My junior Year chapter 2

Story by PapaPolar on SoFurry

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This is chapter 2 of My Junior year. Again if your under 18 don't read this due to sexy between 2 males and all that lovely bullshit.

Im also still looking for criticism on the story and if you would please do it truthfully I would thank you. Yeah so here is chapter 2.


Blizzard Spent the rest of the class oblivious to anything around him. His attention was on Mr. C the whole class. Staring at his huge frame and watching the sexy bear walk around the room and talk. All that was said was instantly lost in Blizzards mind. All the rules, class expectations, and description of the year went right in one ear and straight out the other.

"Alright class" Mr. C said "I want you to fill out this worksheet I give you. It will be due tomorrow. This will give me a chance to get to know you better and incorporate what you like into our leaning experience."

Mr. C walked around the room handing each student the paper. Right as he handed Blizzard his paper their paws slightly touched sending a shiver right down Blizzard's spine. Blizz quickly coughed to cover it up and appear normal.

"Boys got a crush on me already and from the look of that tent in his pants he wants some of papa. Now this makes things fun" Mr. C thought to himself looking over the big polar bear.

Blizzard tried to adjust himself at the work table but had trouble. The table was already too small for him as most things were. He couldn't put his legs under that table normally and now with a bulge in his pants it wasn't going to happen. He slightly turned to the side and put his paws over his pants looking down.

" Hey man what time is it" Riley asked startling Blizz.

"Umm I have no clue" Blizzard said.

"Oh well from the look of that hand its 12" The otter coughed out laughing and looking at Blizz's pants.

"Wait, What... OH ...." Blizzard blushed flattening his ears as the blood rushed to his cheeks.

Riley was about rolling on the floor laughing when the bell rung and kids quickly rushed out the door. Him and Blizzard were the last to leave the room. As they walked Blizzard noticed Mr. C's big blue eyes follow him as he walked towards the door. He suddenly acted without thinking.

"See ya' Mr. C. Have a great day" Blizzard said as he winked at the older bear.

"You too Blizzard." Mr. C said back returning the wink.

Blizzard instantly froze and didn't know what to do. "Did he really just wink back" Blizzard thought. His mind was working quickly trying to figure out what it meant.

"Something wrong Blizzard" Mr. C said looking at bear.

"Oh Sh.... Fuc... Ummm Nothing" Blizzard said quickly running out of the room, his cheeks as red as a tomato.

"Awww Blizz has a crush" Riley said looking up laughing like a school girl.

"Fuck you" Blizz said pushing the otter aside as he started walking to his locker.

"Meet you out at your car bear" Riley shouted at blizzard as he walked down the hall.


Riley quickly jumps out of Blizzard's truck and starts to walk toward his house when he stop and turns around.

"You know I don't care how many times I see you in that truck it's still funny. Any normal person would be way too small for that truck, but you are too big for it. I could barely move all ride because I had you almost on top of me" Riley said.

"Oh so you don't want a ride anymore then" Blizzard said grinning.

"I'll shut up" Riley muttered as they walked toward his house.

The two walked into the house and went straight for the kitchen. Riley parents were extremely well off and had many nice things to show it, this huge house, a nice BMW in the driveway waiting for riley when he had his license and many small toys like nice entertainment centers. Blizzards favorite part of the house though was the kitchen. Being a bear he loved to eat and cook and this house was set up perfect for it.

"Dude let's make something. I'm fucking starving."Blizzard said as his stomach growled at him.

"You're always starving you fat bear"

"Hey. I gotta keep this belly ready for winter" He said laughing.

"Of course you do. Or you just like having it. And don't say you don't. I know you too well for that" The otter said grinning.

"Just shut up and cook us something" Blizz growled. "I'll call sage and get her over here."

"Hey if you're gonna go pick up sage pick up some pizza instead. Here is a twenty" The otter handed him the money as Blizz ran out the door and jumped in his truck.

Blizzard didn't think twice about taking the money anymore. Having Riley's family there was the best thing that happened to the bear. He spent more time there than he did at his own house now. At his real home blizzards life was more than he could handle. His parents hated one another. His father was a drunk and would never do anything but yell and scream. As for his mother she would not even look at blizz anymore after she found out he was gay. When his father found out Blizzard knew as soon as his father found out he was going to have to leave. Riley's parent's understood the situation and let Blizz stay as much as he needed. They loved him like their own.

Blizzard went over to Sage's house. Sage was a little hippy red wolf with long red hair. She was about Riley's height and was built like a runner. She hung out with riley and Blizz all the time. The three were almost inseparable and could be seen every doing something together. As Blizzard pulled up sage was waiting outside and jumped in his truck.

"Hey bear" Sage said.

"Hey. We gotta go pick up the pizza then we can go to Riley's" Blizz told her.

"Fine by me" And with that the two headed out.

On the way to the pizza place all Blizzard could think about was Mr. C. Even though this was his first time every meeting him, Blizz could just not get the thought of Mr. C. out of his head. The fact that Mr. C. winked back made Blizz happy and nervous all at once.

Sage knew something was up when the normally talkative bear was now quite. She wanted to talk to him about it but then they pulled up to the Pizza place.

Blizzard Jaw nearly hit the floor as he looked in and saw him. Mr. C. was right in the building waiting for an order.

"Hey Blizz, you ok?" Sage asked truly worried about her friend.

"..Um Yeah..." Blizz mumbled as he got out of the truck and walked into the pizza place.

Blizz's Heart was racing as he opened the door and walked in. Blizz was thinking "What do I say if Mr. C. notices me. How could he not notice me? I'm the only fucking polar bear around here. AHhhh fuck my life." He slowly walked up and stood there waiting.

"Please don't Notice me, Please don't notice me" Blizz repeatedly thought to himself. He noticed Mr. C. start to turn towards him and instantly knew that he was caught.

"Hey Blizzard" Mr. C. said starting to walk over toward him.

"Hey Mr. C. What's up?" Blizzard Managed to say without blushing.

"Oh nothing. I'm just grabbing some food for myself. I take it your doing the same" He said poking Blizz in his belly

Blizzard laughed and replied with "Yeah, just picking up some pizzas for me and a few friends. We're all just gonna hang out tonight"


"That's me Blizzard. This bears hungry" He said patting his belly "See ya" Mr. C. said lightly hitting Blizz's belly

Blizzard nearly fainted every time he felt Mr. C's large paw hit him. He wanted that Bear so bad and it was only a few hours before he met him. Blizz saw he was next in line and tore out of his thoughts and picked up his order and left with sage for Riley's again.

"What took you so long" Riley yelled as Blizz and Sage walked in setting the pizzas down on the counter.

"Oh, I ju....." Blizz was cut off by Sage

"He just was talking to his crush"

Blizzard growled softly as Riley started laughing "So you have met Mr. C too now. Ahh that's great" Riley laughed out.

"Yep. Didn't know his name but by the way Blizz looked I knew it. Plus Blizz always goes for that fat ones" Sage said giggling.

Blizzard blushed saying "He's not fat. He is sexy"

"If you count fat as sexy bear" Riley yelled back at him. "Now if you guys don't mind I wanna smoke before I eat so get over here and let's pack this."

The three friends started to walk outside onto the back porch following the otter getting ready for a fun evening.