Macro Park Pt. 4

Story by CharitysSongbird on SoFurry

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#4 of Macro Park

Part four I hope you will enjoy the story as we near the end.


Meanwhile across the park a pair of mice were trundling down a road, both looking round here and there, as Ellie barked into the walkie getting directions from Hammond. The two moving through the wooded part off towards the power station. It had taken a bit to convince the aging corgi to stay behind, but with the pair's efforts Hammond had agreed to wait and be their life line, his voice echoing up from the walkie.

"It's another twenty feet to your right, then you'll have to get out, the paths about a fourth a mile north then. You should be able to avoid any pen's, and the foliage should keep you out of sight." Came the canine's voice as Muldoon nodded towards the device.

"We got it, call you when we get there." Called Muldoon, pulling up at the end of the road, and killing the jeep. Cambering out of the vehicle Muldoon pulled his shotgun close, looking round at the thick brush and swaying tree's, idly pulling back the brim of his hat to clear his view, while Ellie pushed out of the jeep behind him. Stopping only to grab a heavy portable floodlight, and tool pack, slinging it over one shoulder as she turned to face her armed partner.

"Ready." She called as the kangaroo mouse nodded padding round to join her as the pair set off down the trail, both padding along for a while before Muldoon lifteda paw stopping her, his eyes narrowed, out into the silent forest round them.

"what?" panted Ellis turning her wide blue eyes up to him, her mousy face twitching as her ears flicked, her blond hair dripping a bit with sweat as Muldoon licked his lips looking worried.

"We're being hunted..." He whispered, pulling his hat back, letting it hug his furry throat with the cord hanging from its brim, as he shouldered his weapon, flicking the safety off even as he began to unfold the stock.

At his words, Ellie froze looking suddenly round, her tail going stiff as she tried to spot what Muldoon had.

"Their two...on either side...wolves.... If we both keep going they'll pin us between the building when we try to get in..." breathed the man, looking calmly towards Ellie.

"What do we do." she whispered as Muldoon turned, glancing round before nodding to himself.

"I'll be run" he whispered after a moment looking down at her, as she looked for a second as if she was going to argue with him.

"Do it... NOW!" he whispered as loud as he dared, moving off into the forest, making an effort to shift the foliage, drawing attention to himself. Ellie was moving before she knew it, her legs jumping to action before her mind could as she darted forwards, a grey blur, running as fast as she could, her chest heaving, as pain shot through her legs, begging her to slow as she raced ahead, paws pounding along the worn path, as she shot off towards the safety of the building ahead.

After a few yards of forcing his way into the brush Muldoon threw himself against a tree, closing his mouth to keep from panting, trying to steady his heart, as he closed his eyes listening for all he was worth... a few heartbeats later, he heard the familiar distant rustle of heavy wolf paws over the foliage, somewhere off ahead of him.

'Good, that's one.' He thought, biting his lip as he moved down onto his chest crawling forwards to the edge of a fallen tree, peaking over the edge to see a hundred yards off where a massive grey and black wolf was standing stock still in the forest its head lifted, ear's twitching to hear what happened to the pair it was tracking. The giant stood still as a statue save for his tails continued flicking the beast a good fifteen feet tall, and beautiful as he was frightening.

Holding his breath Muldoon lifted his gun up, setting it against the log, shifting his shoulder up as he took aim down rage at the wolf. The cold press of steel to his cheek, causing his heart to slow, calming him. He knew one of the wolves had been caught already, so all that was left was two males and her.... If he was lucky he could take this one and reach the generator before its partner caught on... maybe.

Looking down the sight, the mouse man let out a soft sigh, lining up his cheek with the butt of the gun, only to feel a hot gust of wet air rolling against the side of his head, his eyes widening, as his whole body tensed. Looking slowly round, his ear's flicking back against his scalp, the man's mousy face turned to see a massive snout pushing out of the brush to his left, smiling, as hot breath dripped from a familiar wolf's jaws, huge teeth like small ivory spears pushing up with a pink tongue long as his own arm dripping with saliva, coming into view, a moment before a head, larger that his chest, and savagely beautiful was looking down at him, smiling with its bright sapphire eyes. Eyes that belonged to the twenty foot tall alpha of the lupine anthros. Even without seeing her, the mouse knew what she looked like well enough, foot after foot to thick muscle and fur, a long lovely tail matched only by her curvy fit body, two breasts larger than his head pushing out in defiance of gravity, making a strong contrast to the fat furry sheath that hung between her legs, slapping to her thigh's along with a heavy pair of orbs, that hid her pink puffy folds from sight, though the smell made it clear they were still present.

"Clever girl..." breathed Muldoon, as the wolf's alpha gave him a sultry look.

"Stupid prey." She growled, as Muldoon spun trying to raise his gun, even as the forest beside him exploded in a wave of fur, muscle, and snapping jaws.

*BANG!!!* The gunshot rose into the air, just as Ellie stumbled through the gate, panting, as she slammed it shut behind her, whimpering, bits of spit dripping from her mouth, as she sank to her knees, tears welling into her eyes, fighting the knowledge of what must have happened to her friend.

Though to be fair...she likely didn't expect what had happened to Muldoon at that moment. The second he'd swung his gun around the towering twenty-foot wolfess was on top of him, her jaws snapping forwards, over the gun, as it went off tearing it from his paws as she pulled her head back swinging it up out of his grasp, even as her own huge hands closed down over his own, her pink padded paws large enough to cover his whole hands pinning them to the earth, as her claws dug into the dirt around him trapping him, as her hips fell over him, heavy enough to punch the air from his lungs in a gasp, that could not have been better timed, as her chest fell, huge furry breasts large as his own head mushing down over his face, as one black nipple thrust into his mouth, causing him to bite down.

At the same moment Muldoon bite, so did the wolf, her jaws snapping down, as the gun broke ,steel and iron crunching under her jaws, as she growled, a deep pleasurable sound, bending her head down to see her mousy prey struggling under her.

"Mhmmm, not bad!" moaned the wolfess, licking her plump lips as she shifted letting her naked hips drag up and down the furry man's chest, a hot gust of wet lust smearing over his clothing as she ground against the tiny man. Smiling as she felt her wide muscled hips slide back and forth over the growing bulge in his pants.

"You know, I did always want to mate with didn't flinch like those other wanted me didn't liked watching me fuck those lesser men didn't you! My pack is too scared to please me, mmmm maybe you'll fix that!" she growled, her fanged smile only growing as Muldoon's struggles intensified, his arms pressing helplessly against her paws, as he bit harder, trying to cause her pain, but only drawing a fresh gasp to her lips, as she felt his teeth upon her tit.

"Ahhh harder...yess fight me.." she growled, as below Muldoon needed no encouragement, his legs kicking out, trying desperately to hit something that might help, only causing him to thrust his hips, up and down bucking, his knee's against a fat fluffy bulge that jolted and throbbed with each impact, causing the wolf to pant above him, as her ass lowered pushing down over his legs, pinning them to the earth with a fresh sigh of pleasure.

"More...I want MORE! mmmmm" boomed the woman jerking her chest back, letting her swollen tit pop from Muldoon's mouth as she did, letting him see his own chest for the first time. The mouse gasping at the sight of her wolfish cock laying across his chest, easily thick as his own leg, bright red girth dripping with fresh exposure, the mess dripping as much as her folds smearing her scent across his chest. Before he could take this in, he felt a cut across his chest, looking to see the woman's massive claw retracting as his shirt opened up showing his heaving furry belly. A small cut across one peck, drawing the massive wolves eyes, as she bent her face down, tongue lolling out to slap against his chest, almost purring as the thick broad tongue bent rolling up over his chest licking the mark she'd made. Even as he felt his pants being shredded with a great deal more care, soon leaving his mousy member standing erect pressing up against a pair of watermelon sized orbs, sloshing with smelly spunk begging to be released.

"More, I want you to fight me runt, fight me more! I want a struggle!" she barked down at him, drooling as she broke the lick smiling down for a heartbeat before she thrust her lips forwards closing over his mouth before he could cry out, thrusting her tongue inside, the floppy length digging deeper, and deeper. Tears spilling from the man's eyes as she thrust into his throat, her tongue throat fucking him as she dropped her hips down over his, thrusting his cock suddenly into her huge hungry pussy, the walls tightening enough to draw a moan from their lips as she began bouncing on him. Each thrust, forcing his member deeper, spreading the tight stroking flesh aside, as with each pump the air was forced from his lungs, only to be sucked back down by her moaning kiss, as her paws shifted to dig into the ground. His hands free, the mouse scrabbling clawing pushing punching at all he could reach, her bare bouncing breasts, slapping to his chest or the fat length bobbing between their belly's smearing their fur with each pumping slip of pre, and each hit only spurring the massive wolf on, as she fucked the little mouse, letting him cry out, and moan as she rolled over, her thick legs bending into pin him against her hips, as she reached up slapping her cock to his chest, till the tip lay just under his chin, her paws grasping his head and forcing it down against her tip, smearing his mousy face with her cum, even as inside the pink folds of her cunt, flooded round him, squeezing him deeper, back and forth, tightening and milking him as she rubbed the rest of him up and down her cock, letting out a howling roar as she enjoying her mating. In a desperate effort of defiance Muldoon bit down on her tip of her cock, causing her a wetter loader howl, her body jerking in sudden rapture. The touch so sudden, so pleasurable he came despite himself, flooding her womb with his cum, even as her own knotted cock erupted blushing gallons of hot seed across the boy's face.

"YEssss mhmmm yes yesss yesss fuck MHmmmm good more...MOREEE!" howled the wolf woman as the first orgasm died away, and she threw Muldoon over the tree he'd though to use as cover, the massive woman dropping behind him lining up her cock with his little mousy ass. Muldoon whimpered a moment before he screamed , as over a foot of throbbing wolf cock speared him, pushing out his belly, as the wolf continued to play with her toy, her hips thrusting harder and harder into the little man. Growling she reached down pulling his panting face up to press her lips to his once more. Moaning as she slapped her knotted base against his ass, growling as she felt the tight tunnel contracting, her free hand reaching round to grasp his meager cock, stroking up and down it in time with her own rutting thrusts. For once she was truly unbound, and relishing in the freedom to play to her hearts content. The giant wolf rising to her feet, her new mate hanging his head pressed to her lips, just between her bare bouncing breast, as the mix of wolf and mouse cum dripped across the forest floor below. Muldoon's body now suspended by her throbbing cock, as it pushed in and out, inside him, causing flashes of pain and pleasure he'd never know, even as he came again, filling her paw with his thick white spunk. Watching as she smiled breaking the kiss to lap up the mess over her fingers.

"MORE!" she roared as with a final thrust, Muldoon's ass slipped over her massive knot. The mouse's cries dying into a wet gurgle as her tip erupted inside, splattering thick white lust up through his body, till globs were rolling over his lips, spilling down his chin as he shivered. And as Muldoon's eyes began to grow foggy he idly saw a few shadowy figures marching up, stroking fat wolf cocks, smiling as their alpha enjoyed her future meal.

Those distant moans reaching the ears of Ellie as she looked back, towards the forest, with a pained expression before opening the door and rushing into the power station. To distracted by the pain of loss to notice that the opposite side of the complex, where the fence was smashed down, and a massive whole was dug into the earth and wall, marked something's passage into the buildings basement.

"Breath. Just breath..." panted Ellie in the dim light of the PowerStation. Her paws waving the massive flood light back and forth, letting her illuminate the metal stairs leading down into the building, the tight walls causing her to instinctively narrow her shoulders, as she moved down. Casting a glance back up to the door above now and then, as she did, wondering if she should have barricaded it... but with Muldoon out there... maybe he would make it...she couldn't bare locking him out if that were the case, so as she reached the bottom step she turned her light right and left, steadying herself as she pulled up the walkie talky.

"Hammond its Ellie, I'm in the power station, I need to know what I'm looking for." She buzzed, letting the button go as she listened, her mousy ears flicking around for any sound, aside from her own beating heart in the darkness. When the walkie buzzed a moment later, she nearly dropped it out fright as the park owners voice barked out of it.

"Ellie thank god, you're there, good good, now you need to get down to the service floor, it's on moment, 3, so you'll have to take two stair ways down, then you'll see a long walkway to a wall of breakers, reach that then call me back, and be careful the bottom floors are open to allow venting, if you fall it's all over." Finished the canine voice, tired with fear, as Ellie nodded, before realizing the futility of the action and depressing the button on the walkie.

"Got it, over," she called and set off her paws thumping against the iron giving a dull clanged that seemed to echo into the vast station around her...not that anyone was really listening to her...right? These and other thoughts rushing round her heard as she at the second stair case, even as a few yards away, a thick something slithered down, glowing faintly like the dim light of a fresh broken glow stick.

Meanwhile, across the park, inside another building a trio of helpless onlookers froze the children ready to cry out, before Grant, moving like a blur, knelt clapping hands over their mouths, and biting his own tongue to keep from yelling. Fearing drawing attention to themselves, as above them, the massive glass ceiling beyond their window showed a fanged smile of a giant husky, his hot breath fogging up the glass of the buildings roof. As Grant's eyes fell over the giant's brow, where a bright tuft of blue furred hair sat striking next to the black and white coat of the towering fifteen foot beast, the beast began grabbing hold of the glass ceiling edge, and yanking against it. Thundering cracks rang out above as the macro ripped and bent the ceiling open, tearing its way in threw it, till the trio watched one massive paw, descending down into the tiny world, thick digits spreading wide, as the giant blue pads stomped into the soft earth, pushing it up around the massive husky's toes, as a deep booming chuckle, echoed down into the building, and more over the tiny city below.

"Finally,...I've needed this for too long!" barked the giant, as with a few more ripping tugs, the roof was pulled back enough to let the rest of the beasts body slip into the closed in city. A terrifying sight for the trio in the observation booth, however, their fear was nothing next to those inside the city below. Thousands of tiny furry people, of every shape and color, were now looking up, in naked horror at, what to them was a mile tall nude god of destruction. For the micro residents, the paw crushing down had smashed hundreds of aches, of farmland, smashing buildings, cars, and people into nothing under the chuckling titan sending the world below into an open panic.

"Hehe, look at this place...your all bugs to me... hehe, fuck I wonder how many I just stepped on...mmmmm, not that it matters, your all getting to play with me I promise. You bugs have been begging for this for way too long." Mocked the blue haired giant, dropping a single paw down to cup his furry package, kneading the massive furry sack, letting the sloshing churning noise flood down over the micro city, as the husky's fat red tip began to push out of its sheath, swelling as the giant began stomping down on the micro world. Savoring the way the earth swelled up between his toes, the small pops and crunches of cars, or more, even the way tiny dots of movement struggled to flee from his path.

The Husky's head was nearly scraping the glass ceiling, as he stomped along, his happy barking laugh echoing inside the gym sized world, his eyes flicking up across the winding roads, and rivers, the hill that climbed up at best to his knees, and the grey blobs of cities, dotted here and there across the wide green landscape, his heart thumping harder and faster as he eyed the new playground, made just for him.

Inside one of the cities, thousands of tiny micro's began running for any shelter, trying to flee as the booming stomps grew louder, the thick smell rushing along with it, as the beasts arousal grew, thick musky clouds of matted lust rolling out over the land. The sweaty smell of his toes smashing through the earth, causing many to simply pitch over, panting, their face flushed, with naked arousal, or simply fainting at the sight of the giant, whose building dwarfing Cock was now throwing a growing shadow down over the city, a bright red pillar of naked want that seem to throb in time with their beating hearts.

A mile below the husky's towering cock, over a hundred micro's screamed trying to run, as a fat drop of pre fell down hitting like a bomb, cracking the street, as the wave flooded out over the parked cars, kicking them up, covering the fleeng micro's as it began smashing through windows all round, while those washed away were forced to gulp down what felt like gallons of salty wolfish spunk as it rolled over them.

"Hehehe look at you." Boomed the husky licking his lips as his paw stroked faster along his shaft, letting a few more drips splat down over the city, while lifting one colossal paw up over the buildings. "your whole cities smaller than my paw.." he laughed, as he stomped down, the cities inhabitants crying out a moment before a crashing boom the husky's blue padded paw crushed them. Their city, buildings all crumbling stone and wood breaking, as the husky laughed moaning as he pleasured himself gridding his paw back and forth smearing the remains of the city about before he was moving again, the wreckage falling from his paw, as his mouth opened into a panting moan, his tongue lolling form the side of his mouth, as the pup basked in the idea of what he'd done. A massive city, all of it, flattened under his paw...he was a god to these tiny micro's. Oh he'd wanted this since he first saw the micro's being put into the building...and now, with the power out. He was in heaven. And he wanted to stay, stomping off of the crater he'd left from the last city, taking a step over the mountain range, his paw coming down into a lake, that rose up over his toes, sending tidal waves out over the water, capsizing boats, and smothering islands whole, as along the shore, hundreds were washed away or pulled out into the lake as the giants paw rose, fat drops falling gallons thick into the watery storm as he stomped up to the next city.

Inside the booth, Grant was pushing the kids towards the exit motioning as best he could to keep silent, as he looked back, a part of him wanting to rush to the aid of those hundreds of micros...while another part of him saw himself being bent over the city, forced to moan and whimper as the giant used him as a sexual toy before crushing the city below their heaving bodies. Or worse...him out there...bringing handfuls of the world up to rub over the giant's shaft...moaning as his own feet spread out smashing the world below, as he let himself devolve into a beast like the one inside. No...there was really nothing he could do for them, even as the husky moved out of the puddle and into the other side of the micro world.

Reaching the next grey blob of a city, the giant dropped to his knees bending forwards to smash his gigantic cock down into the city, feeling the towering structures snapping under his girth, moaning as his pre dribbled out flooding half the town, covering it in his scent, as the suburbs were left gagging under his churning balls, or the hot weight of his ass, as his tail flicked behind kicking up bits of farmland and even barns, throwing them up into the air, to scattered behind him. While he pressed his shaft down, rolling it back and forth watched the city vanish below it.

Under his sloshing balls, dozens were squirming trying to free themselves form the fluffy bulk of his package, the paws slapping helplessly against his mass, even as those behind them, could only whimper and plea as their car hoods or homes, slowly collapsed as the giant let his ass decend, harder. And harder into the city, till with a shaking boom, their problems were silenced under hundreds of yards of horny husky.

"Ohhhhh fuck....yesss..." roared the titan, leaning forwards, his paws pushing back digging trenches into the earth behind him, as he made to lay down on the city, leaving his cock, pressing against it sandwiching his throbbing knotted shaft between it and his own fluffy belly, as his head dropped down near another city. His jaw's opening as he made a show of licking up bits of the city, hundreds of micros sticking to his tongue, as he savored them and bits of their city. Grinning as he felt all of it slipping down his throat in wet gulps his hips bucking, as he fucked the city below, all to the tune of his lustful whimpering moans, and the tiny screams of the micro nation below him. As his hips thrust back and forth, those lucky enough to avoid being crushed were now stuck, squirming helplessly against the giant's throbbing shaft, slapping, biting, and punching as best they could, helpless to do more than stimulate the giant beasts cock, as his voice boomed above them.

"Fuck....mhmmmm you bugs are too much fun to play with...Fuck...yessss harder.....Harder...Shit....Cu...CUMMMING!!!" howled the husky drool dripping from his mouth down over the mess of a city below him, those tiny bits of the city falling from his lips only accented by the hundreds of tiny bodies rolling back and forth, in the pools of his saliva, falling back down the giants throat, or slapping against his tongue before falling to be smashed against the ivory pillars of his fangs.

As the husky roared in satisfaction, spilling a white tidal wave over the city under him, flooding the rivers even as he smashed mountains under his paws, the trio in the observation room turned to run, racing as fast as they could out of the building. The structure shaking as distantly they herd the husky's taunting pick up again, and the shaking boom of his pleasurable play.

Ducking out of the buildings side entrance, Grant pulling the two children along, not daring to think what would happen if that macro caught them in such a state. It was a few yards down a path that Grant at last slowed. The children's panting whimpers causing him to halt as the little corgi's fell to their knees panting, trying to catch their breath, leaving him to look round...and as luck would have it, spot a wooden sign, pointing back towards where they came, as "micro world." However, what drew the mousy man's eyes was the second indicator...." Main building" with an arrow pointing down the path...

As the trio savored their stroke of luck, off across the park in the darkened power station Ellie was making her way down a corridor, twitching at the smallest sounds and turning to shine her light upon the dark corners, illuminating thick bundles of wires, or stern unassuming pipes crises crossing or simply turning sharply into walls, betraying nothing of what was sending shivers down the mouse woman's back.

Shaking herself Ellie padded quickly down the next hall, before reaching a wall server breakers, accented by an oversized lever off to one side, colored a bright florescent red. "Hammond I'm at the breakers." Called Elli into the walkie, looking down at the walkie in her hand, shifting from paw to paw as she looked around. Her tail flicking sharply as the woman nearly jumped out of her skin, at a distant bang. Spinning round she expected to see a monster bearing down on her...yet there was nothing.

"Ellie!" came a sudden voice as the woman nearly dropped her walkie, jerking it up to her mousy ear as she gasped an answer.

"Yes..yes I'm here." She stammered as Hammonds voice continued.

"Good good, you'll be facing a few sets of breakers, hurry and get them turned off and then on, tell me when you're finished." Came the reply, as Elli paused listening for what could have caused the sound...After a few moments she turned and began opening the doors, flicking switches while now and then glancing back around from time to time, before finishing at last.

"Done, now what?" called Ellie. Obviously terrified of being in this dark confined building f, her paw shaking hard enough that that light in paw fell a second later onto the metal floor below her, clattering around flashing its light down the hall, but illuminating just more of the black structure.

"Good, now flip the mane switch it's bright red and should be to your left." Called Hammond as Ellie's eyes turned to the switch, the mouse girl moving over grasping the lever and yanking for all she was worth. The lever grinding down, before with a loud metallic click it slid into place. No sooner was the switch flipped than the lights above Ellie's fluffy head flickered to life, a dull clicking hum ringing out as out from that point lights began to flick on one after another. Inside of the HQ Hammond watched with a wide smile as the lights flicked on all around him and the systems began to turn on.

"We are back in business." Cried Ellie happily her mousy tail flicking out like a whip, accidently sending her light clattering over onto the steel grated floor, the resulting bang causing her to eep and jump back slapping her body against a thick bundle of cords. On impact a thick black arm slapped down over her shoulder, smooth scales flexing as the hand closed hover her shirt.

Nearly screaming Ellis jerked her wide eyes round to the arm on her, the ice that had suddenly sprung up into her veins melting as she recognized it.

"Oh god... you scared me." She breathed turning, expecting to see a large black snakes face.... Instead she saw the arm abruptly ending, as it sank in between the cords she had thrown herself against. For a moment, she stood frozen, unable to breath, as her eyes moving up the arm to where black scales vanished...into a pair of bright red scaly lips. Lips, she recognized, as she took a step back, and the pipes began to part. Popping as they broke or were pulled aside by the thick red mass moving through them, the bright red draconic snout pushing out giving a short snort, of apparent enjoyment at the tickle of the pipes, slipping round her face. Next came the twin horns decorating her brow connected to a glowing golden halo resting just over her head, giving off enough light to show the teasing smile her face formed.

As Ellie watched the draconic woman's lips parted just enough for her thick reptilian tongue to slide out curling under the black snake's arm, coiling round the appendage as a deep moan, that was not her own, echoed down from her throat, as she sucked it slowly back into her waiting mouth, gulping softly, as her hot breath rolled out over the tiny mouse.

"Mmmmm perfect timing lovely... my last visitor was too tired to play anymore." came a warm motherly tone, that seemed to fill the PowerStation as Ellie looked down through the grated floor shivering as she saw the giant drake's body glowing faintly, bright golden trails outlining the massive female's curves, her tail flicking playfully below showing the floor at least six stories below, where her clawed feet rested.

"You know...its rude to ignore someone whose speaking to you....even if I am a little breathtaking.." cooed the warm voice again as Ellie squeaked turning, half tempted to run, when she saw one of the giantess's purple hands moving up onto the path ahead of her, fingers tapping against the steel easily denting it in, as she watched.


"You don't have to be so scared you know...I've been wanting to chat since we met in the lab...I'm not going to bite...yet.." breathed the dragoness as Ellie turned back to see that the drakes chin was now resting on the steel grate before her, eyes just a bit higher than her own now, the pipes behind long since torn away, along with a bit of the floor, to allow the giant to comfortably stand teasing the little girl.

" ate.." managed Ellie As the drakes red face paused before letting out a deep booming but somehow gentle laugh, that echoed through the station.

"Oh my, that must have looked me my dear...he wanted that so bad....but I'll let him out later...always do." She breathed flicking her tongue out playful in an imitation of a snake's hiss.

"He likes to sleep off our fun inside me...and he does feel so good in my belly...mmmm he's squirming now...ohhh that man does know how to please a girl." She smiled winking across to Ellie, who despite herself blushed at the draconic woman's words.

"Then you.."

"Cwria dear, I do have a name." smiled the giant glowing drake as Ellie swallowed.

"Um..Cwria, if...if your not going to hurt me...then, what do you want?"

"Well I thought that was obvious..." smiled the halo clad giantess, pulling her head back slowly as her hand moved up thick purple digits spreading out round the little mouse girl, closing over her before she could escape, pulling her down of the platform, into the lower floors, where the giant had room to move about.

"I want some alone time with you." Cooed the giantess as she pulled Ellie up towards her glowing golden eyes, her gigantic mouth opening slowly as a fat pink tongue rolled out slapping wetly to Elie's cheek, digging down her neck lapping over her sweet fur, before snaking down the front of her shirt, causing the buttons to burst out. Gasping the mousy girl felt her back arching as that thick warm tongue slipped up under her chest, giving each a firm squeeze, as Cwria's hot breath rolled down all over her panting face.

"Mmmmm so... what do you say we get to know one another?" smiled The dragoness, as her tongue slipped back, dripping hot drool from its tip, as Ellie blushed nodding slowly as her shaky hands moved up to begin unbuttoning what was left of her shirt.

"Ok.." she breathed, as Cwria carried her off into the dark, moving her up to her mouth to repeat the embrace, as bits of Ellie's clothing fell away along the path, till at the end she was standing upon the giant dragoness's palm, hugging herself against the giants lips kissing back as she ground her hips up and down, gasping each time her playmate flicked her tongue out to tease up between her furry legs.

"Uuuoooohhh mhmmm Cwria...ahhh do..don't stop.." moaned Ellie her mouth opening into a drawn out O of pleasure as the dragons tongue paused, as if toying with her. The tip gently stroking up against her naked clit, flicking it with the barest caress, before just as her toy seemed ready to begin begging, her tongue thrust up the sweet taste of mousy cum, dripping down her tongue, as she buried the tip up into Ellie's folds.

"AHHHh Fuck...AHhh's so...soooo so big.." panted Ellis struggling to catch her breath, her face dropping to see the fat tongue between her legs coiling up and down thrusting now and then, in time with the grey bulge of her belly, shifting back and forth as the giant ate her out, sending fresh eruptions of pleasure through her tiny body as she fell forwards moaning. Feeling the world around idly shifting, but not caring, as she continued to moan.

Smiling Cwria had reached her small den, the place where the power station wall had been knocked out, the dirt and stone seemingly swept away, and in its place a small sea of pilfered cushions and blankets, enough to fill the whole of the parks planned hotel.... Not that Cwria had stolen a few trucks from the parks supplies...that would be silly.

Regardless the massive multi colored dragoness was soon laying upon her self-made bed, long tail flicking as she sank her free hand down fat purple fingers slipping into her golden slit, toying with herself, even as she tongue fucked the tiny girl in her palm.

"Mhmmm,you taste divine..." moaned the giantess, shivering as she dug her fingers deeper pressing up inside her moist folds, her clawed toes curling as she let out another wet pant over her little mousy.

"Fuck...mhmm C...Cwria...not..not yet...pu...put me down...please.." she moaned biting her bottom lip and struggling to keep from cumming as she looked down pleadingly at the beautiful dragons face.

The bright golden eyes softened for a moment as her tongue slipped back, still dripping with Elli's lust, as the girl nearly collapsed into her hand, her legs like jelly as she crawled forwards giving the giant lizards lips a kiss.

"Mhmm thank you.... but I want to cum together...put me down there...I'll do better than even your fingers." teased Ellie blushing hotly under her fur. Despite what she insisted to her husband, Grant...and well most anyone this little mousy had been a young adventurous college student once...and well experimentation and all that...but with a macro...well this was not something she was going to pass up.

Despite herself Cwria's scaled face blushed, her deep red cheeks taking on a soft purple glow, as she looked down at the girl, licking her own lips at the words.

"Oh myyy...well be gentle." whispered the giantess her heart actually skipping a little bit. Being in control was just par for the course...but being told what to do...well that was something new. Soon enough Ellie was slipping from her scaled fingers with a parting kiss, as she slipped down over Cwria's panting hips, flashing a smile back over her shoulder as she slipped down. The dragoness biting her lips as she felt the dainty touch upon her scales growing closer to her throbbing golden pussy.

"What are you plAAAAAAAHHhhh oooooohhhhh mhmmm yess....yESSSSS!" roared the dragoness, her hands flying up to her own chest, grabbing the plump breasts, squeezing as her tongue lolled from her lips. Feeling the violent jolts of pleasure now rolling up through her, as Ellie slipped down onto her cunt, thick feminine cum soaking into her fur, as she slipped her hips down over the giantess's golden clit, steading herself for a moment before thrusting her hips down, gasping as she shoved over a foot of dripping ecstasy into her tight throbbing folds. The pink mousy tunnel squeezing down tightening and pulling over the giant fleshy nub, as Elli bent down her fingers digging into the sensitive flesh of Cwria's pussy as she began fucking the girl's virgin clit, her tail flicking down to coil down squeezing what little of the golden nub she couldn't shove into her mousy cunt.

"Oh mhmmm more...fuck come on Cwria..fuck me..." moaned Ellie bouncing up and down on the giantess clit, feeling the twitch and throb inside her as above Cwria's hot moaning cries, were only matched by the crashing booms of her feet and tail lashing out into the PowerStation, smashing the stone walls, and floor, as she cried out roaring with the new wonderful sensations violating her body.

"Oh close...mhmm so closs...Fuck..FUCk...more...Fuck me more Elliee!" screamed the giant dragon her mouth opening into a fresh roar, as her hips rose pumping into the air, as one hand shot down thrusting into her panting folds with wild abandon, as the first few squirts of her release shot out, splattering up over her fingers and Ellie, the little mouse slipping off her clit, and down to be caught and thrust into her folds without pause.

Gasping Ellie felt the sudden wet embrace, as hot gold flesh parted to warm wet walls of throbbing pink need, that were tightening as she slipped up, her mouth opening to cry out as her own release came. The small drip of cum lost in the river flowing round her, as she struggled to get a breath, biting down in desperation, right over the spot Cwria's claws had been trying to reach.

With a deepening roar the tunnel round Ellis tightened, and outside the power station rocked with fresh moaning eruptions, and roars, till after what felt like hours of lustful excess, Ellie felt herself slipping down...down and finally with a soft wet pop out of Cwria's slit, and onto the towering dragoness's twitching hips feeling as well as hearing the giantess's moans

"Th..that was incredible...mmmmm." Moaned the dragoness savoring the feeling. For a time, they lay there panting, basking in their recent release, till with a soft reluctant moan Cwria reached down plucking Ellie up to hang in front of her face.

"Let me need to get back to the main building..." she breathed as the mouse girl gave a small sad nod.

"I guessed as much ....well I can't have you getting squished... not if I want another" She smiled opening her mouth wide.

"Buckle up for the ride..." she breathed, as Ellie blushed seeing the pink cavernous maw open below her. Before she might have been scared. Now, well she felt a bit safer with this macro.

"Mhmm, I will, but don't think you can get rid of me that easily.... I want your number." Teased Ellie as the dragoness giggled dropping the mouse down into her mouth, and gulping her down, as she rolled over and began rising, to head off.