Junkyard Dogs

Story by Black_Fang on SoFurry

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Junkyard Dogs

It was 9:00 in the morning for a little apartment tucked away toward the southeastern part of town. The angry buzz of an alarm clock cut through the otherwise peaceful din of morning. A lone form stirred underneath the green covers of the bed placed in the center of the room. A striped paw reached out and groped for the angry little clock, finally finding it and ending its annoying cry. The covers lifted, followed by an annoyed groan as a young tiger emerged from his sheets. Travis winced as his eyes adjusted to the tiny trickle of light already breaching his room through the somewhat drawn shades. After becoming accustomed to the lighting, he stared out at his little room. The living space was covered in open books, notes and all kinds of frantically scrawled study guides. Travis let out a sigh of lamentation at the realization that today would be his final exams for the semester.

He finally pulled himself completely out of bed and trudged to his bathroom. He walked to the sink and stared sleepily into the reflection, Travis was 22 and in college for engineering. He flexed at his twin who did the same right back, he noted with some disappointment that his muscles weren't large nor his frame very imposing. Travis was never really much for body building and his small limber build was evidence of this. He started the water of his shower and began to remove his clothing. Testing the stream with his hand, he waited until it was of desirable temperature before he climbed in. He grabbed some soap and began lathering it into his orange and black fur until he was nothing but an oversized suds ball. Rinsing off, he climbed out of the tub, grabbing a towel he began to dry himself. He finished up and wrapped his towel around his waist, walking back into his bedroom to find something to wear. Travis finally decided on some blue jeans and a gray T-shirt, it wasn't going to win any fashion shows but the clothing he'd pick out were comfy, something he could relax in for the stress ahead. He walked into the tiny kitchen of his apartment, grabbing some knockoff lucky charms, a bowl , and some milk from the fridge. He sat at the table and munched on his breakfast planning out his entire day before getting up and returning to the bathroom. He stood again at his sink, brushing his teeth and looking around for the glasses case he's set down the night before. Walking to the foot of his bed he found the case with his glasses, thrown there the night before in an act of defiance and disgust over the sheer amount of subject material needed to study. He opened the case and retrieved his glasses, placing them gingerly in front of his dark green eyes. Travis grabbed his backpack, keys and wallet then said goodbye to his apartment as he stepped outside.

He walked downstairs through a few halls until he reached the exit of the building. Opening the door, he noted with satisfaction that the day was pleasantly warm. It was a nice change from the slightly chillier weather from days past in the mid portions of spring. Travis held a modest pace until looking at his watch and realizing how late it actually was. He sighed again and began picking up his pace, working himself into a flat out run. Fortunately there was a shortcut through a scrap yard not terribly far away. Travis only really took it when he was really late and nobody ever seemed to mind. He jogged through the dusty yard noting the piles of slag, scrapped cars and various other machines that met their end here. He managed to cut through and sprinted the remaining distance to his school.

Travis arrived not a minute too soon, finding his seat so that he could ready himself for the exam. He stared out at the other students. Some watched the professor with tired and bored eyes, others sat nervously jittering in their seats, while others remained in some sort of half state of anxiety and calm. Travis felt ready for the task at hand and watched in quiet impatience as the professor began to hand out the tests. It was a simple multiple choice exam with all of the typical questions for engineers within his field of study. Travis quickly filled in the bubbles of all of the questions he knew and then returned to the ones he didn't. after a few moments of deliberation, he'd pick his best guess and move on. His day seemed to repeat this very same series over and over again. Travis had four classes for this semester and three out of the four happened to fall on the same day. The tiger wasn't too concerned about it, he actually enjoyed getting everything out of the way at once, it'd give him more time to veg later. After what seemed like its own eternity, the final class dismissed and the tired, disoriented students ambled off to their homes.

It was dusk outside, there was a warm breeze blowing through the buildings as Travis began his trip home. Between the test and the weather, Travis took a moment to decompress. He found a nice spot under a tree near his school where he sat down and stared up at the sky ablaze with color. Travis wasn't one to get absorbed by nature, but this was certainly a sight to behold. Shades of pinks, reds, oranges, purples, and blues consumed the sky in a tapestry of light and color. The sun remained the center piece as it began its gradual descent and farewell to the horizon. Travis watched and slowly felt his eyelids droop

'I suppose I can take a nap here for a bit' he thought as his eyes shut and the tiger drifted off to sleep

He awoke a few hours later, it was dark, save the streetlights that dappled the street. The terrain seemed unusual to Travis, he never really roamed the city at night and his first impulse was to get home as quickly as possible. His mind went blank as his feet began to retrace the mornings commute to school. Out the parking lot. Down the street a ways, Travis walked on. His paws had been on nothing but concrete until Travis felt the familiar touch of hard dirt, along with the gritty noise it made. He wasn't sure how it happened, but he now found himself walking into the scrap yard shortcut from that morning. The yard looked so much more ominous at night. Jagged metal exaggerated by the haunting shades of night. It made each mound look like its own monster; Travis continued walking forward wearily until he heard a sound. The angry screech of metal sliding on metal, Travis looked around completely wide eyed, his heart pounded in his chest as his eyes darted to find the source of the terrible noise. It took a moment to realize it had been the gates making the sound, Travis ran back to see a lone figure standing in front of the now closed exit. The confused tiger stared on at a shadowed figure standing just in front of the gate, he edged his way forward with a confident gait. A well muscled Doberman calmly walked his way from the shadows toward Travis, who stood petrified with anxiety.

"Well what do we have here? Looks like someone's trespassing after hours." The Doberman said in almost a teasing voice.

His figure was truly imposing, he stood about six feet tall, wearing nothing but a pair of ripped jeans, his jet black fur glistened in the lights of the halogen lamps, flecks of brown stood out on an area of his stomach, above his eyes and at the tips of his ears, it looked as though brown fur also covered all four paws. The sheen of his fur only served to accentuate his taut muscles, flexed and ready to spring at a moment's notice, Travis could only gulp and stand looking into the creatures hazel eyes. It took him a moment before he noticed another screech and slam coming from behind him. Another figure emerged near the opposite gate which was now closed. This shadow quickly melted away to reveal an individual bigger than the first. Travis turned to face another male canine, this one being a Rottweiler standing roughly six three, his sharp white teeth formed into a wide grin.

"Looks like we caught someone huh Ace?" he spoke in a deep masculine tone that seemed to resonate within his thick muscled abdomen.

This one seemed to be even more built, his fur like the first, was jet black. His muzzle had hints of brown with some on his eyebrows as well as paws. This one too, only wore ripped jeans, Travis noted a large bulge in his pants as the Rottie nonchalantly adjusted his package. His shoulders were broad and looked as though the powerful Rottweiler could easily toss Travis around as if he were a ragdoll.

"Looks like it Rex..." The Doberman grabbed Travis's shoulders and turned him gently, now wearing the same grin as Rex, he started to speak in the same playful tone as before "so what brings you wandering into a junkyard after hours, that's clearly guarded by fierce watchdogs?"

"I...I didn't mean to trespass" Travis squeaked timidly

"Ah I see now, you were just coming by to pay us a visit then hmm?" Ace teased

Travis's face felt warm, his palms were sweaty and his heart was racing a mile a minute "I just t-take this way to get home from school faster" he replied in a quiet mumble

Rex chuckled and patted Travis on the back "you need to speak up kiddo, stutterin like that isn't gonna get anyone off yer back"

Travis tried again, this time speaking up. It was difficult to do, given the situation "I usually take this way as a shortcut, I didn't mean to trespass. I'm not going to mess with anything, I just want to get back home." His voice was clear but it still cracked here and there as he stood shuddering surrounded by the two canines.

Ace laughed this time: "That's the spirit, well I guess your intentions were pure, so we'll let you through"

Travis relaxed slightly, he thanked the Doberman and started to walk by Rex before being stopped by his outstretched paw.

"woah woah there, we said we'd let you through, we didn't say here and now. There's still the matter of you trespassing to address. Like Ace said, you didn't know better. That's fine and all, but we ain't doing our jobs if we don't do something about this little incident."

Travis started shaking again, he was pretty sure what the canines had in mind, and it'd likely end him up a bloody mess before he made it home. He did the only thing he could think of at that point. Travis took a quick swing at Rex connecting square in the Rottweiler's abdomen. It felt like hitting solid rock, as the fist met the rotties abs with a dull thud. Rex only looked down and smiled before catching the frightened tiger's next two punches, firmly holding his paws in place.

"Hey Ace, we found us a scrapper!" Rex called out excitedly before locking his eyes with Travis and grinning "now what made you wanna go off and hit your ol' pal Rex huh? I didn't say we were gonna rough you up or anything, we just want to ask for your help with something before ya take off, that'll even things out. We'll be happy, you'll get home, everyone wins. Now c'mon the night's draggin on and you haven't even met everyone yet"

As the Rottweiler finished speaking, he placed his massive paws on Travis's shoulders and nudged him to walk forward, keeping his massive gait in check, Travis began walking, every now and again feeling part of the Rottie's ample bulge brushing nonchalantly into his back as they ambled together through the junkyard followed closely by Ace.

They made their way deeper into the junkyard as Travis wondered how far this place really went. It wasn't long until they reached what Travis guessed was the heart of the junkyard, it was a large parts garage that was closed off with the exception of a door that was partially ajar. Ace went in first, followed by Travis with a gentle nudge from Rex. As he stepped in, Travis's eyes adjusted to the lowly lit garage, it was of fair size, able to fit several cars and several more mechanics. Here and there lay broken down vehicles with tools strewn about, it took him a moment to notice two more canines, one sitting atop the hood of a beaten up car, while the other lounged on an old deflated tire. The one on the hood sat up and curiously eyed the new arrivals, taking special interest in the unsure tiger. A German shepherd, with a lithe agile body and thick sinuous muscles picked himself off the hood of the car and moseyed his way to the three. Tan and black, the male shepherd wore nothing, he was well muscled from the top of his body down to the legs, his sheath and balls slid side to side as he approached.

"Hey Rex..Ace, who's the new guy?" he asked, as he inquisitively sniffed the air around Travis. The shepherd stared directly into Travis's face, locking his dark brown eyes with the tiger's "hmm, I like him." He stated matter of factly

Ace sighed as Rex just snickered before he spoke up "His name's...well I'm not sure what his name is but, we caught him trespassing. Turns out, he was just cutting through"

"So he decided to pay our little group a visit hmm?" the shepherd interjected mischievously.

Rex nodded, noting with satisfaction, the blushing of Travis as he caught eyes with the hung shepherd.

"So he knows what the punishment is for trespassing is then I hope? I want to get to the festivities already." Said a voice Travis could only guess belonged to the last figure he saw.

From the dim light stepped a large black and white husky. His low masculine voice perfectly accentuated his figure; the canine was heavily muscled and toned with what looked like a lifetime of exercise. His black and white fur was fluffy and had a gentle sheen in the moonlight that now peeked through a high up window. As the husky advanced, Travis noted the pink tip of his cock was peeking out of its sheath, the burley canine licked his lips as he came to a stop in front of the bewildered tiger. He stood easily a foot over Travis and looked a hundred times more imposing, looming overtop the startled feline, his bright blue eyes locked intently on Travis's. Rex gave Travis a friendly nudge with his elbow

"The gang's all here kid, why don't you introduce yourself to everyone" Rex said, as he gave the Tiger a toothy grin.

Travis stood with a blank expression as the events of the last fifteen minutes flooded back to him, he shook his head and regained what little of his composure he had remaining. "I-I'm Travis, h-hi, sorry about cutting through, I didn't realize I was trespassing. Circumstances aside, i-its nice to meet you all" he managed to get out with a little difficulty.

The husky was the next one to speak up "Well it's nice to meet you Travis, I suppose introductions are in order on this end too. I'm Jack" he motioned to the shepherd nearby who was still occupying himself by checking out Travis "and this is King, he really seems to like you." Jack tapped his foot for a moment and appeared in thought over some sort of matter before he snapped out of it and spoke out

"Well...since King has taken such a shining to you, I think he can start off your sentence" Jack said in a commanding voice

Kings ears and tail perked up in excitement as he looked at Jack with wide eyes

"You mean it Jack, I can go first?" King asked, with tail wagging.

The Husky nodded and King simply beamed, the shepherd draped his arm across Travis's shoulders as he leaned some of his weight into the confused tiger.

Travis took a moment as it all began to come together, he started to understand just what these canines wanted to do for his punishment, he was their bitch for the night. He milled the thought over and wasn't sure of what to think of it. On one hand, there was no way out and no way to convince them not to 'punish' him, one the other hand, they were all very attractive and Travis couldn't help but think over the possibilities. King grinned as he looked over the tiger's face as he finally put all the pieces together. He quickly led Travis to the car Jack had been sitting on and leapt upon the hood. The shepherd spread his legs with a wide grin on his muzzle, his paw motioned to the tiger to come closer. As Travis walked further he noticed the shepherds grin widen as the pink tip of his cock quickly began to emerge from his sheath. The tiger's face flushed red as he looked at the shepherds furry sheath and balls and then back up at the invitation to come closer.

"What's on your mind kitty cat?" King mused as he continued to beckon the tiger forward with an outstretched finger. The shepherd giggled as he looked into Travis's eyes "The kitty cat's turning red, come a little closer and I'll give you something to really blush about."

Travis moved forward, getting within arm's reach of the horny shepherd, the canine quickly wrapped his paws around the tiger's shoulders and drew him close. King moved his paws down the apprehensive tiger's arms till he made it to Travis's wrists, the shepherd guided the tiger's paws to his well muscled chest as he flashed the cat a coy grin. King ran Travis's paws down his abs and slowly down to his groin.

"It's right there kitty cat, just gotta grab it" King cooed as he released his grip from his partner's wrists.

Travis gasped in surprise as he ran his hands over the shepherds thick sheath, he watched with a little smirk of his own as the shepherd let out a gentle moan at the tiger's touch. King watched the tiger's smile with satisfaction, his cock began sliding further out of his sheath as his breathing picked up pace. "a'right you got a feel, why don't you get a little closer" King said with a mischievous chuckle. With a quick motion, King placed a heavy paw atop Travis's head, forcing him downward toward the shepherd's groin. Travis let out a quick surprised yelp as he was shoved into the shepherd's waiting junk.

"c'mon, suck it, it's what you want, I know it is" King said quietly

With a few tender licks to start, the tiger ran his tongue over the shepherd's thick member.

"That's a good boy" King cooed

King's cock began to emerge more and more from its sheath with each and every lick of the tigers tongue until it stood fully erect and throbbing in the mix of the dull light and the beams of the moon sneaking into the garage. The shepherd began to pant slowly as his legs spread further, his paws applied more pressure to Travis's head signifying that he was ready to be sucked. Travis obliged as he opened his mouth and readily took the grinning canines meat into his waiting maw. He moved his head up and down the shepherds length already tasting the salty flavor of the dogs precum.

"mhmmm, you're good at this, kitty cat. Keep it up"

The shepherd said as he made gentle gasps every so often, the tiger still moving his head up and down the canines throbbing shaft. Travis placed a paw gently across the canines furry balls, giving them a gentle rub as he continued sucking the horny shepherd's cock. Travis noted with satisfaction that the shepherd's breathing increased as pre welled in the eager tigers mouth. The canine was nearing climax as his grasp on the tiger grew tighter and tighter. Travis's eyes grew wide as King yipped aloud in pleasure, his breaths became long pants as cum jetted from his cock into the tiger's waiting maw. The shepherd nearly collapsed atop the tiger as all he got out between his pants was:

"That's a good kitty cat."

Travis stood up and wiped some of the shepherd's seed from his lips, he sat and stared for a moment at the spent canine sitting atop the car. He still licked his lips, getting what he missed from matting into his muzzle. He was too busy admiring the panting shepherd to notice the sound of plodding feet nearby. A hand lowered itself heavily onto his shoulder sending the startled feline spinning to face its source.


here stood Ace, his pants were tented as the thick bulge of his cock was apparent through the now stretched tight jeans he was wearing. It was apparent now that he'd been watching the display and was eager for his own turn at the Tiger.

"So I think you're ready for more" he said in a dominant voice. He began to push Travis away to his own corner of the warehouse. Ace's area was set up a bit more comfortably than King's, it looked to have a bed he must've found in the junkyard, complete with a few pillows and a fleece blanket.

"Lay down" He commanded softly

Travis only nodded in silent submission as he pulled himself onto the bed, the eager Doberman climbed atop the mattress as well, wrapping a thick muscled arm around the smaller tiger. Ace embraced Travis around the back, his throbbing bulge pressed firmly to the tiger's backside. Ace gave Travis a few friendly licks on the back of the neck before gently nipping there. He began to slowly grind his bulge into Travis's back as the tiger felt the Doberman's meat become firm. Ace lifted his arm from Travis and slid off his jeans, he eagerly pressed his fully hardened member into Travis, who's eyes widened at the feeling of the canine's thickness on top of the knot that had now become apparent. It was then that Ace turned to lay on his back, taking his arms off the tiger and placing them behind his head.

"I think I want you to get me warmed up first, I want your paw around my knot....now" it was the same seductive yet commanding growl as before. Travis quickly turned to lay on his back as well while he lowered a paw around the Doberman's pulsating knot.

"Good boy, I want you to give it a good stroking" Ace commanded

The tiger gave the Doberman a quick squeeze before moving to the canine's thick shaft. It was warm in his hand as he stroked the panting beast's member, he felt the slippery wetness of Ace's pre as it began to slowly flow from his cock. Ace lowered his own curious paws down to Travis's pants, they stirred around the feline's now stiff cock, gently teasing it from the outside with the occasional stroke or squeeze. Each playful touch caused the tiger to press his own groin firmly into the grinning canine's paw.

"Hehe, you like that huh? I think it's about time to get up furball" Ace finished speaking, pushed Travis's paw off his cock and rose to the kneeling position.

He quickly gripped the confused feline and began to position him haphazardly as one would position a mannequin. Travis submitted to the canine's grappling, he opened his eyes to find himself on all fours with a very horny Doberman behind him. Ace's muzzle displayed all his shiny sharp teeth in a wide grin. His cock dripped with pre as he slowly advanced it toward Travis's tailhole. The horny Doberman lifted Travis's tail and advanced slowly. He ran lustful hands across Travis's thighs, gently pushing inside the gently moaning Tiger. He lowered his body and wrapped his muscled arms around the feline. Travis let out a gasp as the Doberman slid fully inside him

"Ah!" Travis could barely stop himself from crying out, he felt the full thickness of the beast inside of him, the warmth of his breath and the subtle earthy smell of the canine's musky scent on the air.

"Hehe, too much for you? You're not even to the knot yet" Ace grinned and gave Travis another nip on the neck as he thrusted his hips further, pushing the length of his knot all the way in. Travis's eyes widened at the feel of the full force inside of him. It was then that the Doberman started to thrust. His cock slid in and out, the knot pushing and pulling with every thrust, it hurt at first but after a few strong thrusts Travis had to admit that it felt amazing. Ace let out a long growl as he used one paw to grope Travis's ass

"THIS, is mine right now" he gave Travis a firm slap on the rump before whispering "and until we're done, you are mine, I am you alpha and you are my bitch, understood?" in the wide eyed tiger's ear

Travis only gritted his teeth and continued to weather the pounding from Ace's monstrous cock.

"Your alpha asked you a question, you're mine is that understood?!" he said in a dominating growl

"I-I understand" Travis squeaked

"Good" Ace replied as he grabbed the tiger's scruff and pushed his head into the pillows

The dog's thrusting got even harder as his labored growls grew louder, Travis could feel Ace's heaving chest atop his back, the canine's heavy balls slapping across his own. The canine's grip tightened on Travis as Ace's entire body shuddered, his balls tightened as Travis felt the beasts cum gush forth inside of him. Travis breathed a sigh of relief, he'd pull out any second now.

"mmm, whew that was pretty good." Ace said in a calmer voice

Travis tried to move, he figured Ace'd be too distracted to notice him trying to get up

"Don't even think about moving, we're not done yet" Ace growled

"...but?" was the only thing that Travis could manage, it was at that point he learned why they weren't done. Ace's cock hadn't shrunk down at all, on the contrary, it began feeling as though it were getting bigger.

"That's right, that'd be my knot you're feeling, I think I feel like tying with you, Jack and Rex can wait for a bit, I'm thinking you're gonna belong to me for a little while longer."

Travis felt the Canine's knot growing even larger, as spurts of warm cum filled his ass with each throb of Ace's cock, it was then that ace began to gently grind his groin into the tigers. Ace's arms wrapped tightly around Travis as the canine drew him into a tight embrace. The canine licked and nibbled at Travis's neck as his paws returned to the feline's groin, this time they slid under his pants groping at the contents inside.

"I guess my playtoy could use some pleasure of his own" Ace mused gently

He rubbed the length of Travis's cock gently, stroking it from tip to bottom. Travis could only shudder in throes of pleasure as the canine's second paw joined the first. Ace caressed the cat's balls tenderly with a single paw, squeezing and rubbing, the other paw continued to run up and down the cat's length. Travis still felt the large knot inside of him, it throbbed with each gush of cum that trickled from it. The cat was amazed he hadn't been filled to the brim yet, though at this point it didn't matter, his mind shifted back to the attention his own member was receiving.

"c'mon fuzzball, you're going to cum for your alpha"

Ace had picked up the pace on his stroking, Travis tried all he could to keep from climaxing, the feel of the canine's masterful paws around his length were amazing, he wanted them to go on forever but he couldn't fight it for much longer. His breathing had become erratic as each stroke led to another gasp for more

"you want to, I know you want to" he cooed

It was too much, with a final moan, and a long shudder the tiger gripped two paws on the bed and shot his load into his waiting master's paw. He panted softly basking in the afterglow. He felt the licking of Ace who only gripped him tighter

"That's a good bitch" he growled. "We're going to lay here for a bit still, maybe an hour, maybe more. I still have some cum I'm gonna pump into you"

As the two lay there together Travis let out a sigh, he knew he'd be stuck like this for a while, even after that, he'd still have to deal with the other two horny mutts waiting for him. At this point there was no use worrying about it, he was stuck where he was for an hour or so, Travis closed his eyes and tried his best to nap, Ace seemed to have already nodded off, his breathing was rhythmic but his grip was still just as tight as it had been before. It really hadn't been so bad yet, he had to admit that given the opportunity, he would've gladly accepted any one of the canine's advances had they offered anywhere else. Though at this point he only hoped he could last through whatever it was the last two had planned

Which will happen in part two...