Outcast(Chapter 1)- Meeting Seth

Story by Xiuh on SoFurry

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#11 of Outcast

Alright, NOT a continuation of TCoT as you can see, but its taking me longer than expected to write it, so I started this series so I could update you on that without making a journal :P Thought I would give you guys something to read. This chapter has no yiff but there will be yiff in the future. I'm only on page six of my TCoT but thats because my Microsoft Office Trial ended and it locked all my text files( :( ) I expect to be done with it by the end of june(A long time I know, sorry)

Anyways, enjoy the first chapter of another series I will be working on. *Is kind of sad*


I sat in the corner of the living room, a small plate of food in my lap, but it was more than I normally got. I stared at the people sitting around the table in resentment and my paw unconsciously rubbed the blanket I sat on. I looked down at the plate of food and I took the last few bites before standing up and, looking at my feet, walked through the dining room and put my plate in the sink, before walking back to my blanket and laying down, wrapping myself in it and facing the wall.

I heard laughter from my family at the table, from everyone except my oldest sister who stared at me sadly, but I just kept staring at the wall, and as I thought about my family, a single tear came to my eye, but I blinked it away, and never let anymore come. I had cried enough over my "family."

I was a fox, my orange fur dull from rarely being allowed to take showers, and my teeth were yellow, no matter how hard I scrubbed them when I was allowed to 'waste' toothpaste. My black hair was tangled but straight, and I regretted not having a hair brush to use on it. My life was horrible.


I walked through the hallways of school the next day. First day back from Thanksgiving Break, and I didn't want to be there anymore than home, but I couldn't decide which one was better. My sister walked next to me, chattering away. Everyone else glared at me in resentment.

We lived in a small town, where no one in their right mind would admit to liking gay people, or even not minding them, and only a suicidal person would admit to being gay. Well, I guess I was the one suicidal person in town.

My sister was the only one who wouldn't shun me, and the local shop keeper, but only because I helped him out around the shop after school so I could stay away from home longer. I regretted my choice to come out immensely.

Two years ago, I had been twelve, and I was the favorite child, the baby. I had the most out of all my brothers and sisters, and they didn't mind that much, they could all escape to somewhere else in town, or even to other towns that were close by, but I had enjoyed my mother and father's company.

After I told them I was gay, that all changed. I was shunned, if not disowned. My family ignored me for the longest time, but instead of just kicking me out, and ending my pain, they banished me to a corner of the living room, with one blanket and one pillow. Occasionally the blanket was replaced but not often. I had a small amount of clothing, and the only reason my parents paid for school is so I could leave when I turned eighteen.

I was the target of ridicule at school, and of course, I was beaten up almost daily, and none of the teachers did anything, except the councilor who I enjoyed talking to extremely. My sister stopped my locker so I could get my books out of it and she smiled at me and said, "I told ya bro, as soon as I turn eighteen I'm moving, and I'll take you with me, promise."

I smiled at her and I fell into arms she offered, and said, "I believe you sis, you were always so nice to me."

She smiled and said, "Have a good day Cody."

"As best as I can," I said, smiling at her, "I love you Stephanie."

She smiled and patted my cheek and walked off. I saw a few guys staring at her as she walked past, and, unfortunately, I couldn't blame them. She was pretty in small town standards, and honestly, would be in city standards. She was slim, her body was perfectly curved and her hips were what some women called 'perfect for babies.'

I sighed as I grabbed my books and walked to my first class, dodging through the hallways to avoid the people who would actually take the time to beat the shit out of me. I made it to my first class safely and sat down in my chair, putting my head on my paws.

After a few moments, the bell rang, and I looked up, got the assignment off the board, and set to work. Unlike all the other students in the class, I was never bothered. No one ever talked to me, not to ask for a pencil, or even to insult me. Even the teacher refused to ask me questions after realizing she couldn't embarrass me by asking me questions I didn't know, because she couldn't think of any I wouldn't.

But what caught my eye this morning, was the tiger standing next to her. He was a Siberian Tiger, and unlike any other tiger I had ever seen, he was outstandingly beautiful, the black in his fur highlighting the white and making it stand out. His hair went down to his shoulders and was black and it shimmered in the florescent lighting. "This is Seth Gernwal," the teacher said, "he's a new student, and we need someone to show him around."

No one raised their hand so I did, and the teacher scowled but pointed to me, "He'll show you around." she said, discontent obvious in her voice.

Seth stared at her for a moment before he came and sat down in one of the empty desks near me. He held out his paw and I took it, smiling shyly. "My name is Cody," I said.

He smiled and said, "Hey Cody. What's the matter? You look a little down."

I chuckled and the sound came out like static. He gaped for a moment and I blushed, "Been a long time since I had something to laugh about. If you stay for more than a week, you'll know that I always look like this."

"Why?" he asked curiously.

I sighed and said, "If you're still talking to me after school, I'll tell you."

He stared for a moment longer and then turned back to the board and we listened to the teacher, not talking at all. When class ended, I led him to his classes. I led him to all of his classes throughout the day and at the end of the day I said, "I'll see you in Biology tomorrow."

"Wait," he said, "you were going to tell me why you always look like this."

I looked at him for a moment and sighed, "I'll tell you tomorrow."

He sighed and he said, "Alright."

I walked to my sister's car and climbed into the passenger seat and waited for her. She got in a moment later, smiling at me. "How was your day?" she asked.

"Better than most." I said, smiling back.

She smiled and said, "Because of the new kid?"

"You've heard?" I asked.

"Yeah, when a kid starts hanging out with the faggot everyone knows." She said.

I blushed and said, "Yeah."

She smiled and patted my shoulder, "Tomorrow will be even better."

I smiled at her and said, "I hope so."


The next morning, I sat in the parking lot waiting for Seth and when I saw him step onto the stairs I jumped up and walked down the stairs and fell in next to him, smiling. "Hey," I said.

"Hey," he said, grinning, "You're happy today."

"I haven't had something to look forward to in a while," I said.

We walked on in silence for a moment before he stopped and turned to me in the empty hallway, "Someone told me something yesterday..." he was cut off by my groan.

"They told you I was gay?" I asked.

He nodded his head, "Is it true?"

"Yes." I said, looking down.

I was ready for him to push me, but he surprised me, and he put an arm around me and rubbed my arm, "I don't care," he said, "I just wanted to get that cleared up. Anyone tries anything, and I'll beat the shit out of them."

"Thanks," I said.

"It's what friends do," he said, punching my shoulder playfully.

I smiled and we kept on walking. "A long, boring day ahead of us." I said with a sigh.

He shrugged his shoulders, "I can come over to your house tonight and we can do something."


I walked up the walk in front of my house and opened the door, letting Seth walk in first. I had been reluctant to let him come over but he had insisted, and he won in the end.

"Aren't we going up to your room?" he asked when I sat down on my blankets.

I patted the blankets, "THIS is my room."

"What?" he said in confusion.

"This is where I've slept for the past two years." I said, "I barely get anything to eat, and I barely ever get to take showers, or brush my teeth."

He was gaping by now but he closed his mouth and had an angry expression on his face as he pulled me up. "Where are we going?" I asked.

"My house," he said.

We walked through the small town and onto a path that went out for a short way and we ended up at a big house. It was a large, two story house, and I gaped at him as we walked up the path that led to the door. "You live here?" I asked.

He nodded his head and said, "My parents move around a lot. Mainly because of me."

"Why?" I asked curiously.

He sighed and said, "I'll tell you later, promise."

I nodded my head and as we walked into the foyer of the house and he shouted, "Mom!"

An older, female tiger walked in, wiping her paws on a dish towel, and she smiled at me and then looked at Seth, "Yes?"

"Can you take us into the city?" he asked.

"Why?" she asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I wanted to go the mall," he said.

She nodded her head and said, "Ok, fine, I had to go to the city anyways, need to make furniture orders for the guest room."

He smiled and he pulled me out to her mini van. "Jeez, I saw the inside of your house and expected you to have a nice car." I said.

She laughed and said, "His father is the one with the sports car, I like my van."

Seth rolled his eyes and said, "She's fanatical about it."

"I am NOT." she said as she started the car and pulled it out of the driveway.

I looked at the side of the road as we drove past, I hadn't been to the city in a couple years, and when we finally got to the mall, I had zoned out enough that Seth had to shake me to get me back in my senses.

He grinned at me as we got out and as we were walking through the mall I realized his arm was around me. I guess he didn't realize it either because when I shifted he blushed and moved his arm. I smiled and forced my way back under his arm and he grinned at me.

He led me to a clothes store, that generally sold expensive clothing, and I raised my eyebrow at him, "You want my opinion?"

"No," he said, "we're buying you clothes."

"I have no money," I said.

"But I do," Seth said, smiling, "Can't let my new best friend to go around wearing those rags can I?"

I smiled as he stopped at a rack and started to look through clothes, occasionally throwing something at me which I caught and looked at, raising my eyebrow at him. The weird thing was, everything he threw at me fit, and I liked it.

When I had tried on the last outfit, and walked out and let him spin me around and whistle, I had at least twenty new outfits, and he bought all of them. "I can't thank you enough," I said, fingering the cloth of a new outfit I had changed into.

He smiled at me and he put his arm back around me. He led me to the food court and we sat down at a table with food and as we ate I looked up at him. "Can I ask you a question?"

"What?" Seth asked.

"Are you gay?" I asked.

Seth sighed and said, "Yeah, that's why we have to move so much. My mom has a love of small towns and my dad is over indulgent, and we always live in small towns. Eventually it gets out that I'm gay, and we have to move."

"At least your parents accept you," I said.

"Yeah," he sighed, "At least they accept me."

I switched to the chair next to Seth and put a paw on his arm and leaned into him, "Now the question is, will you be my boyfriend?"

Seth smiled and said, "Of course I will."

"Why didn't you tell me earlier today?" I asked curiously.

"I wasn't ready," he said, putting a paw on my cheek. It was a light touch, and it felt wonderful.

I smiled and said, "You can trust me with anything."

He leaned his head towards me and I kissed him before he could say anything else. Not a full out kiss, it was just a soft peck on the lips, but when I pulled back, I smiled and rested my head on his neck.

He put his arms around me and licked the top of my head a couple times. We were waiting for his mom, so we had plenty of time, and we sat there for a while, him licking the top of my head occasionally and me just resting my head on him.

Unlike what would happen if the mall was in my town, a most people walking past didn't see anything disgusting in two boys hugging each other with one licking the top of the other's head.

Seth was smiling with his eyes closed when I looked up at him and I smiled and shook him, "Your mom is here." I pointed towards her and he stood up, draping his arm over my shoulders and I walked with my body pressed to his.

She raised an eyebrow at us for a moment before she shrugged her shoulders, "Looks like we won't have to move again."

Seth blushed and I giggled, and he poked me in the side. He led me out the car and we sat in the backseat together, me leaning into him, smiling up at him, and he grinned down at me every once in a while. When we got back to his house, he took me upstairs to his room and into his bathroom and he started to strip down.

I blushed and he looked up just in time to notice, "Come on, we're just taking a shower."

I still blushed as I undressed myself and climbed into the tub with him. He turned on the water and made it a good temperature and he smiled at me as he got some shampoo and started to rub it into my fur, managing to massage the muscles beneath as he did so. I murred at the attention and he started to rub harder, making sure he got every spot of my body, rinsing me off, and then starting again.

"Sheesh your dirty." he said the third time.

I blushed deeply and said, "I haven't had a decent shower in a while."

He smiled and after a few more times he sighed and said, "Finally! Finished!"

I blushed deeply and when I had washed him, being very thorough, and making him blush a few times as well, we both got out and stepped onto fur driers that dried us quickly and I got into a pair of pajamas he had bought me.

He smiled over my head as I brushed my teeth with his toothbrush and said, "You, are the hottest fox I have ever seen."

I smiled and spat into the sink and rinsed my mouth out with mouth wash before turning around and pushing him. "And you are the hottest tiger I have ever seen."

He smiled and said, "Ready for bed?"

"Oh yeah," I said.

He led me into his room and to his bed and I laid down first and he nuzzled me as he crawled under the covers with me.

"I love you," I whispered to him.

His response was to snuggle closer to me. It didn't bother me. If he wanted to wait to say I love you, then wonderful.

I rested my head on the soft pillow and for the first time in years I slept well, warm in the arms of my first boyfriend.


Ok, maybe not that sad, towards the beginning it is, at least. Anyways, hope you enjoyed it. There will be quite a bit more to come, even if this won't be a large series like highschool days.