Slavery Legalized - Chapter 4: A Choice

Story by Draugr on SoFurry

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#4 of Slavery Legalized

Slavery Legalized

by Draugr & Element

Chapter 4: A Choice


This work is licensed under a [Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License](%5C)

Georgio listened to Randall's question and nodded as he pet him gently. Given the situation, he had every right to punish him...if he was any other slave owner.

"You ran because you were scared...scared you may like this life, scared you're not an alpha, maybe even scared you'll grow to love your Master...but I don't know, I'm just stabbing in the dark." The lion nodded and smiled softly, a knowing gleam in his eye. "If this is what you want, then alright, go over there into the living room and sit on your legs by the couch. I'll be back in a minute....I don't know if this means anything to you right now or make any sense Randall, but...I'm very proud of you."

Georgio stood up and went back upstairs to his dresser to grab the collar. Randall, meanwhile, silently walked to the living room and assumed the position he'd been ordered to, more confused than before. How had his master known what was going through his head? He'd claimed he had been stabbing in the dark, but he'd come eerily close to the slave's thoughts. The wolf wondered if he'd ever be able to hide anything from his new master. His thoughts were interrupted by a sound - his master returning downstairs with his collar. He took a closer look, and gulped. It was all black with a silver nameplate that read 'SLAVE' in big letters. Under it was written 'Property of Georgio' and information such as his phone number and address. The collar didn't seem to have a lock or a buckle on it; it was just a round strip of leather, or at least some leather-like imitation. The lion walked over and sat on the couch in front of his slave.

"Randall, I wont lie to you - you're probably aware, this is a bio-collar for permanent collaring of a slave. It'll seal itself and be impossible to remove, save a special device kept at the slave police station or auction houses - so once this is on, it's on for life." He reached down and pet Randall's head, proud of his wolf to make this step of his own free will. It showed the lion he was fighting what he had been taught, and perhaps even was a window into what his nature really was, deep down. "If you want, we can change the name plate to have your name on it as well, and even if you like we can change your name all together, that is, if it's something you want, Randall...sort of a ceremonial re-birthing, if you like...."

Randall gulped. The collar would be there for good...and if he ever changed his mind, it would be hard to conceal. He hesitated a moment longer. What if his master turned out to be evil like the others? What if this time was no different? What if he was just being brainwashed? This wasn't something he'd ever have considered before, and if anyone had suggested he wasn't an alpha in the past, he would have tried to tear their throats out - like he had with his previous master. But he wanted so badly to be somewhere he liked. He almost had to believe that this master was the "real deal." That Georgio really was who he claimed to be. This could either be the best or worst thing he'd ever done. He had doubts...but he wanted to be able to trust his master. Actually trusting him? Well, that would come with time. For now, he'd just have to take that chance. Finally, after a few more hesitant moments, he lowered his head, indicating that he was ready.

"You can call me whatever you like, Master. Anything would be better than Bitch or Slut." He smiled for the first time since arriving there, at the little joke he had made.

"Well, I think we'll stay with Randall, then." His paw pet his head and he smiled at him. "Again, Randall, I'm very proud of you and I'm proud to call you my slave." He gently slipped the collar on him and brought the two ends together; suddenly, they attached to one another, and sealed shut. The collar then self-adjusted so that it was snug, but not uncomfortable.

"You are now my slave, officially, be proud of that. Now stand up, Randall." He stood up himself and hugged the smaller canine, nuzzling him a bit. "Good boy." The wolf tensed up again...gods, why couldn't he stop doing his master gave him a hug, which he managed to stiffly return. He just had to shut his eyes tightly and remind himself that the lion didn't seem to have any intentions of hurting him.

Georgio let go and sat back down. Randall did as well, making sure his head did not ever get higher than his master's. The wolf tugged a bit at his collar to affirm that yes, it was really there, and no, it wasn't going anywhere. He had some mixed feelings...the collar was only a symbol, true, and Georgio still owned him before it was on...but a symbol has a way of carrying a lot of weight. There was definitely no going back, now. He might be able to hide two or three weeks if he escaped, at best, but eventually...collared...he'd be caught. He might be able to find a shady character or two to remove it for him, but he shuddered thinking of what they might ask for in return, as he had no money, and nothing to offer but his body.

But despite this apprehension, he also felt a bit of happiness. This master was different, and although he wasn't quite sure if he could trust him to stay the same...something about him just "felt" better than the others, something he couldn't put his claw on. It was just a general "feeling" he had about him. His master spoke up finally, breaking the silence.

"Now, you have permission at the moment to say as you like and ask me anything and everything that comes to your mind. Don't be scared to ask me anything, as long as I give you permission to speak your mind, I'll never punish you for anything that comes out of your lips, okay?"

"Well...I guess I have a few. A list of them, I guess." Randall liked lists. They were orderly, arranged, and immutable - not chaotic or uncertain at all. And it was something little that he had control of. His owners couldn't get in his head and mess with the order. He counted them all off on his paws.

", are there any other slaves here? Do I get to meet them?" If other slaves have good reports of my master, that would help me trust him better, he thought. He wanted to be able to trust the lion.

"Two...," here he hesitated, and his ears flattened back against his head a bit, " I going to be...punished...for trying to escape?"

Once that was out, he felt a bit better. " said something about house rules? What are they?" Rules were also nice. They were something he could look at and remember. They had order to them. He would be left alone if he followed them to the letter, or beaten if they were broken. At least, that is how things had always worked in the past. He paused a moment, trying to think some more. "And four...where do I sleep? Oh! And five...if I do something bad...and, I mean, I understand if you can't answer this and all, but how do I get...punished."

Georgio only smiled and looked down at him as he listened. "Well let's see...I guess I'll start one at a time. One - no, there aren't any slaves here, unfortunately, you're my very first that I've actually owned. But, I could take you to meet my parents some time, my slave Chris I had for college would be a good judge, and then Sarah who was my childhood slave and nanny would be good too, they both live with my parents currently." The lion smirked at him and chuckled. "Thought you could get a second opinion on me, huh? Hahaha, it's alright, I understand."

He really can read my mind... Randall thought, subconsciously gulping. He thumped his tail up and down on the floor as he listened, sitting on the floor next to the lion. Even with the lion's uncanny ability to figure out what he was thinking, he was still reasonably happy. He'd never actually had an interaction with any of his master's like this, and it was strangely pleasing to him - in the past, he'd always equated his master with pain and suffering. As he talked about meeting his parents, he gulped again. He didn't like the idea of being seen by anyone but his master...what if his master's parents didn't like him? He set that thought aside for now and listened to his master continue.

Georgio re-thought about what he said at the staircase, and admitted to himself he didn't exactly answer the slave's question. "No, you were scared is all, it's alright I understand, I would have probably done the same if I was in your situation. In fact, I think my brother did something similar when my parents enslaved him for a year to straighten him out," the lion explained, ending in a peal of laughter. Randall was quite happy he wasn't going to be punished for trying to run. He definitely wouldn't be quick to try that one again, with that horrible alarm...although the sight of the cops had been much worse.

Georgio was delighted that he was eager to hear the house rules, and that he seemed to be more comfortable with his role than when he'd initially brought him home. "Well, house rules I'll cover in a bit, so I'll skip that for a moment. Now, where you sleep? Well, you can sleep where you think you would be comfortable I suppose, I wont twist your arm about anything but I did have a room all set for you, hell, you could sleep at the foot of my bed or with me if you really wanted but you don't trust me enough I bet to even cuddle with me right now, heh." The wolf didn't like the sound of being left alone. He'd seen his master protect him from harm once by lying to the slave cops, and right there was reason enough to stick with him as much as possible. Nobody had ever done that for him. Randall decided he would try sleeping in that room though, since his master had set it all up for him. He didn't want to insult him.

When he nervously asked about his punishment he smirked. "Well, frankly, that all depends on you, wuffie, I have to see exactly what would be a fitting punishment for you, whether that be physical, or even psychological. It could be time in a cage for the night, being whipped, humiliation, degradation... which I'm not a big fan of...but, tell me, what do you think is the worst punishment for yourself?" He really didn't expect him to answer one hundred percent honestly, but thought it couldn't hurt to at least ask.

"The worst?" He thought a minute, and his tail stopped thumping up and down. He'd had a lot of horrible things done to him, and it was hard to really pick one. Suddenly he knew, and even the very thought of it dredged up severe psychological pain. He instinctively drew in closer to Georgio, the only source of security he had, and clutched his master's pants leg with both paws. He spoke in a very quiet voice. "My old master used to half-drown me in the water tub out behind his house. Sometimes it seemed to last for hours. You won't do that, will you?" he asked, wondering if he even should have told him the truth. What if he did something really bad and his master did that?

"I'll try and behave." he added, quickly.

The lion saw him acting like a pup, with his tail wagging and couldn't help but chuckle at the cute little display - but his mood quickly changed as Randall kept talking. He was surprised the wolf told him such an awful thing. He had expected to hear something like sleeping on the floor - that, he could actually use as a punishment. But when the wolf talked about being tormented like, he just gently stroked him, feeling sorry for the poor creature.

"Of course not, I would never try and drown you, you poor thing, you've had it so rough, I'm so sorry, I promise I'll never do anything like that to you, ever." He put on a grin and laughed a little, trying to lighten the mood. "Well, frankly, something that awful, I wouldn't want to use, the idea isn't to traumatize you, it's just a punishment...with that question I did mean to pick the worst kind of punishment for you, but that...well, that is too much, I would never do such a thing," he repeated, hoping to calm Randall a little. "My slave Chris, the one my parents gave me for college, he hated being away from me. Heh, the poor thing practically worshiped me, so a punishment for him was sleeping on the floor by the bed. He really loved to cuddle with me at night, he was so sweet, he's the reason I still visit my parents, and didn't move far from them after college...I would have asked to keep him, but my parents really needed him around the house.

Randall closed his eyes, thinking a bit. He wanted to be able to give his master an answer, even if he didn't like thinking about punishments.

"Well...I don't really like being chained up outside. Or especially immobilized. That's scary. Being whipped, of course." The wolf shuddered a bit, not liking the idea of any of them...but of course, that was the point of a punishment, wasn't it? There were other things he didn't like...but surprise could be fun, in a weird sort of way too, and he didn't think his master really needed his input to figure out something fitting. The lion appeared to have an uncanny ability to read the little wolf's mind. "Are those too much?" he asked, looking up at his master.

The lion chuckled and pet his head "Hehe, eager to please your new Master, huh? What happened to that proud alpha in the tub?" He looked down at him and grinned. "Well, I'm not a fan of whipping or being tied up outside, but if it's something that will be a fitting punishment, well then, I guess its what I'll have to do...against my better nature, I might add...but I think we'll see what will develop for you, alright?" Randall grinned back a bit when he mentioned the tub. That was a good memory, it had felt so good. He realized that had only been a few hours ago...had things really changed that quickly for him?

"I guess I've never really been punished in a way that wasn't...aggressive. I can't really think of ones, I guess. I don't know what that's like. Sorry, Master." This time when he apologized there was a little less fear in his voice, and a little more sincerity when he called the lion 'Master.' Randall was feeling better by the minute once he stopped trying to consciously fight with all the "alpha dog" brainwashing given to him by his parents. He liked following. Maybe he wasn't quite omega material - he still had some genuine independent streaks, but he thought that maybe he wasn't as much alpha as he'd been told. And maybe, just maybe, that was an okay thing to be. He went on a little bit more, trying to let a little more of himself out" And...I really do like to cuddle, like's just hard for me. I've only really ever had one other fur that I could do that with...I'll try and do better for you." All the abuse he had endured made him overly needy now that someone was willing to lay a hand on him for any reason other than causing pain. He was in turmoil with all that had happened to him - he wanted to be held by someone, protected by strong arms, but he was scared to death of that at the same time. Arms were used to bruise, to maim him, restrain him...never to give comfort.

When Georgio heard him mention liking to cuddle, he smiled. He liked to hear that, and had been hoping this slave wasn't going to be too aloof. "Well, if you would like to try that, why don't we watch a movie, and you can be allowed to cuddle with me a bit on the couch, alright?" Georgio thought that might be a little too soon for him, but he could tell the wolf really wanted a gentle hand, even if he had his reservations...and he'd been trying ever since he'd got him to reinforce that, by petting him, showing him that his paw was not something to be feared. He pointed over to the movies.

"Pick something you think sounds interesting, okay?" Georgio suddenly realized he hadn't told him the rules, and decided to mention them now. "So, while you're looking, I only have a few real house rules:

One: Do as you're told, or be punished.

Two: Always greet me at the door, unless you're doing something you can't run away from.

Three: No slaves on the furniture, unless you've been given permission - that means, always eat at my feet on the floor for meals, though I'm sure I'll allow you to eat with me at the table, eventually.

Four: Always call me Master or Sir, especially around guests.

Five: Always naked, at all times, unless we have guests that you need to be dressed for, like ladies. Let's see...ah, yes-

Rule Zero: I'm always in charge!"

Randall re-ran through the rules he'd just heard in his mind as he was looking through the movies, making sure he had them down good before he focused back on finding a movie to watch. He'd never been allowed to participate in any sort of entertainment before...and he couldn't remember too clearly the times before he was enslaved. The wolf had seen a few movies, sure, but he doubted he could ever pick them out again. Randall finally saw a title that caught his eye - it was something he remembered from when he was a pup, but he couldn't remember at all what it was about - "Beauty and the Beast." He handed it over to his master, recalling his paw quickly after his master plucked the DVD away. The wolf brought his paw up and fingered his collar again as his master put the movie in - it wasn't uncomfortable - it was his subconscious reassuring itself that he was indeed collared. Georgio returned to the couch and sat down, indicating to Randall with a nod of his head and a pat of his paw that he could join him. It took the wolf a few moments, but when the movie started, he jumped up on the couch. He couldn't bring himself to be so vulnerable right away, so he curled up on the remaining space of the couch, the top of his head touching just barely touching his master's thigh.

"Can I have a blanket, Master?" he asked. He didn't know why he wanted one. But the idea seemed nice, and he didn't think his master would mind too much if he asked. It couldn't...well, probably wouldn't hurt to ask. The lion gently picked up his head and sat it in his lap as he grabbed the afghan on the couch, draping it over the wolf.

"There we go, comfy now?"

He nodded his head to indicate that he was comfortable, surprised that his request was granted, and didn't even fight this time when his head got moved into his master's lap. He curled up a little bit smaller, and closer to his master, and pulled the afghan tightly around him. Even if it didn't belong to him, it was nice to have something to cling to. It inexplicably helped him to feel safer. And, ever since the escape incident, he could view his master as a source of security and safety, so made it a little easier to be closer, and risk being more vulnerable. He was still tense at all times, but not quite as jumpy as he might otherwise be.

In minutes he was completely captivated by the movie. Randall was basically watching it for the first time - he only remembered tiny fragments from his childhood. The wolf thought it was an interesting comparison to his own situation, at least a little. He was forced to stay in a place against his will, and thought his master would be an absolute monster...but he turned out to be completely opposite, and now he wanted to be here.

The lion looked down seeing his captivated slave and chuckled softly. He started to hum to the music and smiled as he did. Georgio loved to sing - it was his hobby and passion. He never went into any music education because he was scared it would sully his love for it. His paw gently pet the wolf's head as the other rubbed his arm where the afghan covered it.

In all honesty the lion just wanted to lay on the couch and have his clearly scared and nervous wolf laying in between his legs belly to belly with his head to his chest. He wasn't stupid and knew the wolf had trust issues, but knew that if the wolf could see he really was as nice as he claimed, then he could see him as someone he cares about and someone he could see as a source of affection and protection.

Randall could tell his master was not content about something - canines are renowned for their excellent interrogation abilities, because of their high degree of empathy. This is why so many of them end up in police or military work. They can pick up the slightest clues and use that to help or hurt others. The wolf took a very a deep breath. Every fiber in his body screamed for him not to do what he was about to do, his mind was telling him it couldn't possibly end well. But he forced himself past that, his heart was saying something different. He scooted his way further up his master's chest, placing both front paws on his chest, and giving his chin a small lick, waiting for his master to make the next move. Randall's entire body was shaking with fear, but he wanted to make his master happy, too.

The lion looked down surprised at the wolf confused from the sudden licking of his chin. " don't have to force your comfort zone, its alright, you-" He broke off, looking into the wolf's eyes. He knew that look very well, it was the look of a slave wanting to please his owner, even above his own need. He smiled softly and pet his cheek. "Alright...stand up off the couch for a moment." When he did that he paused the movie and laid down on the couch, head on a small pillow and patted his chest.

"Ok, head on my chest, and you lay on top of me, okay?" Randall took a deep breath, and did that. It took every ounce of willpower he had, but the wolf had not survived so long by having no will. As he moved back on the couch, atop his master, Georgio brought his arms around him. Randall stiffened up like a board. He squeezed his eyes shut, trying to block out the sight of that, so he wouldn't bring up all the bad memories of other times people had drawn their arms up around restrain him...and worse...but that didn't happen, not this time. Georgio gently pet his back, scratching it a little, then started the movie back up. He reached over and covered him back up with the afghan. Randall finally opened his eyes again, relaxed ever so slightly by his master's attentions. Georgio looked down at him a bit concerned, seeing that Randall was still clearly scared.

"I know this took a lot....are you sure you're okay with this Randall? If you're uncomfortable I won't force you to be held by some...stranger you think is gonna turn around and rape and beat you."

"I'm fine." the wolf lied, very quietly, turning his head to the side and laying it back down so that he could see the movie. He was still afraid, but just of the situation, not of his master. Georgio gently leaned into his ear and smiled. "Good've made master very proud and happy." He kissed his head gently and nuzzled him softly. He held him firmly but loose enough as not scare Randall. The lion hummed and sang into his ear lightly as the music started in the movie, hoping that would help him. Randall soaked up all the compliments he'd been getting. He had quite a hole to fill after years of being referred to as mostly 'bitch,' 'slut,' or 'female' to name the nicer ones. Being called a "good boy" felt so nice to him. He wasn't trembling as bad anymore, but enough so that Georgio could still feel it as he laid on top of him. It felt good to be scratched and petted, and even held, to an extent. He wanted to like it, completely and wholly, but there was just so much darkness in his past life as a slave that his mind couldn't completely work past the fear of being taken advantage of in a situation like this.

"You're not a stranger, Master." he whimpered. The fear wasn't getting too much better, but at least it wasn't getting any worse. He could tell that doing this made his master happy, and the wolf thought he deserved that, after all he'd done for him so far. Lying to the cops for him, especially. He wouldn't soon forget that one.

"Your all stiff and that's telling me you're scared either of me or this situation....I'm sorry, is there anything I can do to help you relax a bit more?" His paw scratched him behind his ear more as he watched him more then the movie. The lion was happy his slave was eager to please against his comfort zone but felt bad for feeling like he pushed it.

"No...I don't think so. That's just gonna take time." He rubbed his head back and forth a little bit, enjoying the feeling. "The blanket helps." Randall had one of his paws wrapped tightly around the corner of the afghan still. He could tell his master felt a little guilty for some reason. The wolf thought a moment, then realized why. "I wanted to do this," he said, his voice shaking a bit, "please don't feel bad." The lion looked at him and nodded.

"Alright, I'll try..heh, cute little thing you are, you know that?" He kissed his ear and laid back, watching the movie.

As his master hummed and sang, and his ears got scratched, the wolf eventually stopped trembling. He hadn't tried doing anything sexual to him, either, which helped ease his tensions. Randall hoped that soon he'd be able to give himself to his master like that...but not yet. Just this simple act was almost...and probably was...too much for him. After not too much longer, he was starting to get very sleepy. He gave off a pretty big wolfy yawn, having begun to have problems staying focused on the movie. But they were so close to the end, he had to stay awake for it! Georgio ears popped up when he heard the yawn and gently gave his ear a little playful nip, not enough to hurt, but enough to wake him up a little.

"Hey now, no falling asleep, you need to see the end, alright? When the credits roll you can pass out right on me if you want, I wont budge an inch...I don't work tomorrow anyhow, so I can lay here all day with you if need be."

The wolf yelped and jumped a little when his ear got nipped, not expecting anything like that. Randall's brain was racing, thinking more and worse pain was about to follow. It worked, though, and once he'd calmed back down a bit, in just a matter of seconds, he was awake. Randall wasn't sure about actually falling asleep on his master yet...all sorts of horrible things could be done to him while he was sleeping...what if he woke up and was all tied up, with a bleeding anus...or back in the hands of Trent, his master having decided he wasn't worth the risk after having tried to run off earlier...

That's stupid. None of that makes any sense. You're being unfair to Master...and besides, if you're with Master, nobody else can get to you. He showed that to you, otherwise, he would have just let those slave police whip you and take you off.

That line of reasoning seemed to work, but he was getting sleepy again. The lion kept rubbing him and petting him as he watched. When the move was beginning to draw to an end, it was clear to Georgio that his slave was debating the very thing he mentioned earlier - sleeping with him, that is - and he could tell the wolf was pretty frightened of the idea. He just laid with him gently, holding him and seeing what the wolf will decide to do for himself - although he was hoping he'd choose to spend the night with him. Georgio firmly believed slaves had minds and could decide things for themselves, and that forcing them to do too much would not be helpful for developing a healthy level of trust. "Do what you feel is right, and listen to your feelings, Randall," he said softly, hoping to help him decide.

As soon as the credits hit, however, Randall was out like a light, despite his reservations about sleeping not just next to his master, but right in his arms. He was just too tired to try and move elsewhere. In just a single day, he'd been mercilessly beaten, raped, sold, scared shitless multiple times, done things he'd sworn never to do...willingly submitted to another fur, been called by his real name, and actually treated as though he had some level of worth. That was too much for his poor brain and exhausted body to handle, and as soon as he was allowed to sleep, sleep he did. Somewhere from within his slumber he thought he heard a voice say something about doing what was right...but that quickly faded away as he began to dream whatever wolfy dreams were in store for him.

The lion saw the wolf completely passed out and smiled to himself. He found himself with two options. One was that he lay there with him and sleep on the couch tonight. The other was to pick him up, lay him in bed and then go back to his own room. He pondered on it for a moment, trying to figure out what was best for himself, but then thought about the wolf's needs. In the end, Georgio decided it was better to lay there and sleep with the wolf. His arms were around him, snuggly, as he drifted off himself sighing contently, and holding a wolf he was proud to say he owned.