One Long Night

Story by stormtrooperdragon on SoFurry

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A tall male black dragon looks up at the large office building as he stood in his Marine uniform. "It's going to be a damn long night" he says to himself. He looks at his wrist watch and then says, "It's eight o'clock. I'm early." He shook his head as he walked in the door out of the cold winter night. The black dragon was 5'8" tall with a 3'8" long tail. He usually didn't wear shoes and tonight was one of those times. He walked by a security guard at the security desk and showed his ID.

"Hey Brian." says the security guard. The security guard was a male wolf in a normal security guard but under the desk was a M16 he used in case of an emergency. He stood at a height of 5'2" and had thick brown fur with white on his paws, tip of his ears, and around his nose and eyes.

Brain turned to the security guard and says, "Hey Ken. Anything new I should know about?" He then looked around, "I don't even remember it being this quiet at night" he says to himself.

The security guard shook his head, "You know I'm always left out from that stuff. You're really the only one who tells me anything." He smiled a bit.

"Thanks for that comment." Brian chuckled. He then walked to the elevator and pressed the up button and looked back at the guard as he leaned against the wall, "Haven't been here in a while" he says, "Anything happen while I was gone?"

The security guard looked up from his magazine, "Na. Ever since you left it's been lonely for me. No one to really talk to and everyone seems to just say the casual hi to me." He sighed and went back to reading. "That's the honest truth Brian."

He blinked as the elevator opened, "So I'm the only one here correct?" he said as he went into the elevator and pressed the button for the second floor. He then heard, "Except for me yeah. Though I think someone is coming later. Not sure though. I'll tell you if they come in" from Ken. "Okay" he said before the door closed completely. He then exited the elevator into a main hallway. He looked around for his office and sat down. He lighted up his computer screen and it said after he logged on, "You've got mail." He blinked and looked at his mail, "Six messages from someone that I don't know or they are just trying to be anonymous." He laid his chin on the pads of his paw as he read the mail. The first five were just some weirdo things and then the sixth one made Brian think, "I've wanted to talk to you but have been too nervous to come with others there. When you are alone please mail me so I can come and talk to you in private." He looked over the message again and said, "Okay let's email this person back so I can see what they want." He sent a reply saying, "Alright I just got in and yes I'm alone except for the security guard. Just tell him you have an appointment with me and then come to my office." He clicked the send button and it was sent without any problems, "Alright let's see how long it takes for this person to get here" he said as he leaned back. He then spun his chair around and looked out into the night sky.

Ken looks as the elevator closes and sighs. He's been holding a secret that he could never tell anyone or his good friend Brian. He looked up as he saw no one in the building. He looked over at the lockdown button and shook his head, "No, I can't do that..." he said to himself but his eyes continued to look over at the button, "But then I could have privacy with Brian and tell him..." He shrugged and then blinked as he got an email on his desk computer. He then read it and nodded, "Okay someone is coming. Good..." He then went back to reading his magazine.

His computer beeped as he got a new mail. Brain spun and read the email from Ken, 'Hey Brian you got someone coming and then when they come I'm going to put the building in lockdown because I'm going to get something. Okay? If you want anything email me back with response and what you want' it said. He blinked and then emailed back, 'Alright. I don't want anything but thanks anyway.' He chuckled and then blinked as the building suddenly went into lock down. Steel sheets went down like screens on the windows, "Guess my guest is here" he says. He then spins in his chair a bit as he hears the elevator open, "Over here" he yelled to his guest. He then blinked as Ken from around the corner, "Hey Brian can we talk?"

Brian blinked as he looked up to Ken, "So wait, you're my guest?"

Ken nods, "Yeah I just want to talk to you in privacy since you're the only one I can really trust. Is that okay?"

Brian blinks and says, "Of course but you didn't have to be secretive about it." He points to another chair, "Sit down Ken."

Ken blushes as he sits down, "Um Brian there is something I have to tell you..."

Brian looks up as his friend talks, "Shoot tell me already bud" he says when Ken stops. He watches as Ken says, "Yeah um...see I..." he then jumps into Brian's lap and lays his head on Brian's shoulder. Brian blinks and looks at Ken, "What is it?" He nudges Ken as he blushes a bit, "You know I won't tell anyone if it's a secret for only between you and me." Ken looks up a bit and says as his arms and legs wrap around his friend, "I know I can trust you but it's just that..."

Brian looks down a bit confused, "It's just..." he says wondering what his friend is talking about. He feels Ken nudge his neck and say, "It's just that..." he takes a deep breath, "It's just that I love you Brian. You're the only one that's really my friend. Everyone just seems to walk by me and not say anything like I'm a ghost. When you always talked to me I got really happy." He turns to look at the full moon out the window, "When you left I thought I'd never see you again." He then cries more, 'I hope he doesn't hate me for this' was the message going through his head after saying his love for Brian.

Brian blushes and then scritches Ken's ears, "Wow...I didn't know you felt that way about me..." He then nudges Ken's furry cheek. Ken knew this is where he was going to say that he just wanted to be friends and if he said that Ken would kill himself since Brian was the only thing he could look for in life and if he couldn't have Brian his good friend for nearly five years he just couldn't live. He continued to cry onto the dragon's scales.

Brian looked down and says as his other arm holds Ken tight, "Ken I didn't know...I-I don't know what to say except..." Ken knew this was it. "I'm sorry but I don't think..."

Ken looked up, "Oh...I-I'm sorry...I just had a strong feeling for you for a few years...I thought I should come clean to you..." He got up and a few more tears dripped down his cheeks, "Sorry to have wasted your time..."

Brian looked up and then used his tail to pull the wolf back on his lap, "Ah don't leave." He holds the wolf tight in his arms, "I don't want you to go. I just have a few questions to ask you. Why do you love me? Tell me the truth."

Ken sighed and said, "'re the only one that talked to me and seemed to be kind to me. Everyone else was fucking rude to me that I was ready to kill them but when I saw and talked to you. All that rage just went away. I'm not like collecting your scales or anything but I just feel more love for you every time I see your muscular body." He blushes as he looks into Brian's green eyes with his own blue eyes, "You must really think I'm weird and will never talk to me."

Brian blinks and smiles, " all makes since now." He nuzzles the wolf as his hold gets tighter, "Just to let you know I love you too. I was just afraid too." A tear falls down his face, "This time it's not a joke and this is the truth."

Ken blinks at those words and says with a few more tears running down his furry cheeks as he looks up, "R-really? You're not tricking me?" He looks back up after laying his head on Brian's shoulder.

Brian blushes as he kisses the wolf's nose, "No, I loved you too. I was just as afraid of telling you as you were about telling me but it seems you were the braver one."

Ken looked up and thought, 'All this time he felt the same way about me' he blushes a bit deeper, 'I can't believe it. I-I just want to...'

Brian wipes the tears from Ken's eyes, "Please stop crying. We both got our feelings for each other out and now..." he was cut off as Ken pulls him into a deep kiss, his tongue trying to enter his own mouth as Ken starts to murr deeply.

Brian murrs with his new mate and then pulls off the kiss and says, "Wow...I now know what I've been missing since I had a strong feeling for you." He then nuzzles the wolf as he holds him tighter then before. He starts to undo his shirt, "You getting hot? Because I am" he says as he takes off his shirt showing his muscled chest and arms to the wolf along with his wings full length.

Ken smiles as Brian takes off his shirt, "Now that you mention it, it is hot." He then takes off his shirt and licks the dragon's neck, "Oh god I have loved you and I never will stop loving the sexy dragon you are." He then blushes as a small bulge appear on his pants as his tip slowly came out of his sheath.

Brian felt the bulge and says, "Alright I'm going to give you some training so please stand up." He watched as Ken stood up and then he got on his knees and undid Ken's pants revealing the wolf's furry sheath with the tip poking out. He murrs as he then licks softly at the tip and says, "You okay Ken?"

Ken looks down with a soft nod, "Mhmm." His arms hold onto Brian's head as Brian licks his sheath and tip, "Can I sit in a chair incase my legs turn to spaghetti from all the attention?"

Brian nods and then helps Ken into the chair he was in before. His hands rub Ken's balls as he continues to focus on the hardening wolf cock. His long tongue wrapping around the cock. He smiles as he hears Ken moan in pleasure as he then sticks the wolf's cock into his muzzle. He suckles hard as he drips saliva onto the cock and rubbing the wolf's large furry balls.

Ken leans his head back and says, "Oh god! I didn't think you were this fucking good Brian." He lays his hands on Brian's head and scritches as Brian continues to suck on his cock. He moans again in pleasure as his cock hardens and begins to pulse as it drips pre from the tip. He moves one of his hands to the dragon's back and rubs it gently. He feels a knot forming, "Oh god I love you so much you sexy dragon!"

Brian looks up as he gulps down the pre. He stops sucking letting some pre go onto the floor, "Since I've pleased you. I want you to please me for a bit." He smiles as he undoes his pants and lays them aside. He gets on his back spreading his legs giving Ken more room to suck on his sheath with his tip just peeking.

Ken blushes and says, "Wow I didn't realize you had a big thick sheath. But that just tells me I have a bigger cock to suck on." He then lays in between the dragon's legs before he is stopped by the dragon's tail.

"Not the sheath." Brian says as his tail points to his tailhole, "We're mates now aren't we?" He grins.

Ken blushes as he then shoves his cock into the dragon's tailhole, "Oh yes!" he yells. He looks down at the dragon as he gets a hard rhythm going thrusting very hard making the dragon bounce.

Brian leans his head back and closes his eyes, "Oh yes! Take me hard!" He grips his claws into the carpet and says, "The janitor will have a hard time cleaning this up." He chuckles after he moans in pleasure.

Ken nods and says, "Oh yeah and if he asks will tell him it was a drink I accidentally spilled. That will be mostly true." He moans also as he makes the thrust harder into his new mate. "Oh I love you so much!"

Brian chuckles and then backs away from Ken.

Ken blinks and says, "What are you doi--" He is stopped as Brian shuts his muzzle with a finger on his lips. "Shh" he says, "I want to go some where more beautiful for this. Care if we do?"

Ken blinks as Brian let's go of his muzzle, "Okay. But I don't know anywhere romantic. Do you?"

Brian nods and says, "First we gotta get dressed." He hands Ken his clothes and then gets into his own. "I do have a place in mind but it's a bit cold" he says answering Ken's question.

Ken nods and says, "Alright I don't mind just please take me there so we can be alone." He then acks as he is picked up by Brian and held in his arms, "What are you doing?" he asked with a confused look on his face.

Brian nuzzles the wolf and says as he opens his wings, "How else am I going to get you there?" He chuckles as he heads down the emergency stairs and outside. He flaps his wings and takes off carrying Ken in his arms in the winter night sky. He keeps his eyes on where he is going.

Ken looks up and sees the dragon's head in front of the full moon. He looks down and in a few minutes they are out of the city limits and over the forest. He blushes a bit and keeps thinking, 'Why are we leaving the city?'

Brian looked down at a small opening in the snow covered forest, "Here we are" he says as he goes down and lands safely in the snow. He sets his handsome wolf down and holds him tight, "Hold still" he says as he rips off all of the wolf's clothes along with his own. "No matter what I will always love you and there is no stopping our love. I don't care if others don't want us together for I will always love you." He holds Ken tight in his lap as he sits in the snow as their cocks rubbing together.

Ken blushes and holds the dragon tight as well for warmth. Wrapping his legs around him as well as he says, "I will always love you too. I will not stop loving you neither." He holds on to the dragon for warmth as he shivers a bit. He looks down seeing the large dragon cock that has finally appeared out of its sheath, "Love, I didn't think your cock was that big" he says as he nuzzles into his mate's neck. He felt the warmth of the dragon surround him as a few wild animals are heard in the nearby woods.

Brian smiles and kisses the wolf's forehead, "Oh I guess your cold? Maybe I should warm you up." He grins as he shoots a small ball of fire into the air giving them more warmth, "Better love?" he says with a grin.

Ken nods and pulls his chest against his mate after he lifts up a bit and sits back down sticking the dragon's large cock into his tight tailhole. He moans in pleasure As the cock completely goes into his small tailhole. He continues to hold onto the dragon for warmth.

Brian chuckles and says, "Such a tight wolf." He kisses the wolf and says, "Don't worry I won't ever let you go." He lies his head on top of the wolf's head, "I love you so much.

That night Ken and Brian realized that they both really loved each other and that they really wanted to stay with each other for ever.

This is my first story I ever typed. I hope you like it. If you have any suggestions or comments about this or how I should improve please tell me! Thank you