Master and His Pet

Story by FaolWolf on SoFurry

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This is an old story I wrote years ago, but I figured I'd upload this here too. I hope y'all enjoy

The otter furrowed his brow at his radio a little as he drove down the highway towards home. He flipped through the stations on his preset, feeling almost a little guilty as he flipped past the local alternative station to the Top 40 station on the next preset. He'd listen to the alternative station now and again, but couldn't help the fact that he liked the catchier sound and faster beats of the more popular station. That station just happened to be playing one of those faster beat songs, and he tapped his foot to the beat as he drove, occasionally singing along. He loved how the beat of the song seemed to mesh with the drive, the pace of the car, the surrounding scenery, especially when the capital skyline came into view, gleaming skyscrapers set majestically against the setting sun.

He pondered as he drove, as he often did on his way home from his job, or on any drive really. Today's topic of thought was how far he had come. He thought back to his college days, a few years back, trying to imagine himself predicting where he was at now, then. It seemed as though he had accomplished so much and come further than he thought. Well, that's not entirely true, the idea of his own apartment and a real job had always been there conceptually, but back then, he hadn't imagined what it actually would be like. It made him smile a bit to himself to realize how nice his life actually was.

This train of thought continued as he pulled off the highway at his exit. Slowly he weaved his way through the downtown canyon of buildings as he made his way to the more residential parts of the city. After circling for a minute or two, he found a space in which to squeeze his car. Upon stepping out, he breathed in a bit deeply the autumn air, his tail flicking a bit behind him as he attempted to reign in his wayward mind. He walked briskly down the sidewalk, paws stuffed into his coat pockets and his gray scarf billowing around his neck. The trees were just beginning to show their brilliantly orange and yellow fall wardrobe, making the scene all the more colorful played against the many brightly painted row houses lining the street.

Walking less than a block, the otter turned up the stoop of a light blue row house. He fumbled with the keys for a moment before getting the door open and trudging up the stairs to his apartment on the second story of the building. After he a moment he got inside and huffed just a little bit as he shut the door behind him.

"Friday night, and I got no plans." He said a little glumly, looking around the empty flat a moment before moving to switch on a couple of lights. The flat was well furnished, nothing fancy or gaudy, but certainly nice, clean furniture. The apartment itself had the features one would expect of a building of its advanced age: hardwood floor, slightly warped with age and wisdom, thick moldings painted white everywhere one looked, large windows forward-facing windows, and the dings and cracks of one hundred years of being lived in. He sighed a little bit and wandered towards the kitchen, grabbing some food from the fridge to eat. It was nothing more than some carrot sticks and cucumbers, but he didn't really feel like cooking right at that moment, so it would do.

He plodded into the living room and flopped down onto his couch, grabbing for his laptop he'd left plugged in on the coffee table. He booted it up, and promptly opened his messenger client. He had to admit that he was more than a little addicted to it. He usually spent many a night alone in front of his messenger, talking to people as much as possible, as if doing so would alleviate some of the loneliness he felt nearly daily. He glanced at his list, and frowned slightly at the absence of a particular name. "Meh, oh well," he thought. His next order of business was to look to see if any of his few local contacts wanted to hang out. They also did not appear to be online, and the otter huffed a bit, flicking his tail in agitation.

He managed to get his television flicked on when a window popped up on his screen. It was Chaz, a buck that he frequently chatted with. There were the perfunctory "hi's" and "how was your day's" between the two of them, before buck said something somewhat challenging to the otter. The otter smirked to himself, knowing the game the buck was playing and what he wanted. He typed to Chaz "Oh, is that so eh? *dangles a collar in front of your face*" Chaz typed back a timid and shy response, exactly what the otter expected from him. The otter grinned wider still from his couch, and instructed the buck to get on his webcam. Chaz complied, and before too long, the otter was waving to his computer screen at a buck staring back at him.

"Hi there you." The otter churred mischeviously at him "What's that you are wearing hmmm?"

Chaz quickly angled the camera down at his t-shirt, which was black with a band logo on it. "You like it Jack?"

"I would like it better on the floor, boy." Jack said in a stern tone.

The buck grunted a little and obediently pulled his shirt off over his head, tossing it aside. "Is that better sir?"

The otter grunted his approval, noting Chaz's lithe frame and his cream white chest and belly fur. "Well, while you are at it, you might as well finish the job." Jack deadpanned as best he could. Chaz, on cue, stood up and let his shorts and underwear drop to the floor, revealing his half-hard length to the otter on camera. The otter made a low grunting sound as the nude buck sat back down, grinning slightly.

"So, do I get to any of you tonight sir?"

Jack shook his head. "One way show tonight boy. Why don't you go ahead and take care of that for me."

Chaz dutifully began to stroke his length while Jack looked on from his computer screen. Even with the grainy webcam, he could the buck's arm muscles strain ever so slightly with each stroke, his length getting thicker and harder each time his hand moved across it. Jack began to fondle his own package a bit as he watched, clearly feeling a bit hot under the collar now. Every once in a while, he'd quickly glance at his messenger list again, frowning slightly when the name he was looking for failed to appear.

The buck grunted louder and louder until he came, moaning out slightly while doing so. The white of his cum mixed in with his belly fur as he panted. The otter smirked at him and said, almost mockingly "there's a good boy."

Chaz blushed for what had to be the first time during all of this and muttered a quiet "thank you sir" under his breath. He then mentioned something or other that he had to do and excused himself.

Jack sighed quietly as he closed the cam feed and the chat window. He was horny now, and seemed like he would not have the outlet of his choosing to take care of this. The otter could certainly some nights get off to the buck doing his bidding, or anyone else for that matter. He made for a good dominant, a trait he found depressingly rare amongst his circle of friends. In reality though, he would much rather most nights be in their positions than his own. Jack loved helping out his friends like that, and it certainly was hot. He also enjoyed being the somewhat stronger, more stable individual that many of his friends to could lean on and talk to when they were feeling down. The problem, however, was that he felt as though that he always had to be that persona for people to want to be around him. Consequently, he found it rather difficult to open up to them about his problems, or his more submissive tendencies.

Then of course, there was Brent. Brent was a large, burly husky who lived a couple of hours to the north of the capital. Before he started speaking to Brent, Jack had considered himself purely a dominant personality, thinking that he would have little interest in submitting to someone else. How it was that Brent weaseled his way past all that, the otter had no idea, but he had done just that. What he found underneath that was the want, almost desperate need, to be wholly and completely submissive to someone else. Jack shivered slightly as he thought about that and the idea of being "owned" by someone else, most of all Brent. They had role-played this often enough, and used to web cams to act it out more than once, and it was Brent who the otter kept glancing at his list to see if his name would appear this night.

He breathed a little sigh "Patience, patience. I'm sure I'll have plenty of this tomorrow." Jack squirmed a little bit again, thinking about the next day. Tomorrow, he was going to drive to Brent's place for the first time. There had been hints and winks at him that maybe some of the role-played fantasy might become a reality, if the situation arose. He didn't want to push it, but he hoped that it happened. Frankly, he was scared that if he did push it, it would scare Brent off, and then he'd be left with nothing of an outlet aside from chat logs.

Jack spent the rest of the night chatting with various acquaintances and friends. Brent never did sign on, much to his mild disappointment. He eventually shut down his computer and flung himself into bed and off to a nervous and excited sleep.

It was late Saturday morning and Jack was standing in front of Brent's door, hesitating momentarily before pressing the doorbell. He had dressed himself in his customary button up, collared shirt and jeans. He wasn't sure entirely what he meant to prove by this, perhaps trying to subconsciously give the impression to the husky that he was more than just a willing sub, and that he did have an adult side to him as well. He was interrupted in his ruminations when the door was answered by the burly gray and white husky that was Brent. He was scooped up into a bear hug nearly immediately, the dog's massive arms dwarfing the smaller otter as Brent squeezed the air out of him.

"It's so good to finally meet you! Come in, can I get you something to drink at all?" The otter quickly stepped inside and momentarily thought about asking for hard liquor. He settled upon water. Brent gestured to a couch in the front room and the otter sat down nervously on it while the husky disappeared into the kitchen. Jack looked around the place while he was waiting. Brent was about the same age as he was, though the apartment showed as a bit more frat than his. Brent did have three roommates, though none of them would be home this weekend. Incidentally, this was the reason they had chosen this week for the otter to come and see him.

Brent came bustling back in with a glass of water, handing it to the otter before attempting to tidy up a little bit more. "Sorry dude, I slept through my alarm this morning so I couldn't clean as much as I wanted to." He finished tossing some things aside and sat down on the opposite end of the couch from the otter. "So, what's new with you bud?"

So the otter and the husky sat there and made small talk for about thirty minutes or so. Every once in a while, Jack would fidget and squirm a little bit in his nervousness. He desperately wanted Brent to turn into his online, dominant persona, but was scared to ask about it. "Maybe he's not like that at all in real life. Maybe he is like me and just plays a good one online. Maybe he didn't really want to be a dom to me and just wants to hang out..."

He was brought out of these thoughts by a quick poke from the husky, a look of slight concern on his face. "You ok dude? You look kind of nervous." The otter nodded quietly and looked down at his lap a moment before looking back at the husky. Suddenly, the husky grinned wide. "Oh, I know what it is. Otter pups get all nervous when they aren't wearing their collars!" With that, the husky reached out of sight behind the couch and pulled out a black leather collar, dangling it slightly in front of him. "Is this what you were thinking about there, boy?"

The otter sat bolt upright, staring at the husky. His body twitched a bit with nervous excitement and his throat felt dry as he tried to choke out his answer. Brent grinned and leaned closer with the collar in his paw, until their noses were mere inches apart. "Now, this comes with some rules doesn't it pup?"

"Yes sir," Jack choked out.

"First," the husky started, "whatever I say, goes. Now, I won't make you do things that are dangerous or that will get you into trouble, and you know the safe word that we talked about online. But you have to obey whatever I say, when I say it. Got that pup?" The otter could only nod as Brent kept going. "The only other rule about this collar is that unless I take it off for some reason, this collar stays on, all weekend, no exceptions." The otter trembled and nodded, now clearly excited by what the husky was saying. "Ok then," Brent said, scooting closer to the otter and wrapping the collar around his neck, buckling it at the front. "Now then, does that feel better pup?" The husky's tone had changed to a slightly more demeaning one now that Jack was collared.

Jack replied with a customary "Yes sir, " but that could hardly describe it. He had never worn a collar before, and it felt great around the base of his neck. He used a paw to tug it slightly, the feeling of it against the fur underneath the collar of his shirt. He let out a small sigh, just to release the pressure of his nervous energy. The husky quickly reached behind him, now grabbing a leash to go with the collar and quickly clipping it in place. "Being a new pup and all, can't have you unleashed just yet now can I? You might get yourself into some trouble." He winked and the otter blushed, folding his ears back, as Brent continued. "Now then, until I know I can trust you to be a good pup, you are not allowed on the furniture. Sit on the floor at my feet boy."

Jack wanted to protest that of course he was a good boy, but held back his tongue and slumped off the couch onto the floor. Once there, he sat next to Brent's socked footpaws, leaning slightly against his leg and hugging it to him. His tail swished back and forth slowly behind him, betraying how much he really was enjoying this. The next thing Brent reached for was more mundane; he grabbed the remote and flipped on an old re-run of a sit-com he knew Jack would enjoy from their previous online conversations. Jack relaxed a little bit, hugging and rubbing Brent's trunk of a leg every so often during the show. Occasionally, he would fidget in his clothing on the floor. He knew this was going to go farther, or at least he hoped that it would. If that were going to be the case, he wanted to just get to it in his eagerness. As it was, he was already immensely enjoying being collared and leased by the husky.

At the end of the show, the husky shifted slightly, standing up from the couch and standing in front of the otter, furrowing his brow as he did so. "There seems to be something not right here." The husky deadpanned as if he were considering the situation, sizing up the otter to assess what could be wrong with this picture. He snapped his fingers and grinned. "Oh, I know! Otter pups are supposed to be naked aren't they? Stand up boy."

Jack stood up silently. He had been hoping that this would happen, but now that it was, he felt extremely shy and nervous. Brent looked him over and said in a stern voice "alright, strip down boy." Jack slowly, but obediently began to unbutton his shirt, letting it fall off behind him. Brent momentarily unclipped the leash so that the otter could take off his undershirt as well, quickly re-clipping it afterwards. Removing his shirt revealed the otter's white belly fur covering a well built, if thin, torso. It was certainly nothing to sneeze at, and he had certainly taken off his shirt, among other things, in front of Brent before, but it was somehow different now that the husky was standing live and in the fur right in front of him, demanding that he remove his clothes.

The thoughts must have made him hesitate, because Brent tapped his footpaw quietly and glared at him "C'mon boy, off with the pants as well." Jack blushed badly and bent down to first take off his shoes before undoing the belt and button on his jeans, letting those fall to his ankles. The husky motioned at Jack's socks and grunted, and Jack bent over to take those off as well. That left him standing in front of the husky in just a pair of black boxer shorts that were rather badly tented at this point. Brent grinned at the bulge in the otter's boxers, proof positive that he was enjoying this. "I thought I said you should be naked boy. Take off your boxers." Jack hesitated to remove his last piece of cover, at this point thoroughly embarrassed and loving every minute of it. He slowly slid his boxers down his legs, revealing his crotch to the big husky. He was at this point baring his fully erect cock out in the open, and he blushed badly at that. The husky clicked his tongue and tried to stay matter-of-fact, though he couldn't help but look down and admire the nude otter standing in front him. The white of the otter's belly fur continued on down and surrounded his crotch and inner thighs as well, and it was quite alluring. "Step out of those, now." The otter immediately obeyed, stepping forward fully nude. The husky reached down and picked up all of his clothes and setting them on the couch. "Wait here." He said, and disappeared into the kitchen, returning moments later with a trash bag. He dumped the clothes, including Jack's wallet and keys, into the bag, tying it up. He took the bag and set it in the coat closet, shutting the door afterwards before turning back to the otter. "There, you won't be needing any of those for the rest of the weekend. You are to remain nude for the duration of this weekend, is that understood pup?"

Jack nodded, and Brent moved back to the couch. "Let's watch a movie shall we?" With that, he sat back down on the couch, motioning to the spot on the floor where the otter had been seated before. The now naked otter dutifully took his position at the husky's footpaws, leaning against his leg once more. Brent reached down and tossled the pup's ears playfully. "There's a good boy. Your master is pleased with you."

Jack whimpered slightly and looked up at Brent. "Mmmmaster, sir?"

"Well yes, pup. I collared you. You submit to me and obey my every order. I am your master at this point."

Jack could barely contain his excitement as his tail swished back and forth. He felt a sort of release at being able to turn off his mind, tune out his stress, and have no worries aside from whatever order came from the husky's muzzle. It was as if the rest of the world melted away from him. His entire world had been reduced to this man, and the orders and wishes that he had to fulfill. It was an incredibly freeing feeling and it was intoxicating.

Jack barely even paid attention to the movie that Brent flipped on. He was focused on the husky's leg, and the fact that he was sitting on someone's floor, collared, leashed, and naked. What he did begin to notice though, was that the water he had drank earlier was starting to move through his system and that he had to go to the bathroom. The otter whimpered slightly, unsure of how to communicate this to the husky sitting above him. Brent must have heard him whimper, because the husky paused the movie and looked down at him, ruffling his ears slightly. "What's wrong boy?"

Jack stammered slightly as he answered his master. "I have to pee sir."

The husky just grinned wide. "Oh, is that so, eh? Well come on then." Brent stood up and led him out of the living room. The otter had a small sigh of relief, and then a squeak of dismay as Brent led him to the back door. He held back a bit, tugging the leash and causing his master to stop. "What's wrong? Pups go to the bathroom outside, boy. Don't worry, it's secluded enough." He added, hoping to assuage the otter's fears slightly.

Jack whimpered bitterly and trudged to the back door, joining Brent. Brent smiled and unlocked the door, ushering him out into the backyard. It was indeed as Brent had said in that it was lined with trees to keep most of the yard from the view of the neighbors. He slowly stepped into the yard, looking back as Brent now trailed him. He wandered towards a tree in the middle of the yard, trying to walk behind it and out of Brent's view. The husky, however, followed along right behind him and stood staring at the otter's plump sheath. "Well, are you going to do your business or no?"

"With you watching me?" Jack stammered out.

"Yes." Brent replied curtly. The otter turned all shades of red as he focused on releasing his stream against the tree. It wasn't too long before he grunted slightly and started to pee against the tree. Brent grinned slightly as he watched the thoroughly embarrassed out let loose a long stream onto the tree. As it reduced to a trickle and stopped, the husky sniffed slightly and smirked at the otter. "You know, that reminds me boy. If you are going to be my pup, I'll need to properly mark you. Kneel, facing me, against the tree."

Jack gasped slightly, this taking him completely off-guard. At this point though, he was so far in that he found it nearly impossible to protest against the husky. He dutifully knelt down between the husky and the tree. As he looked up, he saw the husky had already gotten his button and fly undone and was pulling out his sheath like he was at a urinal. His sheath was much like the rest of the dog, big and thickly built. It wasn't long before a warm stream of urine came shooting out of the husky's slit, landing squarely on Jack's white chest fur. The otter could not help but to moan out quietly as he felt the warm liquid seep in and stain his white fur. As it got wet, some of it dribbled down to his stomach, his crotch, and down his thighs, first wetting and then soaking the fur on its way down. He could feel himself start to stiffen as the warm liquid soaked into his fur.

Almost as soon as it started, the stream trickled and stopped, the husky grunting and zipping his fly back up before grinning down at the submissive otter under him. "That's better, although, I do believe that a little bit more may be required, to ensure you properly know your place pup." With that, the husky strolled back towards the house, roughly pulling at the leash attached to damp otter's collar. Jack could do nothing more than stand up and follow his master back into the house.

Brent dragged his otter pup back through the house and up the stairs to his bedroom. Jack looked around at the husky's rather bland looking bedroom. Brent had naught to do but point at the floor, and the urine-stained otter immediately dropped to his knees, staring up at the hulking dog above him once more. Brent made a show of taking off his shirt, pulling it up over his head and tossing it aside. Jack had to stop himself from drooling as he stared at the masculine, bulky physique above him. He visibly started to pant as the husky patted his head. "There's a good boy, now, why don't you work on this for me would you?" With that, he unceremoniously dropped his both his jeans and boxers in one smooth move, his half-hard sheath flopping out and landing squarely on top of Jack's muzzle.

Jack wasted little time engulfing the length into his maw. He could taste a faint hint of urine and more than a little musk and pre on it as he began to slurp. He delighted at the feeling of the cock stiffening and growing into his muzzle as he slurped it. He could hear his master above him, grunting and groaning fiercely. Suddenly, he felt his master's big paws on the back of his head, pushing it towards his crotch and hilting his dick inside the otter's muzzle, pushing his nose into his crotch. The otter took a heavenly whiff of the scent while he could, as the almost immediately, the dog pulled his head back so that only the tip of his penis now resided in the pup's muzzle. Growling with delight, he pushed Jack's head back down on his dick again, and set about properly plowing his muzzle.

Jack, even if he wanted to, was powerless to stop it. By this point, Brent had clearly made himself the master, and he was not only willing, but compelled to do whatever he requested. The only thing in his world was to do exactly as his master said. He hung on every word, every command of his master, wanting nothing more than his praise and attention, and to know that he was a good boy. The feeling was intoxicating to say the least, and he wasn't sure he ever wanted it to end.

The otter could feel his master's dick throbbing now in his muzzle, a sure sign that he was getting close. The husky's member began to swell at the base, a sizeable knot forming. The husky roughly grabbed one of the otter's paws and placed it at the base of his cock. Jack knew, somehow, what this meant, and started to squeeze at the base, just behind the knot. This made the dog groan out loudly. After a few more humps, he roughly shoved the otter back off his length completely. Jack whimpered slightly, but kept his paw tightly around the dog's knot and cock base. Brent huffed loudly, moving his own paw to jerk his throbbing member a couple of times before throwing back his head in a howl as he started to unleash his load onto the otter.

Most of the shots hit Jack square on the face and muzzle while some joined the dog's urine in staining his chest fur. The thick, hot seed clung to his already matted fur and it just made Jack groan all the louder, closing his eyes and enjoying the sensation of it. He used his paw to squeeze at the dog's knot, as if to squeeze every last bit of the husky's seed onto his body. After a few shot and dribbles, the cum stopped flowing and Brent was left panting above his pet. He managed a weak grin down at Jack and he mumbled softly "Good fuckin' boy. I'd say you are thoroughly marked aye?" Jack only nodded. "Guess that makes you my pet now. I think it's nap time for master and his pet." With that, Brent flopped over onto the bed, motioning for the otter to join him. Jack wasted no time in hopping up in bed with him. The husky, clearly exhausted, held onto the otter like a plush and quickly fell asleep without another word. Jack lay awake for a bit longer, enjoying the mixing scents of his master's musk, urine, and cum co-mingling on his fur. He grinned, feeling completely content as he drifted off to sleep in his master's arms.

The otter's paw hovered over the radio dials as he shifted a little in the driver's seat of his car. He quickly selected a sports talk station and settled in for the drive to work. He shifted back again a little uncomfortably. After having been nude for almost the entire weekend, it felt very strange to be dressed again, to not have the collar around his neck. He sighed a little, but smiled as he glanced at his key ring, which contained a new, small tag on it. Somehow, just looking at that made him feel infinitely better. He felt somewhat ready to tackle the stresses of a Monday morning, after what had been one of the better weekends that he could remember.