Graduation Celebration Indoctrination

Story by delta9 on SoFurry

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An RP / Story by myself and SSJ3Mewtwo Enjoy!

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"Graduation, graduation, graduation!" the mewthree thought, giddily. The mantra was buzzing through the mind of the tall and scaley hybrid, and repeating it incessantly was putting a bounce in his already-springy step as he skipped down the market streets. Fortunately, the crowds had lightened by now and the mewthree's peppy mood didn't result in anyone getting popped by an errant tail-swing.

Daniel, the mewthree doing the bouncy and happy stroll, had just finished with the last of his courses. With his finals finished and passing grades locked in he was feeling the celebratory mood of the coming graduation ceremony well before it was scheduled to occur. Freedom and accomplishment ran through his system like a drug; the need to party just couldn't be contained. Earlier, the 'three's buds had all bunched up on a train-car and together they'd hit the town (the bars, to be specific) without much regard to their livers or their wallets. But when everyone who didn't weigh over 300lbs had called it quits, Dan had just been in the mood to keep the celebration going solo.

The street he was toddling down with a lot of energy and a bit of an unsteady waver was the avenue to the red-light district. Celebration was one thing, but once the idea of a 'happy ending' to the night had gotten in his head it had taken a near possessive hold of him. His bank account wasn't full enough to afford any of the really high-end and exotic places, but he'd be perfectly content with ending the night wherever he could afford and with whoever had an interest in accommodating his species.

Time seemed to flow unsteadily as he walked toward the still-bustling brothels; seconds ticked by sluggishly, but somehow the minutes seemed to vanish. Though it might just have been the lingering effect of the previous night's partying, this part of town felt different somehow, disconnected. The buildings were quite close together, and the smell of alcohol, perfume, ganja, and incense mixing in the heavy, hot air gave the neighborhood a feeling that was both unpleasantly claustrophobic and pleasantly womblike at the same time. All around, the businesses of ill-repute beckoned, with bright neon signs and live, lusty hawkers. Just inside one such establishment, a trio of voluptuous vixens gyrated around two golden poles placed tantalizingly close to the outer windows. Another advertized massages with 'happy endings' from burly, busty bear-women, while others mentioned smooth-scaled lizard-boys and soft-furred tiger-girls. Like a beacon shining in the smoky darkness of the night, the nigh-legendary 'Golden Gates' was the most heavily patronized place of prostitution, though the only thing more impressive than the white-feathered guys and girls there was the bill you'd have to pay to enter.

Even at this late hour, most of the brothels were packed with recent graduates; the 'three even recognized a few of his colleagues at distance. Sadly, only a few darker, less-reputable establishments looked like they were still accepting customers and were within his wallet's wherewithal. The crowding around the high-end places did a bit to take away from the kink in the mewthree's step. He'd really wanted to swing into one of the popular and well-known establishments before graduating and beginning his search for gainful employment. But based on the costs and the crowds ...that just wasn't in the cards.

Daniel miffed it a bit, but his ability and willingness to discriminate for taste had been reduced by hours of carefree partying and the alcohol in his bloodstream. He let a few passing glances in through the windows of course, and some of the looks the teasing employees flashed back at him got his internal member to heat up a bit. But he walked his way past them, deeper into the district. He was, admittedly, bargain hunting. He didn't know what he'd find, but he had time to search it out. Since he wasn't even scheduled to move out of the campus dorms for another two days, if he passed out in a gutter sometime during the night there wasn't going to cause much of a fuss come morning.

The mewthree came to a dimly-lit intersection and watched a few scantily clad students pass by on their way to the main avenue, taking note of 'advertisers' along his way. Their services looked plain, tame, conventional; he passed them all up. This night was supposed to be adventurous; he wanted to see what was off the beaten track, something that looked and felt just 'safe' enough to trust his body to. He left the street and took one of the narrow side streets, travelling by instinct. It was liberating to let his impulsiveness and hormones guide his way.

The side-street was too small for car travel, but even it sported the smells, sights and sounds of sex for sale. On the doorstep of a closed tattoo parlor, a youngish fox-woman and an iguana lady with pink-blushed cheeks were panting heavily as they made out and three furry fratboys cheered them on. Just past them, an old rhino was selling dogs and brats from a sliding window above two brothels, filling the street with the rich smell of cooking meat. Across from them on the other side of the sidewalk, a serpent wearing a massive trenchcoat was trying to look inconspicuous, nervously rummaging through the many pockets of his garment and giving every passerby a wary glance.

Daniel noted there were four brothels on the street. One of them was guarded by a rather mean looking polar bear and announced- in no uncertain terms- that it only served mammalian males. Across from that, a black-lit threshold guarded by a vicious-looking, one-eyed Komodo led into an establishment that announced- in equally unambiguous terms- that it exclusively served cold-blooded clients. The others were located under the food vendor; the one on the left was decorated with bright, colorful lights and called- rather mysteriously- 'Mr. Merlin's Mansion of Magic', while the one on the right was unnamed. Only a series of neon-pink hearts and arrows leading down at a steep angle even indicated that it was there.

"Alright, this here...this calls for that Marketing class I went through. If I'm gonna spend money I wanna get the best bang for my buck." Daniel said to himself. The logic behind his thoughts was a bit on the drunk side of things, but you couldn't deny there was some logic in them. Two of the options he had weren't really options. Sure, he was a hybrid and maybe he could get away with one of the two exclusive joints. Maybe. He had a bit of mammal in him, and a bit of reptile in him. But he didn't like the thought of his night of fun being ruined by either of the bouncers, who might feel he didn't have enough blood of one species or the other. He didn't mind waking up in a gutter but he certainly *did* mind the idea of waking up with a black eye or (looking at the komodo) blood poisoning.

So, what other options were there, and what were the positives and negatives to them?

The magic place had an eye catching name, and it got points in the advertising area as well; even though it was off the beaten track it made itself pretty visible. Furthermore, the sign had lots of pinks and blues, so it didn't really seem to focus on just masculine or just feminine stuff. Looked like it might be a good deal, and he got a nice vibe from it. He was a mewthree, after all; he picked up on stuff like that. It tugged at his extra sense- and his groin- but that could have just been all the pheromones in the air.

In comparison....little hearts and arrows, and that was it.

Given what effort the competition offered, Merlin's it was. They might not be in the best location, but they seemed to have their act together when it came to being appealing. Daniel crossed the street, sprayed a bit of breath freshener into his mouth, and opened the establishment's door, ducking his taller than average head under the frame.

Just past the slightly small doorframe was a set of creaky, wooden stairs that descended down for an indeterminate distance. It was winding and dark, illuminated only by glowing green stars, blue moons and a winding length of lights that had been duct-taped to the ceiling. The lack of handrail and the small steps might have made it difficult to negotiate for someone less dexterous or more inebriated, but the only real concern for the mewthree was how cramped he was.

But once he had successfully navigated the stairwell, the interior of the brothel was something else entirely. It opened up into a large, air-conditioned foyer, lined with plush black sofas and furnished with expensive-looking ebony tables. Daniel couldn't help but notice that atop one of the tables sat a set of thin glasses and a complimentary bottle of cognac easily in the hundred dollar range. A flowing, smooth, ovoid, obsidian reception desk sat far back in the room, staffed by a pair of red-clad naga-women. They wore matching headsets and cool, professional smiles, greeting the 'three with unblinking looks that suggested his presence was either quite welcome or had been expected. Maybe both. The only noticeable nod to the mysterious Mr. Merlin was a silver-framed portrait hung above the desk, which displayed a youthful cobra-naga bowing. He was pulling a busty, smiling bunny-girl out of a cake in the shape of a huge black hat.

"I either hit the jackpot here," Daniel thought, as his heart sped up from looking over the employees greeting him, "or I'm not down streets that are dark enough yet." The bottle of the cognac was probably made of crystal, judging by the glimmer of the low lights on it, and was likely aged and aged and aged, judging by its dark amber color. You didn't- you couldn't- have liquor like that sitting out in the open unless you had some serious cashflow going through a business. It was a little dollop of liquid luxury, and it intimidated the mewthree a bit.

But man, it made things tempting too. He was torn a few ways about the place. He wanted to leave, and save himself the inevitable embarrassment of being kicked out of a place outside his class... but he really, really, really didn't want to go back through that door. He felt almost rooted to the location by his wang. The naga ladies he was looking at were gorgeous, every bit the sensuous and graceful type their species was known for. They looked good, they smelled good (hell, the whole place did. Everything was laced with the tinge of sexual excitement, incense, and something else he couldn't place.), and they didn't even look slightly off-put at the appearance of a college-age hybrid at their doorstep.

Daniel gulped, a bit nervously. One of the receptionists flashed a glance at him with her deep, black eyes, following with a fanged smile that hinted at potent, almost predatory sexuality. It looked like they were waiting for him to say something, rather than look around like he'd been caught with his hand in the rare-candy jar. Daniel felt, almost foolishly, like he'd just been appraised by the serpent's eyes and found wanting. It actually added a bit of thrill to the whole thing. It made him wonder just what kind of info she'd drawn from him in that calculating glance, considering he knew he looked every bit like the party-going college student that he was. Unlike the designer dresses the naga-ladies wore, Daniel was clad in simpler garb. His shirt was a fairly standard black tee, cut to fit his shoulders and chest-plate and emblazoned with a splatter-patterned black and white pokeball outline. He didn't bother with a belt or the like, favoring chef's pants that had extra cargo pockets, held around his waist and tail by a draw-string.

"Uh, good evening..." he started, a bit uncertainly. "Are you.. open for business?" He kicked himself a bit after speaking, 'cause wow, that sounded like a newbish way to get things rolling.

One of the naga-ladies slithered closer, her tongue flickering in the cool air with quiet, feminine grace as she appraised him. The mewthree could almost see his reflection in her smooth, glossy teal-green scales. "Why, yes we are." she announced, tapping the side of her headset with a single, black-painted claw. "Did you have an appointment, sir? Or are you a walk-in? I have to warn you, we've been quite busy this week. It might not..."

As she speaks, the other naga-girl is whispering something into her headset. She speaks so softly all Daniel can make out is sibilant hissing and the sound of gentle tapping. He can see a few high-definition touch-screen computers built into the recessed back of the reception desk. She leans over and whispers to her colleague, so close her forked tongue flickers against the other naga's muzzle. "Myr... I think we might have an opening in five minutes. Mr. Blacke is going to be done early."

"Oh...Well...That's good to hear." He tried to smile a bit more, and look a bit more on the relaxed and less awkward side. Not looking like a rich man or a serpent, he had half-expected to be kicked out. "Do I just wait here?"

The serpent-girl responded with a half-laugh so soft and reserved that it was hard to be offended by it. "Yes, please; make yourself comfortable. Pour yourself a drink if you like; we have scotch, brandy and port wine in the back if you don't care for cognac. She continued, raising one clawed finger into the air like a teacher warning an overactive student. "But first... I'm going to need some basic information."

As if by magic, she produced a form and slid it across the smooth table. It was surprisingly heavy for a piece of paper, typed out in bold, neat black letters. Most of the information requested was basic- name, age, occupation, height, weight and such... but some of the questions were downright strange. Favorite subject in grade school? Best friend's name? Most common breakfast? How often do you remember your dreams, and what are they usually about? There were even a few blank spaces, simply titled 'Patron Request' and 'Other'. The lack of prices was one very intriguing omission from the otherwise comprehensive form.

The mystique of Merlin's was doing more and more to draw Daniel into the place and keep him there but there were things about it that, on their own, he'd have been turned off by. His wallet was something he was concerned with, and the lack of pricing at such an upscale place just didn't make sense. Then there was the isolation of the business. Down that long stairwell, he couldn't even hear the sounds of the street down. And he recalled that the place hadn't directly advertised any particular service outside. He'd come down because it seemed to offer the possibility of something he'd like. didn't have a bad feel, despite those issues. It felt hard to place, but not bad.

The naga-lady gave Daniel a polite frown, apologizing for the minor inconvenience. "I wouldn't worry too much about the paperwork... your personal attendant will ensure your needs are *completely* satisfied."

Daniel sat down on the couch to begin filling up the form. The couch practically swallowed up the mewthree's heavy body as he sat down on it, soft and yet supportive after the first few pillowy layers were squished down. It didn't take him long to take care of the basics like name, weight, species, and some of the more unusual entries that he felt comfortable with. Under 'Other' he noted that he had a bit of empathic talent, and instead of listing his favorite breakfast food, he just noted down 'Graduating from culinary school, and I love all kinds of foods at any time of day.' But while he was jotting down all that, surreptitiously eyeing the bottle on the table and puzzling over the sleight of hand the hostess(ssss) had displayed, a question popped to his mind.

"Is this... like an inner city retreat, or something like that?" He asked the closer receptionist, before giving in to a bit of temptation and pouring himself a splash of potent-smelling cognac. "I've just... it's a bit different than the rest of the street shops. I almost missed it walking by, and you've got a unique set-up here."

Without missing a beat, the naga replied- almost like she had expected the question. "We cater to special needs... needs that other places of business cannot quite fulfill. Needs that are... unique. Special. Sometimes, needs that you don't even realize you have, needs that are so well hidden that they sit and fester inside your psyche like a wound. Or if you prefer, like a buried treasure. We specialize in helping people dig them up... and then fulfill them." she said, giving a wistful sigh, as if she spoke from firsthand experience.

Daniel, writing as the snake spoke, was discovering an unexpected catch to sitting in such a soft, plush, and comfortable couch. It made it very difficult to hide his growing arousal and temptation. It sunk down so much that it left his hips somewhat forward, and the back squished so far and so comfortingly that it almost seemed like the male was offering a lapdance to anyone walking past. In that somewhat-awkward position, the effect of the serpent's words and the ambiance of the brothel was getting harder to fight. He had to hold his slit tightly closed before the she-snake started speaking. But when he took a sip of the spirit offered to him and listened to her sibilant voice describe the establishment's services he really had to clamp down hard.

The naga smiled at Daniel, taking careful note of his reaction. The soft, sweet smell of perfume and the pungent bite of cognac fills the air, and the recessed monitors throw a hazy, artificial glow on her smooth, scaly snout. It wasn't exactly romantic, but every atom of the strange brothel seemed to seep sexuality. Just behind her, past a set of black-velvet curtains, the back rooms beckoned. That simple, thin portal promised so much...

Something- or not just something, but everything- about this place made Daniel eager to drop his inhibitions and give in to the things the she-snake was hinting about. The pull he'd felt on the street-level wasn't just touching on his groin, leading him along by one single-minded head. It was playing on his consciousness as well. And... he liked it. Whatever else happened tonight, he was feeling good about his choice of venue. He had no clue what sort of possibilities he was going to come across here or how much they might cost, but it sure got his heart beating. His hand had a bit of a tremor to it as he handed the sheet back to the female, an expectant smile on his face. "Well...I suppose I'm sold. My name's Daniel, by the way."

"And I am Myr; it's a pleasure to meet you, Daniel. That's a cute name, by the way..." the receptionist said, smiling back at him with absolute sincerity. She leaned her upper body over to gently take the filled-out form from the 'three, and he was able to get a nice view down her tight, black top. Her breasts were small but firm and smooth, covered in the same shape of glossy scales that ran down her lithe neck. But strangely enough, it was hard to slip away from her eyes to gawk. It was so easy to get lost in those black, bottomless beauties...

The other receptionist interrupted with a gentle cough, patting Myr on her shoulder. "The room is ready." she announced, smiling politely.

"Ah... please follow me, Daniel." Myr said, slipping herself around the reception desk without breaking eye contact. She gently parted the black-velvet curtain for him, standing on top of her coils just next to the broad entrance.

Inside the hallway, old oil paintings hung next to muted high-definition television sets. Subtle, soft lighting sent just enough of a glow down from the ceiling, while silvery-bronze candles mounted in the walls provided warm ambiance. Even the doors were made of rich, polished, heavy oak... and locked with subtly-hidden keycard readers. There were so many smells billowing from the hall, it was hard to tease them all out. The perfume of the scented candles and incense seems to mix with something sweet and cloying wafting through the air from strange-looking air fresheners. It was tinged with something potent but subtle, an animalistic musk. Though the omnipresent air conditioning kept everything pleasantly cool, it made the air feel thick and heavy.

To Daniel, the appeal of the place was just building, bit by bit, bound by bound. The two hostesses had him absolutely enraptured. He'd only spent a few minutes in their company, but already he didn't want to stop being around them. They had an arresting and exotic appeal that he hadn't picked up off anyone, naga or otherwise, before. He knew a few nagas from school, but they didn't hold a candle to these beauties. And the feel of Merlin's... he just couldn't place it. The exotic and isolated nature of it sucked him in and wouldn't let go. Other brothels made their aim clear and their business obvious. But this said the exact opposite. It said that what happened behind the curtain was special, just for the patron to know about. It was a private indulgence that no one else would interfere with.

Daniel followed behind the sinuously-slithering beauty's tail, watching her hips sway with each wave of coil and getting more and more eager to find out just what experience his servitors had waiting for him. He was well beyond expecting just a romp in a bed now. There was a slight fog building in his mind, placed there by the glimmer in the snake's eye and amplified by the heady scent in the air that made him expect that almost anything was possible at this point.

It also made him fail to notice that even though a room had been announced as open, there hadn't been a guest leaving the hallway and returning to the street looking satisfied.

She led him further down the hallway and past another curiously empty foyer, this one with a grand piano sitting inside an artificial pond. A half-circle of waterfall fed the pond, and it wasn't exactly clear how anyone could reach it without getting wet. Yet another of Merlin's mysteries?

When the attendant finally stopped, the two of them were just outside an otherwise unremarkable wooden door. With a deft flick of her hands, she swiped the nearby reader with a solid black card and an audible click announced it was unlocked. "Go in. Your attendant will be right along..." the naga said, with a naughty smile. She opened the door with the tip of her tail, slowly revealing the interior.

The inside of the room was small and austere but quite stunning. A large bed covered in black-velvet comforters and lengthy pillows occupied the middle, raised off the floor so that it was at knee-height for the mewthree. The floor was soft and springy, padded with a rubbery substance than felt like walking on stress balls. A broad, gilded, ceiling-to-floor mirror sat in front of the bed, and more of those strange looking air fresheners were located in the corners of the ceiling. Lighting was provided by four white, blocky candelabras that looked like modern art pieces. On close inspection, Daniel could see that most of the walls had cabinets and drawers built into them, though he could only guess what they held.

"I do hope to ssssee you later... have fun." Myr added as she left. Her tongue flickered so close to Daniel's face that he swore he felt a drop of sweat vanish from his nose.

"Oh, I'll definitely give you a good-bye after this..." Daniel replied, trailing off a bit. An almost dreamy smile settled upon is face, and a shiver traveled down his spine when the serpent's tongue flicked gently across his scales. The plushness and opulence of the room's inside just sucked him in, and begged he close the door behind him for privacy.

The lighting overhead came from different angles, dispelling any shadows, and ensuring everything in the room received an equal share of the diffuse illumination. The mirror, he noticed, reflected the bed perfectly. Whoever was on the bed would be treated to a perfect view of themselves, their partner, and the action as it went on. Daniel had to think back for himself that...he'd never done that. He'd never even done videos with any of his partners. He hadn't even begun anything experimental here, and it was already obvious that something very new and very special was going to be going down. And the bed itself...Daniel trailed a scaled fingertip across the surface of it, feeling the smoothness of the sheet and pillows, the softness and comfort they promised, the warmth....

The warmth?

He pressed his palm on the sheet a little more, moving it along. Indeed, the bed was... warm. Almost body temperature; if not exactly that, maybe even a little higher. Was it electrically heated from below? Maybe steam? What would it feel like to lay on something like that? Actually, was he supposed to lay down here and now? Was he supposed to get undressed and be ready? Or was he supposed to wait a bit?

Without anything happening inside the room save the faint flickering of the candlelight, it was hard to tell how long he thought and waited. The strange smell inside this room was far more potent than the faint odor in the hallway, likely because it was a smaller, enclosed space. It smelled a little like sweat and sex. Like a tight pair of running shorts worn by a monitor-girl after a long and hard jog, mixed with the smell of a snakeman's boxers after an evening of pawing. It was cloying and heavy, but sweeter and cleaner than the authentic aroma.

Daniel had begun to settle himself on the edge of the bed, a little still on the nervous side even with his arousal on a steady incline. The warmth of it had an almost infectious feel to it. It went right through his clothes, soothed and relaxed his large thighs with a gentle heat, and even worked its way into his long tail, splayed out behind the 'three on the mattress. Combined with the atmosphere (both mood and intoxicating scents), it was enough to make time slip by, and for Daniel to be tempted to let his instinct take over a bit more, letting his member slid just a bit free of the home it was so eager to escape. It made a slight, probably not even noticeable bulge, poking at his fly.

After an indeterminate amount of time passed, there was a sharp rap at the door. It swiftly, silently slid open, and into the room slithered a brown-scaled cobra male. He wore a smug grin on his muzzle, along with a serpent's half-tuxedo and a narrow, tall top hat. If this wasn't Merlin himself in the scales, it was someone trying very hard to look like him!

"Why, good evening ssssir!" the cobra announced with a low bow, nearly touching the mat-like floor with his muzzle. "How are you doing?"

Though the rest of the serpent was still slithering into the room, he stands nearly a foot below Daniel and doesn't possess anything like the mewthree's formidable physical features. But his presence was truly magnificent; he exuded an almost effortless, arrogant aura of command, mixed with the diffident grace of a master host. His fanged smile was bright and beaming; his eyes practically lit up with mirth while he sized up his guest. But despite his boisterous manner, the cobra's emotions felt controlled, guarded.

The mewthree surveyed the room's new occupant a moment, his hormone and cognac-slowed mind not quite processing everything until a few critical switches flipped. "Things are f..." he had begun to reassure his host that things were fine and dandy, but then just who he was looking at hit. "Whoa, whoa, whoa..." He sat up a bit straighter in bed, genuinely caught off guard. "You.. this is your place, isn't it? Why're you here?!"

As Merlin (probably?) bowed down, his top-hat fell off onto the floor in front of Daniel, landing so that the brim was facing upward. The cobra let out a hearty laugh at the 'three's reaction, his hood shaking as he settled onto his looped tail. "Oh-ho! Indeed it is! What's a show without a host? You can't have magic without a magician!" he announced, with a few grandiose gestures of his arms.

The cobra naga leaned down and plucked a piece of paper from out of his hat's surprisingly voluminous depths. It looked a lot like the introductory form that Daniel had filled out at the desk. He began to pour over it, rubbing his muzzle thoughtfully with his tail and pausing every so often to laugh to himself or share a knowing smile with his guest. "Now, let's see what we have here... hmm... mmmh... yes, yes... good! Two for the naughty box and three for the nice... yes! You're perfect!" Merlin crumpled up the paper with a few brisk sweeps of his hands, forming a perfectly spherical shape. He then threw it to the ground with a quick, smooth motion; the paper popped when it struck the floor, turning into a cloud of sparkling, golden dust that slowly settled over the bed and the 'three.

The naga paused and cracked his knuckles before speaking again, slowly and calmly this time. His sibilant voice hung in the heavy air, flowing like honey over the mewthree's ears. "So... Daniel... tell me... what is your *greatest* fantasy?" he asked, his unblinking gaze fixing on the other like black, slitted floodlights.

Daniel couldn't keep a smile off his muzzle at the display, however baffling it was. It was something he expected out of Vegas, not a red-light district in a college town. It even got him to laugh a little as he held his arms out and looked at the glitter that had gotten everywhere. What was going on made almost no sense short of the snake keeping in-character, but it drew the three into the swing of things, even as he felt his cheeks heat up with a blush that was hidden by his scales.

"Well... since you're the owner... are you going to tell anyone else anything I say? Or does what happens here stay a secret here?" Daniel was clearly tempted to divulge, but he had that extra nagging of caution he wanted assured away first.

"Perish the thought, my dear boy, perish the thought! I'd never do such a dastardly deed to one of my dear clients." the cobra said, patting the 'three's knees with his hands. They were lukewarm, but the snake's smooth palmscales actually felt sort of nice as they slid across Daniel's smaller black ones.

"Let me tell you, I like to fulfill fantasies. It's my calling; my life's work. Why, the self-inflicted sexual repression most people live with is a damn cryin' shame!" Merlin said, shaking his muzzle mournfully. The cobra pulled a handkerchief out of his tuxedo pocket, lightly dabbing at his dry eyes before throwing it up into the air. Mid-air, it appeared to undergo a startling metamorphosis, turning into the very same piece of paper Daniel had originally filled out! The heavy piece of paper gently drifted downward, landing square on the 'three's lap.

Merlin's eyes fixed Daniel's again, as he addressed his guest in a soft, sing-song voice. "Sssso... let yourself go. Let Merlin take care of you, my big, strong poke-mon..."

For some reason, looking at the cobra's eyes makes him feel *heavy*. Not tired- sexual arousal had quite overtaken the nagging need for sleep- but like moving would take way too much time and energy. The lethargy wasn't the only aspect of the cobra's gaze that drew Daniel to say what he did. It was a part of it, sure. Anyone who's been tired, drunk, or just very relaxed has felt their inhibitions uncoil like a loose string. Daniel was already a bit of all three and he'd been semi-aroused since setting his two-toed feet in the door.

But he was an empath; a trait carried on through his species line. He could tune in to what others around him felt. He could feel what Merlin was feeling now, and aside from the draw of the naga's eyes, he felt *earnestness*. He genuinely wanted to know what the mewthree hybrid before him liked, he *cared*. That honest interest sparked Daniel to be open as he settled down. If the emotion had been fake he might have clammed up, shaken off the effects of the scents in the air and that wonderful drink and gone back to the street above. But instead, Daniel began to talk. He rubbed a hand in a palm nervously, broke the snake's inquisitive gaze, and felt cheeks heat up with nervous expectation, but he spoke nonetheless.

"I...Well...I...I dunno what kind of...fantasy I've ever been stuck on. I just...I've always had things I've really, really liked. Even before I hit puberty. Like, I'm an empath. So when I'm with other people I like it..." the naga's eyes caught his again, and Daniel felt his wording promptly change. "I love it when everyone around me feels good. Like... when no one's off-put by there being a hybrid around them. Or when everyone's feeling relaxed and satisfied, and I pick up on all of that...I never feel better than that.

"And that kinda follows me into the bedroom too," Dan almost couldn't keep looking at the snake as he added that on. It was just so personal that he almost couldn't say it aloud, but in this odd environment he felt like he could be honest.

"When I'm with someone in bed...I like...I love tapping into what they're feeling. I like knowing that I'm doing what a girl likes, instead of just what I want. I guess I'm a bit of a giver that way. I like... just letting go. Not worrying about school, or work, or... well... even about me. As long as I'm making someone else feel good, I pick up on that, and that makes me feel good too." He paused a bit, letting the heat in his cheeks fade away before meeting the snake's gaze again. "Does that make sense to you? I know it's vague... but that's the best way I can put it."

Merlin listened to the mewthree with a mysterious but maudlin smile on his muzzle, the grin growing ever-wider as Daniel continued. "Oh, Daniel, Daniel, Daniel... I think you'll feel *perfectly* at home with ssssuch selfless sentiments." the snake spoke, accidentally slipping into a bit of a hiss. "Sssso many people come to these establishments- even mine- and expect to be served like a tyrant of yore! They don't understand that prostitutessss are people too... they have needsss and desires of their own. *I* understand; it's why my business is so successful."

Merlin reached over, and softly rubbed Daniel's knee. Though the cobra was affecting an avuncular advance, the feel of scale-on-scale was strangely charged, almost electric; "I think I can do ssssomething for you, my dear boy. But firsssst... I must accept a small guarantee from you. Are you willing to... experiment? Try something... some might consider... sssstrange?"

As the cobra's big, heavy, slitted eyes met his, Daniel could feel, could *sense* the eagerness in the other. It was almost like the cobra was trying to stifle a laugh.

Daniel hadn't just felt ridiculously embarrassed by what he'd been saying, he'd actually been hoping that sentiments like his wouldn't have disappointed the cobra- and they hadn't! Merlin hadn't thought him weird at all! It fact, the cobra's words sent his heart beating faster. The host had something special in mind, something interesting, something mysterious and unusual. And the mewthree just couldn't stop himself from speaking when Merlin made the offer. He'd been confronted by the unexpected at every turn tonight, and to be frank it was getting him more and more excited. This was just one more surreal and almost teasingly different moment in the course of the evening and he didn't want that to end. Daniel figured that, at that moment, he'd just go with the motto: 'Go big, or go home.'

"If you've got something in mind that you think I'll like, and whoever else you've got involved is gonna like, sure. Go all out," he agreed, smiling and looking back into Merlin's eyes.

Merlin's smile practically beamed warmth over Daniel the second he acquiesced, and the cobra gave a chuckle halfway between bemusement and something almost... malicious? No, not that malevolent. More the mirth of a master prankster at work.

"Excellent, ssssuperlative!" the snake said, giving the 'three a soft, friendly slap on his back. "I shall go ensure that the preparationssss are in order. Why don't you make yourself... 'comfortable'? It shan't take more than four or five minutessss."

Slithering towards the door, the snake paused as he turned the knob, his whole body in motion even as his head held still. "Thank you for choosing to visit my house of pleassssures; I know that your experience will be worth the time. I guarantee it!"

Merlin left quickly after that, a soft laugh still rumbling through his voluminous body as he exited. The strange heaviness in Daniel's arms and legs slowly began to fade, though oddly the tingling feel from where the snake touched him continued to linger on. The scent coming from those odd-looking air fresheners seemed to change the moment Merlin left. Though the almost-sexual musk was still there, it was tinged with a fruity, sweet odor. Like raspberry ice cream, or a cold glass of pink lemonade. Images of summer refreshments suddenly danced through Daniel's head, along with thoughts of bikini-clad beauties lounging next to cool swimming pools.

It had to be the anticipation and tension that had been welling within his chest that made his arms and legs feel so tight, Daniel assumed. His heart was still just beating right along, keeping that expectant pace going even after the naga had left. It was the swirl of possibilities going through his mind that did it, he knew. The snake's touch, his uncanny character, and the incredible feel of the brothel had him wondering just what he'd set himself up for. The more he thought about it, the more worked up he got.

He stood from the edge of the bed after Merlin had left, letting his legs and arms stretch a bit to work the odd tension in them out. He also stood because ideas kept running through his mind about just what could be coming. Should he get undressed now? Or was he supposed to wait and let his suitor do it? Should he be in the bed just waiting for them? Or... this was supposed to be something unexpected and different, so maybe just waiting in the bed wouldn't be 'different' enough.

Daniel cast a look to the door, almost surreptitiously, then back to the mirror on the bed that was just at an angle he could see himself in. It surprised him just how tense he looked, considering this was supposed to be relaxing and enjoyable. He was holding one hand with the other, tail curled around in-front of him, and damn, he looked almost scared in the face.

The mewthree shook himself, let his tail swing back to a more natural and lax drape over the floor, letting out a pent up breath. Whatever was going to be happening, it certainly wouldn't be anything bad. And that was almost like what he'd been sub-consciously preparing himself for. Like a fight-or-flight response had been kicking in for some reason. That wasn't what the night was supposed to be about. He was supposed to be letting things go and enjoying whatever this place had to offer, not getting ready to resist it, or end up being a disappointment to whomever was going to be entertaining him. He settled onto the bed, looking towards the door expectantly, forcing himself to relax and enjoy the ambiance and scent of the room instead.

There was a short knock on the door, a rapping that so soft it was as if the person making it objected to creating even the smallest disturbance. A second later, the door slid open and in slithered a female snake.

Daniel recognized her instantly; it was Myr, the naga who had first greeted him at the desk. She was now clad in a tight black half-dress that perfectly accentuated her small, reptilian breasts.

"Why hello again, Daniel..." the snake said, giving him a flirtatious, come-hither smile as she flicked out her tongue.

"Mmmh... have you two already met? Well, allow me to introduce myself then. I am Elas; a pleasure to meet you, Daniel." a voice called, from just behind her. A male naga, dressed in a designer shirt and a short, black loincloth was entering the room after Myr, pausing only to discreetly close and lock the door.

The two snakes exchanged a smile with each other, gestures that practically dripped with sultry intones despite the lack of physical contact between them. Daniel noticed that the smell in the room was getting heavier by the second, much thicker. Watermelon and cherry mixed with something stronger, like the sugary, sharp sweetness of a 'slurpie'. Even thought the room was pleasantly cool (save for the heated bed), a drop of perspiration slid down his smooth forehead.

"Mmmh... I'm afraid you're going to have to remove those clothes... unless you'd like us to help." Myr said, giving one of her clawed fingers a lick. She slid her body to the side of the bed next to Daniel and put a hand against his right shoulder, gently squeezing it. As she did so, Elas slithered over to the front of the bed, coiling up quite close to Daniel's personal space.

Daniel's eyes flicked back and forth between the two serpents as they entered, not quite noticing that he'd tensed up a bit again. Myr's teasing touch, Elas' smooth and seemingly practiced approach and his reminder to himself to ignore as much of his thoughts of things outside the brothel got Daniel's large frame to settle a bit again. He let himself fall more into the mood of watching the light play across the scales of the serpents before him, drink in the spicy scent of their reptilian bodies mixed with the....fruitiness of the room.

It was an arresting concoction of scents, he had to admit. When you were in an intimate encounter for the most part, you picked up the essence of you, your partner, and that was about it. In this situation though, he was getting a lot more than that. Daniel felt a prickly and almost chilly feeling rush through him from the room, felt himself get a bit warmer in response as his heart-rate sped. He could smell the muskiness, the virile tang of Elas, the piqued, softer sensuality of Myr. It did a real number in helping him slip into the role of the male being suited by two, if that indeed was the role he was supposed to be fitting into tonight.

"I don't have a change of clothes, so if these pants get....nicked at all," Daniel replied, eyeing Myr and Elas' claws, "I'd be walking home bare. So...." The mewthree reached under the untucked hem of his shirt, and pulled the string of the knot holding the chef's pants around his hips and thick base of his tail. "Just be a little careful in the pulling, ok?"

The two serpents exchanged another glance as Daniel spoke. He didn't need to see it to feel their emotions, raw and powerful unlike Merlin's supremely controlled mind. 'Is this his first time here? He's *so* innocent! This is going to be fun...' Myr thought, while Elas seemed to reply 'Oh, yes; yes indeed...'

Elas lowered his upper body down to Daniel's legs, sneaking his hands under the mewthree's legs and under his sitting body. The snake's strong hands cupped his underside through his pants, giving the flat cheeks a gentle squeeze before slowly pulling Daniel's pants down and off his legs. The male serpent paused for a second when he finished, using his strong and scaly hands to rub the bottom of the pokemorph's padded footpaws. While he did this, Myr slid more of her body around so that she was half-resting on the bed to Daniel's right, rubbing his shoulders with her lithe but deceptively strong hands before pulling his shirt up and off him. She leaned her muzzle forward, staring at him with those beautiful, alluring black eyes as she kissed his nose. Her hot, forked tongue tickled a bit as it flickered against him, leaving a faint trance of wetness there as it departed, coming to rest again on top of his shoulder.

"Just relax and breathe deep... you're going to be along for quite the ride tonight..." she whispered, smiling at Daniel.

Looking at her eyes and breathing the heavy, sweet air in the brothel room made Daniel feel strange, made time feel fluid. His arms and legs felt heavy and dense, even his neck felt and tail felt sluggish and slow to respond to his brain. It began with a warm tingle wherever he was touched, but rapidly spread over his scales until it enveloped him completely. The lethargy falling on him was almost like being bound by something lighter than a cloud but utterly unbreakable.

It wasn't a surprise, given just how much the brothel had been berating the mewthree's every sense with one form of erotic teasing or another since setting foot within it, but the removal of his pants revealed Daniel's smaller self already in view an eager for attention. As the larger mewthree leaned back against the gentle and soothing touches to his back from the female snake, and as his toes tweaked and twitched at the expert caress of the male, Daniel's penis protruded from the vent near his hips. It wasn't fully engorged yet, but the member had swollen to the point where it couldn't have been kept inside him any longer. Where the mewthree's scales were an almost jet black, the skin of his penis was a much lighter and moister looking grey, a few darker veins pulsing just beneath. It was sleek along the length, and considering his seven-plus feet in height, it wasn't a surprise it was a bit larger than average, easily a bit longer than ten inches. The lightly twitching tip had a glans fairly similar to a human's, although it was the same uniform greyness as the rest of the length.

That was its present state anyway. Being undressed like that had a fairly satisfying effect on Daniel. It felt like a barrier between him and the other two had fallen, something more real if less tangible than his clothing. Their strong grip against his body got his penis to swell further, standing up a bit from the curve of his stomach.

"So..." Daniel was surprised to find himself breathless a bit. The touch of the snakes had him focusing almost entirely on the sensuality of things, and less on the need to breathe! "What... kind of ride did you two have in mind? Merlin mentioned it'd be... different?"

"Should we tell him... or let him find out?" Elas asked, pausing to remove his own clothes before resuming his footrub. The serpent's fingers dug deep into Daniel's paws, kneading out the stress and soreness his earlier carousing had caused. The pokemorph caught him licking the scaly lips at the end of his muzzle as he eyed the other's proud maleness, his own hemipenes still hidden from sight, if not taste and smell.

"Mmmm... let's keep it a sssecret." Myr replied, turning back to Daniel and giving his right ear a lick with her long, powerful tongue. After slipping out of her shirt, she began to scoot closer to him, wrapping one of her arms around his midsection as he tongue-play continued. Daniel could feel one of her breasts casually rub against his upper arm, and feel the tip of her tail curl around one of his big toes. The lukewarm, smooth, sinewy snakeflesh slid against his scales with a wet sound; the naga-woman was brazen and carefree with her touch.

The mewthree could feel the psychic emanations in the room as clear as easily as a warm, summer breeze: anticipation. Sweet anticipation of the strongest sort, the kind that his younger self had only known on Christmas mornings. But there was only one thing odd about room that seemed to clue him in to the secret, whatever it was: the air was turning light-blue. Indeed, it could be seen billowing out of the dispensers near the ceiling, covering the three of them in the strange, sweet-smelling stuff. It felt cool, wet and viscous on Daniel's scales, almost slimy.

Daniel was tempted to ask the serpents further, but several things pulled his mind away from voicing any further questions about what they planned.

One was what he was feeling from them. Sure, there was a bliss inducing sexuality oozing from both of the masseuses, each playing with his body. They were incredibly focused on each part of him they were touching, taking in every detail with those lidless eyes of theirs. They didn't seem to 'feel' like conversation was in order, and more seemed to be focusing on what they were doing, how he was reacting, and what they planned to do next.

It was the coming next part that had him growing more erect though. They were cool, collected, and eager, but they weren't giving away anything of what they had in mind. That kind of mood was teasing at the mewthree something awful, and he was getting more eager for either Myr or Elas to move from the pleasurable massaging of his body and paying attention to the needs of his libido.

But he didn't voice that either. He wanted them to indulge, especially if it was feeling this good. He leaned back, eyes closed, letting his head loll against Myr's shoulder, nuzzling the side of her sleek muzzle with his snout.

He wanted to loop his tail around Elas' waist, maybe tease at his hips with the bulb on the tip, and give himself maybe a light touch to his member as a self-tease. So he made an effort...

But it didn't happen.

He tried again, and his arm moved enough that his hand brushed his thigh, and his tail flopped weakly against Elas' lower body, but that was the extent of his movement.

"Wha...." Daniel's eyes opened again, head barely turning, looking and noticing now the odd and powerfully sweetly scented vapor that had begun to settle everywhere, the snakes unaffected. Thanks to the mirror in front of him, he could still watch the two cuddle around him... but he couldn't do much more than that at the moment. It was odd, that was for sure. And it tinged his heart-rate with a bit of uncertainty now. Something was off, and it wasn't just a sense of extreme relaxation.

Daniel could feel every inch of Myr's tail as it slid next to him, twining around his right leg as one of her arms held him in a half-hug. She carefully took his limp, unresponsive right hand into hers and led it around her back, making the 'three give her a hug. Never letting go, she spread out his fingers one by one, until rolling it towards her breast, making his palm gently cup it. The snakeflesh was warmer near her chest but still smooth and scaly, so smooth it almost felt wet. Elas slithered up from the foot of the bed with a wordless chuckle, doing roughly the same thing with his snakey body. He wrapped himself around the 'three from his big toepads to his fingertips, mirroring the embrace of the female naga, although he made the pokemorph's left hand rest on the front of his hot, bulging male-slit instead of his upper chest.

"He tastessss... wonderful..." Myr whispered, giving Daniel's neck a lick, returning his nuzzles with playful, affectionate rubs of her own. Daniel could feel a warm tickle against the back of his neck as she spoke, and realized Elas was lapping against the nape of his neck. The male's appendage was bigger, and pressed against him with more force than the female's lighter, teasing tongue. "Mmm... yessss, yes he does." the serpent-man replied.

The snake-like kisses and tongue teases to his head and neck send bolts and shivers down his body, and the pulse of his heart was gradually sounding louder and louder in his ears as the sensations became stronger and stronger. Each touch of their bodies felt magnified. Myr's smaller and more delicate scales slid against his own as smoothly as glass. Elas' larger and somewhat rougher full body caress felt full of... power. The male seemed to leak it, and the rasp of his scales against Daniel's body just tickled and teased with a tiny transference of it from scale to scale, even as he squeezed tighter and more possessively. Daniel felt remarkably small, compared to the two of them. Nevermind their impressive length, compared to his own height. It was that they seemed to know a secret they wouldn't share with him.

Daniel could tell that something was more than just a little *off* about the situation. The snakes were beginning to coil around him with a little more pressure than was entirely comfortable, his muscles felt weak and lethargic, and his scaly skin was feeling warm and clammy. But as his bulbous tail flopped down on the soft bed and the beginning of what might have been panic began to form in his mind, Myr's hand gently began to wrap around his erect maleness. It wasn't doing much anything quite yet, just holding it. Squeezing it, gently. Judging by the way she was looking at him, maybe even admiring it.

The feel of the female's dexterous fingers around his hard cock, the musky smell of serpent-sex seeping into the room, the touch of the tined tongue against his neck... it was too overwhelming, too distracting. Though 'three could tell that something very, very strange was going on, it was hard to pin down *what*. For one thing, neither of his companions were putting off anything approximating worry. For another, thinking was beginning to feel difficult. With so much to *feel*, having to think- let alone move or react- was nigh impossible.

Her touch was electric and smooth, both at the same time. As gentle and slow as her stroke was, it urged a splattering of pre from his tip, and even in the snakes' grip Daniel bucked into her hand with a moan, taking in a deep breath of the sex- and scent-laden air in the process.

"I....I don't know what you're doing..." The rest of his body was borderline helpless at this point, but simple thoughts like what he had at the moment could just barely make past his lips. "But... don't stop, whatever it is either of you are thinking."

Elas gave a half-laugh, and soon another hand wrapped its way around the 'three's stiff, pre-slickened penis. "Oh... we wouldn't dream of it, Daniel..."

When the next stroke came, it was if the two naga's were acting as one. Both scaly hands pulled up at the same time- slowly and gently- before rolling down to the base of the 'three's male-slit. Daniel felt a powerful, hot shock run from the tip of his member down into his internal testicles, building in intensity for a few seconds before exploding into the rest of his body. It was so sudden and forceful, he felt dazed in the aftermath, unable to understand what had just happened. It felt like it had been triggered by the sexual arousal that had been building in him since he first came in, pushed over the precipice by the attention to his smaller self.

"Mmm... yessss... time for the fun to begin..." Myr said, smiling at Daniel as she began to maneuver her muzzle forward for a real kiss. The shock of the energy passing through his genitalia almost made him pull back (If he'd been capable of it), but he kept the kiss going even as the incredible feeling pushed him past his peak.

Whatever was happening to the mewthree was getting stronger, moving through him, spreading even as she spoke. His hands felt so warm, so heavy, so wet, so... sticky? The one against the male-snake's slit and the one against the female-snake's breast felt like they were almost... sinking? inward, the true reptilian scales growing closer to the hybrid's without any pressure provided. Similar feelings washed up and down his tail-bound legs, crept up his sides, and even through his sex. There was no ambiguity about the psychic feelings arcing through the room now: excitement. Powerful, sexual, forbidden *excitement*, more potent than any artificial drug. And as baffling as it was, the sheer intensity of the feelings was urging the mewthree to go with them. To surrender, and let the two snakes have their way even more than they already were.

He couldn't fight it if he'd tried. Daniel's psychic skill had been in the area of emotions, not any of the mental play stuff. The power of the two's feelings was sweeping his along like someone catching hold of a train as it sped past. Myr's muzzle was easily large enough to envelope his smaller feline snout, but he opened his without the tiniest bit of hesitation and let their tongue's wetly play against one another as the feelings from his lower-body intensified.

Daniel 'mphed' into the muzzle before him, hips vainly trying to thrust forward as another bolt of power shot through his hardened member like electricity through a lightning rod, and suddenly he came. He was held too firmly to do anything but buck against the two scaly hands holding his cock. His hips jerked and twitched, member spilling streaks of whiteness over the coating of blue on the snake's scutes and his own chest. Covered, enveloped, almost permeated with the peculiar but pleasant wetness, Daniel felt another spurt of his seed land on Elas' flanks, and then taper off into a trickle that dripped down onto the claws around his maleness. It was one of the most powerful orgasms Daniel had ever felt, and it blinded him towards some of the more bizarre happenings taking place concurrently.

The smell of cum was hot and heady in the air; both of the serpent's eyes seemed to lid a little as their forked tongues tasted it. "My, my... aren't we eager tonight! Such a virile, sssexy boy..." Elas hissed, using his free hand to rub some of the seed across his front.

Myr let out a soft, playful laugh into Daniel's muzzle before continuing the kiss, using her tongue to tease the roof of his mouth and wrap around his own organ. When she broke the passionate, intense kiss, the 'three felt Elas's muzzle poked against his own, ready to continue right where she left off. As the bigger, blunter male-muzzle pressed against his mouth and forced his lips to part, Daniel felt his right arm dragged down with Myr as she leaned down. The female naga was bending her body over, her forked tongue flicking through the air as she approached the still-hard head of the pokemorph's cum-covered cock. Her snake-muzzle had no trouble enveloping it completely, sucking the sticky semen straight off his stiff shaft.

But even as the intense feelings of sexual need and sexual fulfillment met together in his body, the 'three could see that much more was going on than simple intercourse. His black-scaled body was being pressed upon from both sides by the snakes attending to him, and rather than firming up his body was *yielding* to the force. The tingling warmth present wherever they had touched him quickly turned to liquid wetness, and then to a soft, gooey, sticky feeling... and now to actual, scale-to-scale connection. He could see it happening though the mirror in front of him, as plain as day itself. Blackness spread across the naga's blue-green scutes, while the pokemorph's musculature was slowly sinking down into the big, broad tails enveloping him. His feet had each been pulled into the coils curled around his legs up to his outermost toes, what feelings still came from them disjointed and disconnected.

A forked tongue wrapped around the head of his penis, and Daniel felt a powerful suck coax another small spurt of cum from his maleness. He felt so aroused it was almost painful, fresh seed boiling in his re-filling balls with rapidity that was absolutely absurd. It was almost like the excess mass from the nascent fusion was flowing straight into his testicles, turning into essence. The feeling were so good, they almost abjured the worry in his mind over their merging musculature. But it was still a little worrisome.

Daniel had never been the rapid fire rabbit type; he'd always needed a few minutes and some cuddling time before he could feel ready to go again. But as his eyes opened after the massive explosion of cum and pleasure, he swore he felt like he hadn't softened in the least. He looked first to Elas on one side, then to Myr on the other, breathless and smiling. Daniel felt his hands sink into the serpent's bodies as easily though they were wet, warm sand, and suddenly the mental fog that had settled upon him faded a little. His mind felt fuzzy and disconnected, but as he joined with the snakes he gained some of their natural resistance to whatever was affecting him.

He could feel twinges of feeling creep into him from Elas's left arm and Myr's right, as well as bits from their tails and tongues. Their three bodies scrunched up closer and closer together, and more such sensations swept through him. The itch that Elas had on his snout, the carpeting as Myr's tail dragged across it. He could even feel the way the male naga's hemipenes were beginning to harden and push out from his slit, and the way Myr's tight slit was moistening up...

Elas pulled away from the kiss, his left arm going slack against Daniel's chest and beginning to meld into it. The sensation of being merged into was bizarre but erotic, like a combination of sexual pleasure and something almost like eating. "How are you feeling?" the male naga asked, a smug smile on his muzzle. Strangely enough, he was slowly growing a pair of pointed ears. As he spoke, Myr withdrew her muzzle from Daniel's maleness with a lick, moving toward the male naga. The snake's heads crossed in front of Daniel, and he was treated to a front row view of them kissing and sharing his cum with each other.

"I feel... ready. I think I even feel... like..."

Like there was more of him. As he took deep, musk filled breaths, trying to recover from what he'd just experienced, he swore it felt like his lungs were... different.

Like his chest was different....

Like...even the balls, deep in his body, and his penis(es) were different....

Daniel looked down for the first time since starting to nuzzle the snakes, and just as he began to gasp at the sight of Elas' hemipenes drifting closer and closer to his member, along with Myr's slit coming in from the other side and her breasts encroaching on his flat chest. A glance at the mirror showed how scrunched up the three of them were, how much their bodies already blended together.

Suddenly, Myr traced her fingers down the length of Daniel's throbbing rod, timed perfectly with Elas sliding a pair of fingers deep into the puckered, pre-lubricated ring of his anal vent. The explosion of heat, power, and internal loosening set Daniel off again like a canon. Semen exploded out from the tip of his member, landing on his stomach, chest, and right to his face. The force of the pleasure would have been enough to leave him unable to even moan, but it spread from not just him, but right into the two merging snakes, eliciting moans and hisses of delight as the energy ran its course.

Before any of them could recover from that earth-shattering orgasm, the transformation melding the three of them together seemed to speed up. Daniel felt his mouth press outward into a short, blunt muzzle as his tongue forked and strange and puffy taste-gland formed on the roof of his mouth. His own arms and legs disappeared completely as the two- now black-scaled- snake-tails enveloped him and then began to press against one another, growing into one enormous length. The 'three's tail was pulled into the forming body, and the last of his autonomy disappeared with it. The three of them were nearly one.

"Y-yesss... yessss... y-yessss!" Myr hissed out, throwing her head backward and moaning as her fingers furiously massaged her tight, slippery slit. Both of the males could feel every sensitive inch of her quivering vagina as it rhythmically shook around her fingers, her own orgasm approaching as it finished migrating to a spot just below Daniel's hard maleness. Feminine lubricant gushed so powerfully from the slit that it splattered across the underside of his still-hard cock, mixing with the cum still seeping down it.

Daniel could barely process her feelings- now also *his* feelings- before two hard lengths of snake-cock slapped against his stiff rod, the tapered, pink-red hemipenes quivering as their featureless tips leaked preseed everywhere. The intense feelings of penile pleasure that had brought Daniel to orgasm twice in less than a minute suddenly doubled in power, as the male's twin lengths began to merge with his own. Half of his cock melted to each hemipene with a feeling that was like a long, low-intensity orgasm he couldn't stop or control in any way. The poke-merge could feel their testicles joining under their scales, his hot orbs growing and flooding with snake-seed until they felt fit to burst. Above the surface, he could only watch in helpless, rapturous ecstasy as their three malenesses transformed into two massive, dark-pink poles, each crowed with small heads and shooting blasts of preseed into the air as copious as normal cum-loads.

Elas joined his partner in the chorus of moaning not long afterwards, as he furiously finger-fucked his tight, taut tail-hole with three claws, "O-oh... y-yessss, yessss... yessssss!"

Daniel could feel the pressure against their over-stimulated prostate, feel the seed boiling in their over-filled testicles, feel the quivering need for release in their wet, hot vagina, taste the thick and heavy sex in the air on their tongues. The psychic emanations were so strong, even brushing up against them was like slamming into a brick wall made of manifested need. They needed to cum, and they needed it *now*.

And there wasn't a thing he could do to stave off the intense climax that the merger had been building towards. He didn't have any way to control any such part of things now, and the most he could do was simply ride along with the process. It was with an unusually graceful synchronicity that Elas' and Myr's minds thrust their new hips forward, unbidden by Daniel's former control, and the last bit of resistance on the mewthree's part dropped.

Semen didn't spurt from the twin tips of the hybridized hemipenes, it gushed, spraying out as the fusing snake-ish body flung back onto the heated bed, shuddering as the remnants of unneeded mass blasted out of the members like a pair of stuttering hoses. The jets of white cream actually missed Daniel's head- caught in the middle of the two snakes thanks to the orientation of the penile shafts- but covered Elas and Myr in sticky seed, before surging past them and landing on the bedsheets. But he rode the masculine ejections along with them, and screamed just as vocally as either snake as further mass was expunged from their newly joined femsex, crammed full of Myr's fingers, and forcibly squirting fluid that trailed down the length of their long tail. And the surges just kept coming. Each wracking jolt of pleasure and splatter of wetness dazzled the three of them anew, until most of the room seemed to be splattered with sexual juices.

Even caught in the ecstasy however, Daniel couldn't help but notice the further encroachment of the snake's necks on his shoulders, his pointed chestplate spreading around them, encompassing and protecting the new shoulders on either side. And when another rocking blast struck, further splattering Elas with their seed, the snake eagerly rubbing it against Daniel's snout, he wondered vividly...where would the merge stop?

One last tingling surge of transformative energy washed through the black-scaled mass of naga and mewthree, and Daniel felt an electric crackle as their nervous systems fully integrated. A pair of fangs broke through the front of his new muzzle with bloodless if uncomfortable pressure, feeling like an almost insignificant addition after the enormity of the other changes. Daniel, Myr and Elas all felt a wet popping travel up their necks as they elongated a little, and the two former nagas grew a tiny nub of nose from their snouts. The heavy tail-tip of their merged torso was a bulbous, scaly ball not unlike the one that tipped the 'three's tail. It playfully bounced off the springy floor below, hitting a pool of sticky, still-warm cum.

Myr and Elad craned their heads simultaneously, their forked tongues both kissing Daniel- now the middle head- at the same time from different corners of his mouth. He could taste a bit of his own cum in the female's muzzle, a taste strong enough to cut through the overpowering scent of serpent-sex hanging heavy in the room. Someone's hand began to idly stroke one of their hemipenes, while their tail was beginning curling up toward their fem-sex.

"And how wassss that?" one of them asked. It was hard to tell which one it was though, seeing as how the thoughts echoed a little in the back of his mind before they were even spoken.

"Did you get to feel what you wanted, hmmm?" the other followed with, shortly afterwards.

Because there had been a bit more than just physical merger involved, Daniel had picked up a bit of the tolerance that the snakes had when it came to such extreme sensations. He'd started every reply to almost every question asked of him since heading down the steps to Merlin's with a stutter, a bit of uncertainty, or pleasure-addled drunkenness.

Daniel, now the middle head of the hydra body, and almost completely oblivious of any of the complications that could present, shook off the last of his confusion, and answered his fellow heads a little indirectly; but certainly in a fashion that let them know they'd met their customer's mark.

"Please tell me Merlin's hassss an opening for a cook!"

**** ****

A Few Dozen Yards Away...

**** ****

"What were you thinking!? We can't just *give* away our services to customers like that, Merlin! This isn't a charity!" the naga-woman yelled at her husband, brandishing her BlackBerry like it was a blackjack.

"Customer?" Merlin half-asked his wife, chuckling lightly to himself. "My dear, you misunderstand! I wanted the empath as an employee... and if my intuition is correct, I think we got him."