
Story by Yuki Mynx on SoFurry

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#1 of Are you there?

Okay, I've never tried writing fiction before, so please excuse the quality. Also for those looking for a quick simple plot line, this isn't the fic for you. Anyway I presume your 18, and if your not, I suppose me telling you to go away will do little. But go away anyway! XD

Chapter 1

"Sunao Aika please to meet you."

A moment of silence descended upon the class as the young white fox, bowed his head. Someone let out a quiet giggle, and a second later a good half of the class had erupted in a fit of laughter. Sunao kept his head lowered and his light blue eyes closed tightly. "I hate this" he thought as a few students threw rude remarks at him. "What's the idiot bowing for, does he expect to be applauded for introducing himself like a jerk?" A small female mouse shouted. "Oh leave him alone" the rabbit beside her said harshly, A small hope shimmered in Sunao mind before it was shattered with the rabbits next comment. "He's one of those foreign creatures, you know" she soon began blurting out incoherent gibberish making the class erupt again with laughter.

Sunao was about to storm out of the class in embarrassment when the teacher finally spoke up. "That's quite enough" she shouted, silencing the whole charade in an instant. Sunao sighed with relief and looked up into the eyes of the spectacled parrot standing beside him. "I think you've caused enough trouble already young man, take a seat" she muttered crossly. Sunao looked at her again, slightly surprised he was in trouble for his actions, but quietly took an empty seat at the back of the class between a black wolf and a Skinny Beagle. The rest of maths was pretty dull, the wolf refused to make any eye contact with him whatsoever. But the Beagle flashed him a few shy smiles. First 5 minutes and he had already decided he disliked this school.

As the teacher left the class, the typical chatter started up. Sunao packed his gear into his bag and started to head out when the Beagle caught his wrist. Sunao looked at the Beagle questioningly, The Beagle looked away and whispered something quickly. "What?" Sunao asked as kindly as he could. It hadn't been a good morning and he didn't like his maths peers at all. The Beagle inaudibly whispered something again. Sunao shook the hand off, getting annoyed. As he turned to leave a cold voice spoke up "Sit down, all classes are taken in the same classroom." Sunao looked at the dark wolf who had spoken. The wolf was still in the same position he had been in when Sunao first took his seat. Casually leaning his head on his left paw, with his face to the window. "Oh great the arrogant know it all" he thought, Someone whispered something, and it was then Sunao realized how quiet the class had become. It seemed everyone's eyes were glued to the wolf, all except the Beagle who was still looking at him expectantly. Sunao blushed and sat back down, "Umm thanks." the wolf made no indication that he had heard.

School was finally over, and Sunao had never been in such a bad mood before. Not only was he stuck with a class he hated for the whole day. But he sat next to some anti-social dark cloud of a wolf. It was nearly depressing just sitting next to him. If that wasn't enough, the teachers here were all completely jerks, especially his PE teacher, 100 laps for not bringing his sports uniform when he'd only received his timetable that morning. His head hurt, his feet hurt and most off all his heart hurt. He'd expected a school where he could make friends, and fit in. Something he was clearly never going to be able to do at this horrid school. Sunao hesitated and then smiled, at least there was that quiet beagle. He seemed friendly enough. Sighing heavily he headed home, looking up at the sky, he sighed again, at least the air is cleaner here, he thought sullenly. Missing his life in the busy city.

Sunao sighed as he opened the font door and stepped inside, his mother wasn't home yet. Probably still out with her new boyfriend Sunao thought sullenly as he headed towards the kitchen to prepare dinner. The red circle around October the 2nd indicated it had been less then 2 weeks since his dear father passed away, and his mother was already sleeping with other men. Sunao shook his head violently as he realized he was snarling. "She's lonely" he whispered to himself. It had become routine for him to use that excuse now. Whenever he disapproved of his mothers conduct he would use his fathers death as an excuse. Suddenly loosing his appetite, Sunao looked longingly at the calendar before heading upstairs to his bare room. A single bed, with white sheets, accompanied by white blankets and a white pillow, which had recently begun to remind him of the hospital bed his father had passed away in. The only other thing in the room was a small draw where a his only other set of clothes were placed. His mother had insisted that they burn everything and start fresh, a decision Sunao had severely regretted. He found himself snarling at the thought of his mother again. And forced himself to stop. "She's lonely" he repeated as he curled up into a ball to sleep.

Voice: "Are you there?"

Sunao: "What?"

Voice: "Are you there?"

Sunao: "What do you mean?"

Voice: "Are you there?"

Sunao: "I don't understand you."

Voice: "...."

Sunao: "Wait, I'm here, come back!"

Voice: "...."

Sunao: "Wait.... please, don't go..."


Next day


Sunao opened his eyes, was that a car he just heard pull up in the driveway? He looked out his window and indeed parked in the driveway was his mothers new boyfriends Rolls-Royce. Sunao glared at the car, Wait, if his mother was home that meant..... "Crap!" He yelped as he jumped out of bed. Thinking himself lucky for sleeping in his uniform last night, he grabbed his bag and rushed down the stairs. Only to be greeted by his mothers boyfriend grinning at him. Sunao glared at the gray wolf, he despised the gray wolf greatly, sometimes he found himself subconciously planning murder. Suddenly remembering his manners he bowed his head "Good morning sir." Sunao heard the wolf smirk, "Morning kid, you look great today." Sunao wondered what he meant, but figured it was a comment on how ragged he looked. "Thank you sir, I need to go to school now, excuse me" Sunao muttered, Wanting to put as much distance between the wolf and himself he rushed out the door and sprinted down the street.

"Oh crap, I'm so late" he muttered as he ran into the 5 story building that was his new school. Remembering he was now inside, he slowed down his pace to a power walk, as he headed up the first flight of stairs. The pain in his legs were killing him, and for the hundredth time that morning he cursed his PE teacher, what occupied his mind more though were the possible comments he'd receive from his peers. The thought of skipping school for the day entered his mind as he started on the second flight of stairs. "It wouldn't be too bad then" he though. With his attention concentrated elsewhere he didn't realize the wolf until he crashed into him. With a sudden yelp he felt himself falling. Then strong arms wrap around his shoulder and waist. Strong arms that were ice cold. Sunao blinked up at the ceiling a few times, "Is this what death feels like? this cold embrace?" It seemed like an eternity before he was lifted up. "Are you okay" a cold voice asked. "Cold" he muttered, and in an instant he was released. Sunao looked up to see the dark wolf from his class hurrying away. Had he just voiced that out aloud? Without thinking he ran up to the wolf and hugged him from behind. That ice cold sensation wracked his whole body but he refused to let go. The wolf stopped, completely surprised by the gesture. Sunao involuntary held the wolf closer, the cold was unbearable. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it" he whispered to the wolf. "I didn't mean it." The wolf aggressively pushed Sunao away, "Don't lie to me" the wolf snapped turning to face Sunao. A moment passed and the wolf raised his paw. Suddenly realizing what he had done, Sunao closed his eyes tightly, Not only had he insulted the wolf, but followed it up with a lie and a gay gesture. Being hit was a small atonement. A moment passed, and then another, then something gently rubbed the side of his head, Sunao opened his eyes to look into blazing red eyes. Suddenly afraid, he closed his eyes tightly. "Were you crying?" a voice asked. Sunao suddenly opened his eyes and raised a paw to his damp eyes. Embarrassed a deep blush formed, and he turned away quickly to hide it from the wolf. Rubbing his eyes frantically he turned around to face the wolf again. "Nope, I'm fine, see" Sunao answered, trying to sound convincing. The wolf smiled a bit, "Go wash your face." He felt something warm in his chest, something which forced him to comply. Sunao turned around and ran downstairs to the restrooms. His white fluffy tail wagging happily behind him.

No wonder the wolf had laughed at him, Sunao glanced at the mirror and was surprised he'd rushed to school looking like that. His fur was a mess, his uniform was all crinkled and his eyes were red and puffy. He must have looked like a drunk. "Are you okay?" he asked his reflection trying to mimick the wolf. "Sure I look okay don't I?" He answered to himself. A smile formed on his face, here he was talking to his own reflection. But honestly he couldn't care less, a bright happy something had formed in his chest, and it simply refused to go away. It took well over 15 minutes before he was satisfied with his appearance. "I have to look my best for him" he whispered. He blushed at what he had just said "I mean I have to look decent so the class won't laugh at me, yeah that's it."

"Umm are you okay?" Sunao jumped and turned to face a young stallion looking at him questioningly. "Err umm, yeah, I'm fine, I was just err..." Sunao paused trying to think of a reasonable excuse. "I was rehearsing for a play!" he blurted out all too enthusiastically. The horse laughed "Yeah, okay buddy, whatever you say." The horse chuckled and then locked himself in one of the cubicles. Not wanting to face the stallion again, Sunao hurried out of the restroom, bracing himself for the stares and ridicule he would undoubtedly receive.

When he approached the classroom he was more then surprised to see the wolf leaning casually outside. Sunao jogged up to the wolf, his tail still wagging happily behind him, "were you waiting for me?" Sunao asked cheerfully, the feeling inside his chest seemed to have gotten bigger. The wolf looked him over a few times "You look better" and then abruptly opened the door. Sunao froze as the whole class focused their attention towards him. "You again, how many times must you interrupt my class!" the feathered math's teacher shrieked. Sunao felt himself begin to tremble, all this attention was making him nervous. "So(rry) I'm late miss" he stuttered out unclearly. "What was that young man? Are you trying to be funny?" the teacher shrieked, surely the whole school could hear her by now. Sunao felt the wolf push him lightly from behind, and Sunao suddenly felt betrayed. The wolf had only waited for him so that he wouldn't have to get yelled at by the shrieking banshee bird. "I've had enough of your disruptive behavior go see the principal this moment." Sunao's ears flattened and his tail had stopped wagging. Sunao felt the wolf push him a bit stronger this time, and he angrily made way for the wolf to enter. "Excuse me" he muttered at the teacher, as he passed by Sunao and took his seat. "Good morning Mr. Crescent" the parrot acknowledged casually. Sunao felt rage build up inside of him, how could the wolf get a "good morning" when he was getting sent to the principal? The parrot focused her attention back on Sunao "Didn't you hear me boy, I said go see the principal!" The wolf stood up again walked over and grabbed Sunao's wrist, then looked at the teacher "Excuse us" he rephrased as he dragged the bewildered Sunao to his seat.He wasn't the only one that was amazed though everyone else was staring at the wold in awe. "Umm of course, please take a seat Mr Aika." the feathered woman said reluctantly.

When a chime signaled the end of the lesson, the rabbit girl that had made fun of him on his first day, grabbed his wrist and pulled him out of the class. "What the hell was that about?" the girl asked as she glared at the bewildered fox. "What was what about" Sunao asked, although he had a good idea what she was getting at, he couldn't figure why he was being glared at with such malice. "Don't play stupid with me, how'd you become friends with Ray?" Sunao was completely taken off guard "Ray?"

"Yes, the sexy black wolf that sits next to you, you half-wit" Sunao mentally rolled his eyes, here he was being called a half-wit by a jealous bunny girl. "We're not friends, I don't think we are at least anyway" Sunao answered hoping that would calm the girl down, but it had the reverse effect. "Don't lie to me" she screeched. Sunao looked at her, was he lying? "Are we really friends?" he asked himself mentally. This was the third time this morning he'd been treated like a liar. "He's just the guy who sits next to me" Sunao said cautiously. The girl burst out enraged, "You're telling me he held your hand, merely because you sit next to him?" avoiding the question, Sunao decided to change the topic "You like him?" Sunao asked innocently. The bunny girl suddenly slapped him across the face. It took a second before he realized he had been hit. Sunao stared at the girl, but his mind was somewhere else, "Held hands?" he thought. The thought somehow made him happy. He must have smiled because the girl was now asking him if he found it funny. Sunao noticed the whole class was watching, and some of the kids from the other classes had come out to see what the commotion was about. "Yes, we are friends" Sunao answered. The flare immediately died from the girls eyes, and Sunao quietly walked past the girl as the crowd made way for him.

English was the same as Maths, the whole class kept glancing at him, only this time they were also whispering his little fight with Sarah, who he assumed was the bunny girls name. The bunny girl must have gone home, since she wasn't at her seat for the rest of the day. The wolf, which everyone called Ray, acted oblivious to the commotion that had occurred, and seemed to be deaf to the rumors that had begun to spread amongst the other students. Sunao didn't mind the attention he was getting, it was alot better then the pointing fingers and giggles he'd received the day before, but he felt a pang of guilt every time, someone mentioned the friendship he had proclaimed. He tried to talk to the wolf, but each and every attempt he made had been ignored. There was so much he wanted to say to the wolf, He wanted to thank him for that morning, apologize for declaring something without consent, and to confirm his hopes that they really were friends.

The rest of the day went quickly and uneventfully. And before he knew it, the chime went indicating the end of the school day. Sunao quickly packed up his things and swiftly left the room. He'd tried all day to get one word across to the wolf, and all day he had been ignored as if he didn't exist. "Friends? with that jerk? Yeah right." he snapped at a drink fountain, getting unusual looks form the people he passed. How dare the wolf act as if none of the events that morning had occured? Well maybe it was for the better, Sunao thought as he recalled the awkward hug. Then again, the whole morning had just been himself stuffing up, while his knight in black fur kept coming to the rescue. "Yes, it was simply a bad morning, best forgotten" Sunao shook his head as if doing so would clear his mind, and headed down the long road home.

Sunao opened the door and went upstairs to finish the maths he'd missed due to being late. He threw himself on his bed, and unpacked his maths book, throwing it off to the side. He stared sadly at his maths book. "I still need to thank you". he whined at the maths book. He only noticed how stupid he looked when the book didn't answer back. "Arggh" he growled angrily at the ceiling "leave me alone you stupid wolf." The wolf seemed to be the only thing his mind could think of. Distressed he closed his eyes and counted to ten. Something his father had often done, when something went wrong. Opening his eyes, he focused his complete attention on his maths book and opened it up to the first page. Intent on focusing on the task at hand, when a small note fell out. "Hmmm? What's this" he thought as he picked up the neatly folded paper.


Dear New Kid

My actions this morning were inappropriate and if any of

them gave you even the slightest idea that I liked you,

I apologize and ask you to consider them as nothing note

worthy. By no means am I your friend, and there is not even

slither of chance of us ever becoming friends.

Personally I dislike you, Therefore it would be

appreciated if you stop trying to make contact with me.


Sunao looked at the paper, then read it again to make sure he hadn't mis-read anything. He blinked at the paper a few times, folded the paper back to it's original state. Then opened it again. Reading through the note a third time. He spent a few minutes staring blankly at the peice of paper before he picked himself of his bed, and wandered into the shower, turned it on full blast and cried.

The fox sulkily came out of the shower, when someone knocked at the front door. Not really caring about anything, he grabbed a towel and wrapped it around himself. Still dripping wet he answered the door and was forcefully tackled to the ground. "What the?" he opened his eyes, and gasped, giving the intruder the slight second he wanted as he forcefully ravaged the trembling foxes mouth. There the wolf of his dreams was kissing him passionately. Sunao groaned blissfully into the kiss. The towel had fallen away when he had been knocked to the ground, and the wolf had taken the liberty to massage the area which seemed to be demanding the most attention. The wolf broke the kiss, and licked his bare neck, sending shivers down the foxes spine. "S-s-stop?" he managed to mutter, before the wolf developed a constant rhythm as he fondled the Sunao foxhood while lapping at the esposed neck. Sunao couldn't keep his eyes open, his body was coursing with pleasure, pleasure he'd never thought possible. "R-ray?" he stuttered. The wolf stopped his ministrations and faced the fox. Sunao frowned, the wolf still had his eyes closed. "Why are your eyes Mmmmmm" the wolf smashed his muzzle against the foxes once again in a lustful kiss. "Stuff it" he thought as he wrapped his arms around the wolf, and kissed back. Mashing their muzzles even closer together. Ray suddenly pulled back and undid his shirt, throwing it off to the side, Sunao lustfully drank in the sight before him, not bulky not slim, but the perfect spot in between. Sunao pinched a nipple and grinned with glee when Rays winced with pleasure. But his hands were swiftly pushed away, Ray grabbed both Sunao's hands and held them above Sunao's cute little head. Sunao looked at him in what he hoped was a seductive look. And was rewarded with another kiss, slightly softer then the last two, but by far the most passionate. Without warning, Ray grinded his bare body against the white foxes, elicting a yelp, which was soon replaced by a lengthy moan. The friction between his legs was becoming unbearable. "R-Ray please" he moaned, the wolf paused then grinned. Ray moved off of Sunao and for a second fear struck Sunao as he thought the wolf would stop, but was suprised when the wolf lifted his legs. Sunao whined pitifully, he felt lost without the warmth of Ray's body grinding against his own. Then without warning extreme pain shot through Sunao's body as his rear was penetrated roughly without any warning whatsoever. "RAY stop!" the fix screamed but the wolf paid no attention to the foxes desperate screams. "Ray it hurts, please" he sobbed as the wolf grunted in pleasure. Tears welled up in his eyes, "it hurts" he muttered, he felt something leaking out of himself, but Ray hadn't come yet, so it wasn't hard to figure what it was. Plus the air was slightly scented with the metallic odour of blood. Despite the pain, Sunao smiled, "at least he notices me." Just as the thought entered his mind the wolf stopped his actions, and pulled out. Sunao looked up wondering and yet fearing what the wolf would do now. Red eyes stared into his own blue, for a second, he was glad the wolf was looking at him, but the joy immediately vanished as an emotion was conveyed. "Sorrow? Ray what's wrong?" Sunao cried desperately as the wolf drew back. Shaking his head slowly the wolf turned to leave. "Wait! Ray!" The wolf ignored his pleas and vanished. Rain poured down heavily on his body, which refused to move. "Ray come back, please." Sunao cried louder as he could no longer see head nor tail of the wolf. "Don't leave me, please" he whined pitifully. "Please, I don't want to be alone" he trailed off, as he fell unconscious.

Sunao opened an eye. white tiles? His face was pressed against something cold, and water was gushing all around him. He opened the other eye and figured he was still in the shower. "Ray?..." Sunao stood up, and turned the shower off. There was no answer, "Oh, it was only a dream" he said sadly to his reflection, as he toweled himself off. He looked at the mirror again, and a tear escaped his eye, a part of him wished the dream had been real. "I can't even have him in my dreams, I hate you reality" he whispered at his reflection, then ran to his room as he cried himself to sleep again.