Chapter 5 "Closure"

Story by ThaRedPanda on SoFurry

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#6 of Book 1: The Dark Sound Of Steel

Chapter 5


(Stealers Wheel - Stuck in the Middle with you)

"I absolute love powdered potato smash," Sam said, munching his food with a great satisfaction like always.

"You love everything, no matter what you eat." Jacob pointed out with a chuckle.

"I do have to say, it has umm... Distinctive flavor." Niles pointed out from the opposite side of the table, Ryan just shrugging his shoulders to agree, mumbling with his mouthful

"It's okay."

"Yo, Ryan?" Jacob suddenly spoke, poking his food and not feeling that hungry this morning.

"Yeah?" The fox hummed.

"Where is husker?" The German shepherd questioned.

"How should I know where my brother is? Maybe he had a business to attend to." Ryan said casually without care.

"Like what?" Sam asked with interest. It was indeed unusual for Dion to be missing from breakfast.

"Or Tio, for that matter. I haven't seen him this morning at all." Niles said in wonder, the seat opposite of Jacob being empty as well.

Ryan just sighed and spoke.

"I don't know about Tio, but I think my brother is just having some alone time to clear his head or something. He acted weird this morning."

"... Weird?" Jacob asked with interest.

"Yeah. Well, like... More weird than usual. He was in his own bathroom like four in the morning, talking by himself. It was kind of creepy. I don't know. We just... Talked briefly. I think he should talk to someone. Like about whatever issues he has going on. He sure as hell didn't share a light to me on them." Ryan said with a roll of his eyes.

"... That doesn't... Sound like Dion I know. I mean, I knew something has been troubling him and tried to get something out of him... But talking by himself that early does sound... Weird." Jacob said with an eyebrow raise.

"Yeah, well. It's just Dion." Ryan shrugged, continuing to eat.

"Ummm, hey, Ryan." Sam suddenly said, lifting his gaze up and looking at something.

"Mmmh, what, Sam?" Ryan asked with a slight annoyance that he couldn't eat in peace.

"Look over your shoulder and up." The hyena pointed out carefully.

The fox indeed picked interest of such odd request and wasn't only one turning around to look.

"What?-" Was the only word Ryan could let out before seeing it.

Charlie Winchester was rather close at the huge and round window at the upper floor, that being the overseer's quarters. They could all visibly see him and was going on with him... It didn't look pleasant. Charlie looked like he was practically yelling at Calvin inside the room for some reason, looking furious. Like... It was very rare to see him angry.

Little did they knew that the argument going on in the room concerned the very fox looking at it right now.

"Sheeeesh, your dad looks angry." Sam let out, even fearing the idea of being yelled at by Charlie like that over something.

"Is that really Charlie? Holy shit, Calvin must be going on hard on him, whatever it's about." Jacob winced, having no sign of a smile or something to joke about while looking at Charlie yelling.

"... You know anything about that?" Niles asked with a puzzled tone while looking at the dog, Ryan showing a very focused look and answered in slight concern.

"I didn't even know that he was meeting Calvin until they announced it on the intercoms. He left his room little after four to somewhere though. Me and Dion both heard it while talking. I had a hunch though where he might be headed but it ain't anyone's business but his." Ryan muttered.

"Four? Why?" Jacob asked with weirded out tone.

"Who the hell knows or cares? Besides, dad and Calvin always argue like that... At least so I have became to learn." Ryan said, watching as his father was rubbing his nose bridge at something.

"... I don't know, Ryan... He looks like he is about to hit my uncle." Niles said with a bit confused tone, not knowing how to feel about that. Calvin was always rather kind to him because they were family, but he knew the bad blood between the husky and the weasel. And it was not like he was very close with the lynx. Calvin was always so dignified and buried in his work. Most things he did on his free time was playing chess with some residents and kept making casual round walks through the vault and making sure everyone was doing their jobs.

"I highly doubt that. My dad is too much of a softie to hurt anyone." Ryan muttered.

"... He did hit my dad once just recently you know." Niles said quietly.

"True... But he deserved it." Sam said from the other side of the table, both shifting to look at the hyena briefly as they didn't expect such an answer from such a kind person. The chubby hyena just looked at all three and just answered.

"What? He called my mom a-... I'm not going to even say it." Sam said with an uncomfortable tone and kept eating.

"I can repeat-" Jacob began with a smirk, Sam turning to look at him right away.


Jacob just kept on eating and tried to keep a straight face.

Niles began slowly after.

"Yeah... I think my dad is still angry at Charlie for that... And me... But he is always angry at me." Niles said with a sad tone.

"... Has he said mean things to you again?" Ryan asked right away in concern and slight anger.

"... He always does. But I... I just soak it in. He has his... Reasons." Niles said with a convincing tone.

"What possible reason-"

"Ryan... Let's just eat. Okay? I don't want to talk about my dad... By the way, talking about dads..." Niles said, having looked over his shoulder again, seeing Jacob already watching there as well.

Ryan turned again to look as Charlie was bowing, walking backward out of sight and disappearing from the window view.

"... I honestly do wonder what that was all about." Sam said with interest.

"I don't really care. Could be anything at all." Ryan said with a sigh and kept eating, his mind already on today's training session... Among with concerns of Randal being mean to his boyfriend.

"So, you might have some hunch?" Jacob asked.

"I ain't gonna tell it right away. It's not my right to blurt it out."

"... Come oooon, just some slight context, please?" Sam begged with interest.

"... Nah."

"Don't be boring, Ryan. You are never boring." Jacob encouraged.

"... Fine. But none of yall ain't telling about this to anyone, okay?" Ryan asked with frustartion.

"... We promise." Jacob and Sam both said instantly with excitement.

Ryan slowly turned to look at Niles and putting his paws in the air as surrender.

"You tell if you want to tell. Up to you." The lynx chuckled, continuing eating."

"... Okay. I think he is having sex with Sandy Marston and Calvin just about now found out somehow. That is where i suspected he went in the middle of the night... And countless other nights too. But yall will shut the fuck up and keep that to yourself."

"... Dude, why would Cal-" Jacob began, until realization hit both him and Sam.

"Oooooh." The hyena said awkwardly, putting the pieces of puzzle together.

"... If that is true, let's just hope he doesn't act extreme towards your dad or something." Niles said quietly with worry.

"You know him. He isn't scared of anyone. So I wouldn't worry about it." Ryan said with a shrug.

"But Calvin is overseer though, he has the power here." Jacob reminded.

"Yeah, unfortunately... But I doubt he will act on this. Divorces happen. He can't treat his ex-wife like he owns her." Ryan said like it was a fact.

A small silence after few agreeing nods were followed.

"I'm still wondering where Tio and Husker are..." Jacob muttered, looking around himself. It wasn't perfect morning among others if he didn't have his best friend to ruffle up and Tio to annoy.

"... I don't know about Dion... but Tio... I think Tio has a reason he doesn't want to come and eat with us." Sam said with a sarcastically clueless tone.

"... Like what?" Jacob asked with interest.

"You," Sam said ,his expression turning disappointed.

"... Me?" The German shepherd asked in confusion.

"Yes, you, Jacob." Niles agreed without hesitation.

"... What?" The dog asked even more puzzled like he was missing something.

The chubby hyena sighed and Niles took it to himself to answer annoyedly in Sam's behalf.

"Dude... Am I going to state like the most obvious here? Tio has a low temper. You have been annoying him more and more during the years, just picking on him every way you can, and being all physical menace, like... You know he doesn't like to be touched at all. It's getting too much on him... And Dion is the most calming company he can have. You should be nicer to Tio, it's not a lot to ask."

"Physical menace, good one," Ryan said randomly, giving a chuckle at overdone choice of words.

"... I AM NOT! - What?! Tio isn't so sore over that stuff, it's friendly stuff! You know? It's just me! I do it for everyone! Don't I?" The dog asked like he was being attacked, chuckling nervously.

"Yes, but some can't take it as well as we. Tio is clearly annoyed at you. Why else would have he stormed out yesterday from our company?" Niles asked like Jacob was an idiot.

"... But... Like... It's Tio! He knows I don't mean anything in a bad way! I never do! I don't hate him! I think he is just so much fun to tease! I mean, I consider him a friend!" Jacob confessed with a genuine tone.

"Jacob... We know. But maybe Tio doesn't. He isn't exactly a very humor driven person; in case you haven't noticed over freaking NINE YEARS." Niles explained like talking to a child.

"Yeah... You could just save time and apologize for him of being... Well, Jacob. It shouldn't hurt your dignity." Sam chuckled.

"Ha! Apologize, Tio? Nah. He will be around in no time. No one can resist this charm. Not when Dion Is my best friend. He has to deal with my clown antics if he is to survive in this group." Jacob said with a confident smirk and crossing his arms.

"Not everything is a game, Jacob." Niles sighed in a given up tone.

"And not everything is a victory. Good luck with losing to Ryan for the sixth thousand times in a row. I'll go look for Dion. Chao, kids!" Jacob snickered, hopping from his seat and giving a tap at Niles's back, Ryan smirking at the comment and the lynx huffing in annoyance, looking after the dog who was waving his tail around as he left.

"... Sometimes I wish Tio would just punch him again." Niles admitted.

"Nah. At least Jacob isn't boring. He is entertaining as hell to have around. That makes him already cool in my books." Ryan said with a casual smile and kept eating, the lynx rolling eyes and continuing to much his potato smash as well.

Sam was about to add his take on discussion until he saw something again and spoke.

"UUhh... Ryan. Your dad is coming here."

"Huh?" The fox asked. Before he could turn around, Charlie Winchester was already few steps away from their table.

Few from the dining hall stared at him since adults were not usually seen in the younglings dining hall during this hour. They ate their breakfast in a senior hall. So, it was odd to see Charlie passing through here. Some gave smiles and waves at the husky, Charlie giving few back and causing some mammals to whisper and even more, teenagers starting to notice his unexpected presence before class that would start shortly.


"... Dad." Ryan just said casually, looking at Charlie.

"Son... I'm going to need you to attend my class today." Charlie said with a serious tone.

"... I... Me?" Ryan asked.

"Yes, you, son. And Niles, you as well. I have something I need to announce for the whole class, and I need you two to be there as well."

"... Oookay? Can you at least tell me why?" Ryan asked in frustration.

"You will learn soon enough, no need to confuse you more than needed at this second. Just be there. Promise?" Charlie asked politely.

"... Dad, I got like... My morning training? Or have you forgotten?" Ryan asked like he had no intention to go to his dads' class.

"Yeah... Mister Winchester, I don't want to be rude, but... What is so important that we have to come over?" Niles asked in confusion.

Charlie wondered what to say, considering his words for a moment as he looked at his annoyed son and his son's confused boyfriend.

Sam was just quiet, not really understanding what was going on.

"Just... Be there. Okay. Do I have both of your word on that?" Charlie asked seriously, clearly in a hurry.

"... I... I'll come, Mister Charlie." Niles said hesitantly, clearly seeing that this was important to Charlie. And the dog was more a father to him than his own ever was. If Charlie needed a favor, he wouldn't have reason to say no.

Charlie nodded with a pleased smile, looking at Ryan and expecting the same reaction. The fox looked at the lynx for a moment, then sighing as he saw that he was clearly going without Ryan or not. There was no use to train by himself.

"Fine. Whatever." Ryan said with a frustrated tone.

"Thank you, son. I'll see you both in class within twenty minutes." Charlie said, starting to walk away from the table almost right away.

"Dad, can you like, exp-" Ryan tried to still argue, but the dog had already swiftly left the scene and talking towards the south exit, towards the area where the classroom was located.

The fox shook his head, continuing to eat and muttered.

"Why did you say yes?" he asked from the lynx.

"... It's not like your father asks favors often, you know? If he wants me to attend, I will. Since it's something important." Niles said in a small defense.

"Important. Ha." Ryan said with a sarcastic tone and eyeroll, Sam suddenly speaking.

"You know... He is sad that you don' attend."

".. Huh?" Ryan hummed with a lift of an eyebrow.

"He... I think he is sad that you or... Niles, never attend to classes. It's like... Every morning he looks at your empty seats for a while." Sam admitted genuinely.

"... He can feel sad all he wants, it's not like I never attended. I just found something more interesting to do in my free time than listen about the geometry of freaking... Some land far away... Aus... Australia, was it? Like half of the shit, he talks about is just useless information to my ears. What the hell do I do with the knowledge of some old dead musicians like Michel Jackson? Or things called Nuka cola? Or freaking... I dunno, the process of growing tomatoes or radiation? -"

"Okayokayokay, sheesh... I got it, Ryan. I just think it's... Fascinating. Not everyone is a sports guy like you." Sam said right away.

"They should. They are wasting time." Ryan said, Niles, talking in between.

"I guess... I guess it would be more interesting if Charlie told about things, he did out there... You know. Like his adventures?"

"Hah! My dad isn't no adventurer. He hasn't told me almost anything at all from his life on the surface. You know why? Because he most likely had a boring life. He said he was a merchant, and I believe him."

"... A merchant who knew how to teach you to fight with a sword." Niles said with an uncertain voice.

"... He just knew some things. I would win my dad in that competition now with one hand." Ryan said like it was clear as a day. Sam started slowly to defend Charlie like Ryan was way too negative about his kin at the moment.

"I don't know... Maybe he is just not telling all the stuff about himself from out there. Like... Maybe he just doesn't like to talk about it. Just a few days ago we were talking about that stuff. Farin asked him what is so bad about the surface, and Charlie-"

"Look, whatever. Got it. You guys think my dad is a hero. To me, he is boring. This subject is boring. Can we move on? I'd at least like to do my push-ups before I have to waste time attending my dad's class." Ryan let out in frustration like the whole conversation was more work than fun.

"Ryan, don't be rude. Your dad is an amazing guy." Niles said with a genuine tone.

"Yeah yeah, he is. But he isn't no hero. He is a good teacher and has his way with words. Woopdiedoo." Ryan sighed.

Niles and Sam just gave a look at each other, wondering if they should say anything anymore. And they didn't. It seemed like Ryan was getting tense these days for no reason...

But so, it seemed to be with everyone.

There is no escaping drama in a closed space with merely a hundred people in it.


(Fallout 4 OST - Covert Action)

"Dion... You are a completely healthy nineteen-year-old boy. Congratulations. Not that the news would come as a rare surprise. You are among the few kids in this vault that never get sick. A good immune system is key to a healthy life... Well, among having a good doctor nearby. That is rather handy as well." Amir chuckled warmly, taking the stethoscope from Dion's back.

"Can't argue that," Dion said quietly with a smile, rubbing his own shoulder and feeling a bit out of the situation as he had a lot of else on his mind.

"Indeed. You are free to go, Dion. Your father's class starts within an hour. You better get something to eat." Amir said in conclusion, starting to settle his medical equipment back in their rightful places.

"... I'm not hungry." Dion said quietly.

"... No? Well, even if you don't feel like that, a boy your age should eat his breakfast. We don't want the healthiest boy award to go to someone else now." Amir playfully said, not seeing that Dion was going through something on his mind, as he had not yet left the room. Nor had an intention to.

Dion just sat there, looking at the door and contemplating his decision here. He knew it would be most likely the right choice... And he had to do it sooner or later. Amir could be the only one who could genuinely help him.

"... Mister Waldi... Can I... Ask a question?" Dion asked carefully.

"Dion, you've known me since you were just a little boy, you don't need to address me by professional standards. That is silly. Do ask your question." the bunny chuckled in surprise, shoving stuff into his cabinets.

"... I lied about feeling ill when I came here. I... I came for another reason." Dion said, still doubting if this was the right way.

"Oh? What did you come here for then?" Amir asked back, still not thinking much of it, as he was setting things back in order.

"... You are a... Psychiatric... Right?" Dion asked, wondering if he was just shooting in the dark. But some younglings like himself had told that Amir indeed also listened to people's troubles and had some expertise of being also a psychiatric.

"... I don't have the official degree to earn such a respected title, but I was trained well by my father in some parts of the profession. Interesting question. Why did you want to know?" Amir asked, now having stopped what he was doing and looking at the husky, still sitting on his examination chair and pulling the zipper of his vault suit back up.

"I... I have a problem. I... I think you could help me... I don't know..." Dion muttered, Amir not almost able to hear him, as the dog avoided eye contact.

"Dion... Is everything alright?" Amir asked, walking closer and looking at the husky now in slight worry.

"I... I need someone to talk to... I... I don't know who else to talk to look help from." Dion admitted, just sighing and getting chills of even speaking about his issue aloud. But like Ryan said... If he couldn't talk to him... Or his dad... This was the last straw he got. He had considered Jacob... But he would not take it seriously, or might and think of his best friends as a weirdo.

"... Dion. If you think that talking to someone with expertise is the way to go, I am here to listen. But if something is truly bothering you... Shouldn't you talk to your father about it? Charlie is likely one of the wisest men I've met." Amir admitted although he was still in great worry for the old husky, considering their last encounter.

"... I can't talk to him about this." Dion said quietly, now looking at Amir with a serious look.

The bunny looked at Dion for a moment in question, taking a deep breath and nodding in understanding. He took a better composure on his chair, talking.

"Alright then."

"... You... You won't tell dad, if I tell you, right?" Dion asked in hesitation.

"... Dion, that would make me horrible at my job. What you tell me will be strictly confidential. If we are going down on the road of mental evaluation, I have to follow the guidelines that are set for me. The rule is simple. What you tell me, will not be shared with anyone. The only case I would have to is if you were talking about personally planning violence on someone. Then I would have the right to warn that person about it. Otherwise, everything you say to me will stay in this room." Amir explained calmly.

"I'm... Not planning to hurt anyone. I would never-"

"No need to get defensive, Dion. I never claimed for you to plan such. You are a good person."

"..." Dion was quiet for a while, looking at the body scan pictures on the wall. He didn't understand their meaning, but he was just going through a brainstorm at the moment. The screams of his mother's voice... The desperate voice of his father... It was a lot to unleash on someone in the form of a story.

"... Dion?" Amir asked, waking up the young husky from his deep thoughts.

"I'm sorry... It's... It's scary to tell to someone. I feel like... Like it's something I should keep to myself... But... At the same time, it takes everything I have to struggle with it alone." The husky explained, sounding very distant and scared.

The bunny was studying the expressions and body language of the husky, carefully asking.

"Hey... Is someone hurting you? I know I shouldn't ask so forwardly... But you are truly making me worry by talking this way. Are you in danger of some sort?" Amir asked with a caring tone.

"... No."

"... Alright then. Well... It would be better for me to stop the guessing game before starting. Just tell me, young Winchester. What is troubling you so deeply? You know you can trust me." Amir said.

"... You promise?" Dion asked after a short silence, going through the words in his head.

"... Dion, I would never lie to you. What would be to gain?" Amir asked in a genuine tone.

"... Okay... I... I'll... Just... You promise that you won't...-" Dion mumbled, looking down and trying to get the word out. But he did say it quietly.

"Judge me?"

"... Judging other people is my job in many ways, but only if I'm concerned about their personal health, or if they have done things. I've never heard you do bad things. And... I doubt that whatever you have to tell me ends up shocking me, young one. You don't have to fear judgment from me." Amir said with a smile.

"... I don't know how to even begin..."

"... Well, it's not like I'm in a rush to go anywhere. If you are ready to miss your breakfast since the lack of hunger, I will be here to listen to what you have to tell. Just try to lay back and start at your own pace."

"... I... I don't know if-"

"Dion. I swear on my father and my mother. Waheyat Allah, I won't tell anyone about whatever issue you have troubling you. You can trust the word of a doctor. " Amir said with genuine and honest tone, with his paw over his heart.

The husky looked at the doctor for a moment, sighing and looking at the door again. He knew that maybe this was the best chance for him to finally feel a bit better. And in the best case... Amir could even have some insight on why did he dream of such things over and over.

"... Okay." Dion said quietly, yet determined.

He slowly laid on his back, Amir crossing one leg over the other and speaking.

"Whenever you are ready to start... Take your time."

The husky closed his eyes.

Almost ten seconds passed... And he spoke.

"I have a dream... A nightmare... And I keep seeing it over, over... And over again."


(Marvin Gaye - Inner City Blues)

The German shepherd was whistling joyfully as he was walking on the hallway, about to search Dion from the most obvious place. If he wasn't eating, or in his room like he had already checked, he had to be hanging out with Tio.

It's not like Jacob had better stuff to do in his boredom before the weekly class starting, than hanging out with anybody overall.

As the dog was walking down the hallway with the paws in his pockets, having no care in the world, he saw some of his age approaching him.

Two girls were turning on the hallway from some room, those two being dalmatian sisters. The German shepherd already cleared his posture, taking the charming smile on his face. The two girls noticed Jacob in the middle of their busy conversation, the other starting to giggle and the other rolling his eyes.

"Morning, beautiful ladies," Jacob said with a suave tone as he approached the two.

"Morning Jacob."

"Hi, J."

"Looking finer each day, I have to say." Jacob flirted boldly, the two dalmatians rolling their eyes and the slightly shorter, green-eyed dog talking back.

"Is that your usual pick up line, Jacob?"

"You literally do say that each time." The other agreed without hesitation.

"There is no such thing as overuse of a compliment if it's true." Jacob winked as the girls passed by him.

"Charmed." The other giggled, the other agreeing.

"Be seeing you in class, J."

"You two beauty's bet on it," Jacob said, spinning around and walking backward and giving finger guns, the other of the dalmatians giving a laugh.

The two giggled, the green-eyed girl whispering to her sister so loudly that Jacob heard it clearly.

"I wish Dion was as bold as J with his words. I am jealous of Jill. That boy is just as handsome as his dad."

"Oh my god, why do you always have hots for the teacher?"

"He makes me wish I was older, I would def-"

"SHHH, you pervert! You should date Jacob instead."

"I don't know. Maybe I could. At least he knows how to compliment a woman. A bit dorky though-"

That was all Jacob's ear could soak in before the two girls had turned right from the hallway, heading most likely towards the dining hall.

The German shepherd made a quick spin, turning around again and chuckling by himself.

"Damn I'm good at this." The dog said with a click of a tongue, suddenly bumping into someone right away.

"OW! Sorry!" Jacob let out as an automatic reaction, looking up at someone.

Old, sleepy-looking elderly wolf was looking down at the dog, giving a small and lazy smile at him.

"Hola, Jacob. Aren't you supposed to be dining with others at this time?" The gentle voice asked.

This man was Santino Tampico. Tio's father. Charlie's good friend and a well-mannered gentleman at the age of fifty. He had exactly the same fur tone as Tio's, his eyes being the same color as well. Jacob just spoke casually.

"Wasn't feeling that hungry this morning. Is Dion over here?"

"With my son?"


"I'm not sure, Jacob. I haven't checked on him this morning. He said yesterday that he needs some alone time. You know how my Tio can be." The wolf said casually, the dog then answering. Suddenly Jacob asked something.

"By the way... Tio was hanging out with us after class yesterday, but just suddenly left... Did he come here? We didn't see him the whole yesterday anywhere."

"Oh... He came here. But he just went straight to his room and locked himself in there to read."

"... I see. Okay." Jacob said, wondering why had Tio lied. The wolf had said he had urgent business with his dad. Looked like it was just an excuse, as he expected.

"What was for breakfast for this morning by the way? Don't tell me it was tomato soup again?" The old wolf asked, clearly sharing the hate for that particular food with his son.

"Naaah. Porridge. Anyway, I'm gonna check if he's here. Have a good day mister Tampico." The impatient dog said, smoothly passing the old wolf and the wolf humming after him with a nod.

"Mmh, as well. Los niños de hoy en día. Siempre ocupado..." The old wolf quietly spoke as he started walking towards the first-floor hall. It was the area that the most senior members of the vault spend their free time, usually just talking, dining, or playing chess and listening to music.

The young dog arrived at the metal door within a few seconds, his usual grin coming onto his face as he started knocking the entrance.

"Diiiooon. Are you here? I sense husker behind this door, avoiding social situations this morning. Not on my watch. Come hang out."

There was no answer at first, but something was clearly heard from the inside. Rambling and moving.

"Huuuskeeeeer. Is the grumpy wolf holding the door or somet-"

At that moment the door opened, Jacob about to attack his best friend playfully, until he realized that he was inches away from staring at Tio instead.

The wolf was looking annoyed already, clearly not in the mood to talk with Jacob. Not that he ever was.

"Ooooh, hello, sunshine," Jacob said with a smirk.

"What do you want?" Tio asked right away with a tired sigh.

"Wheeeere is Dion?" Jacob sang.

"No idea. Not here. You done?" Tio asked, about to press the button to close the door already.

"Nononon, you are not getting off that easily. Is he lurking behind the corner?" Jacob asked, suddenly welcoming himself inside Tio's room without even asking.

The wolf closed his eyes for a moment in disbelief that the dog had just entered in casually, him trying to control himself to not hit him.

"Por qué tienes que existir?..." The wolf asked quietly from himself, slowly opening his eyes and inhaling as he turned around, looking as Jacob was wandering around the room.

It was quite messed in fact. It had books and comics laid all over the floor randomly. And the bed was not made. Which meant that Tio had just woken up most likely. The wolf shook his head, seeing Jacob sit down on the bed like it was his, giving casual smile as Tio spoke in frustration.

"What are you doing?"

"Was he here this morning?"

"No. I haven't seen him since yesterday. We had a reading session. He left ten in the evening back to his own quarters. And I kept on reading even long after he was gone."

"Do you do anything else than read?" Jacob asked with a chuckle.

"Jacob... Can you leave? Dion is not here. What are you still doing here?"

"Well, since Dion is CLEARLY busy somewhere... I might as well hang out here. Got nothing better to do."

"... Jacob." Tio said in frustration, having no energy at all right now to deal with this dog.

"I'm bored, dude."

"Then go and be bored somewhere else," Tio commanded.

"You are rather rude host." Jacob pointed out without a care in the world, smiling and taking a more comfortable posture on the bed, leaning against the wall.

"You welcomed yourself in here against my will. LIKE YOU ALWAYS DO." Tio said in an annoyance.

"That is what friends do, right?"

"We are not friends. Why do you keep calling me that over and over like it means something? You hate me." Tio said.

Jacob now actually looked quite confused at such comment, wondering why Tio would say that.

"What do you mean? I don't hate you. You think we have been hanging out like nine years just without reason?"

"You... I have to tolerate you because Sam and Dion are my friends and you just happen to be in the middle."

"Come ooooon, we are friends. You are just being grumpy like always." Jacob waved off, giving a wink.

"No quiero ser tu amigo." Tio said sternly.

"I don't know what that means but I love you too. Hey. Have you learned any cool shit from these books? Teach me something." Jacob said, grabbing a nearby book from the floor.

"Don't touch my books," Tio said right away with a warning tone.

"Candide by... Voltaire..." Honestly, where do they come up with these names? They sound so ridiculous-"

"To you, maybe. Just leave my books alone." Tio said, walking closer and getting more and more frustrated.

"Why don't you want to hang out? Since when was the last time we did that? Little social company doesn't kill you. I can be Dion's replacement this time."

"Why are you not trying to find Dion, since you know he is not here? Why do you have to torment me like this?" Tio asked.

"Torment? Dude... You need to relax. See? We having fun already. At least I am. You are always so damn tense. Come on now. Give me a chance here."

"So you can keep insulting me for a whole hour?" Tio asked like there was no way Jacob was staying.

Jacob sighed with a smile and then spoke.

"Are you angry at me?"

"What? Why are you... Have you ever done anything that wouldn't give me a reason to be angry at you? You bully me all the time-"

"Oh, stop being so dramatic. I don't bully you. It's what I do to everyone. Well... Maybe to you most, but friends tease each other all the time like I do-"

"No, they don't. Dion doesn't. Sam doesn't."

"Because they are not as entertaining as I am. Look, it's just how I am. Why can't you looooove meee the way I aaaaam?" Jacob sang like it was a part of a song.

"Get out of my room, Jacob." Tio sighed.

"Come on, Tio. Don't be like that. Just give me a chance. You seem so much more grumpy than usual. What have I done specifically to offend you this morning?" Jacob asked innocently.

"Now you are just playing stupid. You-"

"I have a feeling that it was about yesterday," Jacob said with thoughtful tone, observing the wolf.

Tio suddenly looked nervous, his eyebrows lifting as he spoke.


"You left in a hurry in the middle of Ryan's and Niles's show. You always observe their fights until we all decide to leave together. What was up with that?"

"What do you mean? I had to talk to my dad like I had said." The wolf spoke back.

"Hmmm, did you? I just bumped to your father before coming here... He said that you had locked yourself in your room yesterday without talking to him."

"....." The wolf went quiet, looking nervous and caught off guard, trying to just have poker face.

Jacob observed the expression for a while, then talking.

"Why did you lie?"

"Why would I have to explain myself to you? What is it any of your business who I talk with or not talk with?"

"Nothing... But there had to be a reason for you leaving."

"Why are you talking like a detective or something? Jacob, don't you really have anything better to do than bother me this early in the morning? Go bother Sam, Niles, or anyone else but me."

"Nope. You are too much fun." Jacob said with a cheeky tone, taking Tio's pillow and patting it to make it softer. He then put it behind his back and took a relaxed position, crossing one leg over the other and smiling. He could see as Tio was almost about to burst, just looking back at him. The wolf didn't say anything for a while, then just sighing and closing his eyes. Jacob spoke with the snicker.

"Just give up. You are not getting rid of me. The best you can do out of this situation is to just enjoy the company of the most rad dog of the vault. After Charlie of course."

"I fucking hate you."

"Doubt it. Otherwise, you would have already hit me."

"I am considering it."

"You are so much more talk active when it comes to talking with one person only instead of the group. Social anxiety much around people? Because now, you are not just answering things with one word like you mostly do. Like a nerdy robot."

"You are insulting me again!" Tio hissed.

"It was an observation. Friendly one. Not hostile. Geez, you really need to learn how to chill.

"I AM CHILL!" The wolf huffed rather loudly, almost jump scaring the dog on the bed. As the riled-up wolf was looking at the dog, Jacob answer back with a grin.

"Wow. I can see that. You are doing a hell of a job. You practically shaking."

"Just... Fine. I will sit down. I have to soak in half an hour of your poor company before the class. No more or less. Just... The quieter you are, the better. Can you at least do that?" Tio sighed, relaxing his shoulders and sitting down slowly.

"No," Jacob admitted.

The wolf groaned, rubbing his nose bridge and just wishing the dog would leave.

After a small silence, Jacob spoke.


"What?" The wolf asked right away with an angry tone.

"... I'm sorry."

The wolf was quiet, slowly looking confused now instead of angry and spoke.


"I'm sorry. If I insulted you yesterday. I don't really think through things I always say, until this morning when Sam and Niles kinda spoke to me about it. I am a bit slow sometimes."

"No shit." Tio agreed, but Jacob just waved it off and continued.

"But yeah... I apologize for that... Thing."

"... What thing?" Tio asked carefully.

"You not having the courage to kiss the girls. Isn't that what you were mad about?"

"..." Tio didn't answer first, looking uncomfortable again and staring at the floor, wondering what to answer.


"... Okay?" Jacob repeated.


"... Well, I just... Expected you to... I dunno. Share light?

"What do you mean?"

"I mean... Yeah, I'm sorry but... Was I really lying? I mean every girl-"

"JACOB. This is not how apology works!" The wolf said loudly in frustration.

"Was their breath stinky? Were they unattractive? Were they-?"

"Oh, fuck off." Tio hissed right away, getting back to the attitude of throwing Jacob out.

"Okayokay, shit. Fine. I won't continue on that subject. Is cool. We cool." The dog defended with paws in the air and laughed awkwardly.

The moment of quiet passed between the two. The wolf was just looking at Jacob for a while, wondering how to continue the conversation. Not that he really wanted to.


"So... What?" Tio asked.

"Was there anything else I said yesterday that annoyed you?" Jacob asked casually.

"... Do you really ask that?" Tio questioned, the tone telling that everything Jacob said annoyed him.

"... You know, more than usual. You were fine the whole breakfast. And the class. And then we just suddenly start talking about girls and kissing and-"

"What part did you not get about me wanting not to talk! -"

"Are you jealous that I have kissed girls and you haven't?" Jacob asked with a sly smile.

That made Tio tense up, the wolf for a moment struggling with his words, even wondering how to react, as Jacob was clearly onto something.

"You totally are, aren't you-"?

"Why the fuck would I be?! Is that all that matters to you when you are in a relationship with someone? That you get some damn kisses? I feel sorry for those girls for having such a short-sighted company." Tio poured out like he wasn't even thinking what he was saying.

Jacob was clearly surprised at the reaction more than little, shrugging his shoulders and asking genuinely.

"How would you know how awesome it is if you have never done it?"

"I... You..."

"You are so defensive about all this. I'm just trying to get a better understanding of your brain and you just act all... Hostile. I've always thought that was a cool word. Yeah, hostile."

"Deja de leer mi mente, estúpido, arrogante perro. No soy bueno con las chicas y simplemente me intimidas por eso-"

"See? I have no idea what you are saying but it sounds like... Super hostile. I am your friend. You should be more tender with your energy. Better for the soul." Jacob said with a smirk, having a paw over his heart.

"Okayokayokay fine! Just... Stop... Talking! Shut up... Give me... Just..." Tio begged as a time out, looking like he was about to lose his mind, huffing as he closed his eyes.

"Just like that... Breeeathe-"

"WHAT DID I JUST SAY?!" The Mexican wolf asked loudly with his eyes closed.

"Right. Sorry." Jacob smirked.

The silence settled in between the two, Jacob just being bored as almost half a minute had passed of Tio's mind gathering. But the wolf did slowly open his eyes and exhale, looking at the smiling dog on his bed and feeling like he could just give up on everything.

Neither yet said a word, and it was only a matter of time before Jacob would speak something again. So Tio had no choice but to say something first... Yet, he was so tired and restless as he did it.

"... I don't like having a relationship with anyone." The wolf admitted quietly.

"... Yeah, it's not a big secret, Tio."

"... Whatever."

"Why though? I don't really understand your way of thinking."

"I don't expect you to. I like... I like being alone. Having clear senses. People are distraction."

"You sound like a robot again." Jacob snickered.

"And you are insulting me again." The wolf said back with a mean look.

"Oh come ooooon, Tio. You know that I'm just having fun." The dog said now in slight frustration in the middle of a chuckle.

"That is all you do. Fun fun fun. Joke joke joke. Everything is just so open to you and you just can't stop being around people. Being all over their business and just talking nonstop."

"You should give it a chance more. Be like me."

"I'll pass."

"You know... People care about you and want you around. We are not your friends for nothing." Jacob admitted with a smile.

"... I never asked anyone to be my friend." Tio said quietly but clearly felt someway about what Jacob had just said.

"Well, I consider you my friend. Even if you are such grumpy, antisocial, weird-"

"The class is starting in twenty minutes. Just reminding. But do keep picking on me." Tio said, feeling relief that the clock was near to free him from this situation... Even though, as he hated to admit it and fought against it... Jacob's company wasn't as horrible as he made it.

"Cool. I wonder what Charlie will teach about today." Jacob said, finally changing the subject for the wolf's relief.

"... Geometry."

"How do you know that?" Jacob asked with interest.

"Dion told me yesterday."

"... Dion told you."

"You know that teacher Winchester tells Dion beforehand sometimes what he is going to teach about."

".... I guess that's the privilege of being his son. I envy Dion all the time. I wish my dad came up with ideas of teaching stuff like that."

Jacob's father was called Rob, who was a forty-six-year-old raccoon. He was the most popular guard in the vault. Jacob was indeed crossbred like Ryan and Dion, his mother being German shepherd at the age of forty-nine. She was working at the maintenance level as a mechanic that was in charge of the water system. Jacob's youth was more than happy, his parents loving their son more than anything.

"What is there to envy? Your dad is a guard. That's a bit higher rank than teaching in a class." Tio said calmly.

"Yeah but Charlie ain't boring."

"So what? Boring is being professional. Guards aren't meant to entertain. They are not here for our amus-"

"Aaaaaaa, fine, let's talk about something else. I'm getting bored."

"... You really just say whatever comes to your mind, don't you?" The wolf asked in frustration, slightly from being interrupted and the dog now yawning and laying on his bed like a king.

"Yep. I'm cool like that. Let's talk about books then. You like that stuff."

"... You. You want to talk about books." Tio repeated quietly like Jacob had to be bluffing.

"What is the coolest book you have ever read?" Jacob asked straight away with a smile.

"... Coolest isn't the term I would use. I'd rather say-"

"Yeahyeahyeah, you know what I mean. What is your favorite?"

For some reason, the wolf was now actually looking a bit nervous and muttering something by himself, looking around the room and scanning through his books.

"I don't have a favorite. I prefer some subjects more than others. This one right here... It's a very good read." The wolf said after a moment, taking one from the stack with blue covers on it.

"What's it called?"

"The old man and the sea."

"... And the sea? Isn't that the umm... big hole with a lot of water on it?"

"Well, at least you do listen in the classes," Tio said with a slightly surprised smile, handing over a book to the dog. Jacob took it and looked at the cover for a second.

"What's it about?"

"Wouldn't that be spoiling?"

"I don't think I'm going to read it," Jacob said with a smile.

"Then why would you ask-"

"Just fill me in with the details. If I find it interesting enough, I'll consider." Jacob said.

"... It tells about a man that goes fishing on a sea."

"Isn't that what Charlie has done a few times out there?" Jacob asked with rising interest.

"Yeah. So he says. It's so odd to imagine there being any other element than metal when it's all you have felt... The dirt, rock, roots... All were covered in so much water that we can't always count how much there is... Just... Continuing far beyond till each can't reach the end... It just sounds... Fascinating. I... I sometimes think about just seeing it with my own eyes one day... I'd find that interesting. You know?" Tio said, having ended up smiling a bit while watching the floor, having for a moment really went there in his mind.

Jacob was looking at the smiling and thoughtful wolf and spoke.

"... You know... Maybe you see it one day." Jacob said quietly, finding actually the image that the wolf has painted somewhat cool.

"How? We live and we die here, Jacob." The wolf said quietly, his smile slowly fading as he was still in his thoughts.

"You don't know that. Ryan and Dion came here."

"Yes... We are talking about leaving. That is a whole lot different."

"How?" Jacob asked genuinely.

"... What would I even do there? How would I take care of myself? You think things are always that sim-"

"Well yeah... I know it wouldn't most likely happen... But if people would somehow think of leaving... Like... Our friends... I'd come with you. That's what friends do. Look out for each other. Hell, I'd probably come and look at the sea with you. That would be cool."

The wolf now slowly perked his eyes and looked at Jacob for a moment. He ended up opening his mouth like considering answering something, looking a bit caught off guard by the kind comment. It was so rare for Jacob to be nice to him.

"Dude... Are you blushing?"

"...WHAT?" The wolf woke up right away like snapped into reality.

"You look all red, what the hell?" Jacob asked in amusement as the wolf was wide-eyed now, looking away in total uncomfort and getting annoyed right away.

"Fuck you. You are lying. I don't fucking blush-"

"Chiiillll, you being HOSTILE again." Jacob teased with his tongue out.

"Whatever. Fuck you."

"Come on don't be like that. Tell me more about to story. How does the fishing go?" The dog asked with interest.

"... I don't want to tell anymore." The wolf said, crossing his arms and avoiding eye contact with the annoying dog.

"Yes, you do. Come one don't hold me in suspense. Does he get a lot of fish? Is it tasty?"

"... You really want to know?" The wolf asked, lifting his eyebrow and turning to look at the dog with doubting eyes.

"... Yeah. Come on, keep going." The dog said with a genuine smile.

"... The fisherman spends many days in the sea and gets no fish for a long time. Then, he actually gets one. But it's too strong and he keeps fighting it for a moment. He doesn't have enough strength to overpower it."

"... You telling me that the food that we eat was once some beast that you couldn't get out of water because it was too strong? Charlie never made it sound like such a struggle."

"Guess he never encountered such a big fish then. But yes, technically. The canned sardines that we have are small... But like Charlie said, there is other wish than sardines. So, there are big ones as well. Because in this story he meets a bigger one. Like... He managed to catch the fish he fought after a while and lifted in on his boat. But then, came other new fishes surrounding the boat, starting to eat what he cached."

"No way? That sounds kind of scary."

"Si, Yo también pensé eso. They sound like the biggest fish I have read about. They are called sharks. They bite a lot. This book says it has big rows of teeth and hunger for even bigger things than himself."

"That dangerous? Sharks... Huh. They could eat a person?"

"I think that is what the man's experience is hinting here, correct. Terrifying thought. I wish Charlie would teach us about sharks one day. Assuming he has ever seen such or even heard of them."

"... Might as well persuade Dion to tell that to his dad. Maybe he goes for it." Jacob said with a shrug.

"... That... Would be interesting to hear about." The wolf admitted with a small smile.

"Yeah. Why not. I'll talk to him later."

"... You know... Jacob." The wolf said quietly after a while as he nervously rubbed the back of his neck.

"What, dude?"

"It's odd that you can be kind once in a while." The wolf admitted with a roll of eyes.

"Ha. I'm kind most of the time. You just take some things too seriously." The dog said.

"I don't. I just think that the people our age should act more adult and serious to make our parents proud. And to better ourselves." The wolf explained.

"You say that like acting carefree, wild and happy is a thing to shun upon. I know it's hard for you but you should try more."

"I am happy. I just keep it to myself." The wolf claimed, but the dog clearly wasn't seeing it.

"Yeah. You smile like once a year." Jacob teased.

"Not my thing," Tio said with a sigh.

"It should be. You look nice when you smile."

"... What do you mean by that?" The wolf said again with a bit hesitant tone, looking puzzled.

"Nothing much. Just saying. So, the guy who is fishing. The sharks eat the fish and that's it?"

"Yeah. That is pretty much it. He goes back home with nothing." Tio said with a slight nod.

"Well... So much for the happy ending." Jacob said with a slightly sad tone.

"Sometimes reality is harsh. It's not always just happiness."

"... But sometimes it is." Jacob said with a smile.

Small silence was shared between the two. Tio looked at the time from his pip-boy, seeing that it was almost the time for Charlie's class.

"We better get going." The wolf said quietly.

"... Yeah... I guess that's true."

The wolf slowly scooted up, the dog hopping up from the bed and stretching, his joints popping loudly.

"Watch that you don't step on any of my books," Tio said firmly.

"Nah I won't do that. I'll be careful. Whoops." Jacob said, already stumbling on one and almost slipping.

"Great." The wolf said, rolling his eyes and making sure that the dog was not stepping on another one.

"I got, I got it. There we go... You mind loaning any of these for me?"

"Only if you remember to return them." The wolf said strictly.

"I will," Jacob said quickly.

The wolf turned around and stopped the dog on the door before pressing the button to open it.

He gave a serious look at the dog, Jacob giving laugh out of surprise.

"Dude, I wiiilll. Ain't no way that I steal your book if I borrow one." The dog assured.

The wolf was quiet for a while, looking down for a moment and thinking something through. Jacob nodded his head to the side, puzzled at the wolf looking so serious and acting weird. Tio first tried to say something but was hesitating. Finally, he spoke.

"Jacob... I just want to thank you. For what you said earlier."

"... Huh? What do you mean?"

"The... The thing about... Seeing the sea. I know it's not something that will happen. But thanks for saying it anyway. It was... You know. A kind thing to say. Rare thing coming from you." The wolf admitted with a genuine tone.

The dog was looking at Tio for a moment, just giving a casual smile.

"... Yeah yeah whatever, don't get sentimental on me, Tio. You really are weird sometimes." Jacob snorted with and smiled, suddenly ruffling up top of Tio's head and messing his fur a bit, pressing the button on the wall.

The wolf swayed the paw away in frustration, watching as the dog was still chuckling by himself as he walked through the door and turned around to look at the wolf.

"You coming, sea boy?" Jacob said with an amused tone, starting to walk ahead already and Tio closing the door behind him and looking after the dog with a somewhat peeking smile, blushing still slightly and answering quietly so the dog couldn't hear.

"Ahora quiero ver el mar aún más ... Si estás allí conmigo, tomándome de la mano."


"Dion... I honestly do not know what to make of all this." Amir said with a calm, yet wondering tone. The bunny doctor knew that Dion was hoping for a solution, and right now he was going through possible ways to handle all the information he had been told. Dion's nightmare was no joke. It wasn't light. It was intense, haunting, and somehow very vivid to picture just by the dog's words.

Amir was looking at the dog in sympathy mixed with even slightly odd blink of fascination for such a deep mind. Dion had not spared him from even slightest, scary details. Dion had even shed a tear in the process of pouring out his depressed, deep buried memories of the repeating nightmare.

"I just... I don't want to go to sleep with fear over and over... I want this nightmare to go away."

"... I believe that Dion. I'm contemplating on possible ways to proceed here. Medication is one road, but unfortunately, I do not have substances that suppress dreaming. I have sleeping pills, but those are not needed into your problem either. In fact, they might even worsen it, since you would be trapped in that dream even longer. I honestly have never heard of a person suffering from such a rare problem as you, Dion. To see the same thing each night, is a rare thing to happen. If you truly are being honest when you say that this dream came out of nowhere two weeks ago and you see only THAT particular nightmare each night-"

"I am not lying. I promised you." Dion said quietly in between and turned his tired and desperate eyes at Amir. The bunny gave a sad look and spoke back with a nod.

"I believe you, Dion. I do... And trust me, I'm going to do whatever I can to help you. It's my job. Even as problematic as this unfamiliar problem is to me."

"How... How can you help me?" Dion asked with a desperate tone but had blink of awakening hope in it.

Amir thought for a while, truly pondering himself how to go with this. He then came into a short conclusion.

"Dion... I know that the thought might make you uncomfortable, yet I suggest it from a professional angle... Shouldn't you tell your father about this, even if you are scared of-? "

"Amir... How do you tell someone that you hear them dying in your dream over and over while their loved ones... Cry and scream in the dark? I don't think anyone's father wants to hear their son saying that kind of stuff. And I don't want him to-"

"Be afraid of you or think that you have lost your mind?" Amir finished and fixed his posture in the chair, giving few nods as he understood Dion's way of thinking here. He just clearly wanted to make sure that keeping this between him and Dion was the only way the young husky wanted this to go.

"I mean... Wouldn't that be the most natural reaction?"

"... I honestly am not sure. I think in most cases, yes. But Charlie is the most headstrong man I have known during my life. He might surprise you." Amir told with a genuine tone.

"... No. I don't want to tell him. Please?" Dion asked now in a bit of a scare, wondering if Amir was going to go against his promise.

The bunny looked at the scared husky and then cleared his throat, rising from his chair and speaking.

"Alright then. I won't force you to. I gave you a promise. But what we are doing now as a continuation, is you coming in here every single day from now on." Amir said.

"... Wh... What for?" Dion asked in confusion.

"Therapy. That is all I can offer for now."

"... How does that help me?" Dion asked even more confused.

Amir took a deep breath and spoke with a comforting tone.

"... Maybe it will... Maybe it won't. But until I have read a few books and required possible information on your rare problem, as well as went through my medicine inventory in the hope anything might help at all... The most I can do is offer you is someone to talk with. If you keep seeing the nightmare, you come here daily to give a mental health check by talking to me. -"

"But I'm not insane!... I... Or am I-"

"Dion. I'm going, to be honest with you. You do not have a mental health problem. But it doesn't mean you can't develop one over stress, or by multiple other factors. As your doctor, and now a personal therapist, my duty is to make sure that won't happen. I much rather prefer you sane. So, since you only share this personal problem with me, I am your only option of talking about it. You come over here each day during whichever hours you want, and we talk about whatever you feel like talking about. At least until I figure a more permanent solution to your problem, with luck."

"... Every day?" Dion asked, rubbing his shoulder and sighing in defeat.

"... Yes. I mean it. This is the best for you. Also, if you out of some reason DON'T see the dream again... You come straight to me and tell about it. Whatever dream you see instead; I want to hear about that too." Amir said with interest.

"... You... You really take this all like..." Dion began, trying to find the right words as the bunny just chuckled.

"Easy?" the rabbit asked.

"Well, yeah. Why don't you think of me as touched in the head after what you have heard?" Dion asked, truly wondering why Amir was acting the way he was.

"... Dion, nightmares don't make you a freak. It tells me that you have a wild imagination and maybe some childhood traumas that might have triggered by accident without you noticing it, leading into the odd paradox of your mind processing the result in form of intense, repeating and vivid nightmare... As ridiculous it might sound... It's... In a sense, fascinating." Amir admitted with a focused tone.

"... What?"

Amir then fixed his attitude and spoke with a comforting tone.

"I mean purely from a scientific perspective, Dion. I have never believed that someone could see the same nightmare over and over without it never changing it's course to a slightly different way. But like I said. I help you, Dion. I promise you that.

"Thank you... But you said... Childhood traumas. I don't have any. I barely remember anything before coming here." Dion admitted in confusion.

"Sometimes, if we have traumatizing memories in our past, our brains MIGHT suppress them as a defense mechanism in order to function and not dwell on them. People's minds are interesting in that way. They can move on and try to forget the bad things that have happened to them. For momentarily, forever, or maybe just for a moment... Or in the worst case, they are all you think of."

"... That... It all sounds really complicated. But all I remember really about my life as a kit... Was... Just small things."

"... Well... Who knows, maybe there is no trauma at all. I'm just going through possible options. But for now... It's time for you to go."

"... W-what do you mean?" Dion asked and tilted his head a bit.

"Your father's class. It's starting in fifteen minutes. You don't want to miss it, do you?" Amir asked with a chuckle, pointing out the clock with a pen in his hand.

The husky quickly turned his head to look at the time, taking only a few seconds to soak in the time and sitting up from the chair.

"Oh, right! I almost forgot!" The husky said with a slight panic.

"No worries. Remember what we agreed upon." Amir reminded the husky with a calm tone.

"Yeah. I'll be here each day. I promise." The husky said in hesitation and scooted on the floor, feeling the cold metal under his feet.

"Good. And I'll start requiring some books right away." Amir said with a pleased nod, writing down something on his paper.

"Th-thank you... Amir, I don't know how I can-"

"You shouldn't thank me yet, Dion. You can't be certain if I can provide the freedom of nightmares. I don't that has been an issue of any resident during the existence of this very place... But like I said, I will try. Go ahead, your class waits, young Winchester." Amir said, looking through the notes he had written about concerning the details of Dion's dream.

"... Yeah. Still... Thank you for promising to not telling anyone."

"... You are very welcome, Dion. I'll keep my word." Amir said, taking his eyes off the paper and giving a slight, respectful bow to the husky.

Dion now for the first time since entering this room gave a small smile, nodding at that and turning around to leave.

"Also, Dion, before you go."

"... Yeah?" Dion asked, turning around before pressing the button next to the door.

"It's good that you told about this. Sometimes opening up about things can release spirit. Keeping dark and troubling things inside you only makes the soul suffer. Something my father once told me."

"..." Dion didn't know what to say to that, just giving a bit a hesitant nod.

The husky pressed the button, taking his hurried leave from the medical bay, disappearing into the hallways of the vault fifty-five.


(The Five Stairsteps - Ooh Child)

Charlie knew that the time was ticking and it was more obvious that within a few minutes, the guards would be at his classroom door. He was no idiot, he knew that angering Calvin as he did, had counter-reaction. Never during his run had Calvin been so strictly rebelled against, and the Weasel had the biggest ego in his position. He would not let this go. Charlie was not sure that if the encounter would go the way it did last time was in that same situation ten years ago, the moment those doors opened. It ended up with Calvin trying to set the law down on him and do things his way. That attempt had failed, just like today. To make sure there wasn't going to be a third, the overseer was going to make sure there wouldn't be a third chance. He was going to tell his guards give little justice on him, involving broken bones.

The brown-furred husky didn't know if the guards would go for it. And unfortunately for them, Charlie would know exactly how that scenario would go. It would end up with Calvin and each of the guards with broken bones instead. But Charlie was going to do everything to avoid that outcome. These guards would most likely question Calvin's orders, meaning the weasel would threaten with the most brutal solution. Banishing them to the wasteland. And sure, at least a few would do anything to please their overseer, no matter if the fight was against the teacher of their children or not. To them, Charlie was just a humble, kind and old man.

But Charlie knew who he was and what he could do. There had been no need to be that person anymore. But if he had to, driven to the corner...

It wouldn't make his life in the vault any more pleasant either.

So, he had his very own solution to avoid conflict. And the answer was right in front of him. It was a gamble... Yet in the end, he trusted his chances. He was yet slightly conflicted. What he was about to do, was going to be a favor to everyone... But also, a selfish move.

The classroom was starting to be full, Tio, Jacob, Sam, Niles, and Ryan already there. Only one person was missing. Dion. Everyone else was ready and present.

Charlie eyed the empty chair in the front row, wondering where could Dion be? There were only five minutes till the class would start. Dion had never been late from anything and the current event would be important to witness for him as well.

"Yo, where is Dion?" Jacob said in wonder, gazing over his shoulder at the doorway.

"I'm sure he will be here soon," Tio said, the fact that Dion wasn't here already making him feel a bit unsettled as well. There was no way that the husky would willingly miss a class. Hell, he was usually the first one in the room.

"Who cares. Can we get on with this?" Ryan asked with a frustrated tone, leaning on his arm while looking at his dad.

"Ryan. Behave." Charlie said gently, yet meaning it strictly. He wasn't in the mood for Ryan's attitude, since he had already quite tricky situation going on.

"Why are you talking to me like I'm still eight?" Ryan said in frustration, doing restless movement on his table.

"Because you hell of a sure are not acting as eighteen year old should," Charlie said back with the same attitude, giving a small smile after.

The fox sighed, rolling his eyes as Niles next to him was giving him an angry look.

"Ryan, it's just an hour of the rest. Come on, be nice to your dad." Niles hissed.

"Yeah... and it's cool to have you here, dude. It's like once a year even for ya." Jacob pointed out with a smile, being surprised that the fox was here.

"Cool. An ambush of love and care. Fine. I'll shut up." Ryan snorted.

"Tio, where were you the whole yesterday? What did your dad need you for?" Sam asked slowly, now that the wolf was finally here.

"Nothing," Tio said firmly, not having the intention to continue that conversation further.

"Geez, sorry for asking," Sam said with a bit hurt tone.

"He didn't talk with his dad, he was in his room, locked. Reading with Dion." Jacob said with a casual smile.

Tio slowly turned to look at Jacob in annoyance, like he just had to blurt out the fact that Tio lied and not keep it to himself.

"Thank you," Tio said with a sarcastic voice quietly.

As Charlie was just listening with his other ear, he was deep in his thoughts. Dion should get here as fast as he could, or he would have to start the class-

Just before Charlie could finish his thoughts, Dion was rushing through the door and panting, having early jogged the whole route.

"The weirdo has arrived." The tiger whispered with a mocking tone from the back of the class as Dion fixed his posture and started walking towards the front of the class, all eyes on him.

"Was probably dancing to his music like a fairy in his room or something," Maurice whispered to the tiger, making both starting to laugh by themselves at the husky, who had heard more than well what they had said.

"Total fag. He is gonna get that ass-beating sooner or later." Farin snorted in agreement and gave a fist pump to the bear next to him, few around them holding a laugh well, while others wanted to say something in Dion's defense, but were too scared to.

The sad feeling burned inside Dion as his expression got fuller of anxiety after hearing that.

He knew that any of these days, his dad nor brother would be around to help him when Farin and Maurice would catch him wandering alone. And as much as he had always counted on his brother for help, he couldn't anymore. Ryan had made that perfectly clear. And inside his heart, he knew that some situations he should already be able to deal by himself at this age. So, he would most likely end up in giving up and just take the punches that were reserved for him. As much as it scared him. There was no way during this life that he would try to fight back.

"There you are, son," Charlie said with a warm smile as he was watching his kin arriving.

"Hi, dad," Dion said hesitantly, sitting on his seat quickly right next to Jacob.

"Husker, I was looking for you from everywhere this morning. What's up?" Jacob asked right away.

"I was... It's nothing. Just in my room." Dion said, his breathing calming down from the jogging slowly.

"I looked from there as well, Dion. Lying to your best friend ain't a good habit." Jacob pointed out with a smirk but clearly was bothered by the obvious lie.

"Nor is trying to force out answers about personal comings and goings. Something you should have learned by now." Tio said with a blunt tone, releasing a bit of annoyance of his own on the dog.

"One vote for that." Niles agreed quietly from next to Ryan. The fox just looked annoyed, staring at his dad and stretching his back.

"Hey, don't gang up on me. I'm sure Sam wants to know as well-" Jacob began with a defensive tone.

The hyena was about to answer until Charlie cleared his throat rather loudly.

"Riley, would you kindly close the door. I'm ready to start the class." Charlie announced.

Some named male cat from the back row reached from his seat to push the button panel on the wall, the metallic door closing.

The old, brown-furred husky took a deep breath, readying himself mentally to get straight into business. There was no time to waste. The guards and most likely Calvin as well would be here any moment now, the weasel about to serve some authority.

"Everybody listen up. I'm glad you are here this morning because the subject of this class is going to be a serious one. I am not teaching this morning. I am coaching. The meaning you are going to understand shortly. Everyone following?" Charlie asked with a questioning nod, each of the younglings looking just as confused as the other.

"Like... What?" Farin surprisingly asked first from the back row.

"We not learning anything today? Ah, maaaan.." Sam said from the front row with visible let down in his tone. It was quickly shared by few, but Charlie just gave a calming smile, yet nodded to confirm that everyone had understood there was not going to be teaching today.

"Yes, in fact, I am here to merely inform and pass down word. I do this by my own will, telling you all something that is very important. I wanted to make sure that all of you would be here today, Especially you, Niles."

"... Huh? Me?" Niles asked, almost like waking up to the situation. Now Ryan lifted an eyebrow at that, looking at his father in question.

"Indeed. The announcement that I am going to make right now is concerning my most recent talk with Calvin, our overseer."

Everyone in the class was quiet for now, the anticipation holding them in the middle of still confused gazes.

"This plan was not announced by Calvin himself through the monitors nor the speakers because it was somewhat of a personal agreement. Like more of a surprise for the adults to learn a bit later. Privilege for all of you to hear first, as I would say. Just this morning, I had a very... Well... Heavily important conversation with our overseer, concerning the future of the vault. Concerning all of you. I politely agreed with him on the plan, and we shook paws on it. I was glad that he was able to trust me enough to tell me first... Everyone. Calvin is thinking about shortly stepping out of his rightful and long-held place of an overseer, passing it down for another suitable candidate."

At this point, Ryan and Niles looked at each other briefly, Sam looking a bit doubting as well. The conversation they had seen from the window didn't seem very civilized on Charlie's part. For the most part, it looked like husky was about to explode. Ryan thought if he should say something about it aloud, but didn't, nor did the other two. For now, they went on with it and listened.

This news presented started conversations and yelled out a flood of questions on Charlie immediately, the husky asking for patience with his paw gesture as a stop sign, keeping himself still professional. This all had to be orchestrated right in order for it to work and save his skin.

"Now, I can see that there are many questions to be asked, but I'm going to just bring out the fact into reality. It's... Pretty much obvious that Calvin has no children of his own. He isn't, by his own words, planning anything on that front either. Everyone has their personal issues. Some people are just not potent enough to have a child. Some men are born with genes lesser than others, unfortunately. "

Charlie knew that what he said was a low blow, but he didn't care about mocking overseer sneakily to the youth. It wasn't like Calvin was in great popularity among young ones of the vault anyway.

What Charlie didn't see, was how visibly nervous such comment had made Ryan for a moment, the fox looking down on his table for a moment in thoughts of anxiety. To him, it was clear now that a person who didn't want kids was "lesser" or "full of issues".

The husky let the information sink in a bit for the class full of still lingering questions, then turning to look at Niles and showing his paw towards him as representation.

"This is where Niles Hovan comes in. As you all know, Randal Hovan is our overseers' brother in law. Yet, we know that he most likely won't take the job-"

"Because he is a drunk loser." Maurice pointed out from next to Farin.

The comment made quite surprisingly many to hold a grin in agreement, even as the issue at hand seemed serious. Charlie didn't really know what to say at such a snarky remark since it was absolutely true in his eyes as well. Randal was one of the most unpleasant people of the vault. Yet, he could see that Niles clearly took the comment to himself, not by anger but sadness, because he deep down knew what his father was as well. So, he just stated calmly.

"Like I said... We all have our issues. Moving on. Now, since there is only one candidate left of the Hovan family line for such a task... You know who overseer aimed at by name to be the next overseer after him?"

Niles took exactly a few seconds of other mammals slowly turning their heads at him, as Charlie made the answer obvious by having his paw handed at Niles's way.

Now, Ryan truly woke up to the conversation and shifted from his seat back to a more formal way to sit, looking at Charlie.

"He wants Niles to be the overseer," Ryan said, his tone making it very clear that he wasn't feeling a positive way about it.

Charlie smiled and nodded in agreement. The lynx was really getting bothered by the amount of staring eyes at him, not knowing how to feel about the news at all.

"... I... I, don't-" Niles mumbled, not knowing what to do. The whispers that started to travel in the class didn't help at all. Many were already whispering how odd it would be to serve under orders of someone they had known since the age of ten. And Niles was also far from leader type.

"See, there is that reaction. THAT is what I tried to get through with Calvin, as he didn't see it the way I did. Niles... Let me ask you a few questions. No pressure at all. Okay? Everyone, please be quiet in the class for now. I want Niles to answer with most honesty, he can... You okay with that, Niles?" Charlie asked with a gentle tone.

As much as it looked like Ryan wanted to say something into between the situation in frustration, he held it inside for now. Dion, along with his friends, had been quiet most of the time and just observing the situation and reactions of their friend. Clearly, none of them had expected at all that today's class would have held something this important in it.

"... Okay." Niles said with a nervous tone, nodding.

"Alright. Has Calvin ever personally talked about with you about such a plan?" Charlie asked, even if he knew the answer. All this had to look sincere.

"... Never." Niles answered honestly.

"Alright. That is what he said to me as well. He first wanted to keep such a surprise on the low, but we ended in the conclusion of him giving me this... Opportunity to tell it to everyone. Now, for the second question. Did you know to expect such a title being passed down to you?"

"No. I... I always assumed that... Someone else..." Niles didn't even know what to say or think, truly. He had expected the overseer to choose someone from the adults, or in slightly possible case, Randall. But not him.

"Mm. Now, no pressure on this question, but I just want to know, out of curiosity. How does hearing all this make you feel? Or, let me reform that question and be straightforward, Niles. Do you want to be the overseer of vault fifty-five?"

The class was now quiet as a tomb as Niles froze, the sudden question coming so suddenly out on the open. The question that he had rampaged inside him the moment he knew where the conversation was leading since his name came up. He went through the idea in his head... Had ever even imagined leading anything at all? That... It just wasn't him. What he wanted, what he TRULY wanted... Was to be with Ryan in peace and stay by his side no matter what. He wanted to become a strong fighter like him. There was no place for fighting at the job of overseer. And it wouldn't help with his secret love with Ryan either, to be held in such a commanding job that everyone counted on. It was... It was too much. All of it.

Ryan was about to give object to the situation, Charlie seeing clearly that his son was about to say his mind on the matter, just like Charlie expected. But the lynx stopped Ryan by quickly laying his paw on top of Ryan's under the desk, holding on to it, wishing that no one saw.

That held Ryan back, as he looked at his dad with a gaze that said: "I don't like this."

Charlie could see the struggle in Niles as well and begged that the upcoming answer was the right one in order for this work. He had known this lynx for a long time and pretty much considered him a family member, just like Jacob, Tio, and Sam. So, within about ten seconds on panicked thinking, the lynx asked with an uncomfortable tone.

"Do I... Do I have a choice on the matter?" The lynx asked with a desperate tone.

Charlie felt like a winner, the smile of relief coming to his face as he exhaled. He had been right.

"YES!... Yes, you do, Niles. It does not have to be you. I can see clearly that this task unsettles you... And I'm telling you, you don't have to take the job. Not if you don't want to." Charlie said, coming closer and laying his paw on Niles's shoulder.

In the light of unexpected reaction, Ryan slowly relaxed his posture in confusion, looking at his smiling dad who had just played the situation perfectly.

"I... I don't? Really?" Niles asked in confusion, the pleasant turn settling into his mind.

Charlie chuckled, giving a tap at the lynx's shoulders and letting go, smoothly continuing to talk to everyone.

"Believe it or not, I told the very same thing to our overseer after he told about wanting Niles here to take his job. I told him, Calvin... I don't think Niles wants to be overseer. Niles is a gifted, wise young man, but I'm quite sure that his interests lie somewhere else than leading in your footsteps."

"What... What did he say to that?" Niles asked carefully.

"That he didn't see it that way. He thinks he knows you better. But I have known you since you were just a kit, and I have come to see certain talents in all of you in this very class. Your talents and future lie elsewhere, in my opinion, Niles. Unless you reconsider and want the job that he wished for you. BUT since you seem to agree on this and don't want the job, we can move on to the alternative."

"Which is?" Ryan asked right away.

"I came to an agreement with Calvin. I told him that if Niles would not take the job, I would find someone else more suitable for the task, on Calvin's behalf."

"... The overseer said that you can choose who is the new overseer?" Jacob asked with interest, yet it sounded slightly odd. Everyone knew that Calvin didn't like Charlie. It was sounding a bit off that he would give such a great task for Charlie without telling anyone else.

The husky was nodding along to this, just building up the lie in his favor. He then spoke.

"As unbelievable as that might sound, yes. I and Calvin came to conclusion on the subject like men and set aside our differences this morning for the betterment of the vault. I gave him a promise to find a suitable candidate for him, in case of Niles refusing the honor. As I very much thought what was going to happen." Charlie said with a smile and winked at Ryan for some reason, the fox giving a questioning look at his father for that.

"... So, What now? Who is going to be the new overseer, if it's not me? You going to choose someone from the adults?" Niles asked now, feeling relaxed that this rock of responsibility was off his shoulders.

"Nope. You are all in here for a bigger reason today, than to learn. Today, we are making a big decision and it has to be done now. Now, we are going to need some hidden ambition on the table, as I ask from all of you... Who of you wants to be a new overseer of this vault?"

"... Wait, like... Now?" Jacob asked with an eyebrow raise to make sure he understood right.

"Yes, Jacob. That is what this class is for today. I gathered you all here to represent a great opportunity here. Who has the will to continue in Calvin's footsteps and one day become the leader we deserve and need?" Charlie asked with a smile, sitting on his desk and looking at everyone.

Everyone looked stunned, no one figuring out what to say to that.

"What would someone have to do if he or she wanted to go for it?"

The question was represented by Jill, the Siamese cat asking this with interest. Dion looked at the girl right away, giving questioning look and wondering if she was looking for such a future for herself.

"Well, Jill. Glad that you asked. The training of being the next overseer would be to follow Calvin daily to learn about his experiences and take words of advice and wisdom. Also, learning the history of the vault from the database very thoroughly. Reading needed books and manuals, along with rules of the vault until you would know them from outside memory. And of course, headstrong attitude, visionary ideas... You would basically have to become the wisest and well-read person in the vault, like Calvin. Although I'm sure that it won't be a hard task to overcome his abilities on such things. I'm quite sure Niles would have done the job better than him if I'm honest." Charlie pointed out with a smirk, just enjoying these little jabs he could give at Calvin to make the young ones laugh.

Now the mammals in the room started talking very intensively, trying to figure out if anyone was after such a challenging task. So far, not many were into the idea, especially at such a young age as they were. The job of the overseer was a great honor, sure... But it was not fun. It would take too much commitment.

"Dad... Are you sure Calvin is okay with all this? It just feels... Odd." The brown-furred husky in the front asked quietly from his dad with doubt in his tone, the class being in such a ramble now that no one heard Dion's question.

"He is totally okay with this. Absolutely." Charlie said with a nod, impressed that Dion questioned him about lying. He clearly knew his father and had doubts the man who disliked his father would give this job to him, instead of presenting it to everyone himself. Everyone knew that Calvin loved his own voice.

"If you say so. Well, I'm not going to job no matter what I would be promised." Ryan snorted out, leaning back and trying not to get annoyed by the wild noises all around the place.

"... I don't think I would be a good overseer." Sam admitted with a sad tone.

"My nature isn't fit for such a boring job either. I don't think I want to end as miserable as Calvin seems to be most of the time." Jacob pointed out with a laugh.

"Rude thing to say. Calvin is just taking his job seriously." Tio said with a blunt tone, having some deep thoughts at the moment.

"... You are not thinking about taking the place, are you?" Jacob asked suddenly with an interested smile.

"...." Tio was just quiet without answering anything, going through something in his mind.

"I think Jerry would be good overseer." Sam pointed out with a smile.

"Nah, I just heard Jerry say from the back row that he wants to be a guard," Jacob informed.

"... I... I could maybe... I don't know..." Dion muttered, Charlie, giving a quick eye right at that moment at his son.

No one else saw it, but Charlie shortly gave a silent "no" from his lips without leaving a sound. The gaze was serious, taking Dion a bit off guard now. Why would his father react such a way on the idea?

Dion didn't say anything further but gave a rather sad and questioning look at his father for silently denying him to be a possible candidate. Charlie didn't see that by taking such a huge task, he would finally find a way to make his father proud. To show that maybe he was braver than he let on.

Charlie was no avoiding Dion's gaze as he looked over at the class... And realized something creeping into him like anxiety. The plan was derailing. He kept on the hopeful and forced smile, trying not to panic as he saw that most younglings looked way too nervous or denying of the title offered. He needed a possible candidate now. Sooner or later the better. Calvin was going to arrive here with the guards any moment now to demand Charlie to take his leave to be put into the ambush and beat up situation. The only thing that could save him now, was someone willing to step up. He had thought that there would be at least someone... And he was running out of time on his bluff.

"So... Anyone. Anybody?" Charlie asked with a happy tone, snapping his fingers eagerly and trying to hold the anxiety of the situation in him. Come on. Please.

"Charlie... I think what you are asking is quite a lot in such a short time. Shouldn't we have like... A few days to think about this or something?" The dalmatian girl next to Jill asked.

"Yeah, teach. This kinda big, I don't know if anyone was ready to just say yes." Farin pointed out with his arms crossed, making sure with his tone that he wasn't going to go for the job.

"Heeey, where is your ambition, young ones? Lots of you love reading and the will to lead has to be in some of you! I believe in all of you!" Charlie said, starting to walk nervously along the pathway that divided the classroom, trying to get the morale and eagerness out of the young ones. He was running out of time and he wasn't mentally ready to become the most feared man in the vault today by sending every guard for Amir to treat. Please, just someone say yes.

In a sense, Charlie was surprised. He had expected some to eagerly step up... But there was no raised hand in sight. The nervous and contemplating gazes around the room made themselves obvious.

Charlie desperately rushed in front of the class, asking a question from Jill.

"Jill, you were thinking about the job, weren't you? You have to have some sort of interest in it."

"I... I had some interest, but... Reading just isn't my thing. And I don't... I don't like Calvin. I find him... Creepy. I don't want to be around him each day." Jill said with an honest tone, rubbing her shoulder and avoiding Charlie's gaze.

The husky was cursing internally, but could he really blame her? Anyone who would sign up would not have a pleasant teacher in their future job.

"Would being trained for the overseer's job mean that there would be no time to be in your classes anymore?" Some mouse boy asked from behind Sam.

"I... I'm sure I could negotiate such terms with the overseer. No worries on that front. The class attending would continue on... IF it wouldn't... I volunteer to give an after lesson as a personal favor for the student in this classroom as an individual. I'm ready to sacrifice an extra hour from my day for the upcoming overseer." Charlie swore with an honest tone.

Sure. Why not. It's not like I have anything better to do anyway, Charlie thought.

Everyone noted such a gesture... Yet, not a single paw still raised up.

And why would they? A daily private lesson in the classroom to learn stuff with Charlie wouldn't be that bad if you didn't account for the most obvious thing.

Most parents would think such a thing creepy. That their own daughter or son would have some kind of "private tutoring" one hour a day by Charlie would seem weird and... Well, it would just sound odd. And as if their jealousy for Charlie because of his status among the younglings wasn't enough. Now he would give private lessons? Yeah, this wasn't going to happen. Charlie was lying and knew that Calvin wouldn't go for it. But he had to promise things he couldn't necessarily keep to make this plan work.

Charlie knew that he was just sounding desperate now and everyone started to see it out of him.

Everyone was too stressed about this. Charlie was starting to show his panic a bit and went through his options at the moment. What should he do? He couldn't force the decision, anyone. He wouldn't go down that road like Calvin was trying to. Just... Someone, please save me from this-

"I'll do it."

Everyone in the class shifted their attention to the mammal who had stood up and spoken. Charlie slowly turned around, looking at the mammal.

The Mexican wolf was standing there with a determined gaze, ready to stand behind his words.

Charlie gave a relaxed and relieve exhaled, his small panic turning into a warm smile as the youngling in front of him had saved him the situation.

Tio was standing formally and confirmed to Charlie that he was serious.

"I'll volunteer to be trained as the next overseer. I'll try to do my best." Tio said.

Charlie chuckled and felt like he could finally breathe, spreading his arms and telling all the surprised and speechless mammals in the room something as announcement.

"Everyone. Give a respectful round of applause for your future leader. Tio Tampico." Charlie said.

Tio began talking in sudden awkwardness.

"Teacher Winchester, I doubt there is the need to-

Before he could finish, everyone stood up and start to give a furious round of applause for the wolf. It made the wolf jump a bit with wide eyes, looking around the class as everyone was giving the excited praise for him. All of his friends next to him were smiling, Dion tapping Tio in the shoulder proudly, even as he felt sad inside that he was denied the opportunity.

"Coool...." Sam said with a surprised tone, feeling happy for his friend's determination.

"Talking about stepping up. That came out of nowhere." Niles exhaled and smiled as he was clapping along with Ryan.

The fox couldn't deny that he was surprised by Tio having such ambition in him. He spoke quietly to Niles.

"The main thing is that it's someone else than you."

The only one that was clapping but not smiling, was Jacob. Well, there was Farin and Maurice among few others since they considered Tio a quiet weirdo, but Jacob had his own, different reasons. Something clearly unsettled him. Not that the wolf could see it with his back turned against him. But the German shepherd really felt rather bothered by this. He tried to be happy for Tio, but couldn't really smile. His thoughts were holding him back.

Charlie couldn't help but notice how much Tio was regretting the attention now since he hated being the center of it this strongly. Charlie snapped his fingers in order for everyone to calm down and cool it.

Within a few seconds of the proud applause, they calmed down. Charlie was the last one to keep up with the paw clapping, walking towards Tio and stopping.

"Overseer Tampico, I'm sure that you make this vault proud. Calvin is lucky to have such an eager and wise candidate. Thank you for presenting yourself." Charlie thanked more than genuinely.

He also meant what he said. Now that the old husky thought of it, Tio was a perfect fit for the job. He was more adult than people of his age, determined, wise and very well-behaving. He was going to be a way better option than Niles would have ever been and surely surpass Calvin. Tio wouldn't be feared like Calvin. Tio would most likely be even loved.

Charlie knew that it was time to cut to the point fast.

"Now... I have a little surprise for you. Calvin himself will be here any moment now to personally congratulate you on both our behalf."

"... Wait, seriously?" Tio asked with wide eyes, now feeling a bit under the stress even after such a determined step up.

"He is?" Dion asked like it didn't sound like Calvin.

Pretty much everyone looked like they were in disbelief after that. Calvin had never visited the classroom with students present.

"Yes. He is on his way here to congratulate the new overseer on the job. His time schedule today is rather tight but I'm sure he will be here before the class ends, as he so promised. Now, he might be a little surprised to see that it is someone else than Niles, as he was rather willing to bet that Niles would take the job. But I'm sure he will be just as happy that I've done my part and found someone more willing for the task. He might just be a bit surprised but don't be thrown off by it." Charlie explained.

"Wh... I don't..." Tio now mumbled, following the words but feeling like something was now a bit wrong. Yet Charlie assured with a formal paw shake of congratulation for the wolf that everything was okay.

"Hey. It's going to fine. All you have to do is tell him that you are ready for the task with an open mind and he will congratulate you. That is all. Then we can continue on with our class normally." Charlie assured with a warm smile. He was betting all in now. Calvin was going to be here very soon.

"You can sit down, for now, Tio. Thank you." Charlie said kindly, letting go of the stressed wolf's paw and walking in front of the class again, the plan ticking like a clock in his mind.

"Now. We have that over and done with. Thank you once again, Tio. We better move onto something lighter as we wait for Calvin to arrive. He might even have escort with him for such a remarkable day. He has to prepare to inform all the adults as well that the place of his is now taken. So... What should we learn about while we are waiting for-"?

"WINCHESTER. Class is over."

There it was.

The voice was cold, unforgiving and sharp.

That was Calvin's voice. He had spoken from behind the classroom door with authority, someone pressing the button on the wall.

Within a second the door lifted up, revealing the committee behind it.

The whole class turned to look over their shoulder at the doorway. Calvin was walking into the room first with slow steps, not creating eye contact with any of the students looking at him. He had his eyes sharply on the old husky that was leaning against his table with arms crossed. The sudden anticipated smile on Charlie's muzzle made Calvin rather confused, as there was no reason for the dog to smile at this moment. This was going to lead to him being dragged out of there to be beaten up to a bulb.

Yet the husky had no worry in the world. He knew that now it was the showtime. The hardest part was already over. In this room, Charlie was in his own element.

The guards entered in shortly after Calvin, each of the younglings shifting their attention to them now.

Four guards were behind Calvin with formal postures, their paws resting on their gun belts. Each one of them looked as confused as the other, wondering what was going on.

Charlie noted that first rather quickly. So, Calvin had not told his intensions yet. Because he trusted that they wouldn't necessarily go on with this situation. This just made Charlie's job easier.

Calvin stopped a mere three meters away from Charlie, standing in the middle of the pathway of the class. The guards behind him stopped, the door closing behind them and the silence taking the room as Calvin and Charlie just measured their gazes very intensively.

"Dad... What are you doing here...? And why do you have a gun?" Jacob asked in confusion with a rather unsettled tone, looking at his father. The old raccoon turned to look at his son and was about to answer with a face that screamed "I don't know what is going on", but couldn't. Calvin had something to say right away.

"Guards, do not talk to the students. We are here on serious business. Eyes forward." Calvin ordered sternly.

The raccoon shut himself up and turned his eyes forward. Each one of the guards had a kid of their own in this room, looking at their kin in question. Something was not right here. Charlie had said that there might be possible escort, but the energy in the room was somewhat too tense. It didn't really make sense. Charlie looked way too relaxed at the moment, considering the guards were carrying their 10mm caliber handguns on their waists. None of the kits had ever seen their fathers with a gun before.

Calvin was about to order the guards to take Charlie into custody right away until Charlie broke the ice with theatrical expression. He spread his arms and spoke in a warm tone, playing cheerfully in the situation.

"Caaaalvin, there you are, buddy. The plan we discussed went better than you could have imagined. Honestly, I told you that the whole... Guard escort would be too much but you love to be extra sometimes, I know. Very respectful for our future overseer though, so I understand the whole... You know, show." Charlie said with a happy tone.

"... What?" Calvin asked, his whole expression changing into total confusion.

"I mean, I know its tradition to bring guards to show respect to their new overseer in the ritual of the whole choosing future hope to lead all that kinda stuff. I wonder who even came up with such formality. It must have been some of the first overseers, don't you think?"

"... I don't know what you-"

"Aaaah, don't be like that. You like to be formal. We all get that. Well, let's get to the point then, as I promised. Since you gave me permission, I didn't fail you, Calvin. I have chosen the new overseer that shall be lucky to walk in your footsteps, so to say."

"... Winchester, what are you t-?"

"You are going to like it. I'll promise, he will serve your cause well and follow instructions you set for him." Charlie said excitedly, vouching for Tio.

"Overseer, what is this about?" Jacob's father asked in confusion, the other guard also prying now on the situation.

"Yeah, you could at least give a bit light on what is going on here. You made Charlie choose the new overseer?-"

"Silence. You are here to follow. Not ask questions. Winchester, I don't know what you think that you are doing here-"

"Damn, you forgot our discussions of this morning that fast? Considering how great a task you gave me, you would remember. I mean you are here after all like you promised. And I have done what you asked. We got a new overseer out of your request."

First, Calvin was turning his look at Niles at the corner, the lynx looking him right back.

Wait... Did this mean what he thought Charlie had meant?

That he had told Niles after all that he was going to have to be overseer and he would be separated from Ryan? Why had he done that in front of the whole class? Had he told everyone just so the younglings could mutually think bad of him? Not that their opinions on the matter interested the weasel, yet he had a hard time believing that Charlie had done what he asked, after all, storming out of his room with such attitude and rejection against the order given. So, what had made him change his mind? And why was he smiling like this? He should be looking defeated. Sure, if he did what had been requested, he would dodge the sentence Calvin was here to give him, but there was no reason to smile and be so carefree nevertheless. Was he hoping to take credit out of this as if naming Niles as the next overseer was all his idea? But there was not much to gain there either. No, that wouldn't be any kind of victory for Charlie either. Calvin didn't understand what game the husky was playing.

The nervous and sweaty Mexican wolf in the front row was looking at the confused weasel, wondering if he had the courage to step up after all.

Calvin was getting more and more confused as Charlie kept blabbering to him, trying to get a word out as he was processing what was going on.

"Niles, would you step up here for a second?" Charlie asked politely, not taking his eyes off Calvin as the weasel kept staring him down, his gaze asking in controlled rage that what on earth was Charlie thinking he was doing.

"I... Why?" Niles asked now with a hesitant tone, Ryan giving questioning look at his father as the fox could feel the tension. He didn't like what was going on. Dion saw it too very clearly, as they exchanged short looks together with his brother. Calvin wasn't looking happy, quite the opposite. He was looking like he wanted to hit Charlie for some reason, yet the old husky remained calm and collected like nothing was wrong at all.

"I would like you to tell Calvin here what you told me earlier. It's alright. I think Calvin just wants AND deserves to hear it from you, rather than me." Charlie pointed out, nodding Niles to step up.

The nervous lynx started to slowly and awkwardly raise from his seat, Ryan giving quick touch at his paw under the table before letting him go, keeping eye on the situation.

The whispering started to make itself known in the class as the questions raised, Calvin trying to ignore the fact that his name kept coming up among the younglings around him. Whatever Charlie was doing, it filled Clavin with uncertainty and anxiety. This was supposed to be the situation where he would walk in, expecting Charlie to be on his knees already and being ready to meet his fate after dragged out by the guards. Instead, he was playing some kind of game that he had not picked up on yet.

Niles was slowly walking next to Charlie, standing there and rubbing his paws together nervously as he hated to be looked at by many eyes.

Calvin was looking at his own kin and gave a short, formal smile as he spoke.

"Hello, Niles."

"... Hi, Uncle Calvin." Niles said quietly back with a small smile as well, as hard as it was.

After the short silence, Calvin relaxed his posture a bit and looked at Charlie as he spoke to Niles.

"So, you had something to tell me?" Calvin asked proudly, ready to hear his kin take the job commanded.

"I..." Niles started awkwardly, looking over his shoulder at Charlie. The husky just nodded with a fatherly smile for him to go on with it.

"I'm sorry... U-uncle. But as much as I'm honored for the job offered... I... I have to refuse it."

The smile on Calvin's face slowly formed into something different, the weasel arching his eyebrows in question, as if he had not heard right.

"I know that you might not like it... But I have to be honest with you uncle... I would be the worst overseer possible. It wouldn't be responsible for you to make me the leader. I hate reading... I'm... Not good with computer stuff... Or- NOT that there is anything wrong with that stuff but... It's just not me." Niles explained to his uncle in apologizing tone humbly, Charlie's smirk growing subtly.

"Wh... B- but Niles... I trust you with this task more than anyone! You were my first choice!" The weasel started to explain now, realizing the situation had taken a total turn. The quick look at Charlie's face made everything much more uncomfortable for him.

"I know that... I know. And I'm sorry... But I just cannot do it. I thought about all the possible outcomes and... It wouldn't make me happy. It would make me miserable. I just am not made to be more than a vault resident and no matter the tutoring... I'd still suck at the job. I'm not a leader, I am a follower. That's just... how simple it is." Niles explained, trying to make it all much easier for Calvin to understand without hostility. He was just truly choosing the most honest words to say what he meant. And all the weasel could do was to soak in the sentences in front of him with confusion, since Charlie had just told to his face that he had chosen the overseer.

"Then... Then why are you lying to my face, Winchester-" Calvin began in anger, ignoring the lynx in front of him in disappointment, no matter the reasonable excuses presented.

"Oh, I have been the man of my word. Niles, thank you for your words. You have been more than brave to speak your mind. You can sit down now." Charlie spoke with a victory in his tone.

"No one is sitting down anywhere. Niles stays right here. And you explain this foolishness to me, right at this instant!" Calvin commanded aggressively, making Niles jump scare a bit.

Charlie was not smiling anymore but staid just as calm.

The boys and girls in the class were starting to feel nervous as the overseer had clearly shown the temper in the room and was clearly not in good terms with Calvin, as the husky had explained just a few minutes ago. None about this situation made any sense to them, and all they could do was to hold their breath and follow everything happening.

"Winchester. Explain. Now. Why did you claim that you had Niles taking the job, when-"

"I never talked about Niles. Niles made very clear to me what he thought about your job offer, as well as to you personally now. That should be more than needed for you to take the hint here. So, may I present to you the solution that I promised for you. Would the candidate stand up?" Charlie asked, giving an eye at Tio's way and giving an encouraging wink.

The wolf was feeling the pressure build-up as the students in the class slowly waited for him to raise up from his seat. He was hesitating... But Charlie trusted him. And Calvin would have to, as well. You got this. Stay behind your words.

Tio slowly stood up from his seat, clearing his throat and standing there firmly, looking at Calvin.

The weasel turned his gaze at Tio, not saying a word. He then looked back at Charlie, back to Tio, and yet again back to Charlie. He spoke quietly.

"Is this a joke?"

"You know I would never joke about such an important event. May I present to you, Tio Carlos Tampico. Your new and best possibility for shaping the new overseer of vault fifty-five." Charlie said very proudly.

The weasel was so out of the situation, looking at the Mexican wolf from head to toe with an unimpressed look and back at Charlie in agitation, wondering his course of action. He was not going to let this stand. The smirk on Charlie's face made the anger rise by the seconds as he wanted to grab a gun from his guards' waist and shoot Charlie. The mad thought even passed briefly in his head. But he wouldn't have guts for cold-blooded murder. And no one would follow him in the vault as overseer ever again. Whatever this situation was... Charlie was leading it.

"Tio is the wisest and well-educated student from my class, overseer Calvin. He has skill with the computers and is more than willing to read whatever you throw in his way. He listens carefully and asks the needed questions when he feels need to do so. He is well dedicated to whatever he chooses to learn, so you won't have the problem of your personal student being lazy or undedicated." Charlie spoke for the wolf with an honest tone, the wolf feeling very taken by the fact that someone thought so highly of him. Charlie truly was kind out of his heart. He always paid attention. And to hear that he considered him his best student was an honor like no other.

The wolf gave a small smile out of hearing it, easing his stress as he nodded and spoke to Calvin now, taking the full attention of the weasel that had no option but to listen to them.

"Overseer Calvin. I have kept the eye on things here and so far, you have done everything just like it needs to be. I know that I'm not wiser than you, nor maybe ever will be... But I'm going to work hard for it. I want to be useful and... I think this really is my calling if you have me. I'll study hard and dedicated to make you proud. You can have absolute trust in me to do things right. And if I make any mistake or fail you somehow... Just tell me. I'm yours to command from now on out. I hope I can be worthy of your title one day." Tio said, giving a respectful bow at the weasel before him, who was too much in confusion to speak back. He had listened carefully to every sentence, no more or less. Even if praised in this way... This was not part of the plan. This was Charlie's plan.

The overseer finally spoke.

"Winchester, THIS was not a part of the agreement." The weasel said strictly.

"What do you mean? You wanted me to choose a new overseer?" Charlie asked, acting innocent.

Calvin was about to start yelling until Jacob's father spoke.

"Calvin, it appears to me that you have a solution to your problem. If Niles doesn't want the job, you can't exactly force it on him." the raccoon pointed out.

"Yeah... I'm sure that Tampico's son here is serious about the offer." One of the guards said with a smile.

"Agreed. I do not see any problem here, Mister Marston. Give the kid a chance." One of the guards added in as well.

"Can't you see that this solution is best for everyone, overseer? Tio wants to try. Let him try." Charlie spoke, making Calvin ball his paw as a fist as he tried to control himself.


"Give him a chance, overseer!"


Even the younglings in the classroom had started to chant encouragement for Tio in the time of need, the yells making Calvin want to scream. He was cornered by the public opinion right now, and it was clearly going to affect their view on their leader, no matter what Calvin would choose. The more the people agreed with Charlie's choice, the more the husky smiled as he had played the game perfectly.

The weasel looked at Niles, like screaming for help with his eyes. He wanted him to take the job. But all Niles could do was to look away from the furious eyes of his uncle, having made his decision. He wasn't going to step up. He didn't want to be overseer. Simple as that.

Everyone was waiting for Calvin to say anything in the middle of everyone's chanting and yelling. The weasel was boiling and was bad at hiding it, as much as he tried to fight back against the anger of being played.

The weasel measured Charlie with a gaze that spoke of rage, Charlie smiling back calmly and waiting for Calvin to make his move. There were not many options here.

No matter what Calvin would choose, it would be a loss for him.

"OKAY, ENOUGH!" The weasel yelled aggressively like he was close to exploding.

The room went silent as a tomb as Charlie gave questioning look at the hateful weasel, asking without words.

"Your move. What's it going to be?"

Ordering the guards to seize Charlie was no longer an option after the show that had just went through. It wouldn't make sense to take Niles's denial for the job on Charlie. These guards wouldn't go on with it. They might have most likely first, but now that they were all in mutual agreement against their overseer to set aside his weird obsession to make his own kin the next overseer and choose Tio instead, it made Calvin's position difficult.

After giving one last look of being betrayed by his own kin in the need, he closed his eyes and swallowed, exhaling in self-control. He looked at Charlie right in his soul as he spoke calmly and coldly to the Mexican wolf that was still standing there in anticipation and stress of being possibly denied.

"... Tio Tampico... report yourself into my quarters eight in the morning tomorrow. Congratulations." The weasel squeezed out, trying to sound even somewhat kind, failing effortlessly.

It took everything he had to turn his hateful eyes out of the husky that was smiling in a total challenged victory.

The weasel turned around rather quickly, not even shaking the paw of the wolf who had handed it towards the weasel on terms of respect. Calvin just ignored it, taking his leave without another word. His eyes screamed of nothing but hate as the obvious had made itself known.

Charlie had won. He had played Chess when Calvin had played checkers. The threat of him answering his actions was gone... Or at least avoided briefly.

The husky knew that Calvin wasn't going to leave things how they were. This was only first of upcoming battles he would go against the weasel... But he knew that he possessed the moves to see through himself to win each of them.

Tio slowly lowered his paw, looking after Calvin as the weasel exited the class through the door, the metal closing behind him.

The wolf spoke quietly.

"Mister Winchester... I don't think that the overseer was very pleased with this decision."

"It's not your fault, Tio. Trust me. Calvin has his... Problems. Sometimes it's hard to accept that your time is done and someone has to take your place. Egos." Charlie said right away, laying his paw on Tio's shoulder as he could finally exhale. The whole intense situation was over and dealt with.

Jacob's father suddenly spoke to Tio with a chuckle.

"Hey. Tampico."

"... Yes?" Tio asked, still gazing at the door with small sadness in him.

"Pleased to meet the new overseer." The raccoon said with a friendly smile, handing his paw out.

The wolf looked at the paw in front of him, handing out his own with serious face, feeling like this was a formal moment for him. These men were going to work under his rule one day after all.

Charlie started to clap his paws suddenly, making everyone join in slowly.

The class was loud once more, cheering for their new overseer beginning for the second time today. This time, it made Tio feel slightly emotional, Jacob noticing how the wolf was holding back of smiling out of being praised in such a way. It was so rare to see on Tio. Dion clearly saw it as well from him.

Tio started to go through the paws of the guards in the middle of cheerful class, each of them giving a bow after formal handshake. Charlie along with Tio's friends followed the act with smiles, knowing that the wolf had surely deserved it and would not let anyone down.

"I wonder if we have time to read together after this anymore," Dion said with a sad and thoughtful tone, despite smiling and clapping at the wolf.

"Or even hang out," Jacob said, the tone making Dion lift eyebrow at the German shepherd. Dion wasn't sure of it... But it sounded almost like Jacob, the normally always over joyful guy, was now sad for something. It was all over him.

Finally, and not last, there was one more person ready to shake paws with Tio.

And that person was Niles Hovan. The lynx was handing out his paw for the wolf, the class going quiet slowly as the lynx was smiling widely for his friend, Tio also now feeling the veil of seriousness and duty go away and almost smile.

Until Niles leaned forward and took Tio into a hug. The wolf was caught unprepared, his eyes widening as he didn't know what to say or do. He was never a fan of physical touch. Niles knew that knowing not to make the hug last more than needed.

"Thank you, Tio," Niles said with a relieved tone, pulling away.

After all, Tio had saved Niles from the bad situation just like he had saved Charlie without knowing.

"You are... Welcome, I-I guess." The wolf stuttered back.

Ryan smiled at that, knowing exactly how well this had played out for Niles after all.

The lynx suddenly looked at his friends in the front row with a questioning look.

"What? You guys not going to congratulate your friend?"

The wolf was waving his paws in the meaning of it being unnecessary.

But within few seconds he was swarmed by Sam, Dion, Ryan, and Jacob, were all over him a friendly attack of a kind, making the normally grumpy and serious wolf let out even a small laugh of being this appreciated.

Charlie lifted his feet in victory on top of his desk, witnessing the happy show in front of him and thinking only one thing by himself.

Calvin's time was going to be finally over. Things were going to change for good...

The small thrill inside him. That old feeling of victory, at least a small glimpse of it.

He was deep down still that same silver-tongued dog that always found the way and won people's hearts.

The Winchester's way.