WereLords - Chapter 13: Redemptions

Story by saaru on SoFurry

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#13 of WereLords

The finale of the "empire" arc is finally here! Hope you enjoy the outcome!

The situation is dire for Nathaniel. But he has to keep going, he made a promise to Luna that he'd save Astor. And he can't really afford to die here, can he? Hopefully, he won't!

There is a spoiler in the tags, don't read them if you don't want to see the spoiler!

Proofreading and editing done with the help of FA: Neku13 , big thanks to him!

"Silver Bride," bellowed the monstrous giant, "this is all your fault. YOUR FAULT!" he yelled, balling his hand into a fist and positioning it right above Nathaniel. "I'LL MAKE YOU PAY!"

Nathaniel's barely had the time to cast a barrier to protect himself from the hit, and when the fist crashed into his shield, it crackled audibly while also sending the spherical barrier into the ground, digging a crater in the park. The Silver Bride was frightened, if even Aegis' protection was faltering against his guy, he stood no chance of winning. The situation was dire, he had three fearsome enemies to deal with and two wounded wolves to save. Bun was approaching him from the left, sewing his wounds together with his needle weapon; Umbra was hovering closer to him from the right, licking his armblade and reforming his remaining hand into an axe; and the monstrous abomination that was Astor was applying intense pressure on top of his protection. Heart racing, Nathaniel heard his shield crackle once more, fragments of it starting to shatter and fall down.

"Astor, snap out of it!" begged Nathaniel, who was forced on his knees by the relentless crushing from the monstrous abomination of a giant. "Luna, get up and run away! Please! Anyone!"

"No one will come to help you, Silver Bride," said Bun, laughing, "my zombies have located your friends and are chasing them, it's only a matter of time before they get caught too!"

"The expression on your face," began the wicked Umbra, "it is so delightful. I could admire it all day. Terror, despair, spite, hatred; tell me, which one is it that you're feeling right now? I long to see more."

"ASTOR!" yelled Nathaniel, this was his best bet. "LUNA IS NOT DEAD! SNAP OUT OF IT!" he cried out.

The pressure on his cracked shield slowly receded. A few seconds later, while the giant was pulling his hand back, Nathaniel's barrier shattered in a thousand shards that then vanished from the air. The titan of darkness kneeled next to Luna who was breathing heavily and shivering from pain; his shoulder was leaking blood from the puncture wound caused by Bun earlier.

"LuNaAa!?" it growled.

"Astor, we need avenge your brother!" yelled Bun to the monstrous giant, "The Bride is at our mercy, finish him off to get your revenge!"

"He may have become a demon, but he still is a simpleton," sneered Umbra.

With the respite given to him by Astor pulling away from the fight momentarily to look down at Luna, Nathaniel hoped he would stand a chance. The shadow tormentor dashed towards the Bride, who jumped sideways to dodge the slash of the vicious beast. While the silver wolf was in mid-air, a needle flew at him with high speed and he only had a moment to cast a partial barrier against which the weapon bounced off. The plush let out a "tch" and then yanked the string that was attached to the needle, thus pulling him to himself and grabbed it in his hand. Nathaniel heard a rustle of leaves behind himself and immediately jumped forward to dodge whatever attack was aimed at him. Umbra had leaped into the air and was falling down towards the werewolf with his axe-arm and blade-arm aimed forward. Barely dodging the swings from the deadly shadow blades, Nathaniel stepped aside. Upon hitting the ground, Umbra went right through and transformed into a flat shadow, from which dozens of weapons rose towards the werewolf. Surprised by the onslaught, the Bride had no choice but to leap backwards several times, not realizing that the nasty plush bunny was planning something. Several dozens of threads wrapped themselves around Nathaniel's wrists, waist and ankles, effectively preventing him from moving. A gigantic sword rose from the shadow on the ground, aimed straight at his head, and he cast a barrier to block the hit. The hit was however so powerful that the blade pierced the shield and penetrated it for several inches, bringing the tip of the weapon dangerously close to his snout. Nathaniel used his power to push the protection - and thus the blade too - away from himself, only to find that a spear was rising from his left and an axe from his right. Reacting in a split second, the bride Cast two barriers that would deflect the hits and hopefully divert the trajectory of the weapons. While the blades bounced off of his crystal shields, Nathaniel frantically struggled against the threads restraining him, noticing that there were more of them that also wrapped themselves around other part of his body like his neck, snout, toes, elbows and knees. While he had had some degree of freedom until now, he was completely bound with the additional restraints and was even lifted off of the ground and held in the air, preventing him from seeing the ground below and thus detecting any incoming blades. To hopefully protect himself, Nathaniel blindly cast ten barriers underneath himself, praying that it would be enough.

"I must admit that this ability of yours is convenient, ragdoll." said Umbra to the plush while reforming into his shadowy form.

"I wouldn't have needed to use this ace of mine if you could swing a weapon properly." retorted Bun. The plush was nothing more than an arm and a head, the rest of the fabric and thread making up his body had been used to restrain Nathaniel.

"If your attacks were as sharp as your words, we would have already won. And if this is your ace, then I am disappointed in you."

"Thin threads are dangerous weapons, and they can go through this brat's barrier, unlike your dull swords. This is how you kill someone, Umbra, watch and learn."

Nathaniel felt the threads around his whole body tighten. The grip was becoming so strong that the threads were digging into his flesh, and he was having difficulty breathing because of the ones that were strangling him. He had to think of a solution and fast, or else it would be the end of him. There was one way that he could be safe, one that he was particularly unhappy about. He tried contacting King, but was extremely surprised to see that he was utterly unable to contact nor to localize the royal wolf. Panicking, the Bride tried thinking of something else to get out of this bind. All of a sudden, he could feel a power core that would be useful to him in this situation. While he was slowly running out of air, he focused on it intently and drew its power while being extremely careful about not taking too much. Black and purple flames began covering his whole body, burning the threads around him and freeing him from the tightening feeling that would have killed him.

"WHAT'S- WHA- IT BURNS! AAAH" yelled Bun.

Nathaniel burned every single thread that had restrained him, and even after falling on the ground, he kept using the power to make the flames consume more and more of the material. Several purple flames were closing in on Bun's head and arm, roasting the dreadful encroaching threads.

"What an interesting lesson, Bun." smirked Umbra, "Your plan backfired on you, quite literally, hasn't it?"

"Shut up and do something, you arrogant sadist!" panicked Bun, "At this rate, I'm going to die!"

"I would rather see you die than help you," laughed the shadow, "but I might still need your power." he then made a giant axe with his arm and slashed the threads before the flames could reach what was left of the plush. "That was satisfying, to say the least. I wouldn't mind cutting you down again when I'm done dealing with this annoyance of a wolf."

"Shut up! I'm not done yet!"

"I doubt you can do anything in that poor state of yours. Let me show you how it's done."

Thanks to their arguing, Nathaniel had enough time to recover and prepare himself for the incoming fight. Bun was mostly harmless now, which left Umbra and Astor to deal with. With the giant monster busy trying to tend to Luna, only the sadistic shadow was left at the moment and the Bride was confident in his ability to deal with this enemy. Thankfully for him, his own power had allowed him to heal from the cuts he received by the threads and he was as such ready to go for another brawl with the shadow.

Umbra wasted no time and immediately dove in the ground to transform into a shadow. The creature split into several fragments that ran to different places all around the Bride. Wary about the five puddles of darkness that were around him, Nathaniel braced for an attack. A spear rushed out of the puddle on his right, and he cast a barrier to parry the hit. An arm with a giant axe exited the left puddle and swung the weapon, forcing the wolf to jump to not have his feet severed. A hand got out of the shadows from underneath him and grabbed his leg, drawing his attention to that particular puddle. At the last moment, he understood that it was a diversion and ducked to dodge a sword aimed at his head. If this kept up, he would likely lose his head to a blade he didn't see coming. He thus decided to cast a thick barrier all around himself to parry any incoming hit. However, his plan was foiled as the puddles of shadows just moved beneath the barrier and resumed their relentless assault. How was he supposed to win a fight like this?

Another hand grabbed the Bride's heel, but this time he didn't leave it do its thing. He pulled his leg up, grabbed the wrist of the creature out of the ground, effectively tearing away the monster's limb and lifting it off of the ground. Just like with the threads from earlier, he conjured Arkion's hellfire power and burned the arm until it was nothing more than ashes. When another battle axe exited the ground to swing at him, he grabbed it by the handle and tore it off of the ground to burn it to ashes. Same with the spear that came next, and the blade after that. There was then only one puddle left, from which Umbra rose.

"What an interesting tactic you have. I must commend you for your ingenuity. I'm however afraid that your struggle is pointless. Unlike Bun, I have a way to regrow myself."

Puzzled by this statement, Nathaniel watched at Umbra who dove back in the ground and fled. The Bride's blood froze when he saw where the shadow was headed: to Astor. The weeping giant was kneeling in front of the unconscious light gray werewolf, crying tears made of shadows as it was looking down.

"Astor, I can help you carry on your revenge" said Umbra to the giant.

"Revenge?" the monster repeated.

"Yes, revenge. Remember? Luna is your brother, and he's been killed by-"

"REVENGE! LUNAAAA!" yelled the monstrosity, who balled his hand into a fist and threw it down on Umbra.

The shadow monster let out a rattle of agony as he was utterly flattened by the titanic monster. Umbra quickly disappeared, assimilated into Astor's body, which caused the gargantuan shadow creature to rise even taller and broader.


Nathaniel was frightened by the roar and saw that the giant locked eyes with his. A shiver ran down his spine. This enemy was not only more powerful than Bun or Umbra, but it was also someone that he had sworn to save. On one hand, he had to go all out if he wanted to have a hope of surviving, but he still had to hold back to not kill him. With a speed surprising coming from a being of this size, Astor dashed towards Nathaniel and threw a punch at him. The Bride hopped backwards, shielding himself from the rocks thrown all around the area of the impact of the giant fist with the ground. A titanic open palm then slammed into his side, cutting his breath. Nathaniel flew several dozen of feet away and landed on a far away tree that thankfully partially cushioned his landing.

There was no way Nathaniel stood a chance against this enemy, and thus he decided to fall back. Running as fast as his body would allow him, he desperately sought refuge among the trees.


Nathaniel watched from afar. He knew there was one thing that could appease the giant, and he had to give that a try. As soon as the giant had walked away far enough from where he was, the Bride circled back towards his destination: where Luna was lying down.

The small gray werewolf was in a bad state: unconscious, his shoulder still bleeding and his face contorted in pain. Nathaniel didn't know what he could do, but if he could somehow heal him, maybe Astor would calm down? Unsure of how to go about it, the Bride brought his hand to the wounded wolf and touched the wound to infuse it with power. He had already healed another wolf that way once and hoped it would work again. Thankfully, after a few moments of focusing his power into the wound, it started closing and healing.

"A... Ast..." mumbled the weak wolf, "Astor..."

"Luna? Hang on tight!" whispered Nathaniel. "I'll save you!"

Luna's small hand rose in the air and grabbed Nathaniel's, "p-please... s-save... my broth... brother..."

"I'll save both of you!" yelled Nathaniel. "Please hang on!"

"D-don't... mind... me, I'm... I'm okay..."

"No you're not!" cried Nathaniel, "if you're not here for Astor, he'll be all alone!"

Luna opened his eyes, as if he had only just now realized how dire his own situation was, and looked at the larger wolf with tears in his eyes. "I don't... I don't want to... to die... I... I want to be with Astor... Silver Bride... I... I can't die now... I have to be here for him!"

"I won't let you die, Luna!" said Nathaniel while continuing to infuse power into Luna. While the wound was closed, the small werewolf didn't show any improvement at all. The Bride then cried "Why is it not working!"

"S-silver... B-bride!" muttered Luna, "b-behind-"

"Because I'm still around!" yelled an unpleasant voice from behind Nathaniel.

The silver werewolf turned around to look at the owner of the voice and was met with Bun, completely healed and well, swinging his needle at the two wolves. Taken by surprise, Nathaniel didn't have time to react and, even though he knew it was probably too late, still tried to start erecting a barrier while bracing himself for the hit. A noise akin to that of a sword clashing against a shield echoed right behind the silver wolf.

"Curse you, Ghost!" yelled the plush. "How are you still alive! I sent my whole army of puppets after you!"

"Seems like I got here just in time!" said Aegis, relieved.

The silver wolf opened his eyes and saw a powerful barrier erected between himself and the evil plush. Aegis, the twin-tailed white fox was standing there, holding a painting underneath his arm, and holding his palm in front of himself and Nathaniel to keep the barrier up.

"Now, begone!" ordered Aegis, shoving his shield forward and throwing Bun backwards. "Silver, we need to get out of here and quick. I found Arkion's painting, but we need to flee. This giant monster will wreak havoc on the park and I don't think that any of us can deal with that."

"If we don't deal with it, then who will?" asked Nathaniel.

"I don't care, Silver," countered the fox, "your safety comes first."

"Aegis, this giant thing is Astor," explained the Bride, in distress, "Luna asked us to save him. We have to do something!"

"The situation has greatly changed, Silver! We absolutely can't do that! We need to get out of here!"

"I agree with the white guy." said Arkion from within the painting. "I have no clue what's going on but with only the three of us, there's nothing that we can do. Especially if my power is partially sealed because of this painting dimension I'm in..."

"We have to sav-" Nathaniel tried to say.

"For fuck's sake, Silver, we absolutely can't do that!" growled Aegis, "It's okay to fall back and think of a plan instead of jumping head first into a problem of this size!"

"I DO have a plan, Aegis!" yelled the Bride, "Luna here is our key to this problem!"

"Luna is in no shape to do anything!" countered the fox.

"I just have to heal him and then have him tell Astor that everything is fine!"

"You just tried healing him and it didn't work!" groaned Aegis, losing his temper, "Any power that you infused in him went straight to that cursed plush!"

"Wait, it went into Bun?" asked Nathaniel.

"Are you guys done arguing?" asked Bun, who had gotten back, along with about twenty zombie werewolves that were slowly moving all around the trio of wolves.

Aegis caster a spherical shield all around them and said "Silver. We're getting out of here. Stay inside my shield and we'll be fine."

"No." replied Nathaniel. "I have to do this."

"Attack them!" yelled Bun, causing all of the zombies to come banging against the shield.

"We can't afford to stay, Silver!"

"I have to!" replied Nathaniel. "Please!"

Aegis sighed. "Five minutes. I can hold five minutes at most. After that, we're getting out of here, non negotiable."

"That should be plenty enough. Thank you, Aegis." said Nathaniel.

"You guys are crazy..." intervened Arkion. He was very frustrated, both from not being able to get into the action, but also from his inability to share the full extent of his power with Silver because of the alternate dimension he was trapped in.

"Aegis, as soon as you get the opportunity to, I want you to try to 'protect' Arkion from Sapphire's power. If it works and Arkion is freed, we'll get an edge on this fight."

Both Arkion and Aegis looked at Silver, then at themselves. Aegis spoke "very well. My hands are tied for now, but I'll try when we're out of here."

Nathaniel exhaled and focused back on Luna, which proved to be difficult with all the banging of the zombies against the spherical barrier. Thankfully for them, Astor was still far away from them, and so they were safe within the protection. The silver wolf closed his eyes and scanned Luna's body in search of his power core. It was so faint and small that he had great difficulty in localizing it, but he eventually found it in the fingertip of his left hand's index. He grabbed it, focused on it and tried to look for whatever it was that was allowing Bun to steal its power. It wasn't like for Ebony's core, where the darkness was obvious. Here, it was hidden among the complex design of the Core, intertwined heavily with the very essence of the sphere of power. Focusing really hard on finding the source of the dark plague, Nathaniel felt like he was in a maze, or solving a complex puzzle. So many intricate elements were mixed with each other, and in each of them, a tiny fragment of darkness was hiding. It was a race against time.

"Silver, we... we can't wait any longer!" said Aegis, panting. Holding a barrier this powerful and thick all around the three wolves was draining for him.

"Just... a little bit more, Aegis, please!" begged Nathaniel. He felt like he was so close to understanding the curse's design.

"Why do you guys!" said Bun while he swung his needle at the shield around the wolves "have such an annoying power!" he ranted while thrusting and slashing and swinging his weapon "at your disposal!"

Nathaniel's eyes shot open. "I GOT IT!" he yelled excitedly. He had solved the complex riddle behind the curse and swiftly unravelled the corruption before extracting it out of Luna's power core, thus splitting it into two separate entities. One of them was the small wolf's real core, and the second one was a cloud of smoke that dissipated almost instantly.

Immediately after this, Bun stopped his assault and jumped back. "You can't be serious! How did you do that!?"

Nathaniel smirked. He knew he had done it, thanks to this reaction from the plush, who was vulnerable now that he wasn't tied to Luna anymore. Which coincidentally meant that the Bride could infuse power into the small wolf again, this time without fearing that the power would be absorbed by Bun. Luna coughed as he regained his strength and slowly opened his eyes again. Immediately, his arms encircled the Bride's neck and hung on tightly.

"Silver Bride, Silver Bride!" said the small wolf, crying.

"You're safe, Luna!" exclaimed Nathaniel, ecstatic, "You're safe and free from this curse!"

"Th-thank you so much, Silver Bride!" cried Luna.

"Silver, we're not in the clear yet!" said Aegis, "these zombies are still here, and it looks like the giant monster has spotted us!"

All three wolves were looking at the giant, who was slowly walking towards them.

"It's all fine, Aegis." said Nathaniel, "Now that Luna is all well, Astor will surely listen to us." If he was fair with himself, he actually had no idea if it would work, but he hoped it would because exhaustion was slowly getting the better of him. "Luna, please, try to calm your brother dow-"

"I FOUND YOU!" yelled the monstrosity. "YOU'LL PAY! FOR STEALING LUNA'S FUTURE!"

Bun had gone into hiding, and the now leader-less zombies had stopped their assault.

"Astor!" cried Luna, shivering from fear, "I'm... I'm fine! L-look at me!"

"LUNA?" said the giant creature. "Luna? Luna, is that... you?"

"A-astor!" cried Luna again, "y-yes, it's me! Look, I'm alive and well, the... the Silver Bride saved me!"

"The... Silver Bride? L-luna?" said the monstrous titan, kneeling and looking down at the three wolves hiding in the barrier.

"Yes, Astor, h-he saved me! Come on, let's go back to normal, o-okay? No need to try to conquer anything, no need to obey to any dark master, no need to avenge anyone... We can be happy and normal again, Astor!"

"N-normal? L-Luna, I..." mumbled the creature.

"Tsk tsk tsk. No can do, you sneaky tricksters." said the giant, who suddenly adopted a very different attitude. "Are you really going to let these guys trick you, Astor? They killed Luna and are using his powers to make it look like he's alive." It was definitely Umbra talking here.

"Trick me?" asked Astor. Seeing the giant change facial expression and voice every time one of the two inhabitants took control was very unsettling. "Luna would never trick me!"

"How can you be so sure, Astor?" asked Umbra. "It's very easy to trick someone, especially when using someone that you love, you know?"

"You're... you're right..." replied Astor.

"Good boy. Now, smash these fools."

"No, Umbra. I'm done letting other people think for me." said Astor. He then looked down and continued, "Luna, I want you to prove that it's really you. Tell me your secret."

Luna looked around himself. He looked at Nathaniel, then Aegis, then the painting of Arkion, then the zombies all around the barrier, and finally back at Astor. He stood up, and then said "c-come on, Astor, you don't believe in me? In your dear little... sister?"

The giant's face instantly changed. "It's... it's really you! Luna! You're safe! You're really safe!" he began crying, and instantly his whole body began melting into the shadows that it was made of.

The display was unsettling and disturbing. Shadows were ripped from Astor's body and fell onto the ground before reforming into ghostly monsters, until finally, Astor had gone back to his original size of six feet half, standing up on trembling feet. One hand put on the terrible wound in his stomach, the dark gray wolf took very slow steps towards Luna, who had put his hands on the shield. Astor reached to the spherical protection and he too put his two hands on the protection, on the same spot as Luna's.

"I'm... I'm so... so glad that..." began Astor, "that you're..." he coughed up blood on the shield, "that you're okay, Luna..." he then fell on his knees. A trail of blood was left on the shield where his hands had slipped. "I... I love you, Luna. I'm... I'm sorry..." and he then fell on the ground.

"Astor?" mumbled Luna weakly. "A-astor?! ASTOR" yelled the wolf, falling on all knees and banging on the spherical barrier from the inside.

"Aegis, I need to get to Astor!" begged Nathaniel, "Allow him in the protection!"

The barrier was then undone by the fox, and the silver Bride grabbed the unconscious wolf to pull him close to inspect him and hopefully save him.

"I've got him," cried Nathaniel, "put the shield back on!"

The shield however didn't come back up.

"Aegis?" said Nathaniel, looking back towards the fox.

Aegis was on his knees, trembling like a leaf and panting hard. He had let go of the painting, which had fallen on the ground and lied there. Luna had taken a hold of his brother and was repeating his name, crying and shaking him to hopefully wake him up.

"Your protector seems to be in quite a bind." said a familiar unpleasant voice.

Nathaniel looked at the source, and his eyes fell upon Umbra. Thankfully for the Bride, the shadow creature had been considerably weakened thanks to their earlier spar. Bun was nowhere to be seen and the wolf zombies were immobile. However, a new threat arose: the shadows made with Astor's power rose from the ground and stood up. Surrounded by about twenty shadows, twenty zombies, Umbra and possibly Bun; and with Aegis, Luna and Astor all in no shape to fight, the situation was becoming more dire by the minute for the Bride. He was all alone against an army of forty creatures and two exceptional enemies.

"It's not over yet, Umbra!" yelled Nathaniel, trying to bluff.

"Quite the contrary, I think it is, Bride. Allow me to demonstrate."

Umbra went to one of Astor's shadow and touched it with his hand. The beast cried and howled in pain, and his body slowly changed shape until Nathaniel had in front of himself two Umbras. The Bride's eyes went wide at the display.

"Do not worry, Bride, we're only getting started" said the original Umbra.

"However, do not blink, you might miss something..." added the new Umbra.

Both of the tormentors then jumped away, each going to more of Astor's shadows and converted them, transforming them into copies of themselves. Nathaniel's only option was to claim Astor's power and sever the link between Umbra and the small wolf; he pushed Luna away from his brother began his search. It was a race against time, he immediately began frantically scanning for the core of the unconscious brother. Upon finding it, he grabbed it and undertook the task of undoing the curse, just like he had done for Luna earlier. Every minute counted, and every second he lost meant that his situation was becoming more desperate.

Eventually, he did it. Nathaniel had broken the link between Astor and Umbra, and looked up to see what the situation around him was. He saw twenty pairs of eyes looking at him, their owner giggling and sneering at him.

"We find very funny the way you struggle, Bride." said one of the shadows.

"And the look on your face! It truly is priceless," added another.

"We must congratulate you. We didn't think you would manage to separate us Astor."

"However, you must realize that it is very convenient for us," mocked a fourth.

"See, you freed us from him," explained another of them, "we do not depend on him being alive if we want to survive."

All of them laughed, and in unison, they said, "we thank you from the bottom of our hearts, Bride! Farewell, now!"

The twenty Umbras jumped at him, leaving him no choice but to temporarily abandon Aegis, Luna, Astor and Arkion. He leaped on the side, hopped around and dodged the dozens of shadow weapons swung and thrown at him. While jumping around, he did not realize that the zombies had begun moving again, and was surprised to feel several hands grab him by the wrist, by the shoulder and by the tail. He struggled against the grips of the many wolves, but could not break free.

"Looks like I came back just in time," said Bun. "We've finally got you, Bride. It's over."

"Let me get this clear, you useless plush." sneered Umbra, "You did not contribute in any way to his capture."

"My puppets got him, I was the one to capture him!"

"We would have gotten him if you didn't. Look at all these hostages that we have." said one of the Umbras. Some of the creature's clones were restraining Aegis, the twins, and a couple of them were holding Arkion's painting. "Now, Bride, I hope that you are ready. Whether you are or not, it is time to punish you."

"Umbra, we need to bring the Bride back to the Master or he'll be mad!"

"I am well aware." shrugged Umbra. "And since I now have a way to survive without Astor, I will no longer need to keep him alive to not die prematurely. Our master has only requested the Bride, hasn't he?"

"What's your point?" snarled Bun.

"We have no use for Astor. And you do not have a use for Luna either. Since the Bride took a liking to them, I would love to see his face when we rip them apart under his very eyes."

"I like the way you think, you wicked tormentor. I have to agree with you on this one, I'd love to get payback for him burning me."

"Very good. Shall we begin, then?" Umbra said to Bun before turning their eyes to Nathaniel and saying, "Silver Bride, you swore you would protect them, right?" Two of the shadows transformed their arms into blades that they brought under the twin's necks. "You failed."

Nathaniel wanted to beg for mercy, but he couldn't. His muzzle was restrained by the hands of one of the zombies. The only thing he could do was cry.

"Let us begin the show!" exclaimed Umbra, "First, we'll take the fox' life!" before pointing many blades at the twin-tailed fox.

"Enough!" snarled a voice from behind the Umbras. "I will not tolerate anyone trespassing on MY Kingdom any further!"

All eyes turned towards the guy. King, stood here, looming over everyone else, his arms crossed and teeth all out growling.

"Who do you think you are," began the original Umbra, who was surprised to see that none of the other Umbras had talked in unison with him, "and how dare you interrupt our show?"

"I am King, the ruler of this place, and the Lord of all these servants that you stole from me!"

"Pardon me, King, but this is a war." said Umbra, "People switch sides during a war, they always favour the victor. And as you might have seen, we have won. Now, my shadow fiends, let us take care of this insolent fallen ruler!" ordered the original Umbra to his shadow clones.

All of the creatures went towards King, pointing their weapons at the black wolf. The zombies that weren't currently restraining Nathaniel also approached the royal giant with the intent of attacking.

"You DARE point your weapons at YOUR KING?!" roared the black wolf. Every zombie and shadow stopped right in their track. "You all swore loyalty to one person, and that person is ME! Stop fooling around and GET BACK TO YOUR SENSES! I AM THE ONLY MASTER YOU GUYS NEED!"

"You think this would work?" laughed the original Umbra. "You aren't even an awakened. Shadows, attack him!"

None of the shadows moved at all. Nathaniel felt the grip of the zombies weaken and he was able to pull free. Nathaniel saw King's core shine brighter than ever in his head. He was awakening. The sphere of power was glowing and relocating, moving from the black wolf's head to reach on top of it, taking on a faint copper colour with hints of red.

"This power, is it...?" mumbled King.

"Umbra, there's something strange happening with my puppets!" yelled Bun.

"You're awakening, King!" yelled Nathaniel, "you can use your power of authority!"

"It seems that I have to do the dirty work myself," groaned Umbra, completely ignoring the bunny.

Umbra dashed at King with a weapon that he tore away from one of his shadow clones.

Smirking to himself, King snarled "You dare raise your sword at a King? Kneel before me, you vile creature!"

Umbra couldn't do anything but to obey the black wolf's order. King then laughed heartily as he realized that the shadow was utterly powerless before him.

"Servants of the King!" yelled the black wolf, "You are all to return to your bodies and come back to my court!"

All the Umbra-shaped shadows lost their forms and they each flew towards their original bodies. As soon as the souls went back into the inanimate corpses, King's servants were back to themselves. Some began looking at each other, others jumped and whooped from happiness, some other fell on their knees and cried. Nathaniel was completely freed and as such, rushed to Astor, who was still unconscious. Immediately upon reaching him, he began pouring power into him to hopefully heal him.

"And you..." said King to Umbra, "for trying to steal my throne and my people, I sentence you to death. Any last words?

"That is truly a pity," replied Umbra, "but so be it. You must be aware however that I was not the perpetrator for the conquest of your servants. It was the twin emperors, I was merely a tool for them to achieve this feat."

"This is of no relevance at all to your judgment." stated King. "Now, cease to be."

The power contained within these words was frightening. Umbra had no choice but to obey, his shadow power core instantly faded away into nothingness and so did he soon after that. The Silver Bride finished healing Astor, who was slowly opening his eyes. Luna immediately hugged his brother and cried plenty of tears of joy. Nathaniel felt a gaze upon him that sent a shiver down his spine; he realized that King was staring at him with a severe expression on his face. He prepared himself for any situation. Now that the black wolf had control over his power, King would be unstoppable if he were to use his authority against him. The royal giant looked down at the twins. Nathaniel put himself between the black wolf and the two small gray wolves, looking defiantly at the royal beast.

"An enemy has fled, Silver." stated the black wolf, "You may want to run after him." He then turned back and said "servants, it is over. Let us go back, now."

And with just that, the king left. All the other wolves followed him, leaving the twins, Arkion's painting, Aegis and Nathaniel. The Bride stood up; King was right. Bun had fled as soon as the situation had been reversed, and he would definitely alert his master. It could be terrible if there was another fight right after the one they just had, he was just in no shape to battle anymore.

"S-silver, w-wait." said Aegis, who also stood up on his shaky limbs.

"What is it?" asked Nathaniel.

"Kiss me." begged the white fox, throwing himself at the Bride.

"Now's not the time, Aegis, we-"

"I have a plan. But I need more strength. Please, believe in me."

Nathaniel allowed it. He dove for his lover's muzzle and the two passionately kissed. The Bride infused power once more into his vulpine mate, making the fox grow in strength and size until they both were standing at the same height of 11'8 tall. As soon as they broke the kiss, Aegis grabbed Arkion's painting and put a hand on the canvas. Infusing his power into the piece of art, the fox was able to undo the spell affecting the Blood Tribe chief, breaking the canvas and freeing the twenty feet wolf. Arkion stretched and huffed loudly, enjoying his freedom.

"Arkion, let's combine our powers again." said Aegis, "Our target is the bunny plush."

"Finally, I get to be a part of the action!" replied Arkion excitedly, "Let's do it!"

Nathaniel was puzzled as to what the two meant, but he observed. Arkion knelt in front of Aegis, and the two joined their hands together while closing their eyes. Their noses met, and the two exchanged a deep kiss that made both their cores overflow with power. The Bride was almost blinded by the brightness of the powers that were merging together. A gigantic dome made of black and purple flames appeared far above their heads in the sky, closing in on the whole area of the park they were in. Dumbfounded at the display, Nathaniel could only admire the fiery barrier made with the combination of his two husbands' powers. Thanks to the properties of Aegis' shields, the whole park was surrounded by the sphere, and thanks to the properties of Arkion's fire, nothing would burn except for the target: Bun. Little by little, the gigantic dome of dark flames shrank around all of them. If the plush bunny was standing in the fiery sphere, he was completely trapped and would soon be forced to meet with the wolves in the epicentre of the barrier. Luna, who was holding his brother's hand, was watching intently at the two shows given off to them: that of the barrier, but more importantly, that of the two kissing wolves. Astor, even though he was still slowly waking back up, was in awe before the incredibly cool spectacle of the black flame dome closing in on them.

"What the hell is this!" cried a voice from not too far away, "I don't want to go back there!"

From among the bushes, a familiar bunny plush emerged by stepping backwards and staring into the wall of black flames that was approaching him. As soon as the stuffed toy was in the open, the two wolves focused their powers and shrank the shield around Bun to completely trap him in an area that was only a couple square feet large.

Nathaniel approached the fiery cage and ordered "you're going to tell us everything you know, now, you wretched stuffed toy! Who and what is your master! Why does he corrupt innocent people! What are his weaknesses!"

Bun stared at Nathaniel through the fire of the cage. "I don't plan on telling you anything."

"If you won't say anything, we're going to kill you, Bun!" threatened Nathaniel.

"I know." said Bun, shrugging, "I'll spare you some work, then." The plush then jumped at the flames and yelled in agony.

Nathaniel was taken aback, but neither did he have the time to stop the fire spell before Bun was damaged beyond repair. Because of how strong Arkion's flames were, the combustion was almost instantaneous. There was nothing left but a pile of ashes, a red hot needle and molten plastic.

Sighing from relief and from frustration, Nathaniel let himself fall on the ground to finally take a breather. The whole fighting had been particularly exhausting, and now that the twins were out of danger and that the evildoers had been undone, he was free to rest. Arkion and Aegis broke their kiss, looking at each other longingly before letting go of each other.

"How did you two discover you could do that?" asked Nathaniel.

"It's... complicated." replied Aegis.

"We fucked," replied Arkion.

"Uh... what?" said Nathaniel.

"When we split up, I sensed some energy nearby." explained Aegis, "I went there and discovered Arkion's painting. He explained to me about Sapphire's power and how he was trapped inside, and because I was curious if I could do something about it, I cast a protection on myself and jumped into the painting. And then, well, I got him to fuck me. I don't know why, but our powers resonated with each other and we were able to use them jointly."

"Why didn't you protect Arkion out of the painting earlier?" asked Nathaniel.

"Because we were in a small gardening cabin when I discovered the painting and Arkion is huge enough that we would have destroyed the place. An as soon as we were done, we felt that you were in distress, so we rushed to you."

Nathaniel wasn't sure what to think about all of that. He wanted to scold them for fooling around, but he wanted to thank them for saving him.

"Oh, and, by the way, Silver," began Aegis, "I don't care about King's dick anymore. I'm dumping both you and him for Arkion."

"No way!" interrupted the giant black wolf. "I'm not against fucking you or anything, but Silver is my Bride and I'm not dumping him for you."

Aegis seemed lost in thoughts for a bit, but he then said "you're right! I need Silver to grow you even bigger!"

Nathaniel was speechless. But at least, the sort-of-casual conversation lifted everyone's spirits, which was a well needed respite after the intensity of the battle. Arkion and Aegis began flirting with each other, and so Nathaniel went to the twins.

"Silver Bride..." mumbled Luna, "thank you so very much."

"Silver..." whispered Astor weakly, "Thank you..."

Putting each hand on their heads and patting them, Nathaniel smiled and said "it's okay, everything is fine now. I'm glad that you two are fine."

"We... we did horrible things..." said Luna, "horrible things to everyone. To King, to his servants, to your husbands, and to you, Silver Bride..."

Nathaniel didn't answer to that. He only smiled, closed his eyes and patted the two twins while infusing some more power into Astor to help him get back on his paws.

"Luna, I'm sorry..." said Astor, "I failed to protect you. And I put both of us in this situation, it's all my fault."

"No it's not!" yelled Luna, "it's... it's OUR fault. We both got tricked all the same. I'm just as guilty as you are."

"But if I had been stronger, I could have-"

"Y-you couldn't have done anything, Astor! Stop trying to shoulder every single one of my errors and try to take the burden of guilt all for yourself!" cried the light gray wolf.

"But if-"

"No, Astor, no! No if's, no but's! I love you dearly, but... I don't need you treating me like a baby anymore. I'm an adult, and so are you. It's about time we start acting as such."

"You're the one acting like a child, Luna!" countered Astor, "I... what's so wrong with caring deeply about your sister?! You're the only family I have left, and I don't know what I would do if I were to lose you, obviously I'm going to help you!"

"I hate it when you do that, Astor, stop being so selfish!"

"I hate when you treat me like that, Luna! You're the one acting selfish!"

The two were almost growling at each other, so much so that Nathaniel was wondering if they would jump at each other's throat. The two however began giggling and relaxing. Crying of joy, Luna threw himself in Astor's arms and the two held each other tightly.

"I was so afraid of losing you, Luna!" cried Astor.

"I'm so happy that you're safe, Astor!" said Luna between sobs.

The Silver Bride smiled as he watched the two. He was glad that they were doing well. Everything had turned out for the better, even though they had missed an opportunity to learn more about the devourer because of Bun's immolation.

"Astor..." said Luna.

The dark gray wolf broke their embrace and looked in his sibling's eyes.

"We have to..." Luna continued, "go apologize."

Astor tilted his head to the side.

"We..." began Luna, "we almost ruined the kingdom, we attacked King and his servants, and then we attacked the Silver Bride. There are so many things we have to apologize for."

"We did all this because we had to in order to save each other, Luna, I don't-"

"It doesn't matter why we did it! What matters is that we did it and it was wrong!"

Astor looked down to the ground. "You're right... Though, if we turned back in time, I would do the same because I don't want to lose you. I... I guess that no matter the reason, we did awful things to them..."

Luna turned towards Nathaniel and said "S-Silver Bride. I know that I have already apologized to you for what I did, but I want to reiterate." he then bowed down, "Please, forgive Astor and me for all the wrong we've done to you and your friends."

Luna then poked Astor with his elbow. Astor too bowed down and said "I'm sorry, Nathaniel. We shouldn't have done all that."

"I'll repeat what I told Luna earlier, then." stated Nathaniel calmly, "I won't say I'm not mad because that would be a lie, but I understand why you did what you did. Your ex-master blackmailed you into doing all these horrible things. However, I'm not the one you have to apologize to. If anything, I'm glad that you two are safe and sound."

"Th-thank you, Silver Bride!" said Luna, jumping against Nathaniel's chest and wrapping his arms around the silver wolf's neck, "thank you so much for saving Astor, and for saving me, and for freeing us from our ex-master's chains!"

"Nathaniel, I..." mumbled Astor, "thank you. For saving Luna. When I saw Luna's wound, I thought... I thought she'd die. I... I don't care what happens to me, but Luna... I want to see her smile. I want to see her enjoy her life. From the bottom of my heart, Nathaniel, thank you."

"You're welcome." said Nathaniel. "Say, something has been bothering me for a little while now... is Luna... a woman?"

"N-no, wait! I didn't-" stuttered Astor.

"It's alright, Astor." reassured Luna. "Before I transformed into a werewolf, I was a woman."

"I didn't know that women could become werewolves. But then again, you don't really look like a woman at all. Must be weird to have become a man after your transformation. I wonder how many women I've already met without even realizing about it..."

"It was... definitely something I wasn't expecting... The... change... was weird," admitted the light gray wolf. "I... I'm getting used to it, now. I mean, I wasn't particularly gifted in terms of breasts, but it's weird to not have these anymore. And... having those between your legs, and the... the r-random boners are, annoying. Th-these things really do have a mind of their own, don't they?"

"I'm not gonna lie," said Nathaniel, "it's making it a bit awkward. I mean, we're all naked and you're a woman, and-"

"You didn't seem to mind until now..." pouted Luna. "And besides, I know how to use that thing now, Astor showed me a lot of stuff."

Nathaniel looked at Luna, then at Astor, and stared without blinking.

"It wasn't like that before we transformed!" cried Astor, "It's weird for me too, okay! Well, it... it WAS weird!"

"Just... what are you two doing to each other?" asked Nathaniel, unsure of whether it was a question he wanted the answer to.

"W-well, we..." whispered Astor, embarrassed by the inquiry.

"We... mostly service each other when we're horny." said Luna.

Blushing at the idea of twins fapping or sucking each other, Nathaniel looked back to check on his two husbands. He wasn't even surprised when he saw that Aegis was rubbing his butt against Arkion's overfull sheath. Unsure of what to do with these two, he looked back at the twins and stood up.

"Let's go see King." he suggested. Both the smaller wolves nodded in acquiescence.

With Luna still clinging to his neck, and with Astor walking by his side, Nathaniel headed towards the cave of the royal wolf.

"Say, you two have established a... I believe it was called a domain over the park, is that correct?" asked Nathaniel.

"Yeah, we both made it!" exclaimed Astor proudly. "It's amazing, right?"

"I guess it's pretty cool," mumbled the Bride, "though... could you break it now?"

"What? Why!" cried Astor, extremely disappointed.

"Because I would like to contact my other husbands to tell them that everything is fine now." said Nathaniel, voluntarily omitting the part about having access to all of his powers should a fight with King begin.

"Fine... I guess we can break it." pouted Astor, "Aw man, I was really proud of this one!"

"Do you often make domains like that?" asked Nathaniel, curious as to what those things were, "What is it and how do they work?"

"Dunno. They're like... big territory zones, I guess?" answered Astor, unsure of what a domain truly was, "They kinda help with localizing other people and channelling our powers, I think."

"I see." said Nathaniel. "How do you make one?"

"It... it isn't too hard, r-really," replied Luna, "but... it's a long process. Basically, you imprint the ground around which you want to establish your domain with your power, and when that's done, you launch all of the power into the sky to make a sort of bubble above the area. Since Astor and I are two to make domains, it's easier for us to cover big areas. I've also heard that someone's domain automatically grows when their owner gains power, but... I don't know how that works."

"That doesn't seem too bad," said Nathaniel, wondering if Runner's power of extreme speed could help with placing the power on the ground. And if it could help amplify his power, it would also be very convenient in his upcoming confrontation with the twin's ex-master.

"There are a couple important things to note." added Luna, "A Lord cannot establish a domain inside another Lord's domain, unless the bigger Lord allows it. And you can break someone's domain by defeating its owner."

"Shouldn't your domain have collapsed, then?" asked Nathaniel, curious as to why it held for so long.

"I think..." said Luna, "I was awake when Astor wasn't, and..."

"And I was still conscious when Luna wasn't." added Astor.

"I see. Anyways, can you break it, then?"

"Sure!" said Luna, who let go of Nathaniel and landed on the ground next to his brother.

The two wolves took each other's hand, much like Aegis and Arkion earlier, and joined their noses. The two chanted in unison "We, the twin emperors, decree that our domain is no more. Shatter, and free the land for another ruler."

A gigantic crack appeared in the sky, along with a shattering noise. Slowly, the whole celestial dome was covered in fissures, and it then broke, making a million fragments of power fall over the park like snow on a winter day. The particles faded away. To the untrained, it looked like nothing had happened at all, but for Nathaniel, if was as if a heavy weight had been lifted off his shoulders. The twins broke their pose and they each grabbed one of the Bride's hand before starting to walk again. Because of the sheer difference in their sizes, it felt to him as if he was walking children, although both the ex-emperors were young adults.

"SILVER!" yelled Sapphire through telepathy "Silver! Are you unscathed? What happened!"

"Calm down, Sapphire, I'm alright." reassured the silver wolf, "Everyone is safe and the Kingdom is back to its former glory."

"Silver, I forbid you from doing anything as reckless as this in the future!" cried Sapphire.

"We were all extremely worried, Silver..." added Howler.

He could feel the relief mixed with distress in their voices. It made him feel bad about the situation he put them in.

"I'm sorry, guys, I won't do it again, I promise" said the Bride.

"I don't care if you do reckless stuff, Silver!" interrupted Runner, "but if you do, you need to take us with you to help you!"

"He's right, Silver." Tide chimed in, "we're bound to be faced with trials that may seem insurmountable. Especially more so because of your standing and because the devourer's stance against you."

"I acted on a whim, I know." admitted Nathaniel, "I was frightened. I was afraid of losing King and Aegis, who were in danger. They are husbands of mine too, just like every one of you. It doesn't matter who it is, if one of my friends is in danger, I would do everything in my power to try to save them."

"They are not asking you to forsake your husbands, Nath." said a familiar voice through telepathy. "They are telling you to trust them to assist you in helping your husbands."

"K-kyle?!" asked Nathaniel, "how are you using the telepathy?!"

"I'm not sure... I'm holding hands with both Runner and Howler at the moment, and I was able to listen to your conversation, so I tried talking. Either way, that isn't important. What's important is that you need to trust them, Nath. We all love you and want you to be happy. If you, or if one of your husbands dies, it'll be terrible for everyone. Just believe in us."

"Don't worry, guys, I believe in all of you." reassured Nathaniel, "There's one last thing that I need to do, and then I can get out of the kingdom."

All of them happily continued chatting with each other until the Bride forcefully kicked everyone of his mind to prevent any additional communication. When they reached next to King's cave, the three wolves stopped. Nathaniel's heart was beating fast. He sighed heavily and began stepping forward, until the whole throne room was in view. King's court was sitting in front of him, and the royal wolf himself was sitting on his throne. As soon as they saw Nathaniel accompanied by the twin emperors, the servants began booing and growling.

"Silence!" ordered King. Nathaniel remarked that the lordly wolf hadn't infused his words with any power, and yet, all of his servants had shut up. "We were waiting for you, Silver."

"Don't get me wrong, King," began Nathaniel, "I didn't come here for you. I came here to escort the twins, they have a message for you and your servants."

"Will you at least hear me out, my Bride?" asked King, sighing.

"I forbid you from calling me that way, King. I am no longer your bride, and the only business I have left with you is the severing of our bridal link. Nothing more."

"Silver Bride..." said Luna, tugging on Nathaniel's arm, "p-please, stop."

Looking down to see Luna's teary face made Nathaniel calm down a bit. He wasn't here to start a fight, he was here to cut all ties with the Kingdom. He then said "You two had a message for them, right? Go ahead."

Both Astor and Luna let go of the silver wolf's hand and stepped forward in the cave. Holding hands, they went forward and stopped a few feet away from King's throne. Their backs were turned towards the servants who were throwing dagger with their eyes at the two small wolves.

"Mister King..." said Luna,

"And his servants of the Kingdom..." added Astor, turning towards the angry servants,

"We have wronged you in an unacceptable way," continued Luna,

"And for that, we would like to present to you our apologies." finished Astor.

Both of them fell on their knees, ears lying low, and said in unison "please, forgive us."

A voice rose from the audience, "how can you even think that a 'sorry' will erase what-"

"SILENCE!" yelled King. "Do you even realize how hard it is to ask for forgiveness? Put yourself in their shoes! They were controlled by evil beasts; the sadistic shadow and the trickster bunny plush were the ones that did it all. These two are not innocent, but the blame doesn't fall on their shoulders alone! If you want to blame someone, then you have to blame me too for not realizing that the kingdom was under attack on that night! Does anyone else have a complaint?!"

"You didn't do anything to us, my Lord, but they did unacceptable things to us!" yelled a wolf from afar, "you can't just say sorry and hope that you will be forgiven, that's not how it works!"

King sighed and looked at the guy who spoke up. "My servants, I understand your frustration. However, blaming the twins won't do anything but feed your hatred. I won't ask you to love them, but I will ask you to tolerate them. Silver believes in them, and I believe in Silver. This is precisely why I too will believe in them. What they did wasn't out of malice, it was because they had no choice."

A heavy silence weighed again in the room.

King then decreed, "the twins are forgiven."

The two looked up at the King, who looked away and let a "hmpf" out.

"Thank you, King, thank you and sorry for everything we've done!" said Luna, tears welling in his eyes again.

"Y-yeah." added Astor, intimidated by the giant black wolf, "Sorry, and... thanks."

Both the twins stood up and hopped towards Nathaniel, who was really surprised by King's speech.

"Now that this is done, I have an important message for all of you." said the King, standing up in front of the whole audience. "This message is also addressed to you, Silver, I would appreciate if you could listen to it."

Even though he was annoyed at the prospect of dealing with King, Nathaniel nodded and accepted to stay for a little more.

"Yesterday evening, the two brats attacked us." said King, throwing a glance at the two small wolves beside Nathaniel. He then turned back towards his servants and resumed his speech, "We were all so busy with the knighting of our new friend Jade, that none of us saw what came to us. What I want to say here is... I should have seen it. And yet, I failed. I failed you, my servants." he balled his hands into fists and closed his eyes from shame. After several seconds of internally blaming himself, he continued "Not long after you were all enslaved, I too fell to the twin's spell. They weren't able to fully bend me to their will but they rendered me harmless and helpless, until Silver came to assist me." King was looking over Silver, a hint of regret on his face, "I was freed, and even though I have been... irritating, Silver stood by my side and even indulged in my selfish whim. He gave me hope when I had lost it. I did the unthinkable to him and betrayed his trust because of my thirst for revenge on the guys who fell the kingdom. After that, I was all alone." he said, falling into silence. He then added, "Not a single servant. Not a single friend." he frowned and gritted his teeth, "And I was frightened. I had, by my very own hands, forsaken both my servants and my friends. It opened my eyes. This cave is no castle, this rock behind me is no throne, this park is no realm or kingdom. I am not a king, and I am not fit to act as one."

King stopped talking for a little while, during which everyone wondered if he was done or not. Whispers started arising.

"What I want to say is..." began the ruler, lowering himself on his knees, "it's a very simple thing, really." he added, putting one hand on the ground before himself, "a simple, yet very hard thing to mutter." he continued, putting his second hand next to the first one, "something that hopefully carries the meaning I want to convey to you all." he said, bowing down and bringing his nose on the ground between his hands, "I have failed all of you, and for this, I... I am sorry."

Gasps of surprise echoed in the room; whispers rose from the audience. Luna tugged on Nathaniel's hand, which drew the silver wolf's attention to the smaller one. Luna winked at the Bride while showing an expression that meant "see, I was right." No one dared say a word and they all watched.

Eventually, King rose on his knees again and said "I have seen the errors in my way and wish to correct it. This is the reason why I had come to you and commanded you all to come back to me. The truth is, I do not believe that I am a worthy ruler anymore. This order I gave you earlier..." said King, "was my final one. You are all free to do as you please, I free you from your obligations as my servants. I, who bear the wolf name King, relinquish lordship over all of you, and relinquish from my status as a Lord."

King's core shone bright, and the power contained within began exiting it fast. The previously large core that the wolf had over his head began shrinking, as did King. Everyone was dumbfounded, and some of the servants began panicking. The giant frame of the royal wolf began thinning and losing in muscle definition. Inches disappeared from his frame, bringing him soon to ten feet tall only, and still shrinking.

"What's happening, King!?" asked one of the servants.

The black wolf closed his eyes and mumbled in a voice that wasn't deep at all anymore, "I am no longer King."

Nathaniel watched, stunned and mouth agape.

Luna and Astor looked at each other. As if to answer the tacit question of what was going on, Astor explained "the words he spoke... it's a ritual that allows a Lord to abandon lordship over other wolves," and Luna added "he also renounced to his privileges as a Lord, he's now become a servant again."

"How do you two know all of that?" asked Nathaniel.

"For werewolves, power also means knowledge" answered Astor. Luna continued "when we had the kingdom under our control... we learned many things. That's... one of the things that we learned..."

Nathaniel watched King again, who by now had shrunk to eight feet tall. His ex-servants had approached him, and forming a circle around him to ask him questions, cling to his arms, or just cry.

"Just leave me alone!" cried the now five foot half tall black wolf. He stood up, ears lying low and tail hanging limp, made his way through the small circle of his ex-servants and went right to Nathaniel, trying to hold tears back. "Silver... please, let's... finish this. Relinquish lordship over me."

"Why did you do that?" asked the silver wolf, crouching to have a better look at the wolf who was half of his height.

"Because I was an awful ruler! Because I was a despicable friend! Because I was the most ignominious lover that you could ever have had!" snapped the small black wolf, "Now, just do it... please, let this all be over!"

"King..." mumbled Nathaniel.

"Don't call me that name!" growled the black wolf, "I'm no longer the king of the realm!"

"King!" said Luna, giving a slap to the black wolf's cheek. "Look behind you!"

Holding his cheek with one hand, the black wolf slowly turned back. Every single one of his ex-servants was on one knee, with one hand balled in a fist on the ground, kneeling towards their former ruler. They were all staring at him with watery eyes.

"Wh-what are you guys doing? I'm not-"

"So what if you were also captured by the twins?" yelled one of the servants, "It wasn't your fault, you weren't strong enough yet!"

"And what about not wanting to go all alone face first in danger!" yelled another, "That's not cowardice, that's proof of wisdom!"

"You say you were a shitty ruler and that you failed to protect us," added yet another of the kneeling wolves, "but YOU were the one who freed us in the end!"

"And it was YOU who got rid of the shadow monster!" complemented one more ex-servant.

"S-stop!" said King, stepping backwards, "I'm not a good ruler at all!"

"You are the BEST ruler, King!" yelled the wolves.

Luna chimed in, "and... y-you're questioning yourself, which is proof that you're trying to be the best you can ever be!"

Astor put his hands behind his head and looked away, mumbling "if you want to find a shitty ruler, you just need to look at me. All I cared about was free pizzas and movies. You care about your people. That's what good rulers do," to which almost all of King's ex-servants loudly agreed.

"King." said Nathaniel, putting his hand over the black wolf's shoulder.

The black wolf brought both his hands on Nathaniel's and tried shoving it away from him, but failing at it because of the difference in their strengths. "Stop that, please."

"King." repeated Nathaniel, squeezing the ex ruler's shoulder.

"I already told you I'm not a king anymore, Silver..."

Resolute to keep going on this path, Nathaniel repeated once again, "King."

Irritated, King turned towards the Bride and snarled "what do you want!?"

"I changed my mind. I don't want to cut our ties anymore." stated the Bride.

"What? Why? I've been despicable, and ignominious, and..."

"And I don't care, King. And neither does your court. What's a court without a king, right?" said Nathaniel with a heartwarming smile. "Just look at them. Look at them and tell me what you see, and don't you dare pretend like they don't want you as their leader."

King turned back towards his ex-servants. When he made eye contact with one of them, the guy lowered his ears, wagged his tail and shivered with excitement. Some of them were even whining. "I... I see a bunch of guys who... who don't really dislike me... I guess?"

King's power core began shining anew. It had already partially morphed earlier thanks to his awakening, but now it was truly magnifying. The faint yellow tint became a bright gold, peppered with ruby and sapphire colours. The Core was changing in shape, taking on the shape of a large crown that relocated to the top of his head.

"It's more than that, King," whispered Nathaniel.

Astor jumped right next to King and grabbed the attention of everyone by saying "who wants ME as a king!" to which dozens of wolves booed and snarled. The dark gray werewolf then grabbed King's wrist and lifted it high in the air, pointed at the black wolf's chest with his other hand and yelled "WHO WANTS THIS GUY AS THEIR KING!?"

Every single one of the wolves here howled in approval, even Nathaniel and the twins joined the chorus. King looked all around him and, with the hand that wasn't held in the air by Astor, wiped his tears away and smiled. His core shone even brighter than before and gained tremendous power while it grew to become the perfect size to sit on his head.

"King, what do you see when you look at these guys?" asked Nathaniel again.

"I... I see... I see the most wonderful servants a Lord could ask for!" stated King.

Nathaniel grabbed King's core and held it up in front of everyone. Never before had he seen one shine this bright and he just knew that by holding it in his hands, other wolves could see it. He held the golden crown right in front of King.

"What's that?" asked the black wolf, "why do you have a cr-"

"It's your power core, King, it's been magnified." said the Bride before handing the jewel to the black wolf.

King took the crown and placed it atop his head. "Thank you, everyone. Thank you so much..."

Nathaniel grabbed King and turned him around so the two were facing each other. "This, King, is my coronation gift to you." he said, and then came forward to kiss the black wolf, infusing power into him.

Height and breadth began piling up on King's frame, making up for the loss of size from earlier. Inches became feet as the black wolf was growing bigger under the cheers of the ex-servants, who were delighted to see their ruler come back to them. At some point, Nathaniel didn't need to crouch anymore and stood up on his knees, the two hugging each other while passionately kissing. Because of how fast King was growing, Nathaniel had to stand up to be able to keep with the kissing. It was then King's turn to crouch so the two could continue showing their love to each other. As he reached to fifteen feet tall, the crown on the black wolf's head fell because of how much he was leaning, and the jewel disappeared into thin air, making King break their kiss.

"The... the crown?!" said King with his voice a deep baritone again, slightly panicked.

"It returned to its ethereal form," explained Nathaniel, "don't worry, it's still here. You just can't see it anymore."

"I... I see," replied the ruler. King rose up to stand upright, bumping his head against the ceiling of the cave and thus staying slightly hunched, then turned towards his ex-servants and said "I believe I cannot take lordship over you all again. However, I will allow every single one of you into my court."

The wolves all cheered for him. Their ruler was back.

"Thank you very much, Silver." said King.

"Thank you for saving me earlier." replied the Bride, "just... be careful about how you use your power of authority. You have to promise me to not try anything funny like world conquest or something like that."

King shook his head slowly and smiled with a smile like never before, one that was genuine and true. He said "The servants that are here today are good enough for me. Of course I would never say no to a newcomer or two once in a while, but a whole world all at once? No thank you, I wouldn't even get the time to learn about their favourite way of pleasing their master."

"That makes sense, I guess." replied Nathaniel. He was a little more at ease, though with that power, King was sure to end up on the gentlewolves' list of potentially dangerous individuals.

"Silver, I would like to hold a party to celebrate the restoration of the kingdom today." stated King, already regaining some confidence, "I would like you to participate in it."

"Sorry, King. I'm not really a member of the kingdom, I think that you should celebrate with your servants. They will definitely want to have a piece of you."

"It is such a shame. But I understand. If you feel like joining us for a party, be it today or any other day, feel free to come by and we'll prepare something huge for you."

"With pleasure." replied Nathaniel, "I doubt that your cave is big enough for us to have a 'huge' party, though, especially if I bring your 'rivals' along."

"Let us not call them 'rivals', it is too derogatory. I believe I should treat them as lovers, if you don't mind, obviously."

Nathaniel couldn't suppress a tail wag. "Of course you can consider them as such!"

"Thank you, Silver." said King once more, before he looked over his shoulder, seeing his servants all stare at him longingly, "It looks like they are eager to start. I shall go entertain them. I look forward to the next time we meet, and to meeting your husbands. Until next time." said King, turning away to face towards his servants. He then walked towards his rock throne and sat on it. "Who wants to worship their newly improved King?" he said, patting his sheath, which thanks to his recent growth was even larger than before he relinquished his lordship and powers.

Nathaniel looked at the twins, surprised to see only Luna, who was holding both hands in front of his sheath while staring at King and his servants. When the Bride tapped on the smaller wolf's shoulder, Luna jumped from surprise. The two of them giggled about it, and then exited the cave. Astor was standing outside, leaning against a wall and pouting.

"Is there a problem, Astor?" asked Nathaniel.

"They all laughed at me. Twice." groaned the small wolf.

"I-it's okay, Astor," comforted Luna, "you... accomplished what you wanted to, right? You did it for King, and it was great of you to do it!"

"Both of you were amazing back in there." reassured Nathaniel.

"Really?" asked Astor, stars appearing in his eyes.

"Yes, really." said the Bride, "Thank you very much to both of you. I guess I should have trusted in your judgment of King, Luna. You were right about him."

"I..." began Luna shyly, "I was very s-surprised."

"By the relinquishing?" asked Nathaniel.

"N-no. I mean... yes, that was... weird." admitted Luna, "But, that wasn't what I meant. I... I was thinking about how he acted. He feels... different."

"I like the new King a lot more than the old," admitted the Bride, "I don't know what came over him, but I'm glad that he changed that way."

The heavy noises and stench of sex and cum began rising from out of the cave. It didn't help with Luna's boner, and actually made Astor start to pop an erection too. The two looked embarrassed about it, and it felt to Nathaniel as if they were both holding back from acting on it.

"We should go somewhere else for some more intimacy, maybe?" suggested Nathaniel.

The siblings nodded, and they all set off to somewhere with a bit more privacy. They found in the park an area in the trees that was like a tiny clearing. Panting from need, Luna sat down on the ground and leaned backwards, his fully hard six inch long cock already leaking plenty of pre. Astor looked at Nathaniel, then at Luna and hesitantly stepped closer to his sibling. He let himself fall on his knees and lowered himself on all fours until his nose was grazing the red rocket in front of him. He gave it a shy lick, which made Luna moan of desire, and made the shaft fire a sizeable rope of pre all over Luna's chest. Astor then grabbed the shaft with both hands and started working it up and down at an accelerating rhythm, while aiming it towards his mouth to catch any liquid it might fire.

Nathaniel wasn't sure whether he wanted to watch or not. He considered leaving the two alone, but instead sat down and waited while occasionally throwing glances at the two. His own cock began stirring to life, filling his sheath and the tip already exiting the fuzzy tube.

Astor kneeled closer to his sibling and opened his mouth wide to encircle it around the tip of Luna's cock. The light gray wolf brought his hand to the back of Astor's head and pulled his brother closer, forcing him down on his dick. The bigger twin gagged around the dick invading his mouth, but he quickly got to work. Rubbing the underside of the tool with his tongue and suckling on it every now and then. He pulled back and took a few deep breaths before he went back at it, taking all but the knot inside his mouth. Luna was letting cute little moans and gripped Astor's head more forcefully. He was getting close to his release and so began to buck his hips while pushing his brother's head down on to his cock. Astor brought both hands to scoop and massage Luna's balls while he struggled to keep up with his sibling's arousal. Eventually, he opened his mouth wide to welcome the knot inside, also pushing the tip deep in his throat. Luna cried as he reached his climax, making his cock unload all the pent-up pressure that had accumulated until that point. Rope after rope of cum was fired in the depths of Astor's throat, which made the brother smile and wag his tail.

Nathaniel expected the two to switch roles and waited, almost eager to see what was coming next. He had begun idly stroking his dick while watching the exciting show, and his shaft was already a third of the way out of his sheath, just shy of a foot and half of pulsing and throbbing werewolf meat.

Astor pulled away from Luna's cock, freeing it and leaking cum from his mouth. He licked his lips, and, still standing on all fours, turned away to present his butt to his sibling. Wiggling his behind, wagging his tail and clenching his hole to Luna, Astor was whining like a needy bitch in heat. Luna smirked and got up on his knees, bringing his cock between the two inviting asscheeks and grinding it while licking his lips of hunger. After a few strokes of his cock between his brother's ass, he pulled back and lined up the tip against the inviting - almost twitching - hole. Without further ado, he shoved half of it inside his brother and immediately began humping in fast motions. Luna quickly lowered his upper body against his brother's back, encircled the other wolf's waist to bring both his hands to Astor's throbbing erection. The two of them were moaning and grunting from pleasure as they went at it like wild beasts in rut. Merciless, Luna pounded in his brother's ass, making his knot meet the abused hole with every shove, and bringing his sizeable nuts to slap against the thighs of his brother.

"F-fuuuck! L-Luna!" cried Astor between moans, "I'm... I'm close!"

Luna let go of his brother's cock and stopped ramming his dick inside him. The two were left panting for a couple of breaths.

"L-Luna, pl-please!" begged the dark gray wolf, "b-breed me!"

But Luna was having none of it. He leaned further down and laid his head against his brother's back. He could feel Astor's asshole clenching around his cock as a sort of desperate attempt to make him go back to breeding him. Luna shoved the last inch that was missing inside Astor - except for the knot - and gave his cock a slight squeeze. He then rose up a bit, opened his maw wide and closed it on Astor's neck, gently biting at the larger wolf's shoulder. The brother whined and moaned as he was brought to orgasm. His cock began shooting rope after rope of cum over the grass underneath them. Luna brought his hands back to his brother's shaft and resumed working on it with redoubled energy, as he began humping faster and stronger. With every time that Luna thrust inside his tailhole, Astor let out a little yip and his cock shot more cum. He was in complete bliss. Luna then began pushing with even more strength, making the other wolf's ass spread wider to welcome the sizeable knot inside. As soon as it slid in, Luna came hard. Biting harder - but still gently - around his brother's shoulder as his cock unloaded his balls' content. Astor was brought to another climax as he felt the rush of abundant cum inside his hole. Both of their red tools fired seed; Luna's load filled his brother's ass, and Astor's load coated the herbs under the two.

The switch in personality of Luna was really surprising for Nathaniel, though also arousing. His shaft was fully out save for the knot, standing at three foot and half and throbbing powerfully against his chest as he was caressing himself while watching the twins go at it with each other. As Luna opened his mouth to let go of Astor, the Bride shivered. The small light gray wolf then licked the shoulders where he had bit his brother and grabbed his butt to push on it to untie the two. Shivering and panting, Astor stood on all fours, waiting. Luna stood up and looked at Nathaniel. Seeing the surprise on the Bride's face made the small wolf smirk. The light gray twin then approached the silver wolf with slow, yet resolute steps.

When Luna was standing right next to Nathaniel, he cooed "say, Silver Bride... when I saw you interact with your husbands, you had a look of genuine happiness, and I must admit that I was...I am... jealous..." he whispered, "would it be fine if we... became husbands of yours too?"

Nathaniel wasn't sure what was more awkward. The sudden switch of personality of Luna, Astor being a bottom, the two doing this sort of stuff to each other, or Luna asking to become a husband while stroking his still hard dick. Even though Luna was less than half his own size, the small wolf was very intimidating for Nathaniel.

"If... if that's what you guys want, I have nothing against that." said Nathaniel.

"Really?! Thank you, Silver Bride, I'm so happy!" replied Luna, overly excited. "How do we become husbands of yours?"

"I need to claim your Cores by touching them while we're having sex." said Nathaniel.

Luna stood in silence for a moment, eyeing the gigantic erection of the Bride. He then half-closed his eyes, licked his lips and cooed "I'd like you to get on your knees, if you don't mind... I can't wait to get started..."

Nathaniel shivered upon seeing Luna's face. The smaller wolf giggled, then turned away and ran to his brother. While the smaller wolf was heading there, Nathaniel did as he was asked and got on his knees. As soon as Luna was next to Astor, he grabbed his brother by the arm and tugged on it almost forcefully.

"Come on, Astor!" said Luna, while dragging Astor behind him, almost running back towards Nathaniel, "Let's go for another round, and maybe many more!"

When the two were right in front of the kneeling Bride, Luna took Astor's hand in his, then put a hand behind his brother's back and pushed the dark gray werewolf towards Nathaniel. Astor landed face first against the silver wolf's cock, and as soon as he had made contact with the red flesh of the giant dick, he began lapping at it while moaning from desire. The small wolf crouched slightly, put his tongue as low as he could and stood up again while performing a long lick until he reached the tip, around which he wrapped his lips to drink the pre and suck as much of the liquid. Luna went behind Astor and immediately brought his cock to his brother's ass. In one thrust, he had shoved his whole cock - knot included - inside. He then leaned forward, pushing his upper body against Astor's back, which made Astor step forward and caused his chest to press press against the Bride's throbbing cock. Astor repeated his crouch and go-up movement; the increased stimulation from the pecjob made Nathaniel moan loudly. Luna then thrust his cock once more, this time grabbing his brother's wrist and guided the hand to the shaft. Astor took the hint and wrapped both arms around the gigantic cock, barely managing to encircle it completely in his embrace.

After one more upward movement where Astor ended up suckling on the large tip of Nathaniel's cock, Luna wrapped his hand around Astor's muzzle, trapping him in place. The dark gray wolf muffled and moaned loudly as he was forced to drink every single last drop of pre that was escaping Nathaniel's dick. While holding his brother in place, Luna resumed his humping at an accelerating pace, shoving his knot in and pulling it out. Nathaniel was a bit worried about Astor, but the look in his eyes was one of pure bliss. Eventually, Luna opened his maw wide, moaning, and closed it on Astor's neck once more. The dark gray werewolf whined of pleasure and suckled harder on Nathaniel's tip. Both of them reached their orgasms and their cocks began spewing cum once more. Astor's ass was filled with a second load just as plentiful as the first, and Nathaniel's shaft was coated by Astor's cum. Both of their cores was shining greatly, even though the power contained within was very little. Nathaniel brought his hands to the twin's hands and caressed the glowing spheres to mark them with his own power and start pouring strength into them.

As soon as he had claimed the two Cores, Nathaniel felt a surge of power flow into him, which made him grow a couple inches. Combined with the growth he got from King's magnification earlier, Nathaniel reached to twelve foot two. The intense pleasure of this wave of power made his cock throb powerfully and made his knot exit his giant sheath, forcing Astor's mouth off of the tip. The massive four feet half shaft was pulsing and throbbing, shooting large ropes of pre that fell on top of the two twins. Because he was infusing their cores with power, the two smaller wolves began growing in pulses. Each wave that went through their bodies caused their bodies to grow taller, made their frames broader, their muscles thicker, and their shafts larger. Luna was growing slightly faster than Astor, as if the smaller of the twins was trying to catch up to his brother's size. As soon as he was able to, the dark gray werewolf wrapped his mouth around Nathaniel's shaft and suckled on it while drinking the large shots of pre. An orgasm was building up fast in the Bride's balls, forcing him to interrupt his power infusion. Astor had reached to seven foot tall, with his foot long shaft throbbing and still shooting cum all over Nathaniel's shaft. Luna had grown to six foot half, and his orgasm had been renewed thanks to the intense bliss induced by the infusion of power, making his now fourteen inches send another load in Astor's ass. The Bride was brought to his climax, making his cock blast huge waves of cum that forced the werewolf plugged onto its tip away. The immense load of cum flew in the air, splashing against the foliage of trees before dripping down on the three orgasming wolves. Luna went back harder at Astor's ass, merciless despite his cock being more than twice as large as before the power infusion. The larger twin's belly was starting to balloon slightly because of how much cum was in there.

Eventually, their orgasms began weakening. Luna unplugged himself from Astor's ass, which caused the abused ass to unload a portion of the cum held inside. The light gray twin then walked towards Nathaniel, grabbed the Bride by the cheeks and pulled him for what he thought was going to be a kiss. However, the Bride was mistaken, Luna pulled him more and more until Nathaniel was on all fours with his nose right in front of the other wolf's cum-dripping dick. Before he could start sucking on it, though, the smaller wolf went back to his brother and guided him in front of Nathaniel, leaving the silver wolf eye level with the dark wolf's cock. The Bride licked his lips and began eagerly lapping at Astor's foot long rocket, wondering what plan the other twin had in mind. As he began taking the cock in his mouth, Nathaniel felt two hands on his ass. He momentarily looked back to see Luna staring at him, smirking and licking his lips, while forcefully groping his buttcheeks. The silver wolf smiled back at the twin and went back to working on Astor's cock. He knew he was about to love what was coming to him. Without saying a word to any of the siblings, he began infusing power in their cores - which started magnifying. Luna wiped his cock off of cum that he then used to coat Nathaniel's awaiting hole, spreading it all over the fleshy ring. He then shoved his whole length inside the Bride and began fucking him hard and fast while digging his fingers in Nathaniel's butt to grope it forcefully. Luna's core changed, taking on a shape of a series of puppet strings while taking on a colour - or rather, texture - of wood. Meanwhile, Astor's core also began morphing, taking on a dark purple, almost black colour, and transforming into a sort of fiery sphere. With the change in their cores complete, Nathaniel began pouring even more power into them, which made them grow at a faster rate. He too grew thanks to the magnification of his two latest husbands, but not nearly as much as said husbands. Both Luna and Astor's bodies began expanding in all directions, gaining in muscle, in size, in breath and in virility. With each time he shoved his cock inside, Luna sent his balls slapping into Nathaniel's thighs with more intensity than with the previous thrust. Astor had grabbed the silver wolf's head and gently caressed it as Nathaniel was suckling on the growing shaft in his maw. What was a foot of throbbing meat in his mouth had already become two feet and kept on swelling, tickling the depths of his throat. Luna was humping into Nathaniel, ramming his cock inside with great strength, though his knot was starting to get so big that it couldn't slide inside as easily anymore, and thus couldn't be pushed in for a knotfucking. Whining of frustration, Nathaniel wanted more of Luna inside him, and since the knot would definitely not fit, he infused more power into Luna's core to make him grow bigger inside him.

With his two holes filled with two large and growing cocks, Nathaniel was in bliss. He had reached a climax not too long ago and already felt like he could explode into another orgasm. His cheeks were starting to bulge obscenely with the knot of the werewolf filling his mouth, and his lower belly was starting to bulge with Luna's large ball of flesh. Despite this, he still wanted more. Thus, he kept giving the siblings more and more power. Thanks to the combination of the two magnifications, he himself had grown past twelve feet, which in turn allowed him to also accelerate the infusion of power into the growing twins. With how much energy was fed to their cores, the siblings were growing at an alarming rate. Luna leaned and pushed his chest down against Nathaniel's back, encircling the Bride's torso so he could hopefully caress the gigantic cock resting under the wolf he was fucking. Astor grabbed Nathaniel by the ears and very gently pulled on them, as if he wanted to facefuck the Bride. It was like living a fantasy for the silver wolf, being taken from both sides by two very hung studs was something he had craved for ever since he had transformed into a werewolf. As a result of this, he sucked harder on Astor's cock and continued infusing power into the twins' cores to make both grow while they were fucking him. Underneath him, his huge cock was constantly leaking a steady flow of pre that started pooling on the ground. Luna began pushing yet harder again as if to try to tie with the Bride. Nathaniel, whose two holes were stretching wider by the second, was in complete bliss and so were the twins, judging by their grunts and moans. The Bride started to feel a large and increasing pressure against his butt; Luna was trying to force his ginormous knot inside of him. The ball of flesh began sliding in at an excruciatingly slow pace, until it had reached past halfway point where the twin was able to effortlessly shove the rest inside. The sheer size of the immense knot was enough to distend Nathaniel's lower half of his abdominals. Because of how needy he felt, the silver wolf used this exact moment to infuse an enormous amount of power into the twin's cores. Both of them had already been big by that point, the tips of their shafts almost meeting inside their fucktoy, but with this surge of strength, they both grew a whole foot in height and their cocks expanded in size. Luna, who wanted to try to pull his cock out to begin the knotfucking, couldn't pull out anymore because the Bride's ass wasn't loose enough to let out such an enormous knot out. Nathaniel's cheeks were overfull, bloated by the gigantic knot, which also completely bulged his neck because of how thick and girthy it was. Luna put his hands around Nathaniel's stretched asshole and pushed with his hands while pulling with his hips to force his knot outside. Nathaniel wanted to howl because of the immense strain that created unmatched pleasure, but his mouth was completely full with Astor's enormous cock. Eventually, Luna's knot pulled free, and he tried once more to ram it in. It slid back in with great difficulty, and the tip of the two siblings' cocks met and fought for room while inside Nathaniel. Greedy and still not satisfied, the Bride continued infusing power, more slowly this time, into the twins, to enjoy his insides being stretched wider and wider. Every time Luna pulled his knot out or pushed it in, Nathaniel's hole became slightly looser, but it was countered by Luna's knot swelling slightly bigger. With every time that Luna managed to shove his knot inside the Bride, the tip of his cock met Astor inside, and because both fleshy spires were growing, the area of the dicks that frotted against each other increased. Eventually there came a point where it was impossible for Luna to pull his knot out, and so Nathaniel stopped his power infusion. Luna, who had become much taller, leaned over Nathaniel and gently bit into the Bride's shoulder. At first, the feeling of the fangs digging into his shoulder made his fur hair stand on their end from the rush of adrenaline at the potential threat. However, there was something that outweighed the fear of being preyed upon like this, it was the highly pleasurable feeling that was at the mercy of a dominant and forceful predator. Luna closed his jaw a bit, resulting in him gently nibbling Nathaniel's shoulder. And then, the twins came, both at once. Nathaniel felt the fangs dig slightly deeper, and heard the two siblings moan loudly from ecstasy as their cocks began firing their loads. The tremendous amount of cum that flowed through their urethras made the shafts expand in width once more, which felt absolutely blissful to Nathaniel. In a matter of a few seconds, the silver wolf's belly expanded and looked like he had been pregnant with a litter of a dozen pups. In complete bliss over his body being filled by the warm load of two sexy studs, and with both holes plugged shut so tightly that no cum could escape him, Nathaniel too was sent to his climax. His cock began shooting gallons of cum in powerful waves that splashed in front of him, coating the grass, the ground, the trunks of trees dozens of feet away from where they stood. All three wolves were completely lost in bliss. Nathaniel's belly ballooned, eventually completely overshadowing his cock under him. All three of them kept cumming for what seemed like hours. The Bride's belly was overfilled and still growing, and because of how much it had inflated, the three wolves were slightly lifted off of the ground. Because of how much his belly had grown and covered his cock, all the cum that Nathaniel's shaft fired was fired right into the skin and fur of his belly, which proved to be an oddly pleasurable feeling, as if he was getting a water jet massage. All three wolves' orgasms began weakening, much to the silver wolf's chagrin, even though he was relieved that he wouldn't inflate much more.

Luna released his bite to pant loudly. Astor began caressing Nathaniel's head lovingly. All three of them were exhausted, and lied here in silence for half an hour, moment at which the twins finally started softening enough to untie Nathaniel's two holes, that immediately began spewing the tremendous loads that were previously contained within his belly. Nathaniel rolled on his side, then on his back, and basked in the afterglow of his orgasm. Immediately, Luna lied next to him and began lapping his muzzle. Astor did the same, and the three lied on the ground, both siblings patting and rubbing Nathaniel's slowly deflating belly. The twins were reaching to twelve feet in height at this point, almost matching the Bride's height.

"I'm... I'm sorry, Silver Bride," whispered Luna, "I tend to... lose myself when I'm horny."

"She's always like that." added Astor weakly, "she doesn't look like it, but she has a loving and dominant side."

"You know, Silver Bride," giggled Luna "I think that it's funny, because you're a man and yet you're called a Bride, and I'm... or rather, I was a woman and I just became your husband."

"Well, I can officially say that I'm gay, now..." pouted Astor.

"You already were, Astor," said Luna, giggling.

"Yeah, but before today, I was only doing it with you, Luna. You're a girl. Or I guess, you were a girl. Gah! I'm not really sure anymore!"

Nathaniel brought one hand on the head of each of the twins. He caressed them both and said "I don't think that it really matters what labels we use, what's important is how we feel about ourselves. If you're comfortable with this situation, then everything is fine."

"I guess so..." pouted Astor.

Luna smiled and whispered "thank you so much, Silver Bride," shedding a tear, "you've done so much for us, I don't know how we could ever repay you."

"It's alright, Luna, there isn't really a need to repay me. Your affection, love and skilful ministrations will be more than enough for me. I'm sure that Aegis would love to get to know you, he's... as much a bottom as Astor, but he shows his eagerness a lot more."

Luna replied "r-really? I... I liked him, he looked so... delicate and caring... I-I mean, outside of the moment when... you know, when he acted... really horny... N-not that I would mind, you know... having him do that to... to me."

"I might need to grow you more, though," sighed Nathaniel, "he's a massive size queen."

Luna giggled at the statement. For the next couple minutes, there wasn't a sound - other than cum flowing out of the Silver Bride's still gaping hole - and all three wolves simply enjoyed caressing each other lovingly. It was a moment that Nathaniel wanted to last forever. However, the devourer was still out there, probably cursing as his plans were foiled and preparing a new scheme. The silver wolf had two new incredibly strong powers at his disposal, which would most definitely give him an edge on the devourer.

"You look angry," mumbled Luna shyly, "did we... do something?"

Nathaniel was drawn out of his thoughts and turned his head towards Luna to find his face filled with worry. "No, not at all!" he said, "I was thinking about... you know... everything that has happened. And what will come next."

"You mean our ex-master?" asked Astor, chiming in.

"Yeah..." replied Nathaniel, "I'm honestly afraid of him. I don't know if I can win against him, but the more we wait and the more time he'll have to find other victims to corrupt..."

"We'll just have to kick his butt!" exclaimed Astor vigorously, "Luna and I are invincible when we are together!"

"Astor..." groaned Luna, "we're not invincible... we're very vulnerable. And our ex-master knows our weaknesses..."

The dark gray werewolf pouted "but our powers, they're..."

"They're strong," interrupted Luna, "but they don't make us invincible. Just look at what happened here in the kingdom."

"You're... you're right..." replied Astor.

"It's fine, you two," intervened Nathaniel, "I won't let that guy harm you, I'll protect everyone, I promise."

The silver wolf felt the two siblings snuggle closer to him. He was trying to act tough, but deep down he was terrified of the devourer. After seeing what this cruel individual had done to Ebony, to Glutton, and the twins, there was no way that he wouldn't be scared. Though for now, he wanted to enjoy some well-earned respite and closed his eyes.