The Meeting, the Greating, and the Heating (ch.4)

Story by qaswed on SoFurry

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I don't own Pokemon and/or Digimon. (The next character is me. My name has been altered to protect my identity. ^_^)

Ch. 4

2 dogs and a dragon, IN MY HOUSE!!!!

'Why am I here, I hate school.' I thought as I was sit ting at my desk, ignoring the teacher as usual. 'It would be awesome if digimon or pokemon were real.' I started to day dream. I was snapped out of my day dream by the teachers calling me out, "JAMES!" he knew I pay no attention to him. "Can you tell me the formula for the Pythagorean therum? If you answer correctly, you will not be sent to the office." "Sure." (I'm not going to bore you with the details. ^_^) After explaining it, the teacher was a little freaked out as well as the students. "Just because I play football doesn't mean that I'm a meat head." I said, breaking the silence. "Okay. When you get back from winter break the lesson is multiplying fractions, have a happy filled winter break." The teacher yelled as the kids left the class room to go to homeroom for dismissal. I went to my locker to get my books I got from the library, a cook book and a car book. I closed my locker just to be meat by three girls, all very hot, but known to be sluts. The middle one started to speak in a seductive voice. "Hey big bo" "No." I said cutting her off and walking to the bathroom to adjust my brown hair. 'Thank god they don't know that I'm bi' I thought. Admittedly, I can see why they would hit on me. I was thin, almost boney really. "Hey James." I turned around to see who it was. It was Kenneth, which I call Kent. He was the closest thing I had to a brother. "Oh, hey Kent." "You're going to be late for homeroom if you don't hurry." He said in a hurried tone. "Alright, I'm coming." After school I took my car and drove to my mom's old house that was high up into the mountains, my mom built it herself, it was very nice and elegant inside and out. It was about 5:00 p.m. when I got their. When I got inside, I could smell musk through out the house. "What happened here?" I decided to take a look around to see what was admitting the smell. I went past the kitchen down the hall way and into the bedroom. I saw nothing but a bed and a TV. I was going to start searching again when I was struck by a hard case of sleep. "Screw it." I said out loud. I went to the bed and got under the covers, turned on the TV and was out like a light. I awoke to a strange noise out side of the room. I thought it was a burglar, so with one swift move, I was under the bed. Soon a person walked in, He said, "Didn't know this place had a bed." The figure jumped into bed, slamming the mattress into my face. I held the scream of pain in fear of my life. After several minutes I started hearing a soft snoring noise. I got out from under the bed and thought 'What burglar sleeps in a house their looting, unless their very insipid.' I turned to see who was robbing the house so I can escape and give a description to the police, as soon as I turn around to see who it is I was surprised to see a Lucario sleeping in the bed. I thought I was still asleep so I hit my self in the nuts to cause but to keep them working, when I hit myself in the nuts... well... it proved I wasn't dreaming. A thought occurred to me. 'I wonder if he is wearing shorts.' I took the covers off him and slowly and gently went to the black band and pressed a little dragging my fingers down and the bottom half of the band went with my finger tips. Several minutes later I got the shorts off. 'That answers my question.' Then I looked between his legs and I couldn't help but touch it. I started groping him and his cock started to appear. The tip was out and begging for a lick, so I started licking. After it reached full arousal, I decided to take it to the next step, I wrapped my mouth around the tip and began lightly sucking on it and licking the under side. Then I felt something on the back of my head. I looked up to see a smiling Lucario with his paw on my head. He started to lightly push my head down, which I happily obliged. I started to bob my head on his cock slowly taking more and more in, while at the same time licking the under side and wrapping my tongue around the cock. Taking inch by inch, I started to feel his cock at the entrance of my throat. I started to finger him while sucking him off. I decided I wanted it buried in my throat and took it in and started deep throating him, I heard him moan off and on through out the blowjob. I kept licking, sucking, bobbing, and fingering, wanting the cream filled center. Soon, I heard him cry out, "I'm cumming!!!" Lucario then hilted into my face and started shooting cum down and deep into my throat. As soon as his orgasm subsided, he said "Let's find Flame and Zor." I nodded and we went searching for them. He found them and called me over saying "Kid, over here!" "My name is James!" I yelled back. When I came over, what I saw was Flamedramon hilted into Zoroark and it made me think "Holy crap holy crap holy crap the three hottest furrs are in my house, and the three of them are naked.' Before I knew it, the ground was rushing towards my face, then, I was out like a light.

To be continued...

Tell me how I did. ^_^