Aurum Academy: Camp Deep Creek

Story by Arkham_Beast on SoFurry

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#6 of Aurum Academy

Here we have the students of Aurum Academy taking a break from all the studies and just enjoy nature as it is. Let's see what they can get up to.

Today found both high school and college divisions of the academy packing up and boarding the academy buses. They were heading out for the yearly, week-long retreat to the academy's personally owned campgrounds. Lots of loud conversations took place on both buses, as everyone was super excited about this outing. A whole week of no classes and being as lazy as they want, who doesn't like that deal?

The campgrounds, just like and expected of the academy, were pretty huge. Acres upon acres of privately owned lands of forests, rivers, and lakes, surrounded a bunch of wooden log houses and various other buildings, so pretty much what you'd expect to see at any summer camp, only bigger and grander.

After a brief explanation of some rules and regulations that pretty much no one paid any attention to, both divisions of students were taken to their respective side of the camp and then it truly started.


Barry and most of his group went to go swimming in the lake, everyone was skinny dipping, obviously, and splashing one another as laughter and cheer filled the area.

Markus and Jaden, on the other hand, stayed behind with their game group as they were playing some sort of card game. No one said anything about bringing tabletop games along.

At the lake, most of those who were splashing about opted to get out and sundry on the grass, King was among them, but he had other plans. He already had a white tiger dude riding his thick cock, tongue flopped out and a delirious look on his face as drool slid and dripped down the sides of his maw, clearly that huge slab of bull meat was hitting all the right buttons inside the feline, repeatedly at that, it seems.

Speaking of white tigers, Little Bento was in the camp's cafeteria, watching in awe as Barnie, the capybara head chef, was fucking a bull of his own. Unlike King's thick, brick wall of a chest, this bull had big, bouncy moobs, which Barnie was busy groping and manhandling while teasing and pinching the nips. "Come on, kiddo... give it to daddy, no need to be shy now..." Suddenly, the bull let out a loud moo, just as actual milk jetted out of those man tits of his, each filling a big jug pretty quickly. "There we fucking go! Attaboy!"

Not wanting the rest to go to waste, Barnie sat the bull on a nearby chair and motioned for Little Bento to join him, as both latched onto either tit and began sucking hard while they stroked the bull's cock and rubbed his balls to a mighty orgasm.

Tony was having a bit of fun of his own. He met with a small group of boys from the high school division and went with them to their cabin, he was met with lots of stares of awe and admiration, with a few glares of jealousy and suspicion, but he didn't really care about those.

At the cabin, he was practically worshipped by the group, which consisted of a black cat, a frog, an orca, and a gecko, they weren't nearly as big as the bear, they even had very little definition to their growing bodies. Their hands roamed all over his body, while their mouths and tongues tasted his sweat and musk.

Soon enough, they moved on to the next level. The gecko and orca continued lapping away at his body while huffing up his musk, the frog was busy slurping at his ass, and the cat was working his huge and heavy cock, trying, and failing, to deepthroat him multiple times.

All of this was getting to the bear, pretty quickly, as he blasted a huge load, the first shot catching the cat off guard as it jetted down all the wrong pipes, causing him to gag and cough most of it out. He was forced to pull off, but that only made the load paint his face and chest.

Tony let out a small huff as his cock leaked and bobbed occasionally, yet it remained hard and veiny. "Well, guys, there goes the first load. What now?" And as by silent agreement, the four boys went in front of the bear, went down on all fours, and raised their asses as high as possible while arching their backs to make their rears perk out further. "Figured as much~" Was the only thing Tony said before fucking them one by one, each into multiple, mindblowing orgasms, before busting his famous, huge loads into each one of them.


After a full day of frolicking about, adventuring, and exploring the area, everyone went back to their respective divisions for some dinner. Strangely enough, no one was fucking or sucking each other off, just a bunch of variously dressed and undressed students and staff talking about their day, what they plan to do next, the latest news, things like that.

So the night was pretty tame for students of the Aurum Academy.

"Hey man, digging the ring." King complimented Jaden on his newly acquired piercing, a silver nose ring with a ruby sphere attached to it. The rat blushed softly as he rubbed his nape a little, nodding to the bull.

Markus smirked as he stood behind the rat, "That's not all he's got, recently~" and grabbed Jaden's hoodie tightly... right before ripping it open by the zipper.

The others let out tiny gasps, then followed with voices and sounds of awe, King even let out a small wolf whistle.

Under the hoodie revealed to be another pair of rings, two, big golden nipple rings with a silver chain connecting both. As well as a couple of graffiti-style tattoos on his chest that said 'Muscle' on his right pec and 'Slave' on his left. "He's been such a good boy, for me. So I figured I'd get him a few things~" Markus explained as he nuzzled the side of Jaden's face.

"Damn, Markus. You're changing." Barry commented with a small smile.

"To the better, I say." Lance added as he eyed the rat and his tattoos.

Jaden continued to blush as he smiled and nuzzled Markus back. "That's not all. We're actually waiting for an order of a set of collars for me to put on. I'm master's little 'Muscle Slave' after all~" Markus then let out a tiny squeak as a blush spread on his own face, Jaden's tail actually slithered up and began sliding and rubbing across his balls through his pants.

Markus composed himself and smirked. "Please excuse us, guys." He hooked one finger into the rat's nipple chain, "This naughty rodent needs a bit of house training~" then, much to Jaden's delight and very slight discomfort, pulled him up by the chain and dragged him back to their cabin that they share with King and Barry.

"Gotta admit: I'm liking this new Markus~" Lance stated as one hand rubbed at his bulging speedo.

"True, he seems more confident, more... manly? Macho?" Barry tried to find the right word to describe the mouse.

"I think what you mean to say is Dom Daddy~" King said with a chuckle before stuffing the rest of his fries into his maw.

"Well, I'm gonna head to bed as well. See you guys in the morning." Lance stood up from his seat and made his way back to his cabin.

"Shall we?" Barry suggested to King, the bull nodded before swallowing the mouthful of fries, wiping his mouth and hands with a tissue real quick.

After a quick wash up, the two headed back to their cabin, only to be met with a very familiar sight. Markus was sitting on the bed, one hand grabbing the bottom of the upper bunk, while his other hand held a big paddle. Jaden meanwhile, was huffing and moaning as he rode the mouse's dick with short strokes, barely pulling up before dropping down into the mouse's lap.

"Hey guys! Hope you don't mind, but we're gonna be a bit noisy for a little while." He emphasized that with a heavy smack to the rat's ass with the paddle. Barry and King simply sat on King's bed and watched, both with growing tents in their pants.

"Ah fuck... here it comes..." Markus suddenly stated before pushing Jaden to the ground onto all fours and began thrusting hard and fast into him with short, erratic strokes. He did this a few times before his ears drooped low and let out a deep groan, his balls jumping and twitched as he unloaded into his muscle bitch. Once he was done, he slowly pulled out of Jaden's ass, giving one cheek a hard smack. "Alright... I'm done. Either of you wants a turn?"

Both bear and bull looked at each other briefly, then King stood up and undid his pants, letting his thick cock and heavy balls drop out. "What the heck, I still got some left in me," Then pressed the fat, head to the rat's snout and mouth. "Open up, bitch." Jaden couldn't do anything but moan like the slut he was and open his mouth.

The moment that he did, King shoved his thick dick into the rat's mouth, forcing Jaden to open wider than he's used to, groaning and moaning in discomfort, but mostly in pleasure from having such a large piece of beef stuffed into his mouth. King grabbed the rat's head and pushed him further down on his cock, forcing more and more of it down into the rat's gullet until he felt his snout press deep into his bushy crotch. "Fuck yeah... swallow that fucker..."

Barry sat back and watching, licking his lips as one hand slowly stroked his own slut breaking, ursine meat while the other rubbed his chest and pinched his perked up nipples. "Careful you don't break him, dude... I still want my turn."

"Yeah, yeah, I hear ya... Oh fuck, this throat is the bomb!" King stated loudly as he humped and ground his crotch into Jaden's face, the rat could do nothing but gulp and moan around that fact cock lodged deep into his oral tunnels. King then suddenly yanked his cock out of the rat's throat, causing a round of heavy breathing and coughing, King simply walked around to Jaden's ass, pressed his fat cock head to the rat's entrance and grabbed his hips, "Let's see if this side is just as good~" then speared the entire thing, balls deep into Jaden, the rat taking a deep gasp of ear as his insides were bulged and bloated out in the shape of the bull's cock.

Barely giving him time to adjust, King began sawing his shaft back and forth inside the rat, using long strokes to make sure that the rodent memorized every inch. "Hell-to-the-fucking yeah! First time using another guy's load as lube... feels awesome!"

Jaden was whining and moaning as his body shook with each powerful thrust from the bull, unable to form a single, coherent word at this point. He looked up as he felt something heavy and hot lay across his face, seems like Barry is gonna get his turn after all, "Here, something to suck on instead of making all that noise. Don't want to wake up the neighbors now, do we?" Jaden didn't need to be told twice as he hungrily gobbled the bear's dick into his mouth, slurping on it wetly and loudly.

Jaden just moaned and throated the bear's cock again and again, whining and crying with pleasure through the ursine meat in his mouth, he was a slut for those three, he knows it and he loves it, he loves Markus more for just treating him like he wanted to be treated, like a fucktoy for others.

King suddenly let out a deep grunt, grabbing Jaden by one shoulder and leaning back, pulling the rat along with him till both were sitting, this new position made the bull's cock push even deeper into the rat while making his bulge more evident and visible. He grabbed Jaden's hands and lifted them up, holding them both by the wrist with one hand, while the other held onto the rat's hip and began bouncing him hard in his lap. "Fuck, here it comes, slut. Take daddy King's load!" Then with a small, but a loud roar, he came into the rat and came hard, his load blasting into Jaden's belly and filling him to capacity in only a few shots, the rest just kept pushing deeper and deeper until it began gushing out of the rat's mouth and nostrils, making a complete mess of his black fur.

But things didn't exactly stop there... with slightly teary eyes and blurry vision, the rat looked up to find Barry and Markus, standing beside one another as they jerked off, just as Jaden's vision cleared up, he was given quite the white shower, further painting his black fur with their thick loads. Clearly, this was all too much for the rat, as he whined and groaned a few times, before letting out a loud, somewhat girly moan as he came hands-free nad came hard, as his load flew from his place in the bull's lap, all the way to Barry's bottom bunk, soaking the sheets.

His vision blurred up once again but cleared up quickly... only to see that both Markus and Barry were still rock hard, not only that, he jumped as he felt the bull's cock twitch inside of him... yep, also hard and throbbing. "Sorry babe, but we're not done yet~" He heard Markus say, but instead of being scared or intimidated, he had a very happy, goofy, and delirious look on his face, as he let out a small chuckle, tongue flopping out as he surrendered himself, body and soul, to those three for the night.


The next day, everyone in the college division was gathered up in front of the main hall as an event was about to take place, the organizer of this event was the polar bear, economics teacher but he brought a person from the nearby town and let him explain the event.

The person in question was a slim but well-cut hyena wearing a cowboy outfit, complete with the hat, vest, boots, and most importantly, the crotchless/assless chaps that let his perky ass out and his twig and berries dangle freely. "Alright gents, who here knows about horse riding?" He asked out of the blue, noticing the confused look on everyone's faces. "Come on, guys. You know, bridle, saddle, and galloping around?"

One of the students raised his hand and he pointed him out to speak. "I do sir. Although it wasn't actual, feral horses."

"Hmm.. it seems there's a tiny bit of misunderstanding here." He then placed his fingers in his mouth and let out a shrill whistle. "Alrighty fellas, come on out!" Just as he said that, three, heavily stacked stallions with muscles bulging out from top to bottom and veins crossing over every inch of their bodies., towering over, almost, everyone around them, walked out from the showers' locker room.

All of them had the horse riding gears on, complete with everything except for saddles. "I bet this is more your style of riding~" That got him plenty of sounds of approval, "Then let me tell you a little something: Back at the ranch, we always ride..." He stopped for a dramatic pause, the stallions taking this as a cue to unsnap their leather jocks and let them drop to the floor, as three, abnormally sized, horse cocks flopped out and dangled pretty law, down a bit below their knees actually. "Bareback!" Instead of normal approval, this got the hyena a round of cheers and claps, he then began explaining the rules of this event, to those willing to participate at least.

Three teams, each take a stallion for their own and start going at it like wild animals in heat, the stallions will do most of the work, be it riding someone's cock or having their own cocks ridden. There was a catch however, the participants have to wear condoms and fill them up, load quantity and condom size don't matter as long as it doesn't break, the team with the most filled up condom will win a whole day's trip to the ranch that the hyena works at.

Minutes later, after everyone chose their teams, the event began. Countless boxes of condoms of various sizes were provided, as things were in full swing.

Of course, Barry and King were on different teams, you can't decide if you're the best around if you're on the same team, wouldn't be fair actually. Barry growled and grunted deeply as their team's stallion rode him hard, the guy was truly an expert as the bear tried, and failed, to make it last so that his orgasm would be bigger, but he couldn't as he roared out and filled his condom, luckily barely a couple of shots of breaking. King wasn't faring any better as he balls deep in their team's stallion was milking his cock hard until he mooed loudly and nutted as well, unfortunately for the bull, his condom broke inside the stallion and filled the horse, forcing a small neigh of both surprise and happiness at being filled like this.

The third team included Lance and Jaden, both had already filled their condoms and were now watching the horse fucking a tiger in a standing position while holding the striped feline in a full nelson with his arms hooked under the tiger's legs, spreading them wide and putting his ass on display. Suddenly, the tiger's eyes rolled back into his head as he let out a weak roar, busting a big one into his condom, totally hands-free.

This contest went on all the way till late in the afternoon, only then did the stallions break a sweat, everyone was soaked at this point, actually. Manly musk filled the atmosphere as everyone was huffing and puffing their lungs out as sweat dripped and slid down there bodies, watering the grass and soil beneath them, as well as stray spatters of cum and broken condoms littered the area.

In the end, it was Lance and Jaden's team that won the event. Their advantage: Their team was mostly bottoms, or at least switches who liked to bottom and their stallion, just like the other two, knew how to use his huge, breeding tool to it's fullest potential. So, in the end, it was Lance and Jaden's team that was going to spend the day at the ranch, they were instructed to gather some essentials right now as they leave early in the morning.


Jaden, Lance, and their winning group made it to the ranch and just walked through the gates. They were met with a wide, open field, part of it fenced out for some reason, probably a pen of sorts. Besides that was a huge barn and besides that was a decently sized house, probably belonging to the owner.

The hyena stood in front of the group with arms spread wide. "Welcome to Steve's Stud Ranch! And before any of you ask, no, I'm not Steve." He then turned to face the house, putting his fingers into his mouth and letting out a shrill whistle like yesterday. "Yo, pops! We got the winners!"

Seconds later, a Giant Schnauzer walked out of the house. 'Giant' was clearly well placed, the man had to actually duck a bit under the door frame to get out, although he was more giant in height, standing at, approximately, over seven point something feet tall, the grey furred canine walked up to the group, wearing some pants, a pair of suspenders connected to them, and some heavy boots but nothing else. He was almost, completely decked out bottom wise, but up top, the only thing he had were those suspenders... and a couple of golden nipple rings, if those count.

He gave the group a small wave before speaking. "Good morning, everyone, and welcome to Steve's Stud Ranch. As you would've guessed: I'm Steve." He placed his hands on his hips. "So, you guys are the winners of our little contest? Very nice~" He let out a small chuckle before continuing, "Not many can take the triplets and still be able to walk straight for a few days afterward." he nodded his head towards the ranch. "Now, how about I take you on a small tour?"

There weren't many places to see around the ranch, the barn was actually rebuilt into some sort of dorms for the employees and part-timers. The actual place where they keep the stable animals was a small walk away behind the barn itself, inside were a variety of livestock and labor animals that are native to this planet, the 'horse' and 'bulls' being kept there were some sort of... a chimeric mix between actual horses, reptiles, and birds. But still, they were pretty docile and actually quite friendly and curious about the newcomers.

Just then, a large dragon-like canine called a dragohound, ran up to them and hopped up at Steve, giving him plenty of 'doggy kisses' before calming down, the creature had crimson and green scales all over, and an ash-colored mane, with similarly colored tufts of fur on his elbows and back of his shins. "Well, boys, say hello to our number one guard dog: Sylvus."

Sylvus then turned to the visitors, just as curious about them as the rest of the animals, when he began sniffing up Jaden, however, is where things got... interesting. The canine's nose roamed around the rat's crotch area and lower abs a few times... then with a small growl, pounced on Jaden, toppling him to the floor, with the rat's legs up and resting on the dragohound's hips, Sylvus pressed his body down to trap Jaden under him and began humping away at a very excited pace. "Whoah, hey... what's he doing?" Jaden was curious, a bit thrilled, but a little scared, all at once.

Steve let out a deep sounding laugh before answering "Dragohounds, like most canine-like species on this planet, have some sort of... sixth sense, you can call it, and they know when a bottom bitch is around and ready to be breed... or at least available."

Jaden was just about to ask that the dragohound be moved off of him, but all that came out was a loud yelp, followed by a deep moan as his lips spread into a wide smile, his body slumped limply to the ground. Steve had smile of his own. "I see that he finally found the entryway~ Don't worry, he'll get off on his own, eventually... after pumping a load or a few." He then motioned to the others to follow him, a clear lump forming down the left leg of his pants, despite them being a bit on the baggy side. "Come on, fellers, let's leave Sylvus with his new bitch and check out the other areas of the ranch." And they did, in fact, leave Jaden to be claimed by the dragohound, a delirious, almost drugged out look on his face, tongue flopped out the side of his mouth as that hybrid cock jabbed and stabbed at all the right buttons inside him, while that lengthy shaft poked a pretty nice tent in his belly.


Jaden doesn't know how much time has passed, he must've passed out while getting rutted by this scaled beast over him, all that he knows was that Sylvus was a heavy and frequent jizzer. His stomach was bloated out by the amount of cum that was pumped into him, he's pretty sure the dragohound even pissed inside a couple of times. Now, the creature looked pretty calm, serene even, of course, anyone would look like that after emptying their balls like that.

"Holy damn, this fucker just finished?" Jaden craned his head back a bit towards the owner of the voice. He found a tall, muscular pit bull, wearing the same kind of outfit that Steve wore, only in different colors, he looked almost as tall as the shnauzer, but wider from all those muscles, tattoos littered his upper body, front and, from the looks of it, even back.

The canine stepped closer to them and squatted down, "Damn, he must've given you the 'royal treatment', eh?" the man chuckled as he gave Sylvus a few head ruffles, the dragohound growling in appreciation.

"So... full..." Was the only thing that Jaden was able to let out and that was exactly how he felt right now.

"Yep, one round with this old mutt and you'll look seven months pregnant. You must've let him have his way throughout." He reached between them and felt around the rat's ass, "Hmm... yep, you're locked up, but it feels like he's ready to pop out." the man stood up, undid his pants and suspenders, and dropped his pants before going down on all fours, his ass facing Sylvus. "Hope you don't mind, but I've got man juice clogging my pipes." Just then, he let out a deep moan as the dragohound began lapping away at the pit bull's leaking hole greedily.

Just then, Jaden let out a small grunt as Sylvus' knot popped out of his hole, followed by the dragohound's cock, then that literally steaming load, leaving quite a pool emerging from the rat's ass. But Sylvus wasn't about to let this familiar ass get away, seconds after he popped out of Jaden, he hopped up and mounted the dog, spearing his mark from the first stab and instantly began piston fucking away.

"Ah fuck... shit... you still had some in you!?" The pitbull asked in surprise, but wasn't making any moves to push the dragohound off, in fact, he lowered himself a bit and spread his legs, giving Sylvus more room to work in. "Fuck yeah... good boy... fuck me as daddy taught you... breed your favorite bitch..."

Jaden didn't move from his spit, he's got the perfect view of a thick dick spearing an ass from where he was. You rarely get to see this sight from such an angle. He moved up and decided to help along, he lifted his head up, gave the pit bull's cock head a few kisses, then took it into his mouth, deeper and deeper until his snout pressed against the dog's musky crotch, electing a howl-y moan from him.

Just then, the one of the doors of the barn opened. "There you little fuckers are." It was Steve's voice, his heavy boots stomping the ground as he came closer. "I was wondering where you disappeared to, boy. I asked you to fetch the little bitch, not become one." The older canine then chuckled. "Although, it's a bit too late for that one. Well..." He unzipped his pants and let his long shaft flop out, it was clear that the man was a shower, even when soft, the thing was approximately between twelve and thirteen inches long, no set estimation to girth while it's soft, though.

The schnauzer grabbed his shaft and aimed it right at the pit bull, "Open wide son, daddy's gotta go~" the moment the pit bull opened his maw, he let out a deep sigh as a heavy, yellow stream sprayed out of his slit, first filling up the younger dog's mouth before he began aiming it all over his face, chest and upper back. Some of it splashed on Sylvus, but the dragohound didn't really care as he continued pounding away, while unconsciously lapping up the drops of piss that spattered on his snout.

"There we go~" Steve sighed in content as his stream died down, giving his cock a few shakes before pressing the tip to the pitbull's mouth, "Come on, kiddo. Daddy's not done, yet." then forced his cock in, slowly sinking his entire length deep into the pit bull's gullet until his face pressed against the schnauzer's bushy crotch, Steve didn't even have to keep the dog's head their as the pitbull pressed his own face into the older canine's crotch. "Such a good boy. You're truly daddy's favorite bitch~" And then he began sawing his shaft back and forth, barely pulling back before sliding right back in, taking his sweet, sweet time with that throat.


Back at camp, Markus, Barry, and King laid on the grass beside the lake, letting the sun dry their bodies after their swim. The mouse turned to the other two. "Do you think they're having fun, at the ranch?"

King let out a huff through his nostrils. "Not sure about the others, but knowing Jaden and Lance, they'll find a way to have fun."

"Also know Lance, 'fun' would mean either him or someone else bent over with a thick dick up his ass." Barry added with a chuckle, getting similar light ones from the other two.

All three took a deep breath... then let it out slowly, enjoying the warmth of the sun on their naked bodies.

Unknown to them, that back at the academy, an individual that might change their lives... if not flip it upside down, has just arrived.