Snake Lords of the Desert 20

Story by SkyWing on SoFurry

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#20 of The Chronicles of Lore

And here is chapter 20, where our naga leads the emperor out of his capture and into another, kinkier one...

As they returned to the surface, it was clear that the drugs had taken effect. The crocodile bandits were completely under their control, rutting each other, thrusting hard, some of them cumming hands-free without even having a body to rut. Ah-Mosan, the leader of them all, was still collapsed over his throne, jerking and spasming as he blew his load again and again into his clothes.

Lorenus Adelin smiled to himself, slithering away from the shocked and appalled Kgosi that he had come to 'rescue'. His jackal perch waited, and he slithered up and around the muscular body, pressing his coils against the firm muscles beneath him, feeling the canine shifting this way and that to adjust to holding him up.

"Come, Kgosssi. We mussst away."

"What happened here?"

"My particular brand of...ressscue. Now. Come."

He nodded his head to the leaves and bush off to the side, and his perch started marching. The elephant leader followed after, doubtlessly confused beyond all measure. That was good. Lorenus wanted him to be as confused, out of his depth as possible. He wanted to make sure that the king had as little a defense against him as possible.

Acting as if the camp was still a possible threat, he skirted the edge of the bandits, making sure that the Kgosi had plenty of time to see the effects of the drug and the chaos that had spread through the camp. Even the most hardened of the crocodile rebels were falling victim to what he had spread through their ranks, leaving no sign of the rebellion that they had harbored in their hearts. Only lust remained, and that burned hotter than ever, leaving every crocodile hard, wanting, and eager to cum.

When he looked back at the elephant, he saw the slight wariness beneath the shock. This was a ruler that understood what he was being shown. There was a danger to crossing the snake, a danger that could bring down many different rulers in the world. Kgosi Sithembile would remember that, he was sure.

And if he didn't, Lorenus would have to remind him.

They reached the edge of the camp, avoiding the army that the naga had brought with him. They'd come into play later, when he was ready to allow them their turn with their soon-to-be-former leader. He led the Kgosi through the undergrowth to a small clearing, where he called the jackal to a halt.

"Tell me, Kgosssi. Do you know much about my people?"

"Enough to know that associating with you is dangerous."

"Ah, yessss, it issss, for thosssse that sssseek to keep usss from our ambitionssss. But for thosssse that help ussss, there are great rewardsssss."

"I am Kgosi of five people, soon to be six. There will be no greater reward for me."

"Ah, but that issss where you are misssstaken."

He turned.

"Have you heard of the misssssing prince?"

"No. Should I have?"

"Perhapssss, if you wisssshed to keep yoursssself ssssafe."

"...Lorenus Adelin."

"Ah, then you lied to me."

"Perhaps," the elephant said, shifting his footing slightly. The shackles still around his ankles clicked and clanked, and he shook his head as he clenched his fists. "I heard that a prince had been banished from the Snakelands, and I heard rumors that he made his way to my court...and that my son was stupid enough to listen to him."

"Then allow me to ssset your mind at easssse. All the rumorssss are true."


"And you, great Kgosssi..." He smiled, his eyes spiraling. "Are next."

The great elephant lunged for him, and even managed to get a hand around his neck before they slipped from the real world to the world of the mind.


_The world shimmered with the fading light of sunset, and Lorenus was surprised at how lovely it was to be in a mind that wasn't dimmed by the fogs of drugs and lust. It was definitely a superior sort of mind, as well. It was organized on battle lines, with tents and rows of square dwellings, each well-marked and guarded by a shimmering silhouette. _

_It was the mind of a general, and one that knew how to keep everything in line, at that. _

_Lorenus didn't have time to look around, however. He still felt the pressure on his throat from the real world, and he glanced around the skies. Soon, he saw the faint signs of chains, the links of duty and more between the different parts of the king's mind. He reached out - _


_A blade cut through the air before him, and Lorenus pulled his hand back at the last second to avoid getting it cut off. He stared at the spot where his hand had been, and then back to where his hand was again. Too close. Far too close. _

_The elephant emperor stood before him, carrying a two-handed blade that was made of wood and rock, the teeth along the edge made of the latter and sharpened to a dangerous extent. The elephant himself had lost some of the chub that he had in the real world, showing nothing but a well-honed body, one that was ready for a fight. _

_"I know your tricks, snake. They won't work on me," the elephant said, lifting his blade. _

"I suppose I shouldn't have expected it to be easy, should I?"

_At least the distraction of his attack here was loosening the hand on his throat in the real world. That, or his jackal was slowly undoing the fingers wrapped around his neck. Either way, passing out was less of a danger now. _

_"Of course, there is a different danger to having a mind so organized as this," Lorenus said. _

"And what's that?"

"Setting up so many little bits and pieces of's so easy to make some of it disappear."

_The snake lashed out with his tail, cutting one of the support rods for one of the tents at his side. It collapsed almost instantly, slamming down in a heap, and the elephant Kgosi immediately clutched at his head. _

_Lorenus took the opportunity to run, darting through the 'camp' of information. He slithered between the vast lines between the rows of tents, darting in and out of sight as he followed the connections that the Kgosi had within his mind. _

_There were not many. The ruler of the Sizwe had made his mind something different to the average person. It was not bound with different chains of duty to family, nor was it bound to the different connections of obligation, or lust, or greed, or anything else. The Kgosi had managed to leash himself solely to the rulership of his country, and all of his thoughts were bent towards the betterment of it. Whether he was fighting to increase the size of his borders, or to gain the subservience of others, or to drag other species in line, it was all done with the goal of bettering his empire. _

_And that made him much harder to manipulate. There was no fear, no easy chains to swing around or add to. It meant that he had to bring something new in. _

_Lorenus slithered into one of the tents, and found himself staring upon a map table. It was not a map of a country, but rather a map of the most immediate obligations, from procuring an heir to making sure that his current one didn't do anything stupid. _

_A bit late for that at this point, but it was an interesting insight. _

_The naga darted through the tent into the open, and then into another one, finding himself facing yet another map table. This one detailed a different campaign, one that seemed to involve the boar from the palace, the one that, by all accounts, had stolen the Kgosi's interests. _

_Lorenus stopped just long enough to improvise a different marker, one with his face and appearance, and put it down on the table. That campaign, he knew, was going to be sabotaged in a very short time, but he needed to leave a mark on it, something that would plant a seed of doubt in the elephant's mind, give him something new to consider. _

_From tent to tent the snake slithered, leaving behind bits and pieces in the different plans that were underway. Those that he couldn't insert himself into, he upset, tossing the pieces all about, forcing the pursuing Kgosi to slow down and deal with the mess that had been left behind. Each one was another victory for him, another way to keep himself safe. _

_Eventually, he reached one of the tables at the end of the tent lines, and this one finally had something new that he could work with. _

_The table was marked with the different conquests of the elephant, different lustful targets. Some had been in pursuit of him, marked by those that had been removed from the board - old seducers, old traps and tricks that had tried to take him off the throne, he imagined - and there were those that he pursued, and tactics on the board that were marked with different symbols to represent different strategies, different plans and plots to bring someone into his bed. It was quite intricate, and quite fascinating as a mind went. _

_But that wasn't what he was here for. _

_Lorenus paused, making yet another improvised character of himself, and set the model down on the table. Rather than someone that the king wished to conquer, however, he set himself up as a model that the king was trying to court, someone that the king might wish to submit to. It was clumsy, hurried, but he added the little tickers and markers to the campaign map, ensuring that it at least looked like a plot. _

_Of course, it would be obvious that it hadn't come from the Kgosi, but it would lay the groundwork for what would come later. _

By the time that the Kgosi finally appeared in the tent, looking ragged and tired, his loincloth had started to rise. Lorenus gave one big smile, enjoying the sight before him, before he closed his eyes again.


He opened them to find the elephant gripping the sides of his head, broad, wide ears flapping about as the Kgosi struggled with the thoughts and disruption in his own mind. Lorenus chuckled.

"Why, what isss the matter, Kgosssi?"

"Shut...shut up..."

"Did you think that it would be sssso ssssimple to get rid of me?"

"Nnngh...I hoped..."

"And want..."

Lorenus chuckled, extending the tip of his tail to the tenting loincloth of the elephant ruler. It was clear that his body was starting to respond to the hypnosis, even if his mind was trying to fight it. A fat cock was eagerly pushing up, starting to thrust the great cloth forward, leaving no doubt in the snake's mind that the Kgosi, on some level, was interested in being courted by the naga.

It didn't take long for him to slide his tail under the loincloth, either, wrapping around the base of that shaft. It was good and thick, a proper royal rod, and he imagined that there was a part of the prince back at the capitol that was rather envious of this shaft. He smiled, pulling on it a few times -

"Let go!"

Until the Kgosi managed to recover himself enough to shove his tail away. Lorenus chuckled, shaking his head.

"Well, I imagine that it will take sssssome time for that to ssssettle into your mind properly."

"I will not...will not give in..."

"Oh, you will."

The snake hissed softly, and the army showed up. They stood all around the Kgosi, and the elephant was smart enough to see that they were no longer his men. The monarch slowly turned in place, then stopped, staring right at the naga once more.

"Why bother saving me?"

"Becaussse, oh Kgosssi, your sssson can only give me hissss power. You might give me yourssss."


"I wissssh an alliance, not a conquessst. Not yet."


"Becausssse I wasss challenged by my father. He will learn his misssstakessss, jusssst asss you and yourssss learn yoursss."

The army stepped forward, taking the Kgosi into custody, and Lorenus and his jackal followed behind. They were going to have a very productive week out here in the wilderness, he knew. They were going to have such fun while seeing who would win, the Kgosi or the prince, the elephant or the snake.

He already knew who would win, but he wondered how long it would take the Kgosi to submit to the inevitable.

The End