Ghostbusted - This Stream’s Gonna End in Mayhem

Story by Malus on SoFurry

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#18 of Vore Stories

This is another trade with Kumbartha who wanted to have his lion Kehno have a very sticky (and fatal) encounter with a particular ghost and was kind enough to ask for my bull character Cody to accompany him on that one way trip.^^

...and just if you are curious, neither of us has a high opinion of the 2016 Ghostbusters movie, but we both can agree that said ghost makes a nice pred - and so I hope will you.^^

So let us join Kehno, livestreaming ghosthunter and extra buff stud mancamwhore on this brand new episode in a long running series!

Let us watch our stud lion hunt for spectral special guests while showing off all of his glorious muscles for his fanboys to salivate over!

For tonight, he will investigate the rumors about an old, haunted theater where many are already said to have vanished without a trace. What possibly could go wrong?^^

And let us say hi to young bull fanboy Cody who, overwhelmed as he still is, definitely is very eager to find out what exactly is going to happen in those famous members only aftershows the young bovine has not been able to afford yet.

Neither of them knows that, to the great entertainment of their live chat audience, they will end up a kind of show neither of them had quite expected to star in. It is a once in a lifetime opportunity - at least for the lion and his young fan. ;-)

There also are a few special guests among the live chat audience who get to have a front row view, and in one case a little more, of the lion's final performance.^^



This Stream's Gonna End in Mayhem

Stream will be Starting in 0:43:13

**Dickwolf69: Hey guys, do you think we'll see another dud?

Jaguarboy666: Ah, come on, it is totally worth it for those pecs alone.^^**

LeanMeanObsceneYeen: Looking forward to the aftershow this time. ;-)

Dickwolf69: Oh, yeah, gonna have a lucky fan along for the ride. And when I say ride, you guys know what I mean. :-p

Codycould not suppress an impressed gasp as he let hisgreen eyes wander over the gilded stucco and the slightly faded paintingsthat seemed to cover every last bit of walls and ceiling. It was like stepping back into the past, where crowds of people in fancy dresses and frock coats would gather to watch the stage with rapt attention. Definitely enough to make the teenage bull feel a tad bit inadequate in his shorts, sandals and tanktop, the latter of which was clinging sweatily to his nicely toned, brown furred body. And he was sure that after the heat outside that had barely subsided with nightfall, he had to smell a bit despite the subtle sage deodorant he had rubbed into his pits to cover up the scent of sweaty young male.

Well, but as ornate as the place was, disuse had made it smell a bit mustily of dust and stale air itself. So, maybe he really should not worry too much about being sweaty.It was said state of disuse of course which was, in essence, the reason they were here. And thus, looking into the gloomy twilight, only illuminated by the cone of their flashlights, he could not help but move a little closer to the big, hunky lionstanding next to him.

The black maned head turned towards the young bull, a big, muscular,red furred arm wrapping around him as he was given a toothy grin, theyellow and green eyes twinkling.

"Hey, cowboy, relax, you're with a pro tonight, so, no worries, kay?"

Cody felt a bit of a shiver run down his spine, together with a flush of heat to his cheeks. It had been quite a swelteringday outside. Hot enough for him to smell the tang of lion sweat quite clearly. And thus, he was pretty sure he was close enough for the lion to smell him as well...

Damn,he maybe should have though a bit more about all of this!His heart was pounding in his chest and he was not sure if it was about the place or about the big, handsome lion soclose to him...

God damn, he had been lying on his bed, just a couple of days ago, shorts pooling around his toes, one hand holding his laptop while other was busy working his thick cock. The young bull had been moaning, nipples pert and aching as he was looking at this very same lion, so casually showing off his bulging muscles under the sweat damp fur. Posing for the camera, the bulge of his flaccid cock clearly showing through the fabric of his way tootight shorts...

Cody had had it bad, ever since a friend had shown him that ghost hunter channel, where Kehno the lion would traipse through haunted houses, scary bogs or abandoned warehouses, showing off both his impressively hunky body and his occasional supernatural findings. Well, if you believed in the latter. Half of the commentators seemed to just be there to point to how it clearly had to all just be special effects. They still seemed to be staying for more though. So, even if one did not believe in the ghost hunting, maybe the hunky lion beefcake was enough to swallow one's skepticism...

Cody,even though he was a bit on the fence about ghosts himself,did not really want to believe it was all a hoax though. And he definitely knew what he wanted to get a chance to swallow...

He had heard there were special aftershows for subscribers only where, well, there would be more than just eyecandy. But, so far, he had not found out if those rumors and teases were true.

...not until the day he had been picked from all the fans writing in from his state to be part of the next ghost hunt. And he knew fans who came along for thatride would be part of thoseaftershows...

That was how he had landed here. Picked up at a diner, getting to stare at the thick bulging muscles all up close while the big, hunky lion was grinning at him, explaining things while Cody just nodded and stared. He still remembered how his cock had flared up embarrassingly when the lion had lazily leaned back arms locked behind his head, exposing his pits with the bushels of sweaty black hair sticking out from the way too tight tanktop...

And now one ofthose same arms was wrapped around his shoulders, holding him so he could feel the thick muscles flexing beneath the sweaty fur. Why had he rushed into this?! He'd be popping a boner on life video if things kept up like this!

Cody tried to smile, relax, take a deep breath. Concentrate on the stale, dusty scent of old theater and not the smell of virile, unwashed lion...

"Umh, th, thanks, I'm okay, sorry, just a bit of nerves."

He tried to smile, ignoring his thumping heartbeat sending blood rushing to his cheeks and nether regions. Kehno did not immediately let go of him, allowingthe touch linger. He was really close...

Damn, Cody had dreamed of a situation like this, wetly, but, he, he could not, not get stiff now!

"Hmmmh, maybe I should help you with those? Have to keep the fans happy you know."

He could feel the warm breath, feel the hand patting him. Or was it more stroking? Fondling?

"B, but, aah, don't we, don't we have to set up everything?I mean, I, I can't, can't delay everything", Cody stammered, trying to resist the urge to throw himself against that muscular chest and ask for, hnnnh, no, he could not let his mind wander there now, not if he did not want to make that stiffening arousal into a full blown pole of stiff bull meat...

Finally, the lion let go, ruffling his hair briefly, before giving him some space.

"Got you, cowboy. Well, we will have all the time for me to help you relax a bit once the official show is over, hmh?"

The rakish wink made Cody's cheeks burn fiercely, but he tried to cover it up with a sheepish grin, scratching behind his small horns.

"Umh, just tell me what to do and I shall be on it!", he met the lion's eyes briefly, noticing that the feline's bright green and yellow eyes were wandering slightly downward from his face, seeming to fix on something, though luckily, it did not seem to be going to where Cody desperately hoped he was successfully hiding his growing arousal. No, seemed to be right beneath his shoulder where his arm still stretched back as his fingers scraped over the little stubby horn...

"That's the spirit! And talking of spirits, we better go scout out a good location to set things up. Then you can put all those nice muscles you've got to good use and help me carry the equipment inside, have it all set up and stuff, you know?"

Coming from a big hunk of a lion, thatwas a rather nice compliment, one that made Cody slightly self consciously touch his broad shoulders and muscular arms. Though of course, it was barely anything compared to the rippling muscles of the lion's back. Muscles he had a great chance ogling as he was following behind Kehno as they made their way through the gilded hallways.It was rather like getting eye candy on a golden platter. Or should that rather be an extra big slice of beefcake?

Interrupting Cody's musings, the lion finally came to a halt as they had made their way trough rowsof upholstered seats to the large stage. Theheavy red curtains wereparted, giving them an unobstructed view. There was no stage set of course, but even like this, the scene was impressive. Cody watched the lion pullhimself up, ignoring the stairs at each side,standing there with a broad grin, his muscular arms stretched out in a lazy flexing of muscles.The lionlet the beam of his flashlight dance around, catching the gleaming gild and the opulent paintings. This was the place where people,according to the storieshad seen the ghostly manifestations...

"Alright! We will need some lights there and there! As for the cameras, we do need to have them set over there!", the lion pointed, waving his light, letting his gaze wander as he set up his very own stage in his minds eye. One for a single star actor getting to play off on a cute young admirer...

Cody snapped to attention as the feline pointed at him next, making a brief salute, unable not to get caught up in the enthusiasm.

"Aye, sir!", he called out, grinning as he watched the hunky lion prancing around.

"Good boy! Then let us go fetch the equipment, we better make sure we are on schedule!"

It did take them several trips from the van parked outside to the theater hall. First with the big cable drums, thenwith the lights and cameras those yards of cable would be connecting to generator in the car. The computer was the last piece and while Cody was off tofetch it, Kehno was already starting to set thingsup, whistling to himself and letting his mind wander to what other good uses he could put that little bull with his tight, toned body to later.He did not give him long to let his mind wander in his absence, alreadyback, carefully carrying the computer bag. Kehnowatched him gingerly put it down on a small table they had carried out from the requisite room, his eyes lingering.

"Hey, cowboy, raise that light a bit for me!", the lion shouted good-naturedly gesturing towards one of the fixtures he had positioned. The setup came with adjustable poles and a small motor to move the spots by remote control later, but the way Kehno had left it meant that Codywould haveto reach up a good bit to do as he was told. It made the young bull's arms flexnicely as he pushed while his other hand was busy adjusting the catch of the apparatus. And with Cody just wearing that sleeveless tanktop, it gave the lion a rather good view of the boy's slightly damp pits as his muscle were flexing and bulging. Oh,yeah, Codyreally was quite a good boywhen it came toproviding himwith something nice on the eyes, those pits were rather lickable...

Kehno had to really try to make his grin not too much of a lustful leer. Though judging from Cody's earlier flustered reactions, it did not seem like he had to worry about scaring the little bull off...

"That's it, just keep it like that, just a little bit higher...", he almostpurred, his eyes lingering on the strapping young bovine as Cody obediently did as he was told. He did not even hesitate either, when after that, Kehno told him to search for something he thought he had to have dropped earlier, providing the lion with a great view of the boy'swell tonedass. There it was lifted invitingly in the air, tail flicking as the boy was rummaging beneath the row of seats.

"I, hmmmh, do not think I can find it...", the young bull said, sounding so apologetic that the lion almost felt bad. Almost...

"Ah, no worry, can always check for it later, cowboy, don't you worry your little head over it."

Cody made some sound of assent as he rose up, shaking his head and brushing dust from his tousled,silky blond hair. The lion was sure it would feel nice once he would get to twist his fingers into it and push that mouth down on his thick, throbbing cock...

But work first, playtime later. The lion stretched his arms, flexing his muscles, noticing how the little guy was staring at him, just as the dark bushels of hair sprouting from the lion's pits came into full view. Oh, yes, he was reading that tasty little slice of beef cake correctly, he was pretty much begging to have his nose shoved right where he his eyes had been wandering...

"Okay, now we just have to finish setting up the important stuff", the lion gestured to one of the boxes they had carried in. Spectralamplifiers. If there was any ghostly activity, those sweet little gadgets should draw them right to them. He had already made a preliminary surveillance run before, so, he was sure they would at least get something. And maybe even a really big catch.

Thus, while he and his little soon to be fucktoy were setting them up all over the stage and part of the seating area, he let his gaze wander to the last box. He had gotten that little gadget from some nerdy New Yorkers who had their own paranormal gig. They had told him it really needed another of their gadgets to be fully effective, but Kehno had looked at how power hungry THAT one would have been and shaken his head. He had a camera set and the video processing to run after all.

"Hey, Cody cowboy, just in case anything happens, this is the thing to go for", Kehno gestured towards the small gadget he had fished out of the box, carefully setting it up at the edge of the stage. It basically was a small box on wheels with a handle and a neon yellow and black striped lid. Not a sleek gadget, more like something from a tinkerer's shed. Cody gave it a curious look as Kehno grabbed it by the handle.

"It's a pretty simple thing. You just make it slide towards whatever spectral nasty is causing trouble, then, when it is in the right place, like right beneath the thing, you press the button on the cord."

The lion held up a big button, like one of those light switches for a lamp you could operate with your foot, waving it about and giving it a little thump with his thumb. The young bull nodded, even though the lion could not help thinking he was looking more at him than at the thing.

Ah, well, most likely, it would be him operating it anyway, but just in case...

The lion briefly glanced to the clock ticking down on the display of the open laptop. The stream would be starting soon and he better not be late, or his ratings might go down!

He gave himself a last quick check, made sure his tanktop clung tightly to his massive pecs and abs, before fussing a bit over the blushing Cody.

"Now, let us make sure all is ready, stream will be starting in a few minutes! No worries though, cowboy, I am sure the crowd will love you."

The lion grinned, giving the blushing young bull a little wink before going through the final steps of his routine. Time to face the camera!

**BigBadBulf: Did I miss anything guys?

Dickwolf69: Just a reason to spank Jaguarboy666 for being a naughty kitty. ;-)**

Jaguar666: Hey!

**BigBadBulf: Have to see about that later. ;-)

LeenMeanObsceneYeen: Tie him up so he can't watch the aftershow. :-p**

Jaguar666: ...

**WolfTigerBarbarian: Stream is just about to start guys.

AlucardChee: Pecs...**

"Hi guys, this is your boy Kehno and I'm live here at theold Wang Theatre. Today, we will be looking into all those rumors about the hauntings said to take place here, including the story of the whole class from that local all boy's college sneaking in here for a private party with only their tattered clothing to be found by the custodian the next morning. So, fun times for all of us tonight!"

The lion laughed jovially, clapping Cody on the shoulder and pulling him closer, for the young bull to shyly smile into the camera, all the while feeling his heart thumping in his chest.

"And this here is Cody, the lucky fan who gets to join me on this little romp here...", the lion drawled, winking at the camera, drawing Cody a bit closer still. The young bull could feel his nipples growing pert beneath the tight shirt, knowing they had to start showing...

"Umh, hi", he got out, taking a breath and trying not to think of how he was breathing in sweaty lion.

"I'm Cody and I have been following the show like all of you guys, umh, since about half a year. Feels, well, kinda heady to suddenly be on the other side of the screen."

Dickwolf69: Oooh, Jailbait. ;-)

WolfTigerBarbarian: Oh yeah, jailbait. That boy's never 18.

?** Boy: Won't he get into trouble if he's not? LOL**

**LeanMeanObsceneYeen: Yeah, guess he will be hunting for the soap in the prison showers next episode. And the only thing getting busted will be that ass of his. ;-)

Dickwolf69: Tune in to hear that lion moan like a bitch while our local prison rape gang turns him into one. Ah, makes me almost wish I'd get some more time behind bars myself. ;-)**

Jaguarboy666: Umh, guys, I did not look much older than him when I was eighteen, just saying.

BigBadBulf: Kitty, you STILL don't look much older than him.

LeanMeanObsceneYeen:** Pics or it didn't happen *. :-* p**

The lion was chuckling, jokingly bantering back at the live-chat while Cody felt his face heat up. He was actually getting closer to nineteen than eighteen, for heaven's sake...

And, the lewd jokes did not help doing anything about his own raging hormones. Had to make him look like an idiot as he went along,smiling awkwardlyand chiming in when Kehno gave him a cue as he let the cameras roam about. The whole setup, if he had understood the lion correctly, ran mostly on auto pilot, with some rather complex remote control options.

"...quite a shame really that this place is haunted, cause this sure is a sweet stage, ey?", the lion chuckled, as he prowled over the smooth wood floor, cameras and lights following him as he waved around, going into his routine about his setup.

"Well, most of you guys will know this, so I will keep it brief. Just need to throw the newcomers a bone, okay?", he waggled his eyebrows as he lazily stretched his body, making his impressive muscles ripple beneath the short, reddish fur.

"We will be waiting here for a bit and see if cranking up our spectral amplifiers some more will get us some sightings. No special effects, guys, all real ghosts", the lion drawled, shaking his mane.

And right on cue, the faintly glowing purple lights of the gadgets spread across the sage were starting to flair up, giving the whole scene a slightly sinister gleam as the lion waved at them, giving a short explanation about what they did and what the audience could expect. Cody was watching with baited breath, waiting, his heart thumping in his chest. He gave Kehno a look that made the lion smile and wave him closer. He gladly took him up on the invitation, sticking to the lion's side as they both watched and waited, everything silent besides the occasional beeping of new chats coming in.

**WolfTigerBarbarian: Guess bulls can be kinda cute after all. Maybe I should get one for a pet. ;-)

Dickwolf69: You mean cock warmer? :-p**

AlucardChee: You guys can have him if I get to take his place next to that lion.

Cody let out a startled gasp as he suddenly saw something moving, up above, near the richly decorated ceiling. Apale, bluish light floating towards them, seeming to come right out of one of the paintings festooning the ornate ceiling. A vaguely man shaped flickering form, seeming to emerge right out of the naked saint or angel stretching out his slender, muscular arm towards another figure.

"Oooh, looks like we got our first hit!", Kehno hissed in a voice that was half a whisper, his body tensing as he stood there, right next to the transfixed Cody, watching as the shimmer condensed into a human shape, a young human man, almost a boy, naked at least from the waist up, tousled hair and big, mournful looking eyes. He floated around them, seeming to reach out, a cold, tingling sensation flushing over Cody's chest as cold fingers brushed over his fur and skin. The figure seemed to be trying to form words, touching both of them as if to implore them.

"You, you must... now..."

The voice was so soft, like the gentle, yet insistent touch. Both the bull and the lion stood still, waiting, but all that happened was that the ghostly boy opened his mouth, his words drowned in an eerie discord, grasping the lion's shoulders, as if to pull him away before floating towards the entrance of the building, vanishing just as suddenly ashe had appeared before them in the first place.

Both of them kept standing there, holding their breath, waiting for the apparition to return. But the ghost had vanished, for good, it seemed. Finally, the lion let out a sigh, grinning at the camera, breaking the spell that had hung over the room.

"And there he goes. Well, bummer, he was a cutie", Kehno said with a laugh, shrugging his shoulders before giving the camera a big grin, letting his pecs bounce as he flexed his muscles.

"Though, who knows, maybe we can lure him back with a little show? What do you say, Cody?"

The young bull looked startled, grinning nervously as he tried to keep his eyes from bobbing up and down with the bouncing of the mountains of pectoral muscle. Damn, it was not easy. actually!

"Oh, I, I don't know, he kinda seemed like he wanted to tell us something, I mean, maybe we should...", he got out, just before a loud, snarling voice cut him off.

"Yah should pack up an' go you darn fudge packer faggots! Ya dirty animals! Stinkin' beasts, ya go and make yourself scarce and take all your bloodybaubles n' stuff with ya!"

Both of them looked up, rather surprised, only for their gazes to fall on the translucent, sickly yellow specter that was nowhovering above them, shaking his fist and seeming to spit flecks of yellow ectoplasm at them that sizzled into nothingness after perhaps a foot from the angry grimace beneath the shabby felt hat stuck on top of his unkempt head.

"Whoa! That guy certainly has a spectral lung! Do you hear that, guys? Think that is special effects?"

The lion's pointing finger and wide grin only seemed to further enrage the spectral old human though.

"Ya think this is funny?! Go n' die innna ditch, dirty, flea ridden fags! Ya hear me?! Not gonna have ya stink up ma darn afterlife when I had ya dirty hippies to deal with half of my life! Get out!"

The man was shouting, his face turning vivid orange, his neck and chest flaring, like a frog swelling up. Cody felt his flanks press against the lion, as he was huddling closer, hisheart thumping against his ribcage, as he let out a feeble, bleating sound. This, this was real. No joke, not special effects. A real ghost...

He might perhaps been able to convince himself he had somehowfantasized the boy, but, that old man? He was definitelyway too loud and way too solidly nasty to be the mere product of his imagination!

A firm grip around his shoulders made his racing thoughts pause as he was drawn right against the reassuringly warm and solid body of the lion, who was looking up at their spectral visitor, his voice loud and confident, full of swagger.

"Oh, you got a problem with that, old man? Well, sucks to be you then, cause as a special bonus for my faithful viewers, you're all going to see how faggy this show here can get!"

And with those words, the lion grabbed Cody by both shoulders, holding him there for a moment, the bright, feline eyes fixing on him as hisgrinning face moved closer. And closer...

And then the young bull, his whole body searing up with heat, found himself drawn into a fierce embrace and even fiercer kiss. His gasping little moans were stifled, his thumping heart seemingly wanting to burst right from his rib cage as the rough, feline tongue pushed past his lips, wrestling with his own,as the lion's hand wandered down, stroking his back, kneading his firm, muscular ass cheeks.

Cody had trouble breathing, would have trouble keeping upright if the strong arms did not hold him. He could still taste the coffee from the diner the lion had picked him up at as the tongue probed deeper. ...and his cock was flaring up, rising to full, proudly erect length, straining painfully against his waistband while his stiff nipples were rubbing right against the lion's muscular body.

The rush of blood to his head was almost enough to drown out the shrieking of the ghostly old man. Almost. But not when the cry of "filthy fags!" ended with a loud burst, like the sound of a balloon popping.

?** Boy: Wow...**

AlucardChee: Jealous...

Dickwolf69: My ears...

LeanMeanObsceneYeen: Did that ghost just pop so big a blood vessel it popped him along with it?

WolfTigerBarbarian: Exploding ghost homophobes one french kiss at a time...

**BigBadBulf: Looks like little bull boy popped something not so little himself. ;-)

LeanMeanObsceneYeen: Calf Rape time.

Jaguarboy666: You cannot rape the willing. Believe me, I was part of that experiment. :-p**

Cody was still breathing heavily, his body shaking, still rattled from the sudden explosion of sound, the sickly yellow particles of the former ghostly manifestation still lingering in the air, glowing in the light of the spectral amplifiers. His cock was hard, achingly hard, sweat was running down his flanks, making his tanktop feel tacky and damp. And the lion, now standing barely a foot away from him, seemed to be doing no better. Pert nipples and a stiff arousal, threatening to tear right through the fabric were both clear testament to that. A stiff arousal that was already pushing against him, leaving a smear of precum on his abdomen, as it came oozing through the abused fabric. It smelled overpoweringly of sweaty, horny lion and it almost drove Cody wild. He, wanted that...

His eyes met those of the lion, then he let out a loud, bleating gasp as a strong hand wrapped around the straining tent in his shorts. One squeeze was enough to make his knees wobble, ending with him face first in the meaty lion pecs. He could feel the reverberating chuckle as Kehno ruffled his hair.

"Steady, cowboy. I think we better get you out of those clothes before you end up hurting yourself with that nice big rod...", he growled softly, tongue flicking out, licking one of the bull's ears. Then he turned to the cameras, still holding Cody against his flexing, sweaty chest, where the youngbull was justinhaling dizzily, obviously entranced by the situation.

"And you guys are in for a treat, cause I have my hands too full to go to the aftershow. So enjoy the free sample, you filthy freeloaders."

His warm laugh was tickling Cody's ears as the bull felt the strong hands slipping beneath his tanktop, peeling of the sweat stained fabric. He let out a whimper as it finally slid over his pert, sensitive nipples.

"Arms up, cowboy", Kehno was panting himself, his heated body rubbing against his, their stiff cocks briefly brushing together through the straining fabric holding them captive. Cody felt almost limp with dizzying arousal, but he obediently rose his arms, allowing the lion to pull up his tanktop, exposing his whole naked upper body.

And Cody felt his cheeks burn even hotter when the lion leaned in, sniffing his exposed pits.

"Hmmmh, you smell nice, I like that little hint of sage. Could definitely see myself coming to want my beef like that all the time...", he teased, flinging off the damp, tacky fabric, his hands running down the toned arms, kneading them gently until he finally had arrived at the shoulders and chest. Fingerswere toying with the bull's pert nipples, a rough tongue flicking quickly over each one once, before Kehno took Cody's hand in his, placing them right on his ownabs.

"Your turn, Cody. I know you have been wanting to unpack this hunk of meat all evening", he purred, waggling his eyebrow, looking almost a bit comical like that. It was enough to make Cody gasp with a suppressed laugh, his tension easing, just a little. Just enough to push his hands beneath the clinging fabric, peeling it away from the rippling muscles...

The lion's body just felt amazing. Hard muscle beneath short, sweaty fur. The bushels of darker bodyhair forming an enticing contrast, especially when his fingers touched the pits of his massive arms.

Kehnomadesoft, moaning sounds as Cody was nuzzling one of his big, pert nipples, his whole body shuddering with arousal as the stiff nub of flesh rubbed against the young bull's nose. He just could not resist, he had to, had to lick it...

"Oooh, yeah, go for it, cowboy!", Kehno groaned, raising his own arms, giving Cody access to his muscular chest andhis armpits with the bushels of dark, sweaty smelling hair. He tasted salt from the stiff, sensitive flesh, smelled even more of it as he buried his nose in the musky pits, tryinghis best to force the straining fabric over the broad shoulders and the thickly maned head. The lion did his best to make it easy on the eager young bovine and with the sweat soaked fabricfinallyhitting the floor, both of them were naked to their waist, panting and with hard cocks straining against much abused fabric, begging for freedom.

Cody looked up at the lion, getting an encouraging grin. It was all the invitation he needed to let his fingers slip beneath the straining waistband, pushing it down until the thick, stiff erection came flopping out, slapping with a lewdly sticky sound against the sculpted abs. Dark, glistening with precum and smelling overpoweringly of randylion, it was all a horny gay teenager could dream of.

"Yeah, I know you want that bad boy....", the lion teased, his hands wandering to the tent in Cody's shorts, groping his own aching arousal, making the bull whimper before he finally showed mercy, pushing his shorts down to make the young bull's own stiff cock flop out. It was hot and dripping with precum, pulsing with pent up need...

Now Cody was standing there, naked but for his shoes, moaning with lust, his short coat of brown fur shining with sweat, accentuating the nicely muscled body. His cock, slightly darker brown, glistening stickily just like that of the lion. And just like him, the horny young bull knew he had to be smelling quite strongly of sweat and arousal...

Strong fingers began kneading his pecs, feeling him up with appreciative growls. The lion took one of the bull's own trembling hands, placing it right on his muscular chest, grinning toothily. Apparently, Cody would get to touch as much as he wanted, and boy, he had wanted that badly. Feeling the strong muscles, inhaling the mix of sweat and arousal, feeling the heat radiating from the powerful body.

And then, as the moaning, horny males were busy groping and fondling each other, their cocks touched, head to head. Cody's whole body flushed with searing heat as he felt the lewd, sticky sensation of their glans, foreskin half peeled off and slimy with precum, slickly rubbing together, their fluids mingling. Like in an utterly obscene kiss....

It was an electric, jolting sensation that made his whole body jerk helplessly, sending a fresh gush of precum dribbling down his throbbing shaft.

Their eyes met, the lion looking flushed, grinning as he recovered from the breathy, trembling moan he had made, drawing Cody closer against him, rubbing their cocks together, all slick and hard and hot...

"Haaah, damn, I would have made you go down and suck my cock, but, sorry, boy, I'm going to fuck you here and now whether you like it or not...", he drawled, shaking all over, groping the trembling little bull, who was moaning eagerly against his muscular, musky pecs.

"...but I guess you aren't gonna complain, cowboy, are you now?"

He took Cody's chin, forcing him to look up at him, the lion staring into the lust dazed green eyes as he pushed his muscular legs between the eagerly parting thighs...

L** eanMeanObsceneYeen: Hmmmh, dick kiss...

JaguarBoy666: Can I take both those dicks...?**

BigBadBulf: Only dick you are gonna take is right here, NOW. ;-)

**AlucardChee: Double dicks for me then?

DickWolf69: Guess that means all the ass's left for me. }:-)

Anonymous: What the fuck is wrong with you guys? Don't type, watch before the good part's over!**

LeanMeanObsceneYeen: I'm saving all of this FYI. ;-)

Codywas panting heavily, his body shaking as he felt the heat of the muscular lion pressing into him, rubbing his slick, hard cock in his ass crack. That was it, Cody was going to get fucked, losing his virginity on live camera by the hands, more than just hands, of the ghost hunting lion star he had jerked off to back in the safety of his bedroom. He had been fantasizing about how the muscular body would feel, smell, taste...

...and now he was finding out, touch by touch, breath by breath, all heat and sweat and the salty sweet aroma of lusty arousal. Hands on his ass, lifting him up as he clung to the muscular body, already having kicked off his shoes. The lion's glans was slimy with the thick, oozing precum, pushing rightagainst his asshole. Cody could not help the whimper. He had been playing with his ass in the shower, stretched the ring of muscle, lubed it up, pushed his fingers in, fantasizing about what he was just about to get. But it was his first time and, he was a bit scared that it would hurt too much...

But at the same time, he could feel the lion's body, trembling with lusty arousal, shivering with the pent up, animal need. And as much as he was afraid of it, it made him desperately want the lion's cock. All of it. Now.

"F, fuck me, I, I can take it", Cody whimpered, looking in the lion's feverishly gleaming eyes, seeing the wild grin that formed on his face as his grip tightened and the dull pressure against his ass began to intensify with every growling breath the lion drew.

"Grrrooah, you, you asked for it, no complaints if I wreck you, you little bitch bull!"

The lion roared, his whole body seeming to throb with one, violent, jerking motion as the thick, slippery head of his erection thrust into him, like a sword plunged into a helpless, squirming body.

It hurt, oh, god, it did hurt, but even as Cody was moaning and crying out, the lewd, intimate invasion senteven more blood rushing to his own, rather impressive erection. He was sweating, oozing precum and clinging desperately to the red lion as he was impaled by the thick rod of warm, throbbing flesh. Like a squirming piece of meat on a spit...

Damn, he was getting close! Despite the dull pain and the slightly unsettling feeling of having his body invaded, his cock was throbbing ever closer to a hot and sticky climax. He'd blow his load like a sex starved teenager. Well, he was a sex starved teenager though, damn. Fuck, he was gonna...

"Haaah, K, Kehno, I'm gonna, gonna cum!", he cried out, his fingers digging into the thick shoulder muscles, holding on for dear life as he felt his whole body throbbing with the pent up need for release. It was weeks of teenage hornyness, weeks of jizz splattered young bull writhing on his bed, fingers pushing against his twitching sphincter as he had fantasized about this. Cody never had a chance...

"Haah, damn, a bit longer you little cock slut, don't go shooting off on me just yet, cowboy!"

But despite his words, the lion seemed close himself, very close, his whole body trembling as he went down, pushing Cody into the smooth wood of the stage, leaving it damp with teenage bull boy sweat as he slammed hard into him, pushing him down, giving the cameras a great shot of Cody's throbbing cock, glistening dark and slippery wet as the lewd sounds of flesh slapping against flesh filled the entire hall. Cody was trying his best, but, god, he needed to come. And he wanted the lion to come with him, wanted to feel the warm heat of cum inside his thoroughly abused ass!

"Aaah, please, breed me, Kehno, please! I cannot take any more, I, need to, haaaaaah!"

The lion just let out a drawn out, lusty groan, his whole body jerking as the tight, eager sphincter triedto contract around him, as if to milk his cock. All tight and hot. Cody could feel it as the first jolts of climax hit him, felt it before the heat of potent seed came gushing inside his ass. Felt it like the desperately desired droplets of rain in the mouth of a man dying of thirst. His whole body clenched, tight and hot, his balls feeling like they had to be close to bursting when finally, the overpowering, throbbing heat of his own climax joined the sticky hot seed flooding him.

Both cried out as the ropes of salty sweet bull cream splattered over theirheaving, muscular bodies, painting them sticky white. And all they could do was attemptingto draw ragged breath of salty, musky air as they tried to recover from it.

Cody just grinned weakly at the lion, letting out a soft little whimper as strong fingers reached for his cock, playing with his glans, coating themselves in the rich, creamy seed running down his achingly oversensitive cock. And then, with semen dripping from them, the lion moved his fingers to his mouth.

"Hmmmh, didn't know bull cream tasted quite that nice. You are a tasty little thing, you know?", the lion chuckled, his tongue lapping once more over his cum smeared fingers, giving the moaning Cody a toothy grin.

Dickwolf69: Well, that went quick.

WolfTigerBarbarian: Well, if you're both pent up, you're not gonna last. Bet that bull boy will get another good creaming today though. ;-)

?** Boy: ***I want someone to lick up my cum and call me tasty, too...*

AlucardChee: Huff, that could absolutely have been me there...

LeanMeanObsceneYeen: Bet some of you may want that recording later. :-p

BigBadBulf:** Win+Alt+R really is handy, ey? ;-)**

LeanMeanObsceneYeen: Hey, you're spoiling my secret! ;-)

Cody was still trying to catch his breath, dizzy from his climax, his whole body shivering. The young bull could feel the comforting heat of the lion's body where they were touching, still feel the stiff length moving inside of him ever so slightly, with the lewd, squishy sensation of the big load of virile lion seed dumped into him. God, this had been, just, wow...

His heart was thumping his whole body tingling from the immense pleasure and if he had had the strength to do it, he would have hugged the big muscular body and buried his face in his chestfur, inhaling the scent of manly, sexy lion. But, as things were, all he could do was smile sheepishly, letting out a soft moan as he looked up.

Looked up and saw something hovering just above the lion!

It was something big. Something shimmering translucent green. Something that was staring down at him out of glowing red eyes. Eyes that looked at him, looked at them like a cat would look at two mice, carelessly rutting right inside of its nest...

Oh, fuck! Fuck, this, this could not be, could not be real!

Not the batlike wings, the horned head, not the vicious looking teeth, not the dark red tongue slowly flicking out as if it was tasting the sweat and sex laden air!

But it was. And Cody was feeling the instinctive dread of millions of years of prey animal evolution freezing him right in place as the creature stared down at them.

"K, Kehno... There, behind you...", the young, scared stiff bull barely got out with a trembling voice.

**Dickwolf69: WHAT?! WHAT THE FUCK?!

Jaguarboy666: Damn, you almost made me miss this! Well, anyone still want to call THAT special effects?!

BigBadBulf: Well, if it is, they sure are knowing how to stage a big surprise.

AlucardChee: That thing's also kinda studly...**

Kehno blinked, rather perplexed by the sudden shift in the little bull's attitude. The boy had looked like he was in horny teenager heaven just moments ago after all. All deliciously disheveled, seeming to beg the lion to ravage him some more with every fiber of his trembling, sweat gleaming, well toned body. And as nice as the feeling of that tight ass suddenly clenching around his cock was, he seriously felt concerned whether he might have taken him a bit too hard. Then, finally, the little cutie seemed to take heart, his voice trembling as he stared at something past Kehno's broad shoulders, past his thickly maned head.

To his embarrassment, it actually took him a moment for things to click. One moment in which all he could do was grin and think ofall the dumb movie cliches about that sort of thing. One moment he was just about to give his frightened, tasty little peace of veal a playful answer, before realization hit him.

Oh shit! Oh shhhiiitt!

Something wet came dripping down on his head, sending a suddencold shiver down his spine. Slowly, almost like he was being pulled by strings, the lion's head turned up, only to be greeted by a front row view of translucent ghostly green scaly muscles and a large maw full of wicked looking teeth, drooling right on him as if he was a well cooked steak the thing justcould not wait to tear into.Or, maybe not so much just "tear". Because there was something surprisingly solid, somethingthat wasdripping ghostly slime poking rightagainst his well muscled ass...

"Oh, shiiit!"

And then, the monster struck.

Cody was sent tumbling over the smooth wooden floor, making a bleating yelp. Kehno though was not so lucky. The thing had him firmly in its grasp, liftinghim up as easily as he had lifted up the young bull. Strong claws wrapping around his muscular arms, something pushing apart his legs, spreading the cheeks of his firm ass...

The lion might not have been a paragon of gentleness when he had fucked Cody, but, well, the little guy had been moaning for it. Kehnomeanwhile was pretty sure that what he was in for as an unmistakably oozing length of frighteningly solid ectoplasm poked against his asshole would be far less merciful than that. And not to his surprise, he barely had the blink of an eye to find out for himself.

"Oooooh, fuuuuuuuuuuuuuck!"

**WolfTigerBarbarian: Well, seriously, what do you expect if you have randy gay sex in front of a big, horny green ghost monster / gargyole / whatever? I mean, what would YOU have done with that redfurred ass all invitingly up in the air, hmh?

Dickwolf69: you think this counts as necrophilia? I mean, just asking.

MeanLeanObsceneYeen: Depends on whether those moans means he's into it. :-p

Anonymous: Shouldn't someone call help, I mean, like, police or something?

BigBadBulf: *shrugs* Still kinda busy here myself.

AlucardChee: Jaguarboy all silent again? Is HE busy on your lap then?:-p**

This, this could not really be real. This, this had to be, well, a dream maybe?!

Cody was shivering in the suddenly much colder theater hall. Naked, cock still hard, feeling numb as he could just watch, eyes wide with fear. Watch the big, hunky lion get fucked by the green glowing gargoyle monster, his ass bouncing on its, his huge cock. A cock that was long and thick enough to make the washboard abs bulge out.

It looked painful and unsurprisingly, Kehno was moaning helpless as he was being fucked.

Just, it was not just with pain... And the lion's suave voice had taken on a note that, well, sounded a lot less manly, but more...

"That filthy beast! He's moanin' like a goddamn faggot is what he is!"

Cody's head spun around, only to see the ghost from early, floating above the empty rows of seats, pointing and shaking his ugly head.

In response, an angry roar sounded from the stage and the glowing red eyes turned on the interloper, only for the ghost to hastily float back, making a feeble sound of his own. Then his head turned towards Cody a last time, before he began receding back into the wall.

"Ya get ya naked ass outa here, you dumb beast! Not to late fer you to get on ya knees and repent instead of suckin' cock like a whore to cheap to even get paid!"

And with that, the old man vanished, leaving Cody with the ghost's words echoing in his head.

Well, he could try to run...

But, he, he could not leave Kehno behind and, and...

His eyes fixed on the writhing, muscular body, bobbing on the ghost's cock. On the lion's own still (or once again?) stiff erection, the pert nipples, the mouth torn open in a cry of, well, not just pain...

Truth be told, it actually did look kinda hot. And, well, to his shame, Cody also was still (once again?) quite achingly hard...

"Cody, don't just sit there staring, haaaaaaaaaah, ooooh, damn, damn, haaaah! G, get the ghost trap!"

Kehno's eyes fixed on him, his cock bouncing, up and down with each merciless thrust, his words broken up by the increasingly drawn out, emasculated moans.


Cody just looked perplexed, head spinning with the storm of conflicting emotions, his body shivering, both with cold and something else. Something that made his nipples stand pert and his cock twitch...

"Haaaaah, d, daaaaaaaamn! That, that thing I, yaaaaaaaaaaoooooh, thing I showed you! Get it already and quit staring like some horny teenager, ooooooooooaaaaah, watching porn!"

Realization hit Cody, just as the ghost's oozing cock kept hitting home right inside the tight lion ass.

That thing the lion had shown him. For emergencies. The thing he had placed...

Damn, where was it? Somewhere at the edge of the stage, somewhere...

His eyes darted from place to place - and alas kept darting back to Kehno as he heard the lion moan and scream. Then, his gaze finally fell on something metallic catching the lights they had set up.

The ghost trap!

Only problem, the ghost and the moaning lion, with his hard cock bobbing up and down to the rhythm of the savage fucking, were right between him and the device...

Cody was only all too aware that he did not have much time, if any, before the ghost would turn his attention to him. While he seemed to relish the savage taking of the muscular lion, letting out a screeching roar, he obviously had not forgotten Cody was there. And the ghastly thing might very well understand what the lion had been shouting. Cody was trembling, primal prey animal instincts flooding him with adrenaline. Instincts that were telling him to run.

But nevertheless, the young bull sprang up, heart racing as his thickly horned toenails were clacking on the wooden floor. He was charging ahead, head lowered making for the other side of the stage at full speed, past the concert of roars and grunts and drawn out, leonine moans that had decided to fill the old, abandoned stage with new, noisy life.

He was passing them. He was, he was making it!

But his feeling of elation had been only too premature.

Cody let out a startled yelp as his left foot suddenly slipped. His arms flailing in the air, the young bull desperately trying to catch his balance as something had snagged around his feet. But it was too late. And thus, with a thud and a cry of pain, the young bull landed right on his belly.

What, what had...?

Damn, damn! He had slipped. He had slipped on the wooden floor where it was all slippery with sweat. With sweat and very freshly spilled semen to be precise. The lion's semen, his own semen. And had he just gotten tangled up in their own hastily discarded clothing?

Oh god, that, that would just be too dumb to be true!

Codygroaned, his shin and knee giving him a stinging flash of pain as he tried to untangle his feet, get up or for god's sake crawl to the ghost trap or whatever that thing was called.

...but his foot did not come free. No matter how much he pulled, something was holding him tight by his ankle. Or, maybe not so much something...

He let out a startled sound as he rolled on his back, rising to a halfsitting position to see something green, like a translucent vinetightly coiled around his ankle. And it was coming right out of the floor...

Then, his eyes, as if drawn by an irresistible force, traveledto the ghost. The ghost who was now staring at him with glowing eyes, a feral grin playing acrossthat toothy, drooling mouth. And then to his long tail that seeminglyjust vanished rightinto the floor, maybe after the first third or so of its scaly,serpentinelength...

Realization sank in with an icy cold shiver down his spine. They were both doomed. And Cody could do nothing but thrash helplessly on the floor, as he was forced into a front row position for him to watch the lion writhe helplessly, as the ghost continued to rape him...

**TigerWolfBarbarian: Wow, porno and action movie, way to go! ;-)

LeanMeanObsceneYeen: Maybe literally in their case. Ah, guess we'll have to find another muscle slut stream soon.

Dickwolf69: Yep, they said people went missing at that place, guess we now know why. But, hey, at least he won't have to worry about going to jail for calf rape. ;-) *? *Boy:**** LOL, you guys are a bit cruel, you know.

LeanMeanObsceneYeen: Just gallows humor. Did the same when he almost got strangled at that **** hangman's hill **** twenty episodes back.**

**AlucardChee: Maybe someone should go and try to, erh, help them or such?

BigBadBulf: Hmmmh, "or such"? ;-)**

Kehno let out a cry of half desperation, half, well, half the fact that he was just having a huge, spectral dick slamming into his prostate, thankyouverymuch! Maybe he should have just told the boy to run for his damn life. Well, the little bull might not haveachieved much, but, hey,at least he had cut quitea nice figure with his cum leaking ass up in the air as he had landed face first onthe floor...

"Nyaaaaaaaoooooooooooh!", the lion cried out,his musings interrupted, his cock throbbing shamefully hard as the clawed hands pressed on his shoulders, forcing him down. Further down, fuck, that huuuurt!

And it went all the way down, until his toned ass was slapping against the heavy balls of that, that thing. It had to be a class three entity at least. Well, that would not be all that much comfort though. Unless he fancied that he would feel somehow better for his gravestone to say "Here lies Kehno, a faggoty muscle lion who got sodomized to death by a freaking class three orupwards spectral entity". And he had not even got to make that bull boy choke on his cock! Life was not fair, damn it all to heck!

Yeah, and since he was on that topic, he was alsopretty damn close to blowing his load. Yep,he had his ass split open like a dumb teenage runaway who was selling off his body for food and shelter for the night, but he wasalso sporting a raging hard-on, with his balls seeming to be about ready to burst with baby batter. Nope, did notmatter that he had just emptied them in that nice, tight little bull boy ass he had so enticingly seen spread out for his viewing pleasure. His body was obviously not having any less than completely humiliating him by making him paint the stage white with fresh jizz. Should he start counting down to thebig bang? Would that ghost cum before he did?

Well, the answer sooncame with a roaring cry as the hard prong he was being impaled on started to piston into him with an even more frantic speed. He thought he had been fucked before? Oh, you dumb big lion.

THIS was being fucked!

"Ooooh, aaaaaooooh, nnnnnnh, ooooooooooooooooohhhh!", he cried out, pain and thick, throbbing pleasure mixing as he felt the gushing loadof ghostly spunk flooding his ass. It was enough to make very audiblelewd, gushing sounds as the thing kept slamming into him, roaring loud enough to drown out the lion's own moaning cries, as Kehnofelt the throbbing heat building up to bursting pressure in his loins.

Oh, fuck! He was going to, he was going to, just as that thing was pounding him,justlike a slab of meat on the butcher's block. Damn, he was going to, going to... CUM!!!

His climax came with an aching jolt as the lion cried out, stickyropes of cum starting to erupt from the thick pole of throbbing lion meat that for the last minutes had been busilybobbing and slapping against his hard,sweaty abs.

Only problem was,unlike the lion himself, that ghost apparentlydid not seem to want towasteany time riding out the after glow...

And thus,Kehno found himself yanked off the hard green shaft, with a lewd, sucking sound. His ass was still dripping opalescent green ectoplasmic jizz, as the ghost lifted him up with one arm, dangling in the air, just high enough to get a first class view of that big, toothy, broadly grinning maw...

And then, the grin just got wider, ever wider, until the tongue came darting out to wrap around his flailing feet.

The lion was still moaning and shooting even more of his load, as the ghost just let his mouth gape wide open, obscenely wide, jaws extending, just as he was letting go of the lion, making him plummet right into the yawning gulf opening beneath him, ready to swallow up the flailing, cursing and yelping feline.

"Oh no, oh no, don't, don't you, fuuuuuck!"

And with a gulping sound, the gaping maw closed around the lion, taking him in up to his waist, leaving the ghostly tongue free to wrap around his jolting cock that was just shooting the last thick ropes of cum, right over the host's lapping tongue.

And the fucking bastard had the gall to make a lewd, glurking sound as the tight gullet started to constrict around Kehno, pressing his aching balls painfully tight to his muscular thighs...

Fuck, fuck, fuck!

And there it was, yet another spurt of hot, sticky lion seed gushing from his aching dick!

**Dickwof69: That is a whole load of lion spunk. :-p

LeanMeanObsceneYeen: That is our Kehno, giving it his all to the very last. Well, even if his all in this case is just a lot of cream sauce.**

**LabyrinthKeeper]:8: Hmmmh, creamy lion, sounds tasty.

BigBadBulf: Oh, cats always go well with cream. And of course they also go FOR the cream as long as they still can. ;-)

AlucardChee: *? * Boy: Umh, actually guys, I do think it is not even half an hour by bus to that theater for me...

Dickwolf69: What, you mean to tell us you are off to catch your ride then? :-p**

Cody had stopped struggling. And it was not so much because the coiled tail would not budge, no matter how hard he struggled. Nope, it was mostly because his cock was starting to ooze precum, halfway between semi flaccid and erect and getting closer to the latter second by second.

Apparently, watching his hunky, sweat glistening lion crush getting fucked like a twink boy in a cheap porno flick was just the thing to give him a massive boner!

And talking of those, with the lion's own sizable piece of man meatnow bobbing up and down in full, glorious view,heactuallyhad quite a bit of trouble believing he had been able to take all of that thick, throbbing lion dick. Though, on further consideration, maybeit was notreally the hardest thing to swallow among all the other crazythings he had seen today...

And talking of swallowing...

Cody let out a startled cry when the ghost just grabbed the big hunk of a lion and tossed him into the air. And another, even more frightened one, when he got to watchthe lion just sliderightinto the wide open maw! Cody'swhole body shuddered violently with a weird, shameful heat as he heard the lewdly slick sound of the muscular body slipping right into the slimy, ectoplasmic maw. It was not something that should make his cock stir, for heaven's sake! And it absolutelyhad no business looking so hot...

But it was. It was hot enough to make his cock jolt at the merethought of feeling that tight, slimy embrace. And with the orchestra of moans and lewdly wet sounds, he could almost feel it himself, like a very intense sucking sensation gripping his body, just that it was less a"sucking off" but more a"sucking in". Well, to be fair though, the teenage bull was apparentlynot the only one whom the whole thing had massivelyturned on.


A glob of warm, sticky lion semen hit him, right on his quivering chest. It senta trembling shiver through his whole muscular body. It made him sweat, made his nipples grow into pert little nubs, made his cock throb with envious arousal. Then it hit him, like a hammer to his thick head.

He would be next...

The ghost had not trapped him because he was afraid of that ghost trap, but because he did not want his dessert to get away...

And he would not get away. Because he could not get out of the tail's tight grip. He would be eaten, just like the lion...

Something hot, warm and sticky was oozing down Cody's cock. And as he was staring dumbstruck at the lion as the slick, ghostly tongue wrapped around him, slicked up his trembling, meaty pectoral muscles, rubbed over his nipples, slid into his armpits, their eyes met, shameful arousal reflected in each other's gaze.

"Damn, don't, don't you dare fap to me getting eaten!", the lion got out, half stammering, his body heaving, jerking helplessly as the ghostly tongue was tasting him, coating him with translucent green saliva as another gulp send him further down, making his hard shaft vanish inch by inch.

"I, I am not...", Cody half whimpered, looking almost pitiably confused and disheveled, with his throbbing cock, wide open eyes and slumping shoulders. But, despite his words, his hand was twitching, having to suppress the fierce impulse to reach for his aching penis. The tip was glistening from the sticky precum gushing from his slit, running down the dark brown length, throbbing with heat as the lion let out another moan, just as he was sent further down with a series of quick convulsions of the bulging throat. Sending the moaning body down with unrelenting finality. He was already starting to create a bulge in the ghost's lean, muscular abdomen, a crassly swollen outline of muscular lion as the ghostly gut began to sag under the sheer mass of its meal.

It was only then, when through the translucent flesh, he saw it press down the dripping, erect shaft that Cody realized that the monster, the creature devouring the lion, the creature that would devour him next, was just as stiffly erect as he was. Just as Kehno whose thick, throbbing cock was pressed tight to his muscular body as he slid down to his ultimate fate.


The lion's helpless moan was cut short as his muscular form slid down, right into the even more muscular body of the ghost, whose tongue pushed right into the lion's wide open mouth, silencing Kehno as he let him wriggle and struggle helplessly, meaty arms flailing before another loud swallow send his head past the row of vicious teeth. And then, all it took was an obscenely loud gulp to send the big, muscular cat all the way down. Cody could not help a feeble sound escaping his throat as he watched the lion's hunky body getting constricted and relentlessly worked down. The play of ghostly muscles toying with the studly lion was, well, rather arousing, like a child toying with a squishy rubber doll, before finally, Kehno was unceremoniously dumped in a pool of slime. The lion was squirming, arms pushing against the translucent walls of his prison, but to no avail. He was trapped. And Cody had the sinking feeling that, most likely, a ghost who ate like a living thing, well, would likely also digest his food like a living thing. And quite likely, this show would be ending with its star slowly sizzling away into green ghost slime for everyone to see. The lion and, of course, Cody as well...

Because now that the ghost had a belly full of squirming lion, mouth thrown open to a barely audible moan, his glowing red gaze was fixing on Cody. Cody, who was still naked and trapped and, still stiffly erect and leaking from the gruesome yet intoxicatingly hot display...

The clawed feet dug into the polished floor, the sharp nails seeming to vanish right into the wood as the monster came stalking right towards the helplessly whimpering piece of ripe beef naked and ready...

Sweat ran down Cody's quivering flanks, his legs twitching helplessly as his instincts cried for him to flee, warring with the paralyzing terror of the glowing gaze holding him captive. And as the ghost with his swollen stomach full of hunky lion came to a halt before him, Cody found himself face to drooling slit with the glistening green erection, still dripping ghostly semen. It was looking pretty solid, despite its translucent nature. A thick, throbbing piece of stiff, glistening green meat...

Cody felt his whole body shivering, sweating and, yes, his own cock giving a sudden jolt that sent heat rushing through his body. And then, without warning, the big, scaly ghost hands grabbed him by the horns and his startled gasp was very decisively and promptly silenced as the stiff erection was unceremoniously shoved into the young bull's open mouth.

**Dickwolf69: Bull boy's getting himself a treat. Before he'll be one I guess. Heh, can still hear him moan. Nice little handles he's got there for a face fuck. ;-)

JaguarBoy666: Hey, cut the guy some slack, it is not that easy sucking off such a big cock, trust me.**

WolfTigerBarbarian:** Well, I am sure you had someone give you lots of training for that. But, **** poor bull **** boy **** there **** must have been a born cocksucker, shame that all is going to waste, hmh?

AlucardChee: I wonder what ghost cum tastes like...**

LeanMeanObsceneYeen: Don't think he'll get a chance to tell us.

Dickwolf69: Nah, not when he'll soon be beef stew by the looks of it. ;-)

LeanMeanObsceneYeen: Well, if any of you want to find out, you know where to go :-p

Cody was trying his best not to choke as the thick, throbbing cock was slamming right into his mouth, right down his throat. His jaws were aching and, the taste, well, it was not exactly bad, but, well, definitely not of this world. The young bull did not even know how to describe it. Sharp, maybe, like an electric sensation. Faintly warm. And it felt disturbingly both solid and weirdly slick and slimy. And it definitely was oozing some sort of ghostly equivalent of precum over his tongue that now came trickling down to his own stomach.

With strong, clawed fingers holding him in a tight, unrelenting grip, all he could do was try to take it. And not think about the fact that he was sporting a stiff erection of his own. Fuck, he wanted to come...

Maybe then he would stop being sointoxicated by that mix of numbing panic and unrelenting teenage hornyness. Well, it was not like the ghost was sparing him any consideration in that regard though. He wasjustfucking him, like somecheap, pliant sex toy. Like he had the lion...

Cody could see Kehno through the layers of translucent, ghostly flesh. His naked, muscular body, the stiff cock, the pert nipples. Both of them were humiliatingly aroused despite their predicament. Despite the fact that Cody'sbig, green eyes were starting to tear up at the hard, relentless thrusts.

It was justgetting too much. Cody felt like he could not breath. Feeling his nose push into the weirdly elastic ghostly flesh. He could not say if it actually prevented him from drawing in air, but, it sure felt like it. He was being choked by a fat, throbbing ghost cock!

His frantic sounds, muffled as they were, grew louder, more desperate, his hands trying to push off against the glowing green body.

Cody had aimed for the thick, muscular thighs. But when his hand pressed against something, it was softer, more pliant. Something big, round and dangling, like two melons hanging in a shopping bag...

Then a shudder went through the ghostly form and the creature's grip on Cody's horns tightened, as it let out a roar. The young bull pushed again, only to cause an even stronger reaction. A fierce, lustful hissing sound filled the air as his palms and fingers pressed against the firm, slightly pliant shape. Against two, heavy orbs beneath a smooth layer of skin. Cody felt realization hit him like a jolt. But he was not the only one. And his hands pressing against the heavy, dangling endowment of the ghost buried to the hilt in his aching mouth seemed to be enough to push the unliving nightmare all the way over the edge.

Cody could do hardly more than desperately try to hold on as the thick torrent of gushing, ectoplasmic cum flooded his mouth.

And if the test of the ghostly cock had been beyond description before, this experience was blowing it out of the water. The ghostly cum was not quite solid, but it had a substance to it, something that was flooding him, pumping into his throat, his stomach, seeming to run through his flesh and bones like an aching, tingling shower. And all the while, he could not help but make pathetic, whimpering sounds, his naked body shaking as the strong hands held him in place, by his small calf horns, not letting go of him before the flood had ebbed down, the last shots of ghostly green semen splattering over his pathetic looking face as he finally fell back, chest heaving, his muscular young body glistening with sweat.

He was not to get much of a reprieve though. The tail, wound tight around his ankle, yanked at him, sending the yelping young bovine spinning until he landed back on the ground, with his firm little ass up in the air...

Was he, was he gonna get another fucking? Already? Despite the gushing torrent of ghostly semen he had almost drowned in?

Cody could only whimper as he futilely tried to crawl away. Pointless of course. The tail was still wrapped tight around his ankle. No escape...

And then, something wet and slick pushed right against his sphincter...

It was not the thick, blunt head of the ghostly erection though. It felt squishier, more pointed, and lewdly slick with, something...

Cody could only weakly cry out as it penetrated past his ring of defense, already breached by the randy lion now ever so slowly being digested, soon to dissolve inside the ghostly body. The invader followed right on Kehno's tracks, lapping up the half congealed lion seed, pushing deeper. Rubbing against the young bull's most sensitive spot. It sent jolts of pleasure through his body and needy, shameful whimpers from Cody's mouth as the ghostly tongue was rimming him, licking him, exploring his insides as the ghost let out rumbling sounds of pleasure, broken only by the lewd, wet sounds of the questing tongue. It was enough to almost drive Cody mad. His stiff cock was bobbing against his flat abdomen, leaving sticky trails of his arousal. His whole body was quivering as he felt jolts of pleasure running through him, tickling his stiff nipples with an electric caress, making his balls swell with fresh seed.

He was getting close. And he was starting to no longer care that he was getting hard from a scary, ghostly monsters doing unspeakable things to him. Or that every moment of this was caught on live camera. He wanted to come...

Cody whimpered helplessly, only vaguely aware or caring when strong, ghostly hands were grabbing him. Not sure he actually cared when he felt teeth grazing his spread ass cheeks. All he cared for was the slick, tingling pressure against his most sensitive spot, the tickle of something slick and slimy coating his balls. He cried out as he felt the tongue withdraw, whimpering with helpless need. But the young bull was not to be abandoned in his desperate state of needy, brain frying arousal. Because just as the tongue withdrew from his well used ass, it wrapped tightly, just around his throbbing cock...

It was enough to make the muscular young body grow slack and pliant as the heat welled up in his loins, in his balls, in his aching arousal. Unresistant when, like the lion he was tossed in the air. Unresistant when, ass first, he began to slide down the hungry maw.

All Cody could do was throw back his head as the tip of the questing tongue pushed against his swollen glans, making his aching balls explode with a painful, ecstatic burstof fresh, hot, salty sweet cum.

He could only moan and writhe helplessly as his sticky white release was lapped up, savored under growling sounds of pleasure, his body forced to bend as he was grabbed by his dangling legs, shoved in, as the weirdly elastic, slimy walls of the mouth clung to his sweat matted fur, coating him with slick, ghostly saliva. Getting him ready for his inevitable descent.

Cody knew he should be fighting, should be struggling, but he was all flushed hot, panting and dizzy with shameful afterglow. No fight, no flight, just the numbing acceptance that, like his ancestors, he would be fulfilling the role nature had meant for meaty little bovines like him: food...

The tongue was still playing with his body, slurping over his muscular abdomen, over his pert nipples, diving into his sweaty armpits to savor the mix of musky teenage sweat and the barely remaining hint of sage. The ghost let out a pleased growl, making Cody flush with shameful heat, as if he had just received a lewd compliment. His cock throbbed with an aching last spurt of cum that made the young bull cry out. It should be the last anyone would hear of him. The ghost had enough of savoring the delectable piece of salty sweet beef, the boy was going down, where he belonged, now.

Cody's body twitched helplessly as a quick, hungry contraction sent him down, letting the tight gullet contract around him, encasing him in a tight, glowing layer of green as he was bend into and almost painful looking angle, his face a still quite clearly visible mask of startled shock. Then, the maw closed behind his naked feet, giving them a last, slow lick, before the row of vicious teeth slammed shut. And with a quick, undulating series of movements, the nubile young body was deposited right into the waiting stomach, the tight ass pressed right into the face of the lion, already squirming and churning inside.

?** Boy: Oh wow. Umh, might need fresh underwear...**

**LeanMeanObsceneYeen: Heh, some cute twinky boy came in his pants, huh? ;-p

JaguarBoy666: My boyfriend just ripped mine off earlier. I liked that pair...

BigBadBulf: I'll buy you a new one. But, what's the point of having your own kitty if you still need to work your own cock? ;-)

WolfTigerBarbarian: Think I need something in that vein after this...**

DickWolf69: Well, I am good for a bit. Hmmmh, that was one hot way to eat your steak dinner.

**LeanMeanObsceneYeen: If steak and lobster is Surf and Turf, what do you recon lion and beef stew should be called? Either way, looks like it's gonna be a cream stew of course. :-p

AlucardChee: Wow. Umh, but, guess there really is nothing else to do when you are gonna digest...**

Kehno was not sure how he should feel about getting a face full of tight, teenage bull ass. It might be a really nice rump, it might still be leaking some of his cum, if the green scaly bastard had not licked it all out, but it was definitely making things get a bit, well, tight in here...

And with his tingling hide feeling weirdly sensitive as well as already weirdly and disturbingly squishy, getting the young bull pressed into him as the urgent gulps send him down to join him in his not so little ectoplasmic stew pot was definitely having its impact.

"Ouch, god damn, Cody, careful with your feet!". He cried out, struggling about until he had caught hold of the young bovine's flailing legs.

"Aah, s, sorry, I did not mean, nnnffh!", Cody let out a whimper, both of them ending up in an awkward tangle of slick, muscular limbs, just as the contraction of ghostly muscles started to work on them. The greenmonster that had just unceremoniously ravaged and devoured the both of them was apparently notgoing to haveany trouble from the two well pounded pieces of meat he had finally deposited in his gurgling belly. And thus, it was not long until lion and bull found themselves in a very tight embrace, legs and arms slung around each other, chest to chest, nipples, cocks and trembling muscles pressed tight together, just leaving enough room for a tingling layer of ghostly slime...

"I, I really am sorry I messed up with the ghost trap thing...", Cody said weakly, hanging his head - which did not really leave much option but to press it right against the muscular pecs, where he had to be close enough to feel the thumpingbeat of the lion's heart.Well, having him like that certainly made it hard to be cross with the little guy. And, if he was being honest, it did also make other things hard, not that they had been exactly softduringall the show he had been getting...

"Hey, cowboy,it was me who had the bright idea to come here in the first place. Guess now at least people will know better...", he sighed. Well, they definitely would have full video evidence as to why this had been a really, really dumb idea. And those bastards watching would likely be rubbing their puny dicks raw watching this! Fuck! That should not be getting him hard!

Well, might of course also be because he had a nice, erectthrobbing bull cock rubbing against his. Cody definitely was all stiff and leaking again. Bless those teenage hormones. Hope it made up for only getting to lose his virginity to end up as nothing more than beefstew. Or should that be veal?

"Hey, Cody...", the lion finally said, after almost a minute of the young bovine seeming to try to very furtively rub one out by letting his cock slid against that of the feline. Honestly, it was almost cute, especially when he realized he had just made the poor thing flinch and let out the most pathetic whimper he ever had heard. Fuck it. It was not like either of them had much use for modesty or shame by this point. Judging by the tingling feeling and the weird sensation that he was starting to get, well, squishy, the lion reckoned they maybe had minutes...

He let out a growl, then he bucked his own hips, rubbing his thick throbbing dick against that of the horny young bull until Cody's embarrassed whimper turned into a needy moan.

"...if I am going to fucking go out like this, you bet I'll not pass up the chance to go out fucking!"

He grinned and Cody half hiccuped mid moan, before the lion shut him up. The boy had a good mouth for ravishing and a good, nicely toned body to rub against. And, hey, at least that damn ectoplasmic goo made for a decent lube!

Hnnnh, and the good little bitch boy was finally getting the idea, returning what he got, rubbing his cute little pert nipples against Kehno's big, swollen bits of slime slick black flesh. It felt pretty good actually, not that he would ever tell anyone! Or, well, not like he would get the chance...

Fuck it though! He might end up as meat stew, but he damn sure was not going to die with a drop of cum left in his balls!

The lion's cock ached with a hot jolt of pleasure, the slimy friction rubbing right against his most sensitive spots as the translucent stomach wall's kept squishing them together. It was almost a bit like a big, slick hand jerking them off together, but not just their aching cocks, rather their whole trembling, burning bodies. All hot and slimy and soachingly tight...

His cock was rubbing over Cody's firm abs, sliding between his pectoral muscles as the little bull ended up with his face against Kehno's pecs, sucking on his nipples like a cute, but very hungry little calf.

Oh, yes the boy clearly was quite into it, into him, and when the churning stomach walls made them switch positions, so to say, Kehno was happy to flex his muscles as he felt the stiff, throbbing bull cock rub into them, giving both of Cody's nipples a playful nibble that made the boy buck wildly. He had to be pretty close, Kehno could feel it, the way the stiff length was thrusting against his hard, muscular body. The lion let out a groan, wrapping his arms around Cody, getting him aligned cock to cock, pert nipples to pert nipples again.

"Haaaaah, K, Kehno, I'm, I'm going to, c, haaaaaah!"

Yep, and there he went. Lots of teen bull spunk and, ooooh, yeeeaaahh!

Add some lion spunk to that!

His body was shaking, feeling more and more like he was about to come apart. Well, more than he already had when he had just pumped hot, white, virile lion seed right into the gooy stew the two of them were starting to turn into. Cody was already losing his deep brown color, turning more and more translucent, gaining a greenish tint...

Kehno knew he likely was in a worse state. But... he was not done yet!

He let out a loud, groaning cry as his hands slipped beneath the young bull's broad shoulders, lifting him as best he could, feeling his still jolting cock rub over his muscular abs, causing the boy to whimper with lusty abandon. With Cody's legs slung around him, it was not hard to find the cleft between the firm ass cheeks. Just a nice, good thrust and Kehno felt himself sinking right into the velvety heat of that fine ass.

"Haaaaah, ooh, aaaah, yes, f, fuck me!", the young bull cried out, obviously now quite sensibly far beyond modesty, his body opening up for him, clenching...

Kehno felt his finger dig into the softening muscular body, hard. And then it happened. His own hand just, just squished!

It would have been quite horrifying if the lion had not been as damn horny as he was. But his hands just seemed to turn to goo, the flesh coming loose, giving him a weird moment in which he felt his bones, then just, just nothing. And it felt weirdly, weirdly hot...

Damn, he was coming again!

Cody just groaned, not understanding what was happening as a fresh, sticky load of lion cum was pumped into his ass. No, he only finally realized, with quite a startled gasp, when the muscular body just gave way as he clung to the lion.

And Kehno, well, Kehno just could cry out in a mix of terror and an almost orgasmic pleasure. And not just from his climax, but from the sensation of his whole body just coming apart, dissolving just turning into what was hardly different from the thick, salty goo he was pumping into the young bull!

It was a hot, searing sensation going all through his body as the flesh just sloughed off his bones, nothing more than gooey red that soon just dissolved into green.

His mouth opened to a shocked, ecstatic gasp as he felt the weird sensation of his arms, slung around the bull just falling apart, then a surge of heat as he felt his muscular torso simply vanish, welling up with a surge of sticky pleasure, all the way to his head, to his gasping, moaning mouth!

The last thing he saw was Cody's face, all shock and mind numbing arousal as his eyes met his, then, just nothing, only the last, orgasmic surge of slimy heat...

**BigBadBulf: Heh interesting, so that is how ghost digestion works. Pretty quick and thorough.

DickWolf69: Well, if you die while getting boned, only fitting that bones is all that will be left of you.

LeanMeanObsceneYeen: Ah, poor little guy, seems to be a bit shocked his big, hunky lion lover came apart in a more literal sense than usual.

WolfTigerBarbarian: RIP Kehno, you died as you lived. Damn, guess I'll now have to find some other himbo muscle slut to watch. I mean, this channel's gonna be dead now, or? ;-)

DickWolf69: Oh, and there goes our jailbait. Yep, and seems to just have come again, too. Guess it's not the worst way to go.**

**LeanMeanObsceneYeen: And there goes the cute face. Well, still a cute skull perhaps? I do wonder if he'll just digest the bones too after a while or if there is some big old ossuary where he keeps trophies.

AlucardChee: Erh, what's an ossuary?

LeanMeanObsceneYeen: Basically a space where you store all your bones.**

**BigBadBulf: Trust a hyena to be the expert when it comes to bones. And boners, I guess. ;-)

LeanMeanObsceneYeen: Well, what can I say, definitely gonna jerk off to this again later. :-p**

?** Boy: Umh, guys, remember how I told you this is not so far from where I live?

JaguarBoy666: Wait, you do not mean, I mean, you aren't...?

Dickwolf69: What, are we gonna be in for an aftershow tonight after all? ;-) *? *Boy has logged off**

Cody, like perhaps everyone else in the world, had always wondered what came after death. Well, at one point in his life he had certainly thought he would be going to hell for all his fantasies about getting fucked good and hard by big, muscular guys. Though, when looking at some of those old paintings of demons and the damned being dragged to hell, namely the whole naked, nicely toned bodies, he had not been perfectly sure whether that necessarily was all that bad...

Then, he had come to the sneaking suspicion that all of that was likely just a lot of hogwash and that the rather disconcerting ultimate fate he was headed for was just a big nothingness. Not even a void, not some eternal darkness, just the complete and utter cessation of everything, every thought, feeling, consciousness, just eternal oblivion. That really had scared him.

So, maybe, ending up as a hazy, bronze colored specter of his former naked self was not all that bad...

He just wished maybe he could make the glowering, reddish figure of the ghostly lion floating a few feet away from him come around to that point of view...

Kehno, all black and red, kinda reminded him of smoldering coals in his current state. And, well, one upside was that, while it all felt a bit more watered down, like pale outlines through a fogged over window pane, it still made him feel a pleasant surge of heat. Well, the great hereafter could not be all that bad if ghosts could still get horny, right...?

"Umh, cheer up Kehno, it is not all that bad, is it?", the young bull tried hopefully, floating over, placing one hand on the lion's thick, ghostly biceps. To him at least, they felt rather nicely solid...

The ghostly lion let out a low growl, but, he did not push Cody away at least.

"Well, yeah, I guess the upside is that I don't have to worry about my bills anymore", he said, his relatively calm tone making the young bull, well, ex bull, perk up for a moment. Before the lion's head spun to face him, staring at him with rather frightening yellow green eyes and he burst out: "Oh, right, because I am fucking dead! I am dead, I am a ghost and I am likely stuck in this place where the best kind of entertainment I'm likely to get is watching another horny fanboy get the bright idea to come after me. Yeah, cannot understand how I thought this was in any way bad!"

Cody flinched back at the sudden angry explosion.

"Ah, sorry, I did not mean to snap at you, not your fault...", the lion said, his tone softening, putting one big, ghostly paw on the bull's shoulder and pulling him closer.

There was not any real body heat anympore and at best the faint echo of the lion's scent, but it still felt niceand rather comforting.

"Umh, no problem, I mean, I guess I am just glad it did not end up worse. Like, maybe being foreverstuck insidehis body like a mass of wailing souls trapped in agony or thrown into some unending torment or just, well, vanishing...", Cody said, trying to sound as bright and cheerful as he could.

"Plus", he added with a slight smirk as he looked up at the lion, "you did seem rather, well, entertained, when that white haired boy came in. I mean, wanting to make sure the show was properly uploaded from your account and all that was quite a bit of fan loyalty, you know..."

Cody rather wondered how long it would be until they would get more spectral company,butmost likely, the ghost was still busy digesting his creamy white dessert after having had such a big helping of lion and bull...

"Yeah. I mean, the guy could have just waited until next day when that big green scaly guy might be dormant. Ah, well, not like I really am in a place to worry about losing young, dumb, horny fans anymore..."

The lion gave the bronze specter of the young bull a playful leer with the last words, making Cody's face contort to a pouting grimace.

"Ah, come on, cowboy, I was only teasing, I like my young, dumb, horny fanboys."

Cody, slightly mollified, let his gaze demonstratively wander down the muscular, ghostly body. Down to a rather prominent dark outline of an ectoplasmic erection forming.

"Hnnnh, maybe I should show you what dumb horny fanboys are good for then...", he said in a passable attempt at a seductive voice, lowering his bronze body until his ghostly mouth was right in front ofthe tip of the swelling cock, just in the right place to give it a lick...

And yes, it might not be quite the same, paler now,cooler, but, it was still one nice, big, thick cock...

"Let me try to show you why this will be not so bad after all..."

And at the least, this time, Cody could keep on moaning and whimpering and saying silly, horny, submissive things as he was sucking on that big, thick boner...

That was one little perk of this, right?

No fear of choking, no need to worry about anything being ever too big again, and...

Cody stopped when he felt a tremble going through the lion's ghostly form, the spectral hands falling away from where they had come to rest on his small horns.

And Cody could only ever so slowly turn around. Turn, only to see the glowing red eyes fixed on him as the monstrous ghost's horned head came poking out of the floor, followed by more and more of the big, muscular glowing green body. Followed eventually by the tip of a thick, swollen cock already dripping ectoplasmic precum.

"Damn Cody, you had to go and jinx it with all your optimism, didn't you?!"

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