The Meeting, the Greating, and the Heating (F-side) (Ch.2)

Story by qaswed on SoFurry

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I don't own digimon and/or pokemon.


Creating memories

Flamedramon awoke. "Mmmm, what a dream." He felt a pressure on his crotch. He opened his eyes to discover it wasn't a dream; lucario was peaceably sleeping on his lap, Lucario's head causing the pressure on his crotch. Flamedramon was astounded that this was no dream and that he was still Flamedramon and not Veemon. Flamedramon got an idea on how to wake Lucario up. Lucario was lying on his back asleep. Flamedramon didn't know, but Lucario was a medium to heavy sleeper. Flamedramon Removed his gauntlets and his feet gauntlets as well as his leg guards not removing the one Lucario was laying on, he also removed his mask and chest guard. The last to go was the straps on his arms and legs. Flamedramon never felt this exposed in his life. He slowly put a hand on Lucario's chest and rub slowly downward, caressing his nipples, causing Lucario's breathing to quicken, causing Flamedramon to stop on fear of waking him. Soon Lucario's breathing return to normal, Flamedramon continued downward, feeling and rubbing his abs, causing Lucario to become even more relaxed, making him fall into a deeper sleep and making his legs spread out wider, giving Flamedramon better access. Flamedramon went further down, using a claw to see if he was wearing shorts. Sliding the claw on its side, it slid in half way through the black band. 'So he is wearing shorts.' thought Flamedramon. He slowly lifted Lucario's head slowly with his other hand; he lifted it so he can remove his leg. He gently put his head down on the couch. He removed His last bit of armor and strap. Now Flamedramon was completely nude, he slowly walked around the couch till he was at Lucario's hind paws. He, yet again, slowly pushed Lucario's legs together till Lucario's body was straight up and down. Lucario stated mumbling in his sleep, Flamedramon freaked and ducked down behind the arm of the couch. Lucario went back to his peaceful sleep. Flamedramon got up and continued. He slid his claws into the waste band of Lucario's shorts and started to pull it towards him slowly so he doesn't want spoil waking him up the way he wanted to, he got the waste band past Lucario's blue tail, and started to go a little faster, soon he got them off. Lucario's fur from the waist down was pure black, besides his tail. Flamedramon came back over to his head and crawls onto the couch and puts his knees on either side of Lucario's head his own sheath and nuts hanging above Lucario's face. Flamedramon started rubbing Lucario's abs again, remembering last time. The same result, he relaxed, he fell into a deeper sleep, and he spread his legs. Flamedramon stopped rubbing and slowly cupped Lucario's nuts, he massaged them softly and slowly, causing Lucario to moan in his sleep, Lucario's cock tip emerged from its sheath. Flamedramon removed his hand from Lucario's nuts, and starts to lick the tip of Lucario's cock. Lucario gasped and woke up. "What are yo- Ahhhhhh." He was cut of by another lick from Flamedramon. Lucario laid back, moaning, and then he spotted Flamedramon's fully erect, 71/2 in., pure white cock, just like his under belly. Lucario's cock was also fully erect at 73/4 in., pure blue cock, like his tail color. Flamedramon, liked from the base to the head, over and over, enlisting moans and shivers of pleasure, he continued, till he felt something warm and wet wrap around his cock, he looked down at his cock and saw that Lucario was giving him a blowjob. Flamedramon decided start doing the same and wrapped his muzzle around Lucario's cock and started to suck and lick it lick a lollypop. Lucario did the same and Flamedramon started to bob his head, causing Lucario to moan around his cock. Lucario, decided to return it by bobbing his head. Flamedramon was close to blowing his load. Suddenly, Lucario started bucking and Flamedramon wrapped his tongue around Lucario's cock. After a couple of bucks and sucks from Lucario, Flamedramon was really close to climax. Suddenly, Lucario gives one last buck, forcing his cock deep into Flamedramon's muzzle, and started shooting wad after wad of cum down Flamedramon's throat. That last buck sent Flamedramon over the edge and started to cum in Lucario's mouth. Flamedramon could feel Lucario swallowing his cum. When their euphoric highs were over, Lucario asked, "Can I *pant* call you Flame *pant*?" Flamedramon's responded with, "Sure,*pant* as long as I *pant* can call you*pant* Luc." "*pant* sure." Lucario retorted. "Whew! Now let's get something to eat." Flamedramon says. "Definitely." Lucario Responds.

To be continued...

There is my second story, and my first adult one. ^_^ Tell me how I did.