Snake Lords of the Desert 16

Story by SkyWing on SoFurry

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#16 of The Chronicles of Lore

The next chapter we have some fun stuff changing around the kingdom.

In the court of the Sizwe, something momentous was happening. The court had grown used to the slow debauchery of the rule of Prince Dumisani, but ever since the arrival of the naga from the Snakelands, things had started to change. The debauchery had never ceased, of course, but the air had slowly grown clearer, and the slaves that attended to the members of royalty had grown more skilled, more focused than they had been before.

There were some that believed that the slaves looked familiar, though. Some seemed to be of a different bearing than the slaves that they were used to seeing, and several of the elephants declared that the biggest of the slaves looked almost like the cousins of the prince himself. Yet, that had to be impossible. Nobody would have ever submitted like that, not without the Empire itself being abuzz with the news.

The slaves had become more focused, more adept at their tasks, and the soldiers had become more intent on keeping the general public out of the palace. More than that, however, the doings of royalty and their advisors - members of the various client people that formed the Empire - had become completely secret to the common folk. The elephants in particular were not happy about it, pushing to be allowed into the palace again, but if any that entered it saw anything, they did not speak of it to the public.

For all those changes, the public had stood by. Angry, perhaps, and not happy about being left out of the loop, but they had taken it. Today, however...

Lorenus looked out the window at the assembled crowd, smiling to himself as he wrapped his coils that much tighter around Prince Dumisani. They could not be seen in the shadows of the palace, or the public might have seen the way that a foreigner had his tail wrapped about the elephant's cock, or the way that the elephant's eyes were completely swirled, lost to the hypnotic control of the great snake prince.

"Yessss, that'ssss it. Make ssssure that you sssign legibly...We want thissss to sssstand assss legal..."

The elephant prince continued to slowly scrawl his name over the treaty, and the snake looked down on it with eyes intense, narrowed, eager. He could see the name coming through fine and clear, and the terms of the great treaty were almost fully sealed.

It took all his willpower not to squeeze down on the prince in eager happiness. The treaty, while not completely official without the seal of the Sizwe Emperor, would bind the great nation and the Snakelands together in an alliance. More than that, it allowed him the title of 'Prince' himself, making him the equal to the elephant that he was coiled around that very moment.

All around him, the advisors that he had enslaved over the course of the last week were bowing to him, their heads to the ground, their legs spread. Every time they raised their heads to mumble words of praise, they revealed cocks that were forced soft, yet dripped with unchecked arousal. All of them had been bound, chained in their minds to his cause. Not one of them had been left free.

Except the monkey that loomed over the whole thing, of course.

He glanced at the naked primate that looked down on the whole proceedings from the rafters. Prince Thulani was still angry, of course. He had been pulled from his revenge without actually being allowed to kill the elephant prince that the naga was wrapped around. The long-suffering monkey was still waiting for his chance to take his revenge, to go from humiliation to murder.

Not that it would be allowed for some time, if the naga had his say. He smiled, licking the side of the prince's ear as the treaty was finally signed.

"That'sssss it, Prince Dumissssani," he hissed. "Such a good little elephant. Such a good little addict to my poisons..."

"Yes, master..."

"Dull mind, ssssslutty body."

"As you wish, master."

"Go to the monkey. Ssssuck hissss cock, teasssse him, make him feel good."

The elephant nodded once more, and the naga slid off him, hitting the floor and picking up the treaty again.

It was a masterpiece of hypnotic diplomacy, something that he imagined that his father would compliment him for if they had still been on speaking terms. The idea that he had been banished from the Snakelands when he could have done this...

Father will have his chance to see me shine...right before I bind him to me, just as I have done with all the others...

Hissing in satisfaction, the naga sprawled out on the great throne at the end of the room. What had once been stained with incense and the seed of elephants was now immaculately cleaned, fixed by the very men that lounged about the room now. He glanced across the room at one of them, at the boar soldier that had been allowed to stay, and he gestured him forward with a crook of his finger.

The boar immediately fell to his knees before the naga, crawling across the floor. Oinking quietly, the soldier looked up from the ground, his eyes hazing over already.

"How - oink - can I serve, master?"

"Worsssship my tail. Oil it, massssage it."

"Yes, master, thank you, master."

The boar set to work, pulling at the oils that the great prince had placed by the throne. Once, they had been there to massage Dumisani's cock, been there to get it ready for penetrating his various slaves while they bounced on his dick during the meetings of the court. Now, they were there to pamper him.

Now, he was the one in charge. Now, he was the one that had all the privileges.

The naga hissed contentedly to himself, imagining what it would be like to have all the power in the Empire. For all that his people were more civilized, had more to their culture, the various species of the Sizwe Empire had spread across a great deal of land. They owned much of the lower continent, and when they gained the sea coasts near the orca and shark lands, they would have access to shipping lanes that would leave them almost invulnerable to any sort of economic threat. The power of the Snakelands over the labor force, the spices and other goods that were sold across the desert, could be taken by sea almost as easily.

He could challenge his father for supremacy without ever leaving the borders of the country he'd been banished to...but that wouldn't be enough.

Patience, patience, he thought to himself, knowing what his advisor, his Old Hump, would have told him. You still need to bring down the Emperor himself...

Dumisani's father was out fighting wars, at the moment, but as soon as he heard the treaty that his son had signed, as soon as the news reached the older elephant's ears, he would be running back. The Emperor would be there, eager to put his son back on the throne, and just as eager to kick the foreigner off of it.

Yet, there would be ways to handle it. Already, Lorenus had a chokehold on the generals of the army here at the capital, and he knew that it would only be a matter of time before the rest of the city started falling to him. Willingly, or unwillingly.

As the boar continued to oil up and massage his tail, he slithered it back between the soldier's legs. A little twitch upwards, and the boar squealed, arching his back as the snake's tail slowly pushed inwards.

"That'ssss it. Sssssubmit to pleassssure..."

The boar squealed again, but nodded, panting and huffing over the rest of the snake's tail length. He was trying his best to keep up the massage, but it was clear that the pressure of the thick tail length up his asshole was making it hard for him to think straight. The sight was lovely, and he grinned to himself as he imagined what it would feel like to put the boar through his paces with more than just his tail.

That would keep, however. He had other things to do, other things to enjoy.

Glancing back at the monkey prince, he chuckled as he saw that Thulani was having a decent enough time face-fucking his old master. The elephant was on his hands and knees, his mouth getting fucked hard by an angry primate. Lithe and lean, the monkey formed a blurring figure as he rammed himself forward and back, thrusting his cock right down that willing throat.

Won't be long before he's wanting some other sort of revenge. I'll have to find a way to get more control over him...

Once he had all the information that he needed out of the monkey, he would put him back in his place. As it stood, there were still a few tidbits that he could use, but not many. The monkey was running out of cards to play, and Lorenus had all the time in the world to wait him out, to get what he needed.

He curled his tail up further, pushing the boar further up his body. The whimpering, gasping pig was already hard as a rock, his cock throbbing, twitching, spitting over the floor. The snake prince could feel the poor pig's cock pressing against him, begging for a bit of stimulation, and was clear that he was almost on the edge of orgasm.

" you wissssh to cum?"

"Yes, master, please, anything to cum."

"You'll be a good little boar?"

"Anything for master."

"Then turn..."

The boar did as he was told, getting on shaky legs. He turned in place, his trotters clicking on the stone floor, his eyes glazed over as he was made to look back at the different men that had gathered in the court.

Lorenus looked between the different advisors. They had all been gathered beneath his net of influence, and he knew that they would all obey any order that he gave them. But which would serve best as a lesson to the others? Dumisani had already been brought low, teaching the elephants their lesson, but...


Pointing to the crocodile - the head of the military forces in the city - Lorenus nodded to the boar.

"Sssstep forward. You will ssservice our proud sssoldier."

"Y...yes...master," the crocodile said with a slight hesitation.

No sooner was it said, however, than the crocodile got to his hands and knees, no longer kneeling, but rather moving at the command of his master. Lorenus smirked, slowly pushing his tail in and out of the little boar before him, making the soldier rise up on his trotters from time to time. The sight of his tail pumping in and out of that hole was all the better, watching as it stretched around the thick length of his tail.

The humiliated crocodile came to a stop in front of the naked boar, his cheeks burning as he was made to lean in. Lorenus enjoyed the show, idly stroking his cocks as he watched the crocodile fight against the orders in his mind. He managed to slow down for a second or two, making the descent of his muzzle come almost to a halt, but -


The command forced it forward again. The crocodile opened his mouth, sucking the boar's cock right into his mouth. He coughed, spluttering, but there was no stopping it now that it had begun.

Suck, swallow, suck, swallow. The process was just getting louder and louder the longer that it went on, and the eager little swallowing sounds were music to his ears. He moaned softly to himself, fucking the boar's ass harder, faster with his tail, forcing the soldier forward until he had almost fallen over the crocodile's face.

Though he couldn't see the general's expression, he knew that there was much humiliation to be buried beneath a common soldier. However conditioned he was, he knew that the crocodile would remember this, would keep this in mind. Any hesitation, any rebellion, would mean more humiliation.

In, out, in, out, the soft sucks and schlucks of mouth-fucking getting louder and louder as the boar got closer and closer to orgasm. Lorenus leaned back, his twin cocks twitching and drooling over his belly. He glanced at the other advisors, half-tempted to pull them in to finish the job for him, but no. Not yet. He was going to let them believe that they were safe for a little while longer.

With a sudden grunt and moan, the boar thrust forward and squealed. The crocodile grunted, desperately swallowing, and the deed was done. Lorenus chuckled, pulling his tail free little by little, until the boar's hole was revealed, gaping and stretched beyond repair.

"You may sssssit."

And the boar did just that, falling to his ass and staring straight ahead. The crocodile, on the other hand, stared ahead with his mouth wide open, drooling cum, his eyes hazier than they had been.

"Take that assss a warning, general. I know your mind. You will not sssucceed at resssisssting me," Lorenus said. "Join me, and enjoy yourssself. Resssisssst, and you will find yoursssself at the end of a great sssstring of debauchery, where you will end up on the bottom every time."

After a moment, the crocodile bowed his head. He was allowed to retreat to the line of other advisors, and Lorenus smiled that much more.

His latest plan was falling into place. He had managed to conquer the royal council, and in minutes, Dumisani would announce the alliance to the crowd. He'd have to put in an appearance, show them who the new prince was, and he'd see who was eager for the shift in regime...

And who would need to be replaced.

Then the Emperor will come...and then I will take him...and then all will be in place...

The End