologize. It's fine."

Leo smiled half heartedly and nodded, and they began to dress in silence, avoiding each other's eyes, and not talking.

Leo finally broke the silence, looking over at Aidan's chest, "That's a cool marking, is it a tattoo?"

Aidan followed the lion's gaze to his chest, and laughed, "Oh, my rose? No, that's just a birthmark."

Leo touched his paw to the black marking, tracing the stem as it twisted around the kitty's left nipple, "Well it's pretty cool."

Aidan blushed, "Uh, thanks."

Leo seemed to sense the cat's discomfort and returned to pulling on his clothes, an awkward silence ensuing.

Aidan threw around for something to say to break the silence, and finally hit on, "So, uh, where do you live?"

Leo seemed surprised by the question, and hesitated before answering, "Some neighborhood called Pinecrest."

"Really? That's my neighborhood! Maybe we ride the same bus."

"Bus?" Leo rolled his eyes. "Why ride a bus when I can drive myself?" He asked, producing a small set of keys.

Aidan stared at them, saying, "Ooh, you have your own car? Lucky. I hate the bus."

Leo smirked, "Well, I guess you don't have to ride the bus anymore this year, as long as I'm here."

Aidan was gob smacked, "You mean, are you offering me a ride to and from school?"

"Yep. Everyday, if you want."

Aidan was overjoyed, "Oh yes, definitely! Thank you!"

Leo swung his arm over Aidan's shoulders, and walked him to the parking lot, a move which made Aidan feel nice and warm inside, and they chatted as they walked.

Ryan leaned against the doorframe, watching the departing figures with crossed arms. "Poor guys," he muttered to himself. Then, his characteristic mischievous smirk crossed his muzzle, and he cupped his paws to his muzzle, shouting, "Hey Aidan! Did you see that lion cock!!!" and snickered as he ran off to his locker.

Aidan and Leo both stopped, blushing, and Leo's arm slipped from Aidan's shoulders, disappointing the cat, before they started back off until they reached the parking lot curb. Then Leo stopped, telling Aidan, "Wait here, I'll get my ride."

Aidan smiled, and answered, "Okay," then watched the Lion's butt beneath his jeans for a few seconds, before catching himself and forcing himself to study the various cars, trying to pick out which could belong to the lion.

The sounds of various engines starting made the cat's ears swivel this way and that around the lot as he waited, until the roaring sound of a motorcycle tore through the area. Aidan was just beginning to wonder who the thing could belong to when Leo drove up, a red and chrome beast vibrating and purring beneath him, a sight somehow stirring to Aidan's groin. "Uh, Leo? That's your ride?!"

Leo lifted the visor and smiled, "Yup! Isn't she pretty?" Then he cut the tank, looked up at Aidan and said, "Hop on, I've got an extra helmet."

Aidan took the helmet and began to clamber on doubtfully, "You know, I've never been on one of these things before..." a tinge of nervousness in his voice.

"Ah, it's simple, just follow how I move. If you have to, you can hold on to me."

"Uh, okay. I'll do that." Aidan said as he wrapped his arms around the larger male's chest. "Like this?"

Leo rocked the bike to see how the cat holding him moved. "Yeah, like that." And with that, they took off toward home, Aidan holding on tightly to the driver as they tore down the wooded streets. Finally, Aidan directed Leo's attention to a pink-bricked two story at the corner of Amistad and Horden Creek. The motorcycle pulled up to the curb, and Aidan slid off, apologizing and blaming the vibrations for the tent that had pressed into the lion's back for the last half of the ride.

Leo dismissed it, "Ah, that's alright, I get that a lot."

"Oh, okay. Well, then, thanks for the ride!" Aidan shouted as Leo sped off and turned into a driveway far down the street. Aidan took note of the address, thinking, "Dammit, that's right by Dustin's house." before he walked into his home.

His mother looked up from the computer, "Hey honey! You're home early, How was your first day of school?"

Aidan thought, "Confusing," but said, "Fine."

"Well that's good, and how are all your teachers?"

Aidan yelled, "Fine!" from the kitchen as he put up his lunchbox. "I'm going to my room to do homework!"

"On the first day?!"

"Yeah, Statistics."

"Oh, before you go, a friend of yours called, she said her name was Stephanie. She wanted you to call back. I put her number on your nightstand."

"Okay, thanks Mom!" He yelled from the top of the stairs before opening his door and collapsing on his bed, the door barely closed before his fly was wide open and his cock hanging out. He had managed to hide the erection from his mother, and now he was gonna take full advantage of it. He tried futilely to keep his mind on girls, any girls.. But even Mrs. Peel found herself being replaced by the story he'd begun in English while his fingers slipped all over his cock-head, his mind working against him to add more and more to it, as his paw slid faster and harder over his cock, his foreskin sliding over and stimulating his barbs as his mind pictured the lion's sinking into him, his mouth watering at the thought of the long pride he'd seen in the shower, his tail keeping itself raised of it's own accord as one paw occasionally slipped a little too far down to his butt, his back arching as it finally ended with his orgasm, shooting fountains of spooge up onto his chest and chin, more cum and further distance than he could ever remember having shot before. The cat sat breathing heavily for a few seconds before slowly licking up the tangy liquid, occasionally bending down to clean up some of the harder to clean spots.

Then he lay on his bed for what seemed like hours, thoughts tumbling around and over in his head, fighting amongst themselves. "Damn I need to talk to somebody."

Aidan picked up the piece of new paper on his nightstand, picked up his car-shaped phone, and began to dial.

8, then the clicks of the wheel rolling back. They usually pleased him, these delightful sounds of the antiquated phone he chose to use, but today they just meant delay. 3 click click. C'mon, 2... The number dragged on until finally he finished, and there was the familiar pause, before the ringing began, once, twice, then a voice, "Hello?"

"Hey Stephanie, it's Aidan."

Stephanie replied with a joyful rise in her voice, "Hey Aidan! How are you darling? How was your first day of school?"

Aidan paused, choked a bit, then said, "Not so good."

Stephanie's voice held genuine concern when she asked, "Aidan, what's wrong?"

"Uh, I don't, well.." And then he began crying, so much that it was audible on the other end of the line.

"Aidan honey, what's wrong?"

Aidan sniffled, and through sobs finally managed to admit, "I- IthinkI'm...Gay!" And he broke down in tears.