Kindred Spirits

Story by Jeeves on SoFurry

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#22 of Kinktober 2019

Two strangers catch one another's eye while working out at the gym, and passion swiftly follows.

This story was written as Day 22 of Kinktober 2019 for Pepsi. Today's theme was Masturbation, and the story contains M/Solo sexiness involving a pair of consenting adults.

Kindred Spirits

It was the coldest morning of the year so far, and as a result the gym was pretty empty. All through his post night-shift morning workout, Brock had only heard the movement of machinery and the occasional grunting of effortful exercise from one direction, in another room of the large gym complex. Eventually though the other figure did stroll into the same space where he was lifting weights, a tall, heavily muscular ram nodding in acknowledgement to the pit bull before strolling over to a set of weights almost directly opposite the dog, and settling down to work on that new piece of equipment.

"Quiet today, huh?"

The ram murmured after a few minutes of the two of them lifting, flexing, huffing and grunting with now mutual effort.

"Yeah. It was dead at work last night too. Too cold for most folks to bother going outside if they don't need to, I think."

The dog responded, setting down his own weights for a moment between reps and eyeing up the big-horn sheep, taking in not just how strong the other guy was, but how handsome he looked too.

"Don't they realise there's no better way to get warmed up than some exercise?"

The other man grunted as he held a huge set of dumbbells up over his head, the muscles in his arms rippling with exertion but holding the weights steady and secure high in the air. His gaze turned away from the weights as he held them there, and he looked to the grey furred pit bull, cheeks reddening slightly as he saw the dog already watching him, and their eyes met with a spark of intensity.

"So many ways to get the blood pumping, to get yourself worked up enough that you won't even feel the cold..."

Brock growled to the ram, not sure if he was just being a little macho in that moment, sharing camaraderie with this other guy who seemed to get it the same way he did, or if he was actually flirting with the muscular stud before him. When the ram met his gaze and answered with an unashamedly flirtatious response of his own though, Brock licked his lips, and behind him felt his whip of a tail start to wag.

"Right? I can think of a few myself right now. Though, the kind of exercises I'm thinking of might require a spotter to help me out. A strong, handsome spotter like you especially."

The ram set down his own weights. Their eyes lingered upon one another searchingly, trying to figure out whether they could actually trust this hot stranger with the wild thoughts that were racing through both their minds. For a moment the ram looked away, looking around the rest of the gym as though making one last pass to make sure they really were all alone here with minimal chance of being interrupted. Then he grinned, winked at the pit bull, and murmured hopefully to the dog as he began to walk away.

"I'm gonna go cool off in the locker room. No pressure, but... if you wanted to join me? That'd be cool."

With that he turned his head and just kept on walking, but didn't have to wait long for his answer as he heard heavy feet slapping against the gym floor behind him, and soon felt another strong pair of shoulders brush up against his as the dog fell into step beside him.

"I'm Brock."

The pit bull murmured hungrily as he extended a hand between them while they walked, their pace quickening slightly as their heart-beats began to thump faster within their chest than any of their exercise thus far had managed to achieve.

"Easton, good to meet you."

The ram responded in kind, squeezing the pit bull's hand tightly in his own, and grinning as he felt the dog squeezing back just as good as he got. Within their respective gym shorts, both men's cocks twitched, and as their hands parted after their eager shake, they both began to walk faster still, hurrying back to the locker room before any of the few staff members dotted around the more public areas of the gym could see their mutually swelling erections.


As soon as they burst into the locker room itself, the two men's clothes came off. Vest tops and athletic shorts were cast aside, and jock-straps already bulging and stretched out from where they were fastened were tossed across the empty, silent locker room to expose two huge, thick cocks worthy of such strong, handsome bodies. Without a word, both men seemed to know what they wanted from this spontaneous experience. There was no kissing, no making out, not that either one of them would have been particularly upset if the other guy had tried to stick their tongue down his throat. No attempts to push for too much, to try and fuck without lube or bother with trying to find a comfortable spot to sixty nine upon the locker room's hard wooden benches and ridged tile flooring. The two of them simply grinned lustfully at one another, stood face to face just a few steps away from the door through which they'd entered, and as their cocks hurriedly rose to full arousal began to jerk off in front of one another, huffing, growling, grunting, and watching the other man's hand upon his own erection with delirious passion.

"Ah... aa-ahhhfuck. This feels fucking amazing, but... we're gonna make such a fucking mess, what if someone sees it."

Easton snorted and moaned as he jerked himself off with two hands, grabbing at his easily foot long cock and milking it hard in front of the other guy, bucking his hips and humping against his own hands with glazed, bliss-stricken eyes watching the pit bull's own masturbatory efforts. The dog was only using one hand, but his paw was a blur on his own equally large, thick cock. He rubbed it from base to tip and back again in long, urgent strokes with his tongue lolling out, panting and grunting in blissful exertion. When he heard what Easton had to say though, he just grinned and shuddered in anticipation.

"You cum a bunch too, huh?"

Their eyes darted to one another's large, heavy balls, and their cheeks flushed hot as they considered their own release and its volume, and imagined having their bodies and the lockers all around them being painted by that same amount. Brock whined in frustration.

"God, I wanna see that. I... a-ahh... I want it so bad, but... you're right. I was gonna shower when I got back home. No towel. Plus I don't fancy the extra time wiping up cum with my shorts or something will take. Gym's not gonna stay empty all day, right?"

Easton nodded ruefully, but just as he was beginning to think that they were going to have to leave one another unsatisfied, or at the very least ruin the passion and intensity of this moment by putting a hold on this spontaneous mutual jerk off session and go to a second location in order to finish off safely, his eyes widened. He grinned in realisation, and shook his head.

"Holy shit, I've got it. C'mere... over to my locker."

Gathering up his discarded clothes with one hand while still jerking himself non-stop with the other, Easton hurried over to his locker, popped it open, and dragged his gym bag out while close by he could see Brock following him likewise, and watching eagerly, hopefully as he too kept on masturbating, pre-cum already dribbling from his cock's tip and being slid back and forth across his cock both to lubricate his future strokes and to keep it from dripping onto the floor below. The ram reached into his bag, rooted around for a little while, then gave a bleating cry of triumph as he withdrew a small packet containing five square pouches. The pit bull's eyes widened, and he growled in delight as he realised what the objects were.


"Got given these last week at an event promoting men's health. Sexual, a-as well as fitness. Always got a bunch at home anyway so never had reason to take 'em out of my bag. Fucking glad I didn't, now."

The ram grunted, every sentence clipped and short with the intensity of his desire. He nodded to the dog.

"You want one? S-save the mess."

Brock licked his lips, and nodded greedily as he watched Easton already reaching into the packet for one of his own.

"Ahh, If it means I can cum? If it means we can cum r-right here, right now? Fuck yeah."

Both men made a show of it as they opened up their packets and rolled their condoms down their straining cocks. They thrust their hips forward towards one another as they fully wrapped their huge cocks up in these thankfully extra-extra-large, snug but not too tight condoms, and both the dog and the ram grunted in ever so slight embarrassment but far greater arousal as quite without intending it the mutual forward thrusting of their hips caused the two tips of their now condom-wrapped cocks to meet, and throb against one another for just a second or so before both men looked bashfully but excitedly up at one another, and drew their hips back as their hands returned to pay attention to their cocks with renewed exuberance.

"Yeah. Oh, ohh fuck... g-god, yeah..."

Brock moaned as his paw stroked his cock slower than before to account for the condom's presence, but with the long, luxurious strokes he was now granting himself feeling just as good as his earlier and more rapid pounding.

"So fucking hot. W-we're... we're so goddamn hot."

Easton grunted as he too took it slower but with ever growing intensity, rocking his hips forward against his near motionless hand around his cock over and over again and shuddering, quaking as with each stroke he watched more pre-cum spurt out into the tip of the pale pink, near transparent condom wrapped around him. For more than a minute longer he stroked himself, watching Brock do the same and seeing the same bliss he was feeling upon the dog's face and within the dog's own increasingly pre-cum filled condom. Just as he was opening his muzzle to speak again after a period of nothing but guttural grunts and moans though, the pit bull beat him to it with a ragged, panting announcement.

"Ah. Ahh, g-getting close. You're... y-you wanna cum with me?"

The ram grinned as his cheeks burned crimson, their hips rocking forward again and the tips of their orgasm-wrapped cocks touching once more, almost purposefully this time.

"God, yes."

Both men beamed. They nodded and panted breathlessly, and in that moment they both took a step closer to their new friend. Not quite close enough to bring them into full body to body contact, but close enough that now they couldn't help but have their cocks touch as they held them out in front of themselves and jerked, pumped at the bases of their condom-wrapped erections. Their heads rubbed together with every stroke, and as they stared down at each other's cocks in pure, passion-driven excitement, their foreheads came to rest against one another just above their brows, and just below where the ram's horns emerged. Both men groaned and huffed as they considered how easy it would have been to raise their heads in that moment and have their muzzles bump together, have them kiss deep and hard and so fucking hot. It wasn't even embarrassment or unfamiliarity with the other man that stopped them though. Instead, it was the fact that so badly, far more than they wanted to make out, both ram and dog wanted to watch their companion's cock when the moment came. They wanted, they needed to keep their eyes locked upon one another's condom-clad cocks, and as they moaned and grunted and stroked their way ever closer to orgasm together, it was the tips of those cocks now not just resting together but humping shamelessly at one another upon which their mutually lustful, desperate gaze remained.

Brock and Easton were both hoping deep down that the other man would cum first so they could cum to the sight of the other condom beginning to fill with hot streaks of their companion's seed, but in the end they were so perfectly matched in their lust for one another that they pushed themselves and their new friend over the brink in almost perfect unison. Stroking, squeezing, grinding and humping the tips of their twitching, urgently throbbing cocks together, the pit bull barked and the ram bellowed with echoing ecstasy as their heavy balls tightened to the extreme, then let loose as the first torrents of their cum burst forth into the already rather liberally pre-cum filled tips of their condoms. Two pairs of eyes fluttered in ecstasy but fought to keep themselves wide open, staring hungrily as they gasped, yelped, snorted and moaned in rapturous pleasure as they kept on stroking their cocks while watching as their condoms began to rapidly and obscenely swell up. Both men had teased the other with the knowledge that they came a lot, but in that moment they were both intensely glad they hadn't let themselves loose on the locker room and desperately frustrated that they couldn't feel those abundant, copious spurts of cum painting their strong bodies, nor see them launching far and wide across the locker room's interior. Any frustration they did experience though was all but wiped away by the sheer pleasure of their orgasms, not to mention the arousal that crashed through them as both of them were forced to take a stumbling step backwards just so they could keep on jerking themselves, their respective loads so large and the tips of the condoms so incredibly inflated with thick white cum that having them pressing together was beginning to impede their ability to actually watch each other's cocks strain and let loose with yet more of that hot, abundant cum.

For a good thirty seconds the two men pumped and rubbed themselves through their bliss, until the ends of their condoms were hanging heavily down off their still twitching, still dribbling shafts almost as large and full as the balls from which their seed had poured forth. They were still panting and moaning audibly even when they glanced up at one another's flushed, beaming faces, nodded, and returned their eyes south again before slowly beginning to tease off their condoms. After tying up the ends like a pair of heavy water balloons and setting them down on the bench beside them, the two men finally, finally surrendered to a very different impulse, and with their bodies surging hurriedly forward, still stiff and throbbing cocks pinned between themselves, grinding against the other man's cock and their own firm, flat stomach, at long last Brock and Easton kissed.

"T-that was... holy shit, that was hot as hell."

The ram grunted as their kiss ended almost a solid minute later, and red faced, panting, grinning from ear to ear the two men stepped apart once again. Brock nodded, licked his lips, and glanced down at the huge swollen condoms sitting side by side nearby.

"Nice load, dude. I've not met many guys who can keep up with me in that way."

Easton chuckled, grinned with genuine pride, and nodded warmly back at the pit bull.

"Same, man. Same."

For a moment, silence fell over the pair. Slightly awkward, intimate silence as they both thought about saying something more, but hesitated. After realising there was such a lingering and notable silence in the air though, both of them tried to speak up at once.



Their cheeks grew redder, and both men laughed as they unpicked one another's hurried, urgent questions.

"I'd like that."

Easton nodded, reaching out a welcoming hand, which Brock took tightly in his own, the two of them pulling themselves in close once again for a firm, back-slapping bro-hug... and another brief, deep, tongue heavy kiss. Drawing back, panting and beaming, the pit bull nodded to his new friend in return, and took one last glance down at the ram's only just slightly softening, still huge and glorious cock.

"Me too. I... I'd like it a lot."

By Jeeves

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