Foxy Mommy [Commission]

Story by rand0m on SoFurry

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A commission for Basque .

Warning: The following story contains sex with underage participants.

"OK, so remember what we talked about?" David asked, fidgeting in the front seat as they approached his school.

"Of course sweetie..." his mother replied, her voice syrupy sweet which made the kit sure she was up to something.

"No parking, no walking me to school, just stop by the curb and I'm out..." he said, feeling a need to go over the conditions once again.

"Just like we agreed..." the vixen next to him replied, her eyes still on the road and an unnerving smile still on her delicate muzzle.

"Seriously, you don't even need to come to a full stop. I'll just tuck and roll..."

"Honey, you keep acting as if I embarrass you..."

"All right, let's see shall we? Mom, are you wearing a bra?" the exasperated young fox asked.

"Would you believe it, not a clean one in the house..." his mother replied in a sing-song voice, her smile getting a bit wider as she lied through her teeth.


"Well who's gonna notice that?"

"And lastly - do you really think that's school-appropriate attire?"

"Oh really now! A plaid skirt and a white blouse? It's what all the girls at your school are wearing..." she said, mock indignation dripping from every word.

"Yes mom, that's my point. I don't know how you got your hands on one of our school uniforms..."

"Well actually, I met..."

"...and I don't want to know!" David quickly cut in before his mother related a story that would have him walking out of the car with a tent in his pants. "Haven't you noticed you're a bit big for it? And couldn't you at least button it up a little higher?"

"Not if I want to breathe, sweetie." She said swiveling her shoulders a little which forced her son to look away from the sight of her majestic rack straining against the thin cotton shirt.

David didn't really mean to be cruel to her. She was a single mom and she'd made sure he never wanted for anything his entire life. They lived in a great house in a nice neighborhood, because his mother had started working young and had worked hard enough and been smart enough with her finances that she could afford to retire on her thirtieth birthday.

The problem was that even though she'd hung up the stage name 'Lacy Lynn' and went back to being just Loretta Howard (or Lori to her friends) the behavior that had made her a porn-star in the first place seemed harder to leave behind. And any attempt to talk to his mother about it was wasted effort. She would simply explain to the flustered kit that she was merely affectionate and free-spirited, and if he took it any further she'd remind him that she was a vixen in her prime and that she had certain needs. That would invariably end with the flustered teen blushing so hard that his rusty-orange fur turned red and beat a hasty retreat to either a cold shower or the privacy of his room.

But the reason he didn't want his mother showing up at his school wasn't because he'd be teased. He never had someone bully him his whole life. Teachers that enjoyed making life miserable for students never bothered to ask him if he'd done his homework. And he knew that if his mom walked him to school nobody would whistle, or shout out something obscene.

That was because despite her behavior his mother really wasn't the town slut. If she'd been a hooker they would probably be the pariahs of the little suburb, with a home on the outskirts where only seedy people would visit. But his mother had been (as reluctant as David was to remind himself of this) a porn star, and that was largely because she knew how to deal with fans.

No matter what attention she was under she seemed to bask in it. She would wear outrageous outfits, refer to them as cute and people would nod in agreement. She could drop a casual vulgarity in the middle of a conversation and people would laugh and praise her wit. And every time they did she would respond with a smile, a fond glance or even a wink. And those she took a particular liking to could hope for much more, albeit in private...

Even many of the women weren't immune. Apart from those few who showed an obvious and usually poorly disguised interest in the vixen's buxom figure, many more were glad to hang out with her since she always had the juiciest gossip (because she was more often than not the protagonist) and because many were secretly hoping that some of the vivacious vixen's effortless sexuality would rub off on them.

There were a few among the female population who were less than thrilled with her but kept their opinions to themselves, out of fear of being seen as either old-fashioned or jealous. Those, David knew, were the wives who knew or strongly suspected that their husbands had been unfaithful with the town's most notorious single mother. His mom always shrugged their glares off, claiming that she'd never stolen a man in her life. Which the kit knew was true, to an extent. By her own reasoning, she merely borrowed an occasional married man for a little while but always remembered to put him back where she found him.

When they came to a halt David realized he'd been daydreaming and did his best to quickly undo his seatbelt and grab his backpack before getting out. By the time he'd closed the door a small crowd was already gathering around the well-known car with the FXYLDY vanity plates, but true to her word his mom merely waved him goodbye (prompting a score of kids to wave her back) before driving off.


"Mom, I'm home." David called out, but got no reply. He figured she was upstairs, possibly napping or watching something with those huge headphones covering her ears. The kit really wished she'd lock the front door when she did that. It was a safe neighborhood, but he was aware that his mother's underwear drawer would be the Holy Grail to every panty-thief in town. Making his way upstairs he hoped she wasn't in the shower since he was coming back from basketball practice and could really use one himself.

"Mmmmh, that's it. As hard as you can baby!"

His ears perked up and immediately flicked down in embarrassment. On the plus side, it looked like the bathroom was free. He would just need to make his way past his mother's room. After all, this was hardly the first time he'd come home to find his mother was busy with a visitor (or visitors) and most of the time he would simply ignore... whatever was happening.

He'd dropped his stuff in his room and was making his way quietly down the hallway but stopped when he noticed his mom's door was ajar. The sounds coming from inside were a siren-call too powerful for a boy his age to ignore, and he found himself holding his breath as he pushed it open just a little further. Judging by the noises he thought that his mother might be in there with another woman (an infrequent but hardly unheard of occurrence) but once the king-size bed came into view he realized it was a man. Well, to be precise, a boy in the process of becoming one.

David knew that he honestly didn't lust after his mother, making him the only straight male in the town who didn't. And she in part never showed any interest in him sexually, although David knew age wasn't the reason. The sultry vixen could (and did) get any man she wanted, but she did have a fondness for boys. She'd told her son once that as far as she was concerned if a male was old enough to get hard at the sight of her then he was old enough for her to help him out with his little stiffy. David knew she could get into a world of trouble if anyone ever found out, but so far nobody did. Possibly because everyone knew that the kid who blabbed and got Lori into trouble would have to go into the witness protection program.

He realized why he'd first thought his mother was here with a girlfriend when he saw a small shape between his mother's legs, pumping away at a blinding speed with a short, puff of a tail twitching as he did. His mom was sprawled on her back with her feet planted on the mattress and her hips lifted until they were level with the kneeling bunny's crotch. She held the boy firmly against her, the young rabbit's face buried in the vixen's prodigious cleavage while she lovingly stroked his long ears.

"Ms. Howard, I'm... I'm..."

"Mmh, I'm close too sweetie. C'mon just a little harder. Make me cum..." she cooed and David could see the bunny's body twitching as he reined himself in, redoubling his already jack-hammer fast pace in the hopes of pleasing the vulpine goddess embracing him.

David knew it would work too, even though he couldn't understand it. His cock had been sliding out as he watched them, and just the sound of his mother saying 'cum' had made his member twitch and leak. But the young rabbit looked like he was determined to get her off or die trying. His mother seemed to appreciate the effort, letting out moan after moan, each of them a little higher in pitch than the last one until that gorgeous muzzle parted and she let out a cry that had David biting his lower lip.

Being a virgin, he couldn't imagine what it felt like for the rutting rabbit to have a woman like that cum around his shaft, but it was obviously more than the boy could take, and soon he was grunting as he thrust himself deep and just ground against the vulpine slit milking him. Realizing he'd watched for longer than he'd intended, David made his way towards the door at the end of the hallway and towards what would have to be a very cold shower.


"Hey sweetie, how was training?"

The question was quite innocent, but the person asking it was anything but. The cold shower hadn't been enough so David had to resort to pawing himself off until he'd painted the tiles in front of him, the hiss of the water failing to muffle the coos of a certain vixen that seemed to linger in his ears. It had been the right choice, since he knew that if he hadn't taken care of it his shaft would now be twitching against his abs at the sight of his mother.

Looking at her one would never guess that minutes ago she'd been blissfully writhing under a male who was rutting her for all he was worth. Her thick caramel-brown hair was brushed and fell half way down her back as she sat at their kitchen table, sipping a cup of tea and taping away at her phone, wrapped in a comfy-looking lavender robe. Hardly a sexy outfit, but the vixen had made sure to only barely close the robe while tying it tight enough to accentuate her hourglass figure. Her legs were crossed demurely but were also very much on display, along with the vixen's cream colored cleavage.

"It was fine." He said.

"I hope the boys didn't miss me. I hate missing your training sessions but my laptop went on the fritz this morning and Thumper was kind enough to rush over and fix it."

"Thumper? You mean Marty Williams?"

"M-hm. You know I like to give boys a little nickname when they become men..." she said without batting an eye or asking her son how he knew who she was talking about.

"Didn't think he was your type..." David said as he opened the fridge for a quick look-see and almost pushed his head into it once he realized he'd said that out loud.

Lori couldn't help but grin at the sight of her son's tail lowering, the vixen's mind conjuring an image of his face blushing. The vixen was in her early thirties but still found no reason to act her age, nor could she bring herself to be anything other than she was with her boy. And it worked - the two had a wonderful, friendly relationship, but she did take a delight in chipping away at her kit's bashfulness.

"Ooh, listen to the little jock..." she teased, managing to draw a wry smile form David as he poured himself a glass of orange juice. "You shouldn't judge a book by its cover, you know. Good things come in small packages..." she said, a little disappointed that she failed to get a reaction with the way she'd pronounced 'come'. "Big ones too..." she added, taking a sip of her tea and watching with satisfaction as her kit sputtered around a sip of orange juice.


"Hey, I'm back, got another one for me?" David asked, only slightly winded from his bike ride. Although his mom gave him an allowance most kids his age would be very happy with he still worked part time as a delivery boy at a local diner.

"Uh, no. Will went on brake so I took the phone off the hook. You might as well take a break to..." the lynx at the counter said, referring to their cook.

"He sure picked a funny time for one..." the kit said as he looked around. It was around noon on a Saturday and the place was packed with the first wave of customers finishing lunch, which meant they were about to get hit with the second one the moment the booths emptied. Not to mention those ordering out. "Well, it's his funeral. I'm going to go and grab a bite to eat..." he said, heading for the kitchen where he knew a sandwich would be waiting for him. The big bull always made those just before they opened up.

"Oh that's okay, I'll get it for y..." the feline began, making a dash for the kitchen before a distinctly feminine yip cut him off. "Oh yeah, I forgot to mention - your mom dropped by for a visit..." he said, with his eyes on the tiles...


"Sorry, did that hurt?" the huge bull asked, his deep voice surprisingly tender considering the bovine's massive stature.

"Aww, aren't you sweet to ask..." Lori replied, her voice as thick and sweet as honey as she wriggled her hips a little, getting comfy in her seat. Her seat being the bull's enormous hands, each one holding one of her perfectly rounded cheeks and - by extension - the vixen. His grip on the orange-red ass was gentle, almost reverent, but he was referring to the shaft currently embedded past the buxom vulpine's slick lips. "Now don't tease me. You..." she said, pressing one finger against the bull's blunt nose "...don't have much time and I don't have much patience. So I'm giving you express permission to take me as hard and as fast as you need to. I'll just clench..." she said, and the male holding her groaned as her sex did just that " teeth and try not to make too much noise."

Her words had the desired effect and she could feel the tip of the bovine member slide deeper into her eager body as the muscular bull lowered her until she could feel the hairs around the opening of his sheath tickle her smooth, pink lips. The speech she'd given him was really just for fun. Despite his massive size Will was a real sweetheart, or at least he was with her, and Lori knew it would take a bit of coaxing to really bring out the animal in him.

The bovine cook's shirt was unbuttoned and Lori had her arms wrapped around that trunk-like neck and her pillowy breasts pressed against the male's rock hard pecks, a very intimate embrace and a fun enough way to do this. But with a male like Will she had a special little thing she liked to do, and one that would give the bull a nicer show. With that in mind she slid her paws along the back of his neck until each one was griping a thick, curved horn.

"Mmh, now these are what I call love handles..." she cooed, leaning back as she wrapped her legs around her bull. She let out a throaty moan as the beefy spire moved within her, rubbing all the right places of her slick love tunnel as she wriggled her hips against his crotch. Her arms were stretched out as she reclined in the bulky bovine's hands, knowing that that massive neck could take her weight and that Will would enjoy the show. After all, the cook's eyes were even now fixed firmly on her breasts and they weren't even moving yet!

"C'mon longhorn..." she husked, tightening her pelvic muscles and letting the bovine know just which 'horn' she was referring to. " wouldn't make a mommy beg, would you?"

As expected, her words pushed the right buttons in the bovine brain and with one sharp buck of his hips the vixen found herself sliding up the smooth red shaft buried inside her only to fall right back down. The first thrust was soon followed by a second, and then a third, until Will found his rhythm and the voluptuous vixen was bouncing in his grip. And while Lori loved having a young boy (particularly a virgin) trapped in her velvety sex as he huffed and grunted away, there was something to be said for being filled to her limit, taken so hard that it's just a little painful, a guarantee that she'd be delightfully sore down there for hours after her lover had spent himself.

She was biting her lower lip as she rode her bull but she made sure to make enough noise to spur him on. She could tell he was holding back a little so that he wouldn't cum before she did, but the truth was Lori was already quite close, having gotten worked up while she was taking care of Max. The Lynx had a serious fetish for doing it in public places and had cum in record time, struggling to keep a straight face while the vixen gave him a masterful blowjob while hiding under the counter.

The employee washroom was a tiny tiled space and soon the sounds of her slit smacking against the bovine crotch were ringing in both their ears, along with Will's grunts and the muffled moans of the vixen riding his lap. He wasn't pulling much of his slick shaft out of her, but every time she slid down she could feel the bovine cock stretch her wide even as the slender tip bottomed out inside her. It was getting messier down there as well but she knew that was nothing compared to what awaited her once Will reached his limit.

She could feel the bull's heavy pouch smacking against her tail-hole as those strong hands dug lovingly into her round cheeks and spread them apart. She was sure the hunk was mauling them without even realizing it since his attention seemed entirely focused on the vixen's magnificent globes bouncing wildly on her chest with every buck of his hips.

Lori wound up cumming before he did, her vulpine sex tightening slowly under the onslaught of the bull's shaft, only to twitch and clench wildly around the throbbing length when a particularly vigorous thrust triggered the vixen's climax. Even her male co-stars during her glory days had rarely been able to restrain themselves in this situation and most of the time when Lori went over the edge she'd wind up pulling the male rutting her along.

Thus the vixen was hardly surprised when the bovine cock began to throb against the silky walls of her sex, the entire length swelling before the first gush of bull-milk filled the tight pussy that had been milking it so eagerly. She let out a whimpering moan as she delighted in the way the heat blossoming within her soothed her sex after the rough fucking, those heavy bovine nuts pumping away until Will's spunk was gushing from around the thick base of his cock.

Lori tried to clamp her sex down on the thick base of the bull's shaft in an effort to keep as much of his load inside her but she knew it would do little good. The amorous bovine had already filled her to the brim and then some and the vixen almost came again at the thought of her trim belly bulging just a little from the torrent of spunk the powerful male was still pumping into her. There was something deliciously intimate about having a male stuff both her sex and her womb to capacity and just the thought was enough to curl the vixen's toes.

The big lug held her securely through their shared climax and seemed reluctant to let go of the bouncy vulpine butt resting in the palms of his hands. And while a part of Lori was quite willing to keep snuggling with the beefy rod held inside her and maybe see if the bull could catch a second wind, she reluctantly unwrapped her legs from around him and sent him on his way. He'd done a great job of satisfying her cravings, but it would be wrong to keep his hungry customers waiting...


By the time Lori was done with her little bull ride (and the subsequent clean-up) the crowd had thinned and she and David were sitting in a booth, enjoying some desert. The kit started spearing forkfuls of fruit salad while his mother's ice-cream (also with a serving of fruit) so far remained untouched. Anyone looking at the vixen would assume she was lost in thought, her brow furrowed in intense concentration. A few seconds later she brought a hand to her muzzle and slowly started pulling the end of a red stem, holding the other one between her teeth and tightening the knot.

"I still got it!" she exclaimed happily, setting the tied cherry-stem down on her plate before scooping up some whipped cream with a finger and licking it off. David felt heat rising to his cheeks so he looked down at his own plate, until he felt something brush against his nose and noticed a fluffy white dab sitting on top of it.

"If you don't get that, I will..." the vixen said playfully and he couldn't help but smile a little as he licked the cream off the black pad at the tip of his muzzle.

"Aww, there's that smile! For a moment I thought you were upset that mommy came to visit you at work..." she said, continuing to enjoy her desert sans spoon.

"Well did you have to wear... that?" he asked, gesturing with his eyes towards his mother's attire.

"What? It's early March, still sweater weather..." Lori said, playing the innocent as she looked down at the length of knitted wool that accentuated but in all fairness covered her ample curves.

"And your back isn't cold?" David said, calling his mother's bluff.

"Oh, well I have my hair to keep me warm..." the vixen replied, tossing her thick mane to demonstrate the fact.

"Mom! They... they call that outfit the virgin-killer sweater..." the kit said, keeping his voice down.

"Oh sweetie, every sweater I put on is a virgin-killer!" the vixen replied with a grin as she picked up the banana from her plate. In this desert it was normally cut lengthwise with the ice-cream in the middle, but Will always left it whole on the side, knowing how much she liked to play with her food. Her head was pointed down and she spared David a glance through her long, thick lashes as she slowly moved the tip of the fruit back and forth between two large scoops of vanilla.

"Could you be more inappropriate..." the kit said, with a shake of his head before getting back to his own desert.

"Well, since you ask..."

The statement made him look up in time to see his mother scoop up some more whipped cream with the banana. He watched wide eyed as she playfully licked it clean with a few deft flicks of her tongue before parting her lips and letting the tip slide past them. Once she was sure she had his attention, the vixen gave her boy a wink before pushing the whole thing past her lips and down her throat in one smooth stroke. She thought the expression on her son's face was priceless as she stuck her tongue out at him playfully before getting back to her desert.


"OK, so we're clear on the rules?" David asked, sounding stern as he addressed his mother.

"You mean that I'm not invited to your birthday party?" Lori said, pouting for full effect. This would have been enough for most males to do a one-eighty and become desperate to please her, but her son seemed resolute.

"Do you remember what happened last time?" the kit asked, sticking firmly to his guns.

"I remember everyone had a great time." The vixen said, purposefully playing dumb. "Oh, come on! Do you know how long it had been since I last played Spin the Bottle? And all your little friends seemed to want me to play. I was honestly worried that if I said 'no' it would ruin your party."

"Well that's why we're not going to have that problem this year, are we?"

"Fine, fine..." she said, crossing her arms under her chest as she admitted defeat. This maneuver lifted her heavy breasts, the ripe globes clearly outlined under the thin fabric which read '0% Angel | 100% Vixen' but even that subtle little maneuver didn't faze the dead-serious teen. Boy, last year's party must have really embarrassed him...

"So, just to be clear..."

"... I'll stay in my room and you and your friends will have the whole of downstairs. Cross my heart and hope to die." She said, noticing David relax once she did. After all she'd never lied to her boy or broken a promise, and she wasn't about to start now. Lines were drawn and she'd stay on her side, but if anything happened to stray over...


Michael groaned as he reached the bathroom door and saw several other kids waiting in line. A bunch of people had shown up for David's fifteenth birthday and stayed despite the disappointing announcement that his mother wouldn't be attending. The malamute felt his tail wag at the mere memory of last year when they played Spin the Bottle and many boys were lucky enough to get brief but memorable lessons in French kissing or a chance to determine for themselves if the vixen's breasts were real.

He wasn't one of the lucky ones but he'd managed to get a open-muzzle kiss from Cindy, a very pretty but usually quite shy skunkette. Most of the girls in the circle had either loosened up when they saw an adult female joining in the fun, or were possibly spurred on to compete for male attention. Mike managed to shake the memory as more urgent need asserted itself. He'd been to David's house before and knew where the upstairs bathroom was, and despite the fact that they were told they only had the ground floor for the party he figured nobody would mind if he just went up to use the facilities.

It was on his way back that the teen stopped dead in his tracks, his pointed ears swiveling towards a door down the hall. A door that was slightly ajar. He had keen hearing even for a canine and the moan was still ringing in his ears as he carefully padded towards the inviting crack and the dim light pouring from it into the dark hallway.

He walked as if in a trance, the brain that should have been telling him to go back downstairs suddenly unable to think of anything other than his friend's mother. Ms. Henderson was the subject of not only small-town rumor, but legends whispered in hushed tones with dire warnings about spreading such tales outside a trusted circle. Stories so wild and graphic that they would be dismissed as pure fantasy if the protagonist had been anyone other than the flame-furred vixen that was now only a few feet away from the creeping malamute.

He might have been content with merely listening in, hoping to catch another lusty moan like the one that had led him to the threshold of Lori's bedroom. But the moment his nose caught the scent coming from inside he lost what little reason he had. The door was facing the vixen's bed so he couldn't see what he desperately wanted to see, and had the young dog's brain been working he might have tried slipping his phone through in an attempt to catch a glimpse. But dazed as he was he found himself opening the door futher and further, sticking his head through until he saw...

David's mother, sprawled out on tangled sheets, her perfect legs spread wide and her femininity hidden by her hand and whatever it was gripping. The star of every wet dream he'd ever had was reclining on some pillows, eyes closed as she pumped something out of her sex while her other paw played with one of her cream-furred breasts, the luscious globe spilling out of the vixen's palm as she groped herself wantonly.

Lori made sure to put on a nice show for her mystery watcher. She figured it would be only a matter of time before someone wandered upstairs, and made sure to set the stage for her little performance. Her deal with her son was that she wouldn't come to his party, but she suspected the party would find its way to her. After a few more pumps she decided to make her move, lifting her muzzle and fixing her piercing green eyes on a very promising young canine.

"Oh, hello there! My batteries died while I was in the middle of something. I don't suppose you have the energy to help me out?" she asked, trying to sound more out of breath than she actually was. She also tried not to laugh at the expression on the pup's face. So eager, so innocent. So my type! she thought to herself once her eyes slid down to the impressive bulge in the kids pants.

Michael wasn't sure what his reply had been, or how he'd gotten to the vixen's bedside. He felt like he was in a daze, part of him terrified that he was about to wake up any second now. But the smell of the sultry vixen eating him up with her eyes seemed real, and so did her touch as she undressed him with such skill that it seemed like his clothes were flying off him. She patted a spot on the silky sheets and the malamute wasted little time climbing in.

His cock was almost completely out of his sheath by now and the vixen wasted little time going after what she wanted. Mike was biting his lower lip as the vulpine goddess got on all fours in front of him, lowering her heavy chest to the mattress as she swallowed his emerging cock in a smooth stroke. Her rear was still in the air and the teen was torn from looking at those glittering green eyes as they stared lovingly up at him or to take in the sight of the vixen's perfectly heart-shaped ass.

He ended up looking down at the gorgeous female's face once he felt her lips brush against his sheath and then slide even lower. His blue eyes crossed as it was pushed down his shaft even as the canine appendage slid further into the vixen's mouth, and by the time his knot was resting against the tip of her tongue he could feel the tapered end of his cock just brushing against the back of her throat.

Lori had a hand on the pup's impressive sack and the moment she felt it lift up against his body she quickly slid her mouth of his length, letting the pointy tip leave her lips with a pop and squirt a bit of pre across her muzzle. It was tempting to just lash her tongue against the red spire and feel a torrent of sweet puppy-milk pour down her throat, but the kid had a short fuse and she wanted to wait a little longer before she let him pop.

"Michael, is it?" she asked casually, as if the taste of his young cock wasn't still on her tongue.

"U-huh." Mike replied. He knew he sounded brain-dead, but after almost blowing his wad in the motherly vixen's mouth he found it hard to form words, let alone a sentence.

"Is this your first time?" she asked, for formality's sake. The boy was a virgin, although he wouldn't be one for much longer.


"Oh?" Lori asked in a sweet and devilishly curious tone.

"Well I'd been going out with a girl and we kind of got to... touching each other but she... she said it was - I mean that I was too big for her..." he finished, blushing at the memory of that night with Cindy. He and the skunkette had dated a bit after that kiss, but after she pawed him off until his entire length slipped out she got cold feet and they kind of left it at that.

"Aww. Well I'm sorry to say sweetie, but she's right. If you slid something like this..." she said, trailing one hand gently up the steely red spire and watching a bit of the pup's juices trickle down it. "..inside a girl you could really hurt her, especially if you tied. No, you definitely need a grown woman to handle something like this..." she finished, winking at the pup and smiling as the devastated look on his face gave way to a very hopeful one.

She gave the leaking tip a quick kiss before laying back and writhing a little for effect. She spread her legs wide and raised them a bit, feeling her slick pussy open up like a flower as the stunned teen watched in disbelief. The boy still couldn't seem to believe his luck and it took Lori patting her wet mound the same way she did the mattress earlier for him to take the hint. She tried not to laugh out loud as the kid dropped onto all fours and crawled over her with his tail wagging, the very image of a love-dazed puppy.

Mike's eyes were locked on the sight of the glistening pink femininity hidden away in the lush, creamy fur. He caught himself sniffing on reflex, his nose instinctively taking in deep drags of the vixen's scent, flushing any vestige of reason from his pubescent brain. When his muzzle was inches away he parted his lips and lowered it towards the stunning vulpine's sex, although he wasn't sure if it was a gentlemanly desire to return a favor or just a need to see what she tasted like down there.

Either way the vixen stopped him by placing a finger under his chin and raising his head up, the digit seeming to pull him forwards as he crawled on top of her and his eyes now focused on the heavy breasts spread wide across her chest, the two nipples toping the perfect mounds seeming to stiffen under his adoring gaze. Michael was tall for his age but still shorter than the leggy vixen, so once his tip was brushing against the smooth, slick skin of her lips his head was wedged between the vixen's creamy tits.

He parted his lips on reflex when he saw Lori bend her neck and bring her muzzle closer to his, her arms wrapping around his chest and pressing him closer to her perfect body as she kissed him deeply, pushing her tongue into his muzzle as if she was trying to get his own to come out and play. The pup did his best to kiss her back, but it was hard to focus with the heat of the vulpine goddess writhing under him, and her hands drifting lower until each one was cupping one of his cheeks.

To his credit, the boy didn't need much urging. All it took was a little push on him rump and the tip of that surprisingly large malamute cock was sliding past Lori's wet petals and into the silken depths of her sex. She let out a throaty moan as the malamute claimed her, but in truth she broke the kiss to let the boy breathe. She could feel his trim young body shudder on top of her as he pushed himself up to the knot, sliding forwards on her until the tip of miss muzzle was buried in the fur of her neck.

"You close, baby?" she asked in a husky, intimate tone, but she knew the answer by the twitching of the teen's body as it rested both on and in her.

"Y-yeah..." the boy replied with a grunt, sounding adorably embarrassed.

"That's okay, honey. Just give it to me hard and fast then, and give me everything you have..." she crooned into one of the pup's ears, and could feel the shaft twitch inside her and the boy shift a little to get the proper leverage.

"Ooooh! That's it lover! Just like that..." she said, her voice taking on the syrupy quality that had helped make her a star. The pup was eager, and even though he couldn't help having a short fuse with a woman like her for his first time, Lori was eager to see just what he could do.

Mike knew he wouldn't last long because the vixen even now wrapped around him felt better than anything he ever expected to feel. He reached out and placed his paws on the voluptuous vulpine's breasts, groping them as he bucked his hips in a wild, uneven rhythm. Her muzzle was inches away from his ear and the sounds coming from it urged him on. The more wild and savage his thrusts became, the sweeter Lori's voice sounded as she begged him to go even harder, every command punctuated by the wet sounds of his shaft pistoning in and out of the vixen's drenched pussy.

A smile was curving the vixen's full lips as she goaded her young lover, savoring the results of the boy's passionate if inexperienced efforts. He really was quite gifted and Lori found herself cheering him on, hoping that he would manage to make her cum. Not that she'd be disappointed if he didn't. She was sure this would not be her last boy of the evening...

"Are you -unh!- safe?" the malamute panted out, a curiously sentient thought entering a brain that for the last few minutes had been empty of anything apart from instinct.

"And what if I'm not?" Lori husked. She was, of course, but the twitch of the canine cock in her snug little pussy at the mere prospect told her what the boy's kinky little fantasy was. "Would you still push that fat knot in, hold me down while it swells and ties me? Then it would only be a matter of time until you emptied those plump nuts in me and gave me some pretty black'n'white kits. And I'd be powerless to stop you - a moaning, writhing mess wrapped tight around your throbbing knot. I'd just have to lie there and... take it!"

The vixen's last words were moaned out in a voice so hot it could have carved through a block of ice. That had been one of her little talents back in the day - she'd never dubbed her vocals over. She was never at a loss for words when 'acting', and she never went for realistic. Why try and recreate the sounds and words women made during sex when you could make the ones males _wanted_them to make?

Her little performance had the desired effect and on his next thrust Lori felt a fat knot slamming against her lips until the vulpine petals were forced to part and then wrap around it. As gifted as the pup was, the vixen had been tied by some real monsters, both on and off camera, so the little whimpering noises she made as the teen's bulge swelled inside her were mostly faked. Or at least, the pain was. As the throbbing ball of canine flesh ballooned up it pressed, the way a knot always did, against a sensitive spot in her sex and the vixen allowed herself to bask at the blissful peek, knowing what it would take to push her over.

The pup's fierce growls sounded cute coming from a boy his age, and as she waited for the first gush of hot canine spunk Lori wrapped her legs around her young lover and dug her claws into his back. With their bodies pressed had against each other she could feel his heart beat in time to the throbbing of the cock now buried securely within her, and once the tip of that canine rod erupted inside her she felt her own body respond, the vulpine sex pulsing around the grunting pup's length and milking the spraying shaft of every drop it could give her. It was only when the two came down from their respective highs that they caught the sound of purring coming from the hallway.

"Wh... dude! What the fuck?" Mike shouted out before remembering to keep his voice down. He was still securely tied to Lori and was feeling a bit self-conscious now that Spencer was standing in the doorway with a blank look on his face, the tent in the leopard's pants telling him that he had been watching for a while before the purring gave him away.

"Oh, hello there!" the vixen called out sweetly, as if she didn't have a teen's cock stuck inside her and still pumping puppy-spunk into her. "As you can see I'm a little tied-up at the moment, but if you want to play as well..." she tailed off before shifting her weight and rolling the surprised canine around so that her magnificent body was now resting on top of his. "...there's no waiting in the rear." The vixen said, looking back at the stunned feline as she lifted her bushy tail.

Spencer's eyes went wide at the sight the vixen revealed. He could see the thinnest part of Mike's cock disappearing past the vulpine MILF's moist lips, the glistening mound visibly bulging as it kept the canine knot securely inside. And just above that, winking from between the vixen's perfect cheeks was a inviting pink ring the sight of which had the young feline's cock leaking into his shorts.

Lori tried not to laugh at the sheer speed with which the leopard dropped his pants and joined them on her bed, slowing down only when his hands reverently landed on the sculpted curves of her ass. She made sure to flag the tail just a little bit more, to give the cat the best possible view of a pucker that had been lubed ahead of time and was just aching to be filled.

Not wishing Michael to feel forgotten she gave him a deep kiss as the tapered tip of a feline cock pried her pucker open, the boy behind her grunting adorably as he sheathed himself within her rump. He wasn't as well-endowed as the malamute tied with her but she knew it wouldn't matter. The knot stuck in her cunny would make her ass seem even tighter, and then there were the barbs dotting the leopard's cock.

She could feel the tiny nubs even while the slender member was being pushed into her tight rump and knew the show would only really start when it started sliding out. Surely enough, the boy penetrating her shapely ass wasted little time staying hilted in the tight confines of her behind before slowly pulling out, the malamute's lips serving to muffle a lusty yowl from the writhing vixen.

There was something about having a cat claim her ass - the sensation of heat that was tantalizingly close to burning - that never failed to get a response from Lori, even when the cock in question was of a modest size. In one of her videos she'd been taken in both holes by a pair of huge (in every sense of the word) Siberian tigers, and after the filming was done her director had told her the sounds she'd made could have made a blind man mess his pants.

The feline pumping her rump now was not nearly as well endowed, but whenever the double-stuffed vixen clenched her pucker the slender shaft would feel almost twice as thick as it was pumped in and out of her bouncy behind. She broke the kiss with the young canine still spurting away into her stuffed snatch, raising her muzzle as she let out a long throaty moan that had both boys twitching inside her.

She wrapped her thick tail around the young leopard's waist, urging him to keep breeding her shapely ass until he emptied those fat little nuts under her tail and quenched the burning those barbs were making her feel. And she made sure to be vocal as she was taken by the feisty young feline, both for the benefit of the two boys buried snugly within her but also to make sure someone downstairs heard what sort of fun they were having. She could tell the leopard rutting her ass wouldn't last much longer and she wanted to make sure there were more curious teens wandering upstairs to take the place of these two.


The party had been going great as far as David was concerned, especially since his mother was apparently honoring her promise. The kit did feel a little bad about having to do it this way, but after last year he figured having his mom here would be asking for an orgy. It was weird, but he'd been sure that people were quietly leaving since it was becoming evident his mom wouldn't be making an appearance. For a while he couldn't find Mike or Spencer, but just when he figured they'd bailed he spotted them in the kitchen. But no sooner had they shown up that another couple of guests seemed to go missing. He was passing by the stairs when his ears picked up a peculiar sound over the noise of the party, and with a sinking feeling he climbed up and opened the door of his mother's bedroom.

"Aww, for the love of..." he cried out at the sight in front of him. His mom was in her room, as per their agreement, sprawled on her back with Jim kneeling between her legs, the pony's cock plainly buried in the vixen's messy sex. Lori's legs were being held up by the wolf straddling her chest, the tip of his canine member barely visible as it peeked out from the vixen's messy cleavage, the lush breasts pressed together by...

"Seriously Janie? You too?" he asked the blushing squirrel that was helping with the canine boob-job while riding his mom's muzzle.

"W-well it's not my fault that boys don't know how to do this properly!" The girl stammered out, ending the sentence with a squeak as the fox under her pulled her tongue from the firm young slit.

"I know what you're going to say honey, but I haven't set one foot outside this room..." his mother said, wearing an expression of angelic innocence under a layer of both Janie's juices and a decidedly more masculine mess. "So, how's the party downstairs going?"


"Mom, can I talk to you for a moment?" David asked, trying to keep his voice steady as he addressed his mother.

"Sure honey. I'm due for a break anyway." The panting vixen said, taking a few big gulps from a nearby water-bottle. She was serious when it came to the workout regimen that kept her waist slim, her belly flat and her mouth-watering curves bouncy, but her clothing remained anything but. The word 'Juicy' was stretched almost past the point of legibility across the vixen's prodigious chest, and he knew for a fact that the back of her tight workout shorts read the same.

"Mom, I was just cleaning up in the basement..." he said in a deadpan voice, hoping to get an explanation for what he saw there.

"Oh, that's nice of you!"

"All right then, let me show you what I found there..." he said, certain that the vixen was playing dumb.

"Well you'd have to be more specific. That place hasn't been cleared out in ages and I'm sure there's loads of - ohmygod, you found it!" the vixen squeaked out once she reached the bottom of the stairs and found what was in the box laying open on the floor. "I'd been looking for this for ages! I guess I kinda gave up at some point and forgot I even had it..."

"For the love of... don't cuddle with it! What is that thing even supposed to be?" he said, color rising to his cheeks as the spandex-clad vixen began to lovingly run her hands along the monster he'd unearthed.

"Well isn't it obvious? It's a horsey! Or at least part of one..."

"I can tell! Why on earth is it five feet long?"

"Well, five feet tall, to be precise. They put some sort of weights in its sack so it could stand upright." The vixen said enthusiastically, struggling a little until she managed to get the mottled mass of silicone vertical.

"Please don't tell me you've..." David began, but found himself unable to finish the sentence.

"Oh don't be silly. Even I have limits! No this was made for a big adult entertainment expo by a 'toy' manufacturer, just as a centerpiece. Well a lot of the girls were taking photos with it and what-not so I went a little further and put on a bit of a show..." she said, hugging the surreal equine spire tight to her chest and sending David's imagination running wild. "Sort of a spur-of-the-moment promotion. Well the guys who made it were so thrilled that after the expo was over they let me have it. I guess I never really figured out where to put it so it just wound up here..."

"Well okay then, let's just push it back into the corner, wrap the box up with a whole roll of duct tape and pile every other box on t..."

"Oh nonono, this is going up in my room! C'mon, help me carry it..."

"Wha... why?"

"Well camshows are really big right now and I keep getting requests to do one every now and again, but I could never come up with an original idea for one. But with Zeus here I'm pretty sure I can come up with something fun. Now come on, I can't carry this big thing up the stairs by myself. Pick and end and heave-ho!" she said, and David considered protesting but he knew his mother would win in the end and he was just prolonging the inevitable. He grabbed the perverse pillar at the base and lifted it up waist high as his mother grabbed the thing's flare. They were almost up the basement stairs when he noticed the vixen's shoulders were shaking as she tried to suppress a snigger.


"Oh nothing..." his mother replied, with a devious glint in her eye "Just admiring how my little boy has grown..." she finished, using her eyes to gesture downwards. Following her gaze David realized he was holding the silicone monolith so that the base was level with his crotch...


"Over here honey! Let's just stash it in my toy closet until I figure out what to do with it..." she said. David did his best not to look too closely at what he knew lurked behind the plain-looking sliding door in his mother's bedroom...

"I hang on, I just have to clear the boxes down here so its sack will fit under the shelf. Oh! Oh wow, I forgot all about these..." she said in a wistful tone.

"Forgot about what?" David asked, certain he would regret doing so.

"See for yourself..." the kneeling vixen said, passing him a box.

Of all the things he dreaded seeing here, he never expected his mother would have a pocket-pussy in her collection. The box seemed to be unopened and the front had a photo of a stunning young vixen wearing nothing but her fur. She was sitting with her legs spread wide, but was holding the toy so that it covered her own sex. The fox was drop-dead gorgeous and David had felt his shaft poke out of his sheath until he saw the name - Lacy Lynn. His mother giggled when he dropped the box as if it had suddenly electrocuted him.

"You see, the same company that made this fine stallion..." she said, stroking the beast they'd barely managed to get upstairs. "...also made toys for men. And they did this whole series that was modeled after the biggest stars in the adult entertainment industry, so naturally they did one of yours truly."

"So why do you have it?" he asked, wondering if his mother was truly so narcissistic that she bought a copy of her... of herself. He also tried to get the image of the box out of his mind, especially the label that proclaimed the product was 'Just like the real thing - inside and out!'.

"Oh, they sent me a dozen or so as a freebie. I gave about half of them to fans and such but I guess I forgot about these. I don't suppose you'd like one?" she asked in a teasing tone.

"Wh-wha... you can't seriously think..." David stammered out, shocked that his mother had seemingly crossed the one boundary she'd always been sensible about.

"Well you might change your mind next time a new gaming system comes out. I bet if I autographed one of these and maybe left a little lipstick mark it would sell for quite a pretty penny..." she teased, flashing her boy the same lascivious smile the vixen on the box was wearing.


David looked dreamily at the doe in front of the whiteboard, barely hearing the homework assignments their young math teacher was giving out. Tina Swinton was gorgeous, fresh out of teaching college and full of enthusiasm. Normally this was an educator's trial by fire - tossed into a classroom where they will either tame the unruly young teens or be broken by them. Ms. Swinton had an easy time since her helpful and cheerful disposition made the girls in the class see her as something of an older sister, while the boys all had crushed on the stunning young cervine.

"Okay class, that will be all for today. David, if it's not a problem, could you stay a few minutes?" she asked, and the kit's heart almost skipped a beat.

"Uh, sure..." he replied, catching the tone of his teacher's voice. It wasn't a 'your grades are slipping and we need to talk' kind of voice. It was a tone that hinted at a need for privacy.

He remained sitting when everyone had cleared out and the vixen walked in front of her desk, resting her shapely rump against the edge as she beckoned him closer. The young fox got up, trying not to stare at his teacher's body, but even looking at those blue eyes was making his heart race. This was it - like those stories he'd heard of beautiful young teachers seducing their students. Ms. Swinton certainly fit the bill - although her attire was entirely appropriate, the knee-length skirt failed to hide the doe's long, graceful legs, a waist a ballerina would be thrilled to have and the subtle but eye-catching swell in the front of her blouse.

"Before we go any further David, I have to ask: can you keep a secret? A really big one?" she asked in a soft, conspiratorial tone. David just looked her in those glittering blue eyes and nodded mutely.

"Good, because this is kinda improper and I could get into trouble by involving you in something like this..."

"A-anything Ms. Swinton..." the dazed kit replied, his hopes and imagination soaring. The doe reached for something behind her and the kit's mind raced with possibilities. Would she give him a pair of her panties so that he'd think about her until they next met? Or was she reaching for a pack of condoms, determined to have him take her right here on her desk? In the end, her paw came up holding a small envelope.

"Could you give this note to your mother?" the doe asked in a slightly awkward but undeniably eager tone, unknowingly sinking all of David's hopes with a smile on her muzzle.


"Oh my! It's been a while since I got a letter like this from a girl..." Lori said, fanning herself with the unfolded paper and sending the scent of the doe's perfume wafting. It was only when she looked down that she noticed how upset her son was.

"What's the matter baby?" she asked, trying to coax either a reply or a smile form her kit.

"Nothing..." the teen replied sullenly, still looking at the floor. Not only had his hopes for the crush he'd been harboring for months been dashed, but he lost Ms. Swinton's affection to his mother!

"I know it's not 'nothing'. It's not because she's another woman is it? I know I raised you better than that..." she scolded him, but when he looked up at her and she saw the tears in the corners of his eyes everything fell into place.

"Aww honey, come here..." she said, wrapping her kit in her arms as the boy hugged her back. Despite her lifestyle, Lori considered herself a mother first of all, a fact that was slightly spoiled by the fact that the tank-top David's face was currently pressed against read "Rental Mommy (Free Trial!)".

"Wish you'd told me about your crush sooner. I could have told you that doe isn't looking for a stag if you know what I mean..." she softly, smiling at the little chuckle she got from her boy. "You know, if it makes you uncomfortable I can just let her down easy..."

"Don't..." he said. He still felt kinda heart-broken, but it seemed like such a petty, selfish thing to do.

"That's very big of you..." Lori crooned, putting a finger under her kit's chin and lifting his face up. "You are going to make some girl - or woman - very happy one of these days. But for now I think you deserve a little treat. Something to fix that aching heart of yours..."

"What do you mean?"

"Your teacher asked me on a little 'date' this Saturday. How would you like to be a fly on the wall for that evening?" she said in a sly tone, and the feeling of something firming up against her thigh gave her an answer before the kit's muzzle did.

"K-kinda..." David replied, unsure of what his mother really meant.

"How about a boy in a closet?"


David couldn't believe he was really doing this, and during the time he'd spent hidden away in his mom's closet with nothing but that ridiculous silicone tower for company he'd been wondering if this was all a mistake. But when the two females almost burst in through the bedroom door, kissing passionately as they did their best to undress each other blindly his resolve firmed up, among other things.

He had to cover his mouth when his mom deftly undid the clasp on Tina's bra and pulled it off the doe's chest, revealing a gorgeous pair of perky cervine C-cups, the doe's supple breasts nevertheless dwarfed by the bosom of a pornstar-turned-mother. The room was dimly lit and he was certain that he wouldn't be spotted through the narrow slit in the sliding door, even if his teacher managed to unglue her eyes from the naked vixen maneuvering her towards the bed.

The knowledge that he was about to watch his mom 'in action' was a bit unnerving, despite the fact that the walls of their house weren't thick enough to spare him the sound of the vixen having her own brand of fun. But the moment his mother laid the panting doe down on her big bed and he heard the eager cervine's husky voice explain how she realized she was attracted to women the first time she saw Lori in a girl-on-girl video, any trace of unease left the hidden kit.

By the time his mom climbed on top of Ms. Swinton, lowering her muzzle to the deer-girl's sex even as she thrust out her perfectly-curved rump towards the doe's face, David couldn't take it any more. In a rush to take his pants off he'd knocked down one of the boxes in his mom's toy-closet, and once he picked it up he blushed when he realized which one it was.

He felt heat rise to his cheeks at the sight of a supposedly perfect replica of his mother's privates, but a label that read 'Lube Included!' made him open it. The toy looked sort of like a large flashlight, but once opened the wide end revealed quite a life-like pair of vulpine lips, even down to the strips of cream-colored fuzz on either side. He was debating whether or not to try the toy out, considering who it was patterned after, but a loud moan from Tina as his mom buried her muzzle in the doe's honeypot had the kit fumbling with the cap on the little bottle of lube...


Lori moaned into the cervine cunny her tongue was invading, pleasantly surprised by both the doe's enthusiasm and skill. She'd had her share of both women and girls who'd approached her for something like this and who'd never been with a woman before. But this was definitely not the deer-gal's first time, her hoof-nailed fingers prying the vixen's femininity open and exposing the glistening pink folds to the nimble cervine tongue.

After they both had a thorough taste of each other, the motherly vixen decided to give both the doe and her peeping son something to remember. She lifted herself up from the young woman's well-tongued sex, smiling as she pushed her rear back a little and felt the doe's nose-pad bump against her own slick lips. The deer-girl was panting, vulpine honey glistening on her muzzle and her glazed eyes looking up at Lori as if she were a goddess kneeling over her.

Those gorgeous blue eyes went wide when the vixen smiled and held up a ruby-red length of silicone about two feet in length. She made a show of licking one end before slipping half the toy inside her, her lips parting and wrapping lovingly around the thick toy. Once she was done she held the other end up and gave it a few suggestive strokes as the doe watching her bit her lower lip.

"C'mon baby, pull your legs up. Show me that pretty little deer-pussy..." she crooned, the panting doe never breaking eye contact as she did as instructed, holding her legs behind her knees and presenting herself for the woman of her dreams.

Lori positioned herself and took a moment to admire the beautiful cervine rump on full display for her. She smiled wickedly as she moved the tip form Tina's drenched slit down to the tiny pink ring winking between the doe's fluffy cheeks. The deer femme shuddered a little every time the blunt tip poked against her pucker but didn't say a word, obviously willing to give the sultry vixen anything she wanted. A tempting offer, but the way the young female's chest rose whenever the toy slid between her dripping petals told the vixen what the girl really wanted.

She spread the doe open with one hand and used the other to guide the tip to the deer-girl's defenseless flower. She entered her in a smooth, quick stroke, and smiled at the cry of unadulterated joy that left the cervine muzzle. If David hadn't creamed himself by now, hearing that would have done it!

She took hold of Tina's legs, spreading the shapely limbs a little wider as she began to pump her hips against the cervine rump. After the tongue-lashing from earlier the doe was quite close to cumming, the cervine body writhing and shuddering in bliss as the busty vixen began to hump her, her perfect tits bouncing wildly with every thrust into the moaning female under her. After barely a minute of having the gorgeous vixen breed her the doe squealed out, cumming hard as Lori drove her hips forward. The toy had disappeared from view as the fox pushed her sex against the does, gently mashing the plump lips against each other as the delirious deer gushed around the rubbery length.

The doe was moaning wildly as she reached out with her arms, beckoning her vulpine lover closer. Lori smiled as she laid her body on top of the doe's, feeling the deer-girl's heart thudding wildly as her heavy tits were pressed against the young woman's smaller pair. Even though she could barely catch her breath, the doe pulled Lori in for a kiss, the vixen smiling as she pushed her tongue playfully past the girl's lips. She hadn't gotten off yet but she wasn't in a hurry. After all, the night was young, and the doe whimpering into their kiss was nothing if not eager...


Despite the need to adjust her outfit every now and again, Lori was having a great Halloween. She was proud of last year's mummy costume which had consisted of a cliché Egyptian wig and just enough tightly-wrapped gauze to make her look sexy rather than scandalous. It was a great idea, but the vixen couldn't help but feel it would have looked better on a fennec or a jackal.

This, however, was right up her alley! Her current outfit was an old bunny-corset she'd dug out and dyed red. It had fit her like a glove back before she had David, but her fluffy breasts were a bit fuller these days and the triangular cups of the outfit were having a hard time containing the bounty of vulpine flesh, hence the need to push her girls back in every once in a while.

A pair of thigh-high stiletto boots in a matching shade did wonders for the look, even though they'd been a pain to lace up even with David's help. Her son had also been a dear and done a great job of wrapping Lori's tail in a silky red ribbon, so that the fluffy appendage was now a thick rope. A little plush heart at the end made a perfect spade-tip and along with the little red horns poking up from the vixen's caramel-colored mane and the adorable little wings on her back made her look like a real succubus - ready to steal the virtue of any male foolish enough to gaze upon her wicked glory!

Although she supposed it was false advertising, to an extent. As affectionate as she was she loved Halloween and was a bit reluctant to jump out of a costume she worked so hard on. Still, she did have a reputation to uphold so she made sure to give the visiting kids a nice show. She always made sure to compliment their costumes as she bent forward to drop a handful of candy into their little pumpkin-pails, the mouths of young boys dropping open as her majestic tits threatened to pop out of the flimsy garment. Their neighborhood was a very nice one and safe enough that parents didn't follow their kids on their rounds which meant she could take her time and give them a show, although she did notice that a number of dads would escort their kids to her house and then go straight back home.

She'd been sure she was done and was contemplating heading upstairs and having some alone time while pondering all the happy little faces and all the boys who walked away from her doorstep holding their sugary loot in front of their crotches when the doorbell rang again.

"Oh don't you three boys look handsome in your super-hero outfits!" she said, admiring the hopeful-looking trio. She wasn't sure which heroes they were since there seemed to be a zillion of them these days, but she was fine with whatever fad had young men squeezing into tight spandex costumes. "I hate to say this, but I'm afraid I've already given out all my candy." She pouted, showing the boys an empty bowl.

"T-that's okay..." the zebra colt to Lori's right said, his eyes unblinking and probably not even seeing the big empty bowl the vixen was holding just under her chest.

"It's nice of you to say that, but I just feel terrible. You boys look so big, this is probably your last year trick or treating..." she said, guessing the kids to be about thirteen, the vixen's second favorite number - right after sixty-nine. "Oh, I just can't bear being the one to spoil your last time! So since I have no treats left, how about you three step inside and I show you a little trick?"

"W-what kind?" said the German shepherd in the middle. Lori flashed him an appropriately devilish smile as she leaned down to whisper into his ear, making sure the other two could hear.

"I'm going to make your virginities disappear!"


The claim might have been a bit over the top since Lori didn't have the time to really make men of these boys, but the three steel-hard young cocks surrounding her told her that her young guests didn't mind. She was kneeling in her living room with her hands wrapped around the shepherd and the skunk who stood to each side of her, alternating between kissing and suckling the two twitching shafts even as the zebra used her cleavage.

The striped colt's eyes were unblinking, his mouth agape as he reverently slid his ebony length between the two majestic mounds he was pressing together. Lori felt that he was being a little too gentle with her breasts but decided not to say anything and let the young equine just savor the sensation of his cock sliding through her cream-colored cleavage, his shaft gliding through fur that was as soft and warm as steam rising from a hot bath.

The mere thought of a bath was enough to bring a smile to the vixen's lips even as they parted around the tip of a canine member. Her eyes drifted from one hefty pouch to the next, her tail swishing behind her as she looked forward the having those fat little boy-nuts empty themselves all over her. This required a careful touch as the vixen made sure to stroke and suck the boys in such a manner that they would cum at more or less the same time.

Her ears twitched and swiveled with every moan and grunt, listening for a sign of a boy that was about to pop to soon the way a symphony conductor would have listened for a sour note. She was the very image of a succubus, an alluring smile never leaving her muzzle as she moved her mouth from one throbbing shaft to another, her hands working tirelessly on the two cocks as she gently squeezed and caressed the rock-hard boyhoods.

The skunk proved to have the shortest fuse, his young member throbbing in the vixen's grip even though she was sucking the shepherd at the time. She let the canine member slip past her lips with a soft 'pop' and turned to face the spurting shaft in her other hand just in time to catch a pearly white rope on her face. She made sure to open her muzzle and stick her tongue out a little, catching some of the skunk's cream but making sure that most of it ended up all over her.

Although she didn't mind swallowing to say the least, and she knew that males of all ages tended to grin like boys on Christmas morning whenever she parted her lips and stuck out a clean tongue after they'd unloaded into her mouth, she wanted to give these three a nice memory. And the sight of a diabolical vixen on her knees covered in teen spunk would certainly qualify.

She was still jerking the skunk boy, intent of getting every drop those plump little nuts had to give her, when she moved her hand from the shepherd's shaft and gripped his knot instead. The boy didn't seem to know this little trick to canine anatomy and in a matter of seconds she could feel the hard ball in her hand inflate, signaling the pup's orgasm.

A few blasts of puppy-cream caught the side of her face before she turned around, looking up at the young canine with her best bedroom eyes as the grunting shepherd began to unload all over her face. Lori was moaning softly but whorishly during her facial, intent on pushing the colt humping her cleavage over the edge.

While she was busy with the panting puppy she heard the zebra groan and turned to face him just in time to catch his first spurt on her chin. After that wet little uppercut she felt a torrent of equine spunk gushing all over her chest, the colt's fingers digging into her pillowy tits as he gave a few final thrusts. She bent down to catch the last gooey spurt on her lips, kissing the messy flare before making a show of licking her lips clean.

Once the blood started flowing back to the boy's brains they quickly packed their softening cocks back into their costumes, while the vixen just savored the moment, her nostrils flaring as every breath carried the invigoratingly fresh scent of the boys' tribute. Once the three of them were decent she sent them on their way, reminding them not to eat all of their candy at once.

"Okay mom, I'm off to Dean's party. I should be back by..." David started saying as he made his way downstairs but stopped cold at the sight of the dripping vixen.

"Now before you say anything, keep in mind that this..." Lori said, gesturing to the pearly goo dripping from her muzzle and onto her soaked chest even as she spoke. "...will wash off a lot more easily than two cartons of eggs and an economy pack of toilet paper!"