Thirty Minutes in Heaven

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Jessica had been friends with Jacob since the two were in day-care together, but she worried they were drifting apart. She was twelve now, and she joked that she was a year older than the silver husky because he was eleven, but she was only two months older than him. But that joke ended today, at least for another year - it was Jacob's birthday. Jessica was walking to his house, only a block away, carrying a neatly wrapped box tied up in ribbons. She knew she would get flack from Jacob's new middle school friends, but she didn't care.

Actually, she cared a lot! That was the problem, Jacob's new friends grated on the young whitetail doe. She remembered when it was just the two of them, and that was enough. Now that their elementary schools had joined with others in the large middle school, Jacob had sought and met new friends, all boys, and all canines. Some of them weren't so bad: Patrick the golden retriever was pretty quiet, and Robert the Dalmatian was pretty polite. At least when they weren't in the same room as Dobber.

Dobber was the worst by far. He was a well-built Doberman, with rich black fur and brown highlights, and though his tail wasn't docked, he had apparently convinced his parents to let him get his ears cropped. Or maybe he had done it behind their backs. Jessica hated everything about him. His parents were both pure-bred Dobermans, names Dover and Debbie. They must feel so clever about his name. But he was very outgoing, generally directing the other boys, including Jacob, in what to do. This proved problematic for Jessica. She wasn't interested in stupid juvenile television shows or video games, and neither had Jacob been. But with the other guys, he changed into another person.

When the boys were together, everything became hilarious and dirty. Jessica could hardly say anything without one of them saying something stupid like, "White? I wonder what made it white?" or, "I bet she's sleeping with it!" It hardly ever made sense, but it always set them all giggling, especially Dobber. Even Jacob would participate, and that hurt. She still burned with resentment from when he had said, "It's okay, she's just a girl."

Later, he had apologized, but it had still hurt. She wished he would stand up to Dobber and defend her for once. She wondered if it were hopeless though. Maybe her parents were right, canines were just a bunch of immature, well, dogs. She liked Jacob though, or used to, and it was his birthday. She knew it would suck - she was going to be the only girl there yet again, with Jacob, Dobber, Patrick, Robert, Andy, and Mike. If things got too bad, she figured she could just leave.

Jessica finally reached the door, taking the time to straighten her hair, unruffle her skirt, and pull up her socks before ringing the doorbell. She wasn't surprised to see that all the boys had already arrived, since she had spent some extra time getting ready. They were drinking soda pop from Dixie cups when Jacob's father answered the door.

"Good evening, Mr. Hennyson."

"Oh, Jessica! Aren't you pretty today? Here, I can take that," the wolf said, extending his hand. She handed them the neat package, and he put it on the coffee table with the other gifts.

"Thank you, Mr. Hennyson," she said, and she saw Dobber snicker at her. She rolled her eyes, wondering what he was thinking.

"Come on in, we're having the cake before you all head down to the basement. We'll be upstairs if you need anything. Have fun."

Jessica responded politely, "I will, Mr. Hennyson."

The wolf left the room, laving Jessica with all the boys. Dobber was barely able to restrain himself until the adult had left the room before blurting out, "I'm surprised you didn't just undress for him right then. Didn't know you were into wolves..."

Robert chuckled, and Patrick didn't say anything, but she was glad to see Jacob roll his eyes at the Doberman and say, "She's a doe, she's not into wolves."

Dobber was quick however, saying, "Yeah, you're right, she's into huskies. I wonder what her present is - a love letter?"

Jessica replied, her ears laid back, "It's nothing like that, you idiot. God! Grow up."

Andy was a Welsh corgi, and thus shorter than the other boys, but he made up for it with talk. "I bet it's a condom! The rest of the gift is 'cumming' later tonight," he grinned, and the other boys laughed. Jessica began blushing, amazed at their immaturity. Even Jacob couldn't help but smile.

Patrick looked confused, his golden-furred eyebrows raising, cocking his head to the side. "But I thought you couldn't get pregnant your first time."

Dobber was quick to out-do the other boys, answering, "True, but you think this slut's a virgin?" mockingly.

There was an awkward silence from the other boys, and Jessica was furious. She turned and tromped downstairs to the basement, leaving the boys to their fun. She smiles slightly as she heard Jacob say, "Dude, that's not cool."

Dobber said, "Whatever man, it was just a joke," but it stopped there.

Jessica looked around the basement, trying to calm down. She'd been down here thousands of times over the years. Jacob had a nice basement, with carpet, and a big leather couch, a TV, and even a refrigerator. It was like a normal room, except it was always a little chillier, and one of the doors just led to a musty furnace room. She still remembered getting in trouble for hiding in there during hide-and-seek. The back wall to the TV room had a solid, sliding door to what the Hennyson's liked to call the "closet", which was really a set of two rooms almost as big as the first. Once inside the closet, you were next to the washer and dryer, which seemed to be perpetually running in the busy household. Through the next door, which was really just a frame, was the closet itself, where sometimes musty old clothes hung, and things were left to be forgotten. The nice thing about the TV room was that both the furnace and closet doors were basically sound proof, so you could play X-box without the laundry machines driving you completely crazy.

There were boxes of pizza lined up on the downstairs table to keep the kids busy. Jessica suspected that Mr. and Mrs. Hennyson shared her dislike of Jacob's new friends - the parents seemed to stay away from the boys when they were together. She knew that they would be just upstairs if anything happened that needed addressing, but other than that they'd stay out of the way. By the time the boys had finished their cake and were heading down the stairs, Jessica had cooled off, taking the time to brush her hair again so that it was appropriately bouncy. That was the nice thing about being a doe - you were always very photogenic. But Jessica had begun going that extra mile anyway, once she became twelve.

Dobber didn't wait long to try and push her buttons again, only halfway down the stairs when he asked, "Still on your period, Jessica?"

He got a chuckle out of Andy and Mike, the German shepherd, but Patrick stayed quiet and Rob just shook his head. Truth was, she wasn't on her period, but it was in a few days. Obviously Dobber didn't need to know anything like that, so she glared at him and said, "Still a jerk?"

The Doberman reached the end of the stairs, pausing to form his newest stupid retort, lewdly grabbing his crotch and saying, "Yeah, I'm a big dick - wanna see?"

Jacob came down the stairs last, carrying the four of the six presents. Patrick was carrying the other two, placing them on the table next to the pizza. Once they got downstairs, "Alright, we've got until 11:00 PM," Jacob said.

Dobber interrupted saying, "Let's play 'seven minutes in heaven'. You got a bottle Jacob to see which of us'll start?"

The corgi jumped in, saying, "Open the presennnnnnts!"

Mike said, "I'll open your mom!"

Robert said, "Gross, Mike... I wanna play Mario kart."

She knew Patrick wouldn't say anything. He was a follower, and even though he never played Mario kart, he had spent plenty of time just watching the other boys play. She couldn't imagine it was much fun hanging out with a bunch of stupid boys who ignored you, but then she realized, sometimes she really wished she were ignored a bit more often.

Jacob said, "We can only play four on kart, and there's seven of us. I think we should open the presents."

Again the Doberman chimed in, "Patrick doesn't wanna play anyway. And Jessica'd rather not. That leaves 5. So one of us joins Jessica in the closet, and we rotate out, every seven minutes. I'll go first..."

Jessica was about to respond when Jacob said, simply, "Dobber, shut up." He walked over to the presents, his fluffy tail curled up and proud while the other boys followed him, and Dobber seethed. The doe was wide-eyed. Now that Jacob was twelve it seemed like he was standing up to the Doberman. She smiled and stood next to the presents. He first opened a hastily wrapped cardboard box in three kinds of Christmas wrapping paper. Scrawled on the top was Mike's name. When Jacob lifted the top of the box, he saw a seal-wrapped green box, the video game "Phantom Fighter".

Jacob said, "Hey, thanks, Mike. I know you said good things about it."

The German shepherd grinned, "Don't forget, you have to play with me now. No chickening out just because I beat the shit out of you."

Jacob's silver tail wagged politely, and he countered, "We'll see, Mike, we'll see."

He turned to pick up a brown paper bag with no identifying marks, raising an eyebrow. Dobber chimed in, "That's from me."

Jacob pulled out a glossy magazine from inside the bag, and blushed furiously, quickly trying to hide it, but Jessica saw the cover before he could hide it. On the front of the magazine was Collie, completely naked. She was winking, and showing off her boobs, and even her vagina, and the title of the magazine was "(she'll) Be Your Own Bitch" abbreviated BYOB. Jessica rolled her eyes, and said, "Typical." Rob and Andy moved closer, curious, their tails wagging.

Jacob's tail had drooped from embarrassment, but Dobber was incorrigible. "It's got full frontal, Jake. I swear, they even have some close-ups of her vag. I got it from my Dad's stash."

The husky slid the paper bag and magazine to the edge of the table, saying, "Jesus, Dobber, what's wrong with you?"

The Doberman grinned, his tail wagging, and said, "If you don't want it, I'll take it back..." He stepped forward to reach for the back, but Jacob blushed and pushed him away.

Jessica looked away, embarrassed as well. He wanted the magazine? She felt awkward - it was a canine only publication. What was wrong with some of the other species? She tried to put it out of her mind as Jacob stammered, "Let's open another present," losing some of the confidence he seemed to have been building.

To her surprise, he picked her little box with the neat ribbons, sliding it across the table before gently untying the wrapping. There was a handwritten card that read: "From: Jessica, To: Jacob." He wagged his tail and smiled at her as he lifted the lid. When he saw its contents, his eyes widened, though the other boys watching suddenly cocked their heads, confused. It was a little doll. Actually, a G.I. Joe, in cloth uniform, one of the old models that had no plastic pieces. Jacob exclaimed, "You remembered it! This is just like it."

Jessica smiled. He was stunned. When they were just kids she remembered Jacob telling her about his favorite G.I. Joe, but he had played with it so much that it was gross and ripped, and then he had lost it. She knew how important it was to him, and she had enough information to find the same doll on Ebay. It had been thirty bucks, but her parents had decided to let her get it for him since it was so important. She held her tail up proudly, smiling at her friend.

Patrick cocked his head, looking at the doll. It was a Golden Retriever like him. He said, "What is it?"

Dobber said, "Looks like a stupid doll to me," to which the corgi nodded in agreement.

Robert said, "Looks to me like Jacob likes it," satisfied.

Mike shrugged, so Dobber chimed in again, "That's pretty gay..."

Jacob was ignoring the boys' comments, smiling at Jessica, his tail wagging happily. All embarrassment about the magazine had passed, and he said, "Thank you so much, Jessica. This means a lot to me."

The Doberman would not be ignored. He said, "OooooOOOOooooh! Jake and Jess are gunna DO it!"

Jessica just turned to Dobber and said, "I thought you just said he was gay..."

"Dude! Not Jacob. The doll's gay. Nah, Jakey-boy wants a piece of that tail for sure."

Jacob put the G.I. Joe back in the box, turning to his friend and saying, "Shut up, Dobber, don't you know when to shut up?"

"I'm not the one fawning over some stupid doll. I mean what are you gunna do, play dolls with it? Grow up. It's a stupid gift."

Jacob said, "No, it's not."

"What you going to do with it? My gift was way better. You're gonna use it, I know that much. You aren't going to play with that doll, admit it," the Doberman sneered.

Jacob paused, but admitted, "Yeah, it's true." He was opening his mouth when Jessica stormed out of the room, sliding the door to the 'closet' open and slamming it shut. She could hear Dobber laughing, but she didn't care. Whatever, screw them all, and Jacob the most. How could he say that Dobber's porno magazine was better than her gift? She felt tears forming in her eyes, but she fought them back. Had she truly lost her best friend to those stupid, arrogant boys? She was completely and utterly humiliated.

She heard the door slide open, Jacob standing there looking concerned. When he saw her expression, he quickly stepped inside and slid the sound-proof door shut. Jessica looked away from him, wanting nothing to do with him. "Jess, you didn't let me finish."

"Finish what, explaining how Coleen Chambers means more to you than my gift?" she demanded, choking back tears.

"What? I was going to say how much your gift really meant. It's true, I probably won't play with it, but it's the best gift I ever got. And I want you way more than I want some stupid collie."

Jessica was startled, and said, "" confused.

Jacob looked like he was having a heart attack, stammering, "I mean as a friend, Jess," the fur on his tail even fluffier than usual.

The doe flicked her ear inquisitively, and said, "You've got lots of friends, Jacob, and they understand you better than I do."

He stopped her there, saying, "No one knows me better than you do. And maybe I don't wanna be friends with them like I do you."

She looked up at him, questioningly. "What do you mean?"

He looked into her eyes, pausing before slowly saying, "Maybe I do wanna be...more than friends."

She leaned up slowly to give him a quick peck on the cheek. "Maybe I do, too." She smiled at him, trembling slightly in excitement.

His tail was wagging feverishly, as he said, "Let's get back to the party."

But when he tried to slide the door open again, it only moved an inch before not budging. Jessica could see that the downstairs freezer had been moved to block the door, and Dobber was on the other side, saying, "It's thirty minutes in heaven time! You aren't coming out."

Jake said, "Dobber! Open the door. Come on, man, it's my birthday."

Mike wagged his tail from where he could barely see into the laundry room and said, "That's why we're locking you guys in. You got thirty minutes, better get at it!"

"Don't make me get my dad," Jacob warned, but Dobber sneered.

"From inside there? Alright kiddos, have fun - we'll get you out in thirty minutes okay, so you'd better have your clothes back on!" The Doberman began sliding the door shut again.

Jacob tried calling to his more reasonable friends, saying, "Pat, Rob, come on, let us out - hey!" he yelled as the door shut. He tried to open it but the freezer was now flush with the handle. They were trapped. The other boys couldn't even hear his protests thanks to the soundproof door.

Jessica said, "Dobber is such a juvenile. I don't know why you're friends."

Jacob says, "Sometimes I wonder too. He's better than you think, though. Just a little immature."

The doe flicked her ears, saying, "If you say so."

Jacob sat on the washing machine, sighing. "I guess we're stuck here. You know they are just playing Mario Kart." He was such an attractive boy, Jessica thought with surprise. She hadn't expected him to tell her he wanted to be more than friends. She had thought they were drifting apart, and now they were closer than ever. She looked him over with new appreciation, looking at his slender body. He was wearing shorts and a t-shirt, sure, but you could tell he was strong. Probably his half-wolf heritage. He had muscular arms and legs, and had always been one of the better athletes in school. That hadn't changed when joining the new, larger middle school. In fact, she suspected Dobber was jealous of Jacob's success, since Dobber had been the big sports guy at his old school.

She thought about Dobber. He was handsome and athletic too, his fur even more strikingly beautiful than the gentle contrast between Jacob's white and silver fur. She knew that some of her peers thought he was hot. She shuddered mentally, knowing way too much about his stupid behavior to share that opinion. He was juvenile, chauvinistic, and unkind. Why the other girls would want a guy like that, she didn't know. But then, she couldn't understand why the other boys liked him either. She suspected Patrick had a different reason to want to be around Dobber and Jacob. She was not surprised at all that Patrick hadn't shown any interest in "(she'll) Be Your Own Bitch".

Jacob said, "Hey, Jess, you there?"

She had spaced out. She smiled up at her new boyfriend and said, "Sorry. You think they're really going to wait thirty minutes?"

"Yeah. If I know Dobber, I bet he thinks we're actually doing something."

"In the middle of a party?" she asked.

"It is my birthday, after all."

Jessica steamed. "Oh, so I'm supposed to just...I don't think so." She turned around in a huff. She knew Jacob didn't expect anything of her. She wanted to give Jacob a chance to look her over, since he had been averting his eyes since she had kissed him. She kept her tail high, sticking out of her skirt, trying to stand on her hoof-tips so her legs looked longer. She didn't dare look to see if he had noticed.

Jacob said, "I didn't mean it like that, Jess. I was just joking."

Nervously, she dared look. She smiled when Jacob quickly looked away, blushing. He had been looking at her body, after all. She had never felt happier. Somewhere, somehow, she found the courage to ask, "Yet there's nothing to do in here. Why not do that?" She looked away, suddenly losing her courage and joining him in a dark red blush.

There was an awkward silence. Jessica held her breath, anxiously, until finally Jacob said, "Yeah, um...okay."

Jessica looked up at the silver husky and met his gaze. He was serious, and so was she. He jumped off of the washing machine and moved to the young doe, putting his hands on her arms. She looked up at him with her big, brown eyes, and he leaned in to kiss her. She could hardly believe that seconds ago she had feared that she had come on too strong. Their noses were a couple inches apart, but their tongues were out, touching, the warm, wet contact a new experience for them both. They had seen plenty of movie kisses, but actually experiencing it was something else altogether.

The young lovers were breathing heavily from holding their breaths coupled with the sheer excitement of kissing, and they still had twenty-seven minutes to go. She gasped, "Jacob...!" unsure exactly what she was trying to say. He simply nodded, leaned in, and pushed his wide, canine tongue into her mouth. She let him invade her muzzle, enjoying the overwhelming feeling of his tongue cradling hers. Instinctively, she pulled herself against Jacob's muscular body, pressing her small breasts against him. He wrapped his arms around her, and there, clutching each other, the two children made out.

She had no idea how much time was passing as they stood there, lost in an alternate world of entwined tongues, but she noticed that she was impulsively pushing her hips against her new boyfriend. She would have been incredibly embarrassed had he not been doing the same. In fact, she felt something hard pushing against her stomach, and realized the taller husky had a hard-on. In shock, she pulled away from him, looking at the tent in Jacob's shorts.

Jacob followed her eyes and yipped in surprise, a blush thoroughly covering the young male's face. "I - I'm sorry, Jessica, I..."

She just smiled at him. "It's okay." She looked up at him with her best sultry look, and the husky melted, a dopey smile on his face. She looked down again, and said, "I know we've seen each other naked dozens of times, but...I've never seen you like that."

Jacob murmured something under his breath, scratching the back of his head, embarrassed. Jessica continued, saying, "But I'd like you to show me..."

Jacob's eyes widened and he said, "Say what, now?"

She chuckled softly and said, "I wanna seeee."

Jacob looked around the room as if afraid someone was watching, but he knew that the two were trapped alone in the room, for at least another twenty minutes. Swallowing, the nervous husky said, "Al-alright. If you're sure, Jess..."

He was so cute. She nodded to the bashful husky and he obliged her, placing his hands on the clasp for his shorts. He slid his shorts down around his knees, leaving a pair of boxer shorts to barely obscure his solid erection. Jessica watched as he managed to slowly lower those as well, revealing his soft, white sheath and the shiny, red penis protruding. Jacob was an early bloomer, his body already filling out, the boyish curves giving away to hard muscle. His erection was no exception; even just reaching age twelve he was long and solid.

Jessica had only seen penises online, and seeing one in person was quite interesting. She hadn't really believed they looked so wet, but the proof was right in front of her, in the form of her embarrassed boyfriend. "Wow," she said, not sure what to think. It wasn't as large as the images she had seen, for which she was grateful. She had always worried that when she did eventually have sex, she would prove too small. She could barely fit two fingers into herself when she tried, alone in her bedroom. But Jacob was no thicker than that.

Jacob said, "Uh, Jess, this is a little awkward."

She looked up at him, "Oh, God, I'm sorry. I've just never seen one so close before."

Jacob grinned at her and said, "Maybe you could...return the favor? I think I'd feel better if I weren't the only person naked in the room."

Jessica gulped, realizing that what he was asking for was simply fair play. She couldn't really refuse him, so she put her hands to her blouse, unbuttoning it. Jacob watched as she removed the garment, wearing nothing underneath. She wasn't developed enough yet to need a bra. He looked over the little nubs, certainly nothing like the boobs he's seen online or in magazines. They were petite, but exciting nonetheless. He said, "That's not what I meant." His eyes fell to her skirt, and the doe blushed furiously.

She saw an opportunity and said, "Al - right, but you have to take your shirt off, first."

Jacob hastily flung his shirt off, which landed in a heap a few feet away. His chest reflected his athleticism, toned and strong, and Jessica almost swooned. But she had another obligation, and with both her hands, she lowered her skirt and panties in one fell swoop, just to get it over with. The two pre-teens stood in front of each other, completely naked aside from the cloth dangling around their knees. They each tried to ignore the other's prying eyes, while prying themselves.

It was Jessica who took the next leap, saying, "Can I - can I touch it?"

Jacob's jaw dropped, but he closed it promptly and said, "Only if I can touch yours."

She nodded in agreement, and knelt before Jacob, looking closely at the throbbing boner. Jacob looked like he already regretted the deal he had made. He looked down at Jessica's inquisitive face, now only inches away from the erect organ. He yipped in surprise as his childhood friend reached out and touched his trembling tip. She ran her hand along its length, feeling the soft, rubbery flesh. She was surprised it was so hard, since it felt so soft.

"Um, Jess," he winced, feeling very vulnerable. She looked up at him with those big eyes, questioningly, and he said, "God that feels...I - I think it's my turn, ok?"

She nodded, letting go of his sensitive penis, and then blushing when she realized what she had to do. She lay on her back, holding her upper body up with her outstretched arms, revealing her lightly furred mound to the husky. With one hand, she pulled her skirt and panties off her right leg, spreading her legs for him. Her clothes dangled uselessly from her left ankle. She folded her short tail over her butt to obscure it; he didn't need to see that.

Jacob's eyes widened as he looked down as Jessica, lying naked on her back with her legs spread eagle like so many pictures he had seen. But she was real, and she was the girl he really liked. He got down on all fours, nearing her proffered genitals. Every fur on her back was bristling with anticipation as Jacob reached out with his hand, cupping it over her mound. She gasped, clenching reflexively, and Jacob asked, "Did I do something wrong?" nervously.

"No, Jake," she said, chuckling nervously to blow off some steam, "That was fine."

Nodding, he gulped, running a single finger along the thin line down the middle. She shivered and held her breath as he investigated her. He had seen her naked dozens of time, but not with his current perspective, and not while he was this horny. At this moment, Jessica seemed like the best thing that there could ever be in the entire universe.

The doe watched Jacob use two fingers to gently pull her folds apart, causing her to gasp and say, "Hey - that..." but her silver-furred friend ignored her, lowering his muzzle to her amazement. She was speechless as he inhaled deeply at her pink vulva, and then took a quick lick. She had been about to protest until she felt his thick, wet tongue on her burning loins. Instead, she moaned.

Jacob was encouraged by this, and licked again, enjoying the unusual taste. She kept her legs spread for him, lost in ecstasy. She lost track of time again, but finally Jacob stopped, sitting up at looking at her. She looked down at her wet crotch in amazement, wondering if that had really just happened. She still lay on her back in front of the canine, holding her upper body upright with her arms and her legs spread revealingly, and he was kneeling between her legs, looking curiously at her. His erection was as hard as ever, and only a foot and a half from her newly moistened entrance.

She said, "How much time is left?" panting.

Jacob cocked his head, thinking. "About fifteen minutes? We'll be able to hear the freezer scraping against the door when they move it."

She nodded, and lay all the way on her back, smiling up at Jacob and saying, "Kiss me."

The husky didn't hesitate, lowering his mouth between her legs again before the exasperated doe said, "Not there, Jake, up here."

Chagrined, the husky began to nervously cover the little doe's body until he lay on top of her. She pulled him next to her and kissed him, her mouth open and waiting. Jacob rested his weight on her body, his erection pressing up against her soft lower abdomen. The french kissed again, making out as they clutched each others' naked bodies. Jessica would have wondered how their innocent declaration of going steady had progressed so quickly to this point, but she was thinking about other things.

Soon they were panting, kissing, and humping against each other, Jake's boner pushing firmly against her stomach. Hesitantly, the silver husky finally placed a paw on one of her slight breasts, as if such a gesture embarrassed him. She moaned, hardly believing the feelings coursing through her body. No one had told her it would be like this, but no one had told her much of anything. Her parents hadn't even warned her about her first period. She had thought she was dying of horrible cancer until her mom explained about a girl's monthly curse. All she knew for sure was that the boy put his penis in the girl's vagina, and then if the girl had an 'orgasm' sometimes she got pregnant. And that she wasn't supposed to do it.

Not doing it made less and less sense to her as she made out with her best friend. She felt warm, something tingling in her gut. Jessica felt like she needed something, and she suspected what it was. She pulled back from Jacob's fervent kisses, and looked him in the eye. "Jake," she said, "I love you."

His jaw dropped, and he replied, "Oh, Jess, I love you, too."

If he had been surprised before, he was flabbergasted when she said, "I want you to put it in me. Just for a little bit."

Gasping, the horny husky said, "You wanna do it??"

She nodded, saying, "Just for a bit. I wanna know what it feels like."

Unbelieving, he asked, "Are you sure?" his throat dry and raspy.

Grinning, she said, "It is your birthday, after all."

He didn't dispute that, pulling back onto his knees again. They both looked down at their quivering genitals, only inches apart. Her vulva was wet, and his red erection throbbed. She didn't notice the glands at its base that were beginning to swell.

Gripping himself in his hand, he directed the tip slowly to her slit, and she spread her legs for him, unbelievably turned on. She knew that this must be what being boyfriend and girlfriend was all about. Her eyes widened as she watched him push the meaty organ between her nether lips. He met a little resistance from her tight, virgin hole, but he kept pushing despite her moan in sudden sharp pain. The pain faded quickly, replaced by her arousal. Not knowing any better, Jacob kept on until he was pressing against her, his erection embedded in her up to its hilt. She lay there, fully impaled, and she smiled. They were 'doing it'.

The two nervous teens stayed connected there, holding their breaths at the sensations overwhelming their straining genitals. Jacob didn't move, just kneeling over her, his cock engulfed. His tongue lolled out of his mouth as he panted, barely able to resist his instinctive urge to start humping her silly. Jessica clenched her vulva around her boyfriend's erection, moaning. He was so large, but fit perfectly. More perfectly with each passing second, it seemed like. Finally, she decided that this was enough for now. She said, "That's enough for now, Jake. The others will come to check on us soon."

Jake nodded, but said, "We still have ten minutes."

She said, "Even so."

Grudgingly, Jake pulled back. But something was wrong. "Jake?" she asked.

"I can't...I can't get out."

She was suddenly alarmed, and tried to slide away from the horny husky. He was right, there was something big tugging on her tender labia. She pulled harder, causing Jake to bark in alarm, "Hey!"

"Jake, pull out of me!" she exclaimed.

"Hey, hey, I can't! It's not like I don't want to." Whatever it was, it hadn't been there when the husky had pushed his way into her.

"What are we going to do?"

It was as much a surprise to Jacob as it was to Jessica. He had masturbated plenty of times before, but had never really noticed the wide bulge in his sheath, the massive canine knot that had swelled to its full size inside of Jessica's vagina. He wished his parents had said something about this. They said he would learn about sex from school, but sex ed. wasn't until 8th grade! All he knew was that he wasn't supposed to be doing this, and now he wished he wasn't.

Jake said, "I don't know. Jess! Stop pulling, that hurts."

She stopped, but she looked like a deer in the headlights, very worried. "We don't have much time!"

He said, "The only thing I know is that if I...finish, um..."


Gulping, he continued, "If I finish up, my penis gets smaller again."

She gasped. "I don't want to get pregnant, Jake!"

He said, "No, Jess, that can't happen your first time, so it's okay."

She wasn't sure about that, but she had definitely heard it before, and she trusted Jacob. Plus, she also knew that if she didn't 'orgasm' she would be okay, too. She said, "Okay, let's do it. Quickly!"

Jacob didn't need to be asked twice, and he leaned forward against her, humping as he had been wanting to since entering her. She was astonished by his canine fury, laying back and moaning. He hadn't been too big before, but now with his swollen knot inside her, she felt way too full. His cock slammed into her tight passageway. She was trying not to feel aroused, knowing that that led to 'orgasm', but it was impossible, and she began thrusting back against him, moaning as her boyfriend turned ferocious beast pounded her.

He was trying his best to reach release. He was pretty sure Dobber was right that she couldn't get pregnant, but he knew for a fact that they only had a few minutes before his friends tried to look in on them. His ears were perked up, trying to hear any advance warning of the freezer being moved. He needed to fill her with that sticky fluid as fast as possible.

Jessica wrapped her legs around the husky, her clothes still dangling from her left ankle. It felt good. It felt really good. She pulled him closer to her, her arms around his back. She opened her mouth, and he kissed her. Her moans were muffled by his large tongue. Their hot, furred bodies rubbed against each other as he thrust wildly, his muscular chest pressing up against her perky breasts. Try as she might, she couldn't stop but feeling her body get warmer, ever nearer what she knew she should avoid. Finally, she gave up, thrusting back with abandon. It would be okay, it was just her first time.

Jacob gasped, panting, "I'm almost there! We're going to make it!"

Jessica said, "Do it! Do me, Jake!"

The eager husky ground himself against her tight body, their straining genitals just moments from blessed release. But that was when the door slid open. Five mouths stood agape, wide eyes looking at the scene before them. The freezer had been moved away from the wall, so Jacob didn't hear it moving. The two lovers were lost to their feelings, blissfully ignorant of their new audience. With a final thrust, Jacob howled, releasing deep within her. Simultaneously, she began to shudder, throwing her head back and bleating. Her internal walls clenched powerfully around the husky's dick, pulling his seed ever deeper. It collided with her semi-permeable cervical walls, the only meager protection between his eager emissions and (unknown to both pre-teens) her fertile womb. The next several hours would find his sperm wiggling its way through the wall into her uterus, seeking the eggs at the very end of her fallopian tubes. And none of their beliefs about contraception would make any difference.

They still thrust against each other as the husky flooded her, his tail wagging. She continued to bleat, overwhelmed by her first, amazing orgasm. She opened her eyes, her head arched back. And she felt like she had been struck hard, in the stomach. She saw them, upside-down, five stunned canines watching incredulously she and Jacob had sex. She was breathless, her mouth gaping in disbelief, and in her head she kept hearing herself, "No, no, no, no..."

She couldn't tear her eyes away from their upside-down faces. They could see everything, even the remaining thrusts she herself couldn't hold back. The two still rocked against each other, Jacob whining, his eyes clenched closed as he kept spurting within her. Jessica was pale, completely paralyzed, except in her hips. Finally, with a gasp, Jacob spent himself inside her, his tongue panting furiously. He said started to say, "Alright, lets..."

His eyes open, he shut his mouth with a snap, almost biting his own tongue. He whimpered. They were all there, watching, and had been for two minutes now. There was an awful silence as the two new mates stared at the Doberman, German shepherd, Golden Retriever, Corgi, and Dalmatian, and they stared back. Then she heard it, the slow sound of clapping.

Andrew was clapping, slowly at first, and then Dobber joined in and soon all five were applauding like they had just seen the end of a beautiful orchestra. Dobber was grinning at her, and she closed her eyes, fighting back tears as she pushed at Jacob's chest, trying to get him off of her. She said, "Get off of me!"

Jacob's paralysis ended, and he tried to pull out, but it was no use. He was still rock hard in the knot, despite all his efforts. He was trapped inside of her. "I...I can't!"

Dobber said, "Oh shit, man, you tied in her. Great job, man, I don't know what to say."

Jacob turned on the Doberman, barking, "Get the fuck out!" and Patrick, Robert, Andrew and Mike all realized that this was completely inappropriate.

Dobber on the other hand, said, "Make me, if you can pull yourself out of your birthday whore."

The tension was incredible, the four other onlookers not sure what to do. They had been followers of Dobber for so long, but Jacob had been challenging that sort of alpha status. Now there was a battle of wills, and it seemed like Jacob was in the compromising position.

Jacob said, "All of you, leave, this is private," gasping in desperation for them to listen. All Jessica could do was clutch herself to Jacob's chest, trembling, tears finally bursting from her clenched eyelids.

Jacob's voice was weak, and Dobber said, "It ain't private any more, huh? Stay guys, you don't get to see something like this every day. In fact," he said, reaching into his jean pocket for his cell phone, he grinned and said, "I need a picture to remember this by."

Jessica's eyes shot wide open, tears flowing freely and she looked in horror at the Doberman, "No, you can't!"

"Stop me," he dared, aiming the cell phone camera, his tongue out in concentration.

She tried, yelling to the other boys, "Stop him, please..." in desperation.

Mike and Andrew, the German and Corgi weren't going to listen, they were watching with awe and wagging tails as Dobber searched for a good angle. But Robert looked almost physically ill, and Patrick look confused. Still, they didn't do anything as a flash blinded Jess's eyes.

Dobber looked at the picture and laughed, "Hah, just like a deer in the headlights, am I right?" He passed the camera to Mike and Andrew, who nodded in agreement.

Patrick stepped forward and said, "Guys, I don't think..." but he was interrupted by Dobber grabbing his shorts, unbuttoning them, and pulling them down. Patrick's eyes widened as the Doberman revealed his giant, erect cock, and his train of thought was devastated. Mike and Andrew looked revolted, but Dobber didn't seem to care, saying, "I need to be in these pictures, guys, as a souvenir."

Mike immediately laughed, followed by Andrew.

Jacob said, "Put that phone down now, Dobber," but the Doberman was completely ignoring the husky now. He held the phone down around his crotch, trying to get his own dick in the foreground, and the tied couple in the background. Another flash lit up the room.

"Not bad," the grinning black dog said. "Now, I'm going to need a good close up of the real action, so Jacob, I'm going to need to to lie her down on the ground. Unless you want me to send this image to like, everyone in school. My contacts list is pretty sweet."

Jacob yelped at that thought, and pulled Jessica away from his chest, so that she was lying on the floor, her little breasts exposed. He lay over her, using his arms for support, as he tried once more to pull free, unable to do so. Jessica lay stunned and whimpering. She couldn't believe what was happening.

The only person not watching now was Robert, and he looked away, his spotted tail between his legs. Patrick kept looking at Dobber's revealed cock as the Doberman moved up to the couple, just out of Jacob's reach. He aimed the camera at their conjoined genitals, snapping another quick picture, and then stood up, standing over Jessica and aiming the camera down. Another flash, and he showed his handiwork to Mike, who critiqued it artistically, "I like how your cock is just out of focus and you can see her entire body up to Jacob's cock. And the detail on her face is fantastic."

Dobber said, "Let's see," while pressing buttons on his cell phone. "Rob, Patrick, Mike, Andy, and of course, you, Jacob. Send. There, now you all have copies."

Jacob growled at the Doberman, who took another picture of Jessica naked on the floor. Jessica couldn't take it any more and yelled, "Jacob, don't let him take pictures of my face..." weeping.

But when Jacob moved to try to cover her face, Dobber said, "Don't you dare, unless you want your face in these pictures too. God forbid they end up circulating..."

Jacob stopped dead, looking up at the Doberman with dread. He stayed mostly vertical, leaving her body fully exposed. She wept, so vulnerable, afraid, and helpless. Even Jacob wouldn't help her.

Dobber snapped a few more photos, making sure Jessica's head was always in focus. He got one of her breasts, and her whole body, and a nice angled one that showed her weeping and the lower half of Jacob's muscular body where he penetrated her. Mike and Andrew laughed, and Patrick was entranced by Dobber's cock. The Doberman didn't seem to notice. He said, "Come on guys, group picture, I need some more cocks in here!"

He stood over Jessica's face, as she covered herself with her hands. He aimed the camera straight down, as first Patrick, then Mike and then Andrew added their dicks to the foreground. Dobber said, "Wow, this is a great close up of those embarrassing nubs of breasts!"

Jessica reflexively moved her hands to her breasts, and Dobber snapped the picture. It was perfect, a straight down view of Jessica, her horrified face in clear view, with a cock stuck in her and four other cocks hovering above her in a circle. Even her breasts were visible, her hands only having just moved to protect herself. Dobber said, "Wow, too perfect for words. You're such a slut, Jessica..."

Jessica sobbed, "Shut up, shut up, shut up!"

But by now the canines had completely given in to their depravity, ignoring her feelings. And Patrick just seemed happy to have his erection so close to the other boys'. Jacob looked away, a powerful blush on his face. He had no idea what to do. Robert looked like he was about to throw up.

Dobber said, "Tsk, so uncooperative. I think this picture deserves to be seen by the school." He pressed a few buttons on the cell phone, as Jessica and Jacob yelped, "Nooo!"

Rob the Dalmatian leapt at Dobber, colliding with him just after the Doberman said, "Send." The familiar beep went off, and each of the boys' cell phones made an acknowledging beep. It was sent.

Dobber was shocked, and fought back, striking Rob in the shoulder, but the Dalmatian was relentless, pummeling the black dog's stomach and chest with furious blows. The Dalmatian barely managed to refrain from biting the Doberman, and he pushed Dobber away into the wall, where the big, black dog stayed, stunned. The physical assault ended, and the verbal assault began.

"You mother-fucker Dobber! Don't you fucking see what you're doing to them? They're our FRIENDS you sick, god-damned bastard! You're in Jake's house at his BIRTHDAY party. You have no fucking idea what friendship is." The Dalmatian's entire body was trembling, and tears were falling down his face, but he blustered on. "LOOK at them! Look at HER!" He turned to Jessica, where she lay weeping on the floor. "This is perverted, a fucking crime. You should go to prison for this, Dobber."

Dobber was, for once, speechless. This gave Rob the opportunity to turn on the others. "And YOU! How could you just stand by and let this happen? We all know that Dobber is a soulless monster, but you guys... You line up obediently for a picture. God damn it, you make me sick. You're all fucking going to hell, on a leash led by this motherfucker..." he said, pointing vaguely in the direction of Dobber.

He began whimpering, his face matted already with tears, and he begged, "I'm...sorry Jake. Jessica...I'm so sorry. Please, please, if you can find it somewhere in your heart...God forgive me!"

To punctuate the speech, Robert hurled on the floor, unloading recently ingested cake and pizza. Weeping and gasping for breath, the Dalmatian went to the door, saying, "I'm going home. All of you just...go to hell!" And then he was gone.

There was complete silence. It seemed as though everyone in the room was even more stunned than when they had first caught the two kids having sex. Dobber finally clicked his phone shut, taking a deep breath. The boys all pulled up their pants, their dicks having gone limp during the tirade. One by one, the boys filtered out of the room, muttering about going home. To his credit, Dobber was the first to leave, his tail between his legs. When Patrick was about to follow Andrew out the door, Jacob whispered, "Patrick, please, wait."

Patrick turned and cocked his head at the silver-furred husky. Jacob continued, "Stick around...don't let...don't let my parents see this when they come to find out why everyone left, okay?"

Patrick nodded, and slid the door closed.

Once they were alone, Jessica burst once again into tears, and Jacob didn't know what to do. Patrick did his job well, keeping Jacob's curious parents from opening the door, and after another ten minutes, the husky was able to pull out of Jessica. Her insides were still coated with his seed, and he got a paper towel to help clean the two of them off. She was silent, completely, and Jacob knew he should say something, but couldn't bring himself to do it. They got dressed, but she was eerily emotionless. When she was ready to go, Jacob said, "Are you okay? Do you want me to come with you?"

She just said, "I need to be alone."

He didn't argue with her, sliding the door open to find Patrick dutifully guarding the door. Jessica refused to look in the Golden Retriever's eyes as she walked up the stairs and out the door, ignoring the Hennyson's questions. They found their son extremely unresponsive as well, though they asked him repeatedly what had happened. He just went to his room and sobbed.

They decided to ask him in the morning, but by the time he had woken up, the news was all around the school, and Jacob's parents knew mostly what had happened. The pictures had travelled throughout the school system, ending up in the emails and cell phones of students and teachers alike, and it wasn't long before Jacob's parents got an email. Seeing their son tied knot-deep in his childhood friend, in a picture that was now public knowledge, they decided that now was a good time to talk to their son about sex.