A Little Weirder

Story by WithFurvor on SoFurry

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#2 of A Little Weird

Christie's mother has a talk with her, Craig gets a special treat...

All characters in this story are above the age of 18. All characters are fictional.

A Little Weirder

By, Withfurvor

"Come on, let's go!" Christie pouted, her ears laid back as she grabbed her brother's paw. She was presently attempting to pull Craig towards a kiosk in the mall that sold jewelry, but Craig was quite wrapped up leering at plastic Victoria's Secret models on display behind a window.

"You're such a pervert!" Christie huffed. "I want to go look for a new bracelet!"

"You have a million bracelets already, Christie. Besides," Craig turned to look at her, pointing with his thumb at the lingerie on display behind him. "Let's get you some lingerie, you know... for your late night visits?" Craig grinned.

Christie rolled her eyes and gave another tug at Craig's paw.

"What are you talking about?" she huffed again. "Come on!"

Finally she broke away from him and headed over to the kiosk. Reluctantly, Craig followed. In his mind he was divided. With his eyes he watched his little sister's cute tail sway from side to side, and a part of him enjoyed the way her rear twitched from side to side. But another part of him was torn. Had he been dreaming that his sister had been coming in to his room at nights and sucking his cock absolutely bone dry? She always acted like she had no memory of what went on the night before, and it drove Craig crazy.

He stared at her as she solicited the kiosk attendant, having him show her bracelets of varying types and quality. Christie wanted something gold with a cute saying on it, and at first the salesman attempted to sell her a plastic yellow band that said "SLUT" on it. For a second Craig perked up, looking at the wrist band with a half cocked grin, but Christie shook her head disapprovingly. Then, Christie pointed at an item behind a small display case. It was a proper golden chain bracelet with wonderfully designed heart charms and crystals dangling off of it. It was the most expensive item at the kiosk.

"I'd like to see that one." spoke Christie.

With a skeptical smile the salesman gingerly removed the bracelet from its case. He held it up in the light so that Christie could see the sparkle of its individual crystals. Christie took it in to her paw so that she could see it better, and then she smiled coyly.

"I'll take it." she said.

'Yeah right,' thought Craig. 'Like you have that kind of money.'

But as soon as the thought came to him, Christie had already pulled out a fat wad of cash from the little purse she had dangling from her shoulder. Craig's tail went stiff behind his back in surprise. Christie began to pay the man as her older brother looked on in disbelief.

"Where did you get that much cash!?" Craig said, his draw in full drop as he ran up to his sister.

"I got it from Nunaya." Christie answered, putting her new bracelet on her wrist.

"Nunaya?" Craig replied.

"Nunaya business, Craig." Christie snickered, shaking the bracelet down on her arm and looking at it with a smile on her face. Then she starts walking "Let's go look at purses!"

"Whatever." Craig rolls his eyes, following her.


"I think he's wondering where I'm getting the money." Said Christie.

"Hm." Her mother pondered, purring as she lay naked on her bed eating from a bowl of cherries. She plucked one up and put it between her lips, pulling the stem out as she started to chew.

"What have you told him?" She asked slowly.

"I haven't told him anything." Christie replied. "I just keep going in there and blowing him like you tell me to and then I never mention it again."

"Well, no wonder he's so curious." The mother grinned, swallowing her cherry. "I only told you not to tell him I was involved. You can't just give yourself over sexually to a man with no explanation. They're too simple minded to just accept good sex, they want to know why you want them. Men are very insecure."

"Uh-huh." Christie replied noncommittally.

"I tell you what. Go have sex with him." Said Christie's mother, plucking up another cherry.

"Like full on sex?" Said Christie with only a hint of surprise. After the past few months of having these discussions and undertaking these plans with her mother she was quite unfazable.

"Yes, that's right."

"I want more money, then." Christie crossed her arms, her mother only smiled.

"Of course dear- but I want you to let him cum inside of you."

"Inside of me?!" Christie was incredulous, laying her ears back with apparent distaste. "What if I get pregnant!?"

"Oh relax, sweetie." Said Christie's mother, dangling a cherry in her fingers. "Mommy will buy you a morning after pill, of course."

"And pay me more?"

"And pay you much more, sweetie."

"Why do you want him to cum inside me? Why don't you just fuck him and let him cum inside you?" Christie complained, frustrated.

"Because sweetie. Mommy wants to drink his cum out of your pussy."

A month or so ago, Christie might have been taken aback by this. She had been shocked when her mother proposed their current situation to her. Christie had wanted a source of income and Christie's mother, apparently, was looking for a way to spice up her sex life. Christie was pretty certain her mother just enjoyed manipulating people. Either way Christie almost had enough to buy her first car.

"Fine." Sighed the younger feline. "What time is it?"

"It's 11:30." Answered the older feline.

"Well, at least that gives me some time to get ready."

Meanwhile, Craig sat in his room staring at the clock on his computer. He was already rock hard inside of his pants, stroking his bulge through the fabric as he watched a muted video of an Equine woman spreading the cheeks of her ass open so that the viewer could see the butt plug planted firmly inside of her ass. A bit lower, she was soaking wet.

"Fuck yes." Craig whispered to himself.

A muscular wolf male appeared behind the equine with his large knotted erection in his paw. He was leering down at the spread cheeks of the female, grinning widely. Slowly, he pressed the tip of his shaft against the soaking lips. He pushed forward, and soon the totality of his length was inside of her. A shiver ran down Craig's spine as he watched that long, thick wolf cock penetrate that wet, warm pussy. Suddenly a familiar knock on his door shook his paw away from the bulge under his jeans.

"It's about time," He called out to his sister, now opening the door. "I nearly came without you." Christie appeared before him, and Craig's jaw dropped when he saw her. The feline had never seen anything so beautiful in all his life. There in front of him Christie stood confidently in a pair of forest green panties with a matching bra. Soft green thigh high socks riding up her leg, she looked down on her seated brother with a confident smile.

"Y-you look awesome, s-sis." He sputtered.

"Thank you." She purred. It was the first time she'd spoken during their nightly meetings. Craig found himself intrigued.

"What's the special occasion?" He asked, his eyes alight.

"Shut up and whip your dick out." Replied Christie with a signature eye roll, she cocked her hip and rested her paws at either side while staring down at her older brother expectantly. Craig wasn't one to argue in such a situation. Quickly, he unzipped his pants and out popped his throbbing length.

Christie dropped down to her knees almost immediately, working dispassionately but efficiently. Within a moment her brother's shaft was in her maw, the warmth of her tongue and lips enveloping the twitching bulge. She purred for him, bobbing her head up and down at an agonizingly slow pace. She wanted to tease him first, for her this was the most fun.

Of course she had always liked teasing her brother. Even when they were younger she always took joy in agonizing her older sibling, so it was no surprise that she was so good at it. She pulled his shaft out of her mouth and looked up at him with her big innocent eyes. She lingered for just a moment with the warmth of her breath beating down on the head of his cock and then finally dragged her tongue from the base to the tip of his cock. A shiver ran down Craig's spine.

Faster now, Christie circled her tongue around the head of her brother's cock as she lightly dragged her mouth up and down its head. Soft slurping noises came from her muzzle, and she felt her brother's paws come to rest on the top of her head. He was pressing down slightly, trying to get more of his length in to her maw and throat. Christie suddenly tasted precum on her tongue and stopped. She licked her chops as she looked up at Craig.

"Wait." She mewled. "Don't cum yet."

Christie stood up and stretched her arms above her head, giving Craig a chance to eye her lithe body up and down. She was incredibly attractive, despite having a somewhat small chest. Her choice of knee high socks really accentuated the length of her legs, and the thickness of her thighs. Her arms dropped back down and her hair swayed as she looked at her brother with a coy smile. Then, silently, she moved over to Craig's bed and laid down on her arms and legs, her rear up with her tail swaying playfully back at the older feline.

"Cum here." She purred.

Craig was paused in utter disbelief, but not forever. Just for a moment he was immobilized by the sight of his sister's pantied rear. Those plump cheeks and the barely hidden sight of the mound between her legs left Craig slack jawed and wide eyed. Then, he stood and walked over to his bed. He crawled up behind his sister and placed his paws at her ass, smacking one cheek happily.

"Are you sure, sis?" His voice wavered.

"Do it you fucking nerd."

Craig needed no more encouragement than that. His cock was hard and he was ready, with one paw he pushed aside his sister's panties and with his other paw he guided his throbbing erection inside of her. The warmth was immediate, and he made sure to nestle his entire length inside her. He rested there with his eyes closed, gently placing his paws at either side of Christie's rear. He bit his bottom lip, the only feeling stronger than the satisfaction of his sister's hot pussy was the disbelief he felt that she was letting him do this. But he wouldn't question it.

Craig gripped Christie's hips and opened his eyes, looking down at her with a lazy smirk as he pulled halfway out and then pushed back in. She gasped softly and her walls tightened with his thrust and then relaxed slightly. Christie murred and leaned all the way down, her face pressed against the covers of Craig's bed.

"Do it harder, Craig." she pleaded.

As her brother obliged, smacking in to her backside with forceful thrusts, Christie was finding it very difficult to be as displeased with the situation as she initially thought she would be. Craig's dick wasn't half bad, he was thick enough to stretch her and long enough to almost fill her. From the way he was pumping in and out of her, she could tell he was giving it his all. Her claws dug in to the sheets, and she bit her bottom lip as pleasure shot through her body.

Meanwhile Craig was going cross eyed trying not to cum too early. If this were his one shot, he wanted his sister to enjoy it. He started panting as he felt precum shoot out in to those tight vaginal walls. He moved his paws up to Christie's shoulders, bearing down on her with more of his weight and pinning the younger feline down. She mewled and clawed at her brother's sheets, tearing at the fabric slightly as she began to lose control over herself from the pleasure. She had certainly had better sex, but something about the way Craig was throwing himself in to it was mind numbingly enjoyable.

In fact, Christie was enjoying it so much that her jaw lolled open and, as Craig thrust away inside of her, she began to drool out on the sheets. Her soft vaginal walls tightened around her brother's shaft as she felt an orgasm begin to rise inside of her, driven on by the ceaseless pounding. It overcame her slowly, that building sensation that started inside of her as a tingle somewhere in her stomach and began to build in to an explosion throughout her body. Her inner walls clamped down on her brother's shaft, driving him to the edge.

"I-I'm gonna cum!" Craig cried, his claws digging in to Christie's hips.

"Fucking do it!" Christie breathed, pressing her hips back against her brother's thrusting.

Craig leaned down low, until Christie could feel his breath on her neck, and wrapped his arms around her torso. With a frantic paw he groped at her breasts in a quick attempt to drag a little more pleasure out of this moment. Christie, incensed by her brother's pace inside of her, could barely feel Craig's fumbling movements. Finally, Craig thrust his hips against hers with all the force he could muster and Christie felt the warmth of his seed pouring out inside of her. Christie's tail curled around her brother's waist as her paws clung to the sheets she was currently drooling on. They peaked in their orgasms together, entwined as one.

Craig shivered and gasped as the last of his seed filled his sister's womb, and he struggled not to collapse on to of her. He didn't want to pull out, it was still so warm in her trembling slit, so he looked down at her for a moment. Christie was purring lightly, and looked fully relaxed with every part of her body limp. She yawned, looked back at her brother for a moment, and then snickered.

"You weren't bad, Craig."

"Thanks, sis." Said Craig, disbelief towards what had just happened creeping in to his mind. "Uh, what now?"

"Now you get off of me, stupid." Replied Christie, shoving back against him playfully.

With a wry smile Craig pulled his length out of his sister's slit, as he did his cum leaked out of her and coated the surrounding fur. Craig moved off of his sister, and Christie stood up with a stretch.

"Goodnight, Craig." Said Christie, moving towards the door.

"Are you... leaving?" Said Craig, standing up with disappointment touching his voice.

"Yeah Craig," Replied Christie quickly. "I'm not sleeping in your bed with you, I'm your sister. That's weird."

"Oh." said Craig.

Christie walked out of the room with a soft laugh, her tail whipping around the frame of the door before she closed it behind her. Craig stood there, the post orgasm haze leaving him sentimental. Honestly, he wouldn't have minded if Christie had stayed to snuggle. He fell back on to his bed with melancholy in his mind. Surely he wasn't developing real feelings- no, that would be absurd. He rolled over with a sigh, convincing himself for the moment that he was imagining things. As he drifted off to sleep, he was certain those feelings would fade by the morning.