Tying Up Town Buisness

Story by Tiaris on SoFurry

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#57 of Dragon Hunter Saga

Sorry for the Delay.. my power supply died on my gaming rig leaving my files locked away till I was able to acquire a new one.

That evening the Headman's wife served us a lovely meal made with some mushrooms the dwarves had brought with them. Harry and the dwarf worked out a deal for some storage tunnels and set up for the towns people to trade some personal items to dwarves for dwarven made items. It was starting to look like "The Cross Roads" really was going to become a trading center.

I ponder the bright blue mushroom stem on my fork while I thought that over. If Harry was smart he would use the storage tunnels to place all sales goods in for the town itself. Then elect a town seller to work on the trading as people move through the town. If this really became a hub for human and non human trade then the other peoples would help to maintain the safety of the town. I hear a female voice in my head, {Pardon Lady Hunter. This is Lita, you are in "The Cross Roads" yes?} I sent her an affirmative and look at Zander quizzically, who tilts his head noticing that I am speaking to someone.

{We have heard through the dwarven grapevine that their town may become a trading hub, could you politely inform we would be interested in trade as well? If they would prefer a warm blooded envoy we can arrange it.}

I inform Lita that I would pass the info on and would send them word once I knew more. I then take a bite of the blue mushroom, that tasted slightly like a melon; and said to Harry. "So if the City of the Night were to come and trade would you prefer a warm blooded trader or would a vampire be alright?"

Zander absently nods his head and Harry's wife turns white, "yes that's the correct shade Ma'am;" Cheshire says looking up from the ball he had curled into on the sideboard. The woman then flushes and Harry clears his throat, "I; um. I, I don't know?" He blinks as he says this, Alberich speaks up. "I wouldn't refuse this opportunity, vampires are no more the scary horror monsters Hollywood made them as I prefer laying my head in virgin laps." Cheshire stretches then hops onto the table to sit in front of Harry. He then looks the man square in the eyes and says, "they are acknowledging you as a part of world wide trade. They have the oldest living city on the planet, they are giving you the option of choosing how you wish to proceed." He turns his head to Harry's wife and says, "if you'd rather not have the vampire. Then you should have a valid reason for it besides the idea that they scare you. Maybe impress if you want a warm blooded envoy then make it about how they'd know best what foods the warm bloods would prefer being brought to the city. It would be a respectful way to do it."

Harry and his wife both look sheepish, and Harry bows his head a moment before responding. "Pardon M'Lady Hunter, it's just with how we were raise din the old world the concept of a vampire." I nod my head and spear a violently orange mushroom that tastes like strawberries and wave my fork. "See these mushrooms?" Harry and his wife nod their heads, "when you first smelled them they smelled heavenly. Yet you didn't want to buy them because from your knowledge these could be dangerous to eat." They nod their heads again, "yet after their assurances that these are not like the ones grown on the surface you were very willing to try them." I wave my hand at the table laden with food, "yet here we are eating a lovely meal where you made a fruit salad that has no fruit in it." I eat the bite of mushroom and spear a piece of duck, "and it pairs wonderfully with this duck you roasted."

Zander chuckles and picks up where I left off, "the only way you will grow as people is by trying new things. Yes, the vampires will be very scary; at first. Then once you get to know them they won't be as much, and who knows maybe they perfected a papyrus that can grow in this climate and you can start making paper with it. It has always been one of the better paper products that mankind has ever created."

Harry nods his head again, "thank ye Lady Hunter. I shall tell you my decision in the morning, please enjoy your meal." He then excuses himself and gets up then heads out the door, most likely to discuss it with his town council. We finished our meal then headed outside of town to camp for the night, I didn't quite trust the townsfolk just yet without my guardians.

As I get situated between Zander and Alberich I ask Cheshire, "so a vampire can mind speak to anyone they have met?" He settles onto my lap and looks at me, "yes. I am guessing that one of our envoy's contacted you with that piece of information?" I nod my head, "Lance's future wife did;" Cheshire then had an odd look on his face. "I am surprised it was not Dramon, odd he would have an underling contact you."

{Pardon my intrusion Lady Hunter, if I may explain.} I hear Dramon's voice in my head, and Cheshire goes silent. {The council chose to start trade with the general world and if that town is going to be in the trading world it is best we associate with at least one location other than your own city.} His voice then sounds slightly embarrassed, {I was still in council. So I was not permitted to contact you, yet they wished you contacted. I thought it best to not ask someone whom you did not know already contact you. Please know it is considered poor behavior to have someone beneath you contact you in my culture. So allow me to apologize for having to have Lita contact you.}

I blink, so I was now curious to know where I fell on their importance scale. I respond, {it is quite alright Dramon. There was no harm done as it was not a slight to me, however I thank you for the apology.} Cheshire nods his head, informing me that I responded correctly.

I continue, {Cheshire has tried to explain to the Headman here how to properly request a warm blood envoy as when I brought it up they were both spooked by the idea.} I hear what could only be described as a dry chuckle from Dramon, {if I were a human who grew up hearing stories of my grandfather I'd be more than spooked. That is why the alternative option was given, I knew you however would prefer to work directly with one of us.} I agree with him, {I prefer the straight forward approach. Which I know not many of your kind like, but I do not like being misunderstood.}

His mind voice became quieter then, my guess is partly to keep Cheshire out. {It is odd for one of us to be able to speak so freely with one of your kind Lady, Lita can due to her link with young Lance. I believe,} he trails off a moment as if scared to say something. {If you and I were different people I'd be one of your guardians, unlike Zander I cannot leave my responsibilities. I would like instead to consider you a good friend, maybe we can have the random night discussion about dusty old books no one has hear of.} His voice then leaves my mind and I think a moment, "well is he done?" Demanded Cheshire, and I look down at him; he had a very annoyed cat look on his face.

I smile down at Cheshire, "yes he is. Did you 'tune out' so he could talk privately with me?" Cheshire nods his head, "he promised that while he was speaking with you no one would be allowed into your mind. I am fairly sure even while not talking with you he is monitoring you," he looks at me though one eye. "That incident with the Cro Magnon really has us all scared. It should not have happened and he probably feels responsible for it. Vampires from the main lineages tend to have major obligations, and take responsibility seriously."

I nod my head and lay back against Starburst's flank comfortably between the unicorn and centaur, hoping the Headman would be sensible in the morning.

Hope is a strong word sometimes, the next morning as Harry escorts us through town. Handing us a pack filled with traveling foods, he also told me of his decision. "I am sorry M'Lady Hunter, but I cannot let a vampire come to the city to trade." I shake my head and say, "then be ready to defend your choice when and if they send someone here. Vampires are very much into protocol and their highest members of their society are their own kind."

{Dramon?} I speak to my friend's mind, {I'd say fear here wins out over sensibility.} I feel an exacerbated sigh, {I thought as much. You cannot change a closed mind, maybe in a few years there will be an open mind there. I know of a few highly trusted human merchants who are itching to trade outside the city. I shall put their names forward as choices, then I will leave it to the old ones to choose one. Thank you Lady.}

On the other side of the town as we start walking past the cemetery the head dwarf walks up to me. "So are they going to have a vampire come though?" I shake my head raising an eyebrow, the dwarf chuckles and binds a barrel to Alberich's back. "Two things gossip more than an old woman, a dwarf and a vampire. Pity they won't take the vampire, the journey through the underground is much safer than the above ground path. Biggest things there are the attacks from Dragons and the weather." He then straps a bundle to Alberich as well, "that barrel of wine should be good for a sip at night Lady Gwen. Got some of the finest made dwarven bread in there, as well as some dried things for soup making. I dinnea know if them humans know how to properly send off a traveler. Good Journey and Wise Hunting to you."