Vagrant Pleasures

Story by Fyacin on SoFurry

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Fyacin needs some cash. Luckily he's got connections, and a fill in gig becomes a pleasant night in the arms of a new friend.

Fy sighed as he left the ATM. He had gone through the savings from his last gig a lot faster than he had expected. His wallet was conspicuously empty, and zeros still danced in his eyes. Oh well. I'll figure it out. He traded his worryingly thin wallet for a pleasantly thin cell phone and called up his favorite benefactor.

"Corrine, darling! How are you, my fav-" she cut him off mid compliment. Corrine was a very capable, very attractive lynx from the west coast that ran Fy's favorite club. She and Fy had been an on and off thing for years. She was his go to gal in any kind of pinch.

"Fy. If your calling for money I'm hanging up. Call that dragon you've been whoring with lately." She sounded more amused than truly annoyed.

"Corrine! Why would I call for money when I could call for conversation!"

"Ok. Now I'm definitely going to hang up-" Fy could overhear the busy bar in the background. She was at work, as always.

"Wait no, Corrine, I'm in New Orleans"

"You're where?!" She yelled into the phone. Ok, now she sounded a bit annoyed. That cat had no sense of adventure!

"Yes" he replied. "And you would love it! But I'm afraid I can't afford a bus ticket..."

"Damnit Fy, I swear, one of these days..."

"AND" He cut her off before she could start lecturing him on the virtues of a large savings account. "And I was wondering if you knew anyone that needs a fill-in tonight. A paying gig, preferably, but I wouldn't decline a pleasant night with..."

Corrine interrupted him again with a sigh. "This is basically the same as asking for money."

Fy protested "No, no. It's like busking! But with friends. Much more honorable. And I'll owe you a favor. I know you like those."

Fy could almost hear the lynx roll her eyes over the cell signal. "Fy, if I had any more favors from you I could make you into an indentured servant for life. And at this point I'm afraid you'd enjoy it too much to ever go through with it." she sighed, and he heard her lower the phone to answer a question from a bartender. She was back in moments. "You are lucky I know a guy in the area! I'll text you the address. It's very disreputable. You'll fit right in." Fy had to pull the phone away from his ear this as she shouted at some poor patron getting too rowdy. "Unfortunately, I'm very busy. Good luck with getting home Mr. Vagabond."

"Love you 'Rin" Fy chuckled.

That got a guffaw out of her. "Yes yes, love you too. Try to hang on to a few of those nine lives. I'll be upset if I don't get to cash in all of those favors of yours." She hung up in him then, still chuckling.

` Fy was pleased as punch. Just as she promised, his phone buzzed with an address on the... "artsy" side of town.

The Den was half hidden by ivy. Vines waging a war on brick kind, and winning. The building was split level, and it looked there was a restaurant up top and the bar and stage below. Fy headed down the cracked concrete stairs, dipping his head to avoid hitting it on the sagging wooden foundation. He knocked on the surprisingly solid door, and got no response. When he tried the handle, it was unlocked, so he shrugged and headed in. The space was... Fy didn't think it was possible for the adjectives "decadent" and "dilapidated" to overlap but The Den had proved him wrong. It was lit with a kind of warm orange light that made him think of gas lights and soot stained oil lamps. None of the chairs and tables matched, except that they were draped in velvet of every shade of red and purple known to mankind. The stage was at the corner of the bar, complete with cracking brick backdrop. A large black half grand piano sat askew, like it had lumbered up onto the stage and died during the climb. In the other side of the room, there was a dark ebony bar, the front upholstered in more dark velvet cushions.

Next to the bar, an alligator and a rather scruffy otter stood arguing. The otter looked exasperated, in contrast to the alligator woman who had a nervous kind energy to her. A very, toothy, energy. She towered over the short otter, at least 6ft tall to his just over 5. Her earthy brown scales were either painted or tattooed with white geometric designs, and her eyes were a brilliant bright green, sparkling in the moody lighting. At first Fy couldn't understand a word she was saying, heavy with a french accent. Then he started catching a word or two, English interspersed with other phrases. There was just barely enough context to follow their meaning.

"What sort of babette 'ave you found for me eh monsieur?" Her voice was warm and husky, and Fy hung on every syllable, savoring it like a brandy.

"A lion from the northwest. Corrine said he's very... adaptable." The otter answered. His voice sounded positively shrill in comparison. A reedy kazoo compared to the alligator's sexy saxaphone.

"Adaptable hmm?" the alligator started, before the alligator spotted Fyacin striding into the room and chuckled in delight, a low almost barking sound. "Ooh, mais, mais. Mon cher has arrived." She brushed past the otter to give Fy a handshake, which quickly became a tight hug when she pulled the slim lion in close. She was dressed very punk, a dark crop top that clung to her breasts and torn jeans that rode right on the line of her hip. No piercings he could see, but he didn't get a good look before she lifted his arm and spun him around

"Belle mode! Tres chic! We look great together monsieur lionne" she whistled appreciatively.

Fy grinned, and struck a pose to show off his own rocker get up. Leather pants and vest, showing off his mane and golden red fur in all its glory. Fingerless biker gloves and a fishnet top finished the look. He shrugged at the otter proprietor, who clearly had imagined something a little less counterculture for his fill in act.

"Apologies, Damian was it? Corrine said this place was artsy, but I'm on the road right now and only had, ah, 'bad boy rocker chic' available." He winked at the alligator, who he presumed was his co performer, and she blew him a kiss.

The otter, Damian, sighed "Beggars can't be choosers I suppose" he said, in a tone that clearly gave away how much he wished he could have been a little choosier and less beggar-y. "Jacqueline, this is Fyacin. Fyacin, meet Jacqueline. Jacqueline is in town for a week performing for us, and her piano player took ill. If you-" Jacqueline interrupted his sedate explanation.

"They are mostly folk tunes with a jazzy twist mon amie." She explained to the lion. "Certains originals, in case la exécutif is watching, oui?" She wrapped an arm around the lion's lower back and swept him off to the piano. "Je vais monsieur" she purred. "Ah, pardon my french. I will show you, yes?"

"No pardons necessary m'am" Fy answered in his best, most atrocious southern drawl. Jacqueline giggled. Fy continued, really laying it on thick. "Yer voice is so purdy, ya'll could say darn near anything and I'd be fixing to agree"

"Wait until monsieur lionne hears madam sing then, oui?" She smiled and flipped a folder open to the first chord sheet so they could practice.

Performing with Jacqueline was pure pleasure. The alligator crooned into the mic with confidence and charisma, dominating and enthralling her audience. Her smokey voice filled the room, her eroticism demanding attention from everyone present. Her banter with the regulars was jovial and easy, and she played off any mistakes or experiments Fy threw at her with effortless grace. She was a natural, an apex predator of the stage. Fy even got to sing counterpoint to her intricate melodies a few times, having to stretch into falsetto as her full-throated alto dominated his normal range. He didn't mind at all. She had that presence that demanded others to play accompaniment, just grateful for the chance to brush against her glory.

Fy wasn't too proud to admit he wanted more than to brush against her body. A blind man might have been struck helpless by her siren song, but the sighted? They were damned. Her hips swayed with the music, her thick tail surprisingly supple and quick, her body lean with elegant strength. Fy was glad he had a good memory, because he found it hard to tear his eyes away from her to check his sheet music. He was also glad she had a great ear, because he failed on more than one occasion to catch a chord change in time. She navigated it effortlessly, adding vamps and scats improvisations giving their set an ephemeral quality. The third time that she gave him a flash of her ass just as a transition was about to occur, Fy realized she was doing it on purpose. Now that he had figured out her game he began to add some improvisation of his own, extending a phrase here, a chord progression there, encouraging her sultry show to even more risque heights. Jacqueline wasn't one to let the lion one up her without retaliation, and lucky for them both The Den didn't have much reputation to maintain, or they might have been kicked out when Jacqueline kneeled on his piano, heavy breasts straining her shirt right in front of his face as she belted a high C and Fyacin slit the fabric with a claw. To give her more breathing room of course.

He hadn't realized she wasn't wearing a bra.. but that didn't stop her from getting back at him by kicking aside his piano bench and forcing him to play bent over while she slipped off his pants for the benefit of the back left half of the house. At least he had the decency to wear a pair of lacy periwinkle panties! The last song was spurred along with a few more gratuitous slaps to his furry ass, as he played with a syncopated tempo to tempt her into bouncing along. The crowd couldn't get enough, they finished the song to the sound of raucous applause, as Jacqueline cut off her big note with a deep kiss on Fy's leonine muzzle trying to get him to mess up the last chord. He did, but only because she cheated and slipped him some tongue. They took a bow, gathered their lost clothes and a few trophies thrown on stage by the rowdy, inebriated crowd, and retired to the "dressing room", a small closet of cocktail supplies behind the bar.

The door was shut for barely 5 seconds before Jacqueline was back on him with a growl, Fyacin grabbing her hips with a purr. His tail lashed, while hers curled around to press him closer with a heavy slap. That tail was fearsome- Fy was momentarily distracted by the realization that it might have more muscle than his whole body put together. Jacqueline took advantage by grabbing the back of his head with a clawed hand and resuming their finishing flourish with vigor. She kissed like she was barely restraining herself from devouring him, moving with purpose and ferocious speed. Her tongue wrestled with his own, pinning it in his maw, before she fed more of the thick muscle into his mouth, threatening to test his gag reflex. Fy just closed his eyes and leaned in. He had deep throated smaller cocks then this alligator's tongue! But.. he also had managed larger ones, and even one cetacean dick that was just as dextrous, so he felt up to the challenge.

His paws clung to her soft hide, marvelling at the contrast between the fine scales of her belly and the rough spines along her back. Her breasts were finer still, even softer than her belly, and he felt no shyness at exploring and teasing her nipples while she had half her tongue down his throat. Her hands retaliated by running down his spine and giving him shivers all over. He tried to take a deep, satisfied breath but she just sucked in with her own powerful lungs and stole it away. That was the ticket. Fy's eyes fluttered, and he finally went limp in her arms, letting the chuckling alligator do whatever she wanted to him.

Just in time too, as Damian slid into the room with their checks. He rolled his eyes as Jacqueline hefted Fyacin into an easy bridal carry, finally breaking off their lingering kiss.

Fy felt smug as can be, and was sure he looked it too. Damian sighed, shaking his head. "Here are your checks. Great show tonight. Although, I have to say, I'm glad it ended when it did or I might have a public indecency charge on my hands" he gestured for the shameless pair in front of him to shoo. "Get outta here lovebirds. Grab a bottle of something as thanks and scram before a bouncer has to kick you out." He turned away muttering something about artists' and predators' sex drives.

Fy flailed a bit until Jacqueline let him down to get pants on. "What's your poison cherie?" She asked huskily, exiting the closet still topless.

"Oh anything" Fy replied, struggling with his leather pants. They were a tight fit. He had to wiggle his booty lavisicious to get the pants up. Judging by Jacquline's grin, she didn't mind that at all. He gave he a lusty wink as he buttoned the front, a little bit of his panties still showing on his hip. "Tequila maybe?" he said, to answer her question.

"Tequila?" Jacqueline asked incredulously. "Non, not enough style monsieur. We need something french!" She browsed the shelves until she found a dusty bottle with an appropriately unpronounceable name. Wine probably. Fy didn't really pay attention, too distracted by the alligator's own swaying tail and booty. After she selected her bounty, she popped the cork and took a deep drink, pouring the wine into her jaw with surprising grace. "Warms the bones." She said with a wink at Fy. "But not to much for you monsieur." She said, handing the bottle to lithe lion. She gestured at his slim body. "Can't have you nodding off now, oui?"

Fy pouted, but when he took an arrogant swig from the bottle that left him sputtering and teary eyed he had to agree. It had enough alcohol in it to practically burn in his mouth. Probably brandy, not wine. "Your place?" He asked hopefully. He didn't really have enough for a bus ticket and a hotel room. Jacqueline grinned, teeth flashing. "Ah, you want to see my lair then? Mais mais, a very bold lionne you are." She tucked her tail around his hip, pulling him along as they climbed a set of stairs out the back entrance.

It was a few moments before they were back out in the muggy night air, the sounds of the city slowly quieting as bars hit last call and musicians packed themselves away. They were in a little unlit parking lot, empty except for a massive airbrushed van sitting under flickering neon street lights. Jacqueline headed straight for it, and pulled open the back doors with a bow. Fy couldn't help but appreciate her flair, and the way it made her breasts bounce gloriously, nipples just starting to harden in the cool evening. However, that distraction also made him easy prey, as he got close enough for her to grab him and heft him in the van with a hearty shove. He gave a muffled eep of surprise, which became giggles as he hit the floor of the van with a bounce.

"You installed a water bed in your van?" He asked incredulously. Trying to scoot back to give her room to climb in after him.

"Hmm, non." she rumbled, amused. "It came with when I bought it. But it has been very, how do you say... convenient!" Her eyes gleamed with mischief. Her tail shut the door behind her as she stalked the lion. The back of the van all of a sudden felt a lot less roomy with a nearly seven foot alligator crawling towards him. And that wasn't counting the tail. The only light was the flickering street lamp in her reflective eyes. Fy felt his pupils dilate, trying to catch every last bit of illumination. It was enough for him to see that she had already pulled off her own pants, leaving her in nothing pair of black panties with a suspicious shadow of a bulge. Fy grinned. This gig kept getting better. Jacqueline ignored his expression, focused on trying to get him out of his tight leather pants, as the mattress beneath them rocked slowly.

"Let me help" Fy said, wriggling his butt and lifting his hips. He had already slipped off his fishnet top lest it get ripped, and tossed it toward the front seat. His fingerless gloves came after it, and he started trying to help get un-pantsed. With the lion's hips lifted, Jacqueline snuck a hand into his waistband, peeling off the pants and panties both. It was a team effort, but it took only moments for the lion to lay naked on the messy mobile bed-nest. Her sheets were pretty thick, heavy jersey cotton. The van creaked a little as the motion of the pair was amplified by the strange choice in mattress. The water bed amplified their movements, made it hard to lay still. Jacqueline scooted up a bit, so that her face hovered above his crotch, warm breath tickling his sheath and balls. They were both quiet for a moment, racing hormones subdued as they reached a quiet precipice.

"You have a nice cock" Jaqueline said, smiling at him warmly.

"T-thanks" was the lion's awkward reply. He stretched out, hands over his head, trying to resist lifting his hips again, or clawing into the mattress or...

"I think I will.. give this, delightful cock, some oral affection." Jacqueline chuckled, punctuating her intentions with sweet kisses to the tip of his member. Fy's penis thought this was an excellent idea, and jumped an inch in length with each kiss as it started to really fill out. Fy only groaned and lay his head back.

"Then, I would like to fuck your furry lionne derrière. Sound good, Fy?" Jacqueline asked. Her tongue spilled out as she finished the question, a big heavy, warm, wet weight of muscle, long and wide enough to cradle all of lion's manhood in it's embrace. She let Fy's member just rest there as she waited for an answer. Fy didn't even have to think about it. Just had to remember words. Any words really. Words were hard to remember, with that soft lapping... and pressing...

"Sounds good Madame" he managed. His lust addled brain had decided to try and copy her french accent. She just chuckled, and closed her maw around his cock, finally enveloping him completely in warmth. Fy had to restrain himself from roaring in pleasure immediately. Her tongue was pure bliss, wrapping around his base, the tip long enough to tease his balls even as his cock head pressed just at the entrance to her throat. She bobbed slowly, carefully avoiding her teeth, pinning his cock against the roof of her long mouth so that it rubbed against the ridges there before entering her throat and giving him a warm hard squeeze on his glans as she swallowed around his head. She moved slowly, emphasizing each different sensation. Embrace, massage, squeeze... it repeated over and over. Fy lost track of time immediately. Her body was heavy on his legs, pinning him down. Her hands pressed on his midriff, keeping him still. He couldn't move, couldn't thrust. If he tried to squirm the bed just moved with him, Jacqueline following along. He couldn't get any stimulation other than what she gave him. He tried to curl over, to lift himself from the bed to try and get a different angle, but she just turned until she was laying atop him. Embrace, massage, tug of her throat.. Over and over.

They were in a full sixty-nine now, Fy not even sure when she had finished the rotation. His head was pinned between her thighs, thick tail curled around his head and over his shoulders keeping him still. He could see she had removed her panties at some point, and a heavy pair of leathery balls and cock hung just over his throat, resting their weight on him. He sighed happily. He knew she was carrying something a bit extra when he saw that shadow on her undergarments. He tried to lean up, return the favor, but that tail on his shoulders pressed down, thighs around his head squeezing, flattening his ears and keeping him from moving. He felt her chuckling purr around his cock and his eyes fluttered shut again. Her hands were free to roam, now that she had pinned him with her body, and they started playing with his balls and rump. Her hands were so warm on his nuts, cradling his heavy scrotum easily, rolling the skin and sensitive testicles within lovingly. His cock throbbed, flesh covered with precum and spit, enhancing the wet slick pleasure of grinding in her mouth. She took advantage of that, moving her other hand through the extra lubrication that was accumulating from the very wet blowjob and collecting some to start teasing at his rear. Her finger pressed carefully at his entrance, but he was so relaxed and aroused it easily slid in, welcoming her teasing touch into his body. She gave another growl of pleasure at that, and pressed down to swallow around his cock head a few more times as a reward for being a good lion slut.

Fyacin was getting close. He tried to let his attention drift from that incredible mouth, just to delay the release, extend the pleasure a bit longer. He couldn't believe how warm her body felt above him. He hadn't been with too many reptiles, but in his experience only the dragons had an inner heat like this. Her breasts pressed into his midriff, he could feel the pleasant points of her nipples grinding through his fur. She pressed a second finger into his entrance, and his whole body shivered in pleasure, squirming and mewling happily. Damnit. He sounded like a little kitten under her, and her own rumbling growl was more than a little amused every time he let a meep or happy squeak escape. He tried again to lean up, to return the favor, maybe distract her a bit, but she only forced his head back down against the mattress with a flex from the base of her tail. The mattress shuddered under the weight, sending his own cock deep into her mouth again, and he nearly came, cock throbbing with pleasure as she swallowed him even deeper into that welcoming throat. His whole body tensed, his hands trapped by her legs, his own legs kicking and twisting, trying to hold on for just a moment... but it was no use.

He was deep enough in her mouth for her tongue to slide around and cradle his balls as they pulled taut against the base of her throat, and that let her spread his ass with the now-free hand, allowing those two fingers to sink deep inside him, pressing and rubbing against his prostate. He started to roar, but she slid back and dropped her ass on his face, muffling him in heavy gator balls before he could make too much noise. Her tongue pulled and milked out his cock, which came explosively down her throat. She swallowed the first few pulses of lion cream, before pulling off and leaning back on his head. Fy thrusted helplessly into the cool air, suddenly bereft of that incredible cradling maw, before she slipped her hand out from his ass to jerk him off with quick hard strokes. He practically painted his own stomach in white jizz. It felt like she milked a liter out of him at least, his balls aching and cock twitching helplessly before she was satisfied he was done.

"Oh, that was magnifique!" She cooed, from above him. Fyacin was still pinned under her, and he couldn't see what he was sure to be a very irritatingly smug grin on the dominant alligator.

"I will have trouble to follow that show sir. I hope I do not disappoint" she went on. Fy could feel her heft her own hard cock, slapping his chest and throat a few times to show off it's weight. It was too dark under her in the van to see much, but he had finally recovered enough of his senses after the explosive orgasm to try and wriggle out from under her. She let him slip down, so that he ended up starting up at her face from underneath a cock resting on his muzzle. Fy had to admit, it wasn't an unwelcome, or unfamiliar position. Nothing framed a cock quite like a smiling later and pair of heavy breasts. He gave the underside of her member a little kiss. Then a longer lick, as his nose twitched and he tasted her precum. She had apparently enjoyed pinning him quite a bit, her cock was already slick with her own fluids. Fy rubbed his face against it- he couldn't help but be affectionate and snuggly after a climax like that. Jacqueline let him have his fun, resting comfortable on her knees, occasionally lifting herself up with her tail enough to bounce over the lion's face and let her cock fall onto him with a wet *slap*.

Fy enjoyed the momentum of the water bed quite a bit- every time she did that it rocked him into her groin firmly. Her member continued to stiffen though, and eventually it rose up enough he had to wait for the water bed to bounce him up enough to give it a teasing lick or kiss. She chuckled as he continued to squirm to please her from underneath her thighs, but when he eventually couldn't reach anything more than the very root of her cock she finally shuffled off him. She laid back on the matress next to Fyacin with a satisfied sigh, curling an arm around his shoulder and pulling him close against her. Fy ran his finally free hands from her heavy breasts to grasp and slowly stroke her thick dick. It was wet, and ridged, and the member pulsed and throbbed already as his hand glided over it. He nuzzled closer beneath her arm, resting his chin on her breasts to look at her face. Her eyes were closed, head lolled off to the side as she enjoyed Fy's firm stroking of her member. Her hips kept twitching, like she was trying to resist humping into his touch, and Fy couldn't help but tease. Every time she moved his hand went still, just resting on her hot flesh, until she managed to stop twitching. Only then did she get any strokes of his velvet soft paw, starting slow, achingly slow, then gradually increasing until she couldn't help it and her hips twitched again. Fy repeated this process for a few minutes, filling the van with the sound of slick wet strokes, her own growls of need gradually increasing in volume until the lion couldn't help but be smug about it.

"How long till you are humping my paw?" He asked casually, as if it was an idle thought. There was just enough light that he could make out her breasts rising with each shuddering, needy breath.

One of her eyes cracked open. "You are a devil monsieur. Making a lady beg" her tail twitched, bouncing her hips up into the lion's grasp. Fy stopped moving his hand and she nearly thrashed in frustration. He could feel every muscle in her body rapidly tensing and untensing with desire.

"Get up here and ride me" she growled, leaning forward to give his neck a kiss.

"Oh! You think I am that kind of man? To let a strange, heathen lady take my virtue in a dark van?" Fy chuckled. He released her cock as it started throbbing again, and decided to tease her heavy balls instead. They were larger than his own, and her hide her was even softer than her thick breasts. His paw was almost lost in slick, sweaty scrotum flesh, and he could feel her potent testicles flex tight with every throb of her still needy cock.

"I think, you, are" she said petulantly. Fy chuckled. Her arousal had finally overcome her wit, as her arm started pulling him on top of her. He didn't resist. He swung a leg around, trying not to send too many waves through there bed, and got comfy on top of her. He put one hand on her sternum to steady himself, and reached behind himself to grasp her cock and line her up. Her own arms came forward and grabbed his ass, helpfully spreading him open. Fy was tempted to give her a joking "gee thanks", or some other witty comment, but just when he opened his mouth, her cock had found its mark, and she thrusted in him, spearing him to the hilt in a single motion of her hips and tail.

Fy's wit died with his "virtue" and he only managed to moan wantonly. No alligator booty to silence him this time, as he leaned back to really get all of Jacqueline's exquisite member inside of him. Her hands moved to his hips, and started bouncing him with vigor, thrusting and growling fiercely. It seemed she decided if she couldn't muzzle the lion, she could at least get off quick. Fy had no complaints. His tail lashed, curling and uncurling around the alligators thighs as she pulled her legs up for more leverage. His paws clung to her chest, too afraid of puncturing the water bed with his claws to let go, and his eyes rolled back in his head as Jacqueline used him to get off. Her hips were a blur as she slammed in and out of his ass, every stroke more fevered than the last. Fy had teased too much- she wouldn't last long.

It was only a few dozen strokes, a minute or two at most before she leaned up to pull him down into a tight embrace and unleashed into his body. He balls were warm and heavy against the base of his tail, as she filled him with pulse after pulse of hot reptilian seed. Fy collapsed onto her, letting Jacqueline do the work of keeping her cock buried to the hilt. His muscles had completely stopped working. He just melted on top of her, enjoying the warm fullness inside him, the heavy balls pulled tight to his tail base, her warm leathery body beneath him. He started drifting off slowly as her hands ran down his spine, petting his back and murmuring sweet nothings in another language. The street light flickered on and off more and more slowly, until it finally gave up and went out, cocooning the pair of new lovers in warm cozy darkness. Fy rolled off of the alligator, and curled up in her arms as she fumbled around in the darkness for something resembling a blanket for the two of them. They fell asleep like that, tangled and sticky, not a care in the world.