Chimera - Chapter 1

Story by JoshDan on SoFurry

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#1 of Mental Critters

For now, it's quiet. But wait and see...

Characters and story © Me

All comments are welcome.

1. In the Haze

_Apart from the pale glow coming from the window, no light illuminated the room. Beneath this halo, a lion cub was on his knees, head down.

Motionless, this one was trying to regain his composure, without success. He had been ordered to be calm and temperance. From that moment, he felt nothing but anger and frustration.

Why was he punished, and not the others? He had just scratched the muzzle of the idiot who was harassing him, nothing more. Anyway, everyone's against him. Even his parents were in league. For him, no doubt about this: his life was really lame.

Suddenly, the feline heard a squeak behind him, but didn't turn around. He knew exactly who had just entered his lair. Nevertheless, he stayed impassive, because he didn't regret about his gesture. It was then that he discerned a female voice, telling him softly: "Hey honey. It's okay, have you calmed down?"


The young lion knew that by being this sharp, he would only aggravate his condition, but never mind. At this point, he couldn't be into the abyss anymore. A lioness, marked face, golden fur, came to sit near the lion cub. But this one remained unshakable.

"Listen. I know it seems unfair, but you have to understand that violence isn't a solution."

"AND WHAT DID YOU WANT ME TO DO?! It's been a week those idiots are stalking me, that I tell them on the teacher, who didn't even lift a finger, on the pretext that he didn't see them do it. REALLY, I'M FED UP!!!!"

This time, enough was enough. He would stay valiant, could the tears bring. And nothing could stop them anymore. If he had to cry, well... What a pity, he will do it. Thus, he let his tears spilling down. Nonetheless, no sound came out of his snout because he was not sad, only exasperated.

"Mom... am I weird?"

"No, Jackie, honey. You're just a bit different. But it doesn't mean you're not someone normal. You're on your way."

Following those gentle words, the kid dried his tears. If the storm was passed, the resentment was always here.

"Jack, can you promise me something?"

"Yes, what?"

"Promise you'll never forget that: whatever the trials you'll have to go through, never forget there will always be someone to look out for you."

Not understanding exactly what meant this sentence, the boy nodded, not to offend his mother. This one this took him in her arms and kissed him.

"I love you, honey."

"Me too, mommy."_

Suddenly, the lion cub became a lion opened his eyelids. Still buried in his blanket, the fawn rubbed his eyes. Looking back on it, it was a funny dream he just had. It's been a while he hadn't thought about his mother, or his preteen years moreover. In any case, he didn't understand why his brain had decided to remind him of this confused period of his life.

After this slight turmoil, he came out of his cocoon to watch the time on his alarm clock. 6:22 a.m. Nothing to worry about, it wouldn't ring before 6:25 a.m. So, he returned getting warm under the duvet.

RIIIING!!!!! Irritated, he leaped from his bed to chuck the alarm clock against the wall. The face of the impact it suffered; the device didn't survive. "Hope your other brothers will have more luck than you." He growled.

Knowing that he had no chance of going back to sleep, he sat on the edge of his mattress, and he rubbed his eyes. Still numb, he froze for a few minutes before stretching and cracking his neck.

Now that he was awake, he got up, and went through the bathroom. Since he left the family home, he has made the habit of sleeping naked. So, when he reached its destination, he didn't bother to scratch his pubes and his butt, then to empty his bladder.

Once his little deal over, he quickly washed his hands before looking in the mirror. In the reflection, one could see a young fawn in his twenties, his eyes flavescent marked by dark circles, the tousled mane. He then tried to quash the unruly mane of hair, to no avail.

While he kept his vision toward the mirror, he whispered: "Well, my little Jack, you really look shady... Fortunately your mother didn't see you in that state. Because you'd get back home, buddy... But it's the least of my worries... Eh?... Between your arid work, the whole city that despises you, your flings who avoid like the plague, your old man who vanished, you know well your existence one existence is nothing but a huge pile of garbage...You're just a piece of crap... And you know that, if you continue listening to you, you'll be running late to work. But... in any case... that's all you have to do."

Before going to the shower, he glanced one last scornful look at the mirror, and left.