Korwynn's Slave

Story by Kantir on SoFurry

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Fear held me in its exotic grip as I struggled to climb to my feet, only to find myself bound against the wall. I could hear footsteps nearby so I flicked my forked tongue out to catch my surroundings. The air was damp, meaning I was probably deep underground and I was cold, causing my body to slow down alarmingly fast. I expected that I had been asleep for a long time. My sensitive tongue told me that someone was coming closer, and they were looking for trouble. I uttered a curse to Fate under my breath as I realised my ordeal may not be over just yet.

"So you have awakened." The voice of my captor booming in my head had caught me off guard and I would have screamed if my throat didnt feel like sandpaper. The next thing I could feel was a clawed hand gripping the end of my tail and tugging it up, exposing my vulnerable rear. Another hand groped my tight tailhole and my bound nuts.

"I can see you are enjoying your stay here, slave. My name is Korwynn and I own your body now. I imagine you haven't slept well.. so I will grant you the priviledge of seeing your captor." Blindness evaporated into a soft glow of a torch hanging from a wall, and I turned my head to look. My courage faded away as I saw him. He was a black dragon, the worst of the series as they were known to be the most evil, ruthless (and kinkiest) monsters ever created. My cock, however, seemed to enjoy the view as his own endowments were far larger than mine and quite aroused. He noticed this and produced a leash and collar from behind his back. He tied one collar around my balls, and the seemingly normal strap of leather went around my neck, and seemed to fuse its ends together, creating a metal ring. He clipped the leash onto my young, sensitive balls. Giving a sharp tug caused me to moan out loud in pleasure. He seemed to enjoy my reaction.

"I see my home isn't the only thing you are enjoying, little one. Perhaps there is something I can do to make your visit more painful?" He smiled at me, "I assure you I can be very gentle when I want to be.. But you will have to earn that priviledge, like a good slave..." I hissed at him impatiently.

"Don't you have some towns to burn or some helpless, defenseless creature to slaughter somewhere?" I cursed myself for saying such things, I was in no position to barter or argue.

He smirked, "Yes, I do.. In fact, you happen to be one of those options right now, aren't you?" He grabbed my snout and pulled me towards his needy maleness. "Are you enjoying this or not, my little lizard slave? " He asked rhetorically. "I know you like being fucked so this should be very easy for you."

My tongue crept out curiously and dragged across the underside of his cock, getting a quiet murr of pleasure from the dragon so I took him into my muzzle and suckled firmly, sliding my head up and down along the gorgeous shaft. I closed my eyes and shuddered as my own hardness throbbed for attention.

"Hrrr. Suck it all, lizard.. and don't bite, or it will be far worse before you get to cum." He had a deep voice and so his laughter sounded like the snoring of a longneck. "You are a nice catch Kantir," He paused for a moment, "Or at least a good fuck." he grunted, his words interrupted, my snout must have been quite pleasing to him.

I felt his dragoncock sliding in and out of my muzzle and I was drooling, making a slimy mess on my chest. My lips could feel the shaft pull and push on them as it grew a bit thicker, the dragon's ballsac swinging back and forth as it bumped against my chin. With each thrust inwards, I could feel the tip of the cock now prod my throat, penetrating and pulling out, leaving thick ropes of pre to drip down from my muzzle now.

In, and out.. his cock slipped into my mouth, I could taste the fine trickling of his precum sliding down my throat and the cinamon oil on his cock burning my tongue. It felt like my throat was on fire from this abuse and I didn't know how I could stay conscious through it. My tongue lapped across his musky, thick maleness and he moaned. His humps thrusting against my face as I sat helpless beneath his furious muscular body. Soon I could feel his cock throb as the climax approached. Bitterness became stronger as I could taste his preseed flowing down my throat. My mouth having its strength sapped, all I could do was keep it open. Korwynn felt my weakness and a sharp tug on the leash around my balls brought me back to work.

"Don't stop, my little slut.. almost there." I moaned as I felt his cock slam to the hilt down my throat with incredible ease, the dragon thrusting quickly against my face while he had my warm wet muzzle and throat wrapped around his hot, stiff cock, massaging it like a female's cunt.

Finally he orgasmed, his fluids rushing out in thick, salty gushes as he roared in pleasure, filling the dungeon with his cry. I choked and gagged violently, his cum leaking out of my mouth and drooling lewdly down my chest and belly like a waterfall in the jungle. When he finally calmed down, his cock slid out with a lewd slurp and more cum fell out of my mouth and onto my thighs and near my own aching cock. He smiled and leaned down to kiss me and slide his long tongue into my muzzle. His breath chilled me, and his tongue made my cock throb even harder with need and lust, spurting my meager pre onto the cold uncaring stone floor to join the large pool of dragon cum that was already lingering there. He sensed my excitement and his paw reached down to caress my cock, forcing a moan out of my cum-soaked mouth as I raised my hips against it. He gripped me in his warm claws and stroked it gently, teasing me, stopping whenever I tried to thrust into it. Suddenly, he let go and grinned maliciously as I blushed and looked away.

"You will have your chance.. but as I said, you must earn it, little one." Having said that, he tied my wrists with some finely crafted shackles that were attached to the wicked black stone wall, and a few minutes later I felt my ankles being tied together with a 4-foot pole that spread my legs out to their widest. It didn't stop at that point either, I felt rope being wrapped tightly around my cock and balls, making the sac bulge with its weight and my cock lose its circulation, keeping me stiff and sensitive for the dragon's enjoyment. More rope came around the base of my tail and hiked it up high, allowing the cold air to seep between my cheeks and brush intimately against my tailhole, forcing a shiver to raze my body.

The black dragon stared at me, admiring his work and licking his lips as he drooled precariously. He hadn't satisfied himself for a long time. I was in for a long visit to the dragon's dungeon.

Warm, wet flesh pressed against a hot tight orifice and I screamed as my virginity was taken away from me, the tightness of my hole was very pleasing to the dragon and he showed his appreciation by licking my throat and neck. His jaws clamped onto my shoulder and he gripped my thighs as he began to plow into my body, filling my bowels with his hard, hot dragon meat. The sting of another male inside of me quickly became a pleasurable pain and I moaned aloud, blushing and shutting my eyes tightly. His tongue dragged lovingly over my neck as he kept his grip firm around my tight and muscular rump, my tail struggling against its bonds vainly. He began to thrust more quickly, short, powerful thrusts that drove deep. He sucked a long breath of air and pulled out, slowly, taking his time in extracting his hard, aching meat from my body.

I thought he had orgasmed already and I sobbed pathetically; my breath coming in short gasps. I never got the chance, as pain surged through my entire lower body, his full size had been aroused and he had shoved it all into my young frame. I screamed louder and higher than I ever did in my entire life, and it echoed through the room. He obviously enjoyed it as he effortlessly humped into my undefended bowels, ravaging and splitting my rectum into four helpless pieces as I moaned aloud. Dragon cum had dried and crusted on my chin and neck, tears had slid into my nostrils and mouth. My loins were never going to be the same, and my body was one writhing mass of pain and sin as he raped me through the night, taking me again and again as soon as he recovered. I have since not known what it is like to touch my cock, or to feel the softness of a pillow. It was a dream come true for both of us.