Cold on the outside, warm on the inside.

Story by JJ Richards on SoFurry

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Okay this is a sad attempt but I wanted something to put up on the site, so I wrote this last night (Another insomnia spell). Hope you enjoy feel free to love on it, or burn it =^_^=\

JJ Richards

Kyle walked into the club, swagger in his step. The fox was a decent looking fur; he had a toned but not muscular build. His fur was a dark crimson: creamy white stomach and neck, with black forearms and paws. He tried to look slick; he wore a black suit, with a blue button down shirt, the top two buttons undone.

The waiting room was clad in red velvet. The carpet, the curtains, the furniture, all of it was red. He approached the front desk. "Good evening sir, do you have a reservation?" Kyle snapped his todd eyes to the fur behind the desk. She gave him an impatient look, as the panther secretary waited for Kyle to reply. "Yes, Kyle Shaleman" The panther keyed his name in on the computer and a moment later she stood and walked from behind the counter, "Follow me Mr. Shaleman." She led him through a door that sat right of the desk, just before he stepped through the door he turned up the collar of his blue shirt.

The club was for the elite, the exclusive, or those who where able to achieve a membership through the owner. Kyle was of the latter group. He was an author, or at least he tried to be. To be honest, he was dirt poor. None of his work sold enough for him to live off of it. He had more local popularity than national, and outside of the locally owned book stores, it was very probable that no one had heard of "K. Shaleman" So to supplement, he worked in a coffee shop, two blocks from his apartment.

He preferred to not broadcast that he was no more financially well off than a college student fresh from a four year. In fact the only reason he was able to get into the club was because the owner was a fan of Kyle's books. Kyle was a smooth talker, because of this he was able to make himself interesting, without lying or stretching the truth. He simply avoided things related to his success as a writer or his supplement job.

Kyle scanned the room; this was the fourth time he had been here since the owner had given him a pass. The exclusiveness of the club would seem to be a detriment to business on the surface. However, the super rich spent enough when they visited to support the club. That combined with the fundraisers that were held in the club's ballroom, the bands and DJs that rented the same space, the owner could afford to be picky on his clientele. Kyle eventually made his way to the bar; he ordered a gin and tonic. While he waited he looked around the room. Playboys, and their dates, along with a few beauties sat in different places around the room, in plush booths, and on suede couches.

As the bartender placed Kyle's drink on the bar beside Kyle, he noticed a woman in the corner of the room at the end of the bar. She sat alone and obviously was resided to being that way. She was a lizard; she had smooth emerald skin and big, blue, eyes. She sat with a martini, head in her hands, staring off into space. Kyle smiled and quickly drank his gin. He walked over to the stool next to her and sat down. She raised her head and looked at him; she smiled and looked away, "If your looking for a good conversation, you are barking up the wrong tree."

Kyle was taken back by the comment, "You haven't even given me a chance" he said in his defense. She turned on her stool and crossed her legs. The motion brought Kyle's eyes to them, smooth with that faint oily reptile shine to them. She had skin tight, short shorts. Her top was turquoise and ended three inches above the waistband of her black shorts. The lizard cleared her throat. Kyle snapped his eyes back to her face. "That right there is part of why," she said with a smug look in her eye, "and the other is my father is the owner of this place, and he doesn't take kindly to men coming on to me." "Who said I was coming on to you, I was just looking for a conversation" She gave him the most sarcastic look he had ever seen. She turned and faced the bar, ignoring him. "Look," Kyle said, "I'm not leaving until I get your name." She turned her head to him and raised an eyebrow. She turned away again, "Well it's rude to ask for the name of another, without first giving yours"

Kyle smiled, "Kyle Shaleman" The woman smirked. "What?" Kyle asked. "My father adores an author by the same name," she turned and looked at him "You wouldn't happen to be that author?" Kyle stood and walked to the other side of her, and leaned on the bar, now only a few inches away from her person, "I never got your name." He saw a spark in her eyes, her tough exterior betrayed by the faint glimmer of interest. He had her attention now. "Saundra, Saundra Carmichael." She looked around the room and then leaned in close to Kyle. She lowered her voice, "Look, not many guys stay more than five minutes around me. I like you, and," She looked him up and down, "You're pretty good looking. Lets get out of here, go someplace a little more crowded." She stood up and grabbed her purse. She began to walk off, Kyle stood there still leaning against the counter, dumbfounded. She paused and looked over her shoulder, "You coming?" She began to walk off before Kyle could answer. He snapped himself out of his trance and followed.

"Where are you parked?" She asked. Kyle swallowed hard; his car was a crappy Ford Taurus. "You sure you want to ride with me?" She gave him an annoyed look. "Over here" he said walking hastily off in the direction he pointed. He arrived at the car and walked to the passenger side door and opened it. Saundra stood on the side walk staring at his car. "What?" Kyle said. He knew she thought he was probably better off than his car reflected but he wasn't. "Nothing" she said shrugging. She walked over to the car door and before she got in stopped and look into his face. She was a good foot shorter than he was, just over five feet tall. She was curvy, wide hips, large chest, and small waist. A very hourglass shape. Kyle was attracted to that body type, particularly the wide hips.

She stood there and looked him in the face, "Now I know where we are going, and you are going to have to trust me ok?" Kyle frowned, and agreed. "Good" She said biting her lower lip and running her eyes over him again. She sat in the car, and Kyle closed the door. He walked around to the other side of the car and paused a moment to get his bearings. He took a deep breath and got in the other side and started the car. "You're the Kyle Shaleman that my father loves aren't you?" "Yes," Kyle said, "how did you know?" "You're cheap aerosol, cologne, and the only one in the club that isn't wearing a suit worth more than this car." Kyle shifted the car into reverse, "Thanks" he said mildly irritated, she was smart, very smart. 'It's okay; don't have to be rich to be fun." She said with a playful tone in her voice.

Saundra wouldn't out rightly tell Kyle where they were going, she would simply say, "Left here" and "right here" and "Third street on the left". "It's this building here." Kyle pulled up to the building and turned off the car, it was another club, the pulsing beat of music could be heard even in the car. "Let's go" She said huge smile on her face. She got out of the car, biting her lower lip again; Kyle quickly followed.

Within a few minutes the two where on the dance floor. An industrial electro metal band played on stage. The only light in the room came from multiple strobe lights that flashed in rhythm with the music. Saundra's attitude had turned from cold to hot toward Kyle. She had her body pressed tightly against Kyle. The club was warm, easily ninety degrees, Kyle's shirt, which had now been unbuttoned half way down was soaked. The two danced together, their sweat intermingling with that on the other. Saundra grabbed Kyle's hands and placed them on her thighs, almost touching her crotch. She released his hands and reached up with her right placing it on Kyle's furry cheek. He lowered his head so he was breathing on her neck. He felt her shiver as his breath, although warm, it cooled the sweat on her skin. She turned around and shouted in Kyle's ear so he could hear her, "Let's get out of here!" she said.

The two exited the club, Saundra moving more briskly toward the car than she had leaving the velvet clad club. Kyle again opened the car door for Saundra. This time when she turned to face Kyle, she stood on her toes and she kissed him. Kyle was surprised at first by this new action but quickly recovered and returned the kiss. She pulled his head against hers. Kyle felt her tongue invade his mouth. He wrapped his tongue around hers forming a twisted mess of pink. She released the kiss and pulled away. A long string of saliva ran between her mouth and his. She smiled and wiped it away. She bit her lower lip and reached down. She grabbed Kyle's crotch firmly but carefully "!" she said through her grinning teeth.

Kyle could see where this was going.

He drove back to his apartment as quickly as possible. Saundra didn't wait for Kyle to open her door this time. Kyle led her to his apartment and he unlocked the door. The two stepped inside and before Kyle could turn on the lights, Saundra assaulted him. She pushed his back against the door and kissed him, rubbing her hands through the fur on his head. Kyle was willing to let a girl take control but he had had enough of her dominant attitude tonight. He grabbed her hips and picked her up off the floor. She instinctively wrapped her legs around his waist. Kyle turned around and pushed her back against the wall. She grunted as the air was forces from her lungs.

The two kissed for a while until she pushed his face back. Her breathing was rapid, "Let me down sexy." He did so. She sauntered across the room into the dark, hips waving invitingly. Kyle reached for the lights. "Ah ah ah." Saundra said in a soft voice, rebuking him from the oblivion. Kyle could almost see her waving a finger in his mind's eye. "Come and find me" her voice was almost longing.

Kyle was lucky to have brought her to his apartment, as in any other situation he would be tripping over furniture. He was about to ask where she was when he felt cold reptile skin wrapped around his tail. "Over here." He heard her say in a soft sensual voice. Kyle wrapped his hand around her tail and ran them up until he reached her body, lying comfortably on the couch. The first thing he noticed is that her clothes where gone. He stopped for a moment, and then ran his hands further. He ran them over the curve of her hips, up her smooth scaly stomach, and then over her breasts. She inhaled sharply as his cool hands ran over her chest. Kyle felt her nipples hard beneath his hands. Saundra wrapped her leg around Kyle and pulled him down on her. She held him in place and kissed him. He ran his hands up and down her sides. It was at this point he realized her hips where rubbing against him in rhythm. He stopped and pulled away and the humping stopped.

A big goofy grin spread on Kyle's snout. He stood up and undid his belt. As he took off his pants he found that the crotch had been soaked by Saundra. Kyle then removed his shirt. Before he could begin to remove his boxers he felt Saundra's teeth on his member through the fabric. He froze, in part from the pleasure, and in part because he was afraid to damage himself. She then used her teeth to pull his boxers down. His throbbing member sprang free. It was Saundra's turn to grin. She went to work on Kyle, liking his dick from tip to base, and back again. Kyle's eyes fluttered. She opened her mouth and slowly slipped Kyle in. She closed her lips around Kyle and bobbed her head back and forth coaxing a steady flow of pre that she gladly gobbled up. Kyle softly moaned as Saundra worked. She wrapped her long lizard tongue around Kyle's member, stroking it as she moved.

Kyle's eyes rolled into the back of his head. God she was good! Kyle felt his hips instinctively begin to hump her mouth. After a time she released Kyle and a thick strand of saliva fell from Saundra's mouth and Kyle's dick. Saundra reached over and turned on a lamp that sat beside the couch on an end table. Kyle's eyes hungrily looked Saundra's body over. He then made his way up to her eyes she was staring back at him, smirk on her face, "Like what you see?" she said. "Indeed." Was Kyle's reply. Saundra turned her body so her butt was to Kyle; she then lifted her tail revealing a sticky hot sex. That image alone sent shivers down his spine. Kyle walked over and leaned over her body. He kissed her neck as his cock teased the lips of her pussy. She hissed through her teeth, and pushed her ass back into Kyle, obviously impatient. Kyle was happy to oblige, he grasped his member and slid it into Saundra. She groaned with delight. Kyle moved his hips and Saundra met every thrust with a backward thrust of her own. She moved from grunting to moaning as they slowly worked together.

Kyle's cock slipped in and out of here with ease, she was wet and only getting wetter. Her eyes closed and she seemed to loose all awareness of time as she felt Kyle inside of her. Her breathing was sharp and short. The muscles in her body spasmed as the pleasure spread over her body like water. She could feel Kyle's hands on her hips, pulling her back into him. It was wonderful.

After a time, Saundra pulled away. Kyle's cock glistened with Saundra's fluids. She turned and pushed Kyle down on the couch. She straddled him, and after grasping Kyle's member, she slid it into her body. Saundra lifted herself up and slammed back down, and again and again and again. Kyle moaned and lay his head back. He again grasped her hips as he flashed in and out of Saundra. When her legs gave out, she turned to show a remarkable control of her muscles. She began to milk Kyle, squeezing and pulling on his cock with her pussy. He moaned long and hard, "Oh gooood!" he muttered. Saundra smiled, proud of her work. When she grew bored of that, she began to grind Kyle.

Kyle shifted beneath her, he motioned for her to get up. Kyle stood, and asked Saundra to face him. She did so and Kyle spread her legs and went to work again with his hips. He preferred this position, face to face, he could see all the little emotions on Saundra's face this way. As Kyle went along he increased in speed and power. Rapidly moving in and out of Saundra slamming himself against her each time. Saundra's eyes fluttered closed and she grabbed Kyle's wrists. Her breathing grew quicker, and she moaned with an ever increasing volume. Then she came, her orgasm was so strong she began to shutter and held her breath. Her pussy walls crushed in on Kyle's cock, almost hurting him. When she finally came down off her high, she gasped air and opened her eyes giving Kyle the most pleasurable look he had ever seen. But that moment didn't last long as her eyes again fluttered closed and she came again. Then again, and again, again. The constant pull on Kyle's member was more than he could hold. He felt the end nearing, "Saundra, I'm-" she wrapped her legs around Kyle's waist and pulled him to her body. Kyle began to object but it was too late, he was over the edge.

Kyle pumped Saundra full of his hot seed, coating every crevice, every inch of her with white cream. He grunted with every pump. As Saundra felt herself fill with the warm cum, the hot liquid spreading through her. She was pushed into another orgasm, further milking every last drop of semen out of Kyle. The two stayed where they were, locked together, panting, sweating, exhausted. A combination of Kyle and Saundra's juices leaked out around Kyle's slowly deflating cock.

Saundra released her vice grip around Kyle's waist and lay where she was. She was thoroughly exhausted; she doubted she could even make it to the bedroom to sleep. Kyle didn't seem to mind. Kyle watched as semen flowed out of Saundra onto the couch in a mess of her own fluids. She smiled seeing the proud look on his face.

Saundra sprawled out on the couch, and Kyle slid himself between her and the back of the couch. He placed one arm under her head and another across her arm and chest. She slid her fingers into his hand, slowly, almost caressing each finger as they inched together. Firmly clasped she wriggled herself as close to Kyle as possible, snuggling up against him. She smiled and closed her eyes, slowly falling asleep to the gently steady rhythm of Kyle's heart beat.

Kyle was happy, drowsy but happy. This girl, who not but six hours ago, wanted nothing to do with him, had giving him one of the most memorable experiences of his life. He looked at her, now asleep in his arms; he wondered if she would still like him in the morning, would she be mad at him? Would her dad be angry with him? He didn't know, all he knew was that his lonely, poverty wrought life had been interrupted by the goddess he now held in his arms, and she had serviced every physical and emotional component in his spirit, refreshing and renewing him. He found himself not wanting to let her go. She had fixed him, made him better, and he never wanted to lose that. Kyle's eyes grew heavy. He reached up and turned off the lamp. He could hear Saundra's breathing, slow but gentle, and Kyle slipped blissfully into sleep.