
Story by sasukewuff on SoFurry

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Commission for Spikes on FA. Spikes was summoned by Sasuke to a warehouse... To eat... And of course, there is nothing suspicious about this whatsoever. Not at all. Nope.

Spikes was a little curious as to what Sasuke had wanted him for. The naga didn't quite understand what his obscenely obese friend could want, as the pair had seen each other just a few days prior and spent the day... Doing what they always did. Of course, this had been a few days before, but the two didn't see each other, usually for months at a time. Such a soon meet up after the previous one was a little suspect, and it was no surprise that the naga was on his guard as he slithered up on the warehouse where Sasuke had, quite specifically, asked to meet. The draolf was quite clearly up to something, but Spikes wasn't sure just what it was yet as his frame writhed and twisted forward. The strong muscles on Spikes' tail propelled him forward with ease, the long appendage behind him and beneath him easily strong enough for the large hunk of hybrid above. Black scales slid along the ground, kicking up a few of the rocks on the unkempt pavement beneath them but doing little to deter Spikes from his destination. A few of the rocks did wind up stuck in the gaps between his scales, but Spikes didn't pay those any mind; a few quick flicks of his lower half and they were gone.

Slithering up to the warehouse, Spikes looked at the large, wide roll-up door on the front with a slight smirk. Clearly, this was somewhere Sasuke had grown himself well past any semblance of mobility before, and the naga didn't have to look for long to see the bits of grey fur on the sides of the door or the rubber skidmarks from tires struggling to move such a monumentally fat beast. The draolf was never one to know moderation, clearly, but as Spikes flexed an arm and grinned, he knew that his body was quite the opposite. Clearly defined abs, pecs that could crush a melon betwixt their bulging, strong scales, and biceps that looked more like two extra heads on his body, and a tail that could flip a car all defined Spikes and made him quite the polar opposite of the draolf. He took pride in his appearance, and in some ways, Sasuke did too... Though their priorities were quite different. Just what had brought the two to become friends was beyond Spikes, but the naga didn't question it and instead reached a paw out towards the side door. The door, also larger than most and able to easily fit the oversized naga through with room to spare, took no effort to open for Spikes as he gave the handle a twist and cracked the door open. He then paused for a moment, thinking about his perfect frame and just what Sasuke was capable of when it came to ruining that body. It was a little daunting, sure, but Sasuke wasn't one to just ruin his body without asking... Usually.

Sliding himself through the door, Spikes was met by a fairly empty warehouse with a sole occupant, Sasuke. The draolf was in the middle of the room, looking as absurdly fat as always as he stood there, or at least Spikes thought that he was standing... The draolf's ass hovered just barely above the ground while his stomach had a fairly intimate relationship with it; clearly, the hybrid had been hitting the buffet. Spikes had to chuckle again at that sight as he began the modest slither over towards his host, only getting a few slides with his tail in before Sasuke's ears perked up atop his head... Though, Spikes had a hard time telling that too, as even those pointed ears on the draolf were laden with enough fat to make them droop slightly under their own weight.

"Spikes! You made it, cool," Sasuke rumbled out, his bassy, chocolatey voice reverberating throughout the fairly barren room. "I was starting to get a bit worried you weren't going to make it."

"No, no, I just decided to slide instead of taking that car you sent along," Spikes replied, moving up behind the large swell of wolfdragon and gripping the rolls lining his heavily fattened sides. Paws on those rolls, grasping at the small amount of fat that he could get his paws on, the naga gave that pure, buttery fat a shake. The resulting girthquake shook Sasuke from his spare tire of a neck to his melon-sized calves, a few slaps from flab colliding with flab as well as a deep, contented rumble coming from the owner of all that adipose. "You've been eating well, I see."

"Mmmm... Yeah, yeah, it is that time of year after all," Sasuke replied half-heartedly, his mind clearly on the attention to his soft, doughy frame that Spikes seemed content to keep on giving. The naga always played with all that fat every time that he saw Sasuke, the draolf's weight and girth just something of a toy for the naga. Spikes had no desire to have any of that himself... Not openly, at least, but he appreciated it on Sasuke all the same.

"The middle of fall?"

"Give or take a month, okay?"

"Sure Sasuke, sure..." The naga replied, his voice dripping with sarcasm as his paws slid off those hilly peaks of blubber along the draolf's sides. Once freed from the vast, soft acreage of Sasuke's grey hide, Spikes slid himself around to the ground of the draolf, but not before letting his tail brush tantalizingly along the thick appendage that rested heavily between the twin mountains of rump on the back of the mutt. "What did you need me here for today?"

"Help, actually. I'm trying to find a new way to make the food in my restaurants... Well, heartier, I guess. I've got the ingredient down, I just need to figure out how much to add."

"When you say heartier..."

"Yes, yes, more fattening." Sasuke grinned, and Spikes frowned upon that admission.

"You know, you should be the one testing this. You know I-"

"I know, I know. It has side effects... Good ones, mind you, but they're a bit too good for me to take it and take accurate notes."

"Well, this gets better and better, doesn't it?" Spikes' frown deepened, his eyes narrowing as he started to regret coming for the draolf. Sasuke, seeing this, waved his paws to try and eschew any worries before he continued talking.

"It does, actually. The side effects are euphoria and, well... Libido-related."

"Oh?" That frown on Spikes' face vanished in an instant, his own ears perking up rather intently at the mention those side effects. Euphoria would be nice, but libido... Spikes wasn't one to even try and shy away from that.

"Yeah, exactly what you're thinking. So you see why I can't very well take notes." Sasuke paused, giving his stomach a bit of a pat. The wobble sent his stomach jostling, but as the wave of moving blubber reached the lowest curve of his stomach... A rather low, deep rumble came from the draolf. He clearly had been trying his own supply, as that sound was one that Sasuke usually kept either to the bedroom or for the end of a feast. However, that sound also intrigued Spikes, because if it was that good for Sasuke... Just how good would it be for him? "It will make you fatter, so keep that in mind, but... I think you can handle gaining a few pounds for a few inches, don't you?"

"Yeah, yeah... Though you're gonna be paying for the personal trainer if this gets out of paw, okay?" Sasuke nodded emphatically at that, the terms of Spikes' demand met in an instant. In that same moment, the draolf turned to his side and reached down to a table beside him, grabbing a large dish from it.

"So this is the additive. I just don't know how much to use... And when it will start having a taste to it. That's what you're going to be helping me with, okay?

"Sure thing, Sasuke. Do I need to do anything besides eat?"

"Nope, just eat," Sasuke replied, holding out a bowl of soup he had procured from the same table as the additive. Spikes took that bowl without hesitation, bringing it to his snout before starting to slurp down the warm, hearty contents of said bowl. The soup, rich with flavor and texture, slid easily down his throat and into his stomach. Once there, the naga could feel a bit of residual warmth from that soup, but little else... In fact, he just felt like he had eaten some good soup, and that was it.

"That was tasty... Very tasty, actually, is that a new recipe?"

"Yes, and no, I just tweaked an old one honestly. That also didn't have any of the additive in it, just to test it as a control. First few doses will be light, just to see how they react and the like, alright?"

"Sure, that's fine... Frankly, I just want more of that soup."

"Oh, you'll get plenty," Sasuke replied, a hint of mischief in his eyes. The naga barely noticed it, almost like a fleeting shadow in the corner of a dark room, but it was there nonetheless and hinted at Sasuke's intentions rather obviously. Of course, Spikes could have sussed out those intentions on his own; Sasuke was notorious for fattening those around him, and Spikes was no exception. The naga hadn't gotten anything lately, not since the last time had left him beached for nearly three weeks in his own scales before Sasuke had finally relented and let him slim back down... But, admittedly, those had been a good few weeks. In fact, as Spikes took the next bowl of soup that Sasuke offered up and downed it like the last, the naga couldn't help but feel that he had agreed to this little charade with that same goal in mind. He loved his muscled frame, and he took immense pride in it at that. Something about being that large though, that imposing, that commanding... It was enticing for the naga even more than the muscles he had carefully sculpted by years in the gym. He didn't let that part of his brain out though often, but when he did, Sasuke was usually right there to help the naga indulge rather gloriously.

As the bowls of soup began to pile up, it was clear that this was one of those times of indulgence. The naga still wasn't feeling full, even though he had downed around ten good-sized servings of soup. The draolf didn't seem to be slowing down either though, spouting off tests with every few bowls, and scribbling down notes as Spikes worked his way through the contents of those bowls. The naga had indeed noticed when the additive had been included in the food, but it wasn't anything bad... Every flavor in the food seemed to be heightened. The taste of the carrots, of the meatballs, of the bits of potato... It was all amplified nearly ten-fold for Spikes' tastebuds, and as the dosage went up, so did the effects. There wasn't an aftertaste with the additive either, it was just something of an amplifier for his senses. The naga didn't mind that in the least, especially as those side effects Sasuke had mentioned started almost as fast as his amplified sense of taste. His groin seemed to almost warm up to the temperature of the soup he was consuming, and from there, it just felt to get... Heavier. His sac hung lower against his scales, his cock-slit opened involuntarily as it was being asked to keep too much naga contained... And all the while, Spikes just squirmed and let it happen.

The other thing he was letting happen was his weight gain, which was happening faster than he, or Sasuke apparently, had expected. Pounds were pouring onto Spikes at an almost alarming rate, as each bowl of soup added over ten pounds to the naga within 5 minutes. The higher the dosage, the more pounds that came onto Spikes... And so when Sasuke went with three times the starting dosage, it was as if Spikes had been hooked up to a lardy hose. His whole frame jolted lightly, and his weight began to visibly climb for the next minute or so. Spikes barely noticed the weight at first, but that shudder before he exploded with thirty extra pounds was enough to, momentarily, snap him back from the blissful ignorance that his cock and the brain-melting food had left him in. Placing both of his paws on the sides of his stomach, the naga felt it press back harder, harder, and then move his arms slightly with it's growing girth. Spikes was, thankfully, nude in this form, and as such, he didn't have to worry about clothing being torn to pieces from his current expansion. He did still see it though, and as such he was forced to look on as his abs were thoroughly covered in fat, his arms swelled up to look even bulkier than their sizable girth had been, his pecs swelled out into the beginnings of moobs, and even his cheeks began to encroach on his vision as he looked down. It was a lot of newfound weight for the naga, but Spikes had enough muscle beneath all of that fat to leave him ready for it. He wasn't ready to see it, of course, but as his paws rubbed along the stretched scales of his stomach and the taut, yet soft scaled rolls of blubber lining his sides in small, shallow folds... Spikes couldn't say that he was complaining about his new gains. It was an experience for him, and one that the side effects of that chemical were amplifying and making him enjoy even more.

The weight gain continued unabated, and as Spikes slid more and more into lustful revelry for his newfound gains both in his stomach and beneath it, Sasuke's doses grew higher and higher. The few times Spikes bothered to even look at the wolfdragon and not at the next bowl of soup that seemed to always be waiting, the draolf was indeed taking notes. In fact, Sasuke was taking lots of notes... Walking around Spikes and making notes, poking the naga and taking notes, and even looking at the soup and taking notes. Apparently, the request for help in testing was indeed real, but to think that it was merely that was still laughable to Spikes. Granted, rational thought for the naga was fleeting at best now that he was thoroughly inundated with the euphoria of hearty food and a swollen cock. His length was leaking pre somewhere beneath his stomach, a fact that Spikes only knew because he could feel his food balloon resting atop that hard protrusion from his frame. Of course, the fact that he could feel that at all spoke volumes about just how much weight the naga had packed onto his frame, and yet he didn't really bother to chance a glance at it. His paws did all the seeing they had to, as Sasuke had taken over feeding Spikes the soup at some point; the naga couldn't have said when. This meant Spikes had two free paws, and those mitts were massaging and pawing at whatever parts of his frame that they could reach. Digging into newly minted rolls, lifting and dropping his perky, round moobs, resting at his sides somewhat thanks to the fat and muscle of his biceps buoying his arms up to hold them well past his sides... Spikes was just enjoying himself now, and with a few shifts of his tail beneath his form, Spikes learned two things. First, was that his tail had taken a large portion of that weight, as the once-lean appendage which pushed Spikes along with ease felt more and more like an overstuffed sausage, the curl along its length straightening out as more fat was crammed into its confines. The second thing Spikes leaned was that he could, ostensibly, hump his stomach... There was enough of it after all, and as the soup didn't seem to be slowing, there would only be more... And that lowest roll of pure dough that rested both on and around Spikes' arousal felt just too good to not take advantage of.

Thusly, Spikes began to thrust into himself, an act which caused the flow of food to stop for several moments and the scratches of pen on paper to reach the naga's ears. The soup resumed, but it was starting to taste different... It was sweeter for some reason. Spikes was far too obsessed with his new weight and the feeling of all that fat on his frame sloshing audibly around him. It was intoxicating beyond anything he had ever experienced, and as the sweet soup just poured down his mouth... Well, the naga didn't have a care in the world. A minute piece of him screamed during the humping of his own fat, as well as every time he swallowed down more of that soup, but... He didn't even understand what those screams were for, let alone why they were there in the first place. Everything felt and tasted far too good for him to stop, even as moving his reptilian lower half became a challenge. Even as seeing started to get harder thanks to his cheeks encroaching on his vision even when he was looking straight ahead. Even when the fat from his neck started to force his head up towards the ceiling. Even when his arms weren't capable of moving much past his fingers thanks to the fat weighing them down. Even when he could feel his stomach make contact with the cold concrete of the floor before him, and then begin to spread along it. No, Spikes wasn't going to stop thanks to any of those things; he just humped and ate, a mindless machine of lustful gluttony now.

Spikes came hard several minutes later, and with that... Well, his weight exploded again, though this time, it was enough for his mind to snap back to reality again for the briefest of moments. He had been given the sweetest bowl of soup yet, practically tasting the sugar that had gone into the concoction... And that had been enough to send him over the edge. That edge apparently had a soft landing, as Spikes just ballooned with new adipose the second the jolt of orgasm reached his mind. Growing yards in all directions, the naga just groaned and shut his eyes in bliss as every inch of him gained pound upon pound of flabby lard. His vision blackened as his head sank into the rolls of fat that surrounded it. His tail stretched out fully, and then just widened until it was wider than it was long. His stomach, already bigger than Sasuke's when the naga had arrived, billowed out like a balloon on a fire hydrant. It inflated with fat so rapidly that Sasuke had to ride it out, but that added weight of draolf against his scales just sent another shiver down Spikes' spine; he was fat enough to move even Sasuke, and that alone was an accomplishment for him. One ton became two, which ballooned to six, and then swelled right past twenty; Spikes just didn't stop growing. He just swelled, all while he still shot seed deep into one of the innumerable folds of fat somewhere beneath the yards of belly fat which dominated his frame. So much so, in fact, that Spikes could feel the edges of the building in a few minutes along his scales... And that was enough for him to nearly cum again into those same musky folds deep inside his oceanic frame.

Unable to see at all, hear much past the sounds of his stomach's gurgling, sloshing confines, and talk outside of slow, slurred words, Spikes was now the polar opposite of what he had been upon entering the warehouse. A beast of burden was now a beast of comfort, and as Sasuke seemed to settle in somewhere on the surface of that warehouse-filling bellybed which Spikes had eaten himself into... The naga had just one thought on his mind. He clearly wasn't going anywhere for a while, and he could officially say that he wouldn't mind being stuck where he was for a while longer...


"Oh, there's always more, tubbo."