TotK - Tails and Anal Sex
So let's get started with our list of 10 things you must know about anal sex and your khajiit lover. [!
Introductory Anal Sex For Male Furs
Intermediate anal sex for male furs would start in two weeks. she would be sure that these two were in her class. that would give her three more weeks to play with them. she would also be sure that they made it to advanced anal sex for male furs.
Fun Encounters: A New Game, and Anal Sex
. :) **fun encounters: a new game, and anal sex.** "looking forward to friday?" fynn asked, referring to when we'd be leaving for summer camp, a mere two days from that point. "i guess," i'd replied.
Dr. Artemis' Journal, Entry 2
Luckily, all of the pairings seem to have found various methods of sexual expression aside form anal intercourse, and generally seem to be satisfied with it.
He looked at the goldfish and murmured, "how to convince her that anal fuck is not painful?
Sequel to A Passion for Sneakers
"are you going to keep hedging with me or are you going to say 'yes lisse, i've thought about having anal sex' or 'no lisse, i've never thought about having anal sex'?"
Dr. Gruffy’s Beginner’s Guide to Butt Sex
anal sex and butt play should be pleasurable and not cause any discomfort or pain. 1. **why would i want to have anal sex?** [img] [/img] should i say...why not?
Panda Puppy Action: Chapter 3
Hotsex moans softly as she speaks, " that was incredible...oh my god...i have not had anal sex like that in awhile..." puppy nodded, pulling his cock from her asshole, " your telling me..."
Patreon Story - And The Ants Go Marching On
._ _cleaner version tags: insect, rape, impregnation, oviposition, oral sex, anal sex, vaginal sex, anal prolapse, vaginal prolapse, body horror, broken bones, torture, death, vore, gore, misery, insanity, apocalypse, genetic engineering, bukkake, force-feeding
Cabin Break: Part 6
"what do you think about anal sex?" she asked him directly as she could. "anal sex? as in what gay guys do?" he asked a little worried. sara nodded. "can't say i've ever really thought about it mom, but i've heard it hurts badly."
Curious Nature (Screwtopia)
"giving sex...oral sex: 40 uic dollars, anal sex (no knot): 60 uic dollars (10 uic dollar discount for external cumshot), anal sex (knot, no tie): 100 uic dollars, anal sex (knot + tie): 200 uic dollars.
Hidden Passions - Chapter 5
He loves anal sex and has a cock longer than mine." my eyes went round with surprise at this news. "really? how much longer?" rex laughed. "he's a little longer than me," he said without a hint of jealousy. "he's perfect for your first anal fucking.